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Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei
Housekishou Richard-shi no Nazo Kantei
Mar 6, 11:51 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 10
Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo 4
Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo 4
Mar 1, 3:08 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 10
Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo 3
Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo 3
Feb 29, 10:46 PM
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Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou no Holmes
Mar 8, 4:25 AM
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Bokura no Shokutaku
Feb 27, 12:35 AM
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Sasaki to Miyano: Koushiki Anthology Comic
Sasaki to Miyano: Koushiki Anthology Comic
Feb 26, 4:33 PM
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theshanesaw Dec 3, 2017 8:12 PM
I caught up on some episodes of the Walking Dead but anime has still been creeping in, the addiction is strong but I need to catch up on some games myself.

I bought Season 2 part 1 (weird choice I know) a couple of days ago, it is coming from the UK as they released it over there as a limited edition also unlike here where they only released the standard edition, I'm a sucker for limited editions. haha

I try to do that but my will to buy things is stronger than my will not to.
My mate is always tsk tsk tsking away at me until I mention his spending habits and then he usually goes quiet pretty quick. XD

I have a mate who loves replica swords, he has a few of them.
The only sword I have is a fully steel replica of Squall's gunblade from Final Fantasy VIII and I also have a steel replica of the basic keyblade from Kingdom Hearts.
theshanesaw Nov 28, 2017 7:55 PM
I am actually gonna take a few days off of anime and show some of my other hobbies some love as my games are looking at me like they are depressed. haha

I will put it on my to watch list, thanks for the recommendation.

Now that I have bought the first one it should motivate me to buy the other three volumes, the one that was on pre order was OPM not Umaru-chan, the other 3 arrived the other day.
If you don't mind shopping online there is a site called DVD Land that sells Australian stock and I have found them to usually cheaper than JB so that may be an alternative, they sell blu ray and DVD and they seem to also carry most limited editions as well.
Hopefully they can dry your tears.

I enjoy Supanova but I don't really get much time to explore usually as there are usually three shows per day and I never know which ones I'm going to be on, the stalls there can be pretty pricey and I am prone to impulse buying so I have to be careful with my money, too often I come home broke.
Is Kurikara a sword?
I did a google search and that was what I came up with.
theshanesaw Nov 24, 2017 11:49 PM
Punishing, OK I'll stop now, I'm making myself cringe. Haha

I couldn't stop watching it and before I knew it I was finished with all the episodes.
I know what you mean there's always something new to watch and sometimes I'm just not in the mood for certain shows.
I ended up watching Yuri on Ice yesterday instead of catching up on anything and today I've been watching Durarara! season 3, I'm caught up to all of the currently airing shows but there are a few series' that I need to get back to watching like Gintama, Beelzebub and Ghost Stories.
then there are shows like Yumiero Patissiere among others that are begging me to watch them.

I've not seen Blue Exorcist is it good? The synopsis sounds interesting.
I finally bit the bullet and bought the first part of season 14 Assassination Classroom on Blu-ray, it was the limited edition version although the other parts don't have a limited edition version so it's sort of bugs me that they're not uniform, I also bought the first season of One Punch Man, My Hero Academia and Himouto! Umaru-chan on Blu-ray also, one was a preorder though I think so I won't get them until that one is released I think it was Umaru-chan.
How was supernova?
I wrestle at the Melbourne and Sydney ones each year and sometimes the Brisbane one, although I wasn't in Brisbane this year.
theshanesaw Nov 22, 2017 9:26 PM
It's a shame more don't get handled like this, although my backlog grows by the day so I probably shouldn't complain too much. haha

Well you've gotta have a bit of pun in life. :P

I really enjoyed Food Wars, I just finished the latest episode in the 3rd season and am already craving more, like good food I suppose.
I am going to catch up on a few shows that have new episodes out and then I may start on Yumeiro Patissiere (can't believe I spelled cakes wrong by the way) as it looks fun and I have a high tolerance for cutesy things.
I am glad to hear it got a follow up, it just means that if I really enjoy it I can binge it too.

Watching anything new?
theshanesaw Nov 19, 2017 2:45 PM
That needs to happen to all bad anime, it could be an all new genre 'self parody'

Yeah, don't be an Umaru-chan about it. XD

I can't believe there is another baking anime, albeit cackes and not bread but I am still putting it on my to watch list.
Thanks for the heads up, I just finished Yakitate! Japan so soon I will head back into the kitchen.
There is on called Food Wars that I wanna see also.
theshanesaw Nov 18, 2017 2:40 AM
It's probably nowhere near as engaging but I may struggle through it at some point, if I do I will let you know how it goes.
Yeah, the characters must all be pretty dumb in the original Japanese version.
Some of the situations are so convoluted that no matter what, the writing must have been awful.
Her little brother must have been the most annoying character ever, even in the dub he is annoying so he must have been unbearable.

Your friend has really good taste. :)
I know right, she is my new senpai.
I wanna learn all she has to teach in the ways of laziness and gluttony.

I have been watching an anime called Yakitate! Japan, it is about baking so as a baker myself I just had to check it out.
Have you ever seen it?
theshanesaw Nov 17, 2017 1:48 AM
Yeah I hear that the Tokyo Ghoul anime veers off from the manga in season two but as I haven't yet reas that far I can't say how different it is.

