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Apr 16, 2016 7:19 AM
Feb 2016
My updated Character:

[b]Name: John Loraden
[b]Age: 18
[b]Gender: Male
[b]Power: Heightened Senses
[b]Power Explanation: The power of enhanced vision, which can see through multiple layers of walls, but with a drawback of not being able to see through the floors or ceiling. This power also quickens his reaction time, but only by X1.2)
Weapon: (optional): Suppressed MAC-10 Sub-Machine Gun and Baseball Bat
[b]Rank: F
[b]Club: Baseball and Photography
[b]Pic: n/a
[b]Personality: Neutral
[b]Bio: Born in the United States, this boy possesses a power to sense people's presences much more than the average human, and has learned about Mirai High, a school that could potentially heighten his new found power. His favorite weapon, a MAC-10 Sub Machine Gun fitted with a Noice-Reducing Suppressor, a firearm he purchased from a Black Market dealer in Washington. He wears wears light body armor under his school clothes and a plain dark blue cap. In close quarters, John may pull out his trusty Baseball Bat. He carries around a lightly burned photo of 2 soldiers, one blonde, the other with a brown beard, with the date March 17th, 1985, Hawaii scribbled on it.
Apr 16, 2016 9:41 AM

Jul 2013
White Wolf: Approved

Apr 16, 2016 10:01 AM
Nov 2014
Name:Shaya (last name not known)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Power: Blessing of the Healing Church
Power Explanation: Shaya was part of an organisation called the Healing Church. This church gave all of it's members a blessing. The blessing gives 1.25x human strength and 1.25x the agility (including speed)
Weapon:Ludwig's Holy Blade.
Shaya uses a blade made by the first member of the Healing Church named Ludwig. When he died, his blade was lost but because Shaya went exploring she found the blade and now wields it

The blade has 2 forms, light and heavy. The light blade is a silver blade which is very fast when wielding but does less damage. The heavy form is when the light blade is but in the hilt and it makes a giant blade. This blade does a lot of damage but has slow speed
Rank: F
Club: Choir

(Blade not included)
Personality:Shaya is a very loyal and kind woman. She will see a lot of people as her friend and thus someone she needs to protect. She would give her life for anyone. However, she is easily embarrassed and can say some weird things sometimes because she doesn't know too good how socializing works
Bio: Saya was born in the city of Yarnham. Old Yarnham to be exact. There was an event that took place randomly called the hunt. This was when a night became very long and where many Yarnamites were cursed and turned into beasts. You had beasts which were basically werewolves but also ones that turned into even weirder monstrosities. Shaya's father was a hunter, someone who killed these beasts in order to keep the Yarnamites safe. One day Shaya looked out the window. She saw her father was transforming into one of these beasts. He broke into their house and killed her mother first, but before he could touch her another hunter came in. Ludwig. He was a Healing Church hunter who instead of guarding people was killing the beasts to find information for a cure. He killed the man and took Shaya with him. He explained to her the rules and intentions of the Healing Church and began training her. When he died, Shaya made a promise to find the cure for this curse. However, before she could Yarnham was so overrun that the Yarnamites had to move, along with the Healing Church. They made Central Yarnham and the other Yarnham was now Old Yarnham. One day when the hunt began Shaya was getting ready. But she found out there were a special kind of beasts overrunning the place. She was grabbed by one them and he killed her. Or so, that was thought. She found herself waking up in a park. In her pocket was a letter giving her routes to a school. Mirai High. She was now a student there and had to continue her studies there for Yarnham. There was a suitcase with notes and multiple kind of vials, herbs and other stuff. She arrived at the school and began exploring
LightSpark090Apr 16, 2016 10:38 AM
Apr 16, 2016 10:25 AM

Jul 2014
Well, for now I'll give you a temporar approval, but any admins are free to revoke it.
Apr 16, 2016 1:14 PM
Oct 2015
RedPtolemy said:
anything what makes the opposite side have damage

I don't understand this part.
so can play now
Apr 17, 2016 5:21 AM

Mar 2014
Name: Setsu Bluestar
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Power: blood magic
Power Explanation:
Setsu has blood magic, even thought she is not a master she can do only few staff.. but she can do many other staff what she have no idea :P
she can do now
-her cut's are heal really fast but if she is cut she can feel how hart it is.. but her blood helps her to heal really fast
-she helps other to heal their cuts too (she is like a doctor..)
she an use her magic as a worrier too but she have no idea about it
-Blood-Make: A form of Magic that allows the user to create blood at her will and to shape it into objects
-she can use blood in fights, and not only her but others blood too.. (well she can cut her oun body and her blood is her oun weapon)
Weapon: her own blood... and she always have few knifes.
Rank: F
Club: --- i will look for a club later... she is new in school after all :P

