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Jun 19, 2013 2:59 AM

Mar 2010
Wait for a BD release?

I see what you did there. They weren't there the last time I've checked your profile.
Idk, Some sort of mind control esper, right? I'm still waiting for my daily dose of Touma's bitch punching, Just hope he does it again.

Okay, let's stop with Mugino, we must forget about her.

Don't mind me, my reading capacity is low.
Jun 19, 2013 9:39 AM

Mar 2010
it seems i have no choice. You got me excited for no reason!!

they were always there, just cross-dressing ehem.
she uses a remote to control. idk how it works exactly. Touma only has that move...and reasoning.

*drops her*

Maki lover Hina?!?!?!
Jun 19, 2013 8:38 PM

Mar 2010

I would understand the other two. But there's no way Ladd makes a good cross dresser.
Weird. Are you reading the novel? Or was it stated in the early episodes of S? I probably missed some important stuffs.

She's the only one I liked out of the rest. She also has a good VA.
Jun 20, 2013 9:35 AM

Mar 2010
Ladd just has a manly shaped face. In anime he could still pull it off haha

it was in the 3mins of air time she got on the show. Mikoto explained it and why she wasnt affected by it. 3MINS OF AIR TIME. She has more art than any other character!!!!!!!!

thats fair, shes #2 on my list ;3
Jun 21, 2013 4:21 AM

Mar 2010
In anime. I wonder where animeverse he would fit in.

3 MINUTES? Okay, I must start re-watching episode 1 right now~!
More art? I thought Uiharu won that award? I mean.. look at her.

I can already guess the 1st.
Jun 21, 2013 9:09 AM

Mar 2010
maybe the armstrong family from fma?

did you see it? did you Hina? lol
Well at least her panties. Everyone fell in love with blondey.

That kotori woman who everyone hates now. Oh fandom is wonderful~
Jun 21, 2013 7:20 PM

Mar 2010
Hey, The Ice Queen still looks feminine for me. And oh, the VA of Major Armstrong died recently.

I-I did. I can't believe I missed something important. My friend was right that my attention span is beginning to drop.
Her panties weren't shown that much. Who's everyone? I thought they're just her slaves, you know.. mind controlled?

I know. Hate? Kotori? I haven't seen someone hating her. Nico is probably the most annoying tho.
Jun 22, 2013 10:27 AM

Mar 2010
The other sister was hella manly looking. and :< for the va.

pff you have an attention span? haha
rl people slaves lol

i seen it! her popularity also sunk to last after the last 2 eps. Nioc nico ni \m/o_o\m/ or something like that
Jun 24, 2013 5:12 AM

Mar 2010
Yeah. All of them are strangely strong too.

Oi, what's so funny! Everybody has one.. or not?
Not real people, her followers?

Oh, I remember. Since Kotori was a big drama queen later in the show, right?
The melodrama wasn't really a need imo. It would've made a better score here if so.
Jun 24, 2013 9:54 AM

Mar 2010
kind of unlike a certain ehem Hei i know *cough cough* >:D

its ok hina, i accept
i find it hard to believe she has real followers though. I could understand being the highest level would make people want to follow her. I dont know enough about her to really make a cool statement that would make me look good ;o

yeah, apparently people dont like that she wanted to make a decision for herself.
sure sure. Idol shows should be happy and jolly(old terminology woo woo)
Jun 25, 2013 2:10 AM

Mar 2010
Sheesh, he's not called the Black Reaper for nothing!

Out of pity, eh?
Uhm.. That's what I meant. Don't worry, I'm also an anime only watcher.

Well, yeah. It was also explained later on but, you can't deny how she acted those last few episodes. Denying her importance in the group was her fault.

Also, CGI dance moves are also a must? yeah?
Jun 25, 2013 10:34 AM

Mar 2010

attention span pity. Its ok though, youll move on to something else soon hehe
you dont buy stuff towards it? Im just too poor to afford anything for anime anyway.

it was something she'd always wanted to do, whether or not she was in the group. Then the prime opportunity came. I dont know who wouldnt jump on their dream over same fad in highschool.

fully animated is the best animation ;o
Jun 26, 2013 3:16 AM

Mar 2010
Something like? We're getting old.
Yeah, aside from the translated novels, I prefer something with outstanding visuals.

