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Aug 1, 2015 4:12 PM

May 2015
Am I approved,or do I still need to edit it and if so what?
I am the King, address me as anything less and face the wrath of The Emperor Supreme King
Aug 1, 2015 5:28 PM

Dec 2013
Name: Sample Text, “The Universe's Strongest Loli” (Self-made Name)

Age: 18 (looks younger, like 12)

Gender: Female

Year: 3000

Nationality: English

Power Name: The Loli Executioner of the Universe (shorten to Loli.exe)

Power Explanation: A special mode that, for its beginning duration of 10 posts, unlocks Sample Text's OPness latent abilities. Powered by her genetic modifications the infinite power and mercy of the cosmos, Sample Text's Ability <Loli.exe> is a combination of superhuman speed and superhuman strength. Her limiters are released, and she can move, from resting, at speeds up to 40 miles per hour. While she can't turn particularity well, she can stop almost instantaneously before dashing again, allowing her to stop after going max speed and then starting again once per post.

Her strength and flexibility, while normally that of an upper tier MMA fighter, increases to the point in which she can dent metal and fracture ribs with a single blow. While each blow is fast, she doesn't like doing barrages, so she can only do at max two blows per turn. She can also morph herself into human pretzel in this form…not very useful, but whatever.

However, with great power comes even greater nerfs.

First, her stamina is almost completely spent after going into her Loli Executioner Mode. As such, if one can survive the onslaught of the mode, she wouldn't really be able to defense herself afterward, at least to the point of said defense being effective. (Cool down of the mode is 30 posts)

Secondly, while her limbs are reinforced so that they don't break under the force of her usage of said mode and the blows she delivers, her actual body is rather weak, even when she's not in the mode, since she is a little girl after all. A good kick to the chest could knock the breath right out of her and maybe even crack ribs. As such, she tries her best not to get hit in the first place since she's fragile.

Thirdly, to activate her ability, she needs to "power up", which entails her standing still and yelling out loud for an entire post before taking entering the mode. She can't be interrupted from going into the mode, but that would be a good time to hit her nonetheless.

Finally, for some odd reason, if she accidentally kicks a wall while in the mode, it will immediately disengage and she will explode. Said explosion will not hurt anyone else except her, although they will see it. It will also not destroy the wall. As for why this function was incorporated, no one knows. Perhaps it was made to check her overflowing pride in her abilities.

Weapon: Her bare hands/legs (Her internal skeleton from the elbow down and from her knee down have been reinforced to withstand the blows she delivers)

Division: Assault

Club: Campus Troll Club


Personality: Unpredictable and overwhelming, Sample Text feels deeply and passionately. She believes herself to be a kind of higher being, born to protect the balance of the world. Part of her also believes that she's in a certain old fighting animated television series. As such, she'll try to side with the underdog whenever a fight breaks out, although the criteria she uses to determine the underdog doesn't always makes sense nor is it always relevant to the situation (I.e: sides with the stronger fighter because the stronger fighter is less fashionably dressed than the real underdog). She sometimes uses vulgar language, and makes dirty jokes, but on the inside, she's actually innocent when it comes to matters of the heart. Her sexuality is unknow, although she thought she dated a tree once. When winter came, it was a messy break-up.

She overestimates herself as well. If she had to represent on of the seven deadly sins, she'd be pride, without a doubt. Despite what she says, she cannot actually obliterate teachers/students. Please ignore her wishful thinking.

Bio: Born to a rich but heartless family in London, a young girl who hadn't even been named was quickly shipped off to a secret underground lab. There, she was trained in the art of combat, originally intended to be the prototype of a new kind of super soldier in a future where clones, robots and other scientific monstrosities rule the battlefield. She was given every kind of weapon, both traditional and futuristic, to train with, but her aptitude with the weapons hardly even reached average. However, one day, after practice, as she was sitting with a scientist, she saw a certain television show that would change her life forever. That show instilled in her a desire to “help” others with her own hands, using the fists that she believed the universe had granted her. As such, the scientists went to work on her, giving her a “super mode” and reinforcing her human limbs with a light metal alloy within her skeleton in the hopes of her one day punching her enemies across the “screen” and into boulders (the scientists didn't always understand her references to the then-ancient show). However, as much as she wanted to fire “chi” balls, she knew she needed to restrain herself from distancing herself from her humanity. In her journey to preserve the “balance of the universe”, she wanted to keep herself weak enough to keep the fights “at least somewhat” fair.

Now, embarking on her journey to “right the wrongs of the world” (she makes absolutely no sense), she arrives at WildStar, her heart aching for battle!

