emperortopaz's Blog

Feb 23, 2017 7:17 AM
Anime Relations: Kono Bijutsu-bu ni wa Mondai ga Aru!
This is the Four-hundredth-thirtieth week of using the "Perfect Anime Girl Sheet". Notice: This Blog may contain Unmarked Spoilers.

*Topaz and Ririchiyo are yet again in the school, this time in the art room.*

Welcome back everyone! Last week we looked at a devilish cat-loving meganekko, and this week we have another meganekko!

: There sure were a lot of meganekkos last year.

I'm not complaining.

: So why are we waiting here?

The girl I want to blog about is the art club supervisor.

: I see, so it sounds like she'll be a teacher.

That she is. And I told her to wear a special outfit to pose for us in. Heh heh heh...

: TOPAZ! I told you before not to do anything perverse! Now parents groups will complain!

So? We'll still show belly buttons all we want!

: This isn't PreCure, Topaz.

Right, that's another month.

: Stop changing the subject, Topaz.

But that's what I do best.

*There are knocks on the door.*

That must be her!

???: It is me, so open up!

*Topaz opens the door excited, but his expression falls as a woman in a cat suit enters. Like a full body costume one, complete with head.*

: Oh! If this is the costume I'm fine with it.

That wasn't the costume at all. What happened?

*The tall woman takes the head off, revealing the meganekko inside.*

: I apologize, but there was no way that I'd be able to fit into the sling swimsuit. My chest and b-butt would be nearly completely exposed!

That's the beauty of it though.

: Topaz, you can't expect a woman to walk around in a swimsuit. It's FEBRUARY!

But it's still a fairly warm one, which I enjoy. Besides, it's not like she'd have to wear it outside.

: I refuse to wear such a naughty outfit! But since I promised I'd wear something I found this outfit. I'm surprised that it fit me though.

: Canon outfits can do that.

But now what am I going to draw?

: Ehhh? That's why you wanted me in such a s-skimpy outfit? I do suppose that it's close to naked, but... No, it's too perverse!

: Why don't we draw you instead?

But I was supposed to be the artist.

: But your note said that you were going to be a model as well.

Wait, let me see that....

*Topaz checks his phone for the message. It indeed says that he wants Yumeko to pose "from" him for a drawing.*

Stupid autocorrect!

: That's what you get for rushing and having surprises!

: Surprises are good, but you should learn to not be perverse either!

Fine, I guess as punishment I'll undress.

*Topaz rips off his shirt, exposing his slender wimpy chest.*

Hey, it's not THAT wimpy narrator! I've been training recently. Just look at THIS!

*He flexes, making his (still small) biceps be more apparent. He also takes off his bracelet and places it on a nearby table.*

Just look at that muscle!

: Oooo, let me feel!

*Riri touches Topaz's arm, and causes the muscle to deflate to the bottom of his arm.*

You killed it!

: Poor thing was sick. Though that reminds me, we should have spaghetti for dinner.

: Anyway, are we going to draw Topaz or not? Eeeep!

*Yumeko heads towards the duo, but trips. She ends up landing on Topaz in a suggestive manner, as does Ririchiyo.*

: Whoops, I apologize!

*She gets up, as does Ririchiyo.*

: He'll be fine. He's had girls facesitting him before.

Right, but I suppose that I should allow you to draw me. But ONLY if you allow me to do my blog on you.

: I'm not sure what a "blog" is...

: It's where Topaz talks about you.

: Will it be perverse? Because I don't like perverse things...

: He's already had you sit on him, I don't think that it would be much worse.

I wish!

: No comment from the peanut gallery!

Those jokes weren't Peanuts, they were Garfield!

: Stop explaining your terrible jokes!

: Well, I suppose that I should allow it. This way Topaz should be able to stay still.

Exactly, so while I'll be modeling I'll also say that...

: And put your shirt back on. Jeez, we don't want any manservice in blogs. (not that I mind... Oh no, the palpitations are back!).

*Topaz buttons his shirt back up.*

Well then, let's begin!

: Let's do a good jorb!


: Sorry, bit my tongue a bit. A good pod! A goof job!

: Sounds like Topaz's auto correct is starting to affect you now...


: I-I mean a good job!

