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Oct 18, 2018 3:41 PM

Jan 2018
I've never liked Gundam, but after just finishing War in the Pocket I think I get what people see in it now. It's everything good about 0079 thematically without any of the extraneous elements that I don't care for. Glad I finally gave it a look, after all my Gundam fan friends telling me I'd love it for ages lol.
Oct 19, 2018 10:11 PM
Jun 2016
I've just finished Versailles no Bara....and am begining to watch Alpen Rose.
"The greatness of one's sorrow when parting is the evidence of the deepness of one's love, so if one fears sadness, one wouldn't be able to love anything."
Oct 21, 2018 9:22 PM

Jan 2018
EnnuiOnMe said:
I've never liked Gundam, but after just finishing War in the Pocket I think I get what people see in it now. It's everything good about 0079 thematically without any of the extraneous elements that I don't care for. Glad I finally gave it a look, after all my Gundam fan friends telling me I'd love it for ages lol.

Continuing from this, F91 is actually great and I think I may just not like full-length Gundam series at this rate.
Oct 29, 2018 7:01 PM

Feb 2016
Currently watching Mon Cheri CoCo. Have been planning to watch this one for way too long.
Oct 30, 2018 5:25 PM
Aug 2018
Queen Millennia TV series. I've been super excited that live evil finished it after all these years!
Nov 12, 2018 2:56 PM

Aug 2018
Now watching City Hunter, I'm going to start the 4th season soon. Great show with great comedy, likeable characters and some "cool moves". It's not the most realistic show but it's enjoyable af. Oh, the music is AMAZING.
Apr 1, 2019 12:51 PM
Jan 2018
Mahoraba: Heartful Days. A few weeks ago I went back to 2000 in the MAL archives and I searched every year until 2005 for shows of around 24 episodes that interested me, and this was one of the last ones I saw. I’ve now got loads of shows to watch before I start looking for more. P

Yesterday, I finished burning the entire series onto NINE DVD-Rs so I can watch them over RGB SCART on my beautiful Sony KV-21X5U Trinitron CRT.
Apr 3, 2019 2:45 PM

Feb 2016
NotPewDie said:
Mahoraba: Heartful Days. A few weeks ago I went back to 2000 in the MAL archives and I searched every year until 2005 for shows of around 24 episodes that interested me, and this was one of the last ones I saw. I’ve now got loads of shows to watch before I start looking for more. P

Yesterday, I finished burning the entire series onto NINE DVD-Rs so I can watch them over RGB SCART on my beautiful Sony KV-21X5U Trinitron CRT.
CRT!? For real!! I have one too actually, but it's relatively recent.
Apr 3, 2019 2:52 PM

Jun 2014
MohAngelo said:
NotPewDie said:
Mahoraba: Heartful Days. A few weeks ago I went back to 2000 in the MAL archives and I searched every year until 2005 for shows of around 24 episodes that interested me, and this was one of the last ones I saw. I’ve now got loads of shows to watch before I start looking for more. P

Yesterday, I finished burning the entire series onto NINE DVD-Rs so I can watch them over RGB SCART on my beautiful Sony KV-21X5U Trinitron CRT.
CRT!? For real!! I have one too actually, but it's relatively recent.

I also have a CRT. It's a 32" Sanyo, from around 2005. It has component and S-Video on the back, so DVDs look really nice on it. Most older CRTs only had composite video.

Apr 3, 2019 6:37 PM
Jan 2018
Seiya said:
MohAngelo said:
CRT!? For real!! I have one too actually, but it's relatively recent.
I also have a CRT. It's a 32" Sanyo, from around 2005. It has component and S-Video on the back, so DVDs look really nice on it. Most older CRTs only had composite video.

It’s worth collecting one. Ideally, you want a curved screen Trinitron with at least one RGB input. A later Trinitron will probably have better phosphors as they will have had less time to degrade, but a mid-90’s Trinitron like mine that’s been barely used since the early 2000’s will look better than a 2000’s Trinitron that’s had a lot of use.

HD-CRTs from the 2000’s, Flatscreens, and some 16:9 CRTs are best avoided however as they have a lot of geometry issues and are much less reliable, and as they are often digital televisions masquerading as analogue TVs (digital equipment is necessary to align the electron guns precisely enough, but they often still have awful geometry.) they don’t play old games very well and often have stretched or blurred images. Large screens, 27-36 inches specifically, tend to have worse geometry too as it requires more precise aiming of the gun, and the large screen tends to draw more attention to when some of the screen is distorted.

My Trinitron has 1 RGB input, 1 S-Video input, and 2 Composite inputs, which is fairly standard for a UK set of the era. The geometry on mine had some issues, it was skewed at an angle and was warped, but I didn’t notice until I tried to watch hardsubbed anime in it. So I burned some test patterns on a DVD, which look incredible over RGB, and did a lot of configuring over the course a few hours with the manual open on my desk, and now I have almost perfect convergence. The two top corners bow inwards a bit though, but it doesn’t matter too much as it is normally over scanned off. I’ve tracked the cause down to some metal strips with magnets applied that are attached to the top of the tube, they’ve come loose over the last 20 years, so I need to glue them back down, but I haven’t bothered as it’s dangerous for both me and the set.

