Iori "Kashira" Suiseki

Iori Suiseki

Paradox Live the Animation
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Member Favorites: 28

Iori Suiseki (翠石 依織)

Age: 28
Height: 175 cm
Blood Type: AB
Birthdate: May 2
Occupation: Owns a cabaret club
Hobby: Karaoke
Weakness: Often leaves out the punch line
Twitter: @AKgokigenYR

The leader of Akanyatsura. Always smiling, he has an affable personality, but his true intentions are hard to read. He has inhabited the underworld for so long that his moral compass is lacking. He cares for his group members as if they were his own family, and is determined to make a place for them all.

"Blood doesn’t make you family. It’s the time spent together."

(Source: Official Site)

Voice Actors
Kondou, Takayuki