I do understand that she always wanted to do it. But what she did after that was her fault.. I mean, she's just waiting for someone to stop her? Really? *Insert generic Korean Drama here*. She doesn't have her own decisions too, she probably looked liked an attention whore on most of the viewers.

Both are animations tho. Whether it be hand drawn or computer graphics.
Jun 26, 2013 9:46 AM

Mar 2010
im forever young tho ;o
visuals are always nice ;3

mmmk point taken. sounds like that.

hand drawn always looked better to me :p
Jun 28, 2013 2:54 AM

Mar 2010
I see, you sound like a beauty product of some sort.

I agree, you can always take account the effort of those things. As for me, I'm OK as long as it's done right.
Jun 28, 2013 9:18 AM
Feb 2010
Heinagiku said:
> Sassy
If you want your MC being perfect/deus ex machina + having his own harem, give it a GO. But, if you're after the romance alone, I suggest you try another one.

Most users are just joining the hate train because they think it is cool. But, it really isn't that bad.

I see I'll probably watch that after Black Lagoon then, cause I hear Black Lagoon is pretty badass so I can't help but watch it. >3

Jun 28, 2013 9:58 AM

Mar 2010
Im not sold in stores ha

computer graphics done right is so rare, its rarer than winning the lottery.

@sassy dont forget about black lagoon ovas, theyre even more badass~
Jun 28, 2013 9:15 PM

Mar 2010
Yes you are.

Oh really?, I'm guessing you don't like Pixar ones?

Yeah, Black Lagoon reeks of badass women.
Jun 29, 2013 8:53 AM

Mar 2010
D: Buy me then Hina lol

well well maybe i havent seen many. Pixar are fine, i meant more of jap stuff.

Best imouto of the season? >:D
Jun 30, 2013 12:01 AM

Mar 2010
Okay. How much?

As for Jap stuffs, there's only a few with fully CGI that I know of. Favourite Pixar movies?

Imouto? What do you mean? Best little sister from all the spring shows?
I don't remember seeing any good imouto for this season.. Other than MISAKA <insert number here> if those count.
Jun 30, 2013 9:52 AM

Mar 2010
idk i didnt even know it was for sale. Youre suppose to be the responsible one to look it up ;o

exactly. Idk, theyre all pretty good but i guess to be safe ill say toy story.

i seen 3,4 imoutos but prolly from shows you didnt watch or dropped. i liked the imouto from date a live :x

i started Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei >;D
Jun 30, 2013 4:10 PM

Mar 2010
It's been so long since I went shopping, I'M LAZY.

Good choice, That and Shrek.

Yeah, I haven't really seen any good imouto. Date a Live? Kotori or the Blue Haired one?

Huh? I'm surprised there are people who still haven't seen it.
Better start Tatami Galaxy too while you're at it.
Jun 30, 2013 11:45 PM

Mar 2010
Im sure im in the super sale section since they couldnt sell me enough to make profit ;_;

Shrek was cool. The sequels got a little crazy ;o

i liked the later eps Kotori. The first eps didnt really show her in a decent light(even if she was generic tsudere ish). The blue one was plain boring.

bah ive been getting my ptw list down forever!
one step at a time Hina~
Jul 2, 2013 7:29 AM

Mar 2010
Yeah, those boxes that can't be bought by ordinary people. The market should ask for a refund.

I know, it got a little out of story, same with the Toy Story sequels, 3 wasn't all that good.

Erm, I haven't seen that episode yet. I'm outdated with shows I'm not happy with.

Ha, continue HxH.. It gets a lot better. My God, you really should pick up Lain and NANA. True Tears a shit (But you'll probably like it.).
Jul 2, 2013 10:46 AM

Mar 2010
Someday theyll sell me properly :<

i havent seen toy story 3 lol i just havent gotten around to it. I guess its ok tho haha

Well yeah duh. The show itself wasnt very good. I just liked her.

i have no choice but to continue HxH. Its the only shounen ive watched that keeps me interested at all. Lain someday! NANA ive heard much hate and much love. idk how ill see it ;o
im gonna watch true tears just bc :x
Jul 3, 2013 5:20 AM

Mar 2010
Sounds like a plan.

