emperortopaz's Blog

Aug 10, 2023 6:57 AM
Anime Relations: Aikatsu!, Aikatsu! Movie, Aikatsu on Parade!
This is the seven-hundred-sixty-seventh week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*We join Topaz and Riri backstage at an idol event.*

Welcome back everyone, I'm glad to see you've returned. And that I've returned as well! It was a surprisingly harrowing tale last week.

: Tell me about it-

Well, first the three of you put a VR helmet on me for my birthday. Apparently the AI inside thought I was someone else and-

: I wasn't being serious, Topaz. You don't need to repeat what happened.

Fair point as it was meganekko day. I'm sure that all my readers paid close attention.

: That's not the only important birthday either.

True. After all, Zettai's birthday is coming up soon as well! And by that I have a certain girl's blog for him!

: Being fair that is true, but that isn't what I was talking about.

Being fair there's a lot of girls whose birthday's are around this time. I do hope that you don't mean Mana's or another awful girl's...

: Certainly not!

Then who are you talking about-

: Is it not obvious? She is talking about me.

*A mysterious girl approaches the two, flicking her long brown hair and looking really good with it.*

: Careful, we may not have the hair budget for this!

Don't worry, we're not KyoAni and thus would spend everything on visuals then have rabid idiots defend us. But shouldn't you be performing?

: I had recently finished up, and I heard that you were going to be back here. You told me you would talk about me, much like you did both Aoi and Ichigo.

That I have, though I do apologize that you had to wait so long.

*The mysterious girl sighs.*

: Don't worry, as I'm sadly used to it...

Sadly, I imagine. You deserved a lot better than the show gave you. Especially in the beginning. I hope that I can give you justice, both for your sake and for Zettai's blog.

: Ah yes. I do believe you told me about this. Do not worry, as much like your blogs not counting what you do to the girls I can only hope that no one from my universe hears about what I will be... doing.

: I hope that we won't be hearing much from your “symphony” either. None of us would be able to breathe if that were the case.

: Do not worry, as while I may let out some... unidollike odors I will make sure the early birthday boy makes sure to breathe them.

Oh? He's here already?

: That he is, and he's very excited to continue.

*She looks behind here, lifting up her skirt. The brown-haired beauty blushes as she had a familiar-looking person's head between her plump sexy cheeks. Not that his face could be seen due to her ass being so large.*

I'm glad to hear that he's here so that I can talk about you, and that you're alright with me talking about you for this very special blog.

: I mean it's not going to be that special, I think. Well, for Zettai's sake it will be.

I suppose that there won't be any plot or anything, but there's nothing wrong with that. I know I'm bad at pacing and similar things.

: Indeed. So let us begin. If we have time to waste we should use it smartly!

You truly are someone who likes being efficient. But you are right, at least if you'll allow me to talk about you.

: But of course! Why would I be here if I didn't accept your invitation?

: Because we're backstage and you just finished a performance?

: I do suppose there is that, but I want to hear your thoughts about me! Topaz, I order you to begin the blog properly!

In that case let's get going! After all, I will begin by saying...

Today's girl is:

Ran Shibuki

: Finally, we're going to give some attention to the third protagonist of this series. Well, of the initial series at least.

: Indeed. I have been waiting for you to blog me for some time.

I apologize for making you wait so long, but at least you'll be able to show off how great you really are!

: But of course. This beautiful blade has been silent for too long!

: I hope you mean that you'll be able to have Topaz blog you, not that you mean that you'll backfi-

*Ran interrupts Riri, blushing as she lets out a massive fart. Fortunately Zettai's head is able to absorb and breathe her unidollike stench, making sure that Riri and Topaz didn't need to. Ran even pushes his head deeper between her slightly-larger cheeks as she has grown slightly from Topaz beginning her blog.*


: -ire... Ire is certainly what I have now that I was interrupted...

Great joke, but hopefully Zettai is able to breathe all her gas.

Zettai: MMPHHH!

: It would appear that he is, which is fortunate for me. I do still apologize for interrupting you.

: I suppose it's a relief that we didn't need to smell it...

: Yes. Both my flatulence and my standard sweaty ass scents, as I did just come from a performance.

W-wait, was Zettai with you there too?! How did that work?

: That is a secret, fufu. But do not worry, as I had a great fart cushion in place. My favorite one, not that many but this one could last long...

That doesn't answer my question... or perhaps it has. That said, I still apologize for waiting so long.

: Do not worry, as I am glad to be remembered even after all these years.

But of course, as you're a beautiful girl! A beautiful blade, as it is!

: Indeed, much like Tsubasa from Symphogear. Only the Aikatsu Tsubasa is in another series.

