LPGeneratorx's Blog

Jun 10, 2014 2:44 AM
Anime Relations: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

So let me just say before I start ranting on this topic that Gurren Lagann is definitely better than Kill La Kill. This is mainly a blog which explains why I think this.

First of all. The animation. KLK's animation is in no way better than TTGL's. This might be due to the low production value of KLK. TTGL can also be considered more unique in the style of art used in it. This might be because KLK was made by the same director of TTGL, thus making KLK look a little less unique than TTGL.

Also, KLK had a shit-ton more fanservice than TTGL.

Secondly: The characters. This is the part which really made KLK drop below TTGL. While Gurren Lagann has a gigantic roster of character, and also develops the main character(Simon), in contrast Kill la Kill has a much smaller cast of characters, and the main character(Ryuko) doesn't develop much at all.

And then there's Mako. Ah, Mako. If you don't know by now, KLK is widely criticized for its use of the comic-relief character, Mako. Most people either like her, or they flat out despise her. I honestly can't find why people find her so annoying. Yes, she does interrupt the "serious" action scenes VERY often. But I don't find that wrong like others do. The entire point of the show is to be a stupid and fun show that will keep you entertained, regardless if you think its good or not. When the show starts to lean on the serious side, it starts to "lose its way". Mako is there as an unbreakable wall, to stop the show from becoming serious, and she immediately kicks it back into stupidity. Thus, no, I don't find Mako , or her family for that matter, annoying.

Third: Plot Originality. This one is a little hard to decide. Both plots are ridiculously over-the-top, and both have a change in villain near the middle.
TTGL: Beastmen to Anti-Spirals.
KLK: Satsuki to Ragyou.

Both series also use the plot point of: "Humanity is under attack from alien forces."
TTGL: Anti-Spirals

Overall, I would say both plots are equal. But TTGL wins in 2 sections:
1. Since TTGL is older than KLK, I would say that the idea of making a crazy plot, came for TTGL. Thus, TTGL is more "original".
2.TTGL was much more large and epic in scale, compared to KLK.

Fourth: The music. The music in both series aren't anything special. But TTGL definitely takes the trophy home in this one. While TTGL didn't have many good tracks, KLK just had one song that you can remember, which is the "Don't lose your way" song. TTGL's soundtrack wasn't too memorable, but it had a wider variety of tracks to chose from.

So, with all those things in mind, I would say that Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is better than Kill La Kill, but only by a little.

So, what did you think of both of those series? Did you agree with me? And if you disagree, feel free to make a decent argument in the comment section.
Posted by LPGeneratorx | Jun 10, 2014 2:44 AM | 1 comments
Inevitabilis | Jun 10, 2014 10:54 AM
Sure thing, KLK cannot surpass TTGL, and anyone who thinks different is most likely just an immature KLK fanboy.

I agreed with most of the statements too, except for the music.
KLK is way better in terms of it in my view. "Don't lose your way" is not the only great and memorable track here - how about "Blumenkranz" and "I wanna know", for example? They're catchy and still popular in anime community. And besides, background OST is better too, 'cause simply Hiroyuki Sawano is god. But music is the most subjective aspect of any anime, so....
DDDeleteDDD | Jun 10, 2014 8:46 AM
Of course TTGL is superior.
Despite the piss-poor animation in episode 4, TTGL's animation was outstanding and the last 7 episodes (especially the last 3) were flawless and will kick majority of any series/movies out the park on blu-ray.

I consider TTGL overall to have a better soundtrack but KLK's soundtrack was beast imo there were a lot of memorable tracks and the OP/ED's were solid as well.

I agree with most of your points here.
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