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May 8th, 2024
Anime Relations: One Piece
I wasn't really feeling like immediately typing out my feelings after finishing this saga, but right now I'm in the middle of another arc in OP and i don't want to stack logs and then eventually abandon them, so here we go. This might literally be the best arc yet story-wise. A lot of things happened at similar times and I'm really excited to see how they're all going to accumulate.

Watch Point: S 12 EP 24 (EP 349)

As you can see, I'm actually already a bit far away from where the Water 7 saga ended, it was because after the arc ended, i was full on riding on the One Piece high that i just straight up continued watching without taking a break, could you blame me? It was a very exciting and hype ending to a very long for-the-most-part good saga that I didn't really feel burnt out and instead wanted to see more, more of the strawhats, more of the vibrant and fantastical world of One Piece, but I'm here to rewind, so I will do that.

First of all, I'm going to ignore the existence of the whole Davy Back Fight bullshit. It was bad, I did not have a fun time, these weird story tropes of main characters facing an obviously rigged competition but still trying to play fairly always piss me off, period.

Then, first off, the first arc of the saga: Water 7 arc. This arc is mainly introduction and exploration. The first arc that introduced large-scale strawhat crew infighting and leaving. Water 7 as a location is probably one of my favorite towns in the OP universe. It's obviously Venice-inspired for most of its city structure, mainly the canals, but as a city, Water 7 is really pretty and nice, and also, it's ruled by a government leader that with blue-collar worker origins, what a breath of fresh air from the usual cities having a very controlling military or government. I guess we needed a balancer for the introduction of the very frustrating World Government lmao, and of course the introduction of CP9.

This arc has two main storylines involving the crew; Luffy and Usopp fighting that led to Usopp leaving the crew, and Robin disappearing after getting a cryptic message from a masked dude while exploring the area. I just want to say, while i completely empathized with Usopp and his unwillingness to let go of Merry, it was a selfish choice from a man that has been having a terrible blow to his self-worth, and is now in denial, and that it's in moments like these i appreciate Zoro's "apathy" and level-headedness, truly the Captain's second. Their duel was depressing to watch and watching them separate after that left me feeling pretty miserable. It was the crew's first big rift, though it was just Usopp vs. the crew, i wonder if one day we'll have an Avengers: Civil War style infighting where there's two sides with their own agendas, that would be interesting but i kind of don't want to see that ever happening. The charm of the crew is their strong bond and loyalty to Luffy as their captain so call me weak but I'm not really a fan of these infighting conflicts.

Robin disappearing as well as the further introduction of Iceberg and his fixation towards Robin being the key to world destruction. I just want to say right now, they did a pretty great job in making me also suspicious of Iceberg. I suspected all of the Galley-la company important people were either evil or have their own agenda, but I didn't expect half of them to actually turn out to be evil /except/ Iceberg, and his connection to Franky, or Cutty Flam. It was a very exciting turn of events and really made me go on a binge just because i needed to know how it ended.

It's pretty great, I already know that Robin probably had some very valid reason to leave the crew by looking at her flashbacks when the crew met Aokiji for the first time, but knowing that part of the deal was to let the strawhats go and leave without harm is so- eugh- i felt my heart sliced to pieces.

The whole Water 7 arc is pretty dynamic honestly, really explored the city and not much of a dull moment as the crew are almost always moving to /do/ something. After letting Usopp go they immediately search for Robin, but in the middle of that they then became fugitives wanted for the attempted murder of the mayor, and then it went from searching for Robin to ambushing the Galley-la company for some answers, except for our Ladies Man Sanji-kun who was locked in on his mission to find/save Robin. It kind of dragged a little in this point but i could understand why since they're setting up for the next arc, but it's kind of unfortunate that once again it's following the "Luffy gets separated from everyone, fights one guy, is out of commission until the next big fight" formula, but it's okay, all is forgiven because that scene with Nami jumping from rooftop to rooftop in desperation to get to Luffy to scream at his face that Robin is giving up her life for the crew was gold, what would they do without Nami fr fr.

