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Sep 18, 2022 10:51 AM
Apr 2018

Chapter 1: Be careful what you wish for.

Another day of marching, great. Sidra thought to herself tiredly, trying to stifle an on coming yawn as she trudged along. The stretches, warm up motions, and invigorating sparring bouts that Sidra went through at the beginning of each day were great for snapping her awake on a morning, and was an excellent method to shake off any lingering weariness from the long sleep of a chilly night. But the lengthy hikes that followed were apparently able to sap her energy away again, leaving Sidra just as tired when she first woke up. And she had a feeling that today's long march would be just as tedious as the previous two. Now on the third day into their journey to the city of Blackmoor, Sidra was so bored of stomping her way through these woods, and the young Lizardwoman knew that she wasn't the only one. Unfortunately for Sidra and her peers however, there were at least another four straight days of marching through this forest...

Having grown up in Elewyr, being mostly surrounded by grasslands, meadows and cultivated fields, Sidra wasn't accustomed to being in such a dense forest. At first she rather enjoyed the novelty of the change of scenery, but as aesthetically pleasing and pleasent to be in as it was, the charms of the forest rather lost their luster when you weren't permitted to go at your own pace to actually enjoy yourself. But she supposed that she wasn't really out here to enjoy herself to begin with.

Sidra, a class of seven other Lizardwomen recruits, and their instructor, had all set off West from Elewyr, Lord Elizabeth's capital city, to the trading hub of Blackmoor three days ago. The aim of the trip being to show them what being a member of the Ranger Korps could really mean by exposing them to the poorer, rougher areas of the port city. Having them put some of their training to the test against women other than their classmates, making them break up a few drunken brawls in the taverns, catching and subduing some pickpockets in the markets, and if they were lucky, get a bounty or two from the Ranger Korps agents stationed there.

She didn't know about the rest of the class, but Sidra was keenly looking forward to finally getting a chance to put everything she'd learned over the past few months to the test. Though Sidra was especially excited at the prospect of testing her skills with the blade at her waist. She often found herself reflecting on the numerous facets of swordplay to quietly occupy herself as she marched... distancing, timing, cutting, blocking, thrusting, deflecting, binding, winding, grappling and of course, the accompanying handwork and footwork that brings it all together, just to name a few.

And thanks to the past few months of Casdra's instruction, Sidra was now growing to excel at all of them. So much so that even though Sidra was shorter and slighter of build than most of her classmates, she was still viewed as the rising star of the group.

After she lost the battle against the relentlessly insistent yawn, and had closed her mouth again, Sidra rubbed the gathering moisture out from the corners of her eyes before looking ahead at her classmates, being the slowest of the class due to her utter weariness of hiking through this forest, she once again found herself to be last in line of the group as they marched.

The first Lizardwomen she saw was Destra. Slightly taller and broader than Sidra, Destra was pretty average for the class. She had a slight ginger tint to her brownish long hair and faint streaks of red in her light brown eyes, which complimented her lightly tanned skin. Of the whole group, Destra was Sidra's closest friend. Sidra thought of her as a determined and passionate woman, always eager to lose herself in the excitement of a good sparring bout, especially with Sidra. And failing that, Destra usually sought some other kind of intense stimulation, anything that would get her blood pumping. Rock climbing and cliff jumping being her favourites, usually preferring to do one right after the other whenever possible. Sidra considered her to be a thrill seeker through and through. Their shared love for the ardent exchanges of swordplay being the main thing they bonded over, and of the whole class, Destra was the only one that could rival Sidra, both when it came to delivering swift cuts and thrusts, as well as defending against them. Where Destra fell short was dealing with any binding and winding techniques of the sword. Though Sidra herself rarely exploited her shortcomings in those areas, opting instead to challenge herself by playing the kind of game that Destra preferred, and sticking to the back and fourth dance of blades, both of them cutting, blocking, thrusting, and deflecting until one of them erred.

Marching beside Destra, was Milla, a friend of both Destra and Sidra. Though she was shorter and leaner than Destra, she wasn't quite as short or lean as Sidra. Milla was a transitional point of sorts. She had long black hair, which she normally kept in a simple but neat braid, and clear light blue eyes, which complimented her clear pale skin tone. Sidra thought of her as calm and reserved. Usually preferring to remain quiet, but not afraid to speak up if she had something to say. Of the whole class, Milla was perhaps the most attentive listener when Casdra was lecturing the group or explaining a technique, and spent the most time going over the details even after the lessons had ended. Because of this, whenever a dispute or question came up about swordplay, Milla was also usually, to the annoyance of the whole class, the one to always offer up the correct answer. And of the trio, Milla was normally the voice of reason if Sidra or Destra came up with any foolhardy ideas, doing her best to keep them out of trouble. Even though she could be strangely overbearing with her opinions at times, Sidra could admit, if only to herself, that Milla probably had a better grasp of the theory of swordplay than even herself. Though that didn't always translate into her sparring bouts, due to Milla simply lacking the confidence and coordination to execute some of the techniques against a resisting opponent. While she could certainly throw out some quick and accurate thrusts, and could effectively bind and wind against her opponent's blade, Milla's overall blocking and deflecting skills were lacking, and she was practically defenceless if any of the class got her into a grapple. Even Sidra was able to come out on top more often than not when she got into grappling with her.

Walking in front of her two friends was Tina, a little taller and broader than Sidra, making her fairly average for the class. But where the rest of the class had a fairly equal measure of both muscle and curves, Tina had a body that was packed with comparatively more muscle than curves. Reflecting how much time she chose to spend weight training. Tina sported light brown eyes with a hint of yellow and had long blonde hair that she kept in a ponytail, going rather well with her peach complexion. Though she was in the middle of the line, she was walking alone. Over the months of the class every single one of them had at some point tried to interact with and befriend her, but each one got little more than reserved pleasantries or guarded replies. She was rarely, if ever, rude to any of them when she spoke, Tina was just never the one to initiate a conversation, seeming to prefer to be on her own. Because of this, the class mostly didn't interact with her unless it was to further their training with paired drills or sparring. Sidra respected her for that, she seemed to be self reliant, professional and steady, which Sidra thought to be quite admirable, having that level of discipline. Tina was proficient in delivering cuts, thrusts, and was a fair grappler, though that was more due to her mass than her technical skill. Where she fell behind was her binding and winding swordplay. Even in spite of that through, Sidra would still certainly want to be next to Tina in a fight, she just wasn't all that much fun in any other situation.

Next in the queue was Quina, the tallest and broadest of the class, she had short, spiky black hair and light brown eyes, paired well with her dark tanned skin. Although where Tina had more muscle than curves to her body, Quina was the reverse, having more curves than muscle, she was the most plump and well endowed of the whole class by a fair margin. But still had a deft and nimble air to the way she moved. Sidra couldn't help but be a bit jealous of Quina's body, mainly her height and her curves, though she'd never admit it. But she couldn't be mad at her, Quina was one of the most high spirited, caring and affectionate women she had ever known. She was always friendly to everyone around her, and of the whole class, Quina was the one that spent the longest time trying to befriend Tina. Even after she had eased off with her attempts, she still tried to invite or include Tina in group conversations every now and then, even if they weren't about training. But of the whole class, Quina might be the worst at swordplay, not quite being able to deliver effective cuts or thrusts, nor being able to adequately defend against them for very long. Her binding and winding skill was on the lower end of the spectrum as well. Though where she truely shined was in the grapple, in fact she was pretty much accepted as the best in the class in that regard. The moment she managed to close in, it was over. Of the whole class only Tina was able to put up a struggle, though that was more due to her added mass and muscle than because of her technical skill. So the trick with Quina, naturally, was to keep her at bay or land a debilitating strike before she closed the gap. As a result, no one in the class went easy on her during sparring, because for Quina, it was a game of getting past the sword, for everyone else, it was a game of keeping the sword in front of her. Unsurprisingly though, she was quite good at, not to mention fond of, giving out hugs after each sparring bout.

Striding beside Quina, was Wylla. The two being close friends, though they made an odd pair in Sidra's opinion... Wylla was fairly average in size and build for the class, both a little taller and broader than Sidra, having medium length blonde hair with just as light skin, but also had vibrant green eyes. Quite a unique and rare trait. What made them an odd pairing to Sidra however, was that while Quina had always been friendly and sociable, Wylla, not too far removed from Tina, had always seemed more withdrawn and aloof. Sidra wouldn't say Wylla tried or intended to make herself unapproachable per se, she was just a little awkward. Perhaps just not having that much experience socialising if Sidra had to guess. And when Sidra reflected on that fact, she came to the conclusion that their friendship may have been a case of an extrovert adopting an introvert, which she found oddly amusing. Wylla herself first came across as guarded and stoic, not just to Sidra, but to the whole class. However, over the course of the past few months it was slowly revealed that her stand-offish nature was just a front, and that Wylla had a passion for poetry of all things. A couple of her peers snickered at the disclosure, although a dislocated elbow and shoulder in the following sparring sessions with Quina dissuaded any teasing to occur. While that seemed to have been a set back in Quina's endeavour to bring Wylla out of her shell, Quina seemed to be quite happy to continue chipping away to find out more about her. But Quina isn't the only one that has to chip away at Wylla, because when it came to sparring, although her offense left something to be desired, her defence was almost impregnable. Wylla's ability to ward off both cuts and thrusts are almost flawless, and her binding and winding skills are near impeccable too, so much so that landing a legitimate cut or thrust on her had become something of an accomplishment amoung the class. Sidra herself only managing to land maybe half a dozen hits on Wylla during the past few months in this class.

Walking in front of them, and rounding out the class, were the sisters, Kira and Kida. Both a little taller and broader than Sidra, making them average for the class, as well as both sporting brown hair and eyes with peach coloured skin. They would probably describe themselves as quirky and fun, but Sidra thought of them as just somewhat immature. Sometimes a little too eager to have have a laugh, make a joke or indulge themselves with 'witty' banter. Usually at someone else's expense. Both Kira and Kida were below average in most respects when it came to swordplay, neither of them having the skill to last very long in any prolonged exchange, and so they were usually beaten by almost everyone in the class in sparring bouts. That is... when it was one on one sparring bouts. Whenever they challenged their peers to a two against two sparring bout, they normally came out on top. Working together with an efficiency and coordination that usually overwhelmed their opponents, despite their lower level of technical knowledge and skill.

Lastly, at the front of the line and leading the march, was sergeant Casdra, the classes swordplay instructor and their superior. Taller and broader than any in the group, she practically towered over Sidra. The fact that Casdra wore more armor and used a larger sword than the rest of them only compounded the feeling of smallness for her. Possessing a lofty height, wide frame, not to mention having an ideal combination of muscle and curves, Sidra viewed her as a prime example of what a Lizardwoman should be. Though she didn't just respect her for what she was born with, Sidra also admired Casdra for her skill with the sword. Being able to efficiently perform the individual facets of swordplay was one thing, but weaving them together, seamlessly flowing from one into another, that is a display of a wholly different level of mastery. And watching Casdra in a sparring bout was truely a sight to behold because of that. She was capable of going from cutting into binding and winding, deflecting into counter thrusting, or blocking into grappling, all without hesitation or pause. Honestly it seemed like she could do it all as if it were second nature to Sidra. And you could never be sure when she was going to switch tactics, or which techniques she was going to use, Casdra was near impossible to read or predict. She was a true master in Sidra's eyes, and was thankful of the chance to be taught by her. Even if Casdra was outwardly stern instructor. Though Sidra didn't mind that. Casdra may have seemed harsh at times during the last few months of instruction, but Sidra, and likely the whole class, knew that it was only to help prepare them for the harshness of the world.

What helped Sidra see through Casdra's instructor face though, was her teaching method. Casdra's lessons initially began the way Sidra expected. Starting with introducing them to a few stances and postures, then demonstrating the cuts and blocks that could be performed from them. They spent a grueling ten days repeating solo drills, practicing the motions of how to attack with, and how to defend against, various cuts until they practically dropped from exhaustion. When those ten days were through, they would then spend a further twenty days refining those movements with paired sequence drills, beginning with simple exchanges at first, but which grew into an ever more complex display of blows with each day. After those twenty days were over, Casdra would have them put those moves to the test in sparring. Spending five days having continuous bouts against each other. Only then would Casdra step in, and the class had to spend another five days sparring, only this time going up against their instructor, Casdra humbling each of them in turn, using only the cuts and blocks that she had taught them thus far. Afterwards she would restart the process, teaching them thrusting, deflecting, binding, winding and grappling, all of which Sidra thought of as fairly standard. Up until they started to revisit those previous aspects of swordplay, after she had a chance to come to know her class, and see for herself where the talents of her students lay, Casdra would gradually begin spending less time teaching her class as a whole, and more time instructing each recruit individually. Switching between guiding them in how to further refine the aspects of swordplay they were naturally proficient in, and showing them ways to mitigate their exploitable weaknesses in the areas they had shortcomings with. Meaning that by the end of her instruction, Casdra's recruits weren't just brought up to a standard level of competency in every aspect of swordplay, she instead had a reputation of presenting recruits who truely excelled in one regard or another. Which in part usually dictated where they would be assigned and what their duties would be.

Destra, for instance, who had unquestionable skill in both attacking with, and defending against, cuts and thrusts delivered in rapid succession, and who had an almost fearless approach to danger... was almost certainly going to be assigned to patrolling the roads of Elizabeth with a team of different Mamono, serving as the vanguard and charging in with the standard issued longsword if the group encountered any trouble.

Milla, however, who had a strong inclination towards thrusting, binding and winding, as well as having a more level headed approach to try to deescalate most situations before they got violent... would probably be sent off to recieve additional training in the use of the estoc, serving as security in courtrooms or gatherings of nobility.

Tina, given her imposing physique, and the skill she had with cuts, thrusts and grappling to back it up, not to mention her stoic and disciplined nature... was probably going to be sent off to learn how to fight with a sword and shield, becoming a bodyguard of travelling merchants, or assigned to help safeguard the delivery of supplies to cities and villages.

Quina, with her size and the skill in grappling that she possessed, was definitely going to be a bouncer, escorting rowdy women out of some establishment or another, as well as minding the door to keep similarly troublesome Mamono from entering... so breaking up a few drunken brawls in Blackmoor was probably just going to be a bit of practice for her.

Sidra though, was more than proficient in every subject Casdra had taught, so she didn't really know where she would end up. Although she hoped that she would be sent for additional training in order to join some kind of elite sector of the Ranger Korps. Sidra felt that such ambitious thoughts weren't entirely unfounded, she proved herself again and again in sparring with her peers after all, the most recent example being just this morning. Though such prideful thoughts vanished as she was sharply reminded of the group's physical exertions when a gentle breeze blew down the line, carrying everyone's scent along with it as she continued trudging along.

Sidra and her group had a chance to bathe and wash their clothes at a nearby waterfall that lead into a river yesterday, so the smell wasn't that bad, at least not as bad as it could have been. Although it was still surprising to Sidra how much she missed the luxury of bathing whenever she wanted, after spending just two days of being unable to. Even though the water was cold, wearing sweaty and dirty clothes for the past two days made the natural shower of the waterfall feel divine on her skin. And the group's moral seemed a little higher today because of the chance to feel a little cleaner.

They were actually more chipper than usual in fact, several of Sidra's peers chatting animatedly as they continued their hike for the day, most either bragging about the moves they managed to pull off this morning, or making bets as to who would be the victor in their rematch later today. Sidra hid a grin to herself at the fact none tried to make any such gambles or wagers with her. But then showed a frown as she felt nature begin to call.

"Hey Destra, I have to take a leak, tell Casdra if she thinks I got lost somewhere." Sidra announced before veering off into the forest to find somewhere more private.

"Fine, hurry up though." Destra called back over her shoulder before continuing with the group.

As she went further off the trail and into the forest, Sidra soon found a suitably large collection of foliage to squat in that would be completely out of view on the other side of a small clearing. As she walked over to it, Sidra found herself idly daydreaming about finding a man who she could call her equal in swordplay. Or, even better, her superior. A fantasy shared by pretty much every member of her kind. Or at least every one she had ever known. But as her skill and finesse with her blade grew, she found the idea of finding such a man vanishingly less and less likely to happen. Especially with how rare human men were to begin with.

She sighed, stopping to reach down to undo her belts. Oh well, a girl can dream. Sidra thought. But before she could pull aside the fabric covering her privates and squat down, Sidra heard something that made her freeze in place, eyes going wide in shock.

"Oh thank god I finally found someone." A voice called out in relief. A 'male' voice. Standing in the middle of the bushes as she was, only her uppermost torso and head were viable. Eyes widening, pupils dilating, and with a shiver running up her spine, Sidra slowly turned as the male voice continued. "Hi there, excuse me, I could really use your help. I have no idea where I am, or how I got here really... so if you could please..." He trailed off as he rounded the corner of the shrubbery where she had entered, letting him see the entirely of her, and conversely allowing Sidra to completely see him.

The human standing before her looked raggedy, muddied, unkempt. His attire in particular looked strange to her... the style was of a design she had never seen before, and Sidra offhandedly found them ergonomic, yet somewhat lacking for any extended wilderness traversal. His skin was of a naturally tanned brown complexion, he had short black curly hair, a scruffy short black beard, and eyes so dark brown, that at a distance they appeared to be completely black. But what caught and kept her attention as soon as she noticed it, was the fact that he held a sword in his left hand. Holding it at the base of the blade by his side, with the handle out in front of him to resemble drawing it from the hip.

A moment of silence passed between them, both wearing expressions as if they trying to work out how a mathematical impossibility had just been performed.

Sidra instantly recognised him for what he was, an off-worlder. What are the chances!? Not only do I find a man, or should I say, not only does he find me, but he's also a swordsman!? This is a chance of a lifetime!! She thought to herself. Only one thing to do. Sidra told herself.

"I challenge you to a duel!!" She proclaimed in a proud, booming voice. An almost feral grin streaking her lips in sheer anticipation as she drew her sword and pointed it at him in one fluid motion. He stumbled back as she unsheathed her weapon, eyes going wide looking at it, standing in frozen shock for a moment.. then abruptly turned and bolted. Sidra didn't hesitate. "Human!!" She bellowed as loud as she could. "I found a human!!" Sidra yelled again to her group before giving chase.

The man got faster as she gave out her call, ducking and weaving between the trees as he ran, sometimes jumping to avoid tripping over exposed roots or fallen logs, at other times suddenly darting off to one side. He was fairly quick and nimble, only having his blade to carry, while she had her own weapon in addition to her water canteen, rations and camping supplies, all stored in her backpack. But Sidra could keep pace with him despite all the extra weight and jostling, the only thing she needed to do was not loose sight of him as they ran.

"Over here!!" Sidra bellowed out again when she heard her name being called by her friends. The effort of shouting so loud taxing her more than she liked as she tried to regulate her breathing while running. The echoing reply of her peers and instructor being washed out by the rustling of her backpack and the gradually increasing roar of the approaching waterfall as they continued their chase. The human dove into a large patch of shrubbery, momentarily disappearing from view. Sidra cursed as she found that diving in herself was her only option. She raised her arms to shield her head as she jumped in. When she emerged from the other side her eyes darted around to relocate her quarry, finding him standing dead ahead looking over the ledge of the same waterfall they had bathed under the day before. "Got you." She proclaimed with a grin as she walked up.

The man turned to face her, a look a dread on his face as she stepped forward. Before either of them could do much of anything though, Sidra heard her friends call out once more. She yelled back, reluctantly this time. The sound of trampling footsteps and jostling equipment heralding their arrival through the bushes, their instructor was first to burst through the bushes, quickly being followed by the rest of her students. The group forming a small quadrant circle around the human, one end at the edge of the cliff, the other at the edge of the river. A cacophony of mutterings broke out as they all just stared at him.

"Sidra wasn't lying." Tina said in wide eyed astonishment.

"What luck. What incredible luck." Kida breathed in a husky groan.

"He has a blade." Milla observed excitedly.

"Think he's any good with it?" Kira asked giddily.

"Only one way to find out." Destra said, eagerness thick in her voice, reaching for the hilt of her own sword.

"Quiet." Casdra hissed sharply. The chattering abruptly ceased. She stood there taking his measure for a moment before speaking again. "Human, step away from that ledge." She ordered. He simultaneously jerked his head back and furrowed his brow at her words, then momentarily glanced around at the surrounding Lizardwomen and shook his head.

"I think I'm fine right here, thanks." He replied unsteadily. Grasping the hilt of his blade, moving one foot back to enter a stance and holding the sword low at his right side. The air grew suddenly tense as a small stone was kicked over the edge by the foot he placed behind him, he didn't seem to notice, but Sidra and her peers did, unconsciously leaning forward in response.

"All of you take three steps back." Casdra suddenly spat to her class. "Now." She continued, glancing around at the Lizardwomen flanking her. They all took exactly three steps back when they fell under her gaze. Some taking larger steps than others, a few even having to back up into the bushes they previously cleared to obey her instructions. "You as well, Sidra." Casdra admonished the lone Lizardwoman in front of her.

"But I was the one that found him, and I challenged him to a duel. I should be the first one to..." Sidra whined.

"That was an order, Sidra." Casdra interrupted firmly.

Sidra was torn. She always wanted to join the Ranger Korps, her mother had spent much of her life serving the agency, as had her grandmother. Being raised on the stories of their exploits and adventures, Sidra grew to want nothing more than to have a few stories of her own to tell one day. Ever since she was old enough to lift and swing a stick she remembered practicing to one day follow in their footsteps. To become an honourable protector of the people, leaving Elewyr, seeing the rest of her domain, righting wrongs and serving her Lord. The moment she became old enough to join, she did, without reservation, without hesitation. And now, almost through all of her training that honor seemed so close. But one of the conditions to join the Ranger Korps was to always follow and obey the orders of her superiors. Failing to do so could potentially mean being rejected from joining, even if she was otherwise qualified.