Personality: cool, Cheerful, stubborn and always in good mood. she try to make many friends, she is kind too and she do not want to hurt someone, bu if you will make her angry (but she never gets angry) be careful. inside of that "image" she is damn pervy girl, she liked teasing her friend and so some other pervy staff, she like cooking and listen music. she is stubborn and will still do as she want not to listen others.
but there is one little thing.. she is sadist,. it is hard to make her control her power if she is angry. but because of this she always try not to listen other or get angry really much.. because she like teasing other who are close to her, she always doing her sadist and pervy personality,
Bio: Setsu was born in a Christian family, her older brother and Setsu was playing all the time with etch other, but her parents was always telling what was right and if they did something wrong they would beat them up. as she grow up she get she had some powers in her, she notice she was never bleed and her cuts was healing really fast, even thought it was hurting a little but her cut's was healed, she was 7 year old when she toled this news to her brother so he could say that it was ok and she was not a monster, her brother went and asked parents why she was not hurt.. after that news everyone thought she was a child of demon, because noone know that it was just her power to help other. after that Setsu was scared of her powers and never used it.. and after that she was friendless, she had only 1 or 2 friend who do not knew her powers.. but when she become 13 year old she and her family fined out that there was many other people who had powers.. and they plan to sell her to person who really needs her powers.. Setsu's older brother fined out what was their parents plan to.. so he toled this information to Setsu and he helped her to run away from that place..
now she is 16 year old, in this 3 year she learn how to control her powers.. and how can she help others, eve thought she was not too strong she really wanted to help others. when she was helping 1 human that person asked her if she was studding in Mirai high, as she fined out there was a school who was helping people like her to study how to use their powers, and she wanted to go there.. and now she is join this school and wants to have many friends and have fun with them
Setsu_KaApr 17, 2016 5:31 AM
Apr 17, 2016 8:43 AM

Aug 2014
Okay I feel like it's fine with what you explained, you can go ahead ^^
Apr 17, 2016 1:27 PM
May 2015
Name: Snow
Age: 16
Can be mistaken for a girl
Pure white hair with white eyes
Effeminate body
Power: Plants
Power Explanation:Able to control plants, Grow plants and create plants. The plants also respect him and wish to protect him. Though the limits are he can not grow or create plants from surfaces such as tarmac and pavements along with the range is 10 feet radius for starters, And depending on the flower there is weaknesses like rose will be damaged badly against fire, Or even resistant such as cactus wont be affected by sun light
Rank: F
Club:Nature and cooking
Personality: He is a quiet person that often reads a novel under a tree, He is a rather nice person that is rather friendly unless he has one of the off days
Bio: Snow is born in England having a pale skin complexion, He travelled to Japan after receiving an letter inviting him to the school having details that the school is mainly for people with gifts, He obviously chosen to accept is a friendly male that sometimes is alone but likes to be with his friends. He does often look like a girl and tend to crossdress, He is rather convincing too. He likes to grow flowers using power or not along drinking herbal tea under trees. He also loves to bake and cook
Cursedprince91Apr 17, 2016 3:59 PM

Apr 17, 2016 4:02 PM

Apr 2013
Looks good to me

Apr 17, 2016 5:51 PM

Aug 2014
Name: Tsubouchi, Isao
Age: 16
Gender: Male

Power: Emotional Palette
Power Explanation:
People often debate about what a sense is. These people are wasting their time. Everyone experiences the world in a different way because of their unique set of senses. Isao is the same. He has a way of perceiving the world like no other can. He can perceive the feelings of other living beings as vibrant colours that envelop them in a gentle caress or in a crushing grip.
Weapon: Weapons aren't my style.
Rank: F

Club: Literature Club
Pic: Hmm. Let's go with this one, except he doesn't have pointy teeth and red eyes.

Personality: If you were to pick one word from the English language to describe Isao, it would be "amiable". He enjoys being around people and making friends. He isn't particularly eccentric, so he rarely struggles to find common ground with other students.

He is passionate about his interests (reading, art, and baking being the most prominent), but he is willing to try anything and is keen to learn about new things. Because of this, he easily adapts to new environments. Overall, he is a pretty easygoing person.

Bio: Isao's life up until his transfer into Mirai High has been unusually simple. The subdued nature of his power allowed him to go through the first 14 years of his life without either him, nor anyone else realizing he was special.

He went through elementary school and middle school like a totally normal child. He was an average student, participated actively in club activities, and enjoyed hanging out with his friends in his off-time. Every once in a while, he would get confused if someone said they were feeling blue when they were very obviously some shade of green or purple, but it never bothered him for more than a few minutes.

It was during his first semester of high school that things started to change for him. He learned about synesthesia during one of his science classes, and that is when he clued in that there might be something off about the colours he was seeing everywhere. He started spending his evenings online, researching anything related to the phenomenon.