A Shadow Mask set like @Seiya’s Sanyo and probably whatever you, @MohAngelo, have is an inefficient and outdated technology, it made sense back in the 1960’s when colour television was new, but it’s completely unnecessary now. The Shadow Mask can still look good, but they are prone to distortion, colour bleeding, colour banding, magnetisation, blurry pictures, high power usage, and significantly reduced brightness. They can work, and good ones have been developed, notably the JVC D-Series range, but for the most part a Trinitron is better in almost every way. But it’s much easier to get a good Shadow Mask set than a Trinitron, and in terms of CRT monitors a triad-style Shadow Mask is your best bet. Shadow Masks however can develop permanent colour issues that lead to messed up colour due to the mask becoming magnetised too severely to degauss it effectively, and too strong of a degaussing field can melt and then bend the mask forever.

If you just want to watch anime on a CRT, then a decent Shadow Mask set from a company like JVC or Grundig, somewhere known for reliability and quality, will probably be fine. I’m very obsessed with getting the best quality, and therefore my Trinitron blew me away when I first saw it, but I had been stuck with a crap CRT for a few years before I got this, so I expect the difference between a good Shadow Mask set and a Trinitron would be far less large. If you can get a charcoal-grey Trinitron for less than £85 and you actually want one, it’s probably worth it. I payed £100 for mine, but mine is basically the best PAL Trinitron ever made, aside from the KV-21X5E model which had 2 RGB inputs, but I wanted the S-Video input for when I get an N64 so I chose the KV-21X5U instead. However, the best Trinitrons like my model can sell for up to 200 pounds, and that’s more than I’d be willing to pay.

Overall though, I’d highly recommend getting a CRT for watching both anime and old Standard Definition television. I’ve been watching that old anime I mentioned on my CRT, and the colours look incredible, way better than on my LCD monitor, simply because they were designed for a CRT. I’ve also been watching some of my favourite Classic Doctor Who episodes, and they look stunning as well! The colours look brighter and more accurate, and the picture is significantly sharper than on my LCD. With anime, this is less noticeable because of the way it is drawn with soft edges and lots of curves, but with live-action content like my old Doctor Who episodes, the upscale to fit 1080p on a modern display softens the image considerably and makes it look blurry and ugly, therefore watching it on a CRT makes it look way better due to the native resolution and the perfect scaling capablilites of a CRT. And if you content is interlaced, it will almost certainly look better as it won’t have to deinterlace the picture which reduces the quality a lot.

EDIT: You’ll also want to get a TV that has a service menu, most Trinitrons do at least, but cheap CRTs often won’t, so that you can burn some test patterns that match your TV’s resolution and configure the picture to look right. Common issues include bowing, stretching of the screen, (some parts are wider or skinnier than the rest of the screen, my one had it where the bottom quarter of the screen was twice as thick as the rest of the screen, which made text look really weird.) colour issues, and convergence issues. Some can be fixed, others cannot. Some TV’s can fix some stuff with the service menu, but will need to me opened up and worked on the hard way to fix it. TVs without service menus can often be fixed partially by twisting some knobs, but these knobs are often hidden and need you to poke a screwdriver through a hole, and sometimes require the removal of the back panel. To fix them properly, you’ll need to dismantle it and adjust the metal plates on the gun, but that’s dangerous and not worth the risk for a poor quality CRT. Some issues like burn in or low colour purity are normally caused by prolonged misuse and age and are usually permanent. For the most part, you’ll be able to fix some issues completely and some issues partially, but like the bowing on my top corners that requires an internal mod, there will probably always be some kind of issue, though you likely won’t notice it. More permanent problems though can have more serious effects. That’s the main downside of CRTs; they scale perfectly, can support non-square pixels, look beatiful and are brilliant at Standard Definition content, but they are damn near impossible to achieve the same perfection you can get easily with a fixed-pixel display.

Final note: The screens on most FRTs are curved in some way. Trinitrons and other Aperture Grill designs are cylindrical, and Shadow Mask sets are half-spherical. Flatscreens were made, but as was mentioned they have much more serious issues and any that don’t are likely to develop them as the digital convergence/allignement systems they used are complex and unreliable. The curvature of a CRT can distort the image and reflect glare, but the distortion can sometimes be partially corrected for in the service menu; be warned however that pushing a CRT too far out of spec can break it permanently, or render it unusable. Sometimes correcting for the shape can cause worse distortions that the cylinder or semi-sphere shape caused in the first place. But, with my Trinitron at least I found methods of making the screen look flat without damaging the image too much, but the cylindrical shape doesn’t bother me, in fact I quite like it, so I kept it looking curved. (I also found an option to make it look like a semi-spherical Shadow Mask set, which I do like the curved look of, but I didn’t do it.)
NotPewDieApr 3, 2019 6:59 PM
Apr 3, 2019 7:06 PM

Jun 2014
NotPewDie said:
Seiya said:
I also have a CRT. It's a 32" Sanyo, from around 2005. It has component and S-Video on the back, so DVDs look really nice on it. Most older CRTs only had composite video.