: True, while the PreCure Ran is far in the future compared to my placement.

That's certainly true. Though do you mean the one that you share the name with or the one that Toei copied Sunrise's homework a little too closely.

: Ah yes, Ageha. I think you made a joke about her in last week's preview.

In all fairness this season is pretty much one big joke. At least it isn't as bad as Tropical Rouge or other terrible seasons, but that doesn't mean that we should let them get away with it.

: You are getting distracted again...

Just a bit more, as we have to insult the awful male Cure! Granted he didn't do anything wrong, his existence still causes so many issues especially in fanart.

: Are you about done...

Yeah, at least for now. Now we can take a look at you, Ran Shibuki. Or perhaps we should say Ran SHIRIbuki!

: Ran ShiBOOTY also fits! Heh, the BOOTYful blade!

: Hey now.

Oh, sorry in case that it seemed we were insulting you. We both enjoy your fat ass. Granted not as much as Zettai seems to, but still a good amount!

: It would be hard to love my ass like he is... His nose is even tickling me in a very un-idollike place...

Sounds naughty! But how about we get this blog started?

: Sounds great to me, Topaz! Let's get going!

Then let's not waste another moment!

*With that Topaz begins the blog properly.*

Ran's hair is one of her greatest assets, and is likely a big factor in how beautiful she is. It's a very lovely brown color, which is one of my favorite colors with a somewhat dark shade and her length is really nice too. Granted the long length does mean that if Ran had buttshots they'd possibly be covered, but she's in a show for young girls so that's not too much of a problem. As mentioned before in Aikatsu blogs the hair movement looks really great and she's no exception, showing off well due to how long and free her hair is. Even while exercising with a ponytail she looks great, and it's understandable as she doesn't want her hair to get in the way (and she still performs with it down). Her sides are pretty nice, and while her bangs are a nice length she does have her hair parted on the left. It's somewhat high, but when that's her only flaw you can see that Ran has really excellent hair. The length, color, animation... Overall Ran is amazing here, and with better bangs she could have easily obtained a perfect score!
Grade: A

This is another area where Ran excels, as her eyes are absolutely beautiful. Much like her hair they're a great color for me, being a purple shade and on the darker side I think. Her eyes are somewhat tsurime, with a bit of a curve to make sure she's not too mean-looking for a young girl's anime. The shape of her eyes are emphasized a little by her corners which look good, and she even has some eyelashes as well. You can even see a little bit of Ran's upper lid, or at least some sort of line above her eye (not her eyebrow, closer to her eye). She also has some fun expressions, which always help out. While Ran isn't a permanent meganekko, as it took a while for Aikatsu to add one (especially one that wears her glasses even during performances), she does wear them on occasion while in her civilian disguise. While it might be based on actual idols IRL, she was one of the first I saw that really showed that off so I want to think that she started the trend. I suppose I might be a little generous, but Ran has really nice thick black frames like with Aoi (though I think Aoi wears hers more). Overall Ran has really amazing eyes, be it the shape and color that she did really well. Wearing glasses occasionally of course helps too.
Grade: B+

Like a lot of Aikatsu girls Ran has an amazing face, as I really love the art style. The facial features are minimal and soft-looking, with Ran having a small dot-like nose and very nice curves for her cheeks. It's just a soft, gentle design. As she's more of the straight man at times she has a fun “exasperated” face but in general her expressions are great too. I especially appreciate her cute smile, and while there isn't a lot to talk about in this area (especially since I've done a lot of Aikatsu idols) do know that Ran's head is certainly beautiful and that includes her face.
Grade: A

: Hmmm, it would seem that I'm doing quite a good job.

But of course! You're extremely beautiful after all! Granted you don't stand out among the other Aikatsu girls, other than your long hair and eye color, but that isn't a bad thing as I enjoy the art style.

: I do believe you have mentioned that before. At least you do not think that I am plain.

Certainly not! I like all your features including your small nose and soft curves! Your silly faces when the girls are being silly are good too, though in general you certainly fit the title of being a “beautiful blade”!

: Thank you for your compliments, though it seems that you are not as big of a fan of my eyes as you are my face and hair.

: I think most of that has to due with Topaz's preferences. He likes girls in glasses.

: But don't I occasionally wear glasses, and ones which he seems to really enjoy as well.

They are nice thick-framed ones, but sadly you don't wear them enough to be memorable. It's a shame, but don't feel bad. Your eyes are still stellar, even with only wearing glasses on occasion. You totally would have done better, but Yurika and Aoi are more known for wearing glasses.

: I see then. The obvious solution is for me to wear my glasses more!