During his research, he learned about Mirai High and its program for students with special powers. Always seeking new experiences, Isao applied for a transfer. From this moment on, his totally normal life was about to transform into something exciting and constantly changing.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Apr 18, 2016 6:00 PM

Mar 2014
Everything is passable in that case

To be honest, I never quite understood the appeal of fighting in RP anyways :P
RP characters: Freya
Apr 19, 2016 8:02 AM
Apr 2016
Name: Eiga Kiji
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Power: Truely in the House
Power Explanation: When Eiga says the extremely butchered Disney phrase "Cory in the House", Eiga receives a speed buff, making him able to run up to 1.5x faster than the average human, but will lose a quarter of his strength, and cannot use "Truely in the House" for another 5 posts.
Weapon: Recorder
Rank: F
Club: Music

Personality: A very enthusiast guy, until you piss him off.
Bio: Born in the USA, Eiga spent his young days watching all 2 seasons of Cory White House de Chou Taihen, enjoying the Japanese Influence of this great anime. He first found out about his power when he recommended Cory in the House to some of his friends at school. When he uttered the butchered English dub name of Cory White House de Chou Taihen, an incredible power was flowing throughout his body. The lunch bell rang that second, and Eiga dashed to the cafeteria, noticing that he can run 2.5x faster than a average human. His only Japanese friend, Watashi told him about Mirai High, a school where you can refine super powers, the place for Eiga. Riga quickly learned Japanese on Rosetta's Stone after called Watashi a Weeab scumbag, and finally got a job and saved up money for a ticket to Japan. When Eiga got to Japan, he applied to Mirai High, but afterwards faced the fact that he spent all his money on the ticket, and now has no money, so he reluctantly got a job and earned enough to rent an apartment. He spends way too much time in his room playing first-person shooters and Cory in the House DS. With his otaku knowledge and sly Cory-chan influence, Eiga sets off on a journey like no other. The question is, will Eiga get accepted in Mirai High?

Note from OP: Let's get this fact straight guys, this post is actually serious, k thanks fam.
ReviewMovieWorldApr 21, 2016 9:20 AM
Wow. It's gonna be great movie. I'm going to see it.
Apr 19, 2016 8:21 AM

Mar 2014
If you're not going to be serious, then why should I seriously consider an approval x.x
RP characters: Freya
Apr 19, 2016 8:24 AM
Apr 2016
This is completely serious, believe it or not
Wow. It's gonna be great movie. I'm going to see it.
Apr 19, 2016 8:28 AM

Mar 2014
I don't believe it >.>
The power description is inconsistent with the character bio. Deafening someone implies permanent damage to their character, as well as altering their being, both of which are not allowed. Sound powers are difficult to balance due to the fact that they are virtually unavoidable. You'll have to add in some serious limitations to make it fair.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 19, 2016 11:31 AM

Mar 2014
Not so much fixed as changed. How fast is "very fast"? You didn't add any sort of limitation either.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 19, 2016 12:12 PM
Apr 2016
Name: Tsuki
Age: (Between 14 - 19) 15
Gender: male
Power: (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP) (only one per student!!!) Cursed Eyes
Power Explanation: Cursed eyes is the power that lets the user see long distances and see clearly trough the night he can notice the traps and all ssmall details (hope i desribed it better this time)
Weapon: (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it) relies on weapons like: katana, spears and bows. (only this 3 weapons)
Rank: (Every character starts at F) F
Club: (Every character needs to join at least one. Two is the maximum. Check the club list in the "Club Creation" thread or suggest a new one there) no club
Pic: (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! So cat's don't get extra agility or the like)
Personality: Calm...sometimes... Childish till the limit..when he have to get serious traditional (means that he always wears kimono and a mask)
Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!) (please just dont make me rewrite this ;3;) After that day he ran away from home wearing mask forever.
He Stole Katana And A Spear And Now He Carries them forever. (kinda dramatic XD)

Act 2 Part 1 A Lone Boy

At the age of 10 He learned to fish, cook, hunt and most important to live..
He was alone dont caring about his family or anyone He lived freely.
He learned that he can acaully have a use from his eyes that was such a relief for him.
Tsuki always loved quitness and piece and all that was taken away from him.
The Hunters from various villages came looking for rare animals they burned the forest
leaving Tsuki without home, food and place to sleep.
Tsuki didnt wanted to have a conflict with hunters so he just ran away once again.
After that day on He traveled around the country so he dont get in fight with villegers.
One Day At night He lighted the fire to warm himself becuse it was raining
A girl from a camp near by was lost and found her way to the Tsuki seeing a light
She was a girl with a short black hair wearing purple coat she was shocked when she saw Tsuki
Tsuki staneded up pointing katana at her...Shed scream and fall on her butt.....(xDDD lmao)
He looked at her confusingly but she cried.....(Such a heartbreaker xD)
Tsuki set the katana on the ground and sited down facing the fire and just being silent.....(wooooow)
Girl stoped crying and stares at him for few seconds she crawled like a meggot to him and pooked his shoulder
Tsuki turned his head for 180 degreece (xD ONLY FOR THE SAKE OF COMEDY!) She panicked (U CAN ALReADY IMAGINE IT XDD) she screamed again
and backed away. He sighed and twisted his head back 180 degreece facing the fire again
She just didnt wanna scream anymore she was tired and feel asleep not caring if anything will happen to her
Tsuki notices that shes asleep he standed up and walks over to her and he.............................
he grabs her carring her to the fire (HE WANTS TO EAT HER?!) (naaah) he sets her on the ground near fire and goes back to his seat
he feels asleep aswell.

