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Apr 25, 2009 6:37 AM

Sep 2008
I guess there is no reason and sense to write the post in VNese in this case. In MAL, this club is the only one for VNese or those who are interested so far, os this topic seems to be a must. So let's end the introduction here :) (likely it will be modified in the future, as of now, it is messy and blunt)

Let's start. From my point of view, Vietnamese can be quite easy to learn if you are known with one of Eastern Asian languages, otherwise, you may have troubles. But let's think for a moment, is it really easy to learn any language ;) The alphabet of Vietnamese language is Latin-based which is great plus, but there is something called tone. It is the cause of difficulty with spelling. To make long story short, other aspects like grammar, dictionary, writing is much less troublesome once you have a fair command over spelling. In order no to confuse readers anymore, check Wiki article on your own:

Here are the links for web pages for learning Vietnamese (the list will grow gradually), the more detailed review for each of them will come later on. As of current update, I will post only guides based on English, for other languages please wait for future updates. Additionally, some of the web pages just contains information/tips on learning the language. Lastly, anyone can propose new websites or write a review (short or long, neither matters) - of course, the proper credit will be given.
(with instructors/teacher only)
(one may have problem with viewing - since the website font is weird)
(kinda for kids, but you know)
(for fees)
(language tour)

Below is the list of dictionary web pages:
(only VNese-VNese)

List of good books/audiobooks to learn Vietnamese:

(coming soon...)

If any link is down, please let me know.

Any discussion is welcome here. Since most people in the club are VNese so feel free to ask anything.

Good luck!
Are you Vietnamese/Vietnamese-related or anyone who is interested in VN or VNese culture? Join me at:
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Apr 27, 2009 6:48 PM
Dec 2008
:-O! That is an impressive collection with websites related to learning Vietnamese! With this in hand I feel that I will be much better prepared the next time I go visit Vietnam in terms of language.

Pronunciation and all those ¨^´` surrounding the letters is what I believe to be the most troubling part in learning Vietnamese, though I don't know much about the grammatic stuff. But as Tkizzi mentioned the use of the latin alphabet is a great plus, as I don't have to learn a new alphabet from scratch.
When I was smaller (3-10 years old I guess) I was apparently pretty good at Vietnamese, and was able to talk pretty much with my relatives. But as I grew older I didn't visit Vietnam for a certain amount of years and sadly forgot most of it.

Anyway, I'm truly grateful for all that effort you put into making this, Tkizzi, I'll make sure to put it to good use, and I hope that everyone else that wishes to learn Vietnamese does the same. Cảm ơn!^_^
Apr 28, 2009 5:01 AM

Apr 2009

Pronunciation and all those ¨^´` surrounding the letters is what I believe to be the most troubling part in learning Vietnamese

Dont worry :)), those things are just the basics, once you learned that, you can read all the words, the grammar isnt too difficult also. But the most troublesome part is vocabulary :)), there are many words with the same meaning, different from the north to the south VN.

And i think the hardest ones are the Han-Viet words, which are mostly used in writing, so its not that you have to learn all those except you want to be a poet =), but they make your writing style though

Oh, and there are others writing styles like the net one and the 9x one [used by 9x kids =))] which i suggest you not to let them into your head for now =) [except the 9x style, NEVER learn that thing =))]
Apr 28, 2009 6:41 AM
Apr 2008
@Asakura: except the 9x style, NEVER learn that thing =)) ---- Especially, not Except =)
@ let them into your head for now --- for all eternity =) not now...

Heres the example for the 9x code, yes, CODE!:

.....vCl]`])iF_µ`/v\µº]\[' ]\[º]'.......!!!!
(º' ]\[†|µ]\[(¬? ])]F_µ` ††|Cl† §µ ]<º ††|F_? 3]F_†' †Pvµº(' ])(. 3º]~ (Cl]' v]F_]\[~ (Cl]\[†|? ]<†|] ])º' ])]F_]\[~ PvCl v\/Cl' †|ºCl]\[` †|Clº? , v\/Cl' ])F_]º ]<†|]F_]\[' PvF_ ]_Cl]v[` †µº]\[(¬? §F_~ (º' 1 ]v[º]' †]]\[†| ])Cl]` ]_Clµ.†|Cl] ]\[Cl]v[ (µ]\[(¬~ ]_Cl` 1 ]<†|ºCl]\[(¬~ ††|º]` (¬]Cl]\[ \v/Cl' ])Cl]`.PvF_ ††|Cl† §µ ]v[Cl]\[~ ]\[(¬µ¥]\[ \/º]' ])]F_µ` ]\[Cl¥`.]\[†|µ]\[(¬ /v\º] ††|µ' (†|Cl]\[(¬~ 3Clº (¬]º` "3Cl]\[(¬` ]º†|Cl]\[(¬?" (Cl~.]\[†|µ]\[(¬~ ]<†|º' ]<†|Cl]\[,(µ]\[(¬`(µ(,]\[†|~ 3] \v/Cl]\[,])Clµ ]<†|º~,/v\Cl†' ]\[]F_/v\` †]]\[ ,]\[†|~ ]_º †ºCl]\[ , /v\Cl†' /v\Cl†' vCl` (µº]' (µ]\[(¬` ]_Cl` ]\[†|~ (¬]º† ]\[µº(' /v\Cl†' ]_Cl` ]\[†|µ]\[(¬~ ])]F_µ` ]_µº]\[ (¬Cl]\[' ]_]F_]\[` vº]' /v\º]~ (º]\[ ]\[(¬µº]`.(º' Cl] ])º' ]\[º]' PvCl]\[(¬` "(†|]? ]<†|] ]\[Clº` 3Cl]\[ ])Clµ ]<†|º? ])F_]\[' 99% ††|]` ]_µ(' ])º' 3Cl]\[ §F_~ ])º]\[' ]\[†|Cl]\[ ])( 1% ]\[]F_/v\` †|Cl]\[†| ]º†|µ(' vCl' /v\º]' †|]F_µ? ])( (¬]Cl' †Pv] ])](†|' ††|µ( ºF (µº( §º]\[(¬'.(†|Cl]\[(¬? ]_F_~ (§ ††|Cl† §µ ]\[(¬†|]F_† ]\[(¬Cl~ ])F_]\[']\[†|µ vCl¥?
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.....vai`dieu`muon' noi'.......!!!!
co' nhung? dieu` that su ko the? biet' truoc' dc. boi~ cai' vien~ canh? khi do' dien~ ra wa' hoan` hao? , wa' dep khien' re lam`

tuong? se~ co' 1 moi' tinh dai` lau.hai nam cung~ la` 1 khoang~ thoi` gian wa' dai`.re that su man~ nguyen voi' dieu`

nay`.nhung moi thu' chang~ bao gio` "bang` phang?" ca~.nhung~ kho' khan,cung`cuc,nhung~ bi wan,dau kho~,mat' niem` tin

,nhung~ lo toan , mat' mat' va` cuoi' cung` la` nhung~ giot nuoc' mat' la` nhung~ dieu` luon gan' lien` voi' moi~ con

nguoi`.co' ai do' noi' rang` "chi? khi nao` ban dau kho? den' 99% thi` luc' do' ban se~ don' nhan dc 1% niem` hanh phuc' va'

moi' hieu? dc gia' tri dich' thuc of cuoc song'.chang? le~ cs that su nghiet nga~ den'nhu vay?
ngay luc' nay' day re cam? thay' minh` bat' luc , yeu' duoi',thieu' ban? linh~ nhung~ khi khong the? lo lang' cho em nhu nguoi`

re ko the~ o~ ben canh de~ an ui~ em,lo lang' cho em moi ngay`,re chi? con` biet' viet' entry,tat' ca? niem` tin re deu` dat vao` nhung~ entry nhu the' nay`....
co' le~ re phai~ tranh' mat em cang` xa cang` tot'.
da~ den' luc' khep' long` lai chang?...
cai' suy nghi~ "khi em cang` gan` gui~ anh,thi` anh se~ cang` lam` kho~ em hon" cu' dan` vat. re,re dang ngo` vuc. ve` tinh` cam giua~ 2 dua' ,re cam~ thay' minh that su ko xung' dang' de~ den' voi' em.
re so rang` re cang` iu em thi` em se~ nghi~ re thuong hai lam'.that su rat' so.
re phai~ lam` sao?????va` biet' den' bao gio` re moi' don' nhan dc
1% niem` thanh phuc' kia
....hay la` cu' "danh' cuoc" voi so phan...?????????
Apr 29, 2009 12:59 PM
Dec 2008
I was about to ask you guys what you think is the hardest part in Vietnamese, but I believe that Asakura somewhat answered that question.
But about the vocabulary, where there are many words with the same meaning, from what I've experienced I think it is also the other way around, that one word(or at least it does sound like it is the same word) means many different things. But that's probably because I'm new with Vietnamese. For example the word "toi"(I have no idea how it is spelled) from what I've heard it means I, peanut, enough, bag and some other things I don't remember right now. But it's most likely spelled differently depending on the situation. The Pronunciation seems to be really important and also really hard to learn.

