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Aug 14, 2011 5:54 PM

May 2009
Heh..(just like a lot of Americans eh?).
Speaking of America, it was hilarious. Yesterday was my last day of Marching Band camp and I have a few friends there (including my older brother) who like Hetalia. We were given roughly a 30 minute break before performance time, and what were we doing? Quoting Hetalia of course. It began when I walked up to my group of friends and yelled: "Ahaha! Listen to me and my total hero voice guys! China! (pointing at my brother) I choose you!". And then my friend Greer convinced me to do England's creepy demon-summoning chant, and insisted that my brother be Russia. Best day of band camp, EVER. XD
Aug 16, 2011 1:07 AM

Mar 2010
Amazing! I wish I had friends/siblings (preferably someone my age, not 5 years old) to quote hetalia with. :L Hetalia was our Cosplay group's first cosplay so most of the members have gotten interested in other stuff. Our Austria cosplayer nnow prefers the TF2 cosplay we do while most of our other members want to work on the Homestuck and Left 4 Dead projects.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 16, 2011 10:47 AM

May 2009
Oh gee. :x Actually, I'm amazed I found some people to quote an anime with. Most of the time I've seen animes that they haven't, or would never want to watch..etc etc. That really stinks though, I bet a Hetalia cosplay would be one of the most fun cosplays to do. (really wants to cosplay now :x) Heh..funny thing is now, thanks to that day of band camp and Hetalia, I can't walk into a large group of people (or any group of people) and not quote America loudly. XD

Ooo, I've been doing some productive work as well! I have a few ideas (which I'm borrowing from other rp sites) about different rp threads we could do here once more people become active again. ^^
Aug 16, 2011 2:04 PM

Mar 2010
*intrigued* And what are these ideas?
Yes, cosplaying is fun. It's like acting, which I also enjoy doing. You don't have any anime loving friends that would like to cosplay with you?
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 16, 2011 2:15 PM

May 2009
They're actually from another Hetalia rp site. They, have a few different threads. Of course they have the Gakuen Hetalia, but they have others such as Pirates: Hetalia Style (which is basically Hetalia characters in a pirate setting). Also they have a HetaOni rp thread, I don't know if you've ever seen/played HetaOni though, but it seems pretty intriguing. They also have a fantasy based thread, where the Hetalia characters live in a Medieval/fantasy based world. They have some others too, but those are the most interesting ones that I noticed.

Sadly, not really. I have a couple friends who talk about wanting to cosplay and such, but they aren't interested in cosplaying anything good. I doubt anyone I know would actually cosplay with me, not to mention I don't really have the money to do it myself. :x
Aug 18, 2011 12:03 AM

Mar 2010
Those actually seem like good ideas. I haven't played HetaliaOni but some other members were talking about it not too long ago on this site.
As far as cosplay, most of mine are home made. I have a fail budget too. I don't buy official cosplays because then I'll look just like everybody else who bought the cosplay from that same website. If I make my own it may not be authentic but it'll be me.
.....cheesy statement about cosplay is cheesy!
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 18, 2011 11:40 AM

May 2009
I haven't played it either, but I've watched the playthrough, here: You can watch it if you want. I warn you though, it's a bit lengthy. "^^
Hmmm, that's actually not a bad idea. :o I could possibly do that, but then comes the next problem. I have no idea who I'd cosplay as, x.x.
You know...I like cheese. ;3
Aug 18, 2011 5:05 PM

Mar 2010
Well, I usually choose characters with my personality/ones who look like me. I cosplay Hungary because I love yaoi like she does and I have freakishly long brown hair. Try and find someone who looks/acts like you.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 18, 2011 6:29 PM

May 2009
Randomness is fun. XD Urgh...must resist make...more OCs...*eye twitch*
Hehe...Hungary's naughty...Ohn hohn hohn...(I currently have an obsession with laughing like France ^-^)
You see, that was my original thought. I didn't just want to cosplay anyone, and I don't really like to gender-bend often. It turns out that, in general, I don't really act like any of my favorite female characters, and looks is another story lol. "^^ I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point.

