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No. 6
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Sep 9, 2011 8:25 AM

Jul 2009
So, I guess all big big big No.6 fans have been reading novel.

>.< I also really love the novel BUT I could only find 1,5 volumes translated here . All I can say is that translation is very nice and I really enjoyed reading!

If you know any other translators who has translated more of No.6 novel please share here ^.^ thank you!
Sep 9, 2011 8:40 AM

Apr 2011
That is the only ongoing translation I know of. Whatever other languages that the books were translated to are out of print. You'd have to buy the 9 volumes in Japanese to get any farther than what's on that blog. The manga is very close to the novel, however. Some scenes have been moved around a bit and some minor things have been cut but it's been very faithful to the book so far overall. Thing is the manga is only group scanlated from chapters 1-4 and then there's an early fan scanlation of chapter 5 out there as well. 5 only goes as far as them walking down the street with the angry fruit stand guy, the hooker, and the disposers. If you know a little kanji like me, it's easy to match the manga chapters from 6-8 that are only in Chinese right now to the corresponding chapters of volume 2 in the novel. Interestingly, right now, the end of manga chapter 8 is exactly where the 9th ave blog has left off. (The next half-chapter from 9th ave will cover Safu's abduction. Chapter 8 ends with the abduction itself.)
Sep 9, 2011 8:55 AM

Jul 2009
Ghhh, damn you fans who have bought the novels XD translate it! Will send you cookies.

Heh, anyway, maybe it's even better... Next week comes the last episode and I won't be that depressed because novel <translation> is still ongoing.
Sep 9, 2011 9:10 AM

Apr 2011
That's a good attitude to have about it. I'm trying to do the same.

If I get really impatient I might buy and start trying to translate the books for myself. But although I'm getting close I'm not quite at the level of Japanese where that wouldn't be an extreme undertaking for me. Also, I'm waiting to see what kind of ending the anime has next week and then I want to know if the novel ending is the same or different. (A friend said she'd check and tell me without spoiling the actual details of the ending.) If I think it's going to be an ending I'll like more than in the anime (or if it's the same and I really like the anime ending), then that will tip me a little more in favour of buying them.
Sep 9, 2011 10:07 AM

Jul 2009
I have also been spoiled that novel ending will probably be better than anime...

I guess anime will have a lovely dovely end (whcih I would hate) but... we'll see. D:<
Sep 9, 2011 1:37 PM

Apr 2011
Personally I've come to care about Nez and Sion so much I'm more for the lovey-dovey end lol...

But I don't think even the anime will give us that. But we'll see...
Sep 9, 2011 3:52 PM
May 2011
So far, the anime has been following the novels VERY closely.
I highly think the end for the anime will be the the same as the one in the novel.
Or maybe that's just what I'm hoping for because I hate things that are 'anime originals'.
Sep 9, 2011 4:32 PM

Apr 2011
The anime followed the first volume very closely and then started to deviate from the second. Since then they've not only changed the order of various key events happening, but they've dropped at least one subplot, they made Safu have a fainting spell like Nezumi when she actually didn't have any at all in the book, they completely changed everything about the kiss scene (except who does it to who, and the fact that it's a secret "goodbye" kiss), they also made Nezumi all deredere before they even got to the CF but in the book excerpt I read from volume 5, chapter 2, he's colder to Sion than I've ever seen or read him being before, as they infiltrate the facility. Someone I know says she found out there are two possible endings. I bet both of those possible endings are anime originals.

Don't get me wrong. Although there's a certain part or two of the second volume that I think the anime ruined, I think Bones has done a great job overall and I don't mind whatever anime original ending they have coming, as long as it stays within the spirit of the original. It'll even be nice to get a surprise ending to the book, imo.
Sep 9, 2011 6:44 PM

Aug 2011
If you really can't wait and want to know what happens, you can read summaries here
there are a few direct translations of certain scenes, too.

And Shion and Nezumi's relationship is VERY different in the novel than the anime so far. It's alot darker. Vol. 5 was just plain DISTURBING. So much different than the anime. To be honest, I enjoy their relationship in the anime more, but I do love dark stuff, so IDK. I just hope they can resolve things before the end of the novel.

