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HowTragic Feb 4, 2015 6:19 PM
You know what? I'm a horrible person. And I hate MAL. I actually typed this response 3 times the day after you replied, and all 3 times MAL trolled me. First time I typed a huge wall of text, clicked submit, and MAL timed out. Second time I did it and clicked submit, it logged me out because cookies fucked up. The last time I was about to finish typing and save first but then it randomly focused me out of the box. I clicked backspace because I was still typing, and the rest is history. (I rage quitted)

But now I'm going to suck it up and finish this message (copy+saving everything after every 5 minutes). Sorry for this huge period of silence. A quick glance at your profile tells me that you only bother logging on MAL to talk to me. Aisareteru ne. Ureshii na, teehee.

So yeah. Apparently, Kanmusus licking and deepthroating sushi rolls is the current FB meme trend. That or I'm falling deeper into the rabbit hole. I can only imagine the hell wrought loose next year should I decide subconsciously to open FB in the middle of my medical school lecture, and it gets video taped by the camera in the back and posted online (all lectures are recorded and posted online for students). Then along comes randomass sick kid at home who watches the lecture instead of going to it: "The... fuck is that kid... looking at porn in the middle of class??". One way trip to expulsion huehue.

I'm 100% 賛成 with your theory of "'mutually assured destruction' or 'world peace achieved'" from a player's perspective. I'm sure no one wants to get T-crossed at boss node while Flag-Wos are booming all your Hoterus while you double attack them for 3 and MISS respectively. Honestly, even Head-on engagements get kind of annoying when you're doing scratch damage and eating criticals.

Although this is already "old" news now, I actually got Taihou the day after new years and Cleverly Disguised Mexican a couple of days afterwards. With our graduation from LSC and completion of 5-5, we have officially graduated from kuso teitokuness. OMEDETOU TO US. We finally made it. I was always wondering how people got thousands of points while I only had 686 after clearing all of the extra maps. I see now. So clearing simple boss nodes DO give you a minimum amount of points towards rankings. In that case, I surmise 5-4, being a bloody easy 100% guaranteed Boss map, and a World 5 one at that, would give you the most minimum points for the least amount of headaches. I'm glad you like my fleet name haha, I try. I actually thought up of that in the middle of clearing 5-5 in December because my ships were heavily deeerping and I finally snapped and said "You know, if you insist on acting like little hoes, you're going to be named like little hoes". And voila "Foreplay", "69", "Anaru" and "Creampie", respectively.

They would have had resale value if fucking BSR would STOP reprinting them like illegals having children here after crossing the border. But no. KC is a cashcow and why should they. They're still printing the first Vol and it's been a year. I bought 2 more boxes over break, and guess what, I pulled a Signed Chikuma, another Holo Chikuma and a Holo Wagahai. I swear the Tone-class CVs just won't leave me alone *cry* and they're not bringing the kind of companionship that I desire involving their lack of panties and the hard bulge in my pants (joking). But yeah that's it, I'm done with this card game lol. I've sank enough to buy 2 PS4 at full price, and I still don't even have the PS3 that I wanted.

Well this is no longer applicable, but I was overwhelmed by the hype, and watched the webrips also. I thought it was REALLY well done, though the kill on Anchorage Hime was kinda cheap. The OP and ED are some catchyass tunes. I've been loving the series so far, especially given the balls that the directors had to actually sink Kisaragi. They're actually pretty involved with determining the origin of the Shinkaisei-kan with the recent episode, and I could expect them to end on some sort of revelation by the end of the series (perhaps seeing the Abyssalized Kisaragi in the meantime ^_^). But yeah the net blew up over Ep 3 to the point that my Jap teacher even read news about it and asked me what was going on in class. Anyways, how are you liking it? It seem like it's getting a lot of unjustified hate for not catering to these ignorant plebs. What did they expect? A pre-season to introduce all these ships and explain their quirks and personalities?

And let's give our best with the event tomorrow. I've prepped my Reppus in these couple of months and stocked up on ASW from my furious crafting last night, so I expect to be fully capable in terms of resources, equipment and available ships. If for some reason, another Summer E-6 pops up during this middle-sized event, I'll be ready this time with my Yamatos...

But anyways, (お詫びとして) and to end this long overdue reply,
You know you play too much kancolle when you walk into the elevator, see this, and the first thing you can say is "NOOOOO. TEATIME WA DAIJI NI SHINAITO NEE!!"
What. A. Moment.

Also fucking this:
I spazmed so hard when I saw this. It makes so much sense it's like wow.
HowTragic Dec 31, 2014 6:55 PM
Happy New Years!!! あけましておめでとう!!

Yeah I mean, of course the KC fanbase is smaller than DOTA2/LOL almost everywhere except Japan. Haha sometimes the wiki does go full retard, and we can't help it. It's fun to watch the mods try to sort out flame wars because someone's favorite waifu K2 got dissed. The fb page is kinda funny haha, especially the Kuso Teitoku page. My FB feed is filled with so many weeb pages that it is no longer SFW and I can't open fb in public.
->Opens FB -> First thing that pops up is kuso teitoku watching Prinz Eugen huffing Bismarck's stripped panties ->Alt+F4

I'm inclined to think that the in-game predictor is working fine, and the devs did that on purpose. The reason is because if it was a glitch, such a glaring fault should have been brought to their attention a long time ago, and yet they didn't bother to patch it after all this time. Another possibility is since the values are actually decimal numbers, it might be programmed to give the rounded down number. In most cases there's a chance you can get +1 more. As such, it's better (and easier on player psyche) if you actually get more than initially predicted rather than less. I would rather have it say +3 and get +4 than have it say +4 and get +3. Either way, the correct way to calculation your gain is already on both wikis so we don't really need the predictor anyways. However, one thing that's been bugging me since I started this game is the T-crossing. When I get T-crossed both sides suffer 60% damage modifier, but it should be that only one side get the T-crossed modifier of 60% but the other side gets a T-crossing modifier of 120%. It seems silly that the same modifiers apply to both sides.

Congratulations. I found you on the rankings the other day and holy shit man over 1000 TTK points. I ran something like 30 5-5 runs without success, burning out my resources before I changed to Yamato classes and cleared my first 5-5 after finals week. Then it was a race against time as I had less than 10 days to clear 3 more runs + final clear. Well I sucked it up and got it down to 2 clear on the 28th here. In all the videos I've seen the bloody Re-class would be in double formation and hit scratch torps, but I swear every single time I ran it they would be in straight line-formation and would boom one of my carriers with a torp. They've also boomed me yamatos to the point that I just go into pre-boss expecting to be boomed and subsequently retreating (only after I neatly raze those fuckers in NB, of course). There's one time that I entered preboss with all ships in green, and came out of the battle with 4 ships in red (2 Re torps + 2 Re shellings go figure huehue) and my brain in a perpetuals state of "what the fuck? what the fuck just happened? what?". With less than 3 days and still 2 more clears I was about to give up given my less than 5k fuel, but I started pulling my shit together and, with a bit of luck, I managed to clear 5-5 yesterday:
So I finally managed to get the 4 medals I need for a blueprint for Chikuma.... 2 days early... and wasted over 50k fuel 35k ammo 40k bauxite for this debacle. My inner asian committee of fair trade and consumerism is going ballistic. And in the end all I managed to hit was about 686 TTK points and Taishou. Meh, well I wanted to do this for an experience. I certainly won't ever be doing this bloody trollass map again.

Haha yeah I'm pretty much over that. There's no guarantee that I would even give two shits about the game by May of next year (or should I say this year). I pulled a damaged Hamakaze (titty monster) and Chikuma K2 ( with a signed Yasen Baka K2 out of my 3 boxes. Not great but I can't complain. Vol2 will likely be localized also sometimes later this year because it seems like BSR has decided that the entire kancolle series was something that was "safe" to bring over to the western market. Lol whatever.