Speaking of randomness, I literally just got back from watching Captain America in theaters, and I was giggling throughout the entire movie, especially when they mentioned the Axis Powers and Allied forces. Now, whenever someones talks about Captain America I'm going to imagine America in Captain America's suit, lmao. XD
Aug 19, 2011 12:40 PM

Mar 2010
Now I will never get that image out of my head.
Speaking of OCs, I was at the play ground of my old elementary school with one of my friends, who also likes hetalia, a couple days ago. There is a painting of the 50 states on the pavement (technically 49 because they didn't paint Alaska) and we were trying not to laugh while hoping on the states and trying to name them. When I jumped on Texas I yelled: "Oh no! I broke his glasses!" And then I came to a realization. Texas used to be owned by Mexico and America won it from them, right? So Mexico would've had to wear glasses and America took those glasses from him or her (depending on the OC) so now he or she has to wear contacts.
That's my head canon for Mexico, not that I'm making an OC of him, there are too many.
And the cosplaying, I would like to do a gender bend one time but I can't fit my hair in a wig, too long. I've only been able to do one male, Deidara.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 19, 2011 12:44 PM

May 2009
Hehe, you're welcome. ;3
Ahaha, that's awesome. ^^ My problem is, I keep stumbling upon information of countries I didn't know about, relating it to other pieces of history, and start mentally mapping out an OC. I'm so hopeless. x.x
Well, you know, Deidara is a very...feminine male ;3. That sounds cool though, judging from that last cosplay pic you sent me I bet you did a good job. :D
Aug 19, 2011 10:49 PM

Mar 2010
Yeah. It was the first cosplay I did though, so it wasn't that great. I also bought the cosplay robe for that because, in all honesty, I'm too lazy to sew that robe. the whole thing was only 80 dollars. 60 dollars for the robe and 20 dollars for the hat thingy. I know an anime shop in the next city over from me that sells cheap cosplay that actually looks good.
And same problem here. It's like, OC mania in my head all the time. >.<
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 19, 2011 11:07 PM

May 2009
Eeek. considering my financial situation now that sounds expensive. x.x Cosplay really isn't a big thing in my state, really, I never see anyone here doing it. It makes me sad. :x We have a big Halloween Boutique now, but that's about it.
Yeah, it's like everytime I watch an anime that I really grow attached to, I mentally start creating an OC for it, and I usually spend quite some time thinking about them. I don't like making your run of the mill everyday Mary Sue, though, with some animes it's hard not to, lol. *brain explodes*
Aug 22, 2011 5:25 PM

Mar 2010
Bummer. Here we have Sakuracon, Akicon and Comicon (a smaller one, not San Fransisco's). So alot of people I know here are big on cosplay, I once saw an Itachi getting a bank transaction at a Bank of America and saw a Rukia and an Ichigo at Red Lobster. That was during Sakuracon though, so it's not like it happens everyday. Though my friends and I cosplayed two Hunters and a Spitter to the Skate arena one time and ended up scaring a little girl as we put our makeup on in the bathroom.
Same here, I always start to make OCs and then I get interested in something else and abandon it.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 22, 2011 10:11 PM

May 2009
Gah! I'm so jealous! XD That's sounds so awesome. Actually, I was surprised today. After marching band practice one of my friends came up to me and said we should do a Hetalia cosplay. She was like: "You should be China!" And I told her that my brother and I were discussing that, if we ever were able to do a Hetalia cosplay that we would be the Italy brothers (We're so good at it, lol. Especially him with N.Italy's voice). XD
I usually don't abandon my OCs though, well, if I really love the story that is. Very rarely have I ever abandoned one, the idea makes me too giddy. ^-^
Aug 23, 2011 1:29 PM

Mar 2010
I don't neccesarily abandon my OCs, rather I fall in love with something else for a bit and leave my other OCs to survive for theirselves for a while. I kinda imagine them all living in my house which is probably why I'm scared to make too much of them.
And that is cool. At least you knew what Hetalia was when the cosplay was suggested. Before our cosplay group started our Belgium, before she was our Belgium, just ran up to all of us during a sleepover at church and started choosing characters for us. She chose Hungary for me when I went on this long tyrant on how awesome yaoi was and started listing all of my favorite pairings (all of them). At that point we had a Canada but he moved away so we don't have him anymore. We all sstayed incharacter for the rest of the night and when I was teasing the Canada about drinking tea (claiming that I expected maple syrup) he just mumbled "Canadians drink tea" For some reason it was hilarious because those were the first words this kid had ever spoken to any of us.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 23, 2011 8:09 PM