And what exactly is a 9x kid, a robot? Judging by the 9x code I can't help but think that it is, cause it does look like an unreadable computer script.

EDIT: Do most of the Vietnamese names mean something? As an example my middle name/Vietnamese name is Tien which I'm pretty sure means "money"
Apr 29, 2009 2:17 PM

Apr 2009
Well, base on the word "toi" u said, there are these: "tôi" means "I", "tối" means dark, "tội" means guilty, "toi" means die or s.t like that =), "tồi" means bad, "tỏi" means garlic. Its not that hard :)), the meaning and the pronuciation are just depended on the " '`?~.", pretty easy to learn, the important part is to remember the meaning :)), but when you speak with vns u dont have to pronounce exactly, just dont say s.t so different :))

And about the Vns names, most of them are Han-Viet words, usually parents like to have some meaning, so most of the names have 1, and u have to read your full name to understand the meaning. But some times its just the last name and 1 more word for the first name (usually popular first names). "Nguyễn Nam" for example =D, it doesnt have any meaning :))

Ah, and here are some 9x for u =))
There isnt a post about these kids in english, so u cant fully understand about them, but i think the images are enough =)), and make sure its ""
Asakura90Apr 29, 2009 2:37 PM
Apr 30, 2009 12:14 AM

Sep 2008
I agree with a point of view about names with Asakura - it is quite often to meet the cases when multiple people have the same name. Each name (most times no need to include surname) has its own meaning, but it is quite limited unlike Chinese or other Eastern-Asian languages since Vietnamese alphabet is Latin-based.

I kinda disagree with the point of vocabulary since I think the same problem exists in every language, especially where there are multiple ethnicities/nations. For me, it is kinda normal to see the communication problem between Vietnamese people living in different lingual areas (basically, there are 3: northern, central & southern - that is not including local languages). While normally I don't have a problem talking to person speaking 'southern Vietnamese', but it is really trouble to communicate with 'central Vietnamese'-speaking person =))

As Asakura mentions, most of word normally will have a singular popular meaning - of course, there are indirect meanings, too :D Surely, pronunciation is tough for foreigners since there is no such thing in Western languages ;)

If there is any difficulty with vocabulary, it is more about the choice of words since dependent on the age, status, etc. of the person and the situation, you need to use different choice of words. This concept is certainly much tougher in comparison with Western languages, it happens due to local tradition I guess just like other Asian countries :)
Are you Vietnamese/Vietnamese-related or anyone who is interested in VN or VNese culture? Join me at:
May 5, 2009 3:49 PM
Dec 2008
The mysteries regarding the Vietnamese language seems to grow. Just to make it clear, are Han-Viet words like, older little more formal words and not used so much in everyday daily speech, but more common in literature and such?

Is it a BIG difference in choice of words when talking to people depening on status, age and so on? I thought it was pretty hard to know how to greet someone since it seemed like I had to address everyone differently, when I thought I knew how to greet to someone, they came up with yet another title. But it should be easy to know once I learn it properly.

Is really the communication between north, central and south Vietnam that troublesome? One may think that the language differences in one country wouldn't be that big. I've only been to the northern part of Vietnam, Hanoi and the smaller surrounding cities to be more specific, where most of my relatives lives.

May 5, 2009 8:57 PM

Dec 2007
Han Viet is everywhere ;))

>>>Is it a BIG difference in choice of words when talking to people depening on status, age and so on

<<< Yes, you can make a fight if you call a elder is "thằng" but it's ok to younger :)). And the word "you" has more than ten equivalent words in Vietnamese.