Enter Enies Lobby arc, train portion. I think the joint attacks of Sogeking, Franky, and Sanji were one of my favorite fights in this arc, it's so fun and Sanji was real cool :)

The train portion was a fine transition between two locations, made the travel pretty exciting, and also scary for all the characters involved who are underprepared in fighting the rest of the CP9 members. Usopp's desperate encouraging words trying to convince Robin to come back sounded like he's trying to convince himself instead, pretty emotional stuff. Franky also quickly rose to become one of my favorite characters not going to lie, by the end of this saga he's literally in my top 5 favorite characters, which i did NOT expect, since i usually like the visually convenient-looking characters, so this was exciting for me, it's a first!

Getting it out of the way, i'm just going to complain right now about my two main annoyances of the Enies Lobby arc. First, i don't know what the fuck they were thinking of throwing all these fucking fillers and recap episodes in the MIDDLE of a very serious showdown after Luffy just fucking declared a war on the World Fucking Government. As you can probably tell i remember nothing about those fillers and i pretty much sped up and skip over all of the recap scenes because i was so annoyed. BUT! The filler i appreciated kind of was the Edo period AU filler, i would've LOVED a back-to-back 5 or even 10 episode filler set in that AU, if the shitty Davy Back Fight could have a dozen episodes dedicated to it then so can this one. But no, they fumbled and instead dropped this in the middle of possibly the most intense and high-stakes One Piece has ever been at that point, and to that i stressfully raise my shoulders and ask, /WHY?/

Second, very quick because i could go on but bitchass Spanda motherfucker needs to die, fuckass useless fucking dude, nepo baby weakling coward motherfucker who's only brave enough to be violent when the other literally couldn't fight back. I was very satisfied seeing what happened to him and i genuinely hope there's zero fucking redemption for him, i hope he dies, he needs to pay for what he did to Robin. Thank you for coming to my TED talk, continuing on.

Ah, Nico Robin-chan, the light of my life. Her origin story ruined me. It was so heartbreaking, and it's pretty obvious before but it really made me appreciate the way Oda presented that in the world of One Piece, there is no good and bad organizations, but good people are good and evil people are truly, my god, eugh. Robin who never trusted anyone because of how they all treated her, how she's trying her best to live as her mother's wishes but because of it she has to constantly be in survival mode. Then, when she finally thought she found her peace they came back for her and threaten her new found family. I think I genuinely cried when she shouted "I want to live!" that's just, raw emotional truth. So good, probably one of my favorite moments yet.

I don't really want to talk about the strawhats vs. CP9 showdowns because for most of it it was pretty meh for me. One improvement was Nami's, i love it, it's a major upgrade compared to her plot armor fight in Alabasta arc. Zoro and Sogeking's goofy fight was fine, loved the Ashura imagery on his nine-sword style, Usopp having his moment, Chopper introducing Monster Point, and Sanji being out of commission early on because of his fuckass chivalry but was redeemed after he introduced Diable Jamble. And of course, star of the upgrade showcases: Luffy's gear second and third!

While i see a lot of people complain on their out-of-nowhere upgrades, in this case i actually like it, OP is clearly a very compact show with a lot of things to show and tell, so a training arc could maybe slow it down a bit and kind of, i guess, dampen the hype of an upgrade being introduced? Also I don't know if it's confirmed or anything but I'd like to think that they've always been able to do their upgrades, they just don't because they don't have enough energy or the skill yet to make it stable, anyway!

I've mentioned how the main storyline involving the crew are Usopp vs. Luffy and Robin disappearing, but there's actually also one more. It's Merry :( The reveal that the ghost Usopp saw fixing the ship during the Skypiea arc was Merry's soul materializing out of the crew's love for it was so :( It was honestly a great set-up for making Merry the Deus Ex Machina during the near end of the arc, it made it make sense and also more emotional. In the world of OP where you eat a fruit and gain devil powers, of course a ship could manifest a sentient soul when the ones aboard treasure it so :( I didn't cry during the funeral scene but man was it sad, a goodbye to an old friend.