Yeah same here man. I was so surprised that I didn't start out with shimakaze because that was a name that I knew before I even knew what kancolle was. It took a trip to the wiki to make me realize how rare shimakaze was and how many construction hoops I had to jump through to get her. I think it's because of that shibafu face that I don't find either Fubuki or Akagi attractive, despite them both essentially having long black hair. Akagi in particular I see in fanarts sometimes and holy shit it's like 100% waifu material right there, but then I'd turn to the official art and all my sensually and sexually gratifying energy would instantly evaporate due to something unattractive about their countenance.

Haha keep the cool modder's club to a minimum. Don't get banned for tampering with the elements and codes and whatnot. I'm too inept to bother with stuff like that - all the technological knowledge I need to know is to get pirated games to work, convert music files, and make sure I eventually understand IRC.

HowTragic Dec 14, 2014 3:41 PM
KC is not lesser known in China. China pretty much copies everything going on in Japan, so it's also a pretty huge hit over there apparently, just like it's going to be over here as soon as the anime airs and all these dweeabs who get their anime off Crunchyroll thinking they're "in the loop" start bombastically bandwagoning the series. Dweeafags over here are already drooling at the next opportunity to sink their teeth in a series that comes over here and genericide it within a matter of months. Sure I'm looking forward to the anime, but boy do I fear the subsequent shitstorm. I just hope that DMM doesn't take extreme action against foreign IP from the inevitable flux of kuso teitokus from the west. You might not be affected, but I'll be damned if they start freezing DMM accounts that are known to come from foreign IPs. I'm being pretty damn selfish here, but fuck people.

So with regard to the wiki, I can vouch for its data. I used 2 maruyu kais, and as you said, it projected only a +2 increase in luck, but I got a +4 increase in luck from 44->48 on Haruna. Maruyu kai is +1.6 luck. Using two gives you 3.2 luck, which is between 3 and 4. The 20% success probably comes from the fact that it's 4 times closer to 3 than 4, giving the ratio 4:1 and a percentage of 20 overall.

So I decided to run 5-5 a few more times also because my ammo stock is getting past regen and I don't have enough steel to do crafting. Unfortunately, I didn't have the same luck as you, and although I got past elite-Re two times and hit boss node, my ships weren't able to take down Wo-flag-kai even once. Both times I entered boss with all my CVs or half my entire fleet med damaged. I can't get aerial superiority, so my ships just kinda chucked bricks at the enemy, getting Re'd in the process. I entered night battle both times with only 2 viable BBs against a healthy Wo flag kai, a flag wo with fucking 5 HP left, and a healthy Re. Both times my first BB attacked the 5HP wo flag (plebs couldn't kill it during day and left it with 5HP.... BOTH runs), and then the second BB does scratch damage to Re. All times after that ended in retreats ranging from wtf aerial phases to trollass re torps. The only time I MIGHT have succeeded was the first time I ran it, but Rashinban-chan was like like " HAHA! DEAD END SURPRISE MOTHAFUKAAAA. FUCK YOU RANDOM ASIAN KID PLAYING FROM BOSTON." I'm already at the end of my wits seriously fuck this map. My CTLs couldn't even hit dong with max torp stat in double line, wth is up with that elite re booming battleships in diamond. And here I thought I was going to get the full 4 medals this month to upgrade Chikuma. With shit like parasitology looming over my head for finals week I might as well throw in the towel... but not before I completely drain my resources to TTK HQ20 levels...

Only SP (SPecial) and SSP (Super SPecial) cards are signed. In Haruna's case, she only has the Kai-ni card in this set, and her Kai-ni got a SSP, SR (holo card with damaged artwork), and the normal RR (double rare) card, all technically the "same" card but with different flavor texts and artwork. SSP are suppose to have the damaged artworks with the VA signature, but I don't know why this time they just had the regular artwork for it. Honestly I would be happy just getting the SR version since it has Haruna's damage art, but given my "luck" described above I've pretty much resigned myself to pulling a bunch of crap cards like I did last time, raging for a brief moment at how some lucky fuck online bought one box and pulled an SSP sign, before I give up and devote my money and time somewhere else. It's gonna to happen. Now the only problem is I don't even have my fucking cards yet. Despite paying 3000YEN for EMS (my first time EMS), the shit's stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere and hasn't even reached the ISP in New York despite being shipped on the 10th. Once it hits ISP New York it'll take another 2 days or so to even reach USPS, who then slowpokes the package to Boston with another couple of days. 3 day EMS? Fucking joke.

So yeah. Bushiroad (the makers of the TCG) stuck a pole further in my ass when they announced that they were bringing KC cards to english. Out of all the bloody series they could have localized, they decided on the one series that has no coherent fanbase here, that I bought in Japanese and fucking believed in it like the bible that it wouldn't come over. Har har touche mother fucker.

Honestly I thought Fubuki would get K2 by now, not that I'm going to train her or anything. She's like the cover girl for the entire series and the fact she hasn't gotten a K2 yet makes me very very confused. But then again, the devs are encouraging kuso TTKs to steal presents from hoppou-chan for Christmas so you can never know what the hell those crazy fucks are thinking.
HowTragic Dec 10, 2014 11:04 PM
Don't mean to double reply, but I thought you'd like an update on Chinacolle. I tried to sign up for it, but it seems like it's on a restricted user base at the moment that requires an activation code of sorts, which can only be obtained in a closed community. By that I mean the current instructions for getting it are to get it from "Activation Ambassadors" in their QQ group, which ironically is also password protected. Alternatively there's some people with extra codes posting on forums to PM codes, but that has a 4-5 page backlog at the moment. Them damn Chinese people flooding this moeblob game. kuso. kuso everywhere.

So yeah I'll probably just leave it as it is until it's ready to be a more public game, since it seems like neither I, nor any other westerners, are able to get a spot easily. A shame though, since I really wanted to play Midway Princess.
HowTragic Dec 10, 2014 9:01 PM
Our winter breaks are about 2.5-3 weeks long, depending on when your finals end. I always get the shitty exam times on the last days so my breaks are consistently a week or so shorter than others. In fact, my roommate just left for break today because the fucker didn't have any finals. A legitimate one and half weeks more of break than me FML. No MMOs have caught my eyes yet... and I refuse to play DOTA2 or LoL. So I guess I'll just be turtling through my huge anime and VN backlog until there's something worth playing.

This actually reminds me I have to do the quest for that Type 1 AP shell so Yamato gets 200 FP to satiate my OCD. Normally I only equip APs shells on those already above the daytime FP cap (Yamato classes), which means fast BBs usually aren't equipped with them. I prefer double attacks also, although it seems like the chances for one of the two to miss or do scratch damage is trollishly high by the time you get to World 5. But man, when you activate those AP cut-ins and they do a total of 1 damage on an enemy destroyer... my facepalms could be heard down the hall. Two rolls on damage?.. what does that mean, like they roll twice and add the damage?

So according to kancolle wiki, if you add 5 maruyu kais you get +8 luck 100% of the time. That would mean an average of 1.6 luck per maruyu flat. But if you do 2 maruyus you get either +4 luck or +3 luck, a mixture of 2.0 luck per maruyu or 1.5 luck per maruyu. In that case it seems like it would be better to do 2 maruyus as even if you fail, the discrepancies between 1.5 and 1.6 per maruyu isn't too big, but if you succeed then 2.0 per maruyu is a huge jump. As for 3, I think success is 1.67 and failure is 1.3 so it's pretty up for grabs, although I do note a substantially higher rate of success compared to using 2 maruyus. Also, how do you reckon adding a regular maruyu (not kai) with 2 kais would be?