It’s worth collecting one. Ideally, you want a curved screen Trinitron with at least one RGB input. A later Trinitron will probably have better phosphors as they will have had less time to degrade, but a mid-90’s Trinitron like mine that’s been barely used since the early 2000’s will look better than a 2000’s Trinitron that’s had a lot of use.

HD-CRTs from the 2000’s, Flatscreens, and some 16:9 CRTs are best avoided however as they have a lot of geometry issues and are much less reliable, and as they are often digital televisions masquerading as analogue TVs (digital equipment is necessary to align the electron guns precisely enough, but they often still have awful geometry.) they don’t play old games very well and often have stretched or blurred images. Large screens, 27-36 inches specifically, tend to have worse geometry too as it requires more precise aiming of the gun, and the large screen tends to draw more attention to when some of the screen is distorted.

My Trinitron has 1 RGB input, 1 S-Video input, and 2 Composite inputs, which is fairly standard for a UK set of the era. The geometry on mine had some issues, it was skewed at an angle and was warped, but I didn’t notice until I tried to watch hardsubbed anime in it. So I burned some test patterns on a DVD, which look incredible over RGB, and did a lot of configuring over the course a few hours with the manual open on my desk, and now I have almost perfect convergence. The two top corners bow inwards a bit though, but it doesn’t matter too much as it is normally over scanned off. I’ve tracked the cause down to some metal strips with magnets applied that are attached to the top of the tube, they’ve come loose over the last 20 years, so I need to glue them back down, but I haven’t bothered as it’s dangerous for both me and the set.

A Shadow Mask set like @Seiya’s Sanyo and probably whatever you, @MohAngelo, have is an inefficient and outdated technology, it made sense back in the 1960’s when colour television was new, but it’s completely unnecessary now. The Shadow Mask can still look good, but they are prone to distortion, colour bleeding, colour banding, magnetisation, blurry pictures, high power usage, and significantly reduced brightness. They can work, and good ones have been developed, notably the JVC D-Series range, but for the most part a Trinitron is better in almost every way. But it’s much easier to get a good Shadow Mask set than a Trinitron, and in terms of CRT monitors a triad-style Shadow Mask is your best bet. Shadow Masks however can develop permanent colour issues that lead to messed up colour due to the mask becoming magnetised too severely to degauss it effectively, and too strong of a degaussing field can melt and then bend the mask forever.

If you just want to watch anime on a CRT, then a decent Shadow Mask set from a company like JVC or Grundig, somewhere known for reliability and quality, will probably be fine. I’m very obsessed with getting the best quality, and therefore my Trinitron blew me away when I first saw it, but I had been stuck with a crap CRT for a few years before I got this, so I expect the difference between a good Shadow Mask set and a Trinitron would be far less large. If you can get a charcoal-grey Trinitron for less than £85 and you actually want one, it’s probably worth it. I payed £100 for mine, but mine is basically the best PAL Trinitron ever made, aside from the KV-21X5E model which had 2 RGB inputs, but I wanted the S-Video input for when I get an N64 so I chose the KV-21X5U instead. However, the best Trinitrons like my model can sell for up to 200 pounds, and that’s more than I’d be willing to pay.

Overall though, I’d highly recommend getting a CRT for watching both anime and old Standard Definition television. I’ve been watching that old anime I mentioned on my CRT, and the colours look incredible, way better than on my LCD monitor, simply because they were designed for a CRT. I’ve also been watching some of my favourite Classic Doctor Who episodes, and they look stunning as well! The colours look brighter and more accurate, and the picture is significantly sharper than on my LCD. With anime, this is less noticeable because of the way it is drawn with soft edges and lots of curves, but with live-action content like my old Doctor Who episodes, the upscale to fit 1080p on a modern display softens the image considerably and makes it look blurry and ugly, therefore watching it on a CRT makes it look way better due to the native resolution and the perfect scaling capablilites of a CRT. And if you content is interlaced, it will almost certainly look better as it won’t have to deinterlace the picture which reduces the quality a lot.

EDIT: You’ll also want to get a TV that has a service menu, most Trinitrons do at least, but cheap CRTs often won’t, so that you can burn some test patterns that match your TV’s resolution and configure the picture to look right. Common issues include bowing, stretching of the screen, (some parts are wider or skinnier than the rest of the screen, my one had it where the bottom quarter of the screen was twice as thick as the rest of the screen, which made text look really weird.) colour issues, and convergence issues. Some can be fixed, others cannot. Some TV’s can fix some stuff with the service menu, but will need to me opened up and worked on the hard way to fix it. TVs without service menus can often be fixed partially by twisting some knobs, but these knobs are often hidden and need you to poke a screwdriver through a hole, and sometimes require the removal of the back panel. To fix them properly, you’ll need to dismantle it and adjust the metal plates on the gun, but that’s dangerous and not worth the risk for a poor quality CRT. Some issues like burn in or low colour purity are normally caused by prolonged misuse and age and are usually permanent. For the most part, you’ll be able to fix some issues completely and some issues partially, but like the bowing on my top corners that requires an internal mod, there will probably always be some kind of issue, though you likely won’t notice it. More permanent problems though can have more serious effects. That’s the main downside of CRTs; they scale perfectly, can support non-square pixels, look beatiful and are brilliant at Standard Definition content, but they are damn near impossible to achieve the same perfection you can get easily with a fixed-pixel display.