*She puts on her thick framed glasses.*

: So what do you think now?

Wondrous! But as with your ass becoming larger I cannot score you due to wearing your glasses.

: I thought that I seemed bigger. It would appear that your blog is taking effect...

*She shows off her huge ass, which had indeed become better. Ran's fat cheeks have nearly hidden Zettai's head completely, with only a little visible between her enormous cheeks. She even shakes her hips as if she was performing, rubbing his head and showing off for the camera.*

: I do feel heavier, but not in any bad way. I have to help Zettai for aiding me in carrying my huge ass around.

We're thankful for him being there as well!

: Oh? Why is that?


*Ran soon realizes as she lets out a huge fart, gripping her cheeks tight. She still feels relieved with Zettai absorbing her powerful gases.*

: Ah... I see. That said, leaving my ass for later it seems you're still a fan of my eyes.

That I am. After all, I do like purple eyes as I've said many times before.

: As seen with me.

Precisely! Your eye shape is also quite good, Ran. The slight tsurime looks great, as do the corners.

: I'm glad to hear that, as I imagine it helps my face look more appealing.

That it does. Your hair helps as well. I love the beautiful brown color, and keeping it down looks very pretty too. The length is really great, and Aikatsu does its motion really well. Even when it's up for variety's sake it looks good!

: But of course. Is there any surprise that my long brown hair would do well?

That it isn't! Even if you bangs could do a little better they look extremely good and fit well with you. In general you certainly live up to the name of “beautiful blade”!

: I thank you for your kind words. Though I know that you are not finished.

Certainly not, as we still have a lot to go! So let's continue onward!

*With that Topaz goes on to the next sections.*

Ran doesn't just have beauty in her face, as her body is quite great as well. Her only measurements are her height, which isn't too surprising considering this is a show for kids, but as the series goes on she grows from 158 cm to 163, which is a pretty good height. She also has a pretty good hourglass build, even if we don't see too much of it. Well, we do see her waist in some outfits and she does have a beautiful navel and curves, but this is still a show for young girls. She is tall like a lot of models and her slender figure is quite good as well. She really doesn't show off her ass too much, though we do get a few moments with her training. Raichi also takes a few pictures of her ass, though she's wearing clothes at the time (kid's show remember). Overall while there's not much to say as Ran doesn't show off too much, it's a show for young girls so we shouldn't expect too much. She does still have a nice slender body, and while she doesn't get a memorable shot like Yurika did Ran still looks quite attractive.
Grade: B

As mentioned before Ran is fairly slender. She also starts out in middle school so that isn't a surprise, and despite aging up she stays relatively the same throughout. She also doesn't show off either, though this is also a show for young girls as I've brought up before so that isn't surprising. Overall Ran does really well when it comes to this area even if there isn't too much to mention but go her regardless.
Grade: B+

As an idol Ran has quite the variety when it comes to clothes, and as I saw this series some time ago there's a good chance that I'm forgetting something. Still, she's got a lot of great outfits, including her school uniform. Ran usually wears the Starlight uniform which consists of a blue blazer over a white shirt, red ribbons, and sadly low socks as thighhighs or pantyhose would have looked better. She also wears a training exercise outfit that's white with purple due to it being her character color, and likely many idol clothes and causal outfits. Special mention to her brand being “Spicy Ageha” as it really shows off Ran as a “sexy”-style idol. It has great dark colors and fits her really well, and as her aura is butterflies it works well with her too. She also dresses like Aladdin at one point too. Overall while I didn't go too in-depth do know that Ran has a lot of cool outfits, though more could have always helped, but I do like her brand and even her uniform is cute.
Grade: B+

: Hmmm, it would seem that I did well but not as well as I had hoped. Perhaps by training further I'll have a body that would more suit your preferences.

You don't need to do that at all! I mean you can exercise, but I wouldn't count it for the purposes of my blog.

: I doubt that you'd be able to change all that much in a short amount of time. Other than your ass becoming larger...

*Ran bounces her even larger ass in a close up, with a sexy “boing” sound effect. Zettai's head is pretty much completely hidden now, but he does try hard to keep holding up her gigantic cheeks.*

: It has grown a lot, as you say. It is a shame I did not show my ass off in the series more.

I agree! I mean I get some of it being due to parent groups, but at least they were quieter back then! You at least did get a few moments, which is more than a lot of other characters in series for young girls get. You just needed a few more memorable scenes.

: I can understand that. I do hope that I am good enough for Zettai's special birthday blog though...

: I'm sure that he'll enjoy it, especially with his head so deep between your massive cheeks!

Indeed, though it would be even greater if her ass was this massive in the anime proper! But at least she is slender chest-wise.