But this... this was the opportunity of a lifetime in front of her. The chances of an off-worlder appearing on Arcadia at all was rare, the chances of them appearing specifically in Lord Elizabeth's domain was rarer still, but the chances of them also being the ideal type of man a particular Mamono hoped to claim for a husband? And them just falling into their laps like this? That was almost infinity improbable. So much so it was practically impossible. And Sidra knew it. Yet it happened, there he was, right in front of her, the opportunity of a lifetime... of several lifetimes in fact.

She wavered there for a moment, the weight of her instructor's eyes at the back of her head as she stared at him. Finally, she hesitantly took three steps back.

"There, you have more space, now step away from that ledge." Casdra said authoritatively. He looked behind him at the fall that was by his feet, before slowly taking a single step forward away from it. His stance and guard still held as he moved. "Now, do you accept?" She asked.

"Do I accept what?" He puffed in vexation.

"Sidra claims to have challenged you to a duel, do you accept?" Casdra asked simply.

"Why the fuck would I do that? What the fuck is going on? Who are you? Where am I? And how the fuck did I get here?" He questioned in a frantic tone.

"I'll take that as a 'no' then." Casdra replied. "Back away from him Sidra." She continued.

"But he didn't say that he wouldn't accept." Sidra whined.

"He didn't say that he agreed either. Regardless we will address it later, until then, resheath your blade stand behind me, now." Casdra said, her tone brooking no argument.

"Yes, sergeant." Sidra replied meekly before doing as told. So what that really means is I have to find a way to get him to agree. She thought covertly to herself.

"As for you, we'll answer your questions later. For now, come with us." Casdra instructed calmly.

"And go where exactly?" The human demanded in exasperation. Casdra paused for a moment, considering something, then letting out a light sigh before answering.

"We'll have to take you back to Elewyr." Casdra proclaimed.

What? So the training mission to Blackmoor is being called off then? Sidra thought, looking to Casdra.

"And where the fuck is that?" The human asked in a fit of pique.

"Come with us and I'll explain." Casdra said calmly.

"Fuck no. I'm not going anywhere with you." The human declared, glancing behind him at the river again as he shuffled back with a few jittery movements.

"Don't be a fool." Casdra snapped. "That currant is stronger than you think, try to jump it and you'll just slip and be carried over the edge. A fall from that height is enough to break your leg if you're lucky, crack open your skull if you're not." She admonished.

"And what, you expect me to just go along with a group of women playing dress up in the middle of a forest, with real swords? I think I'm better off making the jump to the other side and legging it thanks, so if you don't want me to chance it, all of you stay the fuck away from me." He snapped back, both the human and Casdra falling into an uncomfortable silence for a long moment.

"There's no way we can convince you to come with us?" Casdra asked in a dangerously resigned tone.

"No." He answered sternly. Casdra sighed, hanging her head.

This is my chance. Sidra thought. "I believe I have a way to reach a compromise, if I may, sergeant." She offered, stepping forward to stand beside Casdra, who turned to look down at her, though Casdra wore a slight frown on her face, she didn't order Sidra to step back, so she continued. "How good do you think you are with that sword?" Sidra asked of the human, turning to him.

"Good enough to warn you that you 'really' don't want me to swing it at you right now." He replied coldly.

"Ah-ha, is that so..." Sidra mouthed with glee. "Do you think you're good enough to beat me if I were swinging one back at you then?" She pressed. He wavered for a moment, before becoming firm with grim confidence.

"You really don't want to find out." He breathed, shaking his head.

"Oh but that's where you're wrong, because I really do." Sidra cooed. "The way I see it, we're at a bit of an impasse. He doesn't want to come with us, but we can't just leave him now that we've found him." She continued, looking up to Casdra, before turning back to the human again. "So why don't we settle the matter with a little wager, just you and me, no interference from anyone here, if you win, we agree to leave you alone just like you want, if I win, you agree to come with us just like we want... how does that sound?" Sidra questioned to both the human and Casdra, glancing between them. Casdra's frown deepened, she had a reputation for scorning contests of chance, but even Casdra would surely agree that her victory over this human was a forgone conclusion, and it was certainly a better alternative than whatever drastic action she was planning. Sidra held Casdra's eyes for a few moments, actually getting a bit nervous that she wouldn't allow it and employ her own methods instead as the seconds dragged on, until Casdra broke their eye contact and turned to face the human again.

"Would you be willing to agree to her terms?" She asked of him. Sidra breathed out a quiet sigh of relief before also turning to face him. The human considered for a moment, looking about at the audience of women surrounding him, all staring, most leering. He fidgeted under the weight of their attention.

"I win, you and all of your friends here agree to leave me alone? Are you actually being serious?" He asked, glancing sceptically at all of the women arrayed in front of him. All of which were trying to hold back a knowing smile, most of which were failing miserably.

"You have our word." Casdra proclaimed. "But if Sidra wins, will you agree to come with us?" She returned, he hesitated, briefly looking around at all of them again before answering.

"Alright, I'll play along, sure." He said amusedly. Sidra's heart fluttering into a frantic rhythm at his assent.

Yes. Oh Elizabeth, yes... Sidra thought with mix of euphoria and barely contained anticipation.

"Very well, the terms of the duel are as follows, you will both be using wooden blades, not steel, you will both start out of reach of the other, since this is will be a contest of skill with the sword, only swordplay techniques are allowed, no grappling, no strikes with the hands or feet, the duel will continue until one of you yields or is rendered no longer able to continue, are these terms agreeable?" Casdra queried.

"Yeah, I can agree to that, just don't blame me if she gets hurt, you both asked for this, remember that." He replied coldly. She nodded in response.

"Tina." Casdra spoke, glancing at her, the blonde haired muscular Lizardwoman stepped forward, slinging a long sack off her shoulder before retrieving two hardwood practice swords from within, throwing one over to Sidra, who deftly caught it, and tossing the other at the human's feet. "Everyone stay back. Whenever you're ready." She invited before joining her class.

"Thank you, sergeant. I won't disappoint." Sidra swore, undoing her belts and buckles before flinging her sword, backpack and other equipment aside. Then stepping to the side further up the river, before widening her stance and raising her sword.

"Don't ruin him Sidra, I call dibs on having a go at him next." Destra called coyly. A corner of Sidra's lips curled up at her friend's voice, though the human frowned at the presumption of his loss.

He turned to face her and re-entered his guard, now brandishing his wooden blade, his oddly shaped steel one being placed carefully behind him. They squared off, slowly stepping closer to each other, closing the distance foot by foot, until they were both just out of reach of the other.

I'll hold back a bit to start off, can't finish this too quickly, I want to take my time and enjoy it. Sidra thought to herself. Holding her position and resigning herself to letting the human attack first to begin their exchange. He stepped in, gathering himself to strike, his blade soon rapidly approaching in a downward diagonal arc, a strike aimed squarely at her head. Easily blocked. She thought, bringing her own blade to the side. The two wooden swords clacked as they connected. Then Sidra's eyes widened as she doubled over in a coughing fit, the coarse, splintered wood of his blade having whacked her throat. What...? What!? What just happened!? I blocked his cut, I know I did! I felt our swords connect! What did he just do? She thought, sputtering as the Lizardwomen frantically took several small shuffling steps back.

"So, we done?" The human asked, his eyes momentarily flickering to sergeant Casdra.

"No." She replied with a frown. "Victory condition was until either of you yielded or was rendered unable to continue." Casdra reiterated. The human again simultaneously jerked his head and furrowed his brow in surprised disbelief, looking at her with incredulity before settling into another guard position.

Alright, fine. No more holding back then. Sidra chastised herself before getting serious, this time taking the initiative. Choosing to begin their exchange by stepping in with a vertically straight downward cut. She again didn't exactly see what the human did to respond, but she felt it. While the tip of her blade clacked again as it connected with the base of his, she reeled back in shock as the tip of his blade sharply connected with the left side of her temple. Soon followed by another swift impact to the right side of her head. Dazed and disoriented by the two blows, she next found that her sword was sent flying off to the side by one last powerful stroke aimed specifically at her blade. By the time she planted her feet and recovered her wits, Sidra saw the human was already back in a readied stance. What did he do this time!? I've never seen a move like that before! Sidra questioned in her mind as she stared at him with slack jawed disbelief.

"How about now?" The human asked again, head turned to look directly at the sergeant, but periodically glancing back at Sidra out of the corner of his eyes.

"I am not overly fond of repeating myself. Sidra has yet to yield, and is still able to continue should she wish it." Casdra retorted sharply. The human's expression grew dark.

"Have it your way." He said gravely before settling his full attention on Sidra again. "One more." He muttered.

Sidra found herself bristling, her face flushed, her breathes growing heavy and her tail lashing. She strode over to pick up her hardwood sword before readying herself to beat him down with everything she had. Not like this. I will not allow myself to be humiliated like this. Not in front of my friends! Not in front of my peers! And not in front of my sergeant!! You're going to regret belittling me like this human! Sidra swore to herself before closing in one final time with a flurry of blows. Raining them down with all her might, skill and fury. Engaged but not overwhelmed, the human blocked and deflected each one, even managing to retaliate after warding off some of her cuts. The exchange going longer than most exchanges would, the initiative changing sides on multiple occasions throughout.

Until the human pulled one of his strikes to her right in order to redirect it to her left. A feint! Sidra screamed in her mind as she wrenched her blade back over to block the redirected stroke with a grunt of exertion. Before the wooden blades touched though, the human lunged forwards, planting the pommel of his sword squarely into her throat. Sidra produced a sound half way between a gasp and a cough, as she involuntarily doubled over in shock again. Before she could recover, she then fell limp onto the floor, a jolt of paralysis taking her after receiving a swift crack to the back of her neck. Her mind now sluggish and disconnected from her environment, staring blearily at the flowing water of the river, she faintly registered the weight of a foot being pressed onto her back, before dully hearing her sergeant's voice call out.

"Stop!" She bellowed. "That's enough, Sidra is no longer able continue, you've won, lower your sword." Casdra reluctantly admitted. Then Sidra felt the pressure on her back lift away.

"No... wait, I can still fight. I can still win." Sidra pledged shakily, slowly getting to her feet. Her words slurred, her balance compromised. Casdra didn't waste time trying to convince her otherwise.

"Destra, Milla." Casdra barked before nodding over to Sidra. "Pick her up and drag her back to the path. Wait for us there." She ordered. Without hesitation the two Lizardwomen jogged up to her, causing the human to retreat back up to the edge of the cliff again. The two hoisted her up, taking one arm each and wrapping it around their shoulders, before turning around to lead her away.

"Wait, wait please! Tell me your name! I need to know!" Sidra yelled looking back at him. Her two friends turned, allowing Sidra to face him again. The human paused for a moment, then steadily replied.

"My name is William." He answered.

William. Sidra seared the name into her mind. This isn't the last you'll see of me, William. I will find my way back to you, I swear it. And when I do, I will make you mine, even if I have to chase you down to the other side of the continent, I will make you mine. Sidra vowed to herself as she was again lead away. Sergeant Casdra stepped forward as they passed her, walking up to William as he once again stood at the precipice. Stopping a respectable distance away.

"Now I'll see what your word is worth." William said agitatedly, trying and failing to keep from glancing around at the women still surrounding him. She didn't respond for a long while, appraising him for a few moments, before finally nodding and stretching out her hand, palm up, fingers flexing.

William tossed the wooden sword over to her, which she deftly caught. Hesitating for a brief moment longer, before turning around and ordering her class to return to the path. Picking up Sidra's discarded gear as she walked over to them. All of them were alternating between glancing at William and each other in uncertainty and distress before being spurred into motion by another, this time more sharply, barked order to backtrack to where they came from. Some of them stealing one last look at the human before turning, all doing so with crestfallen and dejected expressions.


"Wait." Sidra quietly uttered. Destra and Milla still holding her arms over their shoulders, though now more for security than support, as she had recovered enough to walk on her own again.

"Don't even bother asking us to let you run back to him." Rillisa retorted sharply.

"I'm not going to ask you to do that. I need to..." Sidra trailed off, whispering too quietly for either of them to catch what she said.

"You what?" Destra asked, smiling.

"I still need to pee." Sidra whispered, utterly mortified.

Maku_The_BlueNov 19, 2023 7:52 AM
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Sep 18, 2022 7:44 PM

May 2013
Heh! That ending was perfect!
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 19, 2022 3:41 AM

Jan 2013
That ending really conveys how bad Sidra feels about her humiliation.

William seems to be quite adept with the sword or is Sidra (and her fellow trainees) simply still quite inept?

I'm curious to see if and how Sidra will manage to find William again and whether she'll come up with a different way of convincing him of her charms. I imagine her fellow trainees, and perhaps her captain as well will be quite interested as well.

Also good to hear that you have a bit of a backlog, but I would not worry too much about posting speed. Just look at how quickly you are writing new chapters and then adjust accordingly. Better to release once every two weeks or once a month, rather than encountering some writer's block and not being able to post for a long time :)
Sep 24, 2022 5:47 AM
Apr 2018
tygertyger said:
Heh! That ending was perfect!

Glad you liked it, I thought it would be a funny note to end on too.
Sep 24, 2022 5:57 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
That ending really conveys how bad Sidra feels about her humiliation.

Yeah, a funny way to end the chapter, but she really didn't have the best start to her day.

mugen91 said:
William seems to be quite adept with the sword or is Sidra (and her fellow trainees) simply still quite inept?

Oh definitely the former, I could write a super long winded essay on why that would be the case... or you could just take my word for it. 😉

mugen91 said:
I'm curious to see if and how Sidra will manage to find William again and whether she'll come up with a different way of convincing him of her charms. I imagine her fellow trainees, and perhaps her captain as well will be quite interested as well.

Stick around and find out. 😝

mugen91 said:
Also good to hear that you have a bit of a backlog, but I would not worry too much about posting speed. Just look at how quickly you are writing new chapters and then adjust accordingly. Better to release once every two weeks or once a month, rather than encountering some writer's block and not being able to post for a long time :)

Thanks for the advice, I'll keep it in mind, but for now I think I'm good. I'll adjust if I only have a couple chapters of buffer left or something.
Sep 24, 2022 6:15 AM
Apr 2018

Chapter 2: A rare and interesting occurrence.

What a delightful evening. Lorelei thought to herself as she strolled idly through the forest trail. Today had been just wonderful as far as she'd been concerned regarding the weather. The morning had been a bit moist from an early morning drizzle that left the woods feeling cleansed. The afternoon had been hot with a proudly shining sun, but was accompanied with a strong breeze that had intermittently blown to offer a cooling draft. Not to mention the fact that Lorelei had the shade of the trees above to provide further shelter as she made her way through these woods. To top it all off, the evening air was now left pleasantly warm. The sun's fading amber light gradually giving way to a darkening sky filled with stars. Lorelei tilted her head up and closed her eyes to enjoy a wash of gentle wind that passed over her as she continued to slowly place one foot in front of the other. I do so really enjoy evenings like this. They're so rarely this ideal. She observed in her mind. A slight smile gracing her lips.

Her long Elvish ears twitched as they caught a sudden twang, then a rapidly approaching whistle coming from behind. Eyes snapping open Lorelei lunged out to the side, the arrow thumping into the ground in front of her. Then a cacophony of twanging and whistling erupted in Lorelei's ears, a virulent storm of arrows hurtling towards her from almost all directions. She dashed, ducked, dived, dodged, even twisting and twirling between trees, periodically using them as cover as Lorelei evaded the constant stream of arrows. Managing to avoid getting hit by every single one for almost a minute, until finally, a particularly well placed arrow found its mark, striking her centre mass on the left side of her ribcage.

The arrow bounced off as it struck, but Lorelei snatched it out of the air before it could fall to the ground. She held it up with her left hand, and just like that, after dodging a stark few more arrows that were already heading her way, the bombardment ceased. The Elf sergeant lowered her arm and looked at the arrow in her hand.

"Three blue stripes." Lorelei called out. A triumphant guffaw of victory rang out as one of Lorelei's pupils practically pranced out of some foliage. The rest of her Elven Ranger Korps recruits sourly coming out into the open as well, stepping up from various bushes or from behind large fallen logs all around her. Quietly muttering to themselves under their breathes as they walked up and crouched to collect their arrows.

None of which had steel tipped heads, nor were any even sharpened to a wooden point, in fact all were padded with a rounded leather cover at the end. And each had three ink stained stripes just below the fletchings to identify which belonged to who. Lorelei presented the arrow that had struck her to the Elf that had loosed it as she gleefully walked up.

"Well done, Nimri. Your precision and timing is getting even better. That may have been a lethal shot, if not certainly a debilitating one." Lorelei said.

"Thank you, sergeant." Nimriel replied, beaming. "Few things are as pleasing as seeing diligent effort and practice bear fruit." She continued, ecstatic with herself as she accepted the arrow and slid it back into her quiver.

"Well said." Lorelei agreed with a smile. "But don't let the joy you feel at your continued success to devolve into vanity, many of your peers train just as judiciously as you, even if their buds have yet to bloom." She chided gently.

"Yes, sergeant." Nimri responded with a less jubilant, but still respectful tone. After all of her trainees had found and retrieved their arrows, they formed up into a single row of eight in front of her, standing at attention and awaiting orders.

Even though some 'were' admittedly more talented than others, Lorelei still gazed upon each one of her students with pride. For each one was standing before her, wanting to help keep the land and people she loved safe. And each one was willing to put in the time and effort to learn the skills required to do so. Chief amoung these skills, and the main thing she was charged with teaching, was mastering the bow.

Lorelei held the belief that there were essentially four areas of expertise one had to be proficient in, before they could effectively use the bow in any given situation, or claim to be a master of the weapon.

The first and most rudimentary level, was being able to accurately hit a stationary target, while also being stationary.

The second was being able to accurately hit a mobile target, while being stationary.

The third was being able to accurately hit a stationary target, while being mobile.

The fourth and most complex level, was being able to accurately hit a mobile target, while also being mobile.

Most of her students attained competency in the first three of those areas by the end of their training. But only a select few managed to display proficiency in all four. Lorelei didn't view those that didn't fully master the bow as being deficient or less useful though. Because the other disciplines that she taught could make up for that. Stealth being the other primary skill that she instructed her students on, followed by teaching them how to defend themselves with the shortsword as an ancillary weapon, and how to perform various throws and submission holds as a last resort.

Lorelei's current group, as with all of her previous ones, was a mix of talent. Going down the line of her class, there was Nimri, Farali, Ranni, Merci, Hillni, Vinci, Yuni and Kimi.

Nimri was the top recruit of this group by a wide margin, already displaying proficiency with the first three areas of mastering the bow, and showing real promise of achieving competency with the fourth. She also excelled in every matter regarding stealth, alongside holding a more than passable aptitude for shortsword combat and grappling techniques. But like all the other top students that came before her, Lorelei knew that Nimri was in danger of allowing her confidence and pride in her abilities to predispose her for a severe downfall. A lesson that Lorelei always endeavoured to teach such pupils before her time with them concluded, and they were sent off.

The next Elf in the line was Farali. An exceptionally accurate archer, but only when both she and her target was immobile, of the whole group she had the best precision with the furthest range. But give her a moving target or get her to loose an arrow on the move, and her impressive aim faltered. Thankfully she was a fairly adept at remaining undetected, so she could reliably sneak up to a good vantage point before taking aim.

Standing next in line was Ranni, a fair archer in most respects, accurately hitting most stationary and mobile targets, again, as long as she herself was permitted to remain grounded in one spot. But Ranni made up for that shortcoming with her fluidity, being able to snatch an arrow from the quiver, knock, draw and loose at a good speed, especially in comparison to the rest of the class.

Merci was the next in line, another who had a grasp of hitting stationary targets, but could actually keep her accuracy while on the move. She was possibly the next best all round archer in the group behind Nimri, but she also excelled at shortsword combat.

The following Elf in line was Hillni. Possibly the best at stealth of the group, which was good because her aim was rather poor. Lorelei supposed it was a relief that she was a fair combatant with the shortsword, and an even better grappler.

Vinci was next in line, another that was capable of hitting stationary and mobile targets while being stationary herself, and was beginning to show promise of being able to hit stationary targets while mobile. But she was rather clumsy with a shortsword, and she had a habit of getting tunnel vision when she locked onto her target, which meant she didn't look where she was placing her feet when sneaking up to them.

The next Elven recruit in line was Yuni, more adept with the shortsword than the bow, she almost seemed to favour it in fact, being the best in the group at it. She could hit a stationary target while being still herself, and had passable aptitude with stealth, but seemed to end up really liking shortsword combat more.

Last in line was Kimi, probably the worst archer of the class. But she excelled at every other subject Lorelei taught, stealth, shortsword, throws and grappling.

Farali and Hillni would probably be assigned to be scouts or join the advanced guard of some other larger force. Ranni and Vinci should probably go to a keep or fortress near the boarder, shooting down any terrestrial or celestial invading forces from the rooftops or through arrowslits. Nimri and possibly Merci were the only two good enough to be sent off to recieve additional training to join the Ranger Korps elites... but Lorelei wasn't so sure what she should do with Yuni and Kimi. Since Lorelei still had a few more weeks left with them before she had to make any final decisions, she dismissed it from her mind.

"Don't worry girls, you'll all get another chance tomorrow." Lorelei spoke, addressing them. "For now though, we continue going south-west until we find a suitable location to set up camp for the night. Fan out in the arrow formation, Merci, you take the lead." Lorelei ordered. However, before Lorelei could give the order to break, her ears twitched again as she heard a large branch snapping under foot in the distance, then she began to hear the rhythmic thudding and gasping of someone jogging. She turned to peer into the forest, and spied a Lizardwomen running up to her.

Wait a minute... that's one of Casdra's lot isn't... what was her name again? Milla, wasn't? Lorelei thought, straining to remember. She was dripping with sweat, her face flushed, and panting so heavily that Lorelei thought she'd pass out any moment. The poor girl looked like she'd been running all day.

"Sergeant Lorelei." The Lizardwoman recruit rasped out, jogging up. Exhaustion distorting her words. "Sergeant Lorelei." She choked out again, this time intending to say more, but involuntarily doubled over in a coughing fit as soon as she stopped, hands resting on her knees.