It's mostly my opinions but objectively, this is the best arc/saga yet for me, the flaws are the fuckass fillers in the middle of high tension scenes but if we ignore that this was the most packed, engaging, full of rollercoaster moments arc I've experienced. The length between arcs could've been shorter, but that's just classic OP for you. And we actually got a new member not only joining the crew and build them a new and improved ship, but /also/ entered my top 5 favorite OP characters! Welcome aboard Franky!

+ the post-Enies Lobby filler arcs while they prepare for the new arc were pretty good too, my favorite of course is the Sanji-focused episode :) But the Zoro one was pretty fun too. Luffy's grandpa and dad was introduced very out of the blue too that made me go w h a t, and also old friends! I was told Koby would get a glow up and glow up he did. And lastly, they all have bounties now! The way they've somehow turned getting a bounty to a wholesome reunion with the ones the crew left behind to go on their journey, I love it.

If i were to rank it now, it would be:
1. Water 7 Saga (4/5)
2. Sky Island Saga (2.5/5)
= East Blue Saga (3.5/5)
3. Alabasta Saga (mainly Alabasta arc) (2.5/5)

I feel like my ranking isn't that controversial, my One Piece experience pretty much been universal. Once you get the groove of OP's pacing (well for me i kind of cheated by watching it in 1.5x) and get sucked into the world and care deeply for these characters, you'd have a real good time, and endless, bottomless, infinite, and i just have to clarify, a LOT of content, even outside the anime itself. So I'm very excited, multiple friends have told me that the next arc is really sad, even sadder than this one so I'm looking forward to it!
Posted by kejora | May 8, 12:59 PM | 1 comments
April 22nd, 2024
Anime Relations: One Piece
Yet another arc concluded! I really like this arc, to me it's definitely an improvement from the previous big-ish arc that was Alabasta arc, but has its ups and downs too.

Watch Point: S 09 EP 52 (EP 195)

Before i blab, i think i just need to confess something to the void that is the internet, so the truth is: I've been watching OP on 1.5x speed, and honestly i don't really mind it. I get that some people find watching something sped up is "blasphemy" or whatever but OP has 1k+ episodes and i'm literally not even a third done in catching up so respectfully, i don't care. the 1.5x speed helps me stay engaged with the story and makes it easier for me to digest without reaching high enough in my boredom meter and prevent myself from once again dropping the series and picking it up in like three years. And also, it's a good solution to the number one problem with OP in my opinion that is: pacing. I went through 50+ episodes without problems, like isn't that crazy? And my brain can understand what's happening just fine so i'm going to happily continue watching like this. This works for me.

Okay, now to the commentary. My feelings of this arc summarized in one sentence would be "Decent beginning, Oda-sensei popped off with the writing in the the middle and towards the end, but the actual end was kinda uhh."

Starting with things i didn't really like, most of these are nitpicks but i do have one major complaint. It's really regrettable to me that by the end, yet again Oda pulled a writing trope that i didn't really like during Alabasta arc, that is: everyone who we thought is dead was actually alive. To clarify, if it's main characters coming back to life then i understand, because the story is literally just starting so you know they're not really dead anyway, but for characters that would literally cease to exist after the arc is over, like Conis' dad and the Shandians that lost the fight and was implied to be dead only to reveal in the end that "haha actually they're still alive the stakes was actually rock bottom haha" i just don't really like it. Some of those deaths were strong emotional pushes for other characters and their development, revealing that they're still alive, to me, makes their development meaningless. Next thing!

Next nitpick is, i've only seen it twice now, but i am getting a little bit tired of Luffy being separated from the rest of the crew to a location where he doesn't have to fight, while the others are busy doing other things until they eventually meet each other again and go to the big bad so that Luffy could beat them through some out-of-this-world advantage. I hope that doesn't become the formula for the next big arcs. Final nitpick is Enel. I appreciate the choice of doing all this build-up making Enel this cruel and menacing, selfish egotistical bastard with an extreme god complex, only to make his main power beyond inferior against Luffy when they finally get to fight, leaving Enel a pathetic sore loser. I like it fine, i just think that the whole thing with him ended up becoming too long and dragged out.