Final note: The screens on most FRTs are curved in some way. Trinitrons and other Aperture Grill designs are cylindrical, and Shadow Mask sets are half-spherical. Flatscreens were made, but as was mentioned they have much more serious issues and any that don’t are likely to develop them as the digital convergence/allignement systems they used are complex and unreliable. The curvature of a CRT can distort the image and reflect glare, but the distortion can sometimes be partially corrected for in the service menu; be warned however that pushing a CRT too far out of spec can break it permanently, or render it unusable. Sometimes correcting for the shape can cause worse distortions that the cylinder or semi-sphere shape caused in the first place. But, with my Trinitron at least I found methods of making the screen look flat without damaging the image too much, but the cylindrical shape doesn’t bother me, in fact I quite like it, so I kept it looking curved. (I also found an option to make it look like a semi-spherical Shadow Mask set, which I do like the curved look of, but I didn’t do it.)

Here in my country, there is no such thing as "RGB" on TVs. An older CRT TV from the late 1990s, even a Trinition, would likely only have composite video, but not component or S-Video.

Apr 4, 2019 7:42 AM
Jan 2018
Seiya said:
NotPewDie said:

It’s worth collecting one. Ideally, you want a curved screen Trinitron with at least one RGB input. A later Trinitron will probably have better phosphors as they will have had less time to degrade, but a mid-90’s Trinitron like mine that’s been barely used since the early 2000’s will look better than a 2000’s Trinitron that’s had a lot of use.

HD-CRTs from the 2000’s, Flatscreens, and some 16:9 CRTs are best avoided however as they have a lot of geometry issues and are much less reliable, and as they are often digital televisions masquerading as analogue TVs (digital equipment is necessary to align the electron guns precisely enough, but they often still have awful geometry.) they don’t play old games very well and often have stretched or blurred images. Large screens, 27-36 inches specifically, tend to have worse geometry too as it requires more precise aiming of the gun, and the large screen tends to draw more attention to when some of the screen is distorted.

My Trinitron has 1 RGB input, 1 S-Video input, and 2 Composite inputs, which is fairly standard for a UK set of the era. The geometry on mine had some issues, it was skewed at an angle and was warped, but I didn’t notice until I tried to watch hardsubbed anime in it. So I burned some test patterns on a DVD, which look incredible over RGB, and did a lot of configuring over the course a few hours with the manual open on my desk, and now I have almost perfect convergence. The two top corners bow inwards a bit though, but it doesn’t matter too much as it is normally over scanned off. I’ve tracked the cause down to some metal strips with magnets applied that are attached to the top of the tube, they’ve come loose over the last 20 years, so I need to glue them back down, but I haven’t bothered as it’s dangerous for both me and the set.

A Shadow Mask set like @Seiya’s Sanyo and probably whatever you, @MohAngelo, have is an inefficient and outdated technology, it made sense back in the 1960’s when colour television was new, but it’s completely unnecessary now. The Shadow Mask can still look good, but they are prone to distortion, colour bleeding, colour banding, magnetisation, blurry pictures, high power usage, and significantly reduced brightness. They can work, and good ones have been developed, notably the JVC D-Series range, but for the most part a Trinitron is better in almost every way. But it’s much easier to get a good Shadow Mask set than a Trinitron, and in terms of CRT monitors a triad-style Shadow Mask is your best bet. Shadow Masks however can develop permanent colour issues that lead to messed up colour due to the mask becoming magnetised too severely to degauss it effectively, and too strong of a degaussing field can melt and then bend the mask forever.

If you just want to watch anime on a CRT, then a decent Shadow Mask set from a company like JVC or Grundig, somewhere known for reliability and quality, will probably be fine. I’m very obsessed with getting the best quality, and therefore my Trinitron blew me away when I first saw it, but I had been stuck with a crap CRT for a few years before I got this, so I expect the difference between a good Shadow Mask set and a Trinitron would be far less large. If you can get a charcoal-grey Trinitron for less than £85 and you actually want one, it’s probably worth it. I payed £100 for mine, but mine is basically the best PAL Trinitron ever made, aside from the KV-21X5E model which had 2 RGB inputs, but I wanted the S-Video input for when I get an N64 so I chose the KV-21X5U instead. However, the best Trinitrons like my model can sell for up to 200 pounds, and that’s more than I’d be willing to pay.

Overall though, I’d highly recommend getting a CRT for watching both anime and old Standard Definition television. I’ve been watching that old anime I mentioned on my CRT, and the colours look incredible, way better than on my LCD monitor, simply because they were designed for a CRT. I’ve also been watching some of my favourite Classic Doctor Who episodes, and they look stunning as well! The colours look brighter and more accurate, and the picture is significantly sharper than on my LCD. With anime, this is less noticeable because of the way it is drawn with soft edges and lots of curves, but with live-action content like my old Doctor Who episodes, the upscale to fit 1080p on a modern display softens the image considerably and makes it look blurry and ugly, therefore watching it on a CRT makes it look way better due to the native resolution and the perfect scaling capablilites of a CRT. And if you content is interlaced, it will almost certainly look better as it won’t have to deinterlace the picture which reduces the quality a lot.