(Note: She gave herself the name 'Sample Text' after reading “the mysterious message” that ran across a picture she found on the internet. Since then, the name has stuck.)

Theme Song:
LilGreasyKidAug 1, 2015 10:41 PM
Aug 2, 2015 4:30 AM

May 2014
KingAce261 said:
Name: Blake Lucian

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Year: 1300 BC

Nationality: Greek

Power: Elemental Engery Transfer

Power Explanation: allows him to transfer elemental energy to any item or weapon he touches which can increase as well as give it abilities. His power is currently weak making it so he can only transfer elemental energy 3 times every 45 min or 45 posts and he can currently only transfer the elements of lightning and fire.He can currently only transfer 1 element to an item at a time (he can only transfer a single element to a single item/weapon at a time as in he can't transfer two element to a single weapon/item at the same time).
-Abilites: Fire Transfer: increases the weapons resistance to fire slightly by about 3%. If a sword it can make it into a flaming sword dealing more damage and able to shoot out a currently weak continous fire (similar to a dragon breathing fire) once every 7 posts. If its a shield it increases it defenses and makes it a flame shield that burns anyone/anything that physically touches it. If shoes they will leave a trail of fire everywhere he walks. Other items gain fire properties and random abilities (such as burning, really hot, heat resistant, on fire, etc). Lightning Transfer: increases the weapons resistance to lightning by 3%. Swords can attack faster and shoot out a thunderbolt like lightning blast once every 25 posts. Shields increase defense and can have an arc of electricity that zaps anything that touches it and destroys weak items. Shoes give the wearer the ability to go as fast as lightning (exaggeration really just speed of a cheetah) for 7 posts and useable once every page. Other items gain lightning attribute and random effects (such as lightning resistant, become a lighning rod, eletrocute anyone that touches it (includes me) etc).
Weapon: the weapon he transfer elemental energy to affects how it is affected. For example if he transfers elemental energy to a sword it gains offensive abilities but if he does it to a shield it gains defensive abilities and if he does it to shoes they gain speed abilites. However Blake excels at attack and as such always carries around to twin swords.

Division: Assault

Club: -


Personality: Outgoing and friendly. Always looking to help someone in need. Intellectual and calculating as well not easy to fool unless the person seems in danger in which his mind goes blank and instincts take over.

Biography: [spoiler]Blake was born into a royal family as the son of the king of Athens. He had an easy life always guarded from harm and always allowed whatever he wanted. He never knew that what he had was special and selfish until one day at the age of 7 he snuck out to play with the chikdren his own age. After playing he discover that most of them didn't have a tenth of what he had. When we were done playing and about to go home a man attack us out of nowhere and while the guards came to save me all of the kids I had played with died before they came. When He got home He begged my parents to better protect the citizens but they refused saying they could not spare any more guards. He then began to train in secret following the same training routine the guards had to. When he was 13 He decided he was strong enough to began protecting people but soon realized he needed a weapon. He went to a black smith and bought his twin swords and while there he became friends with the black smith's son, Rufus. He continued to train and helped people when he had the chance. Three years later when he was 16 Athens was attacked and pillaged by a group of Raiders from unknown origins. He did my best to help but found he was almost powerless even unable to help my best friend. He tried my best but couldn't do a thing, but even when hope my lost he found my self begging the almighty gods for the power to save Rufus and his home. The gods answered his call and granted him his power which he used to save his home by transfering Lightning to one sword and fire to other, however he was granted the power to late and while he did save Athens he got my power too late and was unable to save many people including his best friend Rufus. He was depressed for the following year only coming out of his room to bathe and eat when it was necessary. His father who had noticed his mood recieved an invitation to the academy which stated it could help his powers grow in a friendly environment, so he showed Blake it in hopes of improving his current state. It did and he decided to join the academy to improve his powers so that he would never lose anyone important or close to him again.

LilGreasyKid said:
Name: Sample Text, “The Universe's Strongest Loli” (Self-made Name)

Age: 18 (looks younger, like 12)

Gender: Female

Year: 3000

Nationality: English

Power Name: The Loli Executioner of the Universe (shorten to Loli.exe)

Power Explanation: A special mode that, for its beginning duration of 10 posts, unlocks Sample Text's OPness latent abilities. Powered by her genetic modifications the infinite power and mercy of the cosmos, Sample Text's Ability <Loli.exe> is a combination of superhuman speed and superhuman strength. Her limiters are released, and she can move, from resting, at speeds up to 40 miles per hour. While she can't turn particularity well, she can stop almost instantaneously before dashing again, allowing her to stop after going max speed and then starting again once per post.