Finally, positives! I definitely prefer this arc compared to Alabasta. There was actual fruitful effort put into characterization of the supporting characters, making them complex with their own ideologies and beliefs that stick even hundreds of years later when Luffy and the gang eventually enter the scene. It's really good, the story of Noland and Kalgara was strong, it's so heartwarming but then you're brought back to reality that you're here as someone who exist beyond their "bittersweet ending" and know how the story actually ended, it was pretty depressing. I really loved Conis' character development too! Vivi being so helpless and frustrated really gave me PTSD that when Conis said that she's going to go back to the town and warn the people my eyes start twitching in anxiety, but it's like Oda-sensei knew not to torture the people with failed crowd controls again and made Conis be very very damn cool. It's met with the usual suspicion and denial, but i guess it also helps that the people probably already have a little bit of distrust towards Enel in their subconscious, i also love how the White Berets backed her up and that mini exposition about Enel's past before Skypiea made their switch up more heart-wrenching.

I also love the fights in this arc much much better. A lot more creative and fun, funny, and i guess, deserved wins? It's not necessarily my favorite but i love Chopper's growth shown in this arc! From a scared boy that runs to someone for protection to actually beating a priest all by himself! That's my boy!! Sad that after that he's immediately put out of commission though. Zoro yet again gets some cool-looking fights, Usopp showcasing his talents and bravery time and time again, Sanji and his resolve, and of course the Luffy vs. Enel fight that made me go "i knew it was going to go there but i didn't think that it would go there literally lmao" so i guess this is confirmation to me at least that Luffy is rubber? I mean, i've always thought it's just stretchy skin not actual rubber but i guess it makes sense for it to "be" actual rubber when you look at the other people who ate the devil fruit. But those people still have flesh bodies, they can just change their bodies to their designated powers so i assumed Luffy is the same, so it was kind of comical that the story made it seem like just Luffy's sheer existence could counter Enel's lightning.

I really liked that Robin's archaeology skills really shined throughout this arc, and her love for preservation of history being a strong driving force in her life, i'm happy that she looks so fulfilled towards the end of the arc. And then Nami! She's a really strong player for this arc, truly what would they do without her? I really like it, instead of shoving her into a fight and making her win just for the plot, her skills in navigation, survival, and problem-solving, determination, and care for her friends are what makes her strong. I really loved Nami this arc. And of course Luffy, when he said to Nami that he wanted to ring the bell to prove that Noland was a liar i got emotional, that's Luffy for you!

So, to end it off, this arc is a niceeeee~~ still 2.5 out 5 stars for me. It's definitely higher than Alabasta arc for me in terms of enjoyment, more likeable characters and fights, solid story to set the location and it felt very contained. Maybe because it doesn't have influence from any pirate or marine but instead involved something more, grand?

If i were to rank it now, it would be:
1. Sky Island Saga (2.5/5)
= East Blue Saga (3.5/5)
2. Alabasta Saga (mainly Alabasta arc) (2.5/5)

I saw that the next arc after this is a filler arc but people put it in high regard, so i'm interested to see what's next!
Posted by kejora | Apr 22, 3:59 AM | 0 comments
April 16th, 2024
Anime Relations: One Piece
My first ever blog post, very exciting!

I didn't really know what to write for my first blog because I don't really have anything interesting to blab about with the recent animes i've watched, but since i just finished the Alabasta arc in One Piece, why not make a blog post about my feelings for it?

Also, I'm going to do this everytime i make a One Piece blog post:
Watch Point: S 07 EP 39 (EP 130)

Okay, well. To start, i'm going to be transparent and admit that between me dropping the anime because i found things more engaging and picking One Piece again at EP 111, there's like, a one year gap. This series has been a really hard one for me to be committed to despite the promises my friends make of "it gets really good i swear" followed by a quiet "...after 500+ episodes" and " should also read the manga" just so they could trap me into spending half my already short lifespan just trying to catch up. But weirdly enough, every few years, it's like i got enchanted by some siren OP fan to come back~~ come back and watch more episodes~~ and so i always do. This time i managed to actually finish an arc!