So I sucked it up and cleared 5-3 fervently, capitalizing on NB equips. I got fed up with destroyers getting boomed so I stripped them of the third slot and had damecons on them. Haruna pulled through for me in the end and I cleared the final run earlier today. Then I realized how much of a joke 5-4 was and roflstomped it with 5 straight clears. I did a 5-5 for shits and giggles and actually got past the pre-boss Elite Re, but then this FUCKING RASHINBAN MAN. Fucking sent me to L node while I was fully prepared to take on boss for the first time. Some majorly gaaaaaay trolling went down. But hey, I cleared world 5 in the span of 2 days so I guess I should content myself with that. Re-chan is pretty damn scary, hitting Kongou to orange with opening torps despite in diamond formation with low torp damage and acc. I would hate to see what happens if devs revamped 5-5 to have all enemy formations in line ahead. Teitokuuz tearz, teitokuuz tearz everywarez.

Haha yeah I lost my marbles in the middle of theology class when I found this pic on fb, and everyone stared at me so I had to play it low for the rest of the period. Damn man you have some major connection or searching skills or whatever. I've been looking for this damn site for the past week or so, but since I've never really searched stuff in Chinese (except for chinese eroge patches), I had trouble thinking of keywords to type to get my desired result. Well in the end it was a matter of my own incompetence. But yeah I'll give it a run and see how it plays. It's times like these that even my shitty Chinese foundation comes in handy haha.

So remember I told you I played a KC deck in weiss schwarz?... yeah well the vol 2 of kc came out, including cards such as taigei, ryuuhou, even akizuki from this past event. Guess what's also in this vol 2? DAIJOUBU-KAI-NI SSP signed card by Touyama Nao, the VA. I have 3 boxes coming in about 3-4 days and god I would squeal like a fangirl if I could pull SSP Haruna. Wait.. now that I take a closer look at it, why is this SSP not of Haruna's damaged art? It is with every other SSP man Bushiroad way to fuck things up. Anyways, I would like to direct your attention to the fact that right now, there is a great, very important choice that is in the process of being made: namely, which 3 boxes from a carton of 16 will the random Japanese guy who works at the Amiami warehouse pick to for my order and whether it'll have an SSP haruna in it or just shit cards like I got last time. Cmon random Japanese guy! I'm rootin' for ya!
HowTragic Dec 9, 2014 10:55 AM
Yeah, no problem. I've been pretty busy on my end with finals just around the corner, and about to get busier until the 20th, when I go home. The good news, however, is I was accepted to my first choice medical school last week. Since then I've pretty much been in a perpetual state of lethargy and confusion, you know, that phase when you achieve your goal and have no idea what you're doing next. Looking forward to the holiday season as I can finally lift my ban on MMOs and dive into some good ol' time-consuming pleasures.

I finally got one Type 32 radar (and a Type 14 one) a couple of weeks ago while crafting, but it seems like the norm nowadays for BBs are two 46cms, one ob seaplane, and one AP round to trigger daytime cut-in, leaving no room for radars anyways. I got Bismarck to Drei at the end of last month and have been trying to trigger its "Mixed Night Cut-in (130% x2, hit consecutively)" with the setup: two 46cms, one torp, one ob seaplane, according to kancolle wiki. However I've had no luck in that regard because it seems like she's just triggering a normal 1 main, 2 torp cut-in in pvp, and it's only hitting once. Then again, maybe it won't activate again because that usually brings the target down to 1 hp, so it might actually trigger in game-maps when over-killing enemy targets are permitted. Further testing is required I guess.

And to double check the most efficient way of upgrading luck, the highest gain/cost ratio is to use 2 maruyu-kais for each upgrade right? That gives 4 luck if success, 3 if fail, and the only trade-off is having to train maruyus to kai. I had an illegal influx of maruyus the other day where 3 came in the period of 2 days, and it's eating up all my welfare leaving me with 2 open spaces in my fleet. I'm still stuck on 5-3 (or rather just been too lazy to run it yet). But I hope to clear world 5 by the end of this month and maybe have some luck to clear 5-5 for a blueprint. Chikuma's been waiting at 70 for 3 weeks now.

Haruna on the new PV clip. hell YEHHHHHH. Sasuga ore no yome da. And that poi face is so meme. It's been circulating everywhere online and I see it a ton on all the dank fb meme pages that I subscribe to. Water Oni, on the other hand, has been getting a couple more fanarts, but still not to the point that I thought it would get to. Maybe you've had a different experiences seeing as you find things directly from the pixiv source.

Chinacolle!!! I've been seeing those screens on fb a lot, teitokus with entire abyssal fleets, destroyers with 180 plane counts, and sendai cutting in with 3 drum cannisters LOL fucking chinese modders. And this picture LOL I was literally on the floor rolling when I saw this. They even bothered to change the name into a legitimate Japanese reading of the two kanjis. Then I noticed the "重” on the card and went back into my post-ecstatic seizures.

But yeah I'm definitely going to give it a shot if I can find it, but so far all of my searches have turned out to be nothing and there's no instructions on how to access it. I've tried searching in Chinese also but all I've found are Chinese links related to the official kancolle. Got any idea where to look? One of the pictures had a "VIP (number)" next to the teitoku name, making me think that this is a private server of sorts.
HowTragic Nov 19, 2014 5:15 PM
Sure you can equip 33s on any ships, but if you're gearing your ships with the best, as you should be at HQ 100+, you wouldn't want to put a 33 on a heavy ship anyways. I honestly don't think 33s are that much rarer. According to the data from Kancolle wiki with results logged by Japanese players, they're both of equal rarity with about ~2.4% or so. Generally speaking, for maps that you would even need to gear your ships for to this point, most of the ships you're using whether with regular fleet sortie or combined mechanisms are heavy class (CV, CA, BB, etc). If that's the case, and since 32s can be equipped on ANY non-DD ships (even CL, though you'd never want to unless they have 4 slots), having extra 32s has a far greater overall contribution compared to having extra 33s. You really don't need more than 4 or 5 EliteDD at any point in this game (supplemented by the 3-4 type 13 kais that we've got already) unless they throw locking mechs like AL/MI. Even if you do need the best equips for DDs, most maps that predominately require light ships don't have high (or any, for that matter) LOS requirements. In terms to damage, DDs just aren't particularly important (like, would you rather have your Yamato-class BB miss a hit on flag Ta, or a destroyer miss?) and most DDs/CLs dedicate their third slot to NB equipment anyways, where they shine. I guess in the end it really comes down to what we have and what we need. You have 32s and no 33s so you might think that you got the shorter end of the stick, but I have 33s and no 32 so I might (mistakenly) think the exact opposite. For me, I really think this 33 is not cutting it for Bismarck, as she misses so much during DB and hits scratch at NB that I can count the number of times that she's actually hit an enemy on my right hand during all the PvPs I ran with her from 1-52. For all radar crafts with the recipes, it's either with Akagi for CV-based recipes or Haruna for any other heavy crafts. I've tried crafting with Yamato a couple of times and I have always gotten potato'd, so hoteru-chan can stay as hoteru-chan.

