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March 22nd, 2024
Anime Relations: Kimitachi wa Dou Ikiru ka
I may end up doing a formal review, but Just in case, I’ll just make this blog post. Now, the first time around, I saw it subbed. Whereas this time, I saw it dubbed. And actually, I made a couple of posts on it on the Anime World Order discord, so here’s what I said:

“Last night, I went back and saw it for a second time, this time dubbed. And I did so, because I first saw it the day that it was released, but I unfortunately didn’t realize that I was quite tired beforehand and had trouble paying attention late in the movie because of it. Or so I thought, because I went and saw the movie this time, and I was much more well rested, and I was still getting tired at around the same part, though much less so. I think it was just after the Warawara scene that the tiredness was setting in. Which validates what you guys were saying about the fact that it gets quite boring late in the movie.

Despite that, I didn’t think it was bad, but like Clarissa was saying it wasn’t really focused, at least in the second half of the movie. And, like I said, I was starting to get tired, because the fact it was getting boring around then too.

And actually, after seeing it again, and hearing you guys talk about the ending again, the ending makes much more sense to me. It does end quite abruptly, but they at least somewhat addressed the general things that they were talking about. In terms of overcoming hardship, and letting go after losing someone dear to you. And even though it wasn’t much, there was a little bit of growth on Mahito’s part during those last scenes. Even though I don’t particularly like his character either.”

The only things that I want to add to this, is the fact that I still enjoyed it, despite the problems of there being a lack of focus, and it being hard to follow at times. And, like I said, on the Discord post, there was some character development on Mahito’s part, and there is a conclusion to the movie, though it did end quite abruptly as they were saying. All in all, it was definitely worth seeing a second time, so I can confirm for myself while much more rested just how exactly I felt about the movie. 7/10

(and I have not seen the other nominees for best animated picture, so I don’t know whether or not it was deserving of the Oscar for it)
Posted by Cosplay_Joe | Mar 22, 2:57 PM | 0 comments
January 30th, 2022
I started thinking about this ever since I came across this post on Reddit last year:
And by the way, I don’t use Reddit anymore, because I know far too well about how toxic and hateful the environment is. I mean, take a look at my blog about the RinxSesshomaru in Yashahime, which was the first one that I made on here, and you’ll see what I mean. I don’t go on Reddit anymore, because of things like that. I’ll come back to Yashahime in a minute, because that’s one of the animes I want to talk about, but first, that Sailor Moon pic.

And I actually wrote in the comments, though I’m paraphrasing because I made a typo on there: “That’s how you know that Japan’s very different from America. Putting the word “wholesome” along with “high school life”, and for it not to be a joke or something. LOL”, and actually my comment is one of the first ones on there, so you can scroll down on the thread and see for yourself easily. And once you do that, you’ll see the response that I got, about the 90s being before American English messing up the word “wholesome”. And that made sense to me, and I responded in kind, also the fact that I’m in my mid-30s, and I remember the 90s full well.

But that whole thread got me thinking a bit about this subject in general. because I saw several bits of wholesomeness in Sailor Moon itself. especially the episode in the first season when they all went out to the cruise ship to track down youma, and they obviously had to go in really nice dresses and stuff. Also the fact that Usagi’s friend, Nami I believe her name was? Well she was the one that was listening to that vinyl record with Usagi (and remember, this was the [b]early 90s[\b] that the show took place as well) to really good piano music. And Usagi correctly pointing out how mature she was for her taste in music. and just think, that was just from the first season, which unfortunately was the most that I have seen of the series.

But when it really came full circle to me was when I saw two series that are currently airing as of this blog post. Any all made sense when I saw people in discussion threads for both series use the word “wholesome” to describe these two series as well, and they are Yashahime, like I mentioned before, but the other one is Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku. Now I found out about the latter one because I have a subscription to Aniplex’s Japanese YouTube channel, I saw the preview for it, and decide to check it out, but first back to Yashahime.