"Calm yourself girl, sit down and catch your breath." Lorelei ordered. "Whatever you need to tell me, you won't do it if you faint from exhaustion." She declared. Not even bothering to respond with words, the Lizardwoman simply nodded and fell to her knees, puffing and panting for air. After about a minute had passed and she had settled a little, she spoke again. "What's your name again? Milla, right?"

"Yes, sergeant." The still huffing Lizardwoman replied, steadily making her way back to her feet before giving Lorelei a salute. "I came under orders of sergeant Casdra, to deliver a message, she urgently requests your presence." Milla spoke breathily.

"Well, you have my attention, out with it. Why does Casdra need me?" Lorelei asked, deeply intrigued. Casdra isn't easily shaken, she's a skilled warrior, a capable leader, and should be able to handle anything she could possibly come across in these woods. Especially with us being not even a week outside Elewyr. She thought worriedly.

"We found a human, an off-worlder." Milla replied. And just like that, Lorelei could practically feel the attention of the trainees behind her shift from mildly curious, to keenly engrossed. Their eyes widening as they momentarily glanced at each other before all gazing fixedly back at the Lizardwoman, eagerly waiting to hear more.

"Elaborate." Lorelei stated simply, now feeling significantly more at ease. "Coming across an off-worlder is certainly a rare and interesting occurrence, but I fail to see why Casdra would order you to run yourself halfway to death just so you could tell me about it." She continued.

"Well..." Milla began.


"Oh my... what an interesting predicament." Lorelei chimed, a faint smirk on her face. "So in summation, Casdra won't permit any of you to approach the off-worlder again because that would mean breaking her word, but she rightfully can't just leave him out here to die in the wilderness either. And because she's interested in this human due to him displaying an unusually high degree of skill with a sword, Casdra doesn't want someone else to come along and snatch him right from under her. So her solution is to have me approach the off-worlder instead, since I technically fall outside the terms of the little wager she agreed to, and then lost." She observed amusedly. "Do I have that about right?" Lorelei asked.

"Yes, sergeant." Milla replied, trying to hide her displeasure. Lorelei giggled lightly.

"I am going to be telling this story for decades." Lorelei announced, thoroughly amused. "Nimri, Farali, Merci, Hillni, you're running ahead with me. The rest of you will have to shoulder our gear and regroup with us when you arrive. We'll light a bonfire so you won't miss us." The Elf sergeant said before turning, then paused. "Oh, and be sure to not leave Milla here behind." She added before running off, four of her Elf recruits eagerly running alongside her.


The sun had long since fallen when they arrived at sergeant Casdra's encampment. When they did, Lorelei was quickly escorted to Casdra's pavilion to speak in private by a lone Lizardwomen that was tasked to stay up and wait for them, while the vast majority of the camp slept. As soon as Lorelei walked in, she was greeted by a crisp salute.

"Sergeant." Casdra stated respectfully. Lorelei rolled her eyes.

"And here I thought we've known each other long enough to skip such formalities." Lorelei said with a pout. "But very well, if it turns you on." She teased before performing a mockery of the same salute. "Sergeant." Lorelei said in a playfully flirtatious tone with a wink.

"Still playing the frivolous, ditsy air head? You know I won't fall for that. I know you." Casdra deadpaned.

"Well, if you're going to play the stern, aloof uptight, I thought it was only fitting that I put on my veil too." Lorelei retorted. They both stared at each other for a moment. Then Lorelei grinned, and after another moment, Casdra returned a faint smile of her own. They both clasped forearms and stepped in to wrap the other arm around each other in a more familiar greeting.

"Always a pleasure to see you Lorelei, it's been some time." Casdra said pulling back. "I trust that your instructing endeavours have been going well?" She asked.

"For the most part they're going reasonably well I suppose. Though there's only one, maybe two in this class that show promise of being accepted for elite training." Lorelei sighed quietly.

"Much the same with my current group unfortunately, typical that the single prodigy in my class was the one to go and find an off-worlder to be infatuated with." Casdra softly muttered.

"And this human truly defeated her in a contest of swordplay?" Lorelei asked. Casdra nodded. "You can't be very happy about that." She tittered. Casdra frowned. "You don't have to prove me right so readily." She continued with giggle. Casdra's frown deepened. "Oh lighten up, I'm only jesting." Lorelei admitted, lightly swatting Casdra's arm. "Although, in all seriousness, I'm still trying to figure out why on Arcadia you agreed to Sidra's absurd proposal in the first place." She finished.

"So am I." Casdra muttered sourly. "Clearly it was a imbecilic decision, and I should have known better. Being placed in a situation like this is precisely why I normally refuse to partake in such facetious games of chance." She proclaimed bitterly. "However... in this case I felt utterly assured of Sidra's victory, and so I honestly thought that agreeing with the condition of gaining the human's voluntary compliance with his defeat, was the most expedient course of action I had." She admitted with a sigh. "But evidently I miscalculated." Casdra finished with another downward turn of her lips.

"And so we come to the matter at hand." Lorelei spoke lightly. "Let me guess, this off-worlder you found, you don't just want me to approach him for you... you want me to seduce him for you as well, don't you?" She asked playfully.

"Correct." Casdra deadpanned.

"Oh now really, couldn't you at least 'pretend' to be somewhat embarrassed to request that of me?" Lorelei asked with a pout. Casdra merely raised an eyebrow in response. "Apparently not." Lorelei sighed. "I was hoping to see a new awkwardly bashful side of you, but I suppose that may have just been wishful thinking on my part." Lorelei muttered.

"All done?" Casdra questioned with a weary air.

"For now I guess." Lorelei responded lightly. "Anyway, this human, how do you want me to proceed?" She asked.

"Honestly I was hoping you would have some suggestions. I honor my word, and I keep my promises. So I will not permit myself, nor any of my class to approach him, per the terms of that asinine pact." Casdra spat. "Aside from that though, proceed however you wish, take whatever course of action you think has the highest chance of securing him for us." Casdra went on. "You have more experience with off-worlders than anyone else I know, so both I and my class will defer to your wisdom, and do whatever you ask to help in securing him for us." Casdra said with a nod before stepping closer. "But let me be clear, we need him, Lorelei. 'I' need him. I won't get another chance like this in my lifetime, and I fear that I'm on the verge of losing it, if I haven't already, so I'm asking you, as a friend, please, help me get it back, help me get 'him' back." Casdra finished, using a tone of voice that Lorelei didn't think she'd ever heard from her before. More than sincere, Casdra had been sincere a few times before, no, this was... vulnerable?

"No pressure..." Lorelei drolled, rolling her eyes. "But very well, I will do this for you, and yes, I do have a few ideas of how I should go about doing it." Lorelei said confidently. "His apparent martial skill alone makes him a rather ideal match for you and your girls. So I promise I won't snatch him for myself either." She proclaimed, speaking earnestly for a moment. "Can't make such a promise on behalf of my girls though, but you likely don't need to worry, their attempts at seduction would probably go even worse than yours ever could." She continued, momentarily imagining how it would go, then leaned in. "But you owe me one for this, a big one. Agreed?" Lorelei added in a whisper, pressing her lips to Casdra's ear.

"Agreed." She readily stated.

"Marvellous." Lorelei said, leaning back. "Now, first things first, where is this prodigy of yours, the one that first stumbled across him, Sidra, that was her name. I would very much like to speak to her next to get some details." She continued.

"I have her tied up and kept under watch in the middle of camp." Casdra answered with a sigh. At Lorelei's eagerly raised eyebrow and ready grin, she reluctantly went on. "After her first attempted escape to run back to the human and 'claim him before any of us did' I took no chances. I tied the knots myself, and have selected two recruits to watch over her from dawn to dusk." She explained.

"Doubtless she's trying to wriggle her way out of her binds while feigning being asleep as we speak then." Lorelei noted lightly.

"Doubtful, I tied the knots to myself, remember? She won't be able to get out of them. Besides, I gave her a choice, either she falls asleep on her own terms, or I put her to sleep myself." Casdra retorted. Lorelei's eyes widened for a moment. "Using a sleeper hold on a recruit isn't something relish the idea of doing. But if it means keeping her from breaking my word, I 'will' do it." She admitted calmly. Lorelei shook her head in bemusement.

"Would be a little harsh to wake her in the middle of the night if that's the case. I'll have my questions answered by proxy in the morning then. Where is the human now?" Lorelei asked.

"Last we saw him he was huddled up under a partially fallen tree trunk just north of our encampment, just a stone's throw away from the waterfall. Assuming he hasn't moved and isn't dumb enough to go wondering out into the forest at night, I'm certain you will have no issues finding him." Casdra answered.

"Very good. I look forward to seeing this human for myself. Let us begin." Lorelei smiled.
Maku_The_BlueNov 19, 2023 8:30 AM
Sep 24, 2022 9:43 AM

May 2013
"After her first attempted escape..." heh heh. Poor Sidra is definitely smitten. Not that one can blame her.

I find myself liking Lorelei a lot. I don't care for tsunderes, so a departure from the usual elf attitude is quite refreshing.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Sep 24, 2022 11:22 AM

Jan 2013
Lorelei seems like fun. I'd say finding a more subtle approach than Sidra used should not be so hard, but curious to see how the guy will react to that.

Looking forward to more.
Sep 25, 2022 3:03 AM
Apr 2018
tygertyger said:
"After her first attempted escape..." heh heh. Poor Sidra is definitely smitten. Not that one can blame her.

She definitely is.

tygertyger said:
I find myself liking Lorelei a lot. I don't care for tsunderes, so a departure from the usual elf attitude is quite refreshing.

Funny you should mention that point actually, because it's going to come up in the very next chapter. 😂
Sep 25, 2022 3:04 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
Lorelei seems like fun.

Looking forward to more.

She's a lot of fun writing, and they'll be a lot more of her to look forward to don't you worry! 😁
Oct 1, 2022 6:33 AM
Apr 2018

Chapter 3: And so it begins.

Predictably, it was a rather simple matter for Lorelei and her Ranger Korps recruits to find the off-worlder. Being an Elf, Lorelei couldn't see in the dark as clearly as a Vampire, nor did she have as keen a nose of a typical Werewolf, but her ears were as sharp as they came. And the human's perfectly infrequent shuffling as he tossed and turned on the forest floor, huffing in frustration as he tried and apparently failed to get comfortable enough to be able to sleep, made him painfully easy to pick out in the otherwise relatively quiet night time forest. Being huddled under a fallen tree trunk, she couldn't quite get a good look at him, even with the help of the faint moonlight piercing through the canopy to illuminate some of the forest floor.

"Now, the waiting game begins in earnest." Lorelei quietly uttered, as she nestled her back against the trunk of a tree to have a little rest herself. Never fully going to sleep, but entering a restful meditative trance like state. Her trainees similarly hunkering down in bushes or behind trees. Getting into comfortable positions were far easier for them out in the forest than it was for the off-worlder.


As the sun just began to rise and light washed over the forest, Lorelei stood and stretched luxuriously, yawning and trembling with the satisfaction of the motions she went through. Before finally shaking herself out and carefully rounding the circumference of the tree that hid her, to get her first good look at the off-worlder that was causing so much fuss.

He was still asleep, at some point through the night exhaustion had finally claimed him and he stopped his fidgeting, apparently coming to rest in a fetal position. Fingers still loosely clutching the grip of his strangely shaped sword, which was held under his head as if it were a pillow. The first thing Lorelei noted was that his complexion immediately reminded her of the numerous Salamanders and High Orcs that she knew, and Lorelei idly thought that he'd make quite the match for some of them, especially if he was as good with a blade as she had been told. Multiple would-be interested individuals instantly springing to mind. Before Lorelei could finish mentally listing them however, she was interrupted by a voice pitched high enough to gain her attention, but still far too quiet for the off-worlder to hear.

"Sergeant." Nimri stated.

"Hmm?" Lorelei acknowledged.

"We should move to secure him now, while he sleeps, before anyone else discovers him. Elizabeth knows if any of us will ever get another opportunity like this, we shouldn't squander this chance." Nimri went on. Lorelei frowned in dissatisfaction for a moment before replying.

"Nimri, it's that kind of impulsive thinking that drove Sidra to act how she did, and is exactly how she got us into this mess in the first place." Lorelei began. "But let's say, for the sake of argument, that I agreed with you, how do we go about 'securing' him exactly? Especially while he sleeps? Grapple him into submission while he is unaware and defenceless? Tie him down and drag him back to Casdra's encampment on the end of a rope? Gag him should he protest, or attempt to shout for help perhaps? Do you imagine making him endure any such treatment at our hands will endear us to him? Or is it more likely to compel him to spring into the arms of the first woman we come across in a bid to escape us?" Lorelei queried. Nimri's eyes widened in realisation with the last question, glancing back at the off-worlder, looking at him with obvious longing, not answering any of Lorelei's queries. "We're representatives of the Ranger Korps, Nimri." Lorelei said harshly, regaining her attention. "And he's quite obviously a freshly arrived off-worlder in desperate need of help, regardless of whether he knows it or not, he is now a citizen of Lord Elizabeth's domain, so we'd do well to not act like rapists or slavers." Lorelei pressed, Nimri looking away at her words. "However, because this off-worlder had a poor first impression with Casdra's... results oriented way of thinking, and her... straightforward disposition, it means approaching him directly is unlikely to have a favourable outcome for us, so we'll be using another method. And for now that means utilising the skills we've been out here honing all this time, we stay hidden, we keep quiet, and we observe to gather information. Do I make myself clear?" Lorelei asked, softening her tone.

"Yes sergeant." Nimri responded quietly.

"Good, now I want everyone to spread out and encircle him. Nimri, you move to cover the north. Farali, you move to cover the south. Ranni, take his west flank. Merci, his east. Hillni, you stay to his northeast. Vinci, you stay to his southeast. Yuni, his southwest. Kimi, his northwest." She listed, each of her trainees nodding as they were given their locations. "Anyone gets anywhere close to approaching him, I want to know about it. Remember, we're not the only girls out here, we may not have come across anyone since we set out, but we can't assume such luck will keep. Understood?" Lorelei asked.

"Yes sergeant." They replied, being mindful to keep their collective voices down, before slinking away to perform their assigned roles, each sneaking their way around the off-worlder to create the circular barricade.

Lorelei turned again to get another look at the human. She hesitated for a moment, focusing on his face. Not bad. Lorelei thought, turning to climb a nearby tree, getting comfortable before she resumed compiling her list of would-be interested individuals while she waited for the still snoozing off-worlder to awake.


Almost an hour had passed before the off-worlder finally got up. From her perch up on the branch of a tree, Lorelei watched as the human stirred far below. His movements were strained, laborious and stiff as he slowly got to his feet, leaving his sword where it lay for the moment, and stretched while he yawned. The corners of her lips turned up in amusement as he suddenly jerked a hand to the side of his neck, grumbling unhappily to himself as he rubbed at the spot and gingerly rotated his head. As he came to his full height Lorelei appraised his build and form.

A fair stature, broad shouldered, healthy physique, still quite young... not bad at all. She mused to herself.

He turned to pick up his sword and breathed in deeply, letting it out in a long, slow exhalation. Then glanced around at his environment as he visibly debated with himself on what his next actions should be. Lorelei waited to see what he did. Eventually his attention turned north, and he began to walk.

As he moved, so did Lorelei and her trainees. Lorelei herself leaping from branches of one tree to another, preferring to keep a more bird's eye view of the situation. While her Ranger Korps recruits stayed below, all moving as he did to maintain the circular perimeter around him.

As the off-worlder travelled north, he gradually began to crouch and walk more slowly as he edged closer to the bustle of Casdra's encampment. Finally coming to crouch in small patch of shrubbery, trying to peer over at the group of Lizardwomen, still some leagues away. After it became clear that he wasn't likely to move for some time without provocation, Lorelei climbed back down and snuck her way over to Nimri, who in light of the situation, wisely decided to join Kimi to his northwest, in order to keep from being pushed into Casdra's encampment by his movements.

"Well, that was easy, it appears the off-worlder is planning to walk up to them all on his own. We didn't even have to do anything." Kimi said idly as Lorelei approached.

"Typical. First he claims that he wants to be left alone, then he sneaks his way back to spy on them? Hypocrite. And men say that 'we' give mixed signals." Nimri stated, unimpressed with the off-worlder's actions.

"A cute observation Nimri, but inaccurate." Lorelei began with a light chuckle. "While he did state that he wished to be left alone, we must look at this situation from his perspective if we're to have any chance of understanding him and his actions." She continued. "We don't know the exact conditions of how he ended up here, and won't until we ask him. But suffice it to say that he was plucked from his world, an environment he was familiar with, and dropped into this forest, an environment he is unfamiliar with." She went on. "We also don't know how long he's been here, but it's a reasonable assumption that Casdra's party were the first women that he has come across, as he likely would've been claimed and accompanied by someone had he run into anyone before them." She explained. "Knowing that, despite the unfortunately brash first impression they made, from his perspective, keeping tabs on them would be a very wise decision. He doesn't know where he is, how far away he might be from any kind of settlement, which direction he should go in, what else could be out here, or how to survive in a forest for very long. And I'm fairly sure he acknowledges all of this too. Aside from keeping tabs on them as a last resort for help should he get desperate enough, staying close and watching them also means not getting anymore lost than he already is, but more importantly, it could mean being shown to safe food and water, which is exactly what we're going to have them do." She proclaimed, smiling. "Nimri." Lorelei uttered.

"Yes sergeant?" She responded.

"Sneak your way into Casdra's encampment and get somebody's attention, but make sure the off-worlder doesn't notice you doing so." Lorelei emphasised. "Once you've got someone's ear, deliver my instructions, say they're from me, inform them that the off-worlder is observing them, but stress the importance of not letting him know that he has been discovered. Once done, instruct her to break camp and begin heading east until they find the water spring. Casdra will know of the one I speak, and where to find it. Tell them to discreetly empty or drink from their canteens on the journey. Once there, have all her trainees refill them with the spring water, instruct them to make a show out of doing so. And have a few of them gather and drink the water from their hands for good measure. After that, tell them to completely and clearly vacate the area, again heading east, back to Elewyr. And instruct them to leave a wide and clear trail, march with at least three of them abreast, not single file. Once you've delivered my words, sneak back out of their camp and resume your place in the circle at his north. Understood?" She asked.

"Yes sergeant." Nimri repeated before carefully slinking away to carry out her orders.

Now, let's see if you'll continue to do the smart thing and follow them... Lorelei thought to herself.


Lorelei was pleased that her plan succeeded, though she was a little annoyed that after her message had been delivered, most, if not all of sergeant Casdra's recruits couldn't help but glance behind them in an attempt to catch a glimpse of the off-worlder stalking them. Some did it subtly, to their credit, but others did it rather brazenly before having to be quietly reprimanded to stop. However, after some consideration, Lorelei thought it might have been as equally suspicious if none of them tried to spot the off-worlder as well, considering the level of interest they showed towards him when they first encountered him, so she dismissed that little hiccup of her directions from her thoughts.

Ultimately Casdra's recruits broke camp and headed east as instructed, found the water spring, lined up to refill their canteens, some stopping to drink from their hands and even wash their face, to give the human plenty of chance to see what they were doing, before marching on in an openly concise manner. Some time after they left, the human descended on the spring water, first vigorously washing his hands and face before eagerly slurping down palm full after palm full of water.

Good. Assuming he's smart enough to drink his fill, that should give me at least two days before I have to lead him to another water source, or be forced to intervene. Two days should be plenty of time for an opportunity to present itself. Lorelei thought with a smile of satisfaction as she watched him.

He left his sword by the bank of the water spring, and though she had taken note of its odd shape and design before, now she wanted to take a closer look while the human was preoccupied. Lorelei dropped down from the branches she had been perched on, landing softly and almost silently on the lightly moist soil below. Stalking forward, keeping low, staying quiet and alternating between using trees and bushes as cover, she always stayed at least partially hidden as she moved. Lorelei chose to stop in a loose collection of shrubbery still a fair distance away.

Looking more closely at his weapon, she was surprised to find that it had no cutting edge to speak of, the two planes that ran along the length of blade where they were supposed be, was entirely too thick to sport one. Having a rounded bevel instead of an edged one. While that meant it wouldn't be able to cut into anything, she supposed getting hit by it would still be a rather unpleasant experience. Lorelei also noted with some interest that the tip of the blade, where it normally should have narrowed to a point, was instead curled and folded in on itself, seemingly to prevent any kind of puncture wounds when thrusting. These two observations, combined with his blade's overall shape, that of a peculiarly wide base which suddenly gave way to an unusually thin strip of metal, too narrow to be a dedicated cleaving instrument, but likewise too thick to be any devoted thrusting one, left Lorelei with the distinct impression that his 'sword' was merely a tool, a training simulacrum of a blade, and not lethal weapon.

Good, that means I won't have to worry about it when it comes time to approach him. Lorelei thought with relief, checking one concern off her list with a smile. But then Lorelei frowned as she noticed that the off-worlder's head suddenly jerked up in alarm. His focus snapping from one direction to another.

What? What brought this on? I didn't hear anything. Lorelei thought as she watched him, though she paid more attention to her surroundings anyway, listening carefully. Sure enough, all that she heard was what she expected to hear. The babbling of the spring water as it flowed, the chirp of bird song from up high, the light swishing of leaves being blown together in the wind. Nothing out of the ordinary, no sudden snapping twigs, no rustling of shrubbery due to another hidden individual, nothing of anything that would give cause for alarm.

Then what is it? There's no way he heard something I didn't. So why this sudden alarm? Lorelei thought as she refocused on him. As she did, he began to walk around the water spring, continuing to try to spot something, glancing around seemingly at random.

He hasn't retrieved his sword... She noted, glancing at it. So despite his initial alarm, he apparently doesn't feel threatened by something. So what brought this on? What is he searching for? She asked mentally as he walked with the stream of the water spring for a few paces, then stopped, turned back around, considered the water spring for a moment, then went about ruffling bushes, rolling fallen tree trunks, and peered up at particular trees, all still seemingly at random. But with a certain intenseness and sense of purpose to his actions. Lorelei was felt perplexed watching him.

