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February 3rd, 2013
Anime Relations: Sword Art Online
Wow, it was a lot better than i originally would have thought. I wrote a review, which is surprising because not many people find my reviews helpful. But I might also just start writing reviews for manga's i read maybe?

It's possible that manga reader's are more forgiving when it's a manga/story being reviewed. Instead of a series or something. I don't really know XD

But i definitely want to read Sword Art Online now.
Posted by Hysvear | Feb 3, 2013 1:23 PM | 3 comments
July 21st, 2011
Its all about the emotion.

Some anime works Dubbed, others don't. Most don't matter, because you will automatically lean towards your prefrence.

I liked

Lucky star, Mushishi, and Cowboy Bebop Dubbed. The voice acting was good, the actors really got into their characters.

I tried to listen to Spice and Wolf Dubbed, and i didn't care for the actor's voice.

I prefer that, and most anime Subtitled.

I also tried watching Samurai X in English... i switched almost immediately to the subtitles after watching the first episode.
Posted by Hysvear | Jul 21, 2011 4:36 PM | 0 comments
June 13th, 2011
I will continue to review the anime that inspires me to actually write a review for it. Despite what people may think.

My opinion may not matter as much, but i hope that people will continue reading despite that.

I also like a good chat about anime. if someone wants to mention one, Im particularly fond of ones like
Shakugan no Shana
Spice and wolf

Or something unique like Mushishi.
Posted by Hysvear | Jun 13, 2011 3:49 AM | 0 comments
I will continue to review the anime that inspires me to actually write a review for it. Despite what people may think.

My opinion may not matter as much, but i hope that people will continue reading despite that.

I also like a good chat about anime. if someone wants to mention one, Im particularly fond of ones like
Shakugan no Shana
Spice and wolf

Or something unique like Mushishi.
Posted by Hysvear | Jun 13, 2011 3:49 AM | 0 comments
October 24th, 2010
If my latest review doesn't get at least a 50/50 Helpful vs. Not Helpful, I'm not going to write any more review on anime.

Not that anyone specifically reads my reviews, but i try to put a lot of effort into my reviews, and i do attempt to write them unbiased as i have seen others do so.

Sure i give 10's away, but in truth, i don't see anything wrong with it if i give it a 10. If something is innocent until proven guilty, why does it seem like everyone starts reviewing from 0 up.
Its like a professor/teacher giving you an F at the begging of the year, saying you have to turn it into an A, vs. You start with an A, and if you don't do your work, it turns into an F.


Enjoy the anime you watch, i revel in the animation every time i watch an animation, every time i hear a new background song, every time the characters actually change a little and develop a relationship, with the possibility that it goes somewhere.

I love that all, and if no one agree's with me, thats fine, but seriously lighten up, its anime, its fun, and its cool.

Posted by Hysvear | Oct 24, 2010 1:21 AM | 1 comments
September 30th, 2010
I give 10's to anime i like. To anime that i think are worth watching, nine's are also good, but if you are going to talk anime to someone else around where i live, then you have got to at least have seen 1 of the 10 on my list.

I am no expert in terms of writing, or reviewing, i can only give my opinion, if that is not what you want, then ignore me. If you want my perspective on things, then read what i write, if you don't then don't, its not that hard.

My tastes in anime are varied, but i like Action/Romantic Comedies/Fantasy/Sci-Fi/ Fighting/Suspense/etc...
Not a big fan of Robots... or Extreme cases of Magic.

I watch what i enjoy. I don't just finish a series if i didn't like it at the time i was watching it, although i will give it a few more than a couple chances to get going. That being said, because i give it so many chances, i hate it when a good anime gets ruined by a bad ending.

My favorite 15, and their 1-2 word descriptions

1 Spice and Wolf & Spice and Wolf II -Witty Conversations

2 Chobits - Insanely Cute

3 Fullmetal Alchemist & Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Action-packed

4 Shakugan no Shana & Shakugan no Shana II - Story Driven

5 Lucky Star - Very Funny!!!!

6 Death Note -Suspence

7 Kurokami- Slightly Deppressing

8 Last Exile - Awesome Airships

9 Pandora Hearts -Cool Characters

10 Inuyasha - Classic

11 Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu - "Popular" series

12 Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson - Music

13 Seto no Hanayome - Random Laughs

14 Angel Beats! - School + War

15 .hack(Multiple Series) MMO simulation

Each one of these is what i like to call a "Gem"
Not everyone may like my "Gems" but i call them that because each one is original. Each one has something new to add to the "Experience" of watching anime. They have similarities with each other, but each one brings out 1-2 aspects exceptionally well. While some have their definite downsides, they can really shine above others in other areas.

And in the majority of Romance style anime... They guy needs to end up with the girl more often...(or the correct one)
It hardly ever happens, and when it does, its either a good thing, a bad thing, or the relationship never gets far enough to show the characters are more than just good friends.
Posted by Hysvear | Sep 30, 2010 12:08 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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