Ack, I see. Well, you still should see it whenever you have time.

Of course, That show can't be saved by any character.

It's one of the best shounen evar. The anime adaptation was really solid too.
Lain gets older and older by the minute! Hurry! Popular shows will always have haters.

You should. So we can laugh about it when you're done.
Jul 3, 2013 11:07 AM

Mar 2010
mhmm to all three comments lol

It doesnt feel long drawn out or fillertastic~
but but I cant go too fast!That and i need to find a place to dl it from for lain. We'll see for NANA ;o

hmmm i have a feeling its gonna funny in a not so funny way.
Jul 5, 2013 10:23 PM

Mar 2010
Oh you.

Fillers? I don't think there's any. The old HxH had one tho..
Why not? Lain can be found everywhere, I even have it in 720p.

I wouldn't want to comment about that. But it is indeed funny.
Jul 5, 2013 11:52 PM

Mar 2010
Bisky is a gilf for sure.

i cant find le torrent for lain ;x

I started precure heartcatch. ;3
Jul 6, 2013 12:37 AM

Mar 2010
Ha, Wait till you see her again.

That's weird, the last time I've checked nyaa.. They still have it. (with decent amount of seeders ofc)

While I haven't seen much of those shows.. what precure should I start with?
Jul 6, 2013 9:10 AM

Mar 2010
See her again? You must know something more! Shes even cuter in the new arc.

i found it! dling nowwww

Heartcatch is by far the best one. Prolly just start there. Ive only seen parts of two of them but everyone and i agree heartcatch is the best lol
Jul 8, 2013 6:43 AM

Mar 2010
I was actually referring to the new arc with new training routine with her, seems like you already knew though.

Great! Tell me if you're done with a few episodes.

Heartcatch it is then..

The new monogatari is really good too. Haircuts and stuffs.
Jul 8, 2013 10:36 AM

Mar 2010
well yeah with being up to date in the show. Silly Hina ;o

gonna finish heartcatch then ill start it. It shouldnt be too long before i start it.

I think youll like it. Facial expressions and sillyness for the comedy. It helps when characters are qwerky and not perfect.

i havent watched but seen it everywhere. They seem to show more skin than normal. Everyones throwing cash at it already.
Jul 13, 2013 1:46 AM

Mar 2010
Last time I've checked your list.. you're not even on Chimera arc yet. (Or was it someone else list?)

Alright, and I must watch some Precure shows too. It isn't your typical mahou shoujo right?

Actually, they started doing a lot of ecchi since Nise along with the long witty dialogues, I'm also quite sure it will continue that way, else BD sales won't be a good catch.
Jul 13, 2013 2:44 PM

Mar 2010
i never update long airing series until theyre finished lol Its way into the arc. My list says im behind.

Its your every year generic mahou shoujo. Do heartcatch! most of them are boring i hear but some are good.

(cash) shaft knows how to make it.
Jul 13, 2013 8:38 PM

Mar 2010
Pretty much the current episode then? Good.

I see, it isn't slotted in the kids airing time if it wasn't. Oh, well.. I'm still interested.

Obviously yes. They do a better fanservice than the one who made that swimming anime. Hurr Hurr.. But, wait! Episode 2 of Free was still good as opposed to the shit hype everyone is talking about.
Jul 14, 2013 10:18 AM

Mar 2010
needs moar Bisky ;o

its for little girls and grow men. at least thats who watches it when it airs lol

lol Free isnt as bad as i thought it would be. I have the same reaction as this when watching

Fate's magical girl Ilya is so cute. Its a Fate x CCS like show.
Jul 14, 2013 4:46 PM

Mar 2010
For whatever reasons, I like Neferpitou.

Just like how MLP is, right?

You're right, It's actually more enjoyable than the ones I've dropped. Kou was also a good thing to have.. so we can decrease the sausage fest vibe it gives.

Oh shoot, I forgot to see that one. From what I've seen in the picture, magical girls?
Jul 15, 2013 10:13 AM

Mar 2010
The girl one right? Shes pretty cool.

heh that can be true for a lot of anime.

