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Apr 12, 2016 8:11 PM

Nov 2009
A longe blonde haired little girl came from behind a desk. She couldn't have been seen from behind the desk. She approaches Quaid A. Dion and takes his application. Some of these quest are quite the interesting ones aren't they. Well you seem to be all set, Step into the transporter and you'll start off where you need to be." She pointed at the transporter. After settling things with this student She looks at the others.
Apr 12, 2016 8:18 PM

Aug 2015
Quaid A. Dion

"thanks for the help" he replied to the girl and did as she said, he got to the transporter and then warped to who knows where.
Apr 13, 2016 7:57 PM

Nov 2009
the long blonde haired little girl proceeded to take Kusari Yumes and Kazuki Hanzoku application. She looked at it before proceeding to talk. "we are expiriencing delays. we have to set somethings up and make a few phone calls to reach the student you will be facing. it will take around 30-40 minutes, you guys are free to do as you wish in the mean time. with their applications at hand, she proceeded to walk to the other students that where around. She then proceeded to take Yuuki Kazekhaya form. "your mission will be ready in 30-40 mins, you are free to do as you wish in the meantime" She then walks to the last student she say. she takes Hikaru Nishimura form "your mission will be ready in 30-40 minutes. you don't have to wait here, you can go and come back"
After having all of their forms, She walks back to her desk.

(we will notify you, when we are able to do new missions. in the meantime feel free to rp in other places)
Apr 13, 2016 8:33 PM
Jul 2018
Rintarou Akiyama

Rintarou walks in with Yui, and starts to fill out the papers. "I hope this all correct." he says as he hands the form over after filling it out.

Form: Shirogane R&D department F
Name: Rintarou Akiyama
Rank: F
Do you meet the requeriments? Yes
Partners: Yui Fang
Apr 13, 2016 8:41 PM

Aug 2015
Yui Fang

"don't worry, i'm sure it's alright"she said as she was filling the form too

Form: Shirogane R&D department F
Name: Yui Fang
Rank: F
Do you meet the requirements? Yes
Partners: Rintarou Akiyama

And then she lends the forms
Apr 13, 2016 8:54 PM

Nov 2009
the blonde haired little girl gets up from her desk and walks up to the new students. she takes theit applications. "your mission will begin in 30-40 minutes" your free to do as you please in the mean time" She walks back to her desk with their forms

(we will notify you via pm, when your mission will begin)
Apr 13, 2016 9:00 PM
Jul 2018
Rintarou Akiyama

"Yui, let's go wait it out back at the dorm, want to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. Okay?" Rentarou walks back to the door, and waits.
Apr 13, 2016 9:08 PM

Aug 2015
Yui Fang

on let's be off then shell followed rintarou
Apr 13, 2016 9:44 PM

Jul 2014
Kusari Yume

After a long time of waiting a blonde lady came over and took their applications. However, she said that their mission will start in 30-40 minutes before she left, making Kusari sigh while folding her arms before she looked at Kazuki.

- We should have expected that, right? she asked him casually
Apr 14, 2016 7:01 AM

Mar 2015
Kazuki Hanzoku

Apparently the efficient capacity of this mission center was quite low as for two students to get a mission (that they would do for free, mind you noticing), they had to stay in a long line, wait for the receptionist to take it and then wait another 40 minutes. Just great. Kazuki sighed in disappointment and turned around to Kusari.
-Damn bureaucrats can't even send us off to do a free mission for them. Well, whatever, we can wait, not like we are in a hurry to class or to do our homework as for some reason we don't have those this school. - he said while folding his arms on his chest.
Apr 14, 2016 7:11 AM

Jul 2014
Kusari Yume

-Hey, I just arrived yesterday here. You should know more about this topic than me, so if you dont know they I cant know either. she said as she raised her hands, then she sighed before taking a look around.