EDIT: You’ll also want to get a TV that has a service menu, most Trinitrons do at least, but cheap CRTs often won’t, so that you can burn some test patterns that match your TV’s resolution and configure the picture to look right. Common issues include bowing, stretching of the screen, (some parts are wider or skinnier than the rest of the screen, my one had it where the bottom quarter of the screen was twice as thick as the rest of the screen, which made text look really weird.) colour issues, and convergence issues. Some can be fixed, others cannot. Some TV’s can fix some stuff with the service menu, but will need to me opened up and worked on the hard way to fix it. TVs without service menus can often be fixed partially by twisting some knobs, but these knobs are often hidden and need you to poke a screwdriver through a hole, and sometimes require the removal of the back panel. To fix them properly, you’ll need to dismantle it and adjust the metal plates on the gun, but that’s dangerous and not worth the risk for a poor quality CRT. Some issues like burn in or low colour purity are normally caused by prolonged misuse and age and are usually permanent. For the most part, you’ll be able to fix some issues completely and some issues partially, but like the bowing on my top corners that requires an internal mod, there will probably always be some kind of issue, though you likely won’t notice it. More permanent problems though can have more serious effects. That’s the main downside of CRTs; they scale perfectly, can support non-square pixels, look beatiful and are brilliant at Standard Definition content, but they are damn near impossible to achieve the same perfection you can get easily with a fixed-pixel display.

Final note: The screens on most FRTs are curved in some way. Trinitrons and other Aperture Grill designs are cylindrical, and Shadow Mask sets are half-spherical. Flatscreens were made, but as was mentioned they have much more serious issues and any that don’t are likely to develop them as the digital convergence/allignement systems they used are complex and unreliable. The curvature of a CRT can distort the image and reflect glare, but the distortion can sometimes be partially corrected for in the service menu; be warned however that pushing a CRT too far out of spec can break it permanently, or render it unusable. Sometimes correcting for the shape can cause worse distortions that the cylinder or semi-sphere shape caused in the first place. But, with my Trinitron at least I found methods of making the screen look flat without damaging the image too much, but the cylindrical shape doesn’t bother me, in fact I quite like it, so I kept it looking curved. (I also found an option to make it look like a semi-spherical Shadow Mask set, which I do like the curved look of, but I didn’t do it.)

Here in my country, there is no such thing as "RGB" on TVs. An older CRT TV from the late 1990s, even a Trinition, would likely only have composite video, but not component or S-Video.
Yeah, that’s sad. It’s a pretty common thing in America apparently. You’d think they’d develop a cable capable of carrying RGB like us Europeans did, but no. Component YPbPr inputs will look just as good as RGB if you can find them, and can support 480p on a EDTV-CRT, but these share the same problems as HD-CRTs. Also, a lot of CRTs can be modified to support RGB, notably almost anything with an on-screen display.
Apr 4, 2019 7:49 AM

Jun 2014
NotPewDie said:
Seiya said:

Here in my country, there is no such thing as "RGB" on TVs. An older CRT TV from the late 1990s, even a Trinition, would likely only have composite video, but not component or S-Video.
Yeah, that’s sad. It’s a pretty common thing in America apparently. You’d think they’d develop a cable capable of carrying RGB like us Europeans did, but no. Component YPbPr inputs will look just as good as RGB if you can find them, and can support 480p on a EDTV-CRT, but these share the same problems as HD-CRTs. Also, a lot of CRTs can be modified to support RGB, notably almost anything with an on-screen display.

My 32" Sanyo CRT has component YPbPr inputs, and it looks fine to me.

Apr 5, 2019 8:15 AM
Jan 2018
Seiya said:
NotPewDie said:
Yeah, that’s sad. It’s a pretty common thing in America apparently. You’d think they’d develop a cable capable of carrying RGB like us Europeans did, but no. Component YPbPr inputs will look just as good as RGB if you can find them, and can support 480p on a EDTV-CRT, but these share the same problems as HD-CRTs. Also, a lot of CRTs can be modified to support RGB, notably almost anything with an on-screen display.

My 32" Sanyo CRT has component YPbPr inputs, and it looks fine to me.
Oh good then! I’m very happy with my CRT, so I hope you are with yours. CRTs are definitely the best for Standard Definition.
Apr 12, 2019 12:31 AM
Jul 2018
Was watching the banner in so many sigs, now I realized it was an old school club!

Currently I am watching the HD remasters of Ganba no Bouken and Urashiman. Especially the former looks like illustrations with animals coming to life, though it would be nightmare fuel for younger kids. With all the slums and people in the background, I though I'd see Ashita no Joe characters pop up....

Urashiman is standard scifi adventure in a genre that is almost extinct today in anime. 80s was the best decade for this and in some episodes it reaches Dirty Pair goodness, though it is a little more pervy due to the main character.