Act 2 Part 2 A Metting

Morning came Tsuki woke up before her so he just packed his stuff and walked away leaving her behind.
She have woken up with a headache she tried to remember what happaned yesterday she rememberd the stranger
Girl looked around if his still around "His Not Here Anymore?" shed say she standed up and tried to look for nearby river
She found it she washed her face and took a bath (or opossite? dunno...) When she finished she noticed same stranger from
last night walking around picking plants She hid at bushes hoping that he wont find her.
On her bad luck he Found her.......Her face was blue (from fear right?) Tsuki would say "Eh...." he have stared at her for few seconds then left
walking away grabing another plants like he never seen her.
She jumped away from bush and runed after him grabing his shoulder and yelling "Who Are You?!"
Hed turn around grabing her hand and moving away from him not replying
She was shocked once again but she found her way! she yelled "Im.....Tadako Konoe! And You Are?!"
Hed turn around giggling waving and spelling out his name in letters "T-S-U-K-I"
Tadako Would laugh so hard she fell on the ground her stomach hurting
Tsuki stared at her like wtf....."What'so funny?"
Tadako standed up wiping her tears away "Nothing totaly nothing..Well nice to meet you Mr Tsuki"
Tsuki "Notice to meet you too but i have to go farewell" he walked away with his plants
Tadako Yelled "Dont Leave!!"
Tsuki turned for 180 degreece again "Whyy...?"
Tadako shocked "Never mind!"
Tsuki walked away and continung traveling around the country but wait a moment our friend Tadako is traveling with him!

Act 3 (Final) It Is The Time

~The City~

At the age of 14 Tsuki was encountring the city he had passed by it [b]Inside[b/]
Tsuki sighed and walked not giving attention to anyone around altho everyone pays attetion to him
He doesnt care and he soon leaves the vilage Tadako with him.
One day something woke up Tsuki in the middle of the night it was a voice
It oredered him to attende in a school named Mirai High
Thease are the words of the voice "Dear Tsuki You have been living outside like an animal youve been surviving like an animal
now its time to act like an animal hear my words young one Go to Mirai High It is the school far far away in the city
They shall make you stonger and far more experianced so you can make it as a head"
Tsuki was confsed "Head....?
Voice "A Head For Youre Village You are the chosen"
Tsuki "My village? Me? No...I despise that village... they have thrown me away and im not going back there"
Voice "There is no time for whining you can change the village only you we shall see each other once again till then farewell young one"
Tsuki would facepalm and fall back asleep not thinking at all
Next morning he left Tadako at the camp they were sleeping
He traveled alone finding the school and from that day the rp will decide its own Story
MusicChopersApr 20, 2016 8:16 AM

Apr 19, 2016 2:02 PM
Apr 2016
@RedPtolemy Edited my character with more specific description and drawback
Wow. It's gonna be great movie. I'm going to see it.
Apr 19, 2016 2:16 PM

Mar 2014
Considering 200mph is almost 10 times faster than the fastest sprinter to ever live, it's way too strong x.x
Also could you use "posts' instead of minutes/seconds? Time is impossible to keep consistent in RP, but posts can be tracked with ease.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 19, 2016 8:33 PM

Jan 2016
Name: Minami
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Power: Minors Curse
Power Explanation:
A curse that holds the abilities of the minor gods

Weapon: None
Rank: F
Club: None at the moment
Personality: A very honest boy who is honest to a fault, at the same time is mean, rude, obnoxious and annoying. However after the incident he is trying his best to change his personality
Apr 20, 2016 4:28 AM

Mar 2014
@I curbeynotkirby
The problem with Hypnos is that forces unconsciousness on another character. effectively taking away any option they have in any scenario. Libertas also has this problem to a degree.
Terminus seems fine, it just needs some more detail. How large is the boundary? What does it look like? Is it even visible? What kind of shape is it, a wall or a dome or what?
RP characters: Freya
Apr 20, 2016 8:48 AM
Apr 2016
@RedPtolemy Making a character sure is a pain, but I feel like I balanced my character, I think.
Wow. It's gonna be great movie. I'm going to see it.
Apr 20, 2016 10:46 AM

Mar 2014
Very interesting :3

For future reference, 3 weapons is a bit overkill but I'm not going to make a fuss out of it since you character's ability adds very little to his offensive prowess.

Meh, this is par for the course I'd say ^~^
Lower that to 1.5 and set a reasonable cooldown. Being active for 3 posts is plenty at F rank, considering that's 3 posts where he would surely outmatch his opponent in speed. Maybe a 3+post cooldown then... Then he could use it twice in a lasting fight, and in a shorter fight it would be active for at least half the duration.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 20, 2016 3:57 PM

Nov 2009

Name: Abygail Del Rose
Age: (Between 14 - 19) 15
Gender: Female
Power: Crystal Manipulation/Construct
Power Explanation: she can turn crystals into tools, objects, weapons and other items. she can make a sword out of crystals, a shield and or other things. He can use his Crystal creation powers for 3 post and rest has to rest 1 after. However, once the weapons are made, she can use them for as long as necessary
Things he can make so far with his powers

Weapon:It varies as he can create different weapons every time
Club: Archery, Fencing