: True. You do seem to appreciate that a lot more these days.

That's right! And of course your ass and chest aren't the only good things about your body. Your are fairly curvy due to your waist, and you have a nice height which even increases as you age.

: Though it is subtle enough that Topaz wouldn't have known if he hadn't read it.

In all fairness a lot of things are like that, it's why I research after all. Well, that and my poor memory. Also my poor memory.

: You already said that!

*Ran smacks Topaz in a manzai fashion.*

: You didn't need to hit him. He's just making a joke.

Yeah... But don't worry as it's not like I was injured or anything. Now if you had hit me with that huge ass of yours...

: That is true. I could certainly deal a lot of damage. However, I'd probably miss...

Because you're not used to the size of it, or because I specialize in dodging?

: More because Zettai is tied to my ass.

*She shows off, and indeed while her ass is even larger she has tied a rope around her her cheeks. Zettai is still between them, kneeling for the size difference but she's easily outgrown whatever bottoms she had been wearing. Ran even blasts another powerful “symphony” though fortunately her new “panties” were able to absorb her foul aroma.*



Sounds like he's enjoying himself, much like you're no doubt feeling relieved.

: It does feel good and healthy to let my odors out so freely, especially as I don't have to breathe them myself. This is quite efficient...

: I'm glad that both of you are happy at least. Though it seems that your panties and skirt have been burst open!

Well, with her ass expanded this much it would be no surprise! That said, speaking of your clothes you do have a lot of good ones. You uniform is cute and looks good on you, and your various idol outfits are also great. It is a shame that you don't wear better legwear.

: Is it not better to show off my thighs?

It's strange as that might make sense, but both thighhighs and pantyhose look great. Not leggings as those are completely different, and they aren't spats either. Spats are good though too...

: I doubt that I could wear pantyhose or spats anymore with my ass so gigantic though...

*She shows off her gargantuan ass, jiggling her asscheeks and swinging Zettai's body around.*

: Heh, it looks like your panties are being a ragdoll, though considering each of your cheeks is nearly as big as he is that is no surprise.

: My ass is quite large and heavy, but being able to rest it on his body feels quite good. I hope that he is enjoying the blog.

Zettai: MMPHH!

Sounds like he is, so let's head forward into the blog!

*With that Topaz continues Ran's blog.*

Ran starts out as a serious tsundere idol, not really working well with others. As she starts spending time with others she starts to learn to work together, and she isn't as big of a rival as she joins the main cast. She had a friend join the school but couldn't keep up with her, so she ends up aloof after said friend leaves. Having the main cast join is a downfall though as she starts getting picked on by the writers and even though she enters a lot of competitions she is forced to do poorly even though the performances are completely arbitrary. She does eventually join Tristar, but leaves to form a group with Aoi and Ichigo meaning Soliel. That helped her out quite a bit as she uses Ichigo's protagonist powers to her advantage. It's a shame that she doesn't do as well as she should before that though. She's a little tsundere, and is a straight man as mentioned before. Ran also likes healthy food like vegetable sticks and yogurt but dislikes fish as she doesn't like taking out the bones. She's called a “demon coach” as she works people hard, though that's due to all the hard work she's had to put in prior to the series starting. She is also a really big fan of Ebi-pon, which is a mascot character in the series, even hugging someone in a costume. Overall Ran is a great TDB with an aloof nature, and she probably would have done better had she not been unfortunately punished so much early on before joining Soliel.
Grade: B+

As this is an idol show and one for young girls Ran really doesn't get a lot of opportunity for romance. That is, at straight romance at least. The closest thing that I can think of is Raichi taking pictures of her including a buttshot, cool that she doesn't mind posing for him. However, yuri romance is still on the table, especially as far as the fans are concerned. The one that Ran usually gets paired with is Yurika, due to the duo doing a lot of things together and working off one another quite well. Sora's appearance also lead to some rivalry between the two girls, both being long-haired beauties (Sora even mentions that she fell in love with Ran on stage). Aoi and Otome have their shipping fans as well. I'll also mention that people usually have Ran be the one leading with both Yurika and Sora, which is always helpful, and it seems she has a lot of female admirers even if they aren't named. While one might have expected me to be a little rough with Ran she does quite well when it comes to this area. Though I do think some of that is thanks to the fans.
Grade: B-

Surprisingly Ran ages through the series! Well, I suppose it isn't surprising as she's not the only Aikatsu girl, that would be silly, and Zettai said the same thing in his blog of her, but still. Regardless the series is long-airing as Ran starts out the series at 13 and ages up to 17. Though it's mostly a background thing as I don't think she changes too much, or maybe the changes were so minor that it wasn't obvious watching the show. She does have most of her screentime in middle school which helps, and her relationships are about the same age as well. And of course, unlike a certain show hog pink Ran also has a great birthday of August 3rd which she deserves. Overall Ran is a great age and while she does age as the series goes on she doesn't change in any major design way and still looks the same as when she started.
Grade: B

Total Grades: 81
Average score: 9.0
Final Grade: B+

And with that, we finish this week's blog!

