Kobato Hanato Fanclub

<div style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://i946.photobucket.com/albums/ad306/FullmetalPHXB/kobatofanclubbannercopy.jpg" border="0" /> Hello~ and Welcome to the 1st Kobato Hanato Fanclub! <3 This club is dedicated to Kobato Hanato from the anime/manga Kobato. If you like Kobato then please join! :3<!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#FF9966"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span><strong>About Kobato</strong><span style="color:#FF9966"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span> <div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.nextSibling.nextSibling.style.display='block';this.style.display='none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.parentNode.style.display='none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br> Kobato is voiced by Hanazawa, Kana. A strange and naive girl with a kind heart, she is very innocent and dedicated. She seeks to fill a mysterious bottle called a "flask" with the suffering in others' hearts so that someday she will be able to go to a certain place. Her only restriction appears to be that she cannot fall in love with a particular boy she will work for and whose heart she will heal. Kobato has a very cheerful and enthusiastic outlook in life and her wanting to aid others in need is very heartfelt and sincere. However, she can also be clumsy, rather stupid and rash with her actions and often trips, much to Ioryogi's annoyance. It is important that she does not remove her hat from her head, although the reason for this has yet to be explained. <!--spoiler--></span></div><!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><strong>Club is still Under Construction! </strong><!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#FF99CC"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span><strong>NEWS</strong><span style="color:#FF99CC"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span> Member Card Thread is now OPEN! Please keep the numbers in order and follow the format~ Click <!--link--><a href="http://myanimelist.net/forum/?topicid=127366">here</a> to request one~<!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#9966CC"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span><strong>How many Candys does Kobato has now? </strong><span style="color:#9966CC"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span><!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#99CCFF"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span><strong>Club Banners/Userbars/etc</strong><span style="color:#99CCFF"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span> <img src="http://i48.tinypic.com/90q87q.jpg" border="0" /> by <!--link--><a href="http://myanimelist.net/profile/ShiroYuki1">ShiroYuki1</a> <!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#CCFF00"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span><strong>Club GOALS</strong><span style="color:#CCFF00"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span> <div class="spoiler"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.nextSibling.nextSibling.style.display='block';this.style.display='none';" value="Show spoiler"> <span class="spoiler_content" style="display:none"><input type="button" class="button" onClick="this.parentNode.style.display='none';this.parentNode.parentNode.childNodes[0].style.display='block';" value="Hide spoiler"><br><span style="color:#669999"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 10 Members<!--strike--></span> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 20 Members<!--strike--></span> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 30 Members<!--strike--></span> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 40 Members<!--strike--></span> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 50 Members<!--strike--></span> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 60 Members<!--strike--></span> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 70 Members<!--strike--></span> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 80 Members<!--strike--></span> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 90 Members<!--strike--></span> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Get 100 Members<!--strike--></span> Get a Club Layout about Kobato and other things <!--color--></span><!--spoiler--></span></div><!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><span style="color:#CC6600"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span><strong>Who's here?~</strong><span style="color:#CC6600"><strong>♥</strong><!--color--></span><!--center--></div> <div style="text-align: center;"><img src="http://whos.amung.us/cwidget/stju5bhdti5p/8cc63f000000.png" border="0" /><!--center--></div>

Club Members

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Displaying 2 of 2 topics | See All
Club Discussion
Sticky: *** CLOSED****Member Card Request!!! ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )
FullmetalPHX - Oct 29, 2009
303 repliesby MiyatouSeishirou »»
Jun 10, 2012 6:41 AM
Toshiteru - Oct 20, 2009
0 repliesby Toshiteru »»
Oct 20, 2009 2:34 PM

Club Comments
MermaidGalaxies | Aug 7, 2011 11:23 PM
Shes the one of the most Kawaiiest anime/manga girls ever. ♥
love her! ~ >.<

SakuraUsagi | May 21, 2010 6:08 PM
Kobato is the cutest. x3
She is so sweet and clumsy. :D

FullmetalPHX | Apr 12, 2010 10:18 PM
what its over already i havent finished watchingit yet i think im on like 18 i havent had time to catch up with my laptop not playing the videos right cuz it lags ill finishe it soon

nixops | Apr 12, 2010 10:59 AM
Just finished watching Kobato last week and what a ride it was. I have to admit she is awesome, and ditzy at the same time. I just loved the way she would say Haaaaiii and the last 2 episodes really upset me. sigh.. my horse for baumkuchen!

FullmetalPHX | Apr 3, 2010 5:41 PM
thanks took me a while to make!

theminimalist | Apr 3, 2010 5:10 AM
I like the display pic! :D

ikuto | Apr 3, 2010 4:34 AM
hauu~ It seems like it is over now~... :S

ikuto | Feb 17, 2010 9:13 PM
Sure is~ ^^

Club Stats
Members: 339
Pictures: 9
Category: Characters
Created: Oct 14, 2009

Club Staff
Mikitea (President)
FullmetalPHX (Secretary)
HazukiSama (Secretary)
ikuto (Secretary)
SpiralxGreed (Secretary)

Club Type
This is a public club.
Anyone can join and invite others to join. Club details, pictures, comments and club discussions can be viewed by any user, regardless of whether they are a member of the club or not.

Club Secretary can change the Club Type at any time. For more information on Club Types, click here.

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