-Well, we've got around 30. What should we do? she asked Kazuki as she put a hand on her hip
Apr 14, 2016 1:41 PM

Nov 2009
She gets transported back to the center with yuri. "well that was a good even though my hands are all messed up from those chickens " She said trying to shrug it off with a faint smile.
Apr 14, 2016 1:44 PM

Mar 2015

Yuri got slightly nauseous after being transported back, but recovered rather quickly.
"Your hands are messed up? Look at this!" he says as he show Mika his bandaged hands. "I think I'll stay away from chickens for a while." he giggles after saying this.
Apr 14, 2016 1:48 PM

Nov 2009
she giggles as he looks at all the bandages than grins "your lucky, you don't come from a farm" she says "I'm going to go to the imfirmary, they can probably use healing magic to heal the scratches. want to come?"
Apr 14, 2016 1:52 PM

Mar 2015

"Yeah. I'd probably have problems aiming with my hands like this. Never thought chickens could be such assholes, not to mention the thing in the cave, thank god we didn't get to see that." Yuri shudders when he thinks of the thing in the cave. "Let's go."
Apr 14, 2016 1:58 PM

Nov 2009
"yeah, thank god we never got to see what that was, even though I'm curious. it was probably a bear or some other big animal" they make there way over to the Imfirmary.
Apr 15, 2016 7:22 AM

Nov 2009
he felt a bit nauseous while being teleported but that feeling soon faded away. "are you feeling ok, saika?" after there mission was complete he leads Saika to the door so they could make there way out and into the school entrance
Apr 15, 2016 7:27 AM

Aug 2014
"Im doing fine Misaki" She said smiling whilst blushing, she had a slight limp but carried on walking with Saika to the entrance, trying to hide it.

(next post there?)

Song i'm feeling right now: <3

Quote of the day:"Throw me to the wolves and i'll return as pack leader"
Apr 15, 2016 8:59 AM

Mar 2015
Kazuki Hanzoku

Kazuki leaned on the wall and sighed, looking at the registry window. He wasn't the most patient guy ever, he liked to have things be done with as soon as thy pop up - whatever they could be. So waiting was some sort of a torture to him - he made a goal, he went to accomplish it and now he hit an inbypassable timewall that he has to wait through.
-30 minutes are not that big amount of time, I don't think that we can go anywhere or do anything worth of noting so fast. Let's just wait it through... - he said with a note of annoyance in his voice
Apr 15, 2016 12:03 PM

Jul 2014
Kusari Yume

Noticing the way Kazuki spoke Kusari lightly narrowed her eyes as she sloghtly smiled, then she silently walked towards him. As soon as she got right in front of him she stopped, then without giving any warning she quickly flicked his forehead with her finger.

- Sass level overloading, engage emergency tactics. she said as she joked, then sbe smiled. We can find something to do around here, right?
Apr 16, 2016 8:31 AM

Mar 2015
Kazuki Hanzoku

Kazuki should've expected Kusari to act that way, but apparently their separation did make him forget some of her usual behavior patterns. Chuckling up a bit, he placed his hands on his hips and looked around to maybe find some weird stupid childish adventure in this small room. Obviously, there was not a single possibility of doing anything resembling fun in this tiny lounge, other than trying to break in the staff-only rooms to get their butts kicked. They could though go to the cafeteria and have a quick breakfast lunch there, since the mission might take a long time and Kazuki haven't eaten anything since waking up.
-Alright, alright Miss Energizer, let's go grab a quick lunch or something, I might get hungry soon.
Apr 16, 2016 9:39 AM

Jul 2013
(Has every mission to date been taken care of or is anyone still waiting for an admin to take them through it?)
Apr 16, 2016 9:39 AM

Jul 2014
Kusari Yume

She giggled softly when Kazuki chuckled, but when he suggested going to ths cafeteria she slightly widened her eyes before she took a second to think. She hasnt eaten in some time, yet she doesnt feel like eating. Odd.