Alabasta arc, what a journey. I don't really remember but i think this is OP's first semi-big arc? Well i think helping a princess save her dying desert nation from a civil war set up by an evil third party is at least a little bit of a big arc. It's not a perfect one, that's for sure, because one of the main problems i have with it was the reason i dropped it a year ago. To just blurt it out: the beginning really drags. It had the pacing of a snail, and said snail also likes to stop every few minutes because it made friends with a frog, but then, said frog /goes away/ never to be seen again until like a hundred episodes later. But i guess, complaining about bad pacing in OP at this point is just screaming into a void because deep down i understand why the pacing was that slow. If i wake up one day and find out i'm immortal maybe i would start watching OP the way TV intended it, one episode a week. But i only see myself living until like, 40, before my body starts breaking down from all the boba i consumed.

Second problem i had with the whole arc is a bit of a nitpick, but to be vulnerable: For a group, specifically a princess--who's been planning for awhile i assume--trying to save her nation from an impending civil war set up by colonizer pirates, Vivi was very underprepared. It was already frustrating that it took so long to even get to the main part, when they did, Vivi's actions always felt very, i don't know, naively stupid? Understandable because i assume she's a teenager (?) and she grew up in a peaceful Alabasta so everything was new to her, but stopping a rebellion army from attacking a palace by standing in front of the gates /alone/ in hopes that screaming at them and their leader could stop it? It was kind of embarrassing to watch and the outcome was very predictable, and actually i think i'd be more pissed off if it did work so thank you Oda. Vivi just kind of ended up being swayed along as the plot went and I kind of wished she was given a stronger role than what she got.

Other than that, it was a pretty fun arc with the crew! You really see Luffy's "leadership" and care towards his crewmates shine as it always does, going over and beyond too help a friend just so that they could smile once again without any worries. The individual fights they all had with the Baroque Works members were pretty fun, Luffy vs. Crocodile is in it's own entire league with it's goofiness but also coolness, but my favorite has to be Zoro's this time, he almost always has the cooler-looking fights lol. It's also in this fight he realized that he could go into some sort of "focus mode" and enhance his skills, all the way that he could even cut steel, very cool very cool. The other fights were fine, Sanji vs. weird dude, Usopp and Chopper vs. weird dude and gal, and lastly Nami vs. weird gal. A small rant about Nami's fight: it's the only fight where i feel like the win wasn't that deserved. Now, i love Nami with all my being, but it was obvious that she only won because of her plot armor. She's underprepared with a weapon she has no idea how it works, inferior combat skills, less experienced, and also, she's a normal human. It also didn't help that Nami's opponent were weirdly really lenient, not constantly attacking, always giving Nami her weapon back, even gave comments on Nami's weird misplaced gag comedy with her magic trick weapon, it's just kind of a bitter feeling seeing her win like that, but it was one of the more minor fights and i think the drive and message behind it is more important so we move.

Honestly i'm surprised at how bleak this arc felt at times, Crocodile was truly a menacing guy and the characters we're rooting for were constantly faced with situations where they are helpless and aren't able to do much but watch Crocodile have his way with destroying Alabasta. Even if you know that everything would be alright, you couldn't help but be confused at how, just how is it going to become better?

Overall, very fun, i liked it, and also!! Robin has joined the crew!! I saw what the next season was and i guess it's more or less a prep season? Like, a season of mostly character-driven episodes or fillers. I'm trying to commit to finishing at least 500 episodes of this humongous monster of a franchise, but i also don't like and don't want to skip any episodes, even if they're forgettable mindless fillers. I don't trust some people out there, they call any episode that's not plot-focused filler, it could've been a beautiful character development episode and they'd tell me to skip it. As a fan of character-driven stories, no thanks. if i would give it a rating, i guess Alabasta arc would be 2.5 out of 5 for me. Not anything groundbreaking, and the pacing really got me, but it was still a very emotional and heartfelt story of a princess that loves and wants to save her country and the friends she made helping her unconditionally.
Posted by kejora | Apr 16, 11:28 PM | 0 comments
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