Finally his seach ended, she could only assume in failure, though she still had no clear idea of what he was trying to find to begin with. She ruled out her trainees, none of them had given themselves away, they hadn't even gotten close enough 'to' give themselves away. She likewise discounted the idea of searching for any possible threats, as he never retrieved his sword. She also didn't think he could have been trying to find any kind of edible plant life, not with the way he was searching. And being left unable to figure out what he was doing or why left her in an odd state of disquietude.

Does he suffer from auditory hallucinations? That would be a shame. She thought as she watched him.

He drank from the water spring one last time, picked up his sword, and began to follow the wide trail left behind by sergeant Casdra's party. Lorelei waited until the sound of his footsteps faded from her ears, then stepped out into the open to stretch her legs as she silently mused to herself.

Alright, let's see what else you do... Lorelei thought, turning to trail him in turn.

Maku_The_BlueNov 19, 2023 8:56 AM
Oct 1, 2022 2:11 PM

Jan 2013
Interesting chapter.

I quite liked how Lorelei manipulated him into fulfilling his most immediate needs.

While Lorelei herself is obviously not one of the stuck up kind of elves, is it the same for her trainees, or are they merely respecting their superior?

I'm quite curious how you'll manage the initial introduction between human and elves :)
Oct 1, 2022 4:22 PM

May 2013
Well, now. Lorelei is shaping up to be one clever individual. We won't discuss how much that turns me on.

So it seems that our male lead is an expert swordsman, but somewhat less adept at wilderness survival. That tracks; few people have those skills nowadays.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 2, 2022 7:32 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
While Lorelei herself is obviously not one of the stuck up kind of elves, is it the same for her trainees, or are they merely respecting their superior?

Oh most of them are definitely Tsunderes, it's just that Lorelei is their Captain and most are smart enough to keep their mouths shut. So you were pretty spot on there.

mugen91 said:
I'm quite curious how you'll manage the initial introduction between human and elves :)

I've dedicated an entire chapter to that actually! Personally think it's one most of you would really enjoy too. 😆
Oct 2, 2022 7:50 AM
Apr 2018
tygertyger said:
Well, now. Lorelei is shaping up to be one clever individual. We won't discuss how much that turns me on.

There's a lot more where that came from, I promise. Kind of strange actually, when I first started writing this, she didn't have so big a role/focus, but then she kind of grew into a main character.

tygertyger said:
So it seems that our male lead is an expert swordsman, but somewhat less adept at wilderness survival. That tracks; few people have those skills nowadays.

Yeah, I've been doing HEMA for almost a decade now, and could brag about a few things if prompted, so I'll let William reflect that a bit.

However! Fun fact, I was originally going to write that they lead him to a river or stream to drink from. But then looked up if that would actually be a good idea.

Turns out, yes, nine times out of ten, moving water is cleaner and safer than stagnant water. But streams and rivers can still have all kinds of nastiness that you really shouldn't take in.

So apparently (depending on where you are) the best options are rain water, spring water, or just bringing a water cleaning kit with you.

Since both the cleaning kit and rain water were out in this case, spring water it was.

And since I had to go out of my way to learn this for the sake of writing the story, I can't count it as something William would know. 😂

So if left to his own devices, William would totally try drinking from the river in chapter one when he got desperate enough, probably get infected by something or other, and end up shitting himself to death out in the forest somewhere.
Maku_The_BlueOct 2, 2022 7:55 AM
Oct 2, 2022 1:58 PM

May 2013
Maku_The_Blue said:
Kind of strange actually, when I first started writing this, she didn't have so big a role/focus, but then she kind of grew into a main character.

I can relate. The first time I did NaNoWriMo I had a character who was supposed to be a 2-scene walk-on. By the end of the 30 days she was the Big Bad's main henchwoman.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 8, 2022 2:32 AM
Apr 2018

Chapter 4: You reap what you sow

This fucking sucks. Sidra thought sourly to herself as she walked, flanked by the sisters of the class, Kira and Kida. Treated like a prisoner just because I found an off-worlder and dared to try to stake a claim on him.

She had so far made two attempts at escaping the purview of her sergeant to try to get back to William, with the full intention of both demanding that he give her a rematch, and demanding that he lay with her. Having either demand granted would've made her happy, but she hoped the off-worlder would be sensible enough to acquiesce to both. Unfortunately for her however, Casdra had experience with detaining prisoners, and both of her attempts were soundly thwarted.

There were ultimately two reasons why Sidra wasn't planning on making a third attempt. First was that she had received point blank orders not to. And disobeying those orders meant Casdra would be well within her right to prohibit Sidra from being fully accepted into the Ranger Korps due to insubordination, which would also cripple her chances of joining any other military force, like the Exercitus. But the second reason was that it had been discreetly explained to her that sergeant Lorelei was currently enacting a plan to convince the human to make his way back to them. And it was stressed that her compliance with Lorelei's machinations greatly increased the chances of them working.

Sidra didn't know why she was being singled out with being told that, she wasn't the only one that was jeopardizing the success of Lorelei's plans, everyone was. For instance, though they had all been subtly instructed to act natural, as though nothing was out of the ordinary, everyone's efforts at following those orders were laughable.

Milla, Wylla, and Tina all marched with an overly stiff and rigid gait, seemingly being unable to help but radiate a kind of palpable anxiousness, utterly consumed with being too self conscious of themselves, agonising over each and every movement they made because they knew that the off-worlder may be watching. And they just couldn't allow themselves to be seen doing anything the slightest bit untoward or unseemly. Lest they inadvertently ruin their chances of getting with him. But their efforts at trying to look so prim and proper ironically made them look a bit off and silly instead.

Destra and Quina on the other hand, swung to the opposite side of the spectrum in the extreme, almost prancing around and flaunting their assets as they stepped with deliberately swaying hips or bouncing rears. Being so carried away with trying to put on a show for the watching off-worlder in a bid to advertise themselves and catch his eye, that they coincidentally forgot that they were supposed to be trying to look and act natural instead.

And it wasn't just some of the Lizardwomen's manner of walking that made the group's hike look a tad conspicuously suspicious. Normally there would be conversation aplenty in the rank and file, playful banter, good natured jibes, dares, bets, proclamations of superiority in their martial prowess, disagreements and disputes over such claims, even singing on occasion. None of that was to be found here, instead only a heavy, awkward silence as they all continued forward, everyone's mind being consumed with thoughts of him.

But the most damning thing of all in Sidra's estimation, was that every now and then, she and her fellow classmates would be placed downwind of the off-worlder. And when they were, everyone, including Sidra she had to admit, attempted to subtly tilt their heads towards the sky and inhaled deeply through their nose, angling their faces to the sides in order to catch as much of his scent as they could when it passed.

That aroma, his musk... it's intoxicating. Elizabeth, I need him. Every time I smell him I wish he was right here so I could rip his clothes off. Sidra thought to herself on multiple occasions whenever the wind carried his scent. She wasn't the only one to try to savour his fragrance on the air, so she couldn't be singled out to be blamed. And at least Sidra managed to resist the urge to turn and attempt to spot the human in order to steal a glance at him. That only happened twice before Casdra announced that the next Lizardwoman to do so would be disallowed from joining the Ranger Korps for an inability to follow simple orders. Still, William's scent came, it's intermittent appearance reassured Sidra that he was still behind them, still following. Well if I can't go to him, having him come to me is at least a good alternative. She thought. Though she still felt bitter about having to be minded while going along with sergeant Lorelei's plans.

First they had been discreetly instructed to show the off-worlder to safe drinking water, an Elven subordinate of hers intermittently came to whisper from some foliage or shrubbery, delivering orders all while telling them to act like they couldn't hear her. Now they were being instructed to show him to a viable food source while simultaneously leading him east to Elewyr. Which certainly made sense she supposed, none of them knew how long he had been wandering around before his encounter with them, since none of them had thought to ask. And since humans can only survive a stark three days, if that, without water... making sure he's at least well hydrated was a good move. But leading him to food immediately after? Sidra idly wondered if what they were doing was a bit too obvious, and if the human would figure out what was happening. But, then again, she had never been one for participating in subterfuge, trickery or mind games, Sidra preferred to be direct and honest, so she supposed she wasn't the best one to judge Lorelei's directions. She hadn't managed to spot her, nor any of her number that wasn't specifically sent out to them to deliver them instructions, but she knew she must be up there in the canopy of the forest somewhere.

When they finally reached the fruit tree after two hours of slow marching, they took a few moments to gather around it and rest for a short while. Almost everything had to be done slowly to make sure the off-worlder not only caught up to watch what they were doing, but could also clearly see why. Which meant giving him ample time to nestle himself in whatever vantage point he desired so that he could both 'remain hidden' and observe them.

After two dozen or so minutes had passed, Casdra gave the order for Destra and Tina to scale the tree and cut down a healthy collection of fruit, their clawed hands and feet making the climb look effortless, while back down on the ground the rest of them remained and readied themselves to catch and gather the fruit as they fell.

The fruit were ovular in shape and were about the size of two clenched fists stacked one on top of the other. They had a brown hard rind that had to be cracked open, but which concealed a juicy and sweat white fleshy pulp within, the tender flesh itself containing numerous small brown seeds. They were a delectable treat of a fruit in this forest, that also happened to be rich in nutrients, and so was perfect for their purposes. While Lizardwomen like Sidra and her class didn't usually eat fruits or vegetables, instead normally favouring meat, they were willing to put up with the change in diet just this once considering the circumstances. Without so much as a grumble from any of them no less.

Once a decently sized potion of them had been collected, they set about cracking them open one by one. Usually they would all go about opening them with the uniformly expedient method of just using a hammer, however, this time orders had been given that everyone was to crack their fruits open using only one of two very specific methods.

The first was opening them by placing it on the ground and using the pommel of their sword as a makeshift hammer until they pounded the cracks into it. The second was opening them by again putting it on the floor and placing the flat of their blade on it, then using their body weight to press down on it until they cracked enough to pull them open.

Sidra again thought that this would all seem a bit overly convenient to William, but she had her orders, so Sidra, like the rest of her class, followed them. Once they had them all cracked open, they sat down in small groups to eat, only one fruit being consumed by each. Leaving at least half a dozen uneaten fruit in total as intended, a pair of them even cracked open.

And again Sidra noted the change from a normally loud and raucous group, being so abruptly subdued into complete silence. Where there should have been small talk and laughter, there was instead a certain... energy, an electric charge that filled the air around them, creating an aura of suspense that blanketed each little cluster of Lizardwomen. She found the shift to be quite stark, almost startling when she stopped to fully consider it.

One man managed to cause this? Sidra silently questioned. Taking a moment to think on it. No, not just a man, a swordsman and a fine one at that. The exact kind of man many of my kind dream of finding. She concluded. And though everyone was quiet, Sidra knew they weren't absent minded, they were all thinking about him. Replaying the duel in their minds, rewatching the engagements, how he moved, how he fought, how he managed to land those hits so easily. She knew that's what they were doing because she was doing the same. Trying to figure out what he did and how he did it, attempting to parse together his moves and techniques, and more importantly, endeavouring to come up with counters for them when they inevitably had their rematch.

After everyone had finished eating, sergeant Casdra gave the orders to move out, and so everyone rose, gathered their gear and set off once more. Again Sidra resisted the temptation to try to spot the off-worlder out in the forest. Soon. She thought as she turned to follow, once more trying to quell her annoyance at her minders, Kira and Kida.


Lorelei, perched up high on the branches of the forest canopy, observed as Casdra and her trainees left. She watched and waited for a further dozen or so minutes until the human finally crept his way over to the fruit tree.

Giving it some time before he moves in, even when he's probably staving, and still keeping a wary eye out for a potential trap or ambush, smart. Lorelei thought with a smile of approval.

He further eyed the direction Casdra and her group set off in particular detail, before turning his attention to the opened but uneaten fruit left by them. He picked one up, sniffed at its contents, then took a small bite. After seemingly considering the flavour for a moment, it appeared that he liked it, or at least found it acceptable, and deemed it not to be poisonous. Then he settled down, placed his sword by his side, and began to eat in earnest. Never fully letting down his guard Lorelei noted, periodically checking his surroundings with almost clockwork like regularity.

Wait... he's not just checking his surroundings for potential danger... he's trying to find something again. Lorelei realised. She could tell with the way he didn't just glance in a circular perimeter on ground level, but also peered up into the trees all around him as well.

Now that he's fed and watered, he should be more receptive to any kind of approach that I make, all I need to do is wait for a good opportunity. She thought. Patiently waiting as he finished the two previously opened fruit, before wiping his mouth with his sleeve, and pocketing two more. Then he stood, stretched, and followed the trail sergeant Casdra and her trainees left behind. Lorelei and her trainees naturally shadowing him in turn, still maintaining the circular perimeter, with Lorelei keeping a watchful eye on things from up above.
Maku_The_BlueNov 20, 2023 3:28 AM
Oct 9, 2022 10:55 AM

Jan 2013
I liked this one as well, well written.

I suppose since in this story the pov will remain with the women, we'll never be fully sure whether William will think everything to be suspiciously convenient.

Looking forward to what you came up with for Lorelei introducing herself.
Oct 10, 2022 6:57 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
I suppose since in this story the pov will remain with the women, we'll never be fully sure whether William will think everything to be suspiciously convenient.

Oh we will, that particular point comes up in Lorelei's introduction. But yeah the pov will largely stay with the MG, I actually think I can tell a better story for what I have planned this way.

mugen91 said:
Looking forward to what you came up with for Lorelei introducing herself.

We'll get to the introduction chapter in a fortnight, don't you worry. I'm excited to share it too. 😬
Oct 15, 2022 5:14 AM
Apr 2018

Chapter 5: Another interested party

The rest of that day passed rather uneventfully, sergeant Casdra and her group were still travelling east, heading back to Elewyr, the capital of Lord Elizabeth's domain. Meaning the off-worlder was also unwittingly making his way to the heart of the domain in turn.

When early evening came they stopped to set up camp again, and again the off-worlder chose to settle down for the night a fair distance away from their encampment. Lorelei and her trainees similarly hunkering down around him for the night.


As morning came, Lorelei was the first to rise with the arrival of the orange and yellow rays of the sun, shortly followed by all of her trainees. Once she and her group had gone through a variety of stretches and had some breakfast, they spread out in order to widen the circular perimeter they had established they day before, once again resigning themselves to simply observing him from a distance at Lorelei's order. Although she chose to remain on the ground for now, instead of climbing a tree to get a good vantage point.

They waited for two hours while the human lethargically tossed and turned, coming to rest on the right side of his body, then his left, then his front, then back to his right side again. He was clearly awake, but seemed disinclined to actually get up.

"How lazy can he be? For Elizabeth's sake, it's almost noon." Merci uttered with disdain looking over at him. She had remained with Lorelei because Casdra already had the off-worlder's east flank covered, and was going to be sent off to them to give word once he got up. Lorelei chuffed softly.

"Not very empathetic are we? You must remember that he is most likely not accustomed to sleeping outside in the elements without so much as a cover or padding. So I'm not surprised he's struggling with getting a good night's sleep. Which, quite honestly, is a very good thing for us." Lorelei stated. Merci looked to her in puzzlement for a long moment.

"I admit, you have me at a loss there sergeant, how could that possibly be any good for us?" Merci asked.

"Because it's one more thing we can use to help convince him to join Casdra's party, and therefore, join us. The prospect of food, water 'and' a warm, comfortable bed for the night could convince a lot of people to do a lot of things after what he's going through." Lorelei explained. Merci pondered that for a moment, again looking down at the off-worlder. He rolled onto his stomach for the nineteenth time by her count.

"I wish I had your ability to spot opportunities." Merci finally admitted.

"I would say it mostly comes with an optimistic mindset." Lorelei replied lightly. They stayed like that for almost a full hour further, both they, and Casdra's party couldn't move until the off-worlder got up. Having them set off before he arose, only for him to find them gone, might have caused him to panic and scramble to catch up.

Which could lead to any number of unfavourable outcomes, he could overtax himself and collapse from exhaustion, or have an accident in his haste and injure himself, forcing Lorelei to step in sooner than she wanted to. Or he could move too quickly for Lorelei and her group to stealthy shadow him, comprising their, so far, undetected status. The worst outcome however, would be him haphazardly making too much noise and drawing the attention of another Mamono, which would drastically complicate matters.

Having everyone wait until the human was good and ready may have looked suspicious in its own right in some respects, but it was the best course of action they had for proceeding.

Finally, he got up and stretched, like yesterday he appeared to have a bit of a crick in his neck. And even at a distance Lorelei could see that he was beginning to form bags under his eyes, while his lips were starting to chap. He gathered the two fruit he had taken with him and used the flat of his blade to press down on it until it cracked. Then he pried it open and ate, doing so rather voraciously in Lorelei's estimation. After repeating with the second fruit he took, he stood and streched again, picking up his sword and turning to face the direction of Casdra's encampment. At last he finally appeared to be ready for the day.

I suppose if an opportunity to introduce myself doesn't present itself by the end of the night, I may have to intervene in the morning whether I like it or not. She thought with dismay, watching him creep his way over to Casdra's encampment.

"Alright, he's on the move, go tell Casdra he's ready to begin. But inform her to move at half speed for the day. He doesn't look like he can handle the kind of marching they did yesterday." Lorelei ordered, turning to Merci.

"Yes sergeant." She replied before slinking off. Lorelei herself now deigning it necessary to ascend into the canopy.


About an hour passed, blissfully uneventful. Casdra's party leisurely walking through the forest, the off-worlder following them, and Lorelei's circle of Elves slowly stalking him in turn. That was until Lorelei spied Nimri making her way over to her, coming from her left flank, waving an arm to get her attention. Lorelei leapt from tree to tree in order to make her way over to her, before climbing down to ground level.

"Sergeant, we have a situation, a Soldier Beetle is approaching from the north, it appears that she hasn't scented the off-worlder yet, but if she does she could be trouble." Nimri quickly stated. Lorelei cursed softly.

And today was going so well... I really don't want to have to subdue one of those right now... She thought wearily to herself. But I suppose it was foolish to hope that our luck would keep. Lorelei thought, then instructed Nimri to show her to the Soldier Beetle. Nimri immediately spun and began leading the way, Lorelei following, and sure enough just a short distance away now, was an approaching Soldier Beetle. And a particularly hulking specimen at that. She appeared to be ambling along at a leisurely pace, but at her current rate she was likely to run straight into the off-worlder. She wasn't exactly being stealthy... once the off-worlder saw her, he would surely react and cause a fuss, and once she noticed him, then there would be problems, big problems. Lorelei sighed softly to herself before addressing Nimri.

"Alright, keep quiet unless directly spoken to, let me do the talking, we don't want this to escalate to any kind of conflict." Lorelei said, she nodded, and with that they both rose to their full height, and stepped out into the open to approach her. As they did, the Soldier Beetle stopped and turned her head to watch them as the pair of Elves walked up. "Good afternoon friend, are you well?" Lorelei asked in polite conversational tones. The Soldier Beetle tilted her head to the side as she appraised her for a moment, before finally replying.

"I am in good health, yes." She replied simply in a vibrating but yet emotionless voice. Choosing to ignore the apparent misunderstanding, and reminding herself that her kind usually aren't well practiced with reading any subtext of a conversation, most often taking things quite litteraly, Lorelei proceeded with the interaction.

"My name is Lorelei, an officer and representative of Lord Elizabeth's Ranger Korps." She continued, holding a hand to her breast and giving a small bow.

"My name is Tia." She retorted in the same buzzing, drone tone, her head returning to it's natural alignment.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Tia, but I'm afraid going to have to politely request that you apprise me of where it was you were going, and why." Lorelei stated in a diplomatic tone. And once again Tia's head cocked itself to the side as she stared unblinking at her. I dislike speaking with her kind, it's always near impossible to get a good read on them. She thought with discomfort.

"I am going south to my favoured fruit tree to feed." She replied in that characteristic monotone.

"You're not in any particular rush are you?" Lorelei pressed in a soothing tone. Tia hesitated a moment, than answered.


"Excellent, then I would hope there shouldn't be any issues with me asking you to please take a slight detour of a league due west, before continuing on your way down south? We're assigned to aid in the delivery of a valuable asset back to Elewyr you see, and we would prefer it if everyone kept a respectable distance away from our party." Lorelei explained. Whenever in doubt, always mislead with the truth. She thought to herself. The Soldier Beetle didn't speak for a moment, just stared unnervingly at the pair of Elves with her compound eyes.

"Do you think me a bandit or thief?" Tia suddenly asked.

"No, but still we would still rather err on the side of caution, and you said yourself that you weren't in any rush. Besides putting us at ease, which we would be most greatful for, it would help you work up a bit more of an appetite so you'll enjoy your meal that much more when you get there." Lorelei responded sweetly. Tia hesitated a moment longer, then abruptly turned west and started walking. "We sincerely thank you for your cooperation. Have a pleasant day." She called as the Soldier Beetle departed.

"Nicely done." Nimri said. Lorelei smiled.

"Let's just hope that's the only time I'll have to do it." She replied.


Back at a certain water spring, over a day's journey away, a pack of Werewolves gathered to quench their thirst. They numbered twelve in total, all strong and healthy, but most covered in numerous scars, and all wearing nothing but ripped and tattered rags. Working together they were more than enough to handle most prey or foes this forest could present, but thanks to their refusal to wear most conventional kinds of clothing, they didn't always come away unscathed either. However, it was their willingness to take damage in order to deal damage in the thick of battle that gave them their edge. And so they strode with confidence to the sweet, freshly gushing water. Feeling utterly assured that they could scare or intimidate anyone away from the site if it were occupied, claiming it for own personal use while stayed. But as they reached the water spring, they found it empty.

Shame. Lowell, the mother and leader of the pack thought. She enjoyed the act of strong arming others, but it was always a gamble to see if anyone was here whenever they arrived. The surrounding area was so filled with scents that they could never tell if someone was there by smell. And the babbling water helped mask all but the noisiest of drinkers. So they always had to wait until they could see whether the place was empty or not.