- Well, sure. We can go if you wanna. she said with a casual shrugg. When Kazuki would leave she would follow him out.
LightSpark090Apr 17, 2016 12:02 PM
Apr 17, 2016 10:01 AM

Mar 2015
Kazuki Hanzoku

Kazuki thrust himself off the wall and dusted his butt to make sure he didn't get it dirty - as we all know, dirty butts are not pleasant. Giving a quick glance to Kusari he said:
-Let's get going then, I'll show you the way to cafeteria. - hiding his hands in his pant's pockets, he took the lead and left the mission center
Apr 17, 2016 9:43 PM

Mar 2016
Rinto Higa

-I happen to be really good at giving the beatdown to punks. he said to himself.
All hail the mighty lord of blizzard entertainment. Starcraft, Diablo, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, and Overwatch, all games worthy of my worship.

Rinto Higa is the only RP character I have. His appearance is my forum avatar.

Apr 18, 2016 8:26 PM

Nov 2009
The long blonde haired girl walked up to Quain when he came back "I am sorry that your mission did not go so well." She signal 1 guy which seemed to have super human strengh and that guy carries quaid to the infirmary.
Apr 18, 2016 8:33 PM

Aug 2015
Quaid A. Dion

"don't worry you can't win all times, you will loose some of them, and don't worry about me I just need some sunlight to heal myself, also I have my pixie to help" he said to the girl as she signals the other guy to help me
Apr 18, 2016 8:56 PM

Nov 2009
The blonde haired girl smiled "it is good that you have that type of mentality." She walks over to a window and opens it, letting the sun rays come through the window. "You are free to stand by the window. You are free to go as soon as you are healed" she said while looking at Quoid. She then proceeds to walk back to her desk. She was still observing him from behind her desk.
Apr 19, 2016 5:20 AM

Aug 2015
Quaid A. Dion

"thanks, it won't take long" he stands on the window receiving sunlight and starts healing

Just a few minutes were enough for him to be able to walk normally "thanks for the help, I'll be leaving now, see ya later" he proceds to leave the mision centre and goes directly to the dorm
Apr 19, 2016 11:32 AM

Nov 2009
The long blonde haired girl walks up two Hikaru Nishimura, seeing as he never left the mission center. "Your mission is ready, it is a good thing that you didn't leave." She leads him to the teleporting machine and proceeded to teleport him to his mission site. "good luck" She says right before he leaves. She then soon makes her way back to her desk and sits there quietly.
Apr 19, 2016 11:29 PM

Feb 2016
Yuuki Kazekhaya

A blonde girl came up to Yuuki and took his form. Then she told him that she would inform him when they could do the mission. Until then he was free to go anywhere. Hwoever, since Yukki dind't need to go somewhere, he decided to wait right in the Mission Center.
Apr 20, 2016 4:55 PM

Nov 2009
The long blonde haired girl walks up two Yuuki Kazekhaya, seeing as he never left the mission center just like the previous student that she had approached. "Your mission is ready, it is a good thing that you didn't leave." She leads him to the teleporting machine and proceeded to teleport him to his mission site. "good luck" She says right before he leaves. She then soon makes her way back to her desk and sits there quietly. She couldn't help but feel a bit of deja vu.
Apr 21, 2016 1:09 AM

Mar 2015
Kazuki Hanzoku

After not so long a walk, Kazuki and Kusari arrived back at the Mission Center. The walk down here was a quiet one - neither Kazuki nor Kusari have said a thing, expreiencing a bit of an after-shock because of Mirraine's spookyness. Kazuki did hope that register did do their job in the meanwhile and approached the register's desk and asked quietly:
-Is the mission for Kazuki Hanzoku and Kusari Yume ready yet?
Apr 24, 2016 4:29 AM
Apr 2016

A very determined-looking Garrick walks towards the reception center and reads the instruction. A serious aura has already surrounded Garrick by the time he finished reading. He then took a piece of a form sheet and proceeded to hand it in after filling it up.

