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Dec 30, 2014 10:16 AM

Nov 2013
sekai definitely deserved to die. It was her fault for giving fucking makoto this retarded confidence that he can fuck and cheat on anyone he wants because girls come so easily to him like both girls he was dating. If she made him break up with her or waited then none of this would have happened. the end.
Dec 30, 2014 10:17 AM

Dec 2013
I blame everyone for being so fucking retarded
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Dec 30, 2014 10:19 AM

Dec 2012
PriestSlayer said:
I blame everyone for being so fucking retarded
Lol, this.
Jan 4, 2015 3:24 PM
Dec 2013
Celestrial2 said:
sekai definitely deserved to die. It was her fault for giving fucking makoto this retarded confidence that he can fuck and cheat on anyone he wants because girls come so easily to him like both girls he was dating. If she made him break up with her or waited then none of this would have happened. the end.

She didn't. She trusted Makoto to take care of the breakup with Kotonoha. Your rationality seems a bit odd to me.
Jan 4, 2015 3:35 PM

Jan 2014
mibuwolf0 said:
Celestrial2 said:
sekai definitely deserved to die. It was her fault for giving fucking makoto this retarded confidence that he can fuck and cheat on anyone he wants because girls come so easily to him like both girls he was dating. If she made him break up with her or waited then none of this would have happened. the end.

She didn't. She trusted Makoto to take care of the breakup with Kotonoha. Your rationality seems a bit odd to me.
She still knew he didnt break up...She pretended like she didnt notice...

Makoto's one and only fault was not breaking up from Kotonoha,lol,acting like she doesnt exist is not a good way to break up...

Kotonoha - %0 she is just idiot
Makoto - %20
Sekai - %70
Others - %10
Feb 20, 2015 5:26 PM
Dec 2013
loneywizard said:
She still knew he didnt break up...She pretended like she didnt notice...

Makoto's one and only fault was not breaking up from Kotonoha,lol,acting like she doesnt exist is not a good way to break up...

One and only fault... wow. wow.
Feb 20, 2015 5:47 PM

Jan 2014
mibuwolf0 said:
loneywizard said:
She still knew he didnt break up...She pretended like she didnt notice...

Makoto's one and only fault was not breaking up from Kotonoha,lol,acting like she doesnt exist is not a good way to break up...

One and only fault... wow. wow.
exactly...other girls deserved,and got what they wanted...It was their choice mre than Motokoto's
Feb 20, 2015 6:47 PM

May 2014
Lol what blame? Like for makoto's........ending? Do you mean people's anger? Dude he went out with a chick he thought he liked, then realized he was only after sex. That's just the way he is, he realized he just wanted quick fucks. Actually.....I think it might've been the fault of the girls up to a certain point for not realizing Makoto's real character after all the obvious evidence he was cheating. Like you can't tell me that they still love him no matter what. If he murdered your family and then raped you 10 times.....would you still love him? Get better taste in guys and try to learn how to read character better. But whatever, it's just an anime.
Feb 20, 2015 6:49 PM
Feb 2015
Sekai is definitely to blame here. She knew that she loved makoto. She should have never set those two up. Makoto is also to blame because he didn't properly broke up with koto. Blame sekai 70%, makoto 30%. End of story.
May 5, 2015 8:22 PM

Dec 2013
I don't even understand why this topic exists, I just don't see how anyone can not put the blame where it rightfully belongs. But, let's break it down anyway...

In the beginning Sekai tries to be Itou's friend, she helps him hook up with his crush. She doesn't understand that's a horny, lust driven, pervert because when she asked around the school the people that know him tell her what they knew of him in middle school. Guys and their hormones change a lot between middle school and high school, especially horny teens like Itou who weren't getting any.

Kotonoha was completely incompatible with him from the start. She was shy and kind of scared of guys because of how she'd been bullied and teased her entire life, Itou and Sekai were basically her first friends. Itou was her first boyfriend, and we all saw the trainwreck that was, he was too horny and too aggressive and didn't know how to handle her rejections, and she never understood how that made him feel.

Sekai falling in love with him was perfectly natural for someone in her situation. She'd had a crush on him from the start, and she sat next too him in school and spent pretty much all of every day with him. They got along great, they were comfortable with each other, and the chemistry they shared would get the best of anyone in that kind of situation. She wasn't fully aware just how horny and lust driven he was, all she knew were the things people had told her about him in middle school and the things she learned as their friendship moved along. And it's quite common for high school girls to interfere in each others relationships and steal boyfriends from each other, it's very natural. So her seduction would have been almost harmless had he not been the lecher he was, he could have said no instead of getting pulled along. He could have told Kotonoha that he didn't want to be with her anymore before becoming so forceful with Sekai, he could have come clean to Kotonoha the FIRST time Sekai told him too.

