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DelaneyM17's Blog

September 15th, 2009
I just finished the sequel vampire knight guilty, which I'm very happy i watched after all epsiodes had been released. I'm quite sure i would of been agonizingly counting down the days until each intallment otherwise. Possibly one of the best vampire stories ever in my personal opinion

I have had thoughts about making a back-up copy offline for safety purposes of my list, I like having all my anime put down in the style MAL has done and i wouldnt want to lose anything due to unforseen circumstances, also leading on from that after watching two very amazing animes (planetES and vampire knight) it pains me to delete them to make way for other anime with my meager 90gbs harddrive i have on my laptop, so im thinking about buying 3 1TB external hdds to start storing anime on

Hmmmmmm animes to watch, animes to watch i have a feeling i'll go with gungrave next, before i got hooked on anime i was very pessimistic of guns being used in anime however after watching hellsing and black lagoon i can safely say I think they can add quite a bit to certain animes.

also on a small side note, i watched gae no ue no ponyo for the first time last night, was obviously deserved of the name hiyao miyazaki and I can't wait for his next one!
Posted by DelaneyM17 | Sep 15, 2009 4:37 PM | 0 comments
September 14th, 2009
Anime Relations: Planetes, Vampire Knight
I just finished Planetes today which i started with some sceptisism due to the sci-fi theme which usually doesn't appeal to me, however! Due to the characters, plot and twists i ended up watching 22 episodes in one night! I ended up sleeping through the day and forgot to feed the cats...and now as I sit here tonight im going to end up staying up again with vampire knight which i am thoughorly enjoying as im a confessed vampire story lover so people will probably mistake me for a vampire with my nocturnalness

I Love anime!

P.S spent some time looking through my list and reminising over watched animes, i feel my list is becoming somewhat respectable and I can't wait to discover more!
Posted by DelaneyM17 | Sep 14, 2009 4:55 PM | 1 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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