Personality: Aby can be extremely sweet, but can also become very dangerous when provoked. she is an extremely energetic and cheerful character. she is very athletic and often comes across as naive, clumsy, and clueless, but she is perceptive, sweet and loyal. she can also be very childish and stubborn at times. she is rebellious and courageous. she is not afraid to try out new things. she also has a very flirty side, specially towards guys.
Aby was born into a poor family on May 23, and to make matters worst his mother died after giving birth to her. Her father took good care of her until the age of 10. she had a peaceful childhood alongside her dad and despite not having much, she lead a happy childhood. Her dad treated her well. After that her father remarried a women who had her own children. Everything went downhill from there. This new step mom treated her children nice but was mean to Aby. She treated her like a dog, but at the same time she treated her son and daughter like a queen and king. However her new mom's little daugther was really nice to Aby. They would play together, eat togeher and his little sister would sneak desserts into his room. They became very close.
It sucked seeing how her dad was working long hard hours just to be able to support them. But her dad was soon able to get into a law firm, thus having a better job. It wasn’t until Aby turned 15 that bits of her powers starting showing up. she ended up turning cups and spoons into crystals when she would use them. she then knew what she had to do, she needed to find help. she learned about mirai high and decided he needed to go there. she was very sad to leave her sister behind, but it had to be done.
RedPtolemyJun 23, 2016 8:03 AM
Apr 20, 2016 4:05 PM

Mar 2014
Something about her is familiar :P
RP characters: Freya
Apr 20, 2016 7:47 PM
Apr 2016
Garrick 'Garry/Eddie' Edverin
19 Years Old
[1.78m Tal][60kg][Has a lean yet bulky build][Auburn hair that stands up]
Power: Slight Gravity Manipulation



Due to its sheer size, it will slow down running speed from the wielder.



TriccsterboyeApr 25, 2016 7:31 AM
Apr 20, 2016 9:09 PM

Mar 2014
I wouldn't call it a nerf, maybe a debug though.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 21, 2016 6:21 AM
Apr 2016
@RedPtolemy I think I'm done with my character
Wow. It's gonna be great movie. I'm going to see it.
Apr 21, 2016 9:08 AM

Mar 2016
Name: Rin Anno
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Power: Werewolf
Power Explanation: Since birth Rin was a mutant, due to her parents making a deal with a wolf spirit who would leave its remaining self within Rin. This allowed her body to enhance her since of smell, hearing, and her eyesight , as well as having grate agility, and reflexes(1.1x these attributes while in normal form) despite having amazing all these, she is extremely weak in her human form, having almost no strength, and she uses her knife a lot for her own safety. She has the ability to turn in to a werewolf and her entire body’s attributes remain the same except her strength that is brought up to 1.4, but her body can’t support this form for long, thus she can only use it for a duration of 4 post and has a 6 post cool down.
Weapon: Tri- Knife

Rank: F
Club: Photography

Personality: Rin is a bit of a pervert, but she is caring and a loving person. She has absolutely no trust issues, and in fact is very straight forward with anything. She is a nosy person, she like to pry in to people’s business so much, you could consider her a stalker. She loves to do a lot of things, despite being bad at a lot of them, she is a horrible singer and tries to do it all the time, she can’t do anything good in general except for draw, and take pictures. She is hardly ever serious, but when she is, it’s mainly because you hurt her friends, that or she is in a life or death situation (hardly serious there too)

SharkDad-Apr 21, 2016 9:20 AM
I keep my distance now
Forcing my jaw to smile
Apr 21, 2016 12:29 PM

Nov 2009

I don't see a problem with this character, therefor
Apr 21, 2016 2:06 PM

Mar 2014
You're still lacking a necessary detail: how long does the enhanced speed last?
If it's active for 30 posts, the 5 post cooldown is sort of meaningless.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 21, 2016 2:53 PM

Mar 2014
RP characters: Freya
Apr 23, 2016 3:08 PM

Apr 2015
William subaru

he claims to be 17


Body and object enhencening:
-he can harden his skin ( it can become as tough as a rock )
-he can boost his strength using threads of particule ( about 1.5 times max )
-he can harden any object or make it sharper by simply touching it. He can harden anything by 2 times. He also has a limitation on the volume he can harden which is 20 liter or else it would weaken drastically his hardening ( it would become nul ).
-if he uses stregthening about half his max he can only uses about half the max for hardening and if he uses strenghening to his max, he cannot uses hardening at all and conversly.
-he needs 2posts to be able to change his stats
-he can change his stats once every 10 posts.