*Yumeko looks proud she finally spoke correctly.*

Hair: Yumeko has really nice hair. It's a cute tan/orange color which is somewhat soothing. Could be a little darker, but her shade is fine. Her bangs are pretty average, with a long middle point with parts that show her eyebrows. She does have nice wavy sides that go past her shoulders which is really cute, and above them on her temples are two tufts of hair that remind me of dog ears for some reason. She also has a minor ahoge on the top of her head. The length of her hair is great too, reaching about to her hips though it's sometimes hard to tell. It's also wavy which is nice and works well with her personality. One fair problem is that she doesn't have much variety, but I like when girls have their long hair down so it isn't much of a problem. Though I do guess she has a flower in her hair in the opening, but that's about it. Overall I really love Yumeko's hair as it's one of her strongest points, and while it is missing a few things that I enjoy her hair still receives a high score.
Grade: A

Eyes: Yumeko's eyes are also really pretty. Color-wise it's a mix of red and brown, with the focus on the former but I still really like them. Shame they aren't tan to match her hair though, but they do work well with her hair color still. Her eyes are tarame and even though it's not my preference I still think it fits her "cutesy" dojikko personality. Yumeko's eyebrows are also fairly thick as well. Her glasses are a nice underframe pair of red glasses, with enough thickness to show the nose piece well. Overall her eyes look great as well.
Grade: A-

Face: The art style really helps here, giving Yumeko a lovely somewhat puni/soft-looking face. Her cheeks are pretty plump which is often good and she also has small features (including a dot-like nose). She looks really cute and youthful which is good. She also has a few good expressions, but nothing extremely memorable either. Still, she's got a great face and does really well here.
Grade: A

: Is this all the blog is? Just him talking to himself?

: He's somehow able to put the text into the computer and onto the internet.

: How is that even possible?

: Skill, I guess. Same way that Zettai is able to write while being sat on. Sometimes he isn't even able to see what he's writing either!

That just shows how great he is at blogging, even if he says he isn't to remain humble. Errgh...

: What's the matter?

My body is getting all stiff.

: Well then stop looking at Yumeko.

: Don't undress me with your eyes! As an educator you shouldn't stare at my body!

Not that kind of stiff. I mean from staying still this long.

: Too bad, you're the one who made the mistake. Now, just stand still and don't think about tumbling waterfalls, or drizzling hoses, or a raindrops falling off a roof...

You know that sort of thing doesn't work on me.

: Fair, but I figured a joke like that was overdue.

You know me so well. Though speaking of knowing well, how about we get back to the blog?

Build: Yumeko has a somewhat nice body hampered by a lack of seeing it. Not that this is a big fanservice series I guess, but she still has her problems. For positives, Yumeko does have a fairly curvy adult body. She is about as tall as most of her students, which places her on the somewhat short side (though not to badly). She does have somewhat nice thighs, as seen in the opening, and her ass is pretty nice and round too. They even stop for a bit to show it off in the opening, but sadly in the main series I can't remember it being shown off. Overall she's not bad but it would have better had she shown off a bit more.
Grade: B

Chest: Especially because Yumeko has a huge problem right here! She's very busty, and a lot of her fanservice revolves around her large chest. As said previously, during a scan the camera lingers on her ass but her chest gets almost twice as much of a pause before continuing which is really stupid. Not only that, but she gets a scene where she can't fit in a school swimsuit and has to resort to bouncing around in a bikini. For the school festival she also pops a button off a waitress outfit, barely fitting inside it in the first place. While I only flipped quickly through her introduction chapter, for some reason her chest seems to stand out even MORE in the manga. What makes this worse is that Yumeko is voiced by Nana Mizuki. Now, I'll get into how this works in other ways later, but considering that this was after the horrible moments in ViVid it's like they're trying to force her to voice mamocentric characters and feels like a complete betrayal. I cannot put my feelings accurately into words about how I feel about this, it's a fairly complicated emotion of rage that I don't completely understand. It's just extremely idiotic and the dumb mamocentric creators are awful, and watching her Nana be misused was like getting jabbed in the side with a spear. Fortunately most of the time it's kept in check, but as said a few moments her large chest seems to bust out and gets shoved in the viewer's face.
Grade: C

*Yumeko seems flustered.*

: G-good boys and girls shouldn't be talking about that sort of thing!

What do you mean? It's important to the blog!

: That's why he asks for permission.

: Y-yes, but I wasn't expecting him to talk about my b-boobies and b-butt!

: It's alright, the curtain has lifted and you can call it an ass.

: Don't say such curse words!

I can say "Ass". It's in the bible!

: Topaz, that's a different kind of ass...

: Regardless, you shouldn't say such perverse things!