One reason I go for HD remasters whenever there is the option.For dvds I have 2 players, one region free dvd player with component and a bd player with hdmi, connected to the same tv. On that lcd tv, hdmi picture quality is better than component overall.
Good results are also achieved on pc using madshi, though I prefer not to stress the gpu too much because I consider it a waste. Unfortunately to watch bd on pc on the fly, you need also a commercial player like powerdvd (only one to support menus) or a commercial decrypter like Anydvd or dvdfab

May 3, 2019 8:19 PM
Nov 2008
i have been on a World Masterpiece Theater tread,shows from the WMT have i completed are
Heidi Girl of the Alps
Dog of Flanders
Marco/3000 Leagues in Search of Mother
The Bush Baby (English dub)
Nobody's Boy Remi
Nobody's Girl Remi
The Perrine Story
Anne of Green Gables(English dub) recently just finished and it was fantastic, i will watch more WMT another time

a couple months ago i completed the greatest anime of all and that would be Legend of the Galactic Heroes

am planning on watching Creamy Mami and Captain Tsubasa next
Jun 4, 2019 10:41 PM

Jan 2017
City Hunter for now
Jun 13, 2019 11:21 AM

Apr 2016
I finally got back to watching Ashita no Joe and I'm also slowly catching up with the newly subbed episodes of Patalliro.
Jun 23, 2019 10:38 AM
Oct 2016
At the moment, I'm watching Saint Seiya, Dirty Pair and Sasurai no Taiyou :)
Jun 24, 2019 6:07 AM

Feb 2016
Maison Ikkoku (best classic there is)
Mad Bull 34
Red Riding Hood ChaCha
Just finished Very Private Lesson 1998
so bad it was kinda good

Started Urusei Yatsura because Seiya hates Rumiko so much
stopped a few episodes in when the MC puts his hand up to slap his ex gf for liking the male alien
PantsuSenseiUwUJun 24, 2019 6:11 AM
“The world is full of nice people. If you can't find one, be one.”
― Nishan Panwar
8=D ~ O:
Jul 9, 2019 7:18 PM

Sep 2010
Right now Captain Harlock its so damn good and Harlock is such an interesting character! I might add him to my favorite character list lol. xD

I just recently completed City Hunter while I loved Saeba the first season was wash,rinse, repeat I hope the next season will have some arcs or more two parters that are more serious in nature like we don't really know his past or anything in the first season it was mostly Mokkori (sp?) hijinks. Then again this series has a lot of episodes and there is only like 193 chapters I think so I'm guessing a big part of the anime is filler only.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Jul 23, 2019 4:18 PM
Jul 2018
I watched Attack no 1 and noticed that they have the same script writer with Ashita no Joe. This is why volleyball was turned into a bloodbath! Epic series, much better than the dubbed version. Players and coaches screams, grunts and shouts have much more passion to the point of sounding ridiculous!

It gives volleyball a truly international feeling, something missing in more popular anime like Haikyou. You even see boys vs girls games and even a men's game later on. Attacker You did something similar though I consider it inferior to Attack no 1 but decent series, though heavily edited in the dubs due to violent or ecchi moments.

One of the few anime that takes place in communist countries too. Unfortunately the dub changed the names of some countries (Soviet Union, East Germany and Czechoslovakia), taking away much of the atmosphere of that era and the sporting culture and prestige of those countries, reaching perfection in volleyball.

Anyway, will watch Sasourai no Taiyou too and complete Miss Machiko after this.
Jul 29, 2019 8:04 PM
Mar 2018
I'm watching quite a bit of things.
But I guess the only one I'm going to be consistently watching for a bit is Rose of Versallies
Also trying to finish Ace Wo Nerae and on and off watching Ranma 1/2
Aug 1, 2019 9:29 AM

Dec 2010
LOGH for the third time Seig Kaiser Reinhard
Aug 5, 2019 4:04 AM

Jun 2013
Rewatching Akazukin Cha-Cha and Crying Freeman. I also have Akira saved on my phone. I also have Ashita no Joe on standby.
Aug 14, 2019 3:46 AM

Jun 2013
Just picked up GS Mikami again yesterday.
As for the others I'm slowly watching:

Uchuusen Saggittarius
Dragon Ball (I need to pick up the last two box sets...)
~Where's Gnasty Gnorc? I'll torch him!~
Sep 21, 2019 1:38 AM

Jul 2016
I'm currently watching and watched recently a lot of old school animes, some are:
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo(really fucking good, honestly),
Classic HxH(I love how this version focuses more on the relationship of the quartet and Leorio isn't a comic relief),
Ashita no Joe,
Detective Conan(This one was a ride... But worth, it took me 1 years and a half to get to the "last" currently cannon episode, that is, skipping all fillers.),
Prince of Tennis(Is this considered an old school? One of the best Shounens IMO)...

In most cases, the MAL Average Scores don't mean anything, here is a question: were the works made before 2000 all shit?
Why are they so damn scarce in the Top 50? Think about how MAL is quite literally a filtered amount of the Anime fanbase.

Here's a timeline of the Top 15 in which you can check that, almost always, the scores are affected by the freshness, popularity and other factors that have nothing to do with quality.