: Eh? I was under the impression that we were going to go over the latest sections. But if you insist-

Oh no, I don't mean completely! I just mean we've finished the sections and made it to the final total. I hope you enjoy the total.

: I do believe that I could have done better, which is a shame. If only I could have shown off my huge ass more...

*She shows off, with the rope holding Daniel in place becoming tighter on here bigger ass. She even lets out a fart against his head, though most of his body is engulfed by her gigantic ass.*


: I do apologize for my... outbursts...

Don't worry about that.

: Indeed. We should be fortunate that Zettai is here to absorb your powerful gases...

Zettai: MPMPHH!

Exactly. But while showing off your ass could have earned more points, there's probably a lot of areas that could have done better. Your libido isn't too bad, but you do have quite a few options and really didn't get any targeted shipping. Yurika is probably the closest, but it's a little awkward and you feel like a third wheel with Aoi and Ichigo.

: And sadly it's not a tricycle where that would be useful.

: I do suppose that I have a lot of admirers. Though can you blame them?

*She flicks her hair in a sensual way once again, her ample cheeks rippling even from the front.*

Certainly not, especially with your gigantic ass! Zettai is a very lucky guy, as he should be! Especially on his birthday, or at least during his birthday celebration blog.

: Hopefully he enjoyed you talking about Ran.

I feel the same, as I always get self-conscious. Both for the fanservice and the blog!

: Something wrong with the blog data?

More like I'm sure that there are better ways to describe you. You're a great and very lovely girl who deserves more love, but sadly your biggest problem is that the series started out hating you. You kept losing and in dumb ways, making Ichigo seem more like a Poochie Sue than ever before. At least they started to remedy it by the time you were able to join Tristar and Soleil, which helps. You're also a great experienced girl, like an older sister even if you are the same age as the others.

: And Ichigo is the one with the younger brother.

: I can only imagine what he would think if he took a picture of my ass now...

He'd need a wide angle shot, and probably to stand back to not be in the line of fire!

: True true. And I do appreciate that you don't mind me becoming older as the series goes on.

In all fairness you aged up naturally, without a timeskip or something dumb like that. I imagine that easing into it helped, as nothing really seemed to change too much between the seasons.

: Poor recent idols like Aine and Matsuri deserve better fanart.

Agreed! It's a shame when little girls like them get transformed into cows! They need to become assy like Ran instead!

*The idol in question shows off her huge ass, shaking her cheeks for the camera.*

: I would not appreciate the competition, but I know that I could easily surpass any of them!

Sounds like you're proud of your ass, and will train to make it even bigger!

: Of course! Any girl should!

Agreed! I'm glad that you've accepted your new body!

: It didn't take long, as I'm in such good shape. I'm sure what little fat I get will go to my ass too!

Great plan! Though even if it is Zettai's birthday blog it's time for us to be going.

: I understand, and I thank you for talking about me so much.

But of course, and I'm sure we'll meet again!

*With that Ran goes off to her dressing room, barely able to fit through the door but thanks to Zettai pushing she made it in. He was still bound to her ass too, breathing her strong stench.*

: Well, now that this week has been done what are we going to talk about next time?

Well, I think that Zettai didn't get enough of the girl he likes so next time we'll be talking about another idol he likes!

: Eh? But which one?

Sadly I can't do Sumire as she still has a third season to go, which is a shame as I was hoping for Golisopod jokes...

: Sounds like that idea took an emergency exit!

Exactly! And then from the same franchise but not same series I thought of another girl, but she has an airing series sadly!

: Fair as the side series was a bit of a surprise. Hopefully he's enjoying it! So who is going to be the one next time?

Much like Ran this week this girl is a lovely model. Sadly she doesn't have as long of hair, but she's still his favorite from that group!

: Well, he has a lot of girls he likes in that group. I just hope that she won't be overly picky and argumentative!

Don't worry, her name may be close but isn't that exact one. There may be an “I” in her name but she's not that self-absorbed!

: Thank goodness!

Exactly, so see all you readers next time!

*With that Topaz ends the blog for the week, preparing to visit another idol next time.*
Posted by emperortopaz | Aug 10, 2023 6:57 AM | Add a comment
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