Now even in the first season, I noticed some elements of wholesomeness, especially the episode where Rin was giving birth to Towa and Setsuna, with Kagome talking with her earlier in the episode. Just that whole theme of that episode, with the music as well, I was awestruck at that. But it really start to show during the whole Mohora family reunion episode. And the one after that is where someone referred to this stuff as “wholesome” by the way, and no I didn’t say it in the discussion thread, I agreed with them. And it was further added to it by the most recent two episodes, The first one where they all break out of Inuyasha’s father’s grave and what happened after that, and the most recent one, where all three families (Mohora’s, Towa & Setsuna’s and even Miroku w/ Sango during that scene with their kids as well, do not as strong as the first two. For those who haven’t seen the series or not gotten to this point yet, since it just aired yesterday, here, I’ll summarize what happened.

The one with Mohora was a reunion at the exact place where Inuyasha and Kagome met, the infamous bone eaters well. And Inuyasha really blushing when Kagome was pointing that out to Mohora was really great as well! Plus immediately afterwards, all three of them end up fighting the main bad guy in the series, including all three making a combined single attack. And when Mohora had to go with Towa and Setsuna afterwards, Inuyasha stopped the main bad guy, saying “I won’t let you lay a hand on my daughter”. I mean we would all do what he did there, but combined together with the other stuff, was really quite wholesome indeed.

And Rin’s heartfelt talk and self sacrifice earlier that episode, when she said that she would really love to give both Towa and Setsuna a big hug right then and there, but she knows that there’s something very important for them to do, so it would have to wait till later. Also, being very understanding to Sesshomaru, their father, for sending them to Kaede when they were just infants, when Rin couldn’t be there with them. and as I said in the episode discussion thread, I could’ve sworn I saw Sesshomaru even smile a little bit after she said that. So I hope that you understand now why I agree that there’s quite a bit of wholesomeness in Yashahime

But onto the second series, Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku, and since there’s only a few episodes anyway, I’ll be brief about this because I know that this post is getting long as it is. It’s a slice of life school comedy, it takes place and all girls school in rural Japan and if you click on the link to the series, you can read the full description for yourself. but wow, I knew that it was going to be nice and light, which is what I needed at the time, but this series was all that and more! I mean, with the general setting of an all girls school in a mainly slice of life series, I suppose I shouldn’t be too surprised at this. But what I was surprised is just how much wholesome this there was in the series.

Now though some have claimed otherwise, yes, it’s quite wholesome, and not really trashy at all. There was one small gross seen in episode one, but that was about it. But wow, a new girl wearing the old school uniform, because her mother forgot to check whether or not it was the current uniform, and almost everybody embraces her with open arms. And as per her goal, she’s making so many friends while she’s there. I mean seriously, nobody is making any fun or poking any jokes at her for wearing the old school uniform, which is a quite shocking notion nowadays. Plus the most recent episode, where her uniform gets dirty, and that baseball player takes her to the dorms to wash it out, and with all the events that happened there, especially those cooking scenes, wholesomeness yet again. if you’re confused on any of these because you haven’t seen them, either see them, or go to the episode discussion threads to see exactly what I mean.

Now I mentioned early in this blog post that I’m in my 30s and I grew up as a kid in the 90s. And like a lot of people on here, I’m from the US, and in the US, growing up as a kid and embracing wholesomeness, Did. Not. Mix. At. All. In fact, I recall quite a few times rolling my eyes and growning at the idea of wholesomeness. But remember, I was a kid who grew up in the US in the 90s, so wholesome this was seen as old-fashioned and corny and uncool and all that stuff. Keep in mind, that I didn’t get into anime until the beginning of 2001, so it’s not like that I could use anime for reference or anything like that, since I only barely knew what anime was. That’s why it’s actually a bit difficult to grasp my recent embracing of things in anime that are wholesome. And for those of you who are around my age or older, I’m sure you know exactly what I mean by that, I can relate to my general sentiments. So wow, I may need a Japanese were good at lots of things, but even making wholesomeness seem not uncool and corny and all that stuff? Wow, what can’t the Japanese do right? Lol