Lowell drank her fill first, taking her time to wash herself in the spring water, as she always did, before allowing any of her daughters to quench their thirst in turn. Each one conceived from the continuous rape of a man she had managed to capture, after killing his pathetic Weresheep lover. When she finished, the Werewolf spent her time waiting for her daughters to drink with her nose in the air, idly sniffing around to figure out what had recently been here.

Centaur, Jinko, Elf, Nekomata, Satyros, Lizardwomen, and... and... it can't be. Lowell thought. "All of you, get over here, now." She barked. They immediately obeyed.

"What is it mother?" One of them asked.

"Can anyone else smell that? There's a new scent on the air." Lowell rumbled. At once they all started sniffing. After only a moment, one of them widened their eyes in excitement.

"No way... is that..." They muttered, then trailed off to sniff again in order to confirm. "A male human?"

"I think it is." Lowell said with a feral grin. "And I think it's about time you gained some new sisters..." She grinned excitedly, turning to the three person wide trail leading away from the water spring.


As the sun began to gradually sink into the horizon, sergeant Casdra called a halt for the group's march for the day, and gave the order to set up camp for the night. The numerous Lizardwomen of her party soon busying themselves with setting up tents, unfolding bedrolls, preparing fire pits or collecting and chopping wood to cook their evening's meal. Lorelei, perched up on the branches of a tree far above, watched the off-worlder as he in turn observed the activity of Casdra's encampment.

After some time had passed, he began to 'sneak' away from their group heading north. Lorelei and her trainees naturally moved as he did to maintain the circular perimeter around him in order to keep the off-worlder in the centre.

When he located a slight clearing, he began to sweep aside the leaves, twigs, moss and other substrate of the forest floor to form a circle of exposed soil. Before trying to dig a small pit in the centre of it with his fingers. After placing and leaving his blade on the floor, he then started to wander around the small clearing, periodically crouching to gather twigs, sticks and branches.

Oh... now this looks promising. Lorelei thought as she watched him. When the bundle in his arms grew too large or awkward to carry while being able to pick up and add more, he returned to the small clearing to set it down by his blade before setting off to begin anew. Going through this process at least a dozen times before finally stopping.

Circling further and further away from the small clearing each time, eventually collecting quite a sizeable stack of material to burn. Most of which Lorelei would call little more than mere kindling. But since he didn't have an axe to chop up any larger and more suitable logs or branches with, Lorelei supposed that she couldn't really blame him for making do.

However, after a few more moments of watching him, she realised he came up with a solution to that very problem. He collected the more sizable branches that he gathered, and dragged them over to the trunk of a large tree in the clearing. After which he began to snap each one into smaller pieces by anchoring one end into the ground at the base of the tree, before forcefully stomping on it while holding up the other end in his hands.

Resourceful. Lorelei thought with a smile as she observed him.

As creative of a solution as that was however, it soon became apparent that he couldn't quite manage it with some of the thickest logs or branches amoung them. Sometimes his grip was the one to give instead of the wood, the logs clattering to the floor when it slipped from his fingers, other times the branches were just too thick to be snapped that way, and his foot was simply brought to a halt without going through. He ended up making several attempts at snapping a select few of them before finally relenting in frustration and moving on to the next.

Unbeknownst to him, each failed attempt earned a snicker of amusement from some of Lorelei's trainees, who seemed to find it especially entertaining whenever his grip failed and he stumbled from the unexpected loss of balance. Lorelei tried to ignore them, instead opting to spend her time rehearsing what she wanted to say and do in her mind.

When he finished snapping all the branches and logs that he could, he set about positioning them, along with some of the smaller twigs and sticks, into the small circular pit he dug out. Laying them against each other to create a little tent of firewood.

Lorelei watched with keen interest as he gathered a handful of leaves before stacking them together, one on top of another. Next selecting a particular stick from the pile and placing one end on top of the stacked leaves, quickly rotating it by vigorously rubbing the lengths of his hands together.

As she watched, Lorelei was initially worried he might actually manage to start a fire, but as time went on, she breathed out a silent sigh of relief when it became clear he wouldn't be able to. The expression on his face gradually shifting from one of concentration, to determination, then to frustration as he began from the top of the stick and rubbed his hands down to the base again and again to rapidly rotate it. The off-worlder had the air of a man that had perhaps seen someone successfully start a fire using such a method, but never actually learned how to do it himself. Attempting to haphazardly replicate the motions, rather than performing them with confidence and practiced assurity.

Perfect. Lorelei thought with glee, climbing down and making her way north towards Nimri.

"Yes, sergeant?" Nimri asked as she approached.

"Make your way around the circumference of our perimeter and deliver my orders to the rest of the group. Tell them to maintain the circular barrier, the only reasons to break it is if I motion any of you to approach, someone who could be trouble is getting too close, or if there is a genuine emergency. Other than that, everyone is to keep themselves hidden and prevent anyone from encroaching on the off-worlder. Understood?" Lorelei asked.

"Yes sergeant." Nimri replied.

"Good, after you deliver my words to your peers, return to sergeant Casdra, and give her an update of the situation, let her know that if she, or any of her class sees a light from a nearby bonfire, to not investigate it, this is our chance to convince him to join them, and the best thing they can do to help me, is remain absent. Got it?" Lorelei added. Nimri again nodded as she gave her assent before slinking off.

Now, time to introduce myself... Lorelei thought as she turned her gaze to the human's little campsite, still huddled over his kindling, still trying to start that fire.

Maku_The_BlueNov 20, 2023 4:01 AM
Oct 15, 2022 10:41 AM

May 2013
Oho! Those werewolves are going to be quite the complication. I look forward to seeing how that turns out.

And kudos on the fire-making scene; it really is that difficult to start a fire using that method.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 15, 2022 12:18 PM

Jan 2013
Very nice,

I agree, those werewolves are probably going to kick-start a bit of action.

Can't say that I tried that method, but I imagine doing it with random branches (probably not perfectly dry) you find in the forest would not work too well
Oct 19, 2022 3:52 AM
Apr 2018
tygertyger said:
Oho! Those werewolves are going to be quite the complication. I look forward to seeing how that turns out.

Might be a while before they are, but they'll get there...

tygertyger said:
And kudos on the fire-making scene; it really is that difficult to start a fire using that method.

mugen91 said:
Can't say that I tried that method, but I imagine doing it with random branches (probably not perfectly dry) you find in the forest would not work too well

Yeah, I actually tried it once. And I do mean once. I was on this nature retreat field trip back in school, we all had a go of doing it under the instruction of someone who actually could start a fire that way, but I was one of the many who couldn't quite manage it even with perfectly dry kindling. 😂
Oct 20, 2022 6:42 PM

Jan 2015
Seeing how I have a few chapters to catch up to, I'll be posting multiple comments here.

With regards to chapter one:
It seems that our protagonist either did not pay attention during the course about tact and savvyness, or has yet to follow said course. Given the laws of her lord, even if she had bested him, that would have given her exactly zero claim on him. So her strategy was a prime example of high risk, no reward. All I can hope for her is that her captain drills some common sense into her before she finds him again, for otherwise I have low hopes for her chances.

With regards to chapter two:
Lorelei! Sidra desperately needs some lessons in tact from Lorelei.
Also, her group having to tie her up because she wants to run after him again? Tss. Tss. Tss, there is only so much being of a young age can get you away with...

General remark:
Does this mean you've abandoned your other story? For, generally speaking it is best to focus on one story rather than working on two at the same time and risking not making much progress with either.
MetallumOperaturOct 20, 2022 7:41 PM
Oct 21, 2022 3:30 AM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
All I can hope for her is that her captain drills some common sense into her before she finds him again, for otherwise I have low hopes for her chances.

Yeah, Sidra's quite the brash and impulsive one, and with a once in a lifetime opportunity like that in front of her... she just couldn't help herself.

MetallumOperatur said:
Lorelei! Sidra desperately needs some lessons in tact from Lorelei.

Funny you say that, because that may or may not be what ends up happening... I thought they'd make an interesting contrast and dynamic. The young, rash and naive Lizardwomen, being mentored by the old, prudent and wise Elf. 😂

MetallumOperatur said:
Does this mean you've abandoned your other story?

Yeah I'm going to give my original MSG story a rest, for now at least, and focus on this one. My first one was kind of intended to be open ended so I could continue it for as long as I wanted, but this one has a definite end point in mind. With a fairly linear chain of events to get there, which has oddly given me a little bit more staying power.
Oct 21, 2022 2:57 PM

Jan 2013
Maku_The_Blue said:

Yeah I'm going to give my original MSG story a rest, for now at least, and focus on this one. My first one was kind of intended to be open ended so I could continue it for as long as I wanted, but this one has a definite end point in mind. With a fairly linear chain of events to get there, which has oddly given me a little bit more staying power.

For the purposes of staying motivated, having a definite end point in mind and a chain of events that lead to that point definitely helps.
Oct 21, 2022 8:30 PM

May 2013
[quote=mugen91 message=67775133]
Maku_The_Blue said:
For the purposes of staying motivated, having a definite end point in mind and a chain of events that lead to that point definitely helps.

Yes, indeed. While I had to revise my plans during the course of writing I had endings in mind for both my stories before I started writing. When you know where you want to go it's easier to get there.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 22, 2022 4:28 AM
Apr 2018

Chapter 6: Q&A.

Lorelei casually walked up behind his crouching form. Slowly, but through almost two centuries of practice and experience, effortlessly keeping her footsteps silent as she entered the little clearing. Once she was hovering over him, she bent at the hips to lower herself, neatly interlocking her fingers behind the small of her back, and licking her lips as she waited for him to reset his hands at the top of the stick again before speaking.

"Want help with that?" She asked nonchalantly.

Predictably the human yelped as he sprang off to the side in sheer panic, twisting his body to face her mid fall, and landing squarely on his backside, arms and legs flailing in the effort to orientate himself and gain distance. Unfortunately he inadvertently abandoned his sword by her feet in the process, needing a pause to realise this, before scrambling his way back over to her in order to reclaim his weapon and put it between them while once again backing away, this time actually on his feet.

During his uncoordinated mess of a response to her question, Lorelei had straightened her posture and placatingly held up her empty open hands by the sides of her head, palms facing him. Placidly keeping her hands up as she allowed him to retrieve his weapon uncontested. And serenely maintaining the pacifying gesture even as he leveled his sword at her.

"Oops, did I startle you? Sorry... I couldn't resist." Lorelei spoke in a playfully chiming voice, flashing him a cheeky grin. "Please forgive me, there's no need for alarm, I mean you no harm." Lorelei said in a more soothing tone.

"Then why are you here?" He asked while fidgeting, constantly making little adjustments to his stance in agitation.

"Well, I couldn't help but notice your valiant effort at starting a fire going a bit awry, so I thought I would offer some assistance. You have the right idea, I do expect it to be a bit chilly tonight, so I decided not to let you freeze." Lorelei spoke lightly. The human remained unconvinced. Sceptical. Fidgeting with the anxious energy of someone who believed that they were in danger. Lorelei watched his eyes initially flick over her right shoulder, settling on the top side of her bow and the fletchings of the arrows that were peaking out from the quiver there. She then tracked his gaze as it shifted all over her form to briefly note something before moving on. The pockets sewed onto her uniform at her outer arms, the little sacks tied around her belt, the straps holding pouches over her thighs. What is he searching for? Lorelei wondered idly. "I'm not concealing any weapons from you, if that's what you're trying to pick out. I only have my bow and a few arrows on me, I'll admit I'm rather clumsy with anything else in comparison, so you don't need to worry." She said, regaining his attention and causing him to meet her eyes with his own. "Look." Lorelei offered as she slowly took steps to rotate herself before him, arms still held up by her head, hands open. Allowing the human to scrutinise her personal effects. After making a full rotation and hovering there in front of him for a moment, she eventually sighed softly as she realised that didn't help his agitated state. "Let's think for a moment, if I really held any malice, why would I walk right up to you and reveal myself like this? Now that I mention it, one would think that you held a far greater chance of victory if we came to blows here, with your weapon held at the ready, and mine not even drawn." Lorelei stated, again in a soothing, pacifying tone.

While everything she had said was technically correct, she had neglected to note that she was a master at various unarmed combat styles, and could effectively perform various grabs, disarms, throws, and submission holds if pressed. But she saw no reason to tell him that. Lorelei held the opinion that there was a clear difference between allowing someone to draw a particular conclusion by telling a cleverly worded truth, and deliberately giving someone false information with the intention of deceiving them. And she was a firm believer that one was more ethically virtuous than the other. After some thought, that initially convinced him to relax to a small degree. But then he looked her over again and tensed up once more.

"Your clothes." He said simply.

"Nice, aren't they?" Lorelei asked cheekily. He frowned.

"No, they're too weird, they're just like what those other women playing dress up were wearing. You're with them aren't you? That 'sergeant' sent you didn't she?" He accused, again holding up his sword preparing to cut, even though Lorelei was far out of range.

Playing dress up? She questioned for a moment, but decided against lingering on the odd statement for too long. Lorelei hesitated, then sighed. "Yes, I do belong to the same uniform as the women you encountered a few days ago." She answered.

"I should've known that 'sergeant' wouldn't keep her word. I was actually starting to think she might there for a second." He said.

"What makes you think she broke the agreement you made with her?" Lorelei asked pointedly.

"You're here. Speaking to me." He simply said. She chuckled softly at that.

"Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but I have it on good authority that your exact words were, and I quote, 'you and all your friends here will leave me alone' end quote. But since I wasn't 'there' at the time, the terms of the pact don't apply to me, meaning that Casdra hasn't gone back on her word, if only as a technicality." She explained. His frown deepened. Lorelei sighed again. "Shall we call a little truce of our own then? I vow not to take any kind of hostile or untoward actions towards you, if you will do me the simple honour of likewise promising to not try and harm me in turn, fair enough?" She asked. He considered for a moment, then hesitantly nodded.

"Fair enough." He reluctantly answered.

"Excellent, now then, I'll get this fire going." Lorelei said, lowering her hand to reach into a back pocket with slow, exaggerated care. "Starting a fire is a lot simpler if you use flint and striker, instead of rubbing a stick on top of a few leaves, but I suppose you can't exactly be blamed for not having such tools." She added, pulling out the items, then kneeling to rearrange the kindling, twigs and snapped branches. Quickly getting a fire going with a few rapid scrapes and a few sharp exhalations. Then sitting with knees up to her chest and arms wrapped around her shins. He slowly approached and keeled opposite to her. Slowly setting aside his blade to hold both hands out before the growingly flickering warmth. "So, I suppose now would be a good a time as any for introductions. My name is Lorelei, another 'sergeant' I'm afraid." She proclaimed cheekily.

"I'm William." He replied simply.

"A pleasure to meet you, William." Lorelei replied with a smile and nod. "While we're both here, I propose we enter into another agreement, to pass the time. I wish to exchange a question for a question, and an answer for an answer." She added without skipping a beat. William hesitated for a moment, giving her proposal some thought.

"Seems fair. Presuming you answer honestly." He said.

"I haven't lied to you so far." She retorted.

"As far as I can tell anyway." He admitted. Lorelei smiled coyly.

"I will allow you to go first." She invited.

"Alright..." William hesitated in thought. "How long were you watching me before you decided to walk up and say hello?" William asked. Lorelei paused for a moment.

"Almost three days." She answered. He flinched, eyes going wide at hearing the admittance. "Yes." Lorelei said lightly, as if owning up to a minor embarrassment. "A little under three days now. That uneasy feeling of being watched you may have been experiencing for the last few days was justified." She said nonchalantly.

"Three..." He breathed in horror.

"Now it's my turn if you please. After I began stalking you I noticed that you would, at some points, dedicate some measure of time and effort to seemingly search for something. Turning up and shaking fallen logs, closely inspecting the trunks and bark of particular trees, beating and rustling collections of underbrush or shrubbery. And I truly have no idea what you were hoping to find. So, William, what was it you were searching for on those occasions?" Lorelei asked. He blinked, still seemingly hung up on the casual admittance of stalking him, his face hardening as he answered.

"I was searching for your hidden cameras." He said coldly. This time she blinked at the casual accusation.

"My hidden what?" She blurted out in puzzlement, actually being caught off guard with his response.

"That's two questions." He said in a smug tone. "My turn." William continued before pausing to think for a moment. "Here's one. Let's see how prepared you are. What were you doing out here in this forest before you started to creep on me?" William asked.

"Oh, I was training my recruits. Scouting, tracking, sneaking, archery, observational skills, and other such matters of espionage while operating as a cohesive unit with others." Lorelei replied in conversational tones.

"Sneaking..." He breathed. Then looked about himself with panicked, jerky movements of his head, peering into the ever growing shadowy forest. He stilled. Then slowly reached for his sword, clutching the hilt with tight knuckles. "There aren't any hidden around me right now though... right?" He quietly asked in a quaking voice.

"That's two questions." Lorelei said with the same inflection that he used not a moment ago. Both of them falling into, and remaining in, silence for a time. One tilting their head to the side in thought, the other whipping their head about in unease.

Cameras? Why on Arcadia would he be searching for cameras? Lorelei thought as she tried to illuminate dim memories she had with her husband over thirty years ago. Aren't they a device from his world that... She trailed off as she had a sudden epiphany. From 'his' world. She repeated, zeroing in on the most important detail, and its implications. No... surely not. She reasoned with wide eyes. "I have decided what my next question will be." She announced. "Where are we right now?" Lorelei asked.

"I don't know. How 'could' I know when I just woke up in the middle of a fucking forest." William yelled.

Then he really doesn't know... he still thinks he's on Earth. Casdra and her trainees were his first encounter, and they didn't exactly get around to appraising him of his situation... She thought. But what explanation does he have for the encounter then? And what of me? How does he justify my presence if he thinks he's still on Earth? Surely my ears haven't escaped his notice... Lorelei wondered as she tilted her head to the side, looking at him.

"My turn again." He said, agitated. "How many 'recruits' do you have sneaking about right now?" William asked.

"Only eight." Lorelei answered nonchalantly, trying to play it down. "But you have no reason to worry, we've already agreed not to harm one another, and as long as that remains true, none of them are of any threat to you." She added. The assurance not doing as much to calm him as she would've liked. William's eyes still darting around the forest trying to spot any of her Elven recruits. "I believe it is my turn again." She proclaimed, regaining his attention. "Now, how to phrase this..." She wondered aloud, taking a moment to think. "What are your thoughts, both to how it is you got here, and what has happened in your time here?" Lorelei asked, careful as to how she worded her inquiry.

"I'm tempted to just call you out and say that's two questions again." William said irritably. Lorelei smiled knowingly.

"Well, if you would be generous enough to kindly answer my question as it is, than I will try to be as equally generous in answering your next question, even if you should phrase it to encompass two separate but related aspects." She retorted. He grumbled to himself in thought for a moment.

"Fine." He eventually said before lapsing into silent contemplation again for a time. Lorelei waited patiently for him to gather himself for his answer. "So far all I can figure out is that I was drugged, abducted and dumped out here to take part in some fucked up survivalist game, a twisted fantasy show for some rich fucks' entertainment, a fucking weird porno, or some combination of the three. Can't think of any other reasons why I would suddenly wake up in the middle of fucking nowhere in some forest with no memory of how I got here, and come across no-one but suspiciously attractive women dressed up as lizards and elves." William ranted with some fervor as he said the last with a sharp gesture at her body.

Lorelei hesitated, then her lips parted in a silent 'ah' before she began to chuckle throatily to herself. So he's under the impression that he's been abducted to unwillingly take part in some form of organised event. And believes we're in some way part of it. Mistaking our appearance and uniforms for mere costumes. Which explains the 'dress up' thing. This is quite the interesting predicament indeed... She thought to herself in amusement. The corners of her lips curling up.

"What's so funny!?" William snapped. Lorelei smile widened playfully.

"I will generously assume that was asked rather thoughtlessly in a fit of pique, and wasn't the chosen question for your turn, so I will allow you to ask another in its place if you wish." She retorted with a shake of her head. Taking a moment to compose herself again. His face reddened even further for a moment when he realised what he did, partly in embarrassment, partly in annoyance, before eventually receding again.

"What do you want?" William quietly asked, his voice cold.

"That's a very broad question, William. And could be answered both simply and truthfully without affording you much of any useful information." Lorelei began. "However, because you were kind enough to give me a detailed answer to my previous question, I will be happy to return the gesture of goodwill." She paused, holding up a hand to stall any reply before continuing. "What do I want? Right now, what I want from you most of all, is your trust. For your trust paves the way to the other things I want from you. The chance to improve and guard your health and safety. The chance to keep your company. The chance to gain your friendship. And the chance to escort you out of this forest unharmed, just to name a few." She answered. William didn't appear to have a response to that. And his face was difficult for Lorelei to read, being unable to decide if he was relieved or displeased by her words. "Now then, I believe it is my turn again." She restarted with a smile. "You may be interested to know that you managed to cause quite the stir amoung... 'sergeant' Casdra's recruits with your swordplay. I've been told that your movements were fluid and well practiced, so much so that you watching you was almost artful apparently. So consider my curiosity piqued. What style of swordplay do you adhere to?" Lorelei asked, William hesitated.

"I was taught Johannes Liechtenauer's tradition of swordplay, been learning from Joachim Meyer's treatise for almost a decade now." William answered. "Even started teaching it myself a few months ago." He chuffed, actually smiling for the first time in their conversation. A slight, but unmistakable hint of pride in his tone.

Ah-ha... interesting, he didn't just answer my question, he also couldn't help but boast a little bit, seems I found the way to stroke his ego... perfect. "Almost a decade." She began, letting out a low whistle of appreciation. "Yet still so young. No wonder you showed Sidra up. I suppose it's no surprise why the rest of them are so infatuated with you." Lorelei chimed, closing her eyes and shaking her head. Strangely, when she opened them again, she saw that he was frowning.

"Alright, enough of this, how do I get home?" He suddenly asked. She stiffened.