May 2009
Ah, well that makes sense then (I've done that myself, well, minus the imagining them living with me part, lmao XD). Hehe, that's ironic isn't it? At least you've got legitimate cosplayers )': A male Hetalia cosplayer! That's amazing! (I don't see that often. And then ironicly he moves away eh?) Lol, during our entire band rehearsal today my brother and I were playing the parts of Italy and Romano, but then one of my male friends insisted that I should be France instead. I was like: "Dude, I may be partially French and perverted, but I'm not THAT bad!". Romano's much for fun to play as anyways, if you don't like groping people that is. XD
Aug 23, 2011 10:23 PM

Mar 2010
(I don't know, after having dreams where theyre livin with you it just sticks. :/ ) And yeah. Now we have an Austria cosplayer who's male. It's funny because our Belgium said: "Xana, since we're letting Angela choose who cosplays Russia because Belarus likes Russia then you can choose who cosplays Austria, because I don't want to make it awkward." Then this new kid who has skillz at the piano and violin starts coming to our church and a couple weeks later our Belgium announces that he's our Austria (i didn't even have a say.) He was pretty iffy on wanting to cosplay Austria (what with austria's costume) but when we made a Team Fortress 2 cosplay he was totally excited to start cosplaying Scout.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 24, 2011 3:16 PM

May 2009
(Heh, that's so cute. XD) Now, one thing I have NEVER seen, or heard of, is a male Austria cosplayer. Most of the time, if a male is cosplaying a Hetalia character it's America, lol. Austria's costume is total win though, just saying. ^.^
Now that I think about it, I could probably easily pull of a China cosplay, though it still wouldn't be my preference. :x
You need to kidnap me and take me home with you! lol
Aug 25, 2011 1:13 PM

Mar 2010
( >//.//< cute??? ) And yeah, he really wasn't into it at first, especially after we started and Alice in Wonderland/Hetalia crossover cosplay and named it Austria in Wonderland. He went on and on about how he was NOT going to wear a dress and how he's not cosplaying with us any more. I think we're just giving him hard cosplays to follow through on on purpose because with his height we made him the Smoker in our Left 4 Dead cosplay.
And I do, I wish I could kidnap you and then you could join hte Rainbow Rumpus Party Time cosplay group! ;D
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 26, 2011 5:27 AM

May 2009
(Hehe, strange use of the word huh? XD) LOL! Austria in Wonderland! I can imagine it now....
Lol, you should've told him that it was a very manly dress...or something like that. My friend has been wanting my brother and I to do a Left 4 Dead cosplay with him for a while now. It just...hasn't happened though. o.o
Ahahaha! You should. I'll get the box and you get the plane tickets, lmao. ;3
Aug 26, 2011 12:08 PM

Mar 2010
(kinda :/ ) He refused, he said no matter what. He's such a tsundere. And yeah, our cosplay group does a crap load of different cosplays. I cosplay the Hunter because I love parkour but I could've done the Witch cosplay but I wanted the Hunter more.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 26, 2011 8:08 PM

May 2009
N'aww, but tsunderes are awesome. <3 That's really cool though, the things I would do to have a group of friends like that....
Hehe, this is sounding good. XD (*sigh* If only if only...)'s school been lately? "^^
Aug 26, 2011 10:05 PM

Mar 2010
(If only if only what???) Yeah, they're cool but PERSONaLITY CLASH!
I haven't started school yet. Not until September first. I went to my orientation on wednesday though and I am terrified.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 27, 2011 1:22 PM

May 2009
Hehe, that's for sure. XD (If only I could actually go, lol. XD)
You don't start until September? Geez, I started this last Wednesday. Lol, why would you be terrified? o.o
Aug 29, 2011 12:11 PM

Mar 2010
First year of high school, that's why I'm terrified. (oh)
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 29, 2011 6:04 PM

May 2009
Ah, the Freshman heebyjeebies eh? I had to go through that crap last year, so I'm being honest when I say I know how you feel. Lucky for me I had a lot of upperclassman friends prior thanks to marching band, so you're probably in a deeper hole than I was. *Pats back* Good luck though. "^^

Oh! I know that this site may take a while to get back up and running again, but here's a great Hetalia rp site you can join in the meantime. I'm already registered there as Armenia, you can join if you like. ^^
JadeValkyrieSep 4, 2011 12:07 PM
Sep 7, 2011 2:57 PM

