I'm really in the blind here. This show has so many fans and most of the people are giving it praise. I personally found it to be boring, annoying most of the time and it's story was subpar. What am I missing?
When you take a terrible anime and make the specials even more terrible. Specter Graham is one of the most annoying characters in anime I ever had to watch.
Another one of those shows I just don't see what others see in it. It's not that I don't like shows like this, Asobi Asobase was great for example. This just didn't have any comedy in it. It just had 12 episodes of boring, can't wait for it to end.
6,5. This anime started so good and I could call in a masterpiece for the first 10 episodes. Then it started to lose it's mystery and they tried way too hard to over complicate the story. At same time most of the episodes from ep 10 on were a snorefest.