Elizabeth. Lorelei swore in here mind. I don't have any good answers for that. I can't just casually tell him that he's on another world so there isn't a way home, that would be most unwise. Especially right now with what he believes, not to mention the condition he's currently in. But I have to say something... She thought. The bags under his eyes and his cracking lips brought into sharp contrast as she looked at him in the flickering orange and yellow light of the fire. "I humbly request that you ask different question, as I don't have a good answer to that and I don't want to lie to you." Lorelei said in the most diplomatic tone she could muster.

"Oh, you don't have a good answer, why is that exactly?" William questioned irritably.

Alright, time to end this before it can escalate any further. Lorelei thought. "Perhaps we should bring our agreement of trading questions and answers to an end for now." She hesitantly began. "I know it was brief, but it 'is' getting rather late." She went on as she looked up into the sky. "And I don't think I've ever seen anyone who looks like they could use a good night's sleep as much as you do." Lorelei continued, looking down to meet his eyes. "I will tend the fire for you throughout the night. Think of it as an apology for ending our agreement so abruptly." She gestured to the warm light between them.

"Oh, you'd like that wouldn't you? Me asleep right in front of you. Not going to happen." He sneered, evidently using her as a target to vent his frustrations. Lorelei sighed softly.

"William, please think this through for a moment... really assess whether this idea that I harbour ill will towards you makes any sense." Lorelei began slowly. "First let's start with me announcing myself to you. Had I meant you harm, it would have made much more sense for me to remain undetected." She continued. "Secondly, let's not forget how I conducted myself when you reached for your sword. Had I meant you harm, it would've been a good idea for me to contest the retrieval of your weapon, instead, I made no attempt to stop you even when you were by my feet." Lorelei went on. "Thirdly, let's address this absurd notion that I wish to take advantage of you while you sleep. Had I truly intended to do so, if you accept that I've been stalking you for almost three days now, then you also accept that I already had two prime opportunities to do so, and chose to ignore both of them." She finished. He paused for a few moments. His eyes downcast, darting about in thought. Finally he responded.

"That still doesn't change the fact that I don't fucking trust you, you've admitted to stalking me for the past three days, you're dressed up like an elf straight out of some fucking anime, and you won't tell me how to get home, so for all I know everything you've said and done is just in service to getting me to play along with whatever the fuck is going on here, and I don't want to." He said stubbornly. A moment of silence past between them. Lorelei meeting and holding his eyes, before breaking the contact to sigh heavily as she looked down. Using the exaltation to calm herself before choosing her next words.

"William, I don't wish to be rude, truly, I don't. Though unfortunately I feel that I now have no choice but to be rather blunt." Lorelei began again, this time in a suffering but still attempted diplomatic tone. "There are many states of being that do not lend themselves well to allowing one to think logically and rationally. Perfect examples of such states that can be immediately identified in your particular case is being fatigued, starved, dehydrated, frightened and stressed." She continued, counting them off with her fingers while listing them. "People can rarely ever think straight when in the grasp of just one of these states. And you, William, are quite clearly in four of them, likely all five." Lorelei stated matter-of-factly. "So until such time as you are no longer in any of these states, I highly advise... no, I beg of you, William, please rely on my logical faculties in place of your own. I swear by all that I hold dear that I mean you no harm. I am only trying to help you." She concluded. Again meeting and holding his gaze.

He sat there for a time. Simply glaring back. This time evidently having no retort to her claims. The silent eye contact going on for so long that she felt it began to get a little awkward. Finally Lorelei faked a small, dainty yawn to break the staring contest, raising a hand to cover her barely parted lips as the lids of her eyes partially fell. William, for his part, inevitably yawned in turn, only his was far heavier, as well as going on for much longer. His whole body trembling uncontrollably with the act. He scowled at her as soon as he finished.

"You did that on purpose." He accused, still trying to glare at her, only now with watery eyes for a few more moments. The sight was simultaneously hilarious, but also somewhat endearing. However, Lorelei choose not to show it, choosing simply to smile back warmly, deigning not to reply with anything else, and waited.

Finally his body slumped, the energy that his annoyance and suspicion gave him draining away, to be replaced by the tiredness he could no longer hide or deny. He heaved out a sigh of his own, before laying down on his side. Tightly clutching the grip of his blade, and putting it below his head to once again act as a poor mockery of a pillow.

He clearly still doesn't trust me, nor does he relish the idea of sleeping in front of me. But at least he isn't foolish enough to actually commit to attacking me, or go off running into the forest at night. She thought as she watched him. "Thank you, William. I vow that no harm shall come to you under my watch. And that I will do my best to tend the fire for you to keep you warm. Sleep well." Lorelei said. William didn't respond, appearing to already be fast asleep. But when she paid close attention to his breath, she found it to be too deep and irregular for him to be out so quickly. Lorelei smiled. We'll see how long you can pretend for. She thought.

And so they stayed like that, Lorelei periodically rustling the fire or adding some more wood, quietly watching over him, until she was finally convinced that he was deeply in his sleep. She looked to the south, southeast and southwest, signalling for Farali, Vinci and Yuni to approach, holding a finger over her lips as they did.

"Sergeant, what are your orders?" Farali quietly asked.

"Yuni, fetch my quill and notebook, Vinci, gather more wood for this fire, Farali, go get some preserved meats from Casdra's group, and see if they have a spare canteen." Lorelei listed.

"Yes sergeant." Yuni, Vinci, and Farali said before quietly slinking off to carry out their orders. When they returned, Lorelei had them wrap up the foodstuffs in some cloth, and had the canteen be refilled by pouring in water from their own waterskins. As the spare canteen made its rounds to be refilled, Lorelei began to write in her notebook.

"Sergeant, I don't not mean to question you're judgment, but was revealing our presence and numbers to him truely wise? He'll be on guard now, and may even try to actively find us, which will make stalking him without being seen even more annoying." Farali stated as she nodded over at the human's sleeping form.

"We had to reveal ourselves to him at some point anyway." Lorelei began. "And with how paranoid he can seemingly be, he may have come to the conclusion on his own once he found out what we specialise in. Might as well use that revelation to our advantage." She continued. "Giving away that information, at least in part, helped establish that while we may be an interested party, we don't hold any ill will towards him and will not use any of our advantages over him. But more importantly, telling him that little tid-bit set up the precedent that I won't lie to him, even if that lie should be to my benefit. Which will be useful in the future if I want to convince him of anything else." She went on." Besides, in exchange for telling him of our presence and numbers, we now know why he's been acting in the way that he has. And knowing that gives me a little more confidence in how to proceed." Lorelei explained. She thought carefully about how she would compose the note she would leave for William to find in the morning...

'Good morning William, I hope you slept well. I won't be with you when you wake up, but I've decided to leave some nuts, fruits and rations for you, as well as a filled water canteen. Think of it as a compensation for abruptly ending our little accord.

And no, before you suspect me of it, neither the food nor the water, has been poisoned, spiked or tampered with in any way, shape or form. I assure you they are all safe.

Once you've had your fill of both, and so should not be fatigued, starved or dehydrated, and with my absence should neither be frightened nor stressed, you should therefore be hopefully able to think without inhibition.

First, I'd like to encourage you to reflect on the events of the previous night, and second, I'd like you to please consider my invitation.

I politely invite you to join my companions, the very same group you've been following. Should you enter their camp today, be it morning, afternoon or evening, they will provide you with food, drink and a warmer, not to mention far more comfortable, bed than the woodland floor for the night.

Rest assured that you will be allowed to leave should you wish to, and none of us will pursue you any further should you choose to.

But I beg that you at least allow us the chance to remedy the unfortunate mistakes that our uniform has made with your first encounter. I vow that none of us wish you any harm, and you have my word that we only wish to help you, if you will allow us.

Sincerely, Lorelei.'
Maku_The_BlueNov 20, 2023 4:49 AM
Oct 22, 2022 7:36 AM

Jan 2013
Very nice.

William seems to be suffering from a major case of paranoia and Lorelei has proven quite patient, though that seems a given, considering the previous three days as well as her profession.

I liked the little game of Q&A and am looking forward to whether William will take Lorelei up on her offer of some more comforts. It's going to be fun to read Sidra's reaction if he does stroll into their camp, I reckon.
Oct 22, 2022 2:37 PM

May 2013
mugen91 said:
It's going to be fun to read Sidra's reaction if he does stroll into their camp, I reckon.

No kidding! I want William to march into the lizardman camp bold as brass now just to see Sidra's reaction.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Oct 23, 2022 1:09 PM

Jan 2015
Maku_The_Blue said:
Funny you say that, because that may or may not be what ends up happening... I thought they'd make an interesting contrast and dynamic. The young, rash and naive Lizardwomen, being mentored by the old, prudent and wise Elf. 😂
Oof, don't know if Lorelei is going to like being called old.

Maku_The_Blue said:
Yeah I'm going to give my original MSG story a rest, for now at least, and focus on this one. My first one was kind of intended to be open ended so I could continue it for as long as I wanted, but this one has a definite end point in mind. With a fairly linear chain of events to get there, which has oddly given me a little bit more staying power.
Yeah having a goal in mind does help with staying on track. Perhaps once this story is finished and you consider picking up your first story again, looking for a sub-plot can help make it feel less overwhelming. Set a sub-plot and then come up with the next one once the first arc has been closed off
Oct 23, 2022 1:11 PM

Jan 2015
So, I've caught up with the reading. Here are my comments per chapter:

Chapter 3:
- I've got a feeling that the waiting game Lorelei is playing with him is not just to ensure she has gathered all the info she can get on him, but that it is a bit of playing a game with him too. See how he reacts
or what he can figure out on his own, but hey at least she is looking out for him...

Chapter 4:
- Oh, no why do I have to suffer the consequences of my actions? -Sidra
- I really liked the detail that Sidra realises how big an impact William's appearance had on the group's cohesion
- Doubt the group being all tense and quiet is going to help win the man over

Chapter 5:
- I really liked that soldier beetle. No nonsense & straight to the point
- Looks like trouble is brewing... An opportunity to bond with William, or perhaps yet another reason for him to distrust everyone in this place?

Chapter 6:
- Ah the true and tried, Q&A technique. Always entertaining to read
- The forests around Elewyr are comparable to the forests that can be found in say the UK, or Germany. So I strongly doubt he would confuse them for a tropical forest, a mistake perhaps. In fact, even the southern most areas of Atalantheis would still not have a tropical climate, but rather more akin to what once can expect in, say, Greece / Southern Italy. Adding a tropical biome is one of the main reasons for these long term plans to eventually open up a bit more of the world and adding a new archipelago/continent
- Yeah, that last question, I can see why Lorelei can't answer that one. Whichever answer she is going to give, he is going to interpret it such that it would confirm whatever he wants it to confirm. I wonder how long it is going to take before he takes up the offer
- Seeing they were only a full day behind, and the relatively slow pace of William and the group it should not take long for those werewolves to catch up to them

Perhaps a chapter title and/or numbering could be a simple yet useful addition to your story
Oct 27, 2022 5:57 AM
Apr 2018
tygertyger said:
mugen91 said:
It's going to be fun to read Sidra's reaction if he does stroll into their camp, I reckon.

No kidding! I want William to march into the lizardman camp bold as brass now just to see Sidra's reaction.

Okay, this is pretty funny, but I can't say why without spoilers. So we'll all have to find out in a fortnight... 😁
Oct 27, 2022 6:29 AM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
Chapter 3:
I've got a feeling that the waiting game Lorelei is playing with him is not just to ensure she has gathered all the info she can get on him, but that it is a bit of playing a game with him too.

Oh yeah, Lorelei's a patient one, and she's been through this kind of scenario before, so there might be some elements of just wanting to have a bit of fun with the rare event of an off-worlder showing up.

MetallumOperatur said:
Chapter 4:
I really liked the detail that Sidra realises how big an impact William's appearance had on the group's cohesion.

The members of Sidra's group are fairly textbook examples of the Lizardwomen in the MGE, so William is definitely their ideal type of man, and would certainly catch and keep pretty much all of their attention.

MetallumOperatur said:
Chapter 5:
Looks like trouble is brewing... An opportunity to bond with William, or perhaps yet another reason for him to distrust everyone in this place?

RAFO... 😉

MetallumOperatur said:
Chapter 6:
The forests around Elewyr are comparable to the forests that can be found in say the UK, or Germany. So I strongly doubt he would confuse them for a tropical forest, a mistake perhaps.

Yeah, that was a slip up on my part, I'll go back and edit it...

MetallumOperatur said:
Yeah, that last question, I can see why Lorelei can't answer that one. Whichever answer she is going to give, he is going to interpret it such that it would confirm whatever he wants it to confirm.

I imagine Lorelei as being wise enough to be able to know and recognise when it is best to simply keep quiet.

MetallumOperatur said:
Perhaps a chapter title and/or numbering could be a simple yet useful addition to your story.

Yeah, good shout.
Nov 5, 2022 2:39 AM
Apr 2018

Chapter 7: First step.

The next day, just as the sun began to set, nestled in a corner of Casdra's encampment, sat at opposite sides of a simmering cauldron, were two anxious Lizardwomen.

They sat in relative silence, one chopping up vegetables, the other slicing up meat, both adding the readied morsels to the pot as it was prepared. A gentle breeze washed over them.

"How long is he going to wait over there?" Destra hissed in frustration, breaking the awkward silence.

"Well since he's been there for over two hours now, your guess is as good as mine." Milla said dryly.

Destra chose not to reply, instead choosing to cast her eyes around camp, she wasn't the only one feeling nervous, in fact there was tension in the air throughout the whole camp, an aura of suspense, an atmosphere of barely held back energy of excitement and anticipation. Everyone in camp was trying to act somewhat normal in their own way, going about various tasks or activities, but Destra could see right through it. The truth being that everyone was actually on edge. And what gave it away was that all of them, every single one, was doing their absolute utmost to pointedly avoid looking over at, or even momentarily facing, a particular section of foliage.

Destra first glanced over at Tina, the muscular blonde Lizardwoman was setting up tarps, laying out quilts and rolling out blankets on behalf of her classmates. The group took turns performing such roles each night at Casdra's behest. And Tina, ever the practical and no-nonsense kind of girl, did the task quickly and efficiently whenever it was her turn, kneeling down whenever it was called for, before standing back up just as quickly to move on. This evening however, she seemed to be taking her time in carrying out the task, and Destra didn't fail to note how she choose to bend over at the hip instead of kneeling as she usually did, of course only ever doing so when she had her back to a particular bush.

Destra closed her eyes and lightly shook her head, holding back a smile, before then casting her gaze at Wylla and Quina who were in the midst of training, wooden swords in hand.

Wylla, usually the defensive, or at least counter offensive type of fencer, was actually taking the initiative for once. The green eyed blonde moving in with rapid and meaningful, albeit a bit unpracticed thrusts. Her movements and efforts showing a profound spike in motivation, and causing beads of sweat filled determination to accumulate all over her body. Far more than Destra had ever seen her work up before.

But that didn't mean Quina wasn't giving as good as she was got, Destra always thought those two put on an interesting show. For Quina it was a game of getting past her sword to close in, for Wylla it was a game of keeping her sword inbetween them to keep her at bay. One exchange would end with Wylla landing a decisive thrust to her torso. While another would end with Quina managing to surge forward, grabbing her friend and all but throwing her to the ground, quickly turning it into a grappling match. The pair rolling and wrestling on the grass, one trying to execute various submission holds, the other trying to escape them.

Of course whenever it got into grappling Quina pretty much always came out on top, choosing to either splay out Wylla's legs in some manner, or deciding to lock Wylla's arms behind her back, invariably pushing out her chest. Destra knew there were more effective and far easier submission holds to perform, and she knew damn well that Quina knew that too, but nevertheless she seemed to deliberately forgo using them in favour of the submission holds that ended in more... suggestive positions. Destra sighed in amused exasperation.

"Will you stop looking around like that, it's bad enough with everyone else being so damn obvious!" Milla hissed quietly.

"No need to get snappy." Destra retorted.

"Yes there is, we all have standing orders to act as though we're unaware of his presence until he approaches camp. And yet 'some' of us are going out of our way to either impress or seduce a cursed bush. Giving them even more attention won't help." Milla quietly chastised.

"Well don't snap at me like that's my fault." Destra shot back. Silence falling over the pair of them again for a few moments. Destra fidgeting in agitation as she worked to cut some more meat. "Oh Elizabeth." She swore after a few seconds, unable to stop herself from glancing over her shoulder at where he was hiding. "Knowing he's just over there and not being able to walk up to him and rip his clothes off is driving me crazy." She admitted with a whine.

"You know as well as I do why we can't." Milla told her.

"Yeah, yeah, he's under the delusion that he's been abducted to take part in some made up event or game or whatever. And coming onto him will just feed into his weird little fantasy." Destra groaned. "But do you 'really' think that just pretending he doesn't exist, and waiting for 'him' to come to 'us' is the best solution?" Destra pressed, throwing some more meat into the cauldron. Milla sighed.

"Even if I didn't, sergeant Lorelei does, and she has more experience with off-worlders than anyone else here. Not to mention the fact that sergeant Casdra agreed to follow her lead. Which means we don't have any choice but to follow as well." Milla said sourly. "Besides, he's been edging closer and closer to camp all day, so at least it's working. I hope." Milla added begrudgingly.

"Not working fast enough as far as I'm concerned." Destra retorted. "There must be a way to talk some sense into him." She said.

"Good luck with that, if sergeant Lorelei thought doing so was possible, she would've done it." Milla observed dryly. "Best thing we can do right now is follow our orders and just try to forget he's there." Milla said.

"I can't." Destra retorted. "You saw him fight Sidra. The way he moved..." Destra trailed off with deep, husky groan. "He made beating her look easy, so what else can he do? Could he land a hit on Wylla? Would he be able to beat Tina? How do you think it would look if he and Casdra had a few bouts? Can you even imagine it? Don't you want to take your own shot at him?" Destra finished. Her voice thick with a hunger that had nothing to do with the stew in front of her.

"I must admit... he does present a very interesting opportunity. A man knowledgeable enough to be a teacher of a whole style of swordplay. A system of combat from an entirely different world. Think of how much we could learn..." Milla breathed, letting her eyes drift over to the bush just past Destra, then shook her head to clear her reverie. "But riling ourselves up won't help our frustrations with the situation." She affirmed. Destra heaved a heavy sigh. Another moment of agitated silence falling over the pair.

"So why 'do' you think he's still crouched over there? Destra asked. This time Milla sighed, though her own was more out of frustration rather than resignation.

"Honestly, given the delusion he's under, I think he's just trying to figure out if this 'is' some sort of weird event he's been abducted to take part in. What he'd be looking for to prove or disprove something like that though? Again your guess is as good as mine." Milla answered.

That was a fair theory as far as Destra was concerned. She bet everyone in camp was pondering similar thoughts and questions as her. What was he doing over there? Was he really going to take them up on sergeant Lorelei's offer? Because if so, then why was he taking so long? But if not, then why else would he hover there on the edge of camp? What was keeping him from making a move?

The pair quietly went back to doing their roles to help prepare the stew for the evening's meal. Wylla and Quina had spent some of the day going around and gathering different types of edible vegetation, under the direction of Lorelei, much to their annoyance. While the Elf sergeant herself spent some of the day hunting for game, and ended up dragging a deer of all things back to their camp. Which initially surprised everyone, especially Casdra, given that Elves don't usually include meat in their diet. And Lorelei was known for being a strict vegetarian, and didn't much like killing woodland animals.

But her rational for why she made an exception became clear when Lorelei ordered that all the gathered vegetation was to be cooked along with the deer in a stew. The meat would turn away most of the Elves in Lorelei's class from eating any, while the addition of the vegetables wouldn't make many of Casdra's group very happy. But it would create a well balanced collection of nutrients for a half starved off-worlder.

Silence yet again fell over them as they returned to their roles. But this time the stillness was different than before, and it took Destra and Milla a moment to notice how the quiet that fell over them just now, wasn't simply the conclusion of their conversation.

The air itself changed around them, the rustling of tarps and bedrolls being pinned up and laid out ceased, while the clacking of wooden swords abruptly ended. With a start Destra realised that it wasn't just them, everyone in camp was quiet. And a glance over at the direction they were all staring at told her why. The off-worlder was slowly, warily, but distinctly, walking towards camp.


"I'm still unconvinced of your logic, Lorelei. Why shouldn't we just tell him the truth? Why keep it a secret from him?" Casdra questioned, the two sergeants sat in the pavilion at the centre of camp. Lorelei sighed lightly.

"How do I explain this..." Lorelei idly wondered. Taking a moment to gather her thoughts. "Right now, he believes that he was abducted by some eccentric wealthy individual or syndicate, and was placed here to partake in an organised event of some kind, against his will, for their observation and entertainment. Following me so far?" Lorelei asked. Casdra nodded. "At this time, he also seems to be under the impression that you and I, as well as our recruits, are all under the employ of said individual or syndicate, and part of said organised event." She went on slowly.

"And we don't want to try to dissuade him from thinking this because...?" Casdra interrupted, speaking just as slowly.

"Given these two presumptions." Lorelei continued. "The likely result of us being forthright with the reality of his situation, that is to say, telling him that he's mistaken and has actually been transported to another world entirely, would just be him taking it as proof of the narrative he's convinced himself of. To him, the truth would actually sound far more implausible than his own theories. And should we tell him the truth, in his mind anyway, it would only further solidify us as being participants in his abduction, he would think that we're just playing a roll in the organised event as the employees of the people who abducted him, marking us as untrustworthy. Which, I shouldn't need to say, would just complicate the matter of gaining his compliance even further. And since I have a personal policy of never lying, the best course of action we can take is keeping our mouths shut until further notice." Lorelei finished. A moment of silence passed between them as the Lizardwomen absorbed what had been said.

"I'm still unsure of how he could ever come up with such a ridiculous theory in the first place." Casdra muttered.

"They don't all immediately think that they've been isekai'd." Lorelei said, shrugging.

"That they've been what?" Casdra questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Nevermind." Lorelei retorted lightly. Closing her eyes and shaking her head with a smile.