Power Explanation:
he can produce subatomic particle and control them at will to bend the law of nature to his will. however he can produce only a very few of them and can only perform body and object enhencening.
As time passes, more will be produced and he will be able to use it with new skill and gain major boosts for his former powers.
This is principaly due to the fact that he needs to use some computing devices however before coming to this world, his was destroyed, preventing him from sustaining a fatal injury (cf end of part 2 in his bio) because those are implanted in the chest and are biocompaptible (of course).however those devices are technologies that uses the same subatomic particule to process information which can make it a sentient being due to the amount of information processed and so another self of the protagonist, which he definetly lost because of the technology in this world isn't as advanced as his.
His eyes and earing are also mechanical however, due to the fact he needs some computer to use them, he ended up with a bad eyesight however he still has good hearing even though he cannot echolocate anything as he used to and just have a little above average hearing

anything is fine as long as it's practical


boxing club
engineering club

180 cm tall and 90 kg in wheight but does not look muscular because of a very thin frame while being very wellbuid.

he's bright and chearful and likes to discover new things as he venture through the world and he's a fight maniac and will never turn down a proposital to fight with someone else as long as it does not endanger his life.
However no matter how difficult the harship, he will always tries to find a solution, even if it costs him his life.


RecouerrJun 23, 2016 10:25 PM
Apr 25, 2016 2:02 AM

Feb 2015
Name: Lilith Whirlblade

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Power: Fire Genesis

Power Explanation:
Passive: Everything around her is a little bit hotter, but in a calming way.
Active: She can control that heat her can be heated up to the point where it can burst into flames (10-15 m radius). She can enchance her weapon with the heat she can create. However, this power is really inconsistent and needs further developing because it is mostly ran on emotions. (For example if the she is angry or something, BUT that happens rarely because of the character's personality, explained further down.)
She can control this heating by her will but doing that will tire her a lot, may cause bleeding and if she overexerts herself she collapses. (So, directly flaming anyone is impossible) When she uses that skill on her weapon, she is usually really composed when holding a weapon thus controlling the power a lot better, and can do some tircks which are as it follows :

Overheat (Rank F) : She can heat up the waeapon she is currently holding, enchancing her agility with it and/or damage with x1.??(Would be nice if someone balanced that for me, I don't know how to take care of that) (Lasts for 3 posts, cooldown 6 posts)

Collapse (Rank E) : When she feels like she is in a huge danger, everything around her starts overheating, which can cause a fire in a radius of 5 metres around her (Let's say, she needs like 3 posts of constant danger untill the ability triggers(Take this as a some type of cast time), can be used(well, not really used, but you get it xD) only once per fight)

Inferno Slash (Rank D) : She can heat up the tip of her weapon to the point where it is really heated, almost fire, and does a fast slash with it. The slash causes x1.?? damage, and a small burn which does damage overtime 0.??x the damage of the swing (Lasts the duration the slash is done, can be interrupted. Cooldown 4 posts. The burn lasts for 1 enemy post)

Fire Momentum (Rank C) : She heats up her own body temperature, making everyone who touch her take damage and enchances her overall speed, strength and agility 2 times.

(Do I need more skills? I doubt I'll even get higher rank that that xD , but tell me if it's needed)

Weapon: Katana

Rank: F

Club: Literature Club

Pic: could not get the img to work for some reason

Personality: Tries to be calm, but she is caring and compassionate. Despite that, she won't hold back teasing people she's close to. While she gets along with most people, she isn't the best at socializing and doesn't like people who are overly cruel on inconsiderate. If she gets to that point, she's never afraid to give a beating to those who deserve it. She cares about people close to her a lot, but tries to not show it. On first sight she usually seems like a cold person, she heats up once you get closer to her(see what I did there? :P), you need to be close to her in order to understand her real personality. Besides that, she has a massive love of music, playing the guitar in her free time. Deep inside her curiousness and impulsiveness are still living up to this day, even though she is trying her best to be calm. She likes to talk with people for a lot of different topics, and is also a huge fan of books, reading them in her free time and carrying one almost always.

Bio: She used to live in a pretty normal family, had loving parents, a little brother, and overall had everything she needed to live a happy life untill one day, some murderer bursted in the house in the middle of the night and attacked her familily. She was up late again reading books, so she heard something wierd and got over to check. When she saw that there is someone in the house, the last thing she remembers, was the smell of fire around her. She woke up in a hospital, in a strange reserch lab where there were a lot more kids than her. She understood that these kids, just like her, had a superpower. She learned to be calm so an accident like that never happens again, but she never heard anything for her family ever again, despite the fact that she asked again and again. She lived in this place in despair for a long time, when suddenly, some breakthrough happened and the kids escaped. She escaped on her own, and lived alone however she could, when one day, she found this school.

P.S : I submitted my character a lot faster than I should've, so I'm pretty sure I have a lot of things to correct, but hey, atleast I did submit it xD . I have no idea how to balance this up, but I really don't wanna change the power, so I hope we can work around it :)
hlandenApr 25, 2016 10:13 AM
Apr 25, 2016 5:58 AM

Aug 2014
Okay approved, can't really put the approved image though :( I'll do it later
Here you go.
-Yamato-Apr 25, 2016 4:27 PM
Apr 25, 2016 12:18 PM

Mar 2014
I feel terrible about my absence x.x


RP characters: Freya
Apr 25, 2016 3:59 PM
Nov 2015
rName: Yusuke Tetsuya

Age: 15

Gender: Male

x1.25 the normal speed of people and instead of minutes since it's hard to keep track of time in an rp can we change it to a use of 4 post and cool down of 8?
Report - Quote

Power: Lightning. I can use lighting for a x1.25 speed boost or as a far/close range attack. But I have a limit to how much I can use. Also my character has a mode that lasts 4 posts and after those 4 posts I am totally unable to move because I used to much energy.