He could have kept his dick in his pants and not slept around with Katou, Setsuna, Hikari, or the harlot trio. He could have been honest with everyone from the start, but boys and especially virgin high school boys tend to confuse lust and love quite easily.

So, where does the blame belong? Hormones. Lust. All of these things happen pretty much all of the time. People date, people cheat, people break up, people fuck. It's just the way people are.

The violence and murder at the end? It didn't have to end that way, Sekai didn't have to kill him. But, given that he basically had told her to fuck off and couldn't understand how her being pregnant was his fault, or the fact that he threw her out when she was trying to make it work so he could fuck another girl and made out with said other girl right in front of her- she was the type to suffer alone, without Setsuna all she had were her bedroom walls and tears, and with the hormones and stress of being pregnant by a deadbeat piece of shit, I can see how she snapped. It's happened before. Kotonoha killing Sekai and opening her up to check for a baby that she couldn't have seen even if she wasn't crazy? That was a bit much, but considering her personality and the way she'd been cheated on, abandoned, raped, and bullied, and then suddenly let back into the life of the one guy who'd ever been interested in her- it's not really a surprise that her obsession and trauma triggered a break that never really came out of even after getting back with Itou.

So, honestly, stop looking for someone to point fingers at, stop trying to blame someone. It was the fault of hormones, lust, and society. Where were the people to teach this kids? Where were the parents to watch over them and bring them up knowing better? Where were the teachers that allowed things like the "Rest Area"? Why hadn't anyone taught these kids about safe sex? Where the adults when girls were be bullied? It's the world we live in, but if you really MUST blame someone... Blame Itou, he didn't have to get himself into the mess from the get go. He always had the option to say no, he always had the option to control his urges and not coerce and manipulate girls into sex.
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
May 5, 2015 8:32 PM

Jan 2014
The_Bif said:
So, honestly, stop looking for someone to point fingers at, stop trying to blame someone. It was the fault of hormones, lust, and society.
lol,%100 of people have lust,hormones and part of the society...But they dont go around killing each other after fucking random people...So obviously there are something,someone else to blame in this story...
May 6, 2015 1:59 PM

Dec 2013
LoneWizard said:
The_Bif said:
So, honestly, stop looking for someone to point fingers at, stop trying to blame someone. It was the fault of hormones, lust, and society.
lol,%100 of people have lust,hormones and part of the society...But they dont go around killing each other after fucking random people...So obviously there are something,someone else to blame in this story...

While going around killing people may not be exactly a common practice in these situations, it does happen. A couple years ago there was incident here in my town where some guy chained his girlfriend to the back of his car and drug her down the road at 40 or 50mph because she cheated on him. There have been cases all over the place of women killing or castrating their lovers for cheating. People are very much flawed creatures, and depending on how and where they're brought up their morals and personalities can be pretty bad. I'm not saying that the killings in this series were normal, or even acceptable, but trying to put the blame on a fictional character for being just as flawed as we humans are is kind of pointless. It was the hormones of every one of these characters, the lust of the extremely flawed douchebag MC, and the society they were living in for not teaching them better or watching over them better. All of the characters seemed to be fucked up in some way or another, whether it be the mentally and emotionally abused and damaged Kotonoha, the completely lacking in morals and lust filled MC, the lonely, emotionally charged Sekai, or the abusive bullies(Katou and the harlot trio). You can't expect real people that damaged to act on the moral code of a normal person, and you definitely cannot expect it from fictional characters whose only interaction seems to be with only other damaged characters in the deconstruction of a genre.
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
May 6, 2015 9:09 PM

Jan 2014
The_Bif said:
LoneWizard said:
lol,%100 of people have lust,hormones and part of the society...But they dont go around killing each other after fucking random people...So obviously there are something,someone else to blame in this story...

While going around killing people may not be exactly a common practice in these situations, it does happen.
Dont knıow what you are trying to prove there but i just disagreed with your "we shouldnt blame anyone,shit happens cuz they have hormones" statement in my previous post...Did they blame nobody in your little story?Did they say "Nah,they are humans they have hormones,how lively that guy is huh huh huh"?

