July 30th, 2008
Differences betweeen Gakuen Alice manga and anime
Anime Relations: Gakuen Alice
I was rereading Gakuen Alice when I realized there's actually quite a few differences between the anime and manga. Here are just some of them
There's the example that in the anime Natsume took of her skirt instead of underwear. (I like the skirt version better)
When Natsume got kidnapped Tsubasa senpai and Misaki senpai didn't come to help in the manga like they did in the anime.
In the manga, Mikan didn't meet Reo and have him catch when she fell and stuff.
That's all for now but as I read more I'll put in more. FEEL FREE TO COMMENT.
There's the example that in the anime Natsume took of her skirt instead of underwear. (I like the skirt version better)
When Natsume got kidnapped Tsubasa senpai and Misaki senpai didn't come to help in the manga like they did in the anime.
In the manga, Mikan didn't meet Reo and have him catch when she fell and stuff.
That's all for now but as I read more I'll put in more. FEEL FREE TO COMMENT.
Posted by CookieDoughLover | Jul 30, 2008 5:42 AM | 0 comments
June 28th, 2008
Natsume's and Mikan Relationship: Hanging by a thread???
Anime Relations: Gakuen Alice
NOTE BEFORE READING: Once you start reading this you're going to start thinking Oh My Gosh this person's obsessed with Natsume and Mikan she should get some help. And you know what maybe I am (I don't really know what the obsessed level is ) but I just really like the idea of them being together and I just wrote this blog to get put of my system. So don't write rude comments (unless it's about that weird LUNA GIRL) and keep in mind I'm only on page 16 0f chapter 78. OK Let's get going...
How could this be? How could the Higuchi Tachibana that I admired so much do this to me. How could he send this so called Luna girl into Gakuen Alice with the NULLIFICATION ALICE> Okay, Cookie Dough Lover get a grip and calm down. Surely Luna can't really do anything to Natsume and Mikan's relationship. I mean she's not even supposed to use her Alice let alone use it to protect Natsume.
At least she better not. If she even tries to steal Natsume from Mikan I'll go to Tokyo, find Alice Academy and stop her myself!! I mean what was she even doing trying to sit down to Natsume like that. Doesn't he know she's he's already taken? And what's with all that coughing? I'm counting on Permy (Sumire) to take care of her. I know why Higuchi Tachibana is doing this he wants Mikan to be jealous for once so it's not always
Natsume. He wants to balance things out and you know what I understand, as long as it's Natsume and Mikan at the end!!
If Luna and Natsume get together I'll be so disappointed. It's my favorite manga ever and I don't want it to be ruined by this couple. I know Mikan could go with Ruka but it won't be the same.
Phew... I feel so much better now that I let everything out. :) Now maybe I'm brave enough to read the rest of chapter 78!
NOTE BEFORE READING: Once you start reading this you're going to start thinking Oh My Gosh this person's obsessed with Natsume and Mikan she should get some help. And you know what maybe I am (I don't really know what the obsessed level is ) but I just really like the idea of them being together and I just wrote this blog to get put of my system. So don't write rude comments (unless it's about that weird LUNA GIRL) and keep in mind I'm only on page 16 0f chapter 78. OK Let's get going...
How could this be? How could the Higuchi Tachibana that I admired so much do this to me. How could he send this so called Luna girl into Gakuen Alice with the NULLIFICATION ALICE> Okay, Cookie Dough Lover get a grip and calm down. Surely Luna can't really do anything to Natsume and Mikan's relationship. I mean she's not even supposed to use her Alice let alone use it to protect Natsume.
At least she better not. If she even tries to steal Natsume from Mikan I'll go to Tokyo, find Alice Academy and stop her myself!! I mean what was she even doing trying to sit down to Natsume like that. Doesn't he know she's he's already taken? And what's with all that coughing? I'm counting on Permy (Sumire) to take care of her. I know why Higuchi Tachibana is doing this he wants Mikan to be jealous for once so it's not always
Natsume. He wants to balance things out and you know what I understand, as long as it's Natsume and Mikan at the end!!
If Luna and Natsume get together I'll be so disappointed. It's my favorite manga ever and I don't want it to be ruined by this couple. I know Mikan could go with Ruka but it won't be the same.
Phew... I feel so much better now that I let everything out. :) Now maybe I'm brave enough to read the rest of chapter 78!
Posted by CookieDoughLover | Jun 28, 2008 10:49 AM | 0 comments
May 29th, 2008
The true voice of Natsume Hyuuga- a woman???
I can't believe that Natsume Hyuuga's voice in Gakuen Alice is actually played by a woman. I would have always thought it was a man who played Natsume's deep voice! Of course I'm not in anyway criticizing Romi Paku. On the contrary I think she must be extremely talented to play both boys (e.g. Natsume Hyuuga) and girl voices (e.g. Temari in Naruto)
I'm not disappointed, just surprised!
I'm not disappointed, just surprised!
Posted by CookieDoughLover | May 29, 2008 9:44 AM | 0 comments
May 28th, 2008
Mourning the end of Gakuen Alice
Anime Relations: Gakuen Alice
I can't believe it! I've watched Gakuen Alice, loved it, laughed for it, spent all my spare time watching it and it's finished. It's such a wonderful show!
How could they do such a thing? I really want TokyoPop to continue it. I want it to continue so badly. I can't bare watching any other Anime at the moment because I'm still recovering from finishing it. All I can do is rewatch the episodes ( which is actually not bad) but it needs to continue!
Does anybody know why TokyoPop isn't continuing it? I heard rumours that it was becauses there weren't enough views but how can that be how can people not like it?
You may think I'm a drama queen but the truth is I'm just a Gakuen Alice lover!
How could they do such a thing? I really want TokyoPop to continue it. I want it to continue so badly. I can't bare watching any other Anime at the moment because I'm still recovering from finishing it. All I can do is rewatch the episodes ( which is actually not bad) but it needs to continue!
Does anybody know why TokyoPop isn't continuing it? I heard rumours that it was becauses there weren't enough views but how can that be how can people not like it?
You may think I'm a drama queen but the truth is I'm just a Gakuen Alice lover!
Posted by CookieDoughLover | May 28, 2008 2:47 PM | 0 comments