Her strength and flexibility, while normally that of an upper tier MMA fighter, increases to the point in which she can dent metal and fracture ribs with a single blow. While each blow is fast, she doesn't like doing barrages, so she can only do at max two blows per turn. She can also morph herself into human pretzel in this form…not very useful, but whatever.

However, with great power comes even greater nerfs.

First, her stamina is almost completely spent after going into her Loli Executioner Mode. As such, if one can survive the onslaught of the mode, she wouldn't really be able to defense herself afterward, at least to the point of said defense being effective. (Cool down of the mode is 30 posts)

Secondly, while her limbs are reinforced so that they don't break under the force of her usage of said mode and the blows she delivers, her actual body is rather weak, even when she's not in the mode, since she is a little girl after all. A good kick to the chest could knock the breath right out of her and maybe even crack ribs. As such, she tries her best not to get hit in the first place since she's fragile.

Thirdly, to activate her ability, she needs to "power up", which entails her standing still and yelling out loud for an entire post before taking entering the mode. She can't be interrupted from going into the mode, but that would be a good time to hit her nonetheless.

Finally, for some odd reason, if she accidentally kicks a wall while in the mode, it will immediately disengage and she will explode. Said explosion will not hurt anyone else except her, although they will see it. It will also not destroy the wall. As for why this function was incorporated, no one knows. Perhaps it was made to check her overflowing pride in her abilities.

Weapon: Her bare hands/legs (Her internal skeleton from the elbow down and from her knee down have been reinforced to withstand the blows she delivers)

Division: Assault

Club: Campus Troll Club


Personality: Unpredictable and overwhelming, Sample Text feels deeply and passionately. She believes herself to be a kind of higher being, born to protect the balance of the world. Part of her also believes that she's in a certain old fighting animated television series. As such, she'll try to side with the underdog whenever a fight breaks out, although the criteria she uses to determine the underdog doesn't always makes sense nor is it always relevant to the situation (I.e: sides with the stronger fighter because the stronger fighter is less fashionably dressed than the real underdog). She sometimes uses vulgar language, and makes dirty jokes, but on the inside, she's actually innocent when it comes to matters of the heart. Her sexuality is unknow, although she thought she dated a tree once. When winter came, it was a messy break-up.

She overestimates herself as well. If she had to represent on of the seven deadly sins, she'd be pride, without a doubt. Despite what she says, she cannot actually obliterate teachers/students. Please ignore her wishful thinking.

Bio: Born to a rich but heartless family in London, a young girl who hadn't even been named was quickly shipped off to a secret underground lab. There, she was trained in the art of combat, originally intended to be the prototype of a new kind of super soldier in a future where clones, robots and other scientific monstrosities rule the battlefield. She was given every kind of weapon, both traditional and futuristic, to train with, but her aptitude with the weapons hardly even reached average. However, one day, after practice, as she was sitting with a scientist, she saw a certain television show that would change her life forever. That show instilled in her a desire to “help” others with her own hands, using the fists that she believed the universe had granted her. As such, the scientists went to work on her, giving her a “super mode” and reinforcing her human limbs with a light metal alloy within her skeleton in the hopes of her one day punching her enemies across the “screen” and into boulders (the scientists didn't always understand her references to the then-ancient show). However, as much as she wanted to fire “chi” balls, she knew she needed to restrain herself from distancing herself from her humanity. In her journey to preserve the “balance of the universe”, she wanted to keep herself weak enough to keep the fights “at least somewhat” fair.

Now, embarking on her journey to “right the wrongs of the world” (she makes absolutely no sense), she arrives at WildStar, her heart aching for battle!

(Note: She gave herself the name 'Sample Text' after reading “the mysterious message” that ran across a picture she found on the internet. Since then, the name has stuck.)

Theme Song:

Welp, for both, we'll see how it goes ^^
Aug 2, 2015 2:24 PM

Aug 2013
Name: Arnet Zelgius
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Year: 3019
Nationality: Finnish

Power: Markmancy
Power Explanation:

Weapon: Cane sword

Division: Infiltration
Club: ---

Personality: Arnet is straight forward guy, he gladly joins or starts conversations, he loves meeting new people. What comes to working, Arnet doesn't take the jobs seriously which leaves to wonder what the heck he is doing in infiltration division.

RauziAug 3, 2015 5:47 AM
Aug 3, 2015 8:56 AM

Jul 2014
Guess i can approve it.
Aug 3, 2015 9:59 AM

Jul 2013
Name: Crow Wakazaki
Age: 11/8/1999. 15 years
Gender: Female
Year: 2015
Nationality: British
Division: Infiltration
