The strongest mercenary guild in the world is the New Moon, who have survived three wars and made an alliance with the second strongest guild, the Red Claws. Unfortunately, the Red Claws broke off the alliance by attacking the New Moon and almost eliminating them all. The New Moons managed to win this battle, yet there's still more conflict to come. A group called the Crimson Nova wish for a new leader, while the others still want to keep their old leader.
The Game Master will send every player a Private Message with his role:
There are 20 players and 3 factions with no normal role unless more players sign up: 6 Crimson Novas 2 No factons and 12 residents
Almost none of the players know the role of the other players - only the Crimson Nova and Serial killers if there is more then one know each other and are allowed to communicate outside of the thread. They can choose who to execute during the night phase.
It’s allowed to discuss everything in the game thread. But you’ll have to pay attention - you never know whether a person tells the truth or not.
There are two phases, the day and the night phase:
Day phase:
Every players will vote for the person they want toexecute during the day phase. The person with the most votes will be executed.
Night phase:
The Crimson Nova will choose a player they want to kill during the night phase. The person chosen will be killed.
The New Moon members with special abilities will be able to use their abilities during the night phase. They have to PM the Game Masters to use these.
You can post during the night phase.
Each phase will start at 9 pm central time zone (UTC/GMT -6, click here to see what time it’s in the central time zone).
Victory conditions:
[color=red]Crimson Nova: [/color]Wins when all New Moon and 3rd party roles are dead. [color=green]New Moon:[/color] Wins when all Crimson Nova and 3rd party roles are dead. Jinx: Wins when no one else is left. [color=orange]Havoc:[/color] There can be more then one they win when they are the only ones left.
1. Every phase lasts for 24 hours.
2. No one is allowed to talk about the game outside the thread, except the secret clubs provided by the GM and the death thread (only for the dead)
3. Ask the GM per PM if you have any questions regarding the game.
5. Everyone who is inactive for two whole phases will be auto-banned
6. Persons who do not participate in this game or who are killed you are strictly prohibited to interfere with the game. They are not allowed to write in the Game Thread or/and to exchange guesses/knowledge with a living player.
7. Players are not allowed to vote for themself in the execution voting.
8. You are not allowed to show a PM send by the GM to anyone.
9. You’re not allowed to send private message to another player (Exceptions: Crimson Nova, Havocs, Lovers.)
10.If someone becomes another Havoc it will be put in the next phase.
11. To lynch someone, write lynch: username
(It has to be in bold)
[u][b]New Moon members:[/u][/b]
Ryyker (Night)
Ryyker is the leader of the New Moon mercenary Guild he can escape from danger 3 times a night but he must send a message to the GM in order to do so.
Crimson (Night)
Crimson is the New moons Blood mage he is immune to excutions by the Crimson Nova with the use of a Blood Ward but if he is attacked by Havoc the Blood Ward is broken and his mind is destroyed turning him into another Havoc.
Luna is a wererat by birth and because of that can use the sewers of the city to travel around fast andis able ease drop on any player Luna can pick one player a night to ease drop on via PM to Gm and will recieve the players role via PM
Raveen (Night)
Raveen is a samurai bound by honor and only take contrats to kill evil doers once a night he can choose someone to kill if it is Crimson Nova they die and Raveen can use his power another night if its a New Moon member Raveen will kill himself if he chooses Jinx or Havoc he will be killed>
Cassus is a demon that has found a purpose in the human world and is very intelligent and can Roleblock one player a night via pm to the Gm that persons powers are unable to be used for the night
Vengence is a New Moon member is lynched can curse one of the People who voted on him the voted person will die at the end of the next phase.
Siegfried and Cassandra Vengenful lovers(day/night)
The lovers are two mercenarys that fell in love dureing a mission and are married if Havoc or Crimson Nova kills one of them the other will kill themselves if one of them is lynched the other will become another Havoc Sigfried and Cassandra can communicate through PM
Acts as a vanilla townie, however when their are no havoc's, he is offered the chance to become one - He can choose to accept or not.
Healers 3 (Night)
There are three healers they can just one player a night to keep safe Via PM with the Gm.
[b][u]Crimson Nova:[/b][/u]
Vectus is the leader of the Crimson Nova and can order Blade which New Moon member to kill at night Blade then will PM the GM the person they wish to kill if Blade is dead Vectus does the kill instead
Nova is a illusionist and can pick one one player via Pm Nova is investgated will appear as a New Moon and pick one New Moon to seen as a Crimson Nova member if investagated
Cagnous can dampen a persons senses making them useless once a night Cagnous can Roleblock one person via Pm to the GM
The seeker can watch one person a night through their crystal ball know who they are must send Pm to the Gm to do so
Can kill one person a night by order of Vectus if Vectus is dead Blade can choose who to kill himself via pm to the Gm if he does not no kill will be made.