Humans are flawed creatures but they have some good stuff called brain other than hormones...They can use their brains instead of hormones...which was never the case with Sekai and Makoto,thus people blame them for being idiots driven by their hormones...
May 7, 2015 2:25 AM

Dec 2013
It seems you're confusing punishment for a crime for something it's not. Yes, the guy in that incident was punished for dragging her behind his car. Because that was a crime, but he was punished for the act of dragging her behind the car. That's what he was blamed for, not because he choose to take such action when she cheated but because he committed a crime. They didn't blame her for cheating and let the guy go, they didn't blame the guy she cheated with and let the guy go, they punished the guy for committing a crime. There is a big difference there.

I never said that Makoto and the rest should not have been punished for their actions, especially Konoha and Sekai for committing murder at the end, but trying to blame one person for the entire string of events is just stupid. It's not anyone's fault that flawed creatures acted like flawed creatures, your argument about flawed creatures having brains seems to me like you haven't really spent much time out in the middle of humanity. People are inherently stupid, the majority of the world's population has below average intelligence levels and it continues to drop with each passing decade. Population goes up, average intelligence goes down, crime rates go up.

I'll break this down again...

Itou went after Kotonoha because she was pretty and he wanted to have sex with her, because he was a horny teenage boy and they do those kinds of things every day.

When Sekai started making moves in the direction he really wanted to go, which was just to have sex, he quickly shifted to her. This is also normal behavior for horny teenage boys. The virgin now had a taste of the real thing for the firs time, and as with a fair amount of horny teenage virgins he got hooked after his first time. Sekai going after someone else's boyfriend is also something that happens every day with high school girls, teenage girls can be nasty and mean sometimes.

Note that this behavior does not mean that I believe every single teenage boy or girl is like this, it just means that I'm familiar with reality and realize and understand that these kinds of people exist all over the world en masse. There are far more of those types than there are the good, rational, thinking types.

So, once Itou got a taste of sex and other girls started offering, of course he accepted. He was never in love with any of the girls to begin with, it was all lust. And it is very common for teenagers of both genders to confuse lust and love, even a great many adults still have this problem long after they are out of high school or college. Hot girls were basically throwing themselves at him near the end, so it's no surprise a horny teenage boy without morals slept with them all. It was all he'd wanted from the very start.

Also note, I'm not saying that his behavior and actions were appropriate, or even acceptable. I'm not saying that Kotonoha and Sekai did not have the right to be angry and straighten him out, but at this point, if we're going to continue this pointless blame game, they are each to blame for their own actions and not the actions of anyone else.

Now, the murders... Sekai is to blame for killing Itou and Kotonoha is to blame for killing Sekai. That's how it works when you commit a crime.

Now back to what started this thread... The argument is that everything that happened is the fault of one single character, Sekai. That she is the one that made Itou cheat and sleep around and get her pregnant and cheat and get killed only to be killed herself. From there this thread turned into a large debate over which one, single, character was responsible for, was to blame for every single thing that happened from start to finish. Do you see how stupid that is, now? Trying to place blame like this is pointless and stupid. Each are responsible for their actions, but since they are all damaged and/or abused in some way and seem to lack proper supervision and education, how can they really be responsible for their own actions? Kotonoha was definitely insane, so she wouldn't go to prison. She'd be sent to a mental hospital for a while. Sekai, had she not been killed herself, could have also claimed temporary insanity and gotten away with a short stay at a mental facility. Itou, had he survived, would not have faced any charges because he committed no actual crimes. Neither did any of the other girls, unless you count the hidden camera and showing off at the party. That's just how the world works, reality sucks but that's what life is.
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
May 7, 2015 2:48 AM

Jan 2014
The_bf said:
I never said that Makoto and the rest should not have been punished for their actions, especially Konoha and Sekai for committing murder at the end, but trying to blame one person for the entire string of events is just stupid. It's not anyone's fault that flawed creatures acted like flawed creatures, your argument about flawed creatures having brains seems to me like you haven't really spent much time out in the middle of humanity. People are inherently stupid, the majority of the world's population has below average intelligence levels and it continues to drop with each passing decade. Population goes up, average intelligence goes down, crime rates go up.
You keep talking about tons of irrelevant things,mountains of text and almost none of it is related to what i am saying...

One can follow instincts,hormones AND use their brains at the same time...

You want to fuck every damn girl at the school?Ok man you can do it but just say that you broke up with her properly instead of making some stupid shy girl wait until she goes nuts...You want to fuck Sekai?Use a fukin condom and you are free to go...