And I don't think novel nezumi has forgotten about his revenge at this point. Which is why his relationship with shion isn't as fluffy as it is in the anime.

I view the anime and novel as two separate entities at this point, so however BONES decides to end it will be fine by me.
SilverDemonSep 9, 2011 6:57 PM
Sep 9, 2011 8:10 PM
May 2011
Oi, mybadmybad, I guess I shouldn't talk when I haven't even read the novel myself. LOLOLOL. (only skimmed through the summaries as well)
But for the most part No. 6, didn't really add anything anime original other than a few scenes and left one a lot of things which probably didn't change much of how the direction of the plot would go which I don't really blame them because they only have 11 episodes to work with.

Two possible endings? o: Quite interested in what they might be.
I really do think that the
though I'm sure many would disagree. xD
Sep 13, 2011 8:14 PM

Aug 2011
epiklow said:

though I'm sure many would disagree. xD

that was my opinion once I heard about how's novel ending
the most lovely point about it is that " it ties everything back to the beginning" <3
Sep 14, 2011 1:02 AM
Jul 2011
Sharyka said:
I have also been spoiled that novel ending will probably be better than anime...
LOL if that's changed i would automatically consider the anime ending superior to the novel. (that person has such potential! i'd hate to see it get wasted. also i like them so much, ahhh all my creys ;_______;)

@pure: about the novel ending, i think that type of thing is called "book ends" or "book ending"? and since japanese like their narratives to be circular, can't say i'm surprised she chose to end it this way.

i don't dislike it, since i can extrapolate nezumi's reasons but i do wish he'd given better in-text excuses, hahaha. also i think it would be good for them in the long run, LOL. xDD

however i will not deny that a small part of me is
jjoymSep 14, 2011 1:08 AM
Sep 15, 2011 2:23 PM

Jul 2009
SilverDemon said:

And Shion and Nezumi's relationship is VERY different in the novel than the anime so far. It's alot darker. Vol. 5 was just plain DISTURBING. So much different than the anime. To be honest, I enjoy their relationship in the anime more, but I do love dark stuff, so IDK. I just hope they can resolve things before the end of the novel.

Ugh and I like them more in the novel.

Maybe just because you're able to "hear" Sions mind and it's so goddamn adorable, you can fully understand how he feels about Nezumi. However in anime their relationships are not THAT much and a lot of people get confused... However.. It's more then love.

Goddamn , once again I've started puking rainbows, ponies, sparkly muffins and stuff...

Anyway, now I have continued reading the novel (since the last episode was kinda disappointing in script quality) and I hope to see something better.

Oh and like jjoym posted in other topic -> this was...stunning. gorgeous. lovely. beautiful. amazing. heart-warming....
Sep 15, 2011 3:01 PM
Jul 2011
Sharyka said:

Oh and like jjoym posted in other topic -> this was...stunning. gorgeous. lovely. beautiful. amazing. heart-warming....

Yes you can see there how the ending was suppose to go and how much conversation they left out, believe that is the same place I read it before as well.
Sep 19, 2011 9:04 PM

Apr 2011
Keep meaning to post here:

We should talk about the latest chapters.

Volume 2 Chapter 5 got finished on the 9th ave blog the other day...
Looking forward to Volume 3! :)
Sep 20, 2011 2:17 PM
Jul 2011
oh ahahaha that "do you remember" bit was hilarious, as was the original pinning scene, if not intentionally so.

shion: so like, he pushed me down on the bed and whispered in my ear and wrapped his legs around my hips really tight, and i couldn't move but whatever, it was AMAZING, my body was tingling, i'd never felt stuff like that before! and then i stuck my hands under his shirt and told him he was hot and he told me i was pretty hot, too and then he fell asleep on top of me but i felt really good so i didn't bother moving and we just slept like that.

karan: ....

nezumi: IT'S NOT WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE I SWEAR TO GOD other news, i liked that chapter, too, but so far my favorite bits in the new chapters is safu's escape attempt. SHE WAS SO BRAVE AND SMART AND B'AAAWWW I AM NEVER GETTING OVER THIS
jjoymSep 20, 2011 2:21 PM
Sep 20, 2011 3:36 PM

Apr 2011
Safu rocks notwithstanding...

