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Jul 13, 2014 11:33 PM

Nov 2010
So the CA arc has been over for a few weeks and I decided to finally catch up and finish the GI arc. Since I'm even now in both anime and manga, I'd like to ask exclusively to people that watched/read both versions of the CA arc: which one is the better version for a first timer? How did they handle the overall feel and atmosphere of the arc in the anime and did they do a good job of adapting the most important moments?
And since I plan on reading the volume releases, I suppose I shouldn't worry about shitty art if I decide to read the manga first... Right?

I'm asking this because I've read some comments about the anime adding a bit of unnecessary filler and changing some things which got me worried. Also something about the pacing being uneven or whatever.
I think they did a fantastic job with the latter parts of Greed Island, and the Yorknew arc was pretty well done also, but I also think they sometimes make some weird decisions regarding direction and music, so how did they handle that? Is it more on par with their best efforts? Were they consistent?

Try not to spoil anything please, I already spoiled myself enough with not being careful and such. Damn, when will I ever learn not to read youtube comments. First Persona 4, then GoT, now HxH, goddamnit. Please ignore these last 2 sentences.
LeffairJul 13, 2014 11:36 PM
Jul 13, 2014 11:43 PM

Jul 2013
Haven't read the majority of the CA arc in the manga so i might be abit off

the atmosphere was amazing
animation/OST's was amazing as usual
the main complaint is Gon and Kite's relationship but if you have read the first few pages of Vol 1 you will be fine

people complain about pacing but you wont have a problem with it marathoning

you'll have no problem with the important moments they dedicated whole episodes to them
StefanHereJul 13, 2014 11:47 PM
Jul 14, 2014 12:09 AM

Jun 2009
Either way is fine, really. I think both versions have their strengths at certain points, such as certain character introductions were more...impactful in the manga and the very very start in the manga is done a bit better due to a certain character having to be introduced in the anime while he was already present at the start of the manga. Really, though, I guess I'd give the nod to the anime. Madhouse did a freaking fantastic job all around, often times even improving on the source material.

As far as the music, I think there were some odd choices here and there. But, the music is really well done as the arc goes on with some very well done pieces. Also, everything aside from some of the stuff in episode 76 and one other instance that was kind of clumsily handled because the aforementioned character being introduced so late, was an improvement in my eyes. There was even some pretty cool foreshadowing that wasn't in the manga at points. In fact, a lot of those added scenes are a big part of why I'd recommend the anime. Also, the voice work is really good in this arc.

To sum it up, I think Madhouse adapted the arc as well as anyone could and even made it a bit better of an experience. However, if you like the arc well enough, I really do recommend reading it sometime down the line.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 14, 2014 12:14 AM

Feb 2013
Watch the anime first.
Jul 14, 2014 2:14 AM

May 2013
I think overall, the anime is the stronger of the two. It really brings the arc to life in so many ways, but it's the big moments where the anime really transcends and elevates the material from the manga.

Animation is at the show's best, VA's really go above and beyond, and the multitude of new musical pieces really bring the story to life.

Sound direction wise, I think it's actually a bit better than what came before, and certainly does a great job at maintaining the proper tone -- way better than the strange musical choices near the front end of the show.

The only real flaw is the aforementioned character -- who plays an extremely important role in this arc -- being poorly introduced in comparison to the manga. The gravity and impact of this character is significantly diminished, not because of any inherent misstep in characterization but solely because of the nature of his introduction. It's easy to ignore if you've read the manga, because the change doesn't have any other significant ripple effects that alters the anime's narrative by comparison, but it is a shame that it wasn't better executed.
StarmacJul 14, 2014 2:21 AM
Jul 14, 2014 2:32 AM

Aug 2011
Jul 14, 2014 2:42 AM
Apr 2014
Jul 14, 2014 2:49 AM
Jul 2018

The Kite thing while annoying does seem blown out of proportion at times.
some spoilers from the arc

Mod Edit: Added spoiler tags.
VudisJul 14, 2014 8:57 AM
Jul 14, 2014 3:40 AM

Sep 2012
ugh, now that you're that balls deep into the anime you might as well just watch it. I prefer the manga but the anime is still a solid adaptation, with very few questionable song inserts and slight pacing hiccups in a few episodes. Madhouse/the director also chose to rearrange a few events from the the chapters to make it flow better which was nice and seeing the fights animated is always neat to see