As for Sekai,Love is a strange thing,you can fall in love with a retard BUT you shouldnt forget that you fall in love wit a retard...Dont go around make children with him and take responsibility for the girl you matched up with a retard properly before you follow your hormones...

Humans are different from other animals,they have a brain other then instincts and hormones...Being a teenager also is not an excuse...We can blame Sekai and Makoto because they didnt use their brains at all,not even a bit...Also we are not judges,we are just watching anime for fun so if we want to blame some character,we blame...If we want to create a stupid thread for blaming more,we do it...And i still fail to see what you are trying to prove here ...

You said:
Now back to what started this thread... The argument is that everything that happened is the fault of one single character, Sekai. That she is the one that made Itou cheat and sleep around and get her pregnant and cheat and get killed only to be killed herself. From there this thread turned into a large debate over which one, single, character was responsible for, was to blame for every single thing that happened from start to finish. Do you see how stupid that is, now?
No,this thread is not for blaming one single character Sekai,OP asked for people to see who they think was at the most fault...And i still fail to see why that is a stupid thing...This is a fuckin forum,this anime is a tragedy thing and people share their opinion on why that tragedy happened...HOW IS THAT STUPID?
May 7, 2015 11:55 AM

Sep 2012
I think the reason why Makoto became what he was because of Sekai. Sekai started the fireworks for Makoto.
May 8, 2015 1:39 PM

Dec 2013
LoneWizard said:
The_bf said:
I never said that Makoto and the rest should not have been punished for their actions, especially Konoha and Sekai for committing murder at the end, but trying to blame one person for the entire string of events is just stupid. It's not anyone's fault that flawed creatures acted like flawed creatures, your argument about flawed creatures having brains seems to me like you haven't really spent much time out in the middle of humanity. People are inherently stupid, the majority of the world's population has below average intelligence levels and it continues to drop with each passing decade. Population goes up, average intelligence goes down, crime rates go up.
You keep talking about tons of irrelevant things,mountains of text and almost none of it is related to what i am saying...

One can follow instincts,hormones AND use their brains at the same time...

You want to fuck every damn girl at the school?Ok man you can do it but just say that you broke up with her properly instead of making some stupid shy girl wait until she goes nuts...You want to fuck Sekai?Use a fukin condom and you are free to go...

As for Sekai,Love is a strange thing,you can fall in love with a retard BUT you shouldnt forget that you fall in love wit a retard...Dont go around make children with him and take responsibility for the girl you matched up with a retard properly before you follow your hormones...

Humans are different from other animals,they have a brain other then instincts and hormones...Being a teenager also is not an excuse...We can blame Sekai and Makoto because they didnt use their brains at all,not even a bit...Also we are not judges,we are just watching anime for fun so if we want to blame some character,we blame...If we want to create a stupid thread for blaming more,we do it...And i still fail to see what you are trying to prove here ...

You said:
Now back to what started this thread... The argument is that everything that happened is the fault of one single character, Sekai. That she is the one that made Itou cheat and sleep around and get her pregnant and cheat and get killed only to be killed herself. From there this thread turned into a large debate over which one, single, character was responsible for, was to blame for every single thing that happened from start to finish. Do you see how stupid that is, now?
No,this thread is not for blaming one single character Sekai,OP asked for people to see who they think was at the most fault...And i still fail to see why that is a stupid thing...This is a fuckin forum,this anime is a tragedy thing and people share their opinion on why that tragedy happened...HOW IS THAT STUPID?