The Silencer can pick one person via PM with the GM and that person will not be able to talk or vote the next day phase the choose player will be get a PM regarding this.
[b][u]Third Party roles:[/b][/u]
Jinx is as the name said bad luck anyone who visits Jinx dureing the night will be killed except Havoc Havoc is the only on that can kill Jinx
Once a night Havoc can kill one player via Pm with the GM there can be up to three Havocs and they can communicate through PMs each can make a 1 kill a night. Havoc's can't be killed during the night phase.
Announcement of the Execution:
At the end of each execution voting, the game master will count all the votes the person with the highest voting count will be executed If theres two persons with the same voting count, the person being executed between the two will be chosen randomly. If there’s a draw between three or more people, the person to execute will be chosen randomly between the tied votes. The announcement of the excution might be might be delayed up to 30 minutes due to this.
Staff Edit: Made thread sticky and added the current phase to thread title.
Just added all game info to make it easier for players to keep track of game and roles.
E(xanic): Changed Phase in title & edited player info.
JackritoFeb 11, 2015 9:44 AM
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
It's 9PM for me. It's due to school, mostly, which starts tomorrow.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Wow I entirely forgot about this. The ruleset here is really impressive--did you write it yourself? It's really well thought out.
Well, since nobody else seems to be saying anything important, I'll kick things off. Here's my initial thoughts:
"Ryyker is the leader of the New Moon mercenary Guild he can escape from danger 3 times a night but he must send a message to the GM in order to do so."
So bascially this is saying he's almost entirely immune to night-killing? He'd have to be targeted by FOUR DIFFERENT PEOPLE in order to be night-killed. Which is possible it seems, just highly unlikely.
"There are three healers they can just one player a night to keep safe Via PM with the Gm."
Three Doctor roles? That's a lot. If they play their cards right and keep track of who's protected, after the opening round they can keep half the New Moon safe every night.
"The Silencer can pick one person via PM with the GM and that person will not be able to talk or vote the next day phase the choose player will be get a PM regarding this."
This is pretty neat, never seen it before. Of course that means his target will be obvious, so he'll have to play a lot differently from a roleblocker. It'll be easier to see patterns in this as the game progresses as well.
"Once a night Havoc can kill one player via Pm with the GM there can be up to three Havocs and they can communicate through PMs each can make a 1 kill a night. Havoc's can't be killed during the night phase."
If the havocs maximize their potential and the Skeptic stays alive that means we could reach a point where there are six strikes in a single night. Probably won't happen but it would be really impressive if it did.
Anyway those are the most standout roles to me. This is only my 2nd game and I didn't do too hot in my first but it looks like it'll be fun!
@Mataro_Mahri: I was not the one who came up with the skill-set. I'm only hosting the game. :)
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Ok, so we got 11 New Moon members and 6 Crimson Nova. This means that Crimson Nova is like the mafia in this game, because they the minority..
I am a New Moon member
Matoro_Mahri said: "Ryyker is the leader of the New Moon mercenary Guild he can escape from danger 3 times a night but he must send a message to the GM in order to do so."
So bascially this is saying he's almost entirely immune to night-killing? He'd have to be targeted by FOUR DIFFERENT PEOPLE in order to be night-killed. Which is possible it seems, just highly unlikely.
No, I think it means that Ryyker can use his skill 3 times durring the entirety of the game. When he uses his skill, he will be immune to ALL danger that night. It doesn't matter how many that targets him..
Matoro_Mahri said: "There are three healers they can just one player a night to keep safe Via PM with the Gm."
Three Doctor roles? That's a lot. If they play their cards right and keep track of who's protected, after the opening round they can keep half the New Moon safe every night.
Yeah, but they should primarily just protect themself untill later in the game..
Matoro_Mahri said: "The Silencer can pick one person via PM with the GM and that person will not be able to talk or vote the next day phase the choose player will be get a PM regarding this."
This is pretty neat, never seen it before. Of course that means his target will be obvious, so he'll have to play a lot differently from a roleblocker. It'll be easier to see patterns in this as the game progresses as well.
I've tried to play with this role IRL and mafia often act as if they have been silenced in order to look innocent. However, I doubt we will be able to see any patterns because people often are inactive in forum mafia..
For now, I quess I'll just add a little more pressure on Shap11 Vote: Shap111