>>>I thought it was pretty hard to know how to greet someone since it seemed like I had to address everyone differently, when I thought I knew how to greet to someone, they came up with yet another title. But it should be easy to know once I learn it properly

<<<It has a rule, not so different from English. Like "younger uncle" = "chú" and "older uncle" = bác :)), uncle can also mean "Cậu" and "Aunt" has plenty of equivalent words too.

>>>Is really the communication between north, central and south Vietnam that troublesome? One may think that the language differences in one country wouldn't be that big. I've only been to the northern part of Vietnam, Hanoi and the smaller surrounding cities to be more specific, where most of my relatives lives.

<<<Not so important.

Hope you can understand what I'm trying to say since my English writing is bad :))
May 6, 2009 1:54 AM

Sep 2008
I agree with thuyquai. Just to add few more specifics.

Han-Viet words are basically words borrowed from Chinese language, which means that those words have similar meanings to their counterparts in Chinese, but it nothing hard or complicated since anyone has to learn vocabulary, anyway ;) It is just another fact that one should know about VNese language.

About choice of words and greeting - likely if you are not local, the local people will not care when you make mistakes. Nevertheless, there are certain restrictions, but they are only important when you are at pretty good level. OK, not gonna talk more since it only makes things more confusing ;)

About regional difference, the troublesome part is accent, sometimes it is incredibly hard to catch the words/phrases. Yeah, almost all the times when people from different areas talk to each other, we tend to use the vocabulary of standard government (i.e. the Northern) language. You should worry about it since it is likely "once in a blue moon" problem for you :)

Tidusover, the mysteries will grow more and more once you are going to learn the language for full 100%. I guess it is the same with every language - each one has its own extrema :D
Are you Vietnamese/Vietnamese-related or anyone who is interested in VN or VNese culture? Join me at:
May 8, 2009 9:59 PM
Oct 2008
>>>> Do most of the Vietnamese names mean something? As an example my middle name/Vietnamese name is Tien which I'm pretty sure means "money"

<<<< yes, mostly. Now Han-Viet is not really popular anymore. They usually remember the meaning of the whole word, not the meaning of each character so i do find some vietnamese names with vague/awkward meaning (Vietnamese names are supposed to be in Han-Viet)
"money" is "tiền". But i don't think that's the idea. It sounds a bit weird. Maybe you should ask your parents about it.
May 9, 2009 3:13 AM

Apr 2009
I think its so popular that sometimes we think its pure vietnamese. And I actually know someone whose last name is Tiền, but if its his first name, then its really awkward :)), Tiên or Tiến are more popular. And btw, "tiền" in Han-Viet also means "front" =)
May 9, 2009 9:35 AM
Dec 2008
I guess that I'm thinking about these things too early, these things should be of concern later, right now I should take one step at a time and start worrying about the easier parts. And most likely I will learn about these things as I learn the language, but it was just some things that I had on my mind.

My mother who is Vietnamese said that my father who worked in Vietnam for about five years was still pretty bad at Vietnamese even though he worked there for all those years. So I do believe it is a pretty hard language to learn, but is only expected as it is based on a different culture and such, I might not be able to master it, but I'd be really happy to just be able to talk with people while I'm there.

About my middle name, I asked my mother a long time ago about it's meaning and as I understood it it's sole meaning was "money". As I have a western name I'm not able to combine it with any other of my names. But I think of it more as a "Luck charm" of some sort, and I believe that was the intention when I was given that name.
May 9, 2009 9:42 AM

Dec 2007
Well, let say dont' treat Han-Viet as something special. Just Vietnamese words like the rest.