How is that stupid? Playing the blame game is always stupid, whether it's in forums discussing fiction or reality. You keep talking about people use their brains, and that we're different from animals because we have brains. It's like you're trying convince yourself more than you are me, and I hope it's working for you because it's not for me. I've witnessed the stupidity of humans my entire life, I've watched it get worse and worse over the years. Animals have brains just like we do, what separates us from them is not brains. It's our ability to reason, use logic over our instincts and emotions. However, reality demonstrates that even though we have that ability, not all of us use it. It's a simple thing, really. It's called "Personal Responsibility", we're all responsible for our own actions. Now, if someone was holding a gun to these kids heads and forcing them to be idiots, then there would be someone to blame. But, they all acted on their own, of their own free will. There's no one to blame when an idiot is being an idiot. Itou is responsible for Itou's actions, Sekai is responsible for Sekai's actions, etc... That's the only "blame". People always look for someone else to blame, however, and that's exactly why reality is full of so many idiots just like these characters. Humans always need to point the finger at someone else for their own mistakes. For us to be so much better than animals, like you are saying we are, why are we the only species that has war? Why are one of the very few species that has sex for pleasure? If we're so much better than animals because of our ability to act from something other than instinct and hormones, why do most humans continually act on instinct and hormones instead of using that ability? When we don't understand something we shun it and try to eliminate it, if we're afraid of something we spread that fear to others and cause chaos until someone eliminates that fear, if we want something we take it regardless of what means we must use to do so. Now, this is statistical information based on the whole, and as we also know there are exceptions to those statistics because statistics do not apply to the individual. So, yes, some people are better than that and use the ability to reason and use logic over instinct and hormones. But, that is not the case for the majority of our species. Our species is instinct and hormone driven, emotionally driven, just as much as any animal. Worse in some cases. The only real difference is that our instincts and hormones and emotions act differently than animals. Animals keep it simple. They eat, sleep, drink, and reproduce, and if their life is threatened they defend it, even killing if necessary. I would put forth that while we may be more advanced than animals, that we're not different or better at all. Though, if you were to compare the human species to any thing else, it wouldn't be animals, it would be a virus. The human species is more like a virus than anything else, and when you realize that human stupidity makes a lot more sense.
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
May 9, 2015 4:32 AM

Mar 2015
I blame the guy for cheating with his real girlfriend. He should know better not to fuck all the girls around him. That is just low.

May 9, 2015 4:41 AM

Jan 2014
The_Bif said:
Yeaaaaaaaaaah,im not reading all those mountains of text...Seems like you are having a hard time,try to relax,thats why most of the people write stuff on forums...To share their opinions,say what they want to say to other people...So i dont know whatever your "blame game" is or what you are trying to prove here but you dont make sense...We talk about it cuz we can,we can blame whomever we want for any reason,if you dont like people blaming some characters dont read threads with word BLAME in its name,OK? ;)

Lets say i agree with you,we are animals,we kill,we fuck,we rape,you can imprison people for doing those acts but you cant blame them cuz thats how we are...Are we ok now?
Oct 7, 2015 12:17 PM

Mar 2015
I also like Sekai the most. Because she was as human as you can be, but a slut.

Makoto was the one that only wanted sex, Sekai really loved him.

Setsuna gave me feels aswell but she's not as dominant as Sekai was.

Though Poor Kotonoha, didn't deserve that.
Oct 7, 2015 12:21 PM

Jan 2013
Makoto was the real culprit, and he got what he deserved.

Sekai also got what she deserved.
Oct 11, 2015 9:51 PM
Oct 2015
well just switch character sekerai with setsuna kkk now setsuna help makoto to get kotonoha definately and then both kotonoha and mokoto leave happy for some day but definately makoto get bored from kotonoha because of her shyness if u see every episode correctly makoto only care about sex there is no place for love in him and in fare otome definately make move on makoto (otome = bitch all she wanted just to slip with whom she love) and then definately kotonoha see video of otome & makoto because of evil trio and otome

just want to tell sekerai is there or not makoto is evil pervert how u blame sekerai ,kotonoha .thing is that makoto relationship will always in danger until he just teach how to say no the girls who just throw their body on makoto

well about kotonoha she just victim who always suffer if there sekerai live or not from start just want to say makoto is evil who waited for sex only even in ending u think makoto realise her mistake and get back to katsura is wrong why u ask me bcoz in last episode he try to call evry girl for sex then atlast he remember katsura! guys u really thing that man have right to live? no the person that only thing by his dick rather than brain

now about setsuna if u blame her then u don't see episode corrrectly that girl really care about her bestfriend when she wanted promise from makoto for sekerai safety which was broke by makoto she just findout nextday makoto betrayed sekerai he slept with otome then setsuna worried about her bestfriend even for seikerai sake she throw her body for makoto just to get promise that hr nrver betrayed sekerai

mean to if u see anime read manga the most common character on every day life is sekerai bcoz if u see anime then u realise sekrai just fucked up in all anime she never get chance to move on! before she get she fucked up from all conditions got pregnant,leave behind by bestfriend,betrayed by bestfriend(bcoz sekerai don't know whole truth about setsuna she throw her body for sekerai sake),betrayed by makoto while about kotonoha she is shy not have selfcconfidence and easy to move to path of pscho even she get lots of chance to move on but she did'nt

juust want to say sekerai ,kotonoha ,setsuna and if sekerai is not there in all series thrn u guaranteed makoto not played with girl emotion that guy is totally mad who don't grow just think by dick not by brain or heart
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