With a serious and battle-ready coarse, heavy voice, he spoke: I'd like to go for the courier job, if possible.
Apr 24, 2016 11:04 PM

Jul 2014
Kusari Yume

After returning with Kazuki in total silence at the Mission Center Kazuki asked if the mission was ready, at which he still didnt get a reply till now. Kusari wasnt even in the mood for a mission, but she couldnt ditch out now, it wasn't in her character.

Meanwhile another student came, submitting another mission request at the tail of the neverending que. Sighing, Kusari just went over at a chair and sat down, waiting for her and Kazuki's mission to be finally ready
Apr 27, 2016 10:55 AM

Nov 2009
The long blonde haired girl walks up to Kazuki and Kusari, since they had just arrived back to the mission center. "Your mission is ready, it is a good thing that you guys came back, this very moment." She leads them both to the teleporting machine while looking at their facial expressions. Neither of them seemed to happy that their mission took so long. She could only hope that this did not affect there performance on the mission. "when you are ready, just step up into the teleporting machine and you will be teleported to your mission location." She paused for a while before proceeding to talk. "good luck"
Apr 27, 2016 11:13 AM

Jul 2014
Kusari Yume

Finally the blonde girl had returned, telling Kazuki and Kusari that their mission is ready. Kusari's first reaction could be viewed as funny as she clasped her hands and looked up like saying "Thank you, lord" before she stood up and approached Kazuki.

- Come on, slowpoke, time to see what you've got. she told him before she grabbed his wrist and started pulling him towards the teleporter.

The way Kusari grabbed Kazuki could spawn a lot of theories, it was even easy for Kazuki to grab Kusari's hand if he wanted... but from her grip Kazuki could feel that Kusari was still somewhat shaking
Apr 27, 2016 12:52 PM

Mar 2015
Kazuki Hanzoku

Kazuki could hardly believe his ears - the mission was finally ready! He almost started to think that the mission bureau forgot about them all together, but fortunately it wasn't the case. Letting out a relieved smile, he looked at Kusari who already went for the grab and pulled him towards... a teleporter? Wait, a teleporter? Hold on, this school has teleporters? What in the flying fuck? Alright, let's assume it has such technologies, but why use them to send people on missions? Students can walk, you know?

But what buggered Kazuki the most, was the thought of how that teleporter worked. Does it displace his body in space directly or is at a molecular reassembler? If it's the latter, it would mean that it will kill both him and Kusari and make new versions of them from scratch on the receiving end. But how would it transport the soul to reinstate an AT-field of a newly created body? Kazuki didn't want this version of himself to die, but he didn't have time to react there, Kusari's grip was very sudden (also how and why she did it was pretty weird). All what was left for him to do was to give his life in the hands of a chance and "let's see what happens", as he does all the time. Being forced into the teleporter, he looked at Kusari with a pair of uncertain eyes, thinking that it might be the last living moment of this version of himself. Just before disappearing due to teleportation, he whispered barely audibly:
-Kusari, I truly~ - and there they went before he could finish his sentence.
Kris_RebelApr 27, 2016 12:56 PM
Apr 28, 2016 12:43 PM
Apr 28, 2016 12:56 PM

Nov 2009
The long blonde haired little girl proceeded to take Rinto Higa's application. She looked at it before proceeding to talk. "we are expiriencing delays. it will take around 30-40 minutes because their is a student currently doing that mission. You are free to do as you wish in the mean time. With their applications at hand, she proceeded to walk to the other student that was waiting with a form at hand. She then proceeded to take Garrick Edverin form. "your mission will be ready in 30-40 mins since there is someone also doing that mission, you are free to do as you wish in the meantime" She sighs a bit as this place was more crowded then usual. She takes the two applications and walks back to her desk.
Apr 28, 2016 4:17 PM

Apr 2016
Masae Yūki

After putting away her tripod and camera, Masae walked into the Mission Center for the first time and looked around, noticing a number of people

She read instructions on how to accept a mission and filled out a form "There's a bunch of people here, this might take a while..."