Oh shit you're right, I didn't even catch that lol. I just thought "Oh shit two himes, better prepare my anus" and gave up on getting AS at boss node. But either way it ended happily so I'm not complaining too much, though I might be if KTKM-sama didn't trigger that last cut-in and instead missed her single attack. I suppose 12.7cm LMs can still be considered a replacement for 10cm HAs at the price of 2AA for 1ASW, 1 avoid and 1 acc. Yeah I definitely won't let that chance slip since 12.7cm LMs are "rare" and uncraftable, giving them value, but not so much for the actual stats. All my PvP are focused on Prinz Eugen right now, with residual incorporation of Akizuki and Zuikaku. After much contemplation I've finally decided to demote Bismarck Zwei to potato tier after I lost a PvP against a level 27 TTK because she refuses to hit level 30 enemy ships during DB, love getting boomed by a level 25 fusou so much, and hits single digit damages during NB. Seriously what went wrong? ლ(ಠ ಠლ)

Damn I'm all for Midway Princess making an appearance. Maybe even Water Demon if they feel up to the challenge :). But then that'd mean we'd be -1 shoukaku in the series, because I'm assuming they don't have duplicates of the girls for the actual anime. CAN YOU LIVE WITHOUT YOUR WAIFU ON THE BIG SCREEN? CAN YOU???

Wow Shioi is kinda bad after taking a closer look at her stats. I never noticed with all the hype about people finally getting their hands on "MAH NIGGA sub IONAAA" (followed humorously by the comment: "Excuse me?? She's Okinawan.") So far all her standard recipes have turned out squat for me. But the other day I did a LSC before bed to lower my bauxite below regen and got a surprising 8:00 timer. You're right, Musashi isn't difficult to get at all compared the hell I went through to get Bismarck Potato. I'll be sure to kick back into World 5/Quests gear once I train some new ships to their respective levels. The ecstasy that is my waifu Haruna-chan equipping a haxed German radar is just too much.

Yeah I use a derivative source for all my picture. It has NSFW content on it also so I try not to open it in the front row of a large lecture class but you never know ;) "Oh you wanted to see new fanarts of Destroyer Princess in the middle of genomics? Here take this one where she's sucking Teitoku's dick." followed furiously by ALTF4ALTF4ALTF4ALTF4ALTF4ALTF4ALTF4 and many internal screamings. It seems like Prinz Eugen has taken the spotlight this event as fanarts of her and her purely colored pantsu are getting constantly uploaded. I see a couple more for Water Demon, including one that I'm considering changing my pic to, but I guess I'll wait for more people to catch on to the TRUE GEM of Fall 2014.
HowTragic Nov 17, 2014 1:17 PM
In my opinion, T32 is a lot more useful. It gives +8 acc +10 LOS, which is crucial for low-accuracy battleships like Bismarck, and great for events with LOS requirements. In contrast, +5acc +7 LOS for small ships are useless for my fleet of battleships. I don't think that it's the same with hachi and the other subs. Hachi IS better. There is no contention, unlike T33 compared to T32 in terms of supposed rarity. Equipping my bigass battleships with little destroyer radars makes me look like a pleb (not that I'm denying that or anything). The AA cut-in is supposed to shoot down additional enemy planes during the aerial phase but I've never really had a problem with hime until the shelling rounds when she'd inconspicuously boom one of my CAVs to red. I never found much use for it, but I guess it looks pretty cool if nothing else haha. (I've also been hearing that you can craft it with Akashi's factory, not that it matters to me or anything because I don't have Akashi).

I did 2CVs for the majority of E-4, and during the last fight when I knew I wasn't going to get close with aerial superiority, I switched to 3 BBs and 1CV. Tsu-class vanilla has higher stats than flags of the other enemy CLs, which is epic broke. Dat torp stat lol. Well I was running semi-continuous exps 5,6, and 21 during this time so my fuel cost count might have been a couple k higher than previously noted. I still don't see what's so good about Asagumo. I'm considering just scrapping her. She has the late model from urakaze for kai though, which I thought could double subs on NB if you had two of them, but apparently that was patched, effectively making the gun useless.

Damn, I thought you were all about the pure, graceful Shoukaku. Never thought you would even think about sinking her for an evil, naughty version. I guess even the purest of love for a waifu can't escape deep and dark temptations, haha.  見直したぞ、この畜生 ;)
They're really pushing the sunken Shipgirls -> Abyssalization theory. And it seems that abyssalizations are not just WWII allied ships, but also sunken IJN ships with tremendous amounts of residual grudge and regret. For example, Shoukaku was actually torped in the middle of refueling and rearming during a crucial battle, when she was the most vulnerable, and the yankees took advantage of that opening. I'm sure she slowly drowned away with more hatred and helplessness than we can imagine. And that's what makes her reemergence as an elegant Abyssal Class Carrier Hime so beautiful and symbolic.

Haha we're not the only people to think so. I was playing kancolle at my friend's house on the weekends, and we'd take breaks from anime so I'd run an event map. He was curious so he watched along. I showed him all of the reward ships for this event. He saw akizuki and he was like wow looks like chibi Nagato. cute. I was super hyped about Prinz Eugen and he also thought she was cute as shit. Then we get to fucking Nowaki and he's like... "What the fuck is this? She looks like shit" I'm like LOLOL ikr and she's also the reward for the final map. Pretty disappoint :/ Those late 12.7s are worthless now that they patched double attack on subs during NB. This BGM is the shit though. Enjoy BGM while staring at Water Oni: What a beautiful piece of work indeed:

Shioi is easy as hell to get from what I've read. I've failed in my ~6 attempts to get her but that's nothing new. I'm sure it'll pop up in your next LSC. I got Agano and scrapped her like a baws, but I kept Yahagi because yahagi lol. Shit stain of quests? Have you seen my quest menu? Literally 4 pages of it is unfinished Sortie quests that requires a bunch of fucking destroyers I scrapped a long time ago. I have to skip 4 pages to quests to reach my craft dailies everyday. The pleb-ness is strong with this teitoku. But with that being said, I do plan on actually playing the game after the event and advancing the regular maps, as well as clearing some quests. I quit playing the actual maps by end July after I finished 5-2, but now I'm super excited to meet my hime-sama Southern War Princess. Getting too caught up over failed LSC is just me being idiotic, because the game is more than just RNG-shit-list construction. I have more than enough decent ships to actually enjoy the maps now (once I get Bismarck to Drei).

And nice profile pic haha. I found that on the first day of the event after discovering Fashionable Water Oni-sama and was considering changing my prof pic, but ended up waiting for better depictions that are bound to come later. All in all I'm actually pretty picky about profile pictures. They need to have the right artistic styling, the right character poses, just the right amount of contrast and detail, and a generally coherent idea or theme. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled in the coming days though :O
HowTragic Nov 16, 2014 5:58 PM
Dat T32 radar. I've been trying to craft one for god knows how long. According to my crafting records I've already did 120 crafts for it, and not a single one yet. I got a bunch of T33s from that, so I guess that's something. The 50% penguin rate for radars has GOT to stop. 250 bauxite crafts are not something stupidass penguins should be showing up for. I guess for you, with HQ over 100, you can play as much as you want, train as many ships as you need without worrying about HQ inflation or anything. For the past month or so I was trying to limit myself to bare necessities as to keep below 100 for the Fall event, so my ships are pretty underleveled. That, and the fact that I just don't have the will to run a map some hundred times to get a "useless" ship to a certain level. The new mech seems interesting and I triggered it twice while doing E3 with Verniy. I'll look more into it once everything settles down.

Yeah no kidding. I just cleared E-4 a couple of hours ago after I woke up. I had a bit of trouble in the middle when my ships kept derping and getting hit to red at the easiest node D (running Combined Task Fleet because I don't like having only one CV in first fleet) because the new model enemy light cruiser would torp a destroyer to red during ending salvos. Once I got it down for the gauge breaker, it went pretty smoothly. I sent out a support fleet and managed to reach boss node first sortie. Opening support shell nearly took down an armored hime. I entered night battle with 3 enemy ships (Dark Shoukaku, Armored Hime, Ta). Yukikaze cut-ined Hime and the rest of fleet boomed Ta and wittled down D. Shoukaku's HP. When it reached KTKM who was last in my fleet, the angels sang out and out from the heavens came a torpedo cut-in for a decisive victory. Summer event literally made this seem like a walk in the park. I used about 12k fuel, 15k ammo, 15k in steel, 8k in bauxite, and 150 buckets in total, a merely fraction of what costed me to clear even half the summer event. Only 5-6 kills to break gauge? What is this madness?