Kyo-ani using Kou as a helper. So that fujoshi can use her character as a filler for themselves :D

If you thought anything else this season was cute, Ilya is by far the cutest thing this season by a long shot. the best way to explain its magical girl aspect is madoka x CCS x fate style.
Jul 15, 2013 4:54 PM

Mar 2010
Yep, that Neko chimera ant who killed you know who. She's actually a He in the manga tho.

I agree.

Lol. Kou and the teacher (forgot the name) for people expecting seeing females in swimsuit. Something like a fanservice show making a fanservice episode(beach scene or whatever).

Most people didn't like it tho. She looks more loli-ish from what I remembered, Rin still looks the same.. which is odd. Shirou with huge bubbly eyes? Oh please.. That's the cutest thing evar.

It's like the best bundle mold into one for fat otakus.
Jul 16, 2013 10:18 AM

Mar 2010
whoa whoa shes a he. Im confused!

heh i cant wait for the beach episode even if i dont get to see kou ehem cough cough

Its a different universe(samee chars) As for story and plot, who knows how thatll go lol Im sure some Fate fans are butthurt :x

all magical girls show combinations are great ;o
Jul 16, 2013 5:03 PM

Mar 2010
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure He's a she in the anime. That curves and boobs? I'm quite sure.

Beach episode is always the best! I can already figure out the fanservicee they'll be doing!

Of course, It's more like Illya's route, which isn't bad. Fate fans who aren't really VN players are the only ones who would get butthurt. Also, I heard they're doing a new fate with Heaven's Feel (Sakura route ftw).

I might get into Mahou Shoujo and turn down all genre. Baha..
Jul 17, 2013 5:31 AM

Mar 2010
Im ok with it either way. Might be a little too powerful though lol

biceps and triceps! Perhaps those super small underwear looking things for the guys? def lol

ah so you mean along with the magic girl element, theres also the relationship with shiro? Ilya is so lucky in many ways.
Is that gonna be a full series or ova? or or an awesome movie! sounds alright.

i did when i met the nanoha series ehem ;x
Jul 17, 2013 5:27 PM

Mar 2010
Too powerful? Pfft.. wait till you see the King.

I don't know what they're called, But I can already imagine each of one of them wearing it with different colors.

Maybe? Although, Magical girls and romance is also a hard thing to pull-off.
Haven't checked, but if I have to guess, it'll be around 24-26 episodes, there will be more dialogue than usual.

I will have to re-watch it so I can refresh my memory.
Jul 18, 2013 10:15 AM

Mar 2010
pff again, the king is Gon's dad lol

Rei was already showing off last ep haha

eww romance in my mahou shoujo. The only ones i liked was fate x nanoha and CCS lol but if they manage a decent one ill be happy.
Fate has too much money under their belt gez

Watch the movies again ;o
Jul 18, 2013 9:29 PM

Mar 2010
Lol, but in all seriousness.. The King is somewhere near Dragonball Z characters.

Yeah, those (whatever you call them).

Not my thing too, but hey.. Only if it's well done.
Obviously yes, Fate is one of the popular franchises after all.

I will.
Jul 19, 2013 9:43 AM

Mar 2010
im guessing they need the dragonballs to defeat the king ;o

banana hammocks

one boring show later and they rule the world :x

I watched all of serial experiments Lain and it was something lol
also did you get a message from me on mal?
Jul 19, 2013 6:02 PM

Mar 2010
Yes, and a help from the Hokage.

Is that a fact? I'm lazy to check.

F/N was a shit adaptation tho.

Ha, of course it is..
I can't really tell if there's a new message for me, as I stopped checking it for months now.
Jul 19, 2013 9:47 PM

Mar 2010
We need Krillian to actually hit that distructo disk! he never hits anything.

Its one way to call it. theres an official name but lazy.

thats what i was talking about lol I cant imgaine the VN for f/n being amazing but i dont know.

so so I think of it like this. Lain is the 7th protocol and she beat the man who created her. Then rearranged the world how she thought it should be. Tell me if im off.
Jul 20, 2013 6:55 AM

Mar 2010

You actually wear them, do you?

V/N >>>>>>>>>> F/N adaptation. Do it.

That's the gist of it.. And here we have people claiming Lain to be one of those "2deep4u" shows. Say, have you seen Haibane?
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