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Parachute May 31, 2017 12:59 PM
Ah, has it really been a month since I replied? D: I'm so sorry and thank you for the warm birthday wishes! I didn't do anything special for my birthday but I did have some delicious cake.

I believe we we're talking about Berserk? I'm almost done with the anime actually and I started the manga too! I bought the first three volumes but I really haven't had the time to read much. Puck is cute addition! The demon child is really freaky though. ._. Seeing Gut's ass was a pleasent surprise. I really hope the story doesn't get too messed up though, ahaha...

It's been so long since I watched Fate/Zero that I have no clue who's who lol. Yeah, Waver and Rider were a really sweet team. ;_; They were like literally the only team that got along lol. Oh, seems like you finished it! It's a shame they didn't win, then again I don't remember if anyone actually won. 🤔 Kiritsugu and Ryuunosuke (why is there so many u's in his name?) were probably my least favorite masters but that's definitely the same reason why they made the show more interesting. So what are your final thoughts on F/Z? :3 Has it made you more interested in the whole Fate series? I believe the Fate/Apocrypha anime is starting in July. :o I have no idea what that route is about, I'm rather excited for it. It gives you just enough time to watch F/SN! Shiro's a funny character, his relationship with Rin is cute though. Tbh I thought F/SN was a lot harder to watch, probably because there's less action? Still essential though. n_n

Actually I haven't had the chance to watch it. D: Aw, how can you not like romances though? :c I mean most of the popular ones aren't my cup of tea either but they're still cute I guess. I'm pretty surprised you're not that into comedies. :o Oh, I've never been good with internet terms so so don't worry. x) Yeah, what's your favorite Ghibli film? :D Oh, wow it took me like a month to finish Shingeki no Bahamut. I really liked it though! <3 I need more, but the new season isn't even complete yet and now I regret watching the first one dubbed. ;(

Wow, I've never even heard of Moon Knight, Iron Fist or Deathstroke. There's so many cool superheroes, what have I been doing all my life? ಥ_ಥ Ah, I'm the same way!! I mean, I don't read comics but I hear there's different continuities and stuff, so it's something I'd definitely be picky about too. Can you guess who my favorite Superhero is? :P That's quite a lot you've been reading, and it's definitely some edgy stuff lol. o-o Yeah, I was about to ask you how you guys can read so much and keep track of it all lmao. I could never read that many books, I wouldn't even know where to start. :( Where/how do you even store all your comics/manga? I found this random old post on reddit with some sites for tracking your comics, not sure how useful they are though. :3

Games sure are expensive these days. :c How do you manage watching tv shows/anime and reading comics/manga? It sounds impossible. :( I love watching a good movie every once in awhile also, what are some of your favorites? It's really cool that you draw your own characters though! Who knows, maybe you could draw for Marvel/DC someday. I bet your drawings are pretty good, I can't draw like at all lmao. Still pretty surprised you have any time between classes/all your other hobbies to draw at all. I'm glad you're taking care of yourself and relaxing too though. :) Tennis is pretty fun! It's not all that hard to learn compared to other sports too. I personally love celebrating holidays though, I love feeling all the festivities and being together.

For some reason a lot people don't like Nintendo anymore. ;~; Sadly, I haven't bought a Switch yet. ;c I've been waiting for more games to come out for it and now that MK8 Deluxe is out I may just get it. I'm not the biggest Zelda fan but I've played most games and BoTW looks like it would be really fun to play! Bouffalant? LOL. Is it because of the afro? That's a hard question though! Hm... I guess Dialga, Oshawott, and Jumpluff/Hoppip. All the Alolan Pokemon are really cute too though. Have you played Sun/Moon? :o Nah, raising plants isn't all that hard once you get used to it. OMG yes, I'm totally obsessed with perfumes lol. What brand do you wear? (´・ω・`) Oh, it's more like it's only a good skill when I actually feel like baking lol. Definitely just your ordinary chocolate chip cookies, pretty easy and sooo delicious. Wait, you've listened to K-Pop before? :O There's definitely quite a few hidden gems in asian music so it's always neat to listen to it.