I must be making the right impression if the first thing you thought about was "Zeke would like this character..." But truly she's a fashion goddess. Platform boots with lolita dress, gothic hair highlights with a graceful, peculiar speech and demeanor, she's all my NGGGGHHHHHHs in a single character. While we're on this topic, I hope you'll forgive me for half NTRing your Shoukaku waifu, as I am only interested in this dark version. The devs really outdid themselves this event with the historical realism tied into the game. Destroyer Princess doesn't only LOOK like Harusame, she IS Harusame. She's abyssalization of Harusame, who sank during the historical Operation Kon. Likewise, the EO is actually the historic Battle of Philippine Sea which followed Operation Kon. Aircraft Carrier Water Demon, as the boss of EO looks like and is the abyssalization of Shoukaku, who sank during this battle. I literally broke out in goosebumps when I found out that it wasn't just coincidence that these new bosses looked so much like your own ship girls. It's like the spirits of these ships were coming back filled with malice and regrets. Superb.

I don't even know what I'm suppose to be training at this point. I got Asagumo from final clear of E-3 and Hayashimo from E-4, plus all the event ships. I had 99 ships and couldn't run anything until I finally decided to scrap a bunch of level 16 destroyers that I never used. I guess I'll start with my favorite: Prinz Eugen for her hax radar and 20.3cm.... or should I work on getting Bismarck to 75 so I can threesom- mean drei her? Akizuki has what it takes to be an EliteDD so I'll probably do her next.
Nowaki.. why did I even get her?....
I just YT the BGMs. Usually someone puts up the 10 minute loop of all the new BGMs within a day, and it's been my study music for the past few days. Whatever epic feelz you had when your shipwaifus fought their inner demons for you in this event is amplified tremendously by these dank compositions.

Wow damn you are now officially done with LSC. I did 4 celebratory LSC to down my resources below regen limits and I got Zuikaku after nearly 100 levels. Now I can finally get my second fucking repair team from Unryuu's quest last event, so I got that going for me which is nice. The rest I got shit, typical of my luck. Oh boy here we go again.

HowTragic Nov 15, 2014 11:05 AM
It really was quite an experience. Well I'm the kind of person who'd try something, even something stupid, at least once to see how it goes. It's definitely the case that the ones with less content are usually the ones who boast the loudest. There's a proverb in Chinese that says a full bottle of water doesn't make any noise when you shake it. In contrast half-filled bottles makes the loudest noise.

Yeah I'm pretty pumped for Bismarck. I just zwei'd her over Chikuma (probably not a great choice ik) and am counting on the remaining event maps and X-5 runs to drei her for MAXIMUM TORPS. One thing I've noticed though is that Bismarck has severely curbed accuracy compared to my other BBs. Like she literally misses every other shelling and it's disheartening to say the least. The Nagato's have been fucked in the ass so hard I'm not even kidding. Like literally they are now outclassed by the OUTDATED Fusou-class BBs. They lost their monopoly on AP shells to fBBs a couple of updates ago, and now they've lost what little bonus they had in stats to other slow BBs. The fBBs are literally running circles around the Nagatos - I mean who would sortie a slow BB when they can sortie an equally good, if not better fast BB? I personally left my Nagato and Mutsu at level 45 and 43 respectively since well before summer event (back then when I didn't know what the hell I was doing).

Yeah I guess I was too worried about this event. It's laughably easy compared to fucking summer AL/MI. Something about having to sink Midway Princess 8-9 times to progress makes having to sink even BB hime 5 times to pass a joke. It's been only 24 hrs and I finished E1-E3 last night despite having half a day of classes, netting my twin-tail German CA Prinz Eugen in the process. Literally everyone knew it was gonna be Prinz right after they said "foreign CA", and that much was clear when I read Bismarck's success at the Battle of Denmark Strait assisted by Prinz. But damn her radar has haxed stats wtf radars giving FP what is this broken shit. Gonna take it easy for E4 since the rewards aren't all that great, but I'm still 69000 exp away from level 100 so I should be fine. E-3 gave me a goodass trolling during the last clear when I decided to run a support exp but didn't have any prior experience in doing so. I ended up sending resource-heavy Yamato on it and then failed the first sortie since Tone got hit to red, so I did the second sortie and actually HIT boss, but for some fucking reason the support exp didn't activate and all my ship girls did ridiculous scratch damage in both DB and NB (KTKM-sama's cut-in did 8 to a Ru-flag lol). Only later did I realize that the exp ends even if you retreat from a sortie and it doesn't even TELL YOU that it returns. It just comes back surreptitiously shoving half-k resource bills up my ass. I ran another one with support, only to end up on the 2 maelstrom 4 battle route. I entered boss node with both fleet literally at 0 fuel and 0 ammo, got my ass handed to me with a 5k 10 bucket repair bill. Then I failed the next expedition because Haguro -> Red before my shipgirls got their shit together and dominated the last sortie. All ships entered in green HP, support exp took down the light escorts (CL +2DD) and KTKM-sama, Yandere-chan, and Pirate Lord Kiso torped the Wo and Ru flag to death during opening salvos. Then my first fleet pretty much pewpewed the lone BB hime with two rounds of shelling until Kongou sank her with her double.

But the new Abyssal ships, man. Destroyer Princess = Dark Harusame. The irony of this is that during my last sortie to E-2, I thought I was going to fail because all my ships got conveniently and consecutively hit to red by enemy NB rounds and the enemy still had 3 ships remaining by the end of NB. Then ballin' Harusame comes out as the last ship in my fleet, picks out Destroyer Princess from the 3 remaining ships and booms her for double 150s. THAT'S RIGHT HARUCCHIN. FIGHT DEM INNER DEMONS.
Aircraft Carrier Water Demon is the most fashionable abyssal ship ever. プラットフォームブーツのゴスロリ型深海棲艦に逢えるなんて、今まで生き延びられる価値があるということだね。。She must have been busy up until this point making uniforms and dresses for the rest of the himes <3. Literally new waifu hakken.

In terms of rewards, I could definitely go for Akizuki. She's like a little chibi Nagato with haxed AA states (116 LOL WUT). Prinz Eugen is also a top tier CA despite being only Kai'd at this point. If her voice wasn't so shrill she definitely would have went up in my waifu rankings. But hey I mute the game 80% of the time anyways so no harm done.
But seriously the BGMs this event KICK. ASS. There's a bit of everything: melodic metal, electronic Japanese melody, you name it. I was playing kancolle last night on my school's 40k projector. Nothing better than sortie on the big screen to some fuckin dankass tunes yo.
HowTragic Nov 8, 2014 12:56 PM
Over here 1 mile = 1.609 Km, so that's about 10.5 km. I wish I hadn't brought a useless bag with a computer with me, thinking that somehow I'd get some homework done (HAHA srs what was I thinking?). But on the way back I kinda got over the fact I was dumb enough to even endeavor in this, and took it easy walking back. I stopped by some random (and quite shady) Chinese take-out place with overpriced and kinda sucky food, but I reveled in it nonetheless. Kyle's story is hysterical though. This is why you don't ever see Japanese people at an anime convention. I don't think there's a Japanese person out there that would willingly partake in the slaughtering of his/her own culture by imbecilic dWEEABs, not to mention these sort of overly, but wrongly, motivated white trash is what gets me the most. More than anything else, I think the lack of sincerity is a huge no-no in Japanese culture. When I decided to study Japanese freshman year against the wishes of both my advisor and my parents, I was well prepared for what challenges I would face. Starting from a foundation of absolutely nothing, I had to grill the characters into my brain using little kindergarten picto-mnemonics (not a proud moment of my life; to this day I still remember ら as a sideways bunny). While I was behind everyone else in the class whose HS offered basic Japanese classes, it was never an opinion to just give up. Yeah it was partially anime motivated, but that motivation was used in a right way, and it paid off in the end after first year when I literally just breezed through the studies due to a solid foundation in grammar and speech from anime. That's why when I see a bunch of people on forums armchair quarterbacking about translations or a culture that they know absolutely nothing about, it gets to me pretty badly because none of those fegs ever bothered to learn the root of all these derivatives. Just a bunch of bottomfeeders who, instead of taking the initiative and grabbing opportunity by the neck, resort to lazily slouching on their sofa engaging in pointless bickering online while waiting for someone to spoon-feed them their daily dose of nerd ecstasy. This is why I hope kancolle never makes it to the west. Yeah the anime will be known to weeabs, and there's nothing I can do about that, but I'm vehemently against DMM downing their IP restrictions, or some nosy Western game publisher getting their filthy gaijin hands on the VITA ver. The west is just not ready for this, and with kadokawa not even bothering to hide the heavy WWII references anymore, a bunch of feminazi-parallel "patriots" are surely going to blow their top over the whole ordeal.