Mar 5, 2020 10:01 AM

Oct 2012
Been watching a few. Akage no anne has proved to be one of the most excellent programs I've ever had the pleasure to experience. It's gone so far above my expectations I honestly cannot believe it.

Other than that I'm slowly making my way through galactic heros. I definitely like it but it's one I like to focus on. Just finished the first season and it's getting a lot more interesting.

And I've been enjoying maison ikkoku, though I'm still early in that as well my expectations are pretty huge (sorry seiya pls dont hate me )

Jealous of you guys with crts. I recently got a nice large lg flatscreen and oh my god getting it to play panning shots in anne properly without distortion was a nightmare lol. I've given up on getting it to play the maison ikkoku op properly, show is fine but theme song is a blurry nightmare for some reason. It looks okay now but I wish I had a second monitor for playing pre 90s stuff.
ChromephoneMar 5, 2020 10:10 AM
Mar 25, 2020 1:04 PM

Jul 2019
I've recently finished the Bastard!! OVAs, it was enjoyable but there wasn't much to it. I'm also watching the Dororo anime from 1969 and prefer it way more to the recent adaptation.
Mar 26, 2020 10:08 AM

May 2013
Watching Dr. Slump.

ngl, it's pretty hilarious. It has become my routine to get blazed and watch a couple episodes. Highly recommend.

♡ Harder Daddy ♡
Mar 27, 2020 4:52 AM
Oct 2016
At this moment, I'm about to finish Saint Seiya. I'm also watching Ashita e Attack and I will begin watching Paris no Isabelle :)
Apr 7, 2020 9:55 PM

May 2018
I'm currently watching Dirty Pair. It's ridiculous but enjoyable so far.
Jul 15, 2020 3:23 PM
Jul 2018
Finished Bosco Daibouken. Very formulaic and not as good as I hoped, especially when compared to Spaceship Sagittarius, except the last episodes. Original books seem way too unrelated in tone to the anime and their pictures are very good and impossible to transfer to the big screen. I'll remember it for the HD quality and the very good character design

Unfortunately the best series are the ones with missing or incomplete fansubs. Now I am watching Meg-chan complete in Japanese and it looks I am in for a wild ride already from first episode. Some things that happen there you will not find even in today's mahou shojo.

Sep 25, 2020 7:57 PM

Jun 2017
Cityhunter, amazing op,ed and ost (don't think I ever skipped any ED/OP) paired with awesome characters that get better the more you watch,
May 17, 2021 10:26 AM

Jan 2015
Re-watching , the last time I watched it as a kid around 1989 lol.
Also got my hands on the Versailles no Bara DVD Box Set so I will watch those after a long time..
Currently reading:
Prince of Fools (The Red Queen's War #1) by Mark Lawrence
The Night Angel Trilogy (Night Angel Omnibus #1-3) by Brent Weeks
The Crystal Shard (The Legend of Drizzt #4) by R.A. Salvatore
May 18, 2021 9:00 AM

Jan 2015
Watched the first episode of Versailles no Bara and also the first episode of Ai no Wakakusa Monogatari.
Currently reading:
Prince of Fools (The Red Queen's War #1) by Mark Lawrence
The Night Angel Trilogy (Night Angel Omnibus #1-3) by Brent Weeks
The Crystal Shard (The Legend of Drizzt #4) by R.A. Salvatore
Jun 11, 2021 3:28 PM
Dec 2019
Recently completed Mobile Suit Gundam 0079, enjoyed it a lot and inmediately went on to watch the origin, i plan to watch 08th ms team after finishing that one.

I started watching Chibi Maruko-chan three months ago, i'm on episode 23 and have been enjoying it a lot. It is always nice putting an episode in every once in a while and see Maruko playing jokes and just being enchanting, the rest of the characters are very nice.

I'm watching Super Dimension Fortress Macross, it is fantastic, i'm enjoying it a lot too. Such a good show, this and Gundam have made me a huge fan of mecha shows.

I'm watching Record of Lodoss war, it's very good, a fantasy anime played very straight forwardly but very big in scope.

I'm watching Yu Yu Hakushi, i'm on episode 46, i've been enjoying it, the cast is very nice and interesting to follow.
BeatImsoniacJun 11, 2021 3:41 PM
Nov 11, 2021 2:18 PM

Oct 2020
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam

Dec 12, 2021 8:33 PM

Dec 2016
Etcetera- said:
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam

The weird thing is I never watched Zeta Gundam bitd, and I just started watching it myself. For some reason for all these years I thought it was awful and a waste of time. But it's actually pretty good.
Jan 11, 2022 7:49 PM
Jan 2022
Currently about to finish touch and have started the kabocha wine
Help me out @seiya where can i find episode 8 and onward of kabocha wine?
Read it and weep. Your ethnicity and culture are weak.
Jan 11, 2022 7:52 PM

Jun 2014
MilkMonster said:
Currently about to finish touch and have started the kabocha wine
Help me out @seiya where can i find episode 8 and onward of kabocha wine?

Unfortunately, I don't think any more episodes of "The Kabocha Wine" have been fansubbed yet.