Handing the form back she asked: "Regarding this mission, are the boys allowed to be injured? Or is it just a "no touch" policy on the boys?"
ImmortalZyptherApr 29, 2016 6:50 AM
Oppression. Rule by fear. Dictatorships. It's a strange thing. Throughout history, for some reason, the lives of such rulers have always ended in the same way: Assassination by someone who isn't even part of a combat unit.
------------------------ RP LAYOUT: ------------------------
* Name of the character you're roleplaying with -- [Example] -- [b]Kanitsuki Nihontou[/b]
* Dialogue -- [Example] -- [b]"Hello. Nice to meet you"[/b]
* Thoughts -- [Example] -- [i]"What am I going to do?"[/i]
* Actions -- [Example] -- She went to the place
* (Out of character) -- [Example] -- (I enjoy anime)
Apr 28, 2016 7:21 PM
Apr 2016
"Well, that's a bummer." He walked off as his 'demonic' nature earlier on dissipated and went outside to kill some time.I should probably go training....Nah, not in the mood to train today. 'Sides, shorty there might get angry at me again. He trudged off trying to find anything to do.
May 2, 2016 9:46 PM

Apr 2016
Inconnu Justicia

While waiting for the result of his application, he took a peek of students getting busy for the missions they want to apply.

"This sure is a lot to handle." He then sighs. "If only someone accepts my form..."
[TEMPORARY!]Chika-chan~ You-chan~[TEMPORARY!]

|-Characters- Inconnu Justicia | Shironi Bloodhound |
May 2, 2016 9:57 PM

Nov 2009
(I will get to this tomorrow, I promise)
May 3, 2016 4:53 PM
Apr 2016
Haruko Kozu

Haruko entered the building with eagerness and courage in his heart!, as he entered he wondered what kind of adventure he would embark on today Slaying dragons, Eliminating mobsters, defeat... huh...?

Harukos face lit with confusion as he read the F level quests presented upon him,c...c...chickens??? Haruko sighs and takes a sheet to fill in.

Form: Catch the chickens
Name: Kozu, Haruko
Rank: F
Do you meet the requirements?: Yes
Partners:none but pair me up if other loners if possible :(

May 4, 2016 4:52 PM

Nov 2009
The blonde haired little girl gets up from her desk and walks up to the new students. she First takes Inconnu Justicia application . "your mission will begin in 30-40 minutes your free to do as you please in the mean time"
She then walks over to Haruko Kozu and takes his application "your mission will begin in 30-40 minutes your free to do as you please in the mean time. We will notify you if someone else applies for this mission."
She walks back to her desk with their forms after having taken them and told them the waiting time.
May 4, 2016 5:40 PM
Apr 2016

(how are Missions started? do i need to create a thread for it?)

May 4, 2016 5:42 PM

Nov 2009
(Ill create it and pm you when its ready. Don't worry it wont take long. But you are free to rp with others in the meantime. Maybe even search for a mission partner :)
May 4, 2016 5:43 PM
Apr 2016
@SakuraSweetHeart ahh thankyee sorry for bothering :3

May 7, 2016 5:18 AM
May 2015

Has taken him a while to final making his way to the mission centre not minding Shaya is hugging his right arm as he looks around noticing a notice board. He walks close up to it for a close inspection as he speaks to reading out the quests to Shaya "Chicken capturing? Golden Watch? Hmm.... Sparring with a senpai seems rather good for me to train, Argh even the mission under tat seems fun, Not too sure on courier job or king of the hill.. Perhaps We can take on the robots?" He then starts to fill in a form on the reception table that he grabs hold of and begins to write thanking he is left handed " is Shirogane R&D department good enough?" He asks

Cursedprince91May 8, 2016 1:42 AM

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