You might want to suss out the manga if you can tolerate inconsistent art and are a somewhat quick reader. This is just a personal complaint, but the amount of narration in the second half makes it a drag to watch at times with that old cunt yapping in your ear all the time. It might be easier to digest as a reader
FaZe_FlumeJul 14, 2014 3:57 AM
Jul 14, 2014 3:47 AM
May 2014
I say anime, MadHouse did an amazing job at adapting the CA arc and the changes they did were small. I've seen others in here say that the pacing was a problem but I marathoned the CA arc and it didn't feel like it had any issues with the pacing. The OST is amazing and the variety is great, especially during the BIG episodes. I think they also did a superb job at capturing the feel and the atmosphere of the arc and how Togashi probabky wanted it to be.
The anime industry is dead, the otaku fanbase killed it.
Jul 14, 2014 6:17 AM

Jan 2013
I'd say the anime did amazing job with the arc. I go for Anime.
Jul 14, 2014 6:30 AM

Nov 2010
Thanks for all the responses so far guys. For those wondering, I did read the manga up until GI. In fact, my first contact with HxH was through the first anime adaptation. Since this new one premiered I've picked up the manga and read it in advance to compare it with the new adaptation, so Kite being introduced later is probably not gonna be a big problem to me. Now that I'm about to enter completely new territory I'd like to focus on one version from beginning to end without having the constant thought of "hmm I wonder if I would be better off watching/reading the other version" lurking in my head. I can be a bit paranoid about these things.

Since the people defending the anime have made a pretty convincing point so far, I'm inclined to go with it first. If I like the arc a lot I can always read it at a later time some months/years down the line.

To those saying the manga is the better option, why is that?
Jul 14, 2014 9:07 AM
Jun 2014
I recommend anime. There were some epic moments in the manga that were separated into multiple chapters. In the anime, they did an amazing job with contents of each episode.

There were few filler scences in the very beginning of the arc (Personally, I did not like it.) and some minor information neglected. Besides that, it was a perfect adaption.
Jul 14, 2014 9:17 AM

Dec 2012
Jul 14, 2014 9:24 AM

Feb 2014
Both are brilliant.
Recommend both.
Jul 14, 2014 9:26 AM

Jan 2013
Jul 14, 2014 9:27 AM

Sep 2011
The anime by far in my opinion. The manga had a huge drop in quality (in terms of art) towards the end of the arc. I think Madhouse did an incredibly good job with the adaptation of this arc. Probably one of the best adaptations I have ever seen.
Jul 14, 2014 9:30 AM

Jun 2009
Fullmetal89 said:
The anime by far in my opinion. The manga had a huge drop in quality (in terms of art) towards the end of the arc. I think Madhouse did an incredibly good job with the adaptation of this arc. Probably one of the best adaptations I have ever seen.

The art is not an issue if you read the volume releases, though.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Jul 14, 2014 9:52 AM

Dec 2012
I don't really care how bad the artwork is, as long as I can understand. The arc in the anime was amazing.
Jul 14, 2014 1:39 PM

Mar 2014
The anime was super faithful to the manga so I'm gonna have to pick the better of the two -- the anime has a beautiful OST, solid animation (especially the fight scenes) and great voice actors. It kinda made me regret reading the manga but seeing as there were month gaps between the time I finished the manga and the episodes started airing, it was still a pleasure to watch.

And luckily enough for you, the Chimera Ant arc is finished. So you can marathon the hell out of it and the "pacing issues" that others seem to find won't be so much of a bother.
Jul 14, 2014 6:45 PM

Sep 2011
insan3Spectre said:
Fullmetal89 said:
The anime by far in my opinion. The manga had a huge drop in quality (in terms of art) towards the end of the arc. I think Madhouse did an incredibly good job with the adaptation of this arc. Probably one of the best adaptations I have ever seen.

The art is not an issue if you read the volume releases, though.

Yeah the Volume releases fix the majority of the issues I have with the manga but I read it as it's released. I normally don't buy the volumes. So considering I only read it in it's original form I found the anime more enjoyable for certain arcs.

I have to admit though recently Togashi has done a fantastic job with his artwork. It's not lazy like it was towards the end of the Chimera Ant arc. Solid pretty much every week so far.
Jul 14, 2014 7:12 PM

Feb 2012
As a fan of the manga and more of a reader myself, I would recommended reading the manga to experience the story for the first time. There're just these moments where it's better appreciate as sequential frames (Togashi is great at framing). But the anime also made a lot of good choices to 'compact' certain fights and re-arrange the order of events. Also at a certain part of the story there'll be a lot of usage of narration as storytelling device. But many people found the narration in the anime format more tedious because when you read them yourself you can control the pace and speed.