ROFL! You totally nailed the original pin-down scene. I actually just wrote my first fanfic of my own, and I referenced that scene in it myself. ;)

In case anyone's interested, I'ma plug my long, 2-chapter No. 6 fic:
whitetearSep 22, 2011 11:04 AM
Sep 25, 2011 8:25 AM

Apr 2011

New novel half-chapter link:
Finally starting volume 3! ^_^

(Also, if anyone's interested in reading my first foray into fanfic, see the post before this one...)

*heads off to read*
Sep 26, 2011 11:58 AM
Jul 2011
thanks for the link~ WHO WANTS TO DISCUSS IT? :DDD

to start with, here's a bit of my reaction. copypasta because LAZINESS:

Nezumi has trolling down to a fine art. A++ would read again. (b=3=)b In other news, his fondness for saying cruel things while gently caressing the other person is both creepy and extremely sexy.

Shion, I love you and think you're cute, nice and wonderfully romantic, but just not cut out to be a poet. (or maybe this is a reaction to your constant mooning over nezumi, it's very sweet and good for the OTP-ness, but also hilariously over-earnest)


ps: imma off to read you fic now xDb do you have moar recs
Sep 26, 2011 3:39 PM

Apr 2011
lol... I remember reading those comments! The bit about Nezumi's creepy-sexy trolling was my favourite.
Sep 27, 2011 11:26 PM
Sep 2011
If you can read some Chinese, here is the full archive of No.6 novel chapters, translated into Chinese.

I have read all the chapters and I can daresay that the novel are seriously much better than the anime series. I just did a summary of volume 8 & 9 for my friend with full translation of the last half chapter of volume 9. If you are interested to be spoiled, I can post it up~ (after I am done with the college madness).
Sep 29, 2011 2:22 PM

Jul 2009
noes, no spoiling pls

i am desperate to know what happens in the novel, but not THAT desperate ^^

i can wait untill all the volumes are translated, before i go reading it, otherwise i have that feeling that i wan to know what is going to happen next... ^^'
Our Dreams are the portals to see the future, our memories won't let us remember, but our bodies will
Sep 29, 2011 4:24 PM

Apr 2011
@Izumi: The Chinese manga is actually *behind* the online novel translations right now. Manga chapter 8 ends with
I keep up to date on the novel translations, so I just skimmed through the Chinese one and matched it to what was happening in the novel. There is some minor dialogue dumped now and then, and some scenes got moved around a little bit, but it's mostly very faithful to the books.

I've been noticing some great doujinshi coming up. Some are translated to English, but a lot of it is still in Japanese. If anyone's interested, I can post some links here. The Japanese ones are on -- which someone here told me about. I can point out some interesting artists there.
Sep 30, 2011 1:28 PM
Jul 2011
all ur links plz
Oct 1, 2011 11:19 PM

Apr 2011
OK but just to warn you, jjoym, you probably might have seen these already! ^_^;
btw if you had a chance to read through my fic, I'd love to know if it made any impression on you (good or bad)?

All: FYI I have read many, but not all of these, so I make no promises. A few are NSFW.
Nov 23, 2011 3:51 PM

Nov 2011
I'm confused. Does the novel have a different ending than the anime or not?
Nov 27, 2011 8:59 PM

Apr 2011
To answer your question...
(I still dislike both endings, but the novel ending/epilogue is at least somewhat better than the anime one.)

In any case the novel is better than the anime and manga by far. The manga was pretty good for a while but they just pissed me off by omitting the big argument scene that you see in ep 6 of the anime. I suppose they might put it in later, but it makes a whole lot less sense to do that. I wonder if there's going to be an alternate ending to the manga too? o_O;

(That said, the manga is *still* closer to to the novels than the anime was.)
Mar 16, 2012 3:35 PM
Jun 2009
So they covered a 9 volume novel series into 11 episodes? Lol.
Mar 24, 2012 10:25 PM

Nov 2007

this. honestly I think Bones might have had no money to make the series longer because making 11 episodes out of 9 novels is really crazy. I mean in contrast 12 kingdoms had 45 episodes for 4 novels!!! wtf?


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