Mar 2010
Thanks. Sorry, I've been grounded all week but I'm back. High school's been cool except I'm now apparently a juggalo. :/
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Sep 7, 2011 3:47 PM

May 2009
Heh, it's ok. ^^ Welcome back! And...why would you be a juggalo? Lol o-o Did you get caught up in some high school drama? :x
Sep 9, 2011 2:53 PM

Mar 2010
Thanks and I DON"T KNOW! D,: I was just talking to a guy on the bus and one thing led to another. I didn't even know how it happened!
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Sep 9, 2011 4:42 PM

May 2009
That sounds...strange. o-o Are you okay? :x
Sep 13, 2011 6:45 PM

Mar 2010
Yeah. It's just confusing
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Sep 14, 2011 6:47 PM

May 2009
Oh, well I hope everything's okay over there. :x How've you been besides the drama?
(Lol, we are sooo off-topic. "^^)
Sep 15, 2011 4:29 PM

Mar 2010
(haha, i was just about to say that) Pretty good. My school's on strike :/ How have you been?
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Sep 18, 2011 1:02 AM

May 2009
(Whoa! Mind link! XD) On strike?! What for? o.o
I've been pretty good, pretty busy with school work and marching band though, so I haven't had much time to hop on the computer. :x
Sep 22, 2011 6:08 PM

Mar 2010
(haha) I've just been busy....and because the teacher's aren't getting paid what is fair for them. But school starts again tomorrow for me :/ Yaaaaay.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Sep 26, 2011 4:53 PM

May 2009
Ah, I've been hearing a lot of complaints about that over here too, no strikes though. :o
Hehe, best of luck to you, my friend. "^^
Oct 1, 2011 6:00 PM

Mar 2010
Thanks. I met a girl at my school who likes hetalia and we spent the whole pep assembly making references
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Oct 27, 2011 11:06 AM

May 2009
Heh, I've been successful in recruiting more and more Hetalia fans at my school. I had no idea there were so many. ^.^ And I'm sorry it took me....nearly a month to respond, marching band makes life busy. XD But the season's over now, so I'll be on more frequently.
Oct 29, 2011 12:04 AM

Mar 2010
Yay, wow, sorry I haven't been on in a while. I've been really busy too. I met other Hetalia fans at school too, one of which I've been able to share alot about Azerbaijan with, which makes me happy. I'm still determining his relationships with the other countries, like Russia, Turkey and America (his relationship with Armenia is quite obvious already)
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Nov 19, 2011 11:23 PM

May 2009
It's alright, real life happens. ^^
Heh, that's awesome. It sounds like your Azerbaijan is coming along well. :)
Sorry for such a late post. "^^
Nov 23, 2011 9:56 AM

Mar 2010
Indeed it does.
And I haven't worked on him for a while...I have to get on that
It's okay
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Nov 25, 2011 3:35 PM

May 2009
Yeah. Speaking of, how was your Thanksgiving? :)
I see you posted an OC bio for him already, it looks great! The RP between him and Armenia will definitely be...interesting. Heh.
Nov 25, 2011 3:41 PM

Mar 2010
It was great, other than my cousin being a jerk and my other cousin trying to convert me. I ate too much. :/
I know, it took me long enough. The roleplay will be great between them. We could start in the canteen probably...
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Nov 30, 2011 11:57 PM

May 2009
I'm glad to hear it, make sure to punch your cousin for me! >:D
Sounds good to me. We can start anytime you're ready. And hopefully we'll pick up some more RPers along the way. :D
Dec 1, 2011 12:14 PM

Mar 2010
Yes, hopefully. I'll be in the canteen (or, more, Azerbaijan will be) when you're ready!
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Apr 22, 2012 4:09 PM

Jan 2011
Well me really like Italia :D

Apr 22, 2012 6:22 PM

Mar 2010
:o A new member.....

Sorry xD Then go a head! We only have two people right now and they're doing OCs, so another character would be nice! We're doing Gakuen Hetalia and at the moment the only other two are in the canteen.~
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jul 1, 2012 10:11 AM
Jun 2012
I want to be Norway if that's alright.
Oct 6, 2012 9:52 AM

Oct 2012
I was wondering.... Is Latvia and Liechtenstein still available? If they are, could I RP them?
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