Weapon: Sword that can appear and disappear through lightning.

Rank: F

Club: I don't know yet :p


Personality: Quiet, caring,willing to do anything for a friend.

Bio: He was born into a rough childhood, but always tried to find the good out of it, but all the abuse and torture was devastating. Eventually he was thrown out for being trash now. That was when he lost all hope. But all his life he had dreamed of having friends. And his dream still lasts today. With the new friends he will make at this school, the more hope he will have for the future and to bury the scars of his childhood.
WhiteEyepatchApr 25, 2016 4:23 PM
Apr 25, 2016 4:26 PM

Apr 2013
Apr 25, 2016 7:26 PM

Aug 2014
Okay that's only if he focuses all his strength to one part and doesn't use hardening.
Apr 26, 2016 6:34 AM

Apr 2016
Name: Masae Yūki

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Power: Photokinesis

Power Explanation: Photokinesis allows Masae to bend visible light, however this takes quite a bit of energy to keep up. The 2 most common powers she uses are Invisibility and Self-Projection (This is me subtly mentioning that she will eventually use Photokinesis for other things as well) . She can make herself nearly invisible by bending visible light away from her, however, moving will make her much more visible. She can also project an image of herself around 5 feet away from her, making herself less visible as well. She can use these powers on others, however this will take even more energy than normal. She can keep herself invisible for 7 posts, then the invisibility will start to fade off for 3 posts, making her only slightly invisible. Using this power on others lasts for 4 posts, and fades off for 2 posts. Self-Projection has the same time limit as Invisibility, except when it fades off, the projection is more see-through than normal. Using Self-Projection on others (I guess it's not "self" projection anymore) lasts from 3-6 posts (Depending on distance from Masae), and fading off takes 2 posts.

Weapon: She has a butterfly knife attached to the side of her leg, with a strap

Rank: Super Mega Ultra Triple S Rank

Club: Photography Club, bending light makes for nice images


Personality: Masae is a quiet girl, preferring not to talk to strangers. She usually watches people from a distance, silently judging them based on their actions. When somebody does talk to her however, her voice is soft, however her voice can get stern when you strike a chord with her.

Bio: Masae lived in a normal home, like most girls. When she was a child, she didn't know she had powers, so sometimes the powers acted up without her control. Sometimes, her powers would make her invisible, without her even noticing, so she would be playing in her room, but when her parents went to check on her, she was nowhere to be seen. Many things like this happened until she grew up, learned of her powers, and got them under control. When she became 14, she went to Mirai High, hoping for more opportunities to train her powers.
ImmortalZyptherJun 7, 2016 3:10 PM
Oppression. Rule by fear. Dictatorships. It's a strange thing. Throughout history, for some reason, the lives of such rulers have always ended in the same way: Assassination by someone who isn't even part of a combat unit.
------------------------ RP LAYOUT: ------------------------
* Name of the character you're roleplaying with -- [Example] -- [b]Kanitsuki Nihontou[/b]
* Dialogue -- [Example] -- [b]"Hello. Nice to meet you"[/b]
* Thoughts -- [Example] -- [i]"What am I going to do?"[/i]
* Actions -- [Example] -- She went to the place
* (Out of character) -- [Example] -- (I enjoy anime)
Apr 26, 2016 8:58 AM

Mar 2014
RP characters: Freya
Apr 26, 2016 1:13 PM
Apr 2016
Please let me know if this does not work so I can go back to the drawing board =P
Names: Hitomi / Sato Kamagawa
Age: 14 / 18
Gender: Female / Male
Power: Necromancy / Zombie
Power Explanation:

Sibling Loyalty - there abilities are affected by the other one


Bone Mender reworking in prog


Zombie power Sato can always sense Hitomi, when ever she feels threatened his speed and strength are increase x1.4 (7 post cooldown)

Weapon: none
Rank: F/F
Club: Sato is in a sports club / while hitomi is content with watching her brother practice, is normally reading during this time

Hitomi is super shy and likes to be isolated from everyone else. She has a huge Brother complex and gets jealous when other girls talk to him. Aside from knowing she can bring others back from the dead she has no interest in exploring her powers on purpose