So funny thing about that, I did get Bismarck this week. I had a pretty large Parasitology exam on Thursday that I literally didn't even look at until Tuesday night, and I had to stay up late on Wednesday night (technically Thursday morning) to cram the last bit of info into my tiny brain. When I was finishing up and ready to head back to my dorm at 3AM, I noticed my bauxite hit regen cap (I can't ever run EXP6 consistently for bauxite, so the opportunity cost of the lost amount of bauxite from daily regen is actually quite large in my case), so I decided to end the night with a 4/6/7/2/20 LSC just sure that I was going to get another 4:00 timer for Kongou. But then suddenly 5:00!!! Omg another Mutsu-ni-naru beam I thought, but surprisingly out came my favorite Nazi battleship Bismarck. Pretty elated as I'm done with LSC for a long long time. Bismarck was really the only ship that I wanted from LSC during all this time, enhanced by the fact that she can now shoot torpedoes and has that torp stat boost during night battle. Didn't do too well on my Parasitology exam but hey...

In other news, this is seriously testing me with a difficult decision. I'm level 99, with about 100000 HQ exp until 100 where I would have to face the wrath of Lunatic Modo for fall event. If I train Bismarck then surely I will hit 100 during the event and be subjected to pain and sorrow unheard of in this world, but if I remain inactive for this week before the event, I may be able to pull through the even with just enough to last the sortie-intensive 2-week event. I don't know exactly how much HQ exp it would take to clear the maps, but judging from last event, I don't have the resources and ships to compete in maps that level 100+ teitokus are having trouble with.

Yeah Vaio brands were like the "Elite" brand in the industry, but frankly the product itself is not worth its price tag beyond the aesthetics. Since 2011, GPU and CPUs have made significant progress, and sometimes I would take the time to read about Nvidia's newest god-tier engine or Asus making their first 4k laptop etc. All I'm waiting for right now is that acceptance letter from my top choice school, and as soon as I do, it'll finally be the start of my long-awaited (and abridged) enjoyable college life filled with animu, VNs, general not-give-a-fuckery. Then I can focus on making some money and buying myself a kick-ass top-tier engine for my weeb needs.

So I saw that PV on sancom a bit ago, and I have to say, that's really not the setting I was expecting. The existence of a sort of "school" for the shipgirls has no foundation in the original work or anything, as I was expecting a sort of engagement, battle-preparation intensive rundown. The lack of a teitoku in the anime also suggests that it's losing a focus that's holding the story together, not to mention chipping away at a lot of the shipgirls' personalities from their interaction with teitoku. It's not that I'm having bad impressions of it or anything, but I'm becoming paranoid from watching all these shit-tier slice of life stories with pretentious plots (*COUGH* Ao Haru Ride *COUGH*). On the other hand the production values seems really high. The character designs and background scenery can all be considered as a top-tier undertaking, but again, my biggest fear is the overall plot and coherency of the story. Maybe they can ease my fears with a PV that shows the Shinkaiseikan designs or something ;)

HowTragic Oct 20, 2014 1:06 PM
Wow really sorry for the late response. I thought I sent one out last week but I checked yesterday and... nope, derp on my part. Then I typed a response an hours ago but when I clicked "Reply" it booted me out of MAL telling me my cookies were fucked up. Thanks MAL. Let's try this again...

Internet speeds really depends on where you are. In my rural hometown of Iowa, I get shit speeds because a single company monopolizes the IP business and their motto is "There's no such thing as bad service if there is no good service". I remember getting errored out of my 4 hr download at the 3hr 30 minute mark for three times in a row and rage quitting in the end. I had to go to the university medical library to download my hentai games (the irony..). Here in Boston I get fucking crazyass good internet. I've gotten up to 6.4Mbps for large torrent files and there is hardly any inconsistencies with the connection, probably because companies compete in urban regions for the best service for customers.

I've made a lot of scrub choices in my teitoku career that I can only blame inexperience and lack of effort to learn the ropes. For one, being severely HQ inflated by Level4x was a bad sign. I honestly don't know where did all the exp to my girls go. It's not like I PvP or grinded with <6 ships (except the 1-5-1 runs to K2 my EliteDDs as I didn't have the resources to run a full fleet), or purposely scrapped high level ships. For another, my poor handling of resources and susceptibility to fits of rage-crafting was also my undoing, in conjunction with hairy-donkey-balls-sucking luck. The other day I saw a level 47 TTK in PvP that had a a fleet of level 8x kongous, hiryuus and CTLs. Literally wtf how is that even possible. I didn't even get a non-Akagi CV until level 5x, not to mention I didn't even have a fleet like that until 9x. I'm 99 going to 100 and I don't have half the LSC ships of TTKs half my level. My only ship above 90 is Haruna and I still have no waifu ship. If there was such a system that rewards players for playing more instead of basing all this shit on blind luck, I'd be on board day 1.

I was at a Weiss Schwarz Tournament over the weekend. My dumb ass found out on the day of the tournament at 4am that the commuter rail don't run on Sundays and I had two choices: Fuck it and ditch, or walk 6.5miles to the tournament site from the terminal Red Line subway station and 6.5mil back. I chose the latter cuz I hate myself and I now suffer intensively from its aftereffects. Not surprisingly, the tournament was filled with weebs parading around decked out in articles of clothing depicted their favorite waifu in erotic poses. Their waifu cards were protected in waifu sleeves, played on playing mats that vividly featured the typical gay shit from the most hyped anime series from last season. Waifu sleeves were protected by waifu oversleeves, waifu deck boxes by larger waifu deck boxes. You'd think with their fiery weeb pride and obnoxious display of devotion to shit-tier waifus, they'd know Japanese (you know... the LANGUAGE of your waifus?), but less than 20% knew basic Japanese and most aren't even college. What a bunch of dweebs. I talked to this guy who spends 500 dollars a month on new sets. One of his multiple casual decks had $2000 dollars worth of foiled and signed cards. Compared to that, I spent (a personal, relatively LARGE sum of) $300 dollars on my deck and played on the hard table without oversleeves or a mat. 所詮カードに過ぎないから、あんまり気をつける必要はないだろう。Then there was this Chinese kid that seemed super affable until I started my match against him, in which case he 180ed to become super high-strung and critical. It was hilarious to watch. 流石、このようなイベントは下等な者しかいないか。I'm out of here. It was a first and last experience.