Make sure you read the manga volumes released by Viz, not the illegal scanlation where they used the Weekly serialization art, which the author notoriously turn in scribbles draft and only re-do them in the published volumes.

I think it really depends on if you're a reading type (more interactive, in control at your own pace) or the passive animation/movie/tv viewing type.
Jul 14, 2014 7:47 PM

Nov 2010
Ok, so I watched the first episode (76) and compared it to the first few chapters of CA in the manga and wow, they *really* butchered Kite's introduction huh? I thought it was gonna be like "oh so they will play the flashback now and then Kite and Gon will immediately recognize each other, no big deal" but no. The guy is not even one of Gon's main motivations to become a Hunter in this new adaptation anymore, he was demoted to an arc character. It's things like these that really make me question just why did they think it was a good idea to skip this part in the first place. Of all the things they could have skipped in the first few arcs they picked exactly the one iimportant thing that was gonna be prominent in the never before adapted arc. Yikes, Madhouse.

Oh well, I'll just pretend it happened exactly like the manga and they just stopped to tell firecamp stories or something. I'll trust you guys in this one and let this pass for now.

kcaco said:
As a fan of the manga and more of a reader myself, I would recommended reading the manga to experience the story for the first time. There're just these moments where it's better appreciate as sequential frames (Togashi is great at framing). But the anime also made a lot of good choices to 'compact' certain fights and re-arrange the order of events. Also at a certain part of the story there'll be a lot of usage of narration as storytelling device. But many people found the narration in the anime format more tedious because when you read them yourself you can control the pace and speed.

Make sure you read the manga volumes released by Viz, not the illegal scanlation where they used the Weekly serialization art, which the author notoriously turn in scribbles draft and only re-do them in the published volumes.

I think it really depends on if you're a reading type (more interactive, in control at your own pace) or the passive animation/movie/tv viewing type.

Thanks for your input.

I can agree with that. It really depends a lot on one's capacity of being engrossed while reading something. In my case I have no problem at all and do enjoy the "experience the story at your own pace" that mangas offer. However, I do feel a lot more immersed when there are colors, movement, ambiance noise, and good OST to complement the atmosphere, which is why I usually give priority to the anime if it's considered a very good adaptation of the source material. I guess I value the overall experience above all else. The narration doesn't sound like something that would bother me, but I guess I'll see in due time.

Sometimes when I'm in the mood then books and mangas can become something else entirely, but right now I'm feeling a bit lazy and the anime will probably do a better job of engrossing me. I guess I was already inclined towards it and just needed a bit of positive reinforcement and confirmation of the quality of the arc in animated form, so for now the anime has my priority. I will, however, read the manga somewhere down the line.
Jul 14, 2014 8:37 PM

Mar 2014
Leffair said:
Ok, so I watched the first episode (76) and compared it to the first few chapters of CA in the manga and wow, they *really* butchered Kite's introduction huh? I thought it was gonna be like "oh so they will play the flashback now and then Kite and Gon will immediately recognize each other, no big deal" but no. The guy is not even one of Gon's main motivations to become a Hunter in this new adaptation anymore, he was demoted to an arc character. It's things like these that really make me question just why did they think it was a good idea to skip this part in the first place. Of all the things they could have skipped in the first few arcs they picked exactly the one iimportant thing that was gonna be prominent in the never before adapted arc. Yikes, Madhouse.

Oh well, I'll just pretend it happened exactly like the manga and they just stopped to tell firecamp stories or something. I'll trust you guys in this one and let this pass for now.

That's literally the one thing they screwed up at. If you weren't able to read my post in the page, I'll say it again -- Mad House did a damn fine job at adapting the Chimera Ant arc. And it'd be a shame if you dropped it because of that one fault. And in my opinion, it wasn't that big of a screw up. Yes, Episode 1 would have been a lot better had they kept it that way but at the same time, they probably just weren't sure if they were going to continue adapting until the CA arc. If they had stopped, it would have left us with many questions such as "why the hell haven't we met Kite". With that in mind, I think they made a good choice. They still got the message across that Kite was important to Gon in the past. The only problem is that 2011 made it look like Gon completely forgot about Kite until he met him, whereas Kite was a significant figure to Gon from the very beginning in the manga. But honestly, if you can live with that, I'm sure you'll love this arc.

For the record, I only started reading the manga after I caught up with the anime (around episode 85... lolol). That means that I never knew that Kite was introduced in Chapter 1. But even then, I never thought Kite was "just an arc character", I always thought he was rather important.

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