Sato is super outgoing and loves to help whenever he can. His goal in high school is to find a girlfriend, but he knows his sisters interest in him also tries to help her find new friends
Bio:One day coming home from school Hitomi noticed her friend Akane's dog collapsed on the ground with burn marks all over its body, after bringing it home with her she recruited her brother in taking care of the dog while they tried to get ahold of akane. shortly after contacting akane who would be coming to retreive the dog, it passed away. Crying over the lifeless body Hitomi spat out "come back to us please", with in seconds the dog jumped from her lap as if it had never been injured and would follow Hitomi around no matter where she went. Later that day Akane arrived to pick up her dog, Sato lead her to the backyard where Hitomi was currently playing with it. As soon as the dog saw akane it started to growl at her and attacked, with a smerk on her face Akane, launched a fire bolt from her hand and set the dog ablaze. Hitomi dropping to her knees from what she had seen, Akane looking at Hitomi now yells out "so you must have a power just like me." with both of her hands shot a giant fireball at Hitomi, Sato watching the whole chain of events frozen in fear of what he just say rushes to jump in front of the fireball to save his little sister and was burned alive to
save Hitomi. Akane laughing at a sobbing Hitomi says, "do not worry you will be with him again soon". As Akane readies another pyro ball, Hitomi rushes to Sato's body sobbering whispers "brother save me please" and closes her eyes.
Before Hitomi could reliese what had happened, Sato was carrying her away from a huge fire that Akane had started, and the rest if now history..
AzulinderApr 26, 2016 1:44 PM
Apr 26, 2016 1:22 PM

Mar 2014
You have too many powers for 2 characters. They each get 1, max.
Having more than 1 application of a power is fine, but there's virtually no theme connecting the ones you have listed.

Instead of doubling Sato's strength and speed could you lower it to 1.4x?
Feel free to decrease the cooldown accordingly.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 26, 2016 1:35 PM
Apr 2016
RedPtolemy said:
You have too many powers for 2 characters. They each get 1, max.
Having more than 1 application of a power is fine, but there's virtually no theme connecting the ones you have listed.

Instead of doubling Sato's strength and speed could you lower it to 1.4x?
Feel free to decrease the cooldown accordingly.
let me go change them a bit the whole idea is she is a necromancy and he is her zombie, the ones that do not cool downs are just passives any pointers for fixing this?

tried to make them the way I would make a DnD character =P
Apr 26, 2016 1:40 PM

Mar 2014
There's not really a distinction between active and passive abilities in this RP. Each character gets one power whether it's passive or not.
If you're determined to have passive aspects in her power, make sure they relate to her necromancy, and that they are not purely beneficial.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 26, 2016 10:54 PM
Apr 2016
Name: Rinz Takamura
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Power: Ice Demon
Power Explanation: Can make/control ice can freeze anything within a few meters.
Weapon: Ice Daggers (made using ice powers)
Rank: F
Club: Literature Club

Personality: She is extremely moody, can be really cheerful or very aloof at times. Her personality is incredibly unpredictable.
Bio: Rinz never knew her real parents. She was abandoned in the snow at age of 3, coated in very warm clothes where she stared into the night sky where her foster parents saw her.She lived the next few years happily. Unfortunately, at the time she was about 9 both her foster parents were killed by a terrorist holding them hostage. Even though every single one of those terrorists were killed, it didn't change the fact that her parents were dead. Upon hearing this, she fell into despair. She went into the frozen forest, the place her foster parents found her. At the time she was 13 she decided to forget about it and stay with her aunt like she was supposed to. Her aunt is just worried about two things: her constant mood swings and her ability to freeze things.
Apr 28, 2016 10:44 PM

Jul 2015
Name:Sil Kamei
Power:White Winged Angel
Power Explanation:Using her wings, she can fly and use them as a defensive shield. Flying will tire Sil out very quickly and her wings will only be able to be used as defense on the ground. Using her wings as defense will also tire Sil out. If Sil is exhausted, her wings will immediately retract from her body and it won't be usable until she either rests, sleep or eat a meal. She can grow her wings out and retract it whenever he wants to. (She will be able to fly for 5 posts and she will be able to use her wings defensively for 3 posts)
Weapon:A double-sided polearm
Club:Basketball Club

Personality:She is very cheerful and friendly, even when things seem to be down. She is also strategic in many ways, but often messes them up due to her clumsiness. She may look like an angel, but she doesn't act like one at all. She is more extreme rather than elegant.
Bio:She was born with a human father and an angel mother. Until her parents died due to a great war, she was forced to live on the surface. She lived a terrible life until a woman took her in to be taken care of. She wasn't a healthy girl before, but now she was a very athletic, healthy girl waiting to go into Mirai High.
Avnore_AlterApr 29, 2016 5:27 PM

Apr 29, 2016 4:38 PM
Jul 2018
Name: James Holloway

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Power: Fist Of Iron

Power Explanation: He can focus the power of his energy to his fist that make them stronger then the average man but seance he still young he cant keep this power for along time he can only hold about for 2 post.

Rank: F

Club: The Martial Arts Club


Personality: James is anti social except to people he likes, he kind of idiot and can't get good grades. He mostly not talkative when hes not around his friends but when he is become very talkative and like to make jokes whit his friends. But he thinks that keeping his honor is most impotent thing in to him and he will die keeping it

removed-userApr 29, 2016 5:57 PM
Apr 29, 2016 5:37 PM

Mar 2014
Could you put how many posts it lasts for, instead of minutes?

That's perfect ^~^

How many characters do you currently have?

EDIT: James Holloway is APPROVED (as apology from Sparky for accidentally deleting the approval when cleaning up ^^;)
LightSpark090Apr 30, 2016 1:14 AM
RP characters: Freya
Apr 29, 2016 6:20 PM

Mar 2014

Dorm 20
RP characters: Freya
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