Pokemon is a lot easier to manipulate because you have the game and the mechanism of RNG. On the other hand, kancolle is near impossible to control since algorithms are conducted server-side. Nevertheless, you're certainly on a roll. Bismarck, Taihou and Yamato. You're pretty much set for next event. Like I said before, it good that at least one of us two is able to escape this hell, and thankfully the one who seems to care a lot more about the game and managing his fleet. I guess chance isn't completely brainless after all.

Yeah I was pretty hyped for a strategy game from the earlier reports. Those are certain some interesting mechanisms you've suggested that I would really liked to have seen implemented in a battleship SRPG game. But unfortunately it looks like no dice. In the meantime I'm having a hell of a good time playing this new game I got last week, Tears to Tiara II. The gameplay is kickass and all the different types of options to move/attack per turn really bring out the SRPG element .The plot is presented in a standard VN fashion (which I'm a fan off also), and is generally a coherently written story minus the cringing sentimentality parts that are pretty much present in any type of game. The BGM reservoir is also nothing to scoff at, it'll definitely keep me busy for the rest of the semester, or at least until Freedom Wars comes out next week. FE is playable on DS since it doesn't use the touchpad, and if you really wanted to, the emulator supports touch with cursor.

I had no laptop until the summer I graduated from high school. My parents were keen on not letting me have any internet exposure, which in return caused me to rebel even harder. This laptop I have currently might have a shit GPU typical of sony computers, but it was still a pretty high-end machine in 2011. Besides, the Vaio brand has died off anyways. I can revel only a bit more before I have to buy a new laptop for med school meeting their standards. I chose Vaio in the first place because it seems to be THE anime computer. I see it in nearly every single slice-of-life anime, so might as well hop aboard the hype train.

(HAHA it tried to kick me out a second time but I ctrl+Ced my reply before clicking "Submit Reply" suck that you horrid cookie system)
HowTragic Oct 7, 2014 12:22 PM
Ah I see. It reminds me of my filthy casual days where I'd steal my neighbor's linksys internet to play maplestory at 1am in the morning. Connection sucked balls the entire day but only at night when there's no strain on the network would it work. KC does use some pretty basic connections because VPNs are like snail-tier speeds and I can still connect to the game just fine. I've heard from sensei that free wireless internet isn't widespread in Japan, but those otakus have some seriously rigged downloading speeds so Japan can't be that out of touch with the rest of the world. You did mention to me that you lived in a semi-rural area so getting good internet might be difficult. So how long are you planning on staying in Japan? You matriculate into college there?

Honestly I was more surprised that despite the long queue for K2, devs released K3 for Bismarck before all of them. Didn't make sense, but as if the RNG was deathbent on pursuing a vendetta against me, it made me lose my first PvP in a while to the enemy fleet with a Bismarck Drei. As if to highlight what I was missing out on, the fucking nazi battleship critted me with torpedo cut-in in night battle as an extra serving of "haha fuck you". Honestly I'm kind of surprised I lasted this long also. Not only the fact that I suck at this kinds of games, I've pretty much come to terms with the fact that I suck at EVERY kind of game. Like if I was an MMO character, my randomly rolled aptitude would have a 0 in gaming. Kancolle really just started from a curiosity because I wanted to know what the hell these waifus with big guns sticking out of their backs on my Weiss Schwarz cards were. I like to branch out to try different things so I thought I'd just get a taste of what the game's like. Starting the game with pretty much no knowledge of how everything works, I didn't really expect much anyways. On the other hand, it seems that KC is getting a Vol 2 for Weiss Schwarz with the newer ships. plz don't be blue taigei plz don't be blue. plz kick ass haruna k2 plz kick ass. I've already started saving money for it omg what a coincidence just as I was typing this I checked amiami and the order is up!
Byebye >200 dollars it was nice knowing ya.

I remember when I first came to college I saw all those seniors by the senior dorms and was like, "Wow shit those guys look like they're full grown adults, am I going to be like that in 3 years?". Nowadays I walk past the senior dorms and still think "Wow those people look really old". It's like the same mature looking people never graduated and just stayed as seniors, but it's never really hit me that those people I see now, despite looking full-grown, are my peers, and were the same as me 3 years ago. Perhaps I don't even realize that I'm growing up also (the fact I have to shave every 3 days to avoid looking like sad hungry chinatown hobo is proof).

Yeah that correction is completely valid and taken to heart. Like you said RNG systems might not be completely random, but there's still a greater probability for actions taken at that point to affect the result. The thing is despite the difference in time making a different in result, you are still limited to one try at that moment, so you are unable to get any meaningful data out of how the system works (you can't plot a line with only 1 point). Therefore there's still that uncertainty factor that says "well you might get a good ship after waiting 2 more seconds, but what if you were going to get that good ship now and waiting 2 more seconds would give you a shit ship?". It's that sort of fear given with the lack of knowledge on how actions taken would reflect on the overall result that makes RNG system essentially the same as a predetermined system when we view it from our practical perspective. The uncertainty gives us sort of a hope that actions and/or thoughts that we perpetrate at the moment will have an effect. The limiting factor is really our inability to understand the microprocesses that determine the overall result. Perhaps an omnipotent technopath would be able to read specific details of the so called "Random" number generators, and make decisions according to his findings, but at that point nothing is really random anymore. I love talking about probability and possibility and would love hearing about what you think on this topic.

Yep that was my goal overall. I didn't want to be bunched with those weebs that'll inevitably bandwagon the game when the anime comes out Jan 2015, and then praise it like it's the best thing to come out of Japan since anime. Playing the game has really helped me understand all the memes, the artwork and (H-doujin work cough cough I didn't understand Victim Girls 16 at all until I played the game). As much as I'm holding my hands praying for the game to be a strategy based game (I also fucking love SRPGS, second to nothing), it seems like it'll be essentially the same game. I remember from a while ago that the director of the Vita version was interviewed and asked about what kind of a game it was, and he replied directly that it is basically an upgrade version of the same game, using the comparison of Mogami -> Mogami Kai( of course we both know that Mogami goes from CA to CAV and can equip bomber seaplanes after kai, so that might be a sneaky way to say it's somewhat more different). My favorites and highest clock times have to be Fire Emblem Awakening at ~350 hours and Rune Factory 4 ~150 hr? I think? I've played FFT, Sting srpgs, Disagaea (not really a strategy game imo), Devil Survivor, etc. Nothing compares to FE though, but KC kai might come close if it was really a SRPG as hoped.

Haha yeah that's the thing about these globally marked MMOs. You get a bunch of unscrupulous players that you have no intention of hanging around. It was bad enough with Maplestory but at the more "serious" MMO gaming level there's a bunch of drama that I don't want to hear. Plus the game was taking up over 20gigs on my harddrive and I only had like 10 so there's a problem. Living life with a 10GB margin. Living life dangerously.
HowTragic Sep 27, 2014 12:43 PM
I have reached that conclusion as well. Some people may call me a pansy and quitter for having so little patience, but I think it's a personal decision to make. Is it worth it for me personally to set up VPN and chore through dailies everyday, wake up thinking I better turn on my computer to send my fleets to expeditions? As someone who's about to graduate this year, with a few mere months of youth left before I hit full force into society, I've become more conscious and deliberate of how I spend my precious remaining time. It's at about this time that you realize that there's still a lot of things you wanted to do, but the clock's ticking. This, paired with the fact that I maybe only give a fuck about 3-4 ships in my entire fleet has provided a decisive conclusion of NO, I don't think it's worth it (You aren't even able to command the abyss hime-classes lame). This isn't the first time I've sank this deep before figuring it out. I used to watch a lot of anime and have to chore through the boring ones, wasting both my time and effort until I realized I wasn't getting anything out of it. The stupid things that people do to satiate their completionist OCD.