"Very well... but you're sure he's going to accept your offer and just walk up to join us? He's just been hovering at the edge of our camp all day." Casdra pressed. "And I'd rather have you be out there with your recruits in case someone else stumbles across..." Casdra trailed off.

"Sergeant Casdra, sergeant Lorelei! The off-worlder entered camp!" Tina called as she ran up to the opening of their tent, flapping it aside with her arm. Lorelei grinned as she looked over at Casdra.

"You were saying?" The smug Elf sergeant asked. Casdra glanced at her before looking back at the recruit, ignoring her question and getting up before stepping outside. Lorelei following closely behind, and Tina trailing her in turn.

When they exited the pavilion they found that Destra, Milla, Wylla and Quina had all gathered in front of him, inadvertently forming a line that barred the off-worlder from actually entering the camp. And of course, every single one of them was fixedly leering at him, Destra and Quina being the worst offenders, almost panting as they starred. Lorelei clicked her tongue in annoyance.

Save me from the tactlessness of these girls. They're going to end up scaring him off again if they keep that up. Lorelei thought with despair. She was about to call an order for them to back away from him, but Casdra got there first.

"Disperse!" The Lizardwomen sergeant yelled sharply. All of them flinching in surprise, quickly turning to look at the two approaching sergeants before just as quickly parting to either side. Revealing William to them in the process. His posture was rigid. Eyes darting to and fro before settling on them. Lorelei noted, with no small amount of displeasure, that his feet were not so subtly placed in a readied stance, not a relaxed one. Although he at least held his sword at the base of the blade in his left hand behind the small of his back, and not with both hands in a guard.

I need to defuse this situation, and quickly. Lorelei thought as she walked up. "William!" The Elf sergeant exclaimed in chiming tone, flashing him a broad smile. "Thank you for joining us, I'm so happy you decided to give us a second chance." She continued, overtaking Casdra for a moment, then abruptly but deliberately stopping a respectable distance away from the off-worlder. Casdra, having caught her soical queue, also came to a stop by Elf's side.

"Well... I guess you haven't technically lied to me... yet. So, I'm willing to accept that you actually meant what you said in your note." William hesitantly replied.

"I did indeed, every word. We've prepared a very nice stew for you to eat and readied a comfortable bedroll for you to get a good night's sleep in. And you can rest assured that 'none' of us will try to take advantage of your trust, I promise." Lorelei said, emphasising that proclamation with pointed glances to both pairs of Lizardwomen at her sides. She intended to return her gaze to the off-worlder, but did a double take when she realised what Destra and Milla being present actually meant. "Speaking of which, how goes this evening's meal Destra?" Lorelei asked sweaty.

"Nearly ready, sergeant." She replied promptly.

"Then I hope it isn't burning in your absence." Lorelei noted in a lilting tone. Destra's eyes widened, both she and Milla abruptly turning and running back to the simmering cauldron at the statement. "And I'm quite sure the two of you have some training to get back to." She continued in the same overly sweet voice. Wylla and Quina reluctantly turned to walk back to the patch of grass where they were sparring as well. Although not before stealing a final glance up and down at William before they left. And not without walking away with a little more sway in their hips than necessary. "Thank you for reporting to us Tina, you're dismissed." Lorelei said, both she and Casdra waited for the muscular blonde to all fully depart before speaking once more. "Now then, introductions." The Elf sergeant began again, letting out a quiet sigh. "This is Casdra, a peer and friend of mine. You've already met of course, but before we continue, I believe she'd like to address how that meeting went." Lorelei stated while gesturing to her fellow sergeant, before taking a half step back. Casdra took in a deep breath through her nose and cleared her throat before speaking.

"Yes... I would like to express my regret for the words I spoke when I first met you. They were poorly chosen. Had I handled the situation with more tact, I would have spared the both of us a lot of trouble. I apologise." Casdra said in an attempted, but still somewhat strained, repentant tone. Clearly being unaccustomed to making apologies, and just as obviously not liking that she was having to make an exception.

Eh... six out of ten for the delivery. But at least you remembered what to say from our rehearsals. Lorelei thought with dismay, glancing at her before looking to see the off-worlder's reaction. She was pleased to see that he relaxed, if only a little, his shoulders slumping, his stance narrowing.

"Okay... apology accepted. And... I'm sorry if I hurt that friend of yours." William said.

"Who, Sidra? Oh she's fine, the only thing you damaged with her is the girl's pride." Lorelei said with light amusement.

"And yet... I haven't seen her all day, think there are two other girls missing too." William noted, openly glancing around camp. The Elf sergeant raised an eyebrow, while the Lizardwomen sergeant turned to regard her, trying to convey with her own raised eyebrow that she aught to be the one to address that particular topic.

"Are you worried they'll suddenly lunge out at you from the shadows?" Lorelei asked with a subtle tilt of her head, a faint smile on her lips.

"Something like that, yeah." William replied wearily. "To be honest I'm still not fully convinced you won't do something like that when my guard's down." He admitted. She hesitated, thinking for a moment.

"Well... let me see if I can remedy that." Lorelei stated as she raised a hand up. "Alright everyone, come on out." She called, flexing her fingers in a come-hither motion at the forest behind him. He turned to see eight Elven trainees emerge from the scenery, rising from shrubbery or stepping out behind trees.

"So you had me surrounded for the whole day?" William said in exasperation as he watched them.

"Yep. You tried to find them I take it?" Lorelei asked in coy amousument.

"For at least two hours." He admitted sourly as the Elves began to walk up to them.

"Then I sincerely hope you can take this as the reassurance I mean it to be." Lorelei softly began, pausing until he turned to face her again so that she could meet his eyes. "We've not only had you utterly outnumbered, but totally surrounded for the past four days now." She quietly admitted. "Had we wanted to do anything to you, we could have done it at any time." Lorelei went on, her voice scarcely more than a whisper. "But fortunately for you we didn't do anything, because we mean you no harm." Lorelei cooed in a gentle, almost soothing tone. After a few moments of consideration, he broke their eye contact, looking away as he drew in a deep breath and heaved it out.

"I guess that's true." William said calmly, relaxing his posture just a little bit more. Lorelei hid a smile.

"Sergeant, what are your orders?" Nimri asked, striding up to them.

"All of you go join Casdra's group, set up our camp alongside hers. We'll assign night watch rotations for you all later. Until then, you're otherwise dismissed." She replied.

"Yes sergeant." The group of Elves said in turn before walking past them to intermix with the group of Lizardwomen. Most giving William a yearning sidelong glance as they passed.

"Now then, with all that out of the way, let's get you fed." Lorelei said warmly, turning back to William.
Maku_The_BlueNov 20, 2023 5:29 AM
Nov 5, 2022 7:37 AM

Jan 2013
Seems like the lizardmen need to be collectively investigated by the horny police and who knows, they might even end up in horny jail. (where Sidra presumably still is)

Seems like William is (very slowly) warming up to Lorelei and company. Who knows, maybe one of them (even Sidra?) will get a chance to play the hero when those werewolves eventually manage to catch up with that scent trail he's been leaving.
Nov 5, 2022 11:05 AM

May 2013
I'm glad William wised up and threw in his lot with the good girls before the bad girls showed up. I suspect there's still going to be a fight, though; those werewolves don't strike me as the types to let a little numerical disadvantage deter them.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 7, 2022 10:24 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
It's going to be fun to read Sidra's reaction if he does stroll into their camp, I reckon.

tygertyger said:
No kidding! I want William to march into the lizardman camp bold as brass now just to see Sidra's reaction.

mugen91 said:
Seems like the lizardmen need to be collectively investigated by the horny police and who knows, they might even end up in horny jail. (where Sidra presumably still is)

Okay, this is why I was so happy with these comments and thoughts, because yes, Sidra would absolutely be utterly unable to help herself and most likely have an impulsive reaction upon seeing William enter the camp.

You guys saw that, and *Lorelei* saw that, so she sent Sidra away to just remove the possibility of her doing something rash and scaring William off again.
Nov 7, 2022 10:29 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
Seems like William is (very slowly) warming up to Lorelei and company. Who knows, maybe one of them (even Sidra?) will get a chance to play the hero when those werewolves eventually manage to catch up with that scent trail he's been leaving.

Maybe, maybe. That would certainly be a chance to endear herself to him wouldn't?

tygertyger said:
I'm glad William wised up and threw in his lot with the good girls before the bad girls showed up. I suspect there's still going to be a fight, though; those werewolves don't strike me as the types to let a little numerical disadvantage deter them.

Oh yeah, crack head courage and self assurity in the face of certain defeat sums them up pretty nicely, happy that those characters came across pretty clear as well.
Nov 7, 2022 10:33 AM
Apr 2018
MetallumOperatur said:
The forests around Elewyr are comparable to the forests that can be found in say the UK, or Germany. So I strongly doubt he would confuse them for a tropical forest, a mistake perhaps.

Yeah, that was a mistake, but it has now been rectified!

MetallumOperatur said:
Perhaps a chapter title and/or numbering could be a simple yet useful addition to your story.

Also something I have gone back to add/edit!
Nov 10, 2022 8:25 AM

Jan 2015
I wonder if those elves will eventually get over their stuckuppiness and start flirting too. I reckon that if they are a bit more tactful about it, then perhaps they make a chance given how exaggerated those lizardmen are with their attempts at impressing him.
Nov 11, 2022 1:20 AM

Jan 2013
MetallumOperatur said:
I wonder if those elves will eventually get over their stuckuppiness and start flirting too. I reckon that if they are a bit more tactful about it, then perhaps they make a chance given how exaggerated those lizardmen are with their attempts at impressing him.

Not to mention that they don't work with the disadvantage of having made a terrible first impression.

Although, knowing the average elf, I'm sure they'll rectify that before long :P
Nov 12, 2022 7:20 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
MetallumOperatur said:
I wonder if those elves will eventually get over their stuckuppiness and start flirting too. I reckon that if they are a bit more tactful about it, then perhaps they make a chance given how exaggerated those lizardmen are with their attempts at impressing him.

Not to mention that they don't work with the disadvantage of having made a terrible first impression. Although, knowing the average elf, I'm sure they'll rectify that before long :P

Lorelei did say that she'd try to keep them away from him, but that doesn't mean some won't try, and surely she can't be around him forever...

But with his still skittish mindset, the Tsundere approach might not pan out. 😂
Nov 12, 2022 7:21 AM
Apr 2018

Chapter 8: Deal with the devil.

This isn't fair. Sidra thought bitterly to herself as she jabbed at a burning log. She and the sisters, Kira and Kida, were set up in their own little camp site just a bit further East of Casdra's encampment. Where the rest of them are, but more importantly, where 'my' future husband is, and most importantly, where 'I' should be. She growled internally. Her sour mood reflected in the way she aggressively stoked the fire in front of her.

She had been ordered to spend the night away from the rest of them because sergeant Lorelei apparently 'didn't want any known unknown factors risking how the off-worlder's first night with the group went' and evidently didn't trust her to restrain herself. Her dire mood naturally meaning that most attempts at conversation were rather stunted. Leaving the Ranger Korps hopefuls in awkward silence.

Good. Sidra thought. Don't see why I should be the only miserable girl here. She brooded waspishly. Even though the sun had set just barely an hour ago, Kira was already fast asleep. Resting early so she could take over when Kida started to nod off. They had gone through this twice already with the previous nights, and Sidra couldn't see a viable way to escape their purview. Not without resorting to the kind of drastic measures that would ensure she would be disallowed from fully joining the Ranger Korps. So there she waited, resigning herself to bitterly contemplating how unfair the last few days had been, until her exhaustion slowly overtook her frustration enough for Sidra to fall asleep.

That was until Kida suddenly looked up, gazing past Sidra before standing up and saluting. Holding in a sigh of resignation, Sidra got up herself and turned before giving her own salute.

"At ease, I just came to check on how you were all doing." Lorelei said walking up, torch in hand.

"We're doing well, sergeant. No incidents to report on." Kida responded, sitting back down.

"That's good to hear, but what about you, Sidra? How are you faring?" She questioned, meeting her gaze.

"I'm not entirely sure how to answer that, sergeant." Sidra replied, gritting her teeth.

"Answer it honestly." Lorelei shot back calmly. Sidra hesitated for a moment.

"I have permission to speak openly then, sergeant?" She asked softly, making the recognition of the rank sound like a curse.

"You do." Lorelei granted with a nod.

"Well, in that case... I feel robbed, cheated and betrayed, sergeant." Sidra began coldly. " I feel outraged that I must simply stand by and watch as an opportunity of a lifetime is stolen right in front of me." She continued, her voice rising with passion. "But most of all, I feel disillusioned at discovering that my superiors, women that I admired, who held my respect, would ever treat a loyal subordinate this way!" The distraught Lizardwomen screeched, her fingers curling into fists. The only sounds being that of the crackling fire as an awkward silence fell over the group for a moment. Sidra's rant having woken Kira, and had Kida visibly on edge.

"All done?" Lorelei asked, seemingly unfazed. Hearing those words spoken so casually almost made Sidra lunge for the Elf, but the devotion she held for fulfilling her dream, to follow in the footsteps of her mother and grandmother to make them both proud, kept her in check. Barely.

"Yes, sergeant." Sidra eventually replied after heaving out several deep calming breaths, eyes glistening with unshed tears.

"Good. You will remain here for the night as originally planned, and in the morning I shall come to escort you back to Casdra's encampment. You will follow every order and instruction I give you, and in return I will ensure that you are the first woman he lays with." Lorelei stated nonchalantly. Sidra flinched, eyelids fluttering and staggering back as though reeling from having just been slapped.

"Wh-What?" Sidra begged, voice cracking.

"Did I stutter? I said that you will follow every order and instruction I give you, that means you will say everything I tell you to say, as well as do everything I tell you to do, and in return I shall ensure that you are the first woman that William takes into his bed. Now, do you accept my terms, or need I offer them to another of your peers instead?" Lorelei asked in conversational tones.

"No!" Sidra reflexively shouted, then her eyes widened as panic set in. "Wait I mean yes!" The flustered Lizardwomen yelped. "I mean I accept! I accept your terms!" She finally cried out.

"You accept my terms, what?" Lorelei quietly asked in a particularly sweet voice, smiling wickedly.

"Sergeant! I accept your terms, sergeant!" Sidra immediately responded in wide eyed desperation.

"Good." Lorelei said, satisfied. "Now all of you get into your bedrolls and go to sleep. No need for any rotations tonight because Sidra is going to stay right here until morning, aren't you?" She queried rhetorically. "We may allow the off-worlder to sleep in because he never asked to be thrown out into these woods. But the rest of you marched into this forest as part of your training. And since we'll be cancelling our expedition to Blackmoor for the sake of escorting William safely back to Elewyr, we've decided that we're going to work you all overtime to make up for it. And now that William has joined our group, we can resume your training. So I suggest you get as much sleep as you can, because you're going to need it." Lorelei finished direly before promptly turning and striding back out into the dark forest. Leaving not just Sidra, but Kira and Kida somewhat stupefied.


The next morning, very early morning, Sidra was the first one up, being awake and ready for the day before either Kira or Kida. Now being too excited to get a sound night's sleep, rather than being too frustrated. However, she remained at her post until Lorelei arrived as instructed. The group had all gathered their gear and equipment by the time she came to escort them back though.

As they set off the group's atmosphere was decidedly less depressing given Sidra's raised spirits. The Lizardwomen sisters chatting animatedly as they walked some distance behind her. But although they were too far behind for Sidra to clearly hear, she knew they were talking about William. They had pointedly avoided bringing up that particular topic for the past couple days now, probably just to make their job of keeping her from running off back to William a bit easier. But with this recent development she had a feeling they were taking this chance to let out all the gossip they had kept bottled up.

Sergeant Lorelei on the other hand, was quietly striding her way through the forest just a few paces ahead. Sidra, feeling a bit guilty for her rant the previous night, sped up to walk beside the Elf.

"Sergeant." Sidra articulated quietly.

"Hmm?" Lorelei acknowledged nonchalantly.

"About what I said last night..." Sidra began awkwardly, but was stymied by an airy gesture of the Elf's hand.

"Think nothing of it, your outburst doesn't concern me, nor should it be what concerns you." She began lightly, before taking on a more serious tone. "What concerns me, and what should in turn concern you, is how you responded when first coming across William. I suspect you still have room to mature, but you should be old enough, and therefore wise enough to know that actions have consequences." Lorelei continued. "I can appreciate how for someone like you, meeting an off-worlder like William could be a dream come true. I can even sympathise with the impulse of trying to seize the opportunity as quickly as possible." She went on. "But what I can't comprehend, is how you thought going about it in the manner that you did was in any way a good idea. I shouldn't have to tell you that unsheathing your weapon and challenging a stranger to a duel, upon your very first meeting no less, without so much as a perfunctory introduction to establish that you mean no harm, was quite possibly 'the' most imbecilic thing you could have done." Lorelei chastised, Sidra listening mutely as they both walked. The Elf exhaling a calming sigh before continuing. "Luckily for you and your comrades however, I've managed to convince him to join us, so if you wish him to 'stay' with us, not to mention want me to honour our agreement, you will say precisely what I tell you to say, and do exactly what I tell you to do, understood?" Lorelei asked.

"Understood, sergeant." Sidra gamely replied.

"Good." Lorelei chirped. "Now, while we're on the subject, allow me to outline what I forbid you from doing." She continued. "Starting with challenging him to any kind of rematch, asking him to participate in any kind of cordial sparring bouts, inviting him to join you for any kind paired sequence drills, or any other variation of attempting to persuade him to practice or train with you in the martial arts, do I make myself clear?" Lorelei asked. Sidra immediately felt put upon, sulking slightly with a downward turn of her head for a moment, but ultimately nodded.

"Yes, sergeant." She replied with slow reluctance.

"Good, you're also naturally disallowed from proposing, or even mentioning the act of matrimony. Nor are you permitted to ask, offer, beg, or demand he participate in any kind of sexual activity with you." Lorelei added. Sidra felt even more crestfallen.

So I can't ask him to fight me 'or' fuck me? What 'can' I do then? She thought with despair. "Yes, sergeant." Sidra monotoned, subdued now.

"Very good. Now, with that out of the way, here's what you 'are' going to say to him. When I indicate, you are going to apologise with these exact words..." Lorelei trailed off to think for a moment. "I'm sorry for how I acted when we first met, I didn't mean to frighten you. I take a lot of pride in my swordplay, but I shouldn't have let it dictate my actions." She recited, having quite obviously formulated it beforehand. Sidra gritted her teeth in silent indignation, detesting the inclusion of her 'pride' in the apology. But she had already agreed to doing everything that she had been told, there was no going back now, so she repeated the words back to the Elf. "Again. You can do better than that, you need to make it sound sincere because if he doesn't accept it, then your chances of laying with him withers away." Lorelei warned. Sidra rehearsed the words again, this time with more fervour. Lorelei having her practice the apology several more times as they walked through the forest back to camp for good measure.


When they arrived, Sidra's former guards were ordered to rejoin the rest of their group, who were all either doing sequence drills or were paired off in sparring bouts under Casdra's watch. The majority of Lorelei's trainees on the other hand, were lined up with bows in hand, practicing their precision with dummy targets. Some doing so while stationary, others doing so while on the move. The few that weren't refining their archery skills, were instead standing guard as sentries for the camp. Sidra, meanwhile, was lead over to sit with sergeant Lorelei on a dragged over tree trunk that had been placed next to the entrance of Casdra's pavilion. Both of them resigning themselves to wait for the still snoozing off-worlder to get up.

He's right there. William's just inside. Sidra thought with giddiness. Her chest pounding with excitement, her limbs quaking with nervous tension, eyes constantly flickering between the flaps of the tent and the grass in front of her. I could walk in right now... just a few steps and I could... She trailed off as she came to a realisation. And this is the exact reason why Lorelei didn't want me in camp isn't it... Sidra mentally admitted to herself. Taking a deep, calming breath, she tried to join the Elf sat at her side in observing how the training was going, and endeavoured to remove William from her mind.

Her efforts ended up being rather futile however, because no matter how desperately she tried to avoid thinking about him, she just ended up circling right back to daydreaming about all of the vulgar things she wanted to do to him, and conversely all of the things she wanted him to do to her.

Sidra went through all of the foreplay again and again in her mind, reimagining the way she would slowly kiss her way up the side of his neck to nibble on his ear before taking his lips with her own. Gently biting down on his bottom lip and pulling away, gazing longingly into his eyes before surging forward to claim his mouth again. Shamelessly pressing her breasts up against his warm chest, revelling in the sensation of his hands regardless of where he placed them. Would he cup her face as they kissed? Or trace them down the small of her back to cup a squeeze of her ass? Maybe he would take charge and tease her own throat with his lips and tongue while he groped her chest, gradually working his way up to pinching and twisting her hardening nipples. Or even be so bold as to send his fingers to rub lines along her warm, wet slit as they embraced. Sidra entertained herself with replying different scenarios in her mind, with no small amount of excited glee. But the more she thought about it, the more Sidra realised she wanted him to take charge, her fantasies gradually becoming more centered around him dominating her in various ways, taking her however he wished and using her body for his own pleasure. Sidra toyed with the idea of them dueling again, and imagined him beating her down just like he did the first time, picturing herself laying there on the floor... prone, defeated, helpless. Feeling him suddenly pining her down and ripping off her uniform, envisioning herself weakly struggling against him as she felt the head of his warm hard member pressing itself against her...

"Compose yourself, before I pour my canteen over your head." Lorelei suddenly threatened, her voice startling Sidra out of her reverie.

"Sergeant?" She asked, startled as she turned to her.

"Calm yourself, Sidra, that's an order. Your panting and flushed cheeks makes it utterly apparent you were entertaining some lascivious thoughts. And that's not the mindset I want you to be in when William wakes up." Lorelei spoke unamusedly.

"Yes, sergeant." Sidra replied despondently, blushing further as she averted her gaze to look down at the ground. Luckily for her, it wasn't long after that they heard rustling coming from inside, shortly followed by a groan, a yawn, and then slow laborious steps to the opening of the pavilion. Lorelei turned to face the tent, but remained seated on the tree trunk, maintaining a relaxed air about her, but Sidra immediately swirled and stood when the footsteps drew near. A tanned brown hand emerged to pull the flap aside. And there he was.