So that’s the reason why I made this blog post, because I’m still coming to terms with all of that. I hope that you understand, and I hope that you found this blog to be insightful at least.
Posted by Cosplay_Joe | Jan 30, 2022 7:40 PM | 1 comments
January 15th, 2022
Now I know that it’s not proper to do this for a blog, but I actually made a full review of this, just in video form. The link description is down at the end of this, but just let it be known that I was considering making a full text review for this series instead, since I like the series so much. However, I thought that it was much more efficient to get it out by talking means, because popular to what a lot of people believe, talking is a much faster way of communicating then by textual means. And I’m sure you all know what I mean by that.

Anyways, here’s the link, and as an FYI, it’s 17 minutes so if you wanna see the whole thing, please make sure that you have enough free time to do so:
Posted by Cosplay_Joe | Jan 15, 2022 6:41 PM | 0 comments
December 24th, 2021
Anime Relations: IS: Infinite Stratos 2
Note: I had to choose at least one anime in order to be able to post this blog, and since I saw a short YouTube video from this anime containing the link, that’s why it chose this anime, just as an FYI.

I bring this up because I recently saw a YouTube video collage containing many examples of that line throughout various different animes. It’s since been taken down by YouTube, but I made a comment on there that I wanted to save, but I couldn’t for obvious reasons. And also, there were other comments saying that in terms of wives in real life: “we don’t do that”. And there were a couple of other similar comments as well, and yes, I know about “that whole situation”. But partially because of that, I made a comment that was something on the lines of “I was seeing some of the comments on there, and to be quite frank, they were quite depressing. Though this should obviously be voluntary, having your spouse say something like that every so often, especially in the context of this line, can spice up the relationship by being all cute and flirty and stuff.

And there was someone else who pointed out the fact that Satoshi-kon (I believe?) what’s the one that originally wrote that joke back in the 60s, where housewives were really the norm. And I responded to their comment as well by saying the same thing about that line being able to spice up the relationship. Now of course women can work and should be able to work, etc. However, it’s not just for women to do this, men can do this as well, again, depending on the circumstances.

The whole point I was trying to make in those comments, is that the whole modern day notion of going “yeah right” to this stuff, and in a very cold way I may add, does nothing to help relationships. And in fact, can cause even more strain and animosity between couples by replacing an act of intimacy, with an act of coldness and uncaringness, etc. I see way too much of that nowadays, as I may have said in some other blogs and reviews and stuff. Check those other ones out to see what I mean. If it’s an issue of tiredness for a woman or man for why they wouldn’t say that, fine understand. But you have to do something though to create more intimacy, lovingness, etc. And that “dinner, bath… or me?” line would be a great way to add such intimacy and lovingness to the relationship.

So I hope that this makes sense, especially to those who are in relationships.
Posted by Cosplay_Joe | Dec 24, 2021 8:35 AM | 0 comments
December 12th, 2021
Anime Relations: Tsugumomo
I posted this on the episode three discussion thread, and since I was SO disappointed and annoyed as I say in the post, I wanted to share with you all right here. Now to be fair, I wasn’t a bit of a bad mood today because I seriously overslept, after struggling to get to sleep to begin with, but even an episode two when I had plenty of rest and stuff, it was starting to grind on my nerves. But not enough to justify dropping it at that point. So I gave it a second chance if you will, and yet I was not rewarded for my forgiveness. In fact anything but. Here’s the posting I’m talking about where I explain myself:

“There’s only one word that I can think of to describe this episode: annoying. And what a shame because the series had enormous potential for me, but this episode was so annoying, I couldn’t even get halfway because how annoying it was. The main character, as usual for that stupid cliché, gets constantly beating up and dumped on, to such an excessive degree. And what is with that priestess woman having an unlimited stomach? And they drug it out intentionally when they were at that restaurant which just made it even more annoying. And after eating all that food, she was still hungry? Another reason why it’s annoying.