At least if you are an animasochist like me and have to finish what you start then you only have 4 episodes to get through, so you won't have to give up too much precious time. haha

Sorry when I said about it being taken serious I meant the intentions of the original creators, the dubbers were certainly just having a laugh.
With things like the Christine piano and the Pet Sematary rabbit the creators must have been Stephen King fans.
I am seriously considering watching certain episodes in japanese after I get through the dub, just to see some of the dialogue like the bit you mentioned about the payphone among others.

Have you seen Himouto! Umara-chan?
I watched the first season and then caught up to season two which is airing at the moment, Little Umaru is so cute when she is lounging around guzzling cola and scarfing down chips.
theshanesaw Nov 15, 2017 10:17 PM
Yeah, I tend to avoid manga to avoid knowing what will happen in the anime but if there is no chance of seeing a follow up season or if the series has finished and I really enjoy it I will consider it more from now on.

I find it so enjoyable to watch despite its obvious issues.
I am honestly considering putting it unironically on my top 10 list.

I have started watching Ghost Stories in English with a mate and we are both loving it, I have no idea how they expected anyone to take it seriously but it works so well as a comedy.
We are 8 episodes in and I am just sad it never got a second season already. haha
My favorite so far is the ghost piano, when I think that this show originally had a serious tone it makes the whole thing funnier.
theshanesaw Nov 13, 2017 6:38 PM
Oh OK, good luck and I hope your outages are kept to a minimum. :)

I am very slowly getting through it, I have been lucky not to have it happen to me that often but as I watch more anime lately it is bound to more and more so I can see myself reading more manga in the future.

Speaking of things to check out, and bear in mind this show isn't for everyone.
Have you ever seen Mad Bull 34?
The rating on here for it is atrocious and rightfully so but I have never seen a better example of so bad it's good in anime.
It has sex, over the top violence, a ridiculously crazy interpretation of America, silly plots and a British voice voice cast pretending to be American that slowly becomes more British over the course of the 4 episodes.
If any of that sounds vaguely interesting I would highly recommend the English dub.
theshanesaw Nov 12, 2017 11:44 PM
I would advise you not to cancel your old internet plan until you get confirmation form your new company that you are connected to your new plan, that is how I avoided any downtime at all.
Then once it is running on the NBN call your old provider and cancel.

I actually started reading the manga for The Devil is a Part-Timer because the creator said earlier this year that even though he is aware of the fan demand that the studio who produced the first season likely won't produce a second due to business reasons.
I just had to know what happened next. haha.

As for New Game! it is about a girl who finishes high school and goes to work at her favorite game company as an character artist.
I liked it so much that I binged both seasons.
theshanesaw Nov 11, 2017 5:27 PM
It made me depressed for several weeks, I just lost all motivation, it sucked bad.

Yeah I just wish it wasn't so all over the place sometimes. haha

Hopefully by the time you have it in your area they will have fixed the issues people including myself are having with it.

Have you seen either the Devil is a Part-Timer or New Game!?
I finished DiaP-T yesterday and moved onto season one of NG! which I finished this morning.
I enjoyed both shows a lot.
theshanesaw Nov 11, 2017 4:52 AM
It can be soul crushing, it makes you want hard copies of everything. :(

I too am dictated by my mood at any given time. haha

I am glad this NBN has no limit or it would be gone in about 5 minutes with the size of games these days and the fast speed at which I can now download. :P
theshanesaw Nov 9, 2017 4:28 PM
I hate, hate, hate when hard drives crash, I used to have several terabytes of TV shows but I had two hard drives die on me within a month and that killed my interest in downloading things for well over a year, although in the past few months I have started downloading again.

I also prefer the anime most of the time and I will only usually read the manga of an anime I already saw, Made in Abyss is making me consider reading it before the rest is adapted though.
I just started a new job so my anime/manga time will be cut down even more now but it is worth the trade off.

I remember those days, 5 days of super fast internet and then 25 days of agony. haha
theshanesaw Nov 8, 2017 5:29 AM
Yeah I want to buy Assassination Classroom on Blu Ray but it is $66 per half season and there are 2 seasons so it is quite expensive.
I my anime for the most part, and only buy what I really love.
Yeah the longer shows are very daunting so it took me a while to start Gintama.
Manga is much faster but there are so many things that I want to watch anime or otherwise that I rarely get around to it. :)
I do wanna read more manga though.
I use my home PC so I don't have a data limit to worry about.
theshanesaw Nov 8, 2017 4:45 AM
That's what I thought. :)

Yeah I can see why some people might be turned off by Durarara!!.

There is always new shows coming out so it makes it near impossible.

Yeah anime can be quite expensive so I only buy phisical copies of things I really like a lot, most of the long running series's I have watche are the same in that I watch them as they air but I binge pretty hard sometimes so I can get through OK.
One Piece is on my to watch list but 800 eps is a lot so I may never get around to it, Fairy Tale is also on my list. :P
Shorter anime is certainly easier to digest, so I tend to go for those a lot myself.
I rarely read manga but that is only because of time constraints between watching stuff and gaming in my free time.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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