Jan 11, 2022 7:58 PM
Jan 2022
Seiya said:
MilkMonster said:
Currently about to finish touch and have started the kabocha wine
Help me out @seiya where can i find episode 8 and onward of kabocha wine?

Unfortunately, I don't think any more episodes of "The Kabocha Wine" have been fansubbed yet.
I'm cool with raw i'm fluent enough in nihongo. I found episode 8 on dailymotion i forget if its raw or sub and i forget if i saw other episodes there as well.

Dailymotion and youtube sometimes have anime in raw you wont find anywhere else online
Read it and weep. Your ethnicity and culture are weak.
Jan 11, 2022 8:03 PM

Jun 2014
MilkMonster said:
Seiya said:

Unfortunately, I don't think any more episodes of "The Kabocha Wine" have been fansubbed yet.
I'm cool with raw i'm fluent enough in nihongo. I found episode 8 on dailymotion i forget if its raw or sub and i forget if i saw other episodes there as well.

Dailymotion and youtube sometimes have anime in raw you wont find anywhere else online

Oh, I see. I'll send you a PM. :)

Feb 9, 2022 11:50 AM

Jan 2022
Currently I'm watching three different shows from the Old School days, but it's taking time on each of them. First up is from my namesake that is

it came out in 1975 3 years before I was born. Saw it in 1980 but it was horribly chopped up from 74 eps to 26 for the "Kid's" FORCE FIVE hour that also smashed Gettar Robo G, Spaceketeers, and one other show together the same way. So it's the first time I'm watching it as it should be with Eng subs. Started watching it on Dec. 26 2021 and am still watching, currently on Episode 25.

next up is...

Saw about 8 eps on TV in the 90s when it was released as Samurai Pizza Cats but never finished. My 13 year old son Jake and I are watching this one together, but I only have him on Sundays. So it'll be awhile before we can finish. Only 5 eps in and it's 54eps.

lastly I'm watching...

To me MACROSS was always supposed to be "serious" and when MACROSS 7 came out I hated the idea of it (some dude shooting speakers out his Valkyrie and singing and playing a guitar to combat the new enemy)... so I hated on it for 27 years. Then in late 2021 I decided to watch MACROSS DELTA (another one I had ragged on) but ended up getting into it, in spite of idol singers on a battlefield (still think that's stupid) alongside Valkyries... and figured "What The Hell?" ---checked out a few eps on YouTube and liked enough of it that I ordered the DVD set off eBAY of MACROSS 7. Suddenly Nekki Basara and gang weren't as ridiculous as Walkure. ---I'm learning to have a more open mind about things in my older age, what can I say. Currently at episode 21 out of 49
Apr 3, 2022 8:53 PM

Oct 2018
I am currently watching Akage no Anne and High School Kimengumi to practice reading French subs. I am not sure if Ima Soko Ni Iru Boku is retro enough, since it came out in the late 90s.
Jun 10, 2022 1:11 AM
Jul 2018
finally watched Age of Great Dinosaurs in Japanese. The English dub script on which all other dubs were based on, did cut and simplified a lot of scientific dialogue, almost to a third. Movie does a nice job of summarising the now outdated theories of why dinosaurs went extinct, along with a lot of traumatic action and drama, trying to show a violent side of dinosaurs.

That movie had traumatised me a lot as a kid, though it can be only appreciated if you lived the 70s-80s dinosaur craze
Jun 26, 2022 8:33 AM

Jan 2015
Eggyy said:
I am currently watching Akage no Anne and High School Kimengumi to practice reading French subs. I am not sure if Ima Soko Ni Iru Boku is retro enough, since it came out in the late 90s.

I also would like to watch High School Kimengumi. Where can I find this series?
Appreciate your help! :)
Currently reading:
Prince of Fools (The Red Queen's War #1) by Mark Lawrence
The Night Angel Trilogy (Night Angel Omnibus #1-3) by Brent Weeks
The Crystal Shard (The Legend of Drizzt #4) by R.A. Salvatore
Jun 26, 2022 10:13 AM

Jun 2014
nihonbashi said:
Eggyy said:
I am currently watching Akage no Anne and High School Kimengumi to practice reading French subs. I am not sure if Ima Soko Ni Iru Boku is retro enough, since it came out in the late 90s.

I also would like to watch High School Kimengumi. Where can I find this series?
Appreciate your help! :)

Nyaa has it, but there's no English subs for it, unfortunately. Only the movie has fansubs, and the 3-nen Kimengumi manga has been scanlated.

Jun 26, 2022 12:13 PM

Jan 2015
_-_Sally_-_ said:
nihonbashi said:

I also would like to watch High School Kimengumi. Where can I find this series?
Appreciate your help! :)

Nyaa has it, but there's no English subs for it, unfortunately. Only the movie has fansubs, and the 3-nen Kimengumi manga has been scanlated.

Thank you _-_Sally_-_
Currently reading:
Prince of Fools (The Red Queen's War #1) by Mark Lawrence
The Night Angel Trilogy (Night Angel Omnibus #1-3) by Brent Weeks
The Crystal Shard (The Legend of Drizzt #4) by R.A. Salvatore
Aug 19, 2022 4:03 AM

Jun 2021
Currently watching  Ie Naki Ko Remi
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