I mean, I can deal with what Kazuya went through for the first two episodes, though what happened during those two, especially in the second episode was at least a little bit annoying. But that paled in comparison, it didn’t even come close to how bad it was in this episode. Now I was skimming through some reviews of the series, and there was one person who gave it a three who said that it was just cliché after cliché as well as excessive fan service and stuff like that. And at least it wasn’t totally excessive thus far in to the series, so that’s definitely one good aspect of it. Besides, I actually like fan service, and found some ax specs of it quite welcoming.

Overall, I was extremely disappointed in this episode, and again, I couldn’t even get halfway because I was so annoyed by it that I just turned it off. And what a shame because the overall spiritual nature of this anime is definitely spot on, and yet that stuff, during the series thus far anyway, had to be wasted with this extremely over-the-top very juvenile BS.”

I hope you can understand, and like I said, I even gave it a second chance when I was considering dropping it earlier. But this is not the sort of stuff that I look forward to seeing in anime, in fact quite the opposite. And like I said, considering the religious/spiritual nature of the show, that’s why I’m really infuriated by this. I hope that explains things better.
Posted by Cosplay_Joe | Dec 12, 2021 11:52 AM | 0 comments
December 2nd, 2021
Now I originally came across this on Reddit like six months ago. I know, but because of one of the responses I got to the comment that I made about it, that was a big part of the reason why I no longer use Reddit. And it was actually a response to a comment that was made to a post that was titled “How old was Kagome when she got pregnant? And isn’t Rin much younger than Kagome? But she had her kids first?”.

And the comment that I was responding to was “It definitely makes more sense that Kagome would know a lot more about preventing child birth. I think fans are curious about Ron’s (Rin’s) age considering she looked much younger than everyone else. I keep forgetting that the character have always been so young. It was pretty common in history for women to starting bearing children as young at 14. I should have tried to watch Inuyasha again before watching Yashahime. The time line was so off in my mind because I didn’t revisit the show.

So the comment that I made as a reply to that one, and this is the main point of this blog, was: ”Yeah, very good point about the fact that people back in that day often had children starting at age 14. Heck, take a look at biblical times, where it was 13, or even 12. And I got just a little peeved when I saw the title of a YouTube video asking if it was OK for Rin and Sesshomaru to be married considering how young Rin was. This is someone who clearly has no understanding of the realities of those kinds of time periods.

They’re taking modern day morals and ethics, and applying it to a time period where it is not at all applicable or even makes sense, considering. And judging from the title itself, this is clearly another case of cancel culture, or at least attempted cancel culture in this case. It’s already scary enough that they did all that other stuff, but then they try and white wash history as well?

Sorry, but when it reaches our fandom‘s like this, that’s when I really get angry! Thank you for showing understanding, by explaining that part about people having kids at age 14. Seriously, I obviously appreciate it.”

So yeah, I felt that was a very well reasoned argument. But there was one person who respond to me that was, quite frankly, a total psycho. Seriously, they acted like a lunatic towards me. Even calling me “sweaty” just because I said I get angry sometimes in response to this, when I was saying it in a rather calm and collected matter I might add. And total hypocrisy on their part to show so much hostility, you have to call me something like “sweaty”. And it was at 4 o’clock in the morning eastern time nonetheless. Seriously, I’m not the one that needed to take a chill pill and just go to hell to bed at that point, that other person did. Update (1/30/22): Here, you can click on the link to the first comment that I made on the thread so you can see for yourself, if you want to that is:

But enough on that. Hey, at least I got a karma rating of +13 for the comment that I made. So I guess it was still well worth it. But that’s another reason why I left there, and join here to be quite frank. Far less hostility like that on MAL. And I’ve since learned about the terrible reputation that Reddit has now. And it’s obviously well deserved, because I came across a lot of ultra negativity weather was directed at me, or others in other subreddits. Well I’m never going back, and like I said, I’m gonna stay on MAL, and other places that I know I can trust.

So thank you for reading my first blog post on here. It wasn’t the first blog I ever did, just on here. I hope that you found it insightful and helpful.
Posted by Cosplay_Joe | Dec 2, 2021 8:14 AM | 0 comments
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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