Lmao yeah, a few are sample sized though. P: I even own a few male perfumes that I've bought as gifts but didn't have it in me to part with. (◕‿◕✿) You know it, I love having different perfumes for every season/occasion/time. New perfumes are always coming out as well ahh, I just have to have them all. :( Some of my favorites are a lot cheaper than you might expect too.

I'm watching 91 Days dubbed also, I'm almost done with it too. D: I'm going to be pretty sad when I finish it. There really needs be more mafia-crime anime. ;_; I totally agree that the old New Yorkan (?) accents make them even better. I guess I'll just keep dreaming for a second season for both of them. :( How you been lately btw?
Parachute Apr 25, 2017 5:56 AM
I'm so sorry for the late reply. D: I've been caught up with some stuff. Ah, I'm the same when it comes to manga, or at least I think I am. I just recently bought the first Master's Edition of the Fairy Tail manga, so it's the first manga that I actually plan on reading lol. Yeah, I heard the anime isn't as good, I really feel more comfortable watching anime than reading manga (please don't hang me lol) so I went ahead and started it anyway. .3. I'm really enjoying it actually! I might read the manga afterwards if I get the chance though. I can't wait to see how the story unfolds later on.

That's good to hear! F/Z isn't actually my fav, mostly because it isn't really my style but it really is a good watch. :) The meme? You mean the Shiro one right? I'm not the biggest expert on memes lol. You should definitely check it out if you're enjoying F/Z even though it is somewhat slower tbh.

It's totally fine btw, haha. I definitely miss out on some great shows because of my dislike for death/gore so I'm trying to look past that. I'll give it a chance for you. :3 I actually had to look that word up, didn't even know it was a thing. o: I'm sure he's not as bad as I think. I'll be checking out eventually also. Oh, please do! Lupin is such a great series, I think everyone should give it a watch before they die. Hayao Miyazaki was actually very involved in Cagliostro so if you enjoy the Ghibli films you'll probably enjoy it as well. Oh btw, I started Shingeki no Bahamut a while ago and I'm really really enjoying it. :D It pretty much has everything I want in anime, so you really hit it on the nail with that suggestion. Thanks a lot, it's already one of my favs I've seen this year. <3

I'm glad btw, spending time with family is always good even though they can be a pain sometimes. :) Oh, it's really cool that you also love video games! Sadly, I've only heard of how good those games are lol. :c They'd probably be a bit much for me too. What kind of comics do you like? I only really watch movies based on the DC, Marvel comics. I don't really watch all that much TV other than some classics (Seinfeld, Friends, The Golden Girls lmao) mostly just light hearted comedies and stuff, so pretty much the opposite of what you enjoy. :'( I can see why everyone enjoys those more exciting shows though. You draw? I bet you're good. :o I wish I could draw something more than just stick people lmao. I agree with you there. I feel like trying out some more active hobbies myself, I used to play tennis but I've been so lazy lately. My Easter weekend was pretty boring actually. My family doesn't celebrate most holidays so we didn't really do anything. It was my sister's bday this past weekend though! We had some cake and partied a bit so that was fun.

My hobbies... Aside from my anime obsession I also love gaming (but really mostly just Nintendo stuff), I garden a bit when I'm not super lazy, I'm really, really obsessed with perfumes and the science behind them actually. Do you wear any cologne? I also bake, but just when I'm hungry for sweets haha. :( I really enjoy listening to music (mostly asian, but I like any kind really), not sure if that counts as a hobby though. Other than that, like yourself I also love admiring art and nature. I just love anything pretty and interesting tbh. <3 I love collecting things as you can see for some reason.

Oh, I'm really enjoying 91 Days also btw! It really has a similar feel to Baccano! Nero is so sweet and lovable. ;_; Shame it's such a short series too.
Parachute Apr 16, 2017 3:49 PM
Oh cool, haven't gotten around to it though. So many things to watch lol. ._. Ah, I bet you'll probably like Claymore, well I hope you will. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it too. :) Is Berserk really long? Was thinking of starting it soon as well.

I noticed you started F/Z, did you like it? It's a bit slow on the action in the beginning if I remember correctly. You haven't watched Fate Stay/Night have you? It's also worth checking out but yeah, most people prefer F/Z. No problem btw! I can't wait summer tbh. <3 I'm tired of all the gloomy weather.