Sidra didn't have any reason to doubt Lorelei was telling the truth, the woman had an honest reputation, but still she had a moment of startled hesitation all the same. She met his eyes, he stiffened, his body suddenly tense at seeing her, face contorting the moment he recognised her. A moment of silence passed.

"Good afternoon William, I hope you slept well." Lorelei spoke cheerfully. William's eyes broke off to look down to the side where the Elf sergeant was still sat.

"Oh, I err, I did. Sleep well I mean. Thanks." He clumsily responded, eyes now darting between Lorelei and Sidra, trying to keep his attention on both.

"There's no need to worry, Sidra won't do anything, in fact, I believe she has a few words that she would like to say to you..." Lorelei invited meaningfully with a gesture. Sidra took that as her cue to recite the apology she had been instructed to say. Straightening her posture, inhaling deeply, before speaking in a clear, concise and sincere tone. William listening mutely until she was done, his body language showing that he became less anxious as she finished.

"Umm, apology accepted. And, I suppose I should say sorry for hitting you so hard." He offered awkwardly.

"No, not at all, in fact I..." Sidra trailed off as she caught Lorelei's head turn sharply up to glare at her out of the corner of her eye. "Nevermind. Apology accepted." She concluded instead.

"Now then, with that out of the way, how about some breakfast?" Lorelei offered lightly.

"Sure... thank you." William lamely answered, obviously having caught the exchange, but apparently deciding to not give voice to any questions.

"Please, join us." Lorelei requested sweetly as she swirled on the tree trunk to face the activity of the camp again, looking back over her shoulder at him with a warm smile as she padded the spot next to her, opposite to Sidra. William hesitated a moment, glancing at Sidra again, then walked over to sit beside her where she indicated. Sidra herself then sat back down as well, placing herself to Lorelei's left, leaving William on Lorelei's right. The Elf then pulled out some fruits and rations that had been wrapped up with some cloth, presenting them to William, who took them with another word of thanks. He began to eat, first going for the berries. "I'd also like to give you this, and actually ask that you drink quite liberally from it." Lorelei said as she handed him a canteen. He took it with a raised eyebrow, looking down at it suspiciously, hesitating to open it. Lorelei sighed wearily, rolling her eyes. "William, must I really assure you that I have no intention of poisoning you 'every' time I offer you food or water?" She asked in a suffering tone. "You did this last night too, I acknowledge that trust must be earned, but at least spare me from having to repeat myself 'every' time I give you something to eat or drink, I beg of you." Lorelei finished with an almost comedically pleading tone. William smiled, actually chuckling a bit before opening the canteen, then taking a long pull of the liquid inside.

Should I say something? Sidra thought to herself awkwardly. I can't just sit here like a mute. But Lorelei didn't give me any kind of directions of what to say or do other than the apology. She thought, frustrated. Anxiously swatting the tip of her tail on the ground as an outlet. After William finished his pull from the canteen, he signed in satisfaction before going back to eating the selection of berries. Looking out at the activity of the camp as he did so, his attention periodically shifting from the Lizardwomen training in melee combat, to the Elves practicing their archery. Seemingly being impressed by both.

"I'm rather reluctant to spoil your breakfast with this question, but I'm afraid this really must be addressed... William, do you still believe that you were abducted to partake in some kind of... event?" Lorelei asked carefully.

"Yes." William answered simply with a downward turn of his lips.

"Have you... considered any other possibilities?" Lorelei asked hesitantly in a soft, comforting voice, almost timid with her tone, which Sidra was quite surprised by.

"Not really, why, would you 'finally' like to tell me what's going on here?" William asked dryly. Lorelei didn't respond for a moment.

"No." She finally answered lightly. Which caught Sidra by surprise again. "But when you've finished, I'd like you to indulge me with something for a moment, if you would be so kind." Lorelei concluded, before turning her attention to her trainees.

William continued to eat, finishing the berries, going onto the dried meat next, saving the rations for last. Sidra meanwhile sat in, what she felt was, utterly awkward silence. Not daring to speak to William without Lorelei's guidance, but also being too afraid to openly, or even discreetly, request said guidance at the current time. Ultimately deciding that making herself as inconspicuous as possible was her best move for now, using Lorelei herself to try to accomplish this. Finally William polished off the last of the rations and took another big swig of the canteen before turning back to the Elf again.

"Alright, what is it you wanted me to indulge you with?" William asked openly. Lorelei brushed her long blonde hair behind her pointy ear before tilting her head to the side to offer it to him.

"Kindly examine my ears for a moment." Lorelei graciously requested. "Gently, please." She clarified. William's brows creased in momentary confusion, before lifting in realisation. His lips parting in a silent 'ah' before pressing together again in an amused grin. He swung one leg over to the other side of the tree trunk as he shuffled closer, lifting a hand up to grasp her ear between his fingers. "Try to pull it off, and I'll hang you from a tree by your toes." Lorelei said in an oddly sweet, lilting tone that somehow increased the severity of her threat. William's hand instantly released her ear and shot back to his side. The Elf smiled in satisfaction, and Sidra had keep from smiling in amousument herself. "Fair warning, aside from that, you can do as you wish." Lorelei proclaimed lightly.

He hesitated for a moment, his eyes narrowing temporarily before shuffling a little closer again, this time raising both hands up to inspect the Elf's pointy ears. Looking at it from different angles, moving it up, down and to the sides with exaggerated care, gliding his fingers from the base to the tip, before finally scratching his way all around the base. Sidra could tell that he wasn't scratching to address an itch, or try to groom her, no, it was clear to her that he was trying to find a seam. His frown only deepened as he went through his examinations. But Lorelei, for her part, looked like she was rather enjoying the experience of his ministrations, taking a novel pleasure from it. Finally though he pulled away.

"So, are you still under the impression that my ears are merely part of an ensemble for this 'event' that you're in?" Lorelei asked quietly. He hesitated for a second.

"They're very well done. I'll give you that. But offer a talented plastic surgeon enough money and they could give anyone ears like that I'm sure." William said confidently. A moment of silence passed.

What in Elizabeth's name is a plastic surgeon? Sidra thought.

"I see... Sidra, can you stand in front of us for a moment please." Lorelei requested. Sidra immediately obayed, getting up and taking a single step out before turning to face the two of them, standing straight with hands held behind the small of her back. "Now, turn around and bend over." Nonchalantly instructed in conversational tones.

"What?" Sidra blurted out, blushing furiously as she was caught off guard for yet a third time.
Maku_The_BlueNov 20, 2023 7:16 AM
Nov 12, 2022 2:51 PM

Jan 2013
Well it seems to me that Sidra is still quite caught in her entitled thinking that William obviously belongs to her. I can't help but wonder whether that's gonna come back to bite her in the ass again when her self control lapses.

Personally I may be in favour of William x Lorelei :P

I suppose a thorough investigation of a lizardman's tail may be a bit more difficult to attribute to an unscuprulous plastic surgeon, so William might be forced to confront reality come next chapter.
Nov 13, 2022 7:54 PM

May 2013
mugen91 said:
Well it seems to me that Sidra is still quite caught in her entitled thinking that William obviously belongs to her. I can't help but wonder whether that's gonna come back to bite her in the ass again when her self control lapses.

Yep. I mean, you can't really blame her, but the intent doesn't matter if the result is bad.

mugen91 said:
Personally I may be in favour of William x Lorelei

I'm firmly Team Sidra on this one... but only because I'd prefer to keep Lorelei for myself. ;)

mugen91 said:
I suppose a thorough investigation of a lizardman's tail may be a bit more difficult to attribute to an unscuprulous plastic surgeon, so William might be forced to confront reality come next chapter.

The fact that William doesn't seem to have considered any other possibilities for his situation suggests that he's capable of weapons-grade denial. My money says it'll take an active demonstration of mamono capabilities, or even of magic, to crack his disbelief. And even then he's going to take some convincing.
"When you have bought your own load of hooey, you know exactly what it is worth." -- Bruce Sterling
Nov 15, 2022 3:04 AM
Apr 2018
mugen91 said:
Personally I may be in favour of William x Lorelei :P

If I look at it from a reader's perspective, I could definitely see how Lorelei might be the one most people would choose if given a choice between her and Sidra. But I have other plans for Lorelei...

mugen91 said:
I suppose a thorough investigation of a lizardman's tail may be a bit more difficult to attribute to an unscuprulous plastic surgeon, so William might be forced to confront reality come next chapter.

Indeed, a tail would definitely be harder to pull off with plastic surgery, but, fun fact, in doing a bit of research for writing this story, I came across a guy who spent thousands to full on become an elf. Luis Padron is the guy's name if anyone wants to see for themselves.
Nov 15, 2022 3:20 AM
Apr 2018
tygertyger said:
I'm firmly Team Sidra on this one... but only because I'd prefer to keep Lorelei for myself. ;)

If you like her that much now, then boy howdy you're gunna 'love' her when she actually tries to be endearing. I've got some interactions in mind that was tailor made to make her more likeable in future chapters that I'm quite excited to share.

tygertyger said:
The fact that William doesn't seem to have considered any other possibilities for his situation suggests that he's capable of weapons-grade denial. My money says it'll take an active demonstration of mamono capabilities, or even of magic, to crack his disbelief. And even then he's going to take some convincing.

Oh yeah, the idea that he was magically teleported to another world full of monster girls will be the last thing to cross his mind, there's a long line of (in his kind anyway) far more plausible explanations for his current situation that he'll go through first. So he's gunna take some convincing.
Nov 19, 2022 1:46 AM
Apr 2018

Chapter 9: Tough questions.

"You heard me, turn around, bend over at the hip, tail up, feet shoulder width apart, keep your legs straight, and rest your hands on your shins." Lorelei reaffirmed, finishing with an expectant look. Sidra took a moment to remind herself of their pact, hesitating briefly to flick her eyes over at William, only to see that he was just as nonplussed as herself, before doing as ordered, and assumed the suggestive position.

So I'm 'not' allowed to ask him to have sex, but I 'am' allowed to just show off my ass? Sidra mentally wondered.

"Now, sway your tail from side to side." Lorelei ordered. Sidra obayed, though she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment doing so. The rocking motions of her tail having predictable knock-on effects. Sidra's blush deepened even further when she noticed, to her abject horror, that her peers were stopping in the middle of their training to stare unabashedly at her. Their expressions ranging from bemusement to amousument, with many falling somewhere inbetween. Even Casdra took a moment to regard the unexpected scene with no small amount of incredulity, before quickly composing herself and snapping angrily at the gawkers to get back to practicing.

I sincerely hope that you keep your side of the bargain, Lorelei, this had better get me laid, or I swear... Sidra thought furiously.

"Now, sway your tail back and forth." Lorelei instructed, again, Sidra complied. After a few moments had passed she gave the order to stop and freeze where she was. "Can a plastic surgeon give someone a tail that can move and act on command like that?" The Elf asked. A short silence followed as William didn't answer. And unbeknownst to Sidra, his expression changed from being confused, to being contemplative. His interest now solely resting on her still skyward pointing appendage, studying 'it' rather than surveying her still shamelessly presented cheeks. "Why don't you tell her to do something." Lorelei invited openly. Sidra glanced behind her, seeing out of the corner of her eye that William was looking hesitantly at Lorelei, before she faced forward again, awaiting his instructions.

"Swing it in a circle." William said cautiously. Sidra obayed, first bringing the tip of her tail down, then to the side before bringing it up and round, gradually picking up speed as she went through several rotations, not wanting to even think about how unintentionally suggestive the act would look from his perspective. "Now the other way." He suddenly spoke. She brought her tail to a sudden halt before reversing its direction as requested, the momentum causing her rear to bounce faintly when she began to quicken her pace again. "Stop." William ordered. Sidra froze. "Draw the outline of a triangle." He instructed. She did so. "Now a square." William directed. Sidra obliged. "Now a pentagon." He pressed. She compiled.

"And that's not all." Lorelei said, standing. "Remain as you are, Sidra." She continued lightly, stepping up to her. "William, please join me for a moment." Lorelei invited with a wave of her arm. He got up, intrigued now, and moved to stand beside the Elf. Sidra flinched and let out a short high pitched yelp as Lorelei grabbed her tail. Wrapping her thumb around the top side and pressing her index and middle fingers against the under side. Lorelei then gradually made her way along her tail, stopping and squeezing slightly until she let out an audible "ah" that signalled she found what she was looking for. "Come, come." Lorelei chirped quickly, waving him closer before taking his hand to replace her own on Sidra's tail, pressing his fingers down with hers. "Can you feel that?" She asked him.

"A... pulse?" William hesitantly replied, seemingly unsure of his own answer.

"Correct." Lorelei answered happily.

"But how..." He trailled off.

"We're still not done yet." She proclaimed. "You can stand up now, Sidra." Lorelei said in conversational tones, she was all too happy to do that, and turned to face them. "Hold out your hand please." She instructed, Sidra did so. "Show me your palm, now make a fist, relax, turn your hand over again, rotate your wrist... stop, and finally wriggle your fingers." Lorelei instructed, Sidra following her directions as she spoke, all the while William observed her motions with wrapped attention. "How about Sidra's hands, do they seem as though they're purely cosmetic?" She asked, turning to him, again William didn't answer, just standing with a troubled look on his face as he glanced back and forth between meeting her eyes, and flickering down again to Sidra's hand. "Go ahead, have a closer look. She won't bite, I promise." Lorelei invited teasingly, stepping back while bidding him forward with a gesture of her arms.

Reluctantly, he stepped up to her, raising his arms to take her hand in his, before examining not just it, but also the faintly green tinted scales which covered her from the tips of her claws all the way up to the middle of her biceps. Sidra allowed him to do as he wished, finding herself rather enjoying the attention of being studied, feeling a tingle run down her spine all the way to the tip of her tail just from the sensation of him exploring her arms. He guided her arm to turn so that her palm was facing upwards again, before taking a closer look at her three clawed fingertips, almost marvelling over them. He then lightly dragged his thumb across one a few times in order to test how sharp the claw was, before taking it between his thumb and index finger, squeezing it to test its toughness too. Eyes widening as he finished, briefly glancing up to meet her own, she quickly averted her gaze as a blush came on from the unexpected exchange. He went onto feeling at her upper arm where the soft, smooth peach coloured skin ended, and the more coarse, segmented green tinted scales began. Closely scrutinising the seam, which, while there was indeed a noticeable seam, it was closely comparable to the seam of his own nails. A conclusion that William himself apparently came to when he brought his own fingernails up against her arm to compare them. The scales of her arm literally originating from underneath the skin before continuing down, rather than just laying atop it. After lightly trying to pull the seam apart and softly giving a few scratches at it, he backed off, having concluded his inspections but looking decidedly dissatisfied with the results.

"One final point I would like to address." Lorelei stated. "Sidra, please place one foot up on the trunk there." She politely requested. Sidra did so, and once again Lorelei stepped up to invite William to join her in sitting on the tree trunk, this time to either side of Sidra's foot. "Do these look as if a plastic surgeon grafted them on just for show?" Lorelei questioned, lightly raising one of Sidra's three wicked front claws. Yet again, William didn't answer, only taking a closer look, before reaching out to feel them, and the rest of Sidra's foot, for himself. When he was done, he looked back out at the rest of Sidra's classmates all training and practicing. This time quite obviously paying closer attention to their more inhuman characteristics. "You could examine them all one by one if you wish, but I can promise you that they're all exactly like Sidra." Lorelei stated, intuiting his thoughts. He turned to face her with a disbelieving expression, but was also apparently not going to take her up on the offer. She took a breath before speaking again. "I hope you'll forgive me, but I can't help but note that you've avoided answering my last few questions. You claim that a plastic surgeon may be able to give anyone ears like mine, but could a plastic surgeon give someone feet, hands or a tail like Sidra? I would like an answer if you please." Lorelei pressed.

"I don't know." William answered shortly. "I'm not going to say that it's impossible. But this... this is well beyond anything I've ever seen, or even heard of, I admit it. I'm not sure what to think anymore." He went on, looking Sidra up and down.

Sidra's main attention was likewise on William, though she avoided making direct eye contact, however she still caught that Lorelei seemed satisfied out of her periphery vision. A moment of silence passed by.

"Why don't we go on a short walk, I find that being in motion can sometimes help us to think more clearly." Lorelei suggested, getting up.

"Yeah... that actually sounds pretty good to me right now." He responded, also rising.

"Why don't you join us as well, Sidra." Lorelei added.

"Yes, sergeant." Sidra replied, Lorelei taking the lead as she directed them through the camp before veering off towards to the north. Before they could exit the camp and enter the forest however, they were stopped by a raised voice coming from behind them.


"Lorelei, a word please." Casdra called, walking half way up to them. The three turned, Lorelei sighing lightly and excusing herself before walking passed William and Sidra to meet her. Both stepping off to the side to face away from everyone in camp. "What in Elizabeth's name was that over there? I thought our next order of business was to dispel the delusion he's under, and to do that you claimed you needed Sidra's help." Casdra hissed, annoyed with the Elf.

"I did." Lorelei answered lightly.

"And 'that' was what you needed her for?" Casdra pressed.

"Correct." Lorelei chirped. Casdra narrowed her eyes, giving her a hard stare, which prompted a sigh from the Elf before she continued. "The girl was just going to hinder my efforts to secure him for you if we left her alone. Unfortunately we can't just presume that our authority, or her discipline, will be enough to keep her from making anymore foolhardy advances on him. So... I sought to turn a liability into an asset, in exchange for obeying my instructions, I promised she would be the first girl William beds after we've secured him." Lorelei explained, a quiet moment passed as Casdra didn't immediately respond.

"Putting aside the fact that you promised Sidra would be the first one to lay with him without consulting me..." Casdra breathed in annoyance. "You still haven't answered how making Sidra present herself like that helps in dispelling his delusions." Casdra noted, the Elf smiled.

"There aren't any Lizardwomen back on his world, in fact there aren't Mamono of any kind where he comes from." Lorelei stated. "There are a few fables and legends about women like us, and maybe a few subcultures that fantasise about us in his time, there may even be a few girls who dress up to look like us, which incidentally is what he believes we're doing, but there aren't any women that are 'actually' like us." Lorelei explained. "So by showing him that Sidra is entirely flesh and blood, tail included, I'm presenting proof that we aren't just 'dressed up' like he thinks." Lorelei stated. "And now that I've shaken his belief that he was kidnapped to partake in some absurd event, I can begin drip feeding him further evidence that he's no longer on his own world." She finished.

"Why not just tell him now and present whatever evidence you intended to show him when he refuses to believe you? Why drag it out like this to make him come to the conclusion on his own?" Casdra pressed. Silence followed, and the mood of the conversation shifted as Lorelei looked down, letting out a slow sombre breath, before raising her head to meet Casdra's eyes once more.

"Casdra... the moment William learns that he is no longer on Earth, but on Atalantheis, will be the very same moment he realises that he's lost his home, his friends, his family, all of his possessions, along with everyone and everything he's ever known or loved. All of it, gone." Lorelei began severely. "Which could possibly include a significant other, or even children." She added direly in a whisper. "But even if we're lucky enough to have him be single and childless when he got here, it cannot be understated that he will most likely be psychologically and emotionally broken from the revelation." Lorelei warned. "So while I agree that his delusions can now be addressed, we also shouldn't be in a rush to flagrantly tell him that the life he has always known is now over. Guiding his realisation like this will grant him some time to acclimate to the idea so it hopefully isn't as big of a shock when he finally puts it all together." She clarified. "To sum up, trust me, I know what I'm doing, and I'm doing it for good reasons." Lorelei finished, more lightly.

"Very well... I'll let you to handle it then. I honestly hadn't considered the possibility of him being in a relationship, or already having children prior to coming here. I suppose it would be wise of me to abstain from attempting any commerce with him until we know for sure..." Casdra monotoned, trailing off at the end.

Uh oh... that can't be good. Lorelei thought. "Dare I even ask... what kind of commerce did you have in mind exactly?" She hesitantly wondered.

"A simple trade. Now that we're providing him food, water and shelter as we escort him back to Elewyr, I would ask if he would be amenable to coupling with us on the way by means of compensation." Casdra said plainly. A long uneasy silence passed as Lorelei didn't respond, simply looking back at her in wide eyed horror.

"Please say you're joking, it's always difficult to tell with you..." Lorelei eventually responded with uncertainty.

"I was in fact not joking, it seems a fair trade, even favourable some might say." Casdra deadpaned. Another moment of quietude went by.

Lords... is Casdra really so taken with him that her lust has overtaken her logic? Lorelei wondered with genuine worry, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, taking a moment to gather her words. "No... offering that kind 'trade' is a breathtakingly bad idea, even after he's calmed down from learning he's on another planet, we want him to feel grateful for our help, not indebted. And we especially don't want him to come to the conclusion that we're taking advantage of him and his position." She uttered, aghast that she even had to explain any of this. "Trying something like that 'might' get you and some of your girls laid in the short-term, but it would cripple any chance we have of establishing a similar agreement in the long-term." Lorelei spoke, trying to make sure that she underlined the point before continuing. "Casdra." She began, raising her arm to place a hand on her friend's shoulder. "I am confident that I can secure him for you and your girls, but I can only do so if you promise me that you can remain patient and refrain from spouting off any such 'trades' to him, alright?" Lorelei pleaded.

"Agreed, your word is good, as is mine." Casdra immediately answered.

"Excellent. Now, I need to get back to them before Sidra does anything stupid, if you'll excuse me." Lorelei said before walking back to join the awkwardly standing pair.
Maku_The_BlueNov 20, 2023 7:51 AM
Nov 19, 2022 5:44 AM

Jan 2013
Seems like William's denial of reality may not quite be weapon's grade after all. Before long I'm guessing he may concede that his surgery theory may just be unrealistic.

I really had thought Casdra to have a better grasp on the situation, but then again, she's still a mamano. Let's see if Lorelei can keep wrangling everyone into behaving :)
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