
Gintama (Manga) add (All reviews)
Oct 21, 2010
Preliminary (1/709 chp)
*This review was originally for Bankara and has consequently been merged into Gintama*

This a one shot, that was like been written like one, so I will try to be fast.

Bankara is a parody of the society, and some other things, written from one my favorites mangakas Sorachi Hideaki. It talk about the way that our world is walking on and "growth" on. It's a society with many problems, more of them even the people don`t really understanding them. Most of the people are trying to find there way to the freedom, delinquents often are being seen like that. In this manga they are like the stupid rebels, the normal students are like the people of the grown society and someone, our girl, have the mission to protect the morals, the law and the peace of this society, but even she don`t really understand it, she is just force to do it. In society like that come someone like our hero. He is coming from the past, actually from a society with almost the same problems, they just become even bigger with the time. But even then he could become what he is... He is no really so great man, that is doing revolution to change the world or something like that... No, no... He is simple destroying with brutal strength. He is destroying everything that he one of this bullshits. And this is written to us, the young people, because we are the future and he want to tell us to stop believing in the hypocrisy of out society and to brake out of it's prison when our senses of real freedom (if we really one to call this freedom) are the best.

P.S. Sorry for my poor writing skills on this language, and of course you always have the right to think about me like an idiot, because i believe that this manga is actually good. But you are human too, therefore you are an idiot too.
Reviewer’s Rating: 9
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