When I see foreigner speak Vietnamese in TV, their weakest point is the differient of "dấu từ" like Tiền, Tiên, Tiến, Tiển, Tiện, Tiễn, they can't say it true ;))
thuyquaiMay 9, 2009 10:11 PM
May 9, 2009 9:58 PM
Oct 2008
Maybe you should begin with speech between buddies, because noone can remember all those pronouns to addressing someone (but hey! Babies learn their own mother tongue like that, pretty tough eh?). Even if it's improper in some cases but i think it's excusable. You'll get better someday.
This is a bit out of topic but i want to share my experience while learning Chinese. Chinese has "dấu từ" and weird consonants too (even to Vietnamese speakers). Maybe you can't even figure what it sounds, I must say :) so don't fret if you fail at first. Just feel it
angemonMay 10, 2009 10:05 PM
Jan 4, 2010 4:21 AM

Mar 2009
haha this just reminds me of my friend tra-my from chua that refused to read it correctly cuz it took too much time so she just said it the way it looks. -_________-

but i get what you mean with the signs.. take ca for example. but i guess you just have to memorize them and remember
Jan 19, 2010 6:44 AM
Oct 2009
Everyone let's learn Vnese !
Vnese has many word adapt from Chinese with are same in Japanese like: Sui-Shui-Thuy (Water). Shun-Xuan. Shou.nen-Thieu nien...
In my country I have read manga before all the fan in US, at that time it's easy to understand all the world in JP, but when I read that manga again in US, is so difficult since all the world translate in English! And also, many old saying, idiom also same in Vnese.
And Vnand JP also use multi word for "I", like "watashi-toi", "-chan,- co"
Asian's language always wonderful !
Jul 16, 2011 2:04 AM

Jan 2008
I live in France, and I learned vietnamese at school for 5 years but I don't practice it a lot. My boyfriend is french. Even with my brother and my sister, we made a habit to speak in french. ^^""
My mum is vietnamese but we generally speak in french too, I know that I should speak vietnamese to her but I'm lazy xD.
Jul 18, 2011 4:54 PM

Mar 2009
It's not difficult to speak Vietnamese, if you practice.
I can switch between English, French, German and Vietnamese in no time.
It's just the thing to practice to switch between languages.
Jul 19, 2011 8:17 AM

Sep 2008
practice does wonders. calilia, I understand ur circumstances quite well, it is always like that for kids/teens born or living away from VN for a long time. and parents do not encourage the kids to learn VNese either - mostly because they do not want the kids to return to VN, either *_*
it is up to you whether you want to learn VNese for good, but if you plan so I think you will need to take it seriously. no shortcuts for such matter ^_*

Nekro-Nin: actually, switching is that much a factor. one can easily swtich between few languages if he/she uses it on regular basis. i know this fact myself. because I used to know Russian very well in the past, but now I find it difficult to speak Russiian while still having fluent listening & reading skills. yeah, your language skills diminish if you do not it often. good thing is that you can fast regain it if you use them regularly back :-)
Are you Vietnamese/Vietnamese-related or anyone who is interested in VN or VNese culture? Join me at:
May 23, 2012 1:07 PM
May 2012
tkizzi said:
I guess there is no reason and sense to write the post in VNese in this case. In MAL, this club is the only one for VNese or those who are interested so far, os this topic seems to be a must. So let's end the introduction here :) (likely it will be modified in the future, as of now, it is messy and blunt)

Let's start. From my point of view, Vietnamese can be quite easy to learn if you are known with one of Eastern Asian languages, otherwise, you may have troubles. But let's think for a moment, is it really easy to learn any language ;) The alphabet of Vietnamese language is Latin-based which is great plus, but there is something called tone. It is the cause of difficulty with spelling. To make long story short, other aspects like grammar, dictionary, writing is much less troublesome once you have a fair command over spelling. In order no to confuse readers anymore, check Wiki article on your own:

Here are the links for web pages for learning Vietnamese (the list will grow gradually), the more detailed review for each of them will come later on. As of current update, I will post only guides based on English, for other languages please wait for future updates. Additionally, some of the web pages just contains information/tips on learning the language. Lastly, anyone can propose new websites or write a review (short or long, neither matters) - of course, the proper credit will be given.
(with instructors/teacher only)
(one may have problem with viewing - since the website font is weird)
(kinda for kids, but you know)
(for fees)
(language tour)

Below is the list of dictionary web pages:
(only VNese-VNese)

List of good books/audiobooks to learn Vietnamese:

(coming soon...)

If any link is down, please let me know.

Any discussion is welcome here. Since most people in the club are VNese so feel free to ask anythingAp
Apartment for rent in ho chi minh city
Villa for rent in ho chi minh city
House for rent in Ho Chi Minh city
Good luck!
Jul 29, 2022 7:21 AM
Jun 2022
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members

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