Luckily we're done with that part, so it shouldn't be a problem.

: Really?

I won't promise you. But let's continue!

Clothes: Yumeko has a mostly nice wardrobe. Her usual outfit is reserved but still pretty sexy; it consistes of a long-sleeved white dress shirt with buttons tucked into a short blue-grey skirt with a belt. It fits her teacher personality really well, I think. She also wears pantyhose which is always great. Occasionally she'll wear a yellow or blue sweater over her shirt as well. For fanservice outfits she tries to put on a black school swimsuit with tag (though cannot fit), a green bikini, a brown waitress outfit with black bow tie, and a cat costume (like the kind a mascot would wear, not the kind that would be cat ears and tail. Though I should mention that in Subaru's artwork she did have both.). In official art and the manga her bikini is striped and she wears a white one in the opening as well. Overall when she tries for fanservice it fails but I really like her normal outfit and find it really attractive somehow.
Grade: B

Personality: Yumeko is a fairly basic clumsy teacher-type. She's still fairly endearing, mostly due to the cute voice Nana Mizuki gives her. She's a great talent and deserves more respect, and I will admit that having her sing the opening is partially what inspired me to watch this show in the first place (that was before I knew she was doing the meganekko). Yumeko herself is quite cute, even slipping up with words of encouragement and trying hard to get the correct terms (though I cannot be sure the actual translations as the subtitles were likely trying too hard). As for backstory, Yumeko becomes the supervisor of the art club when its previous teacher heads to the newspaper club. She then has a funny scene with one of the students who thinks Yumeko is going to kidnap her, but the other club members draw a picture of Yumeko. Other than that, and her aforementioned cuteness, there isn't a lot going on with Yumeko. She's supportive of her students, I suppose, but nothing too out of the ordinary. She's still cute though, and Nana Mizuki is a good VA despite my gripes from before.
Grade: B

Libido: Sadly Yumeko scores poorly here. She's really touchy whenever Subaru, the main male lead, gets caught with erotic books (even if it just happens to be a coincidence) and gives him a big scolding. She also gets worried with all his mentions of "waifus" and the like, thinking he's some sort of troublemaker. That said I did like when she fainted and Subaru almost gave her CPR. He refused, saying that he couldn't kiss a 3D girl, but I like that kind of romance (though he's not a shota so it's not as great as it could have been). She also gets handed a can from another teacher in the festival episode, but I don't know if its a guy or girl (a ponytail will do that) let alone the name. Maybe that (probably female) teacher has a bigger role in the manga, but who knows. Overall she's not very strong here.
Grade: C

Age: I can't be too sure of Yumeko's age. On one hand she does seem to be a teacher, which means she's most likely above 18 (she's not a loli teacher, after all). She also seems like a fairly new one as well, so she'd be on the younger side of things. However, without a more concrete age this is about as high as she goes.
Grade: A

Total Grades: 77
Average score: 8.6
Final Grade: B+

And that's the blog for the week!

: Awesome, and just in time. We're done with our artworks!

*Ririchiyo and Yumeko reveal their paintings. Riri's is quite good, while Yumeko's is sorta sloppy.*

: If I could have had a little more time...

Don't worry, it's still probably better than I could have done.

: Topaz's image would likely be stick figures.

Shhh, don't tell her that!

: Well, even if you got somewhat touchy I do appreciate you doing a blog on me.

*Yumeko bows to Topaz and Ririchiyo.*

It was our pleasure, we couldn't have done it without you!

: Well, we could have but those were the early terrible ones.


: It was my pleasure, but now I must bid you goodbye.

See ya!

*Yumeko waves to Topaz and Ririchiyo, who wave back, as she leaves.*

: That went well.

I agree, now I have two paintings of myself.

: D-don't post them publicly, I don't want people to think that I like you enough to put effort into your portrait. I-I just needed the art experience, so don't flatter yourself!

Don't worry, I'll keep them safe. Now, do you know who we'll be looking at next time?

: I think you already gave out clues last time. Remember? That one Long Rider's Meganekko?

Wait, that actually finished?

: YES! And Zettai did a blog on his favorite girl so the readers should totally check it out!

I agree, and join us next time where we'll talk about a biking meganekko!

*Topaz and Ririchiyo leave the room, turning out the lights. However, the camera descends to where his bracelet still lays, and it lets out a sparkle.*
Posted by emperortopaz | Feb 23, 2017 7:17 AM | Add a comment
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