Wow, those are some really interesting anime btw. :o I've heard a bit about Death Billiards/Parade and Stein's;Gate but haven't had the time to check them out. I'll definitely be checking Bahamut out first! I told you no death silly. 😒 Haha, jk. I'll try giving Billiards a watch even though death anime are probably the hardest for me to take in. A lot of folks really seem to like Stein's Gate though I'm a bit apprehensive to watch it because the MC seems like a bit of a kook lmao. I should definitely give it another chance though, since I love time travel and stuff. Lmao, yeah I did hear Psycho-Pass 2 was a bit worse. But, I do plan to finish the series and watch the film whenever the mood is right. Thanks a lot for the cool recommendations, I'll definitely be watching some really soon. <3 Omg yeah you should totally watch Lupin as well! It's definitely one of those great classics and its always enjoyable imo. Tbh I don't think the order really matters except for the new seasons maybe? I started with The Castle of Cagliostro and thought it was really good for a movie that came out in 1979, (and I usually find it a bit hard to get into those old anime) so I do recommend starting with the older series/films because i feel they have something special about them.

Oh, awesome! How about your weekend? Do anything for Easter? :3 Do you have any other hobbies besides anime btw?
Parachute Apr 13, 2017 1:53 AM
Ah, sorry for the late reply. </3

Sure thing. I've seen a little bit of it and most of the characters seem pretty likable already, I'll let you know what I think when I really start it though. :) Ah yeah I grew up watching shounen on CN/Toonami (InuYasha, DBZ, FMA and the like) so I can relate. To be honest I never put anything on hold since I almost never have time to watch anime consecutively anymore unless I'm really feeling it. Even short series take me a while to complete. Oh and you should totally watch Claymore asap. <3 It's a really interesting series. I've heard it shares some similarities with Berserk but I can't vouch for that myself since I've only seen a bit of Berserk. I definitely need to watch more Berserk too! Omg so yeah, other than Claymore, I definitely recommend watching Fate/Zero, Re:Zero, and Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun! With Fate/Zero being the most action-ish, Nozaki-Kun being the cutest/funniest of the bunch, and Re:Zero being somewhere in the middle lol. They're all really great though. Your list is pretty amazing btw, you so many shows I've never heard of. Is there anything you would recommend for me? :3 I'm pretty much into anything so long as it isn't too gory/scary haha. :c

No problem btw. (^ω^) Hope you're having a nice week so far.
Parachute Apr 8, 2017 11:38 PM
Definitely, that's part of the reason I decided to check 91 Days out. So far it seems promising. :) Oh a S2 of Baccano would be lovely but I honestly doubt we'll be getting one at this point. :( Yeah, many users seem to recommend HxH! I've only seen a few episodes on Toonami but I was intrigued by it. I'm not the biggest Shounen fan either, though I still watch a couple (Fairy Tail, FMA, Ao no Exorcist, and so on). Actually, I've watched quite a few now that I think about it, but I still wouldn't say I'm the biggest fan of the genre haha. I hear its a long series though, and I'm very very slow to get through those but I also really appreciate long series because sometimes short anime get me depressed when I finish them so quickly lol. Not to mention there's time for more details and stuff.

Yeah, 90 is quite a few. x) I would probably have that much on my list if I wasn't so lazy to add them. Makes me wonder if we'll die before we can accomplish that feat lmao. Thanks a lot for the friend request btw. <3
Parachute Apr 8, 2017 8:08 PM
No problem! Yeah, I really enjoyed Baccano! and its characters/setting. :) Really wish there was more anime like it. JoJo/Psycho Pass are really fun to watch as well. Josephs my favorite so far too. <3 Oh, I also plan on watching Hunter x Hunter in the near future.

I noticed you have a lot shows on your "To Watch" list, haha. There's a bunch of things I want to watch too but there's never enough time or I'm just really too lazy to get around to watching them. Sometimes I just start them and never continue watching them, I never want drop any though. :c
Parachute Apr 8, 2017 7:03 AM
hi. sweet taste. :)
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