I've had my fair share of shit on DN too. The only point I can recall getting even remotely lucky was at the 40 cap when Eli and I got a 3rd stat FD plate from Manti. And even then, I think that was mostly Eli's luck that I was free-loading off of. Other than that, I've been eating nothing but shit from DN, which is why I took my leave rather quick and quietly. I don't even remember how much money I blew on Dragon Eggs because silly stupid me thought that I would be able to get something good while on RNG's shit list for life. The only thing I do remember was on Thanksgiving two years ago, in the middle of the guild wars event, I was staying over at a family friend's house for Thanksgiving. Their son (my childhood friend) took me to CVS and I casually bought $125 of NX for the egg event. He looked at me like I was high or something. And surely enough, out of the 250 eggs I ran I didn't get a single thing worth mentioning. I didn't even bother with higher level nests because I couldn't get my weapon past +8. Honestly DN was a shit game why did I even bother. Out of all the available MMOs and other net games we have nowadays, there are those who are inherently good at games, and those who are not. Those who are lucky and those we aren't. I happen to fall under the unlucky & bad at games category. Whatever lol. Overall, it certainly seems like luck tends to be attracted to incompetent and generally undeserving people, which has earned the term "Dumb Luck".

Whohoooo! Congrats. Your patience has paid off and BigHoe has entered your fleet. I guess you're also out of the LSC hell unless you're still aiming for the other ships. Such like the devs to add Bismarck Drei during the middle of all this shit. Kicking people when they're down, there's going to be a special, warm place in hell for those fuckers and I'll enjoy watching them roast. Just kidding, the fact that Bismarck is no longer Zwei makes it so I don't feel any more pressure to get her. She's an average Kongou tier at best, and I have no particular attraction to Nazi Germany WWII ships. Z1 and Z3 are both incompetent little fuglings so I might scrap both before going on hiatus. As for me, I'm just happy sitting on my 97th percentile for the Medical College Admissions Test. No amount of shit luck can touch the results I receive from definite work, which is why I've based the foundations of my future and career on unwavering, chance-less pillars. I'll just leave these little kiddies playing with and worshiping their RNG-sama, how cute.

That's actually quite an interesting topic you have brought out. I hit upon a similar mental obstacle while discussing change, probability, and how it relations with your mental state with one of my friends. The example I used was that if you were to buy 20 booster packs of a TCG off an online vendor, and the cards arrived in front of you, would you still hope for good cards, or try to convince yourself you want/don't want specific cards before you open the packs? The point is that the cards have already been defined (since the moment that Random worker X picked out 20 packs for your order from their warehouse) and no amount of miraculous or divine intervention could change the results at this point. The only thing is that you personally don't know the results, which has causes many people to turn this sort of ambiguity into some divine intervening force, thinking that if you hope hard enough you'll get a good card, or in the case you brought out, if you hope to not get a card, thus lowering your standard, you'd be pleasantly surprised by why you wanted all along. I've personally conditioned myself to function purely on logic and the universal truths. If I'm opening packs then I'll simply open them, knowing that I'll get what has been decided a while ago. When I check my exam score, I'll simply open up and look at it, knowing that whatever mental brain tumor I'll manifest by desperately hoping for a good score will have no effect on what I actually got. Might not be completely relevant to the topic on hand, but interesting to consider, nevertheless.

Natural Doctrine Sept 30, SSB Oct 3, Tears to Tiara II Oct 14, Freedom Wars Oct 28 and new anime season due next week. Yeah I think I'll be ok. In fact I've barely been on this week and I don't feel any regret or dissatisfaction at all. I've played a lot of Kakin games that require you to be on for periodic intervals throughout the entire day, and I've quit all of them, finding that they take too much effort and time. It's painful the first couple of days when your mind is overloaded with "omg all my resources have hit cap I need to upgrade my facilities" etc, but once you realize that the game itself isn't worth the effort you pretty much just forget about it. Speaking from personal experience here lol.

Ah yes, QueueAge, as my friends here call it. They called me to play and I did download it but they're all catpeople and honestly the nekobitos are ugly as fuck. Jesus Christ I would never play a game where I'd have to stare at THAT the entire x00 hours I sink into it. It might be a fun game, but only anime MMOs interest me at this point. And I highly doubt that it's RNG-less. I'm sure it's an unspoken rule that MMO experiences are defined largely by RNG: loot, armor upgrades, rare monster spawn, whether you get shanked for crit dmg or not, etc etc.
HowTragic Sep 22, 2014 3:03 PM
I think I'm going on hiatus from kancolle. I've been so brutally buttfucked and bukkaked over by RNG in these few weeks that I've frankly lost the will to play. I'm at 4 dev mats remaining from over 150 a few weeks ago with constant daily recharging. I've gotten 3 Shoukakus from three 6 hr timers, not a single Zuikaku, and a constant chinese influx of kongou/ises from BB recipes. Last Friday I got my first 5:00 timer from a BB recipe, only to result in a Mutsu-ni-naru shit to the face fuck you dev that implemented this ass piece of troll. In total I've gone 28 full LSCs, which I know isn't a lot comparatively, but is still frustrating seeing these shit-tiered weeaboos running their mouths about how lucky they got with their first LSC. Even worse is PvPing against others with "7/14/14 着任!"messages and their fleet of Taihou-kai, Musashi-kai, Yamato-Kai, Bismarck Zwei, and Lvl 100+ kongous. Today is also the 3rd day in a row that I finished multiple daily quests the moment that dailies were reset for the day. It's frustrating not so much because of missing out on clearing the quests for extra resources and dev mats as it is knowing that you could have made it in time if the sweaty ballsack of a cunt compass-chan didn't direct you NE for a pointless battle, then send you SE to the same place you would have ended up if you went E in the first place. There's a lot of good console games coming out in October, and I have to catch up on anime before the new season, so no harm done in recovering my sanity and mentality.

I don't think anything like that works for me. The current "rare" ships I've gotten have just shown up randomly, albeit with much lower percentages than reported. Believe me, I have begged, prayed, tsundered, kuudered, and shit remains pretty much the same. I tried to introduce kancolle to a couple of good friends of mine, but the moment they heard it was RNG-based, they abandoned ship and ran for the hills- and with good reason too. It's not like I'm unaware that I fall under the kuso-tier of teitokus but doing everything you can to not fall under this tier but to no avail is still kuyashii, and given how shit my life is right now kuyashii is the last i-adjective I want to hear.

But yeah, how are you doing on LSC ships? At the very least, it would be nice if my shit luck could, in return, benefit someone I know instead of random weeafags on the internet. If at least one of us could escape from this abyssal hellhole I'd at least get comfort that I fulfilled my role as the priest in the party.

Anyways, I plan on doing two more LSC, one Taihou, one Bismarck and stopping at a total of 30 LSCs for my career. Ships that don't appear by then I don't fucking need. I've spent too much time and effort begging for a couple of ships that don't confer the appropriate amount of advantages anyways. Being able to launch planes at medium damage? Meet 74 FP Monster Hiryuu w/ long range. Bismarck Zwei? Zwei isn't your fucking upgrade number, it's my fucking name made from my initials, and why don't you say konnichiwa to my waifu Haruna-chan Zwei. It's about time I stockpiled ridiculous amounts of resources for no reason and join the 300k club.

Trust me when I say I tried my hardest to love this game in its entirety. And in many ways, I still feel that the atmosphere, gameplay, historical connection, and presentation is outstanding for a browser game designed to be a card game. However, the mechanisms for crafting ships and equipment sucks so much itchy donkey balls that any enjoyment is simply overshadowed by sheer disgust. It's tragic indeed to see something with so much substance and potential be sullied by an ass of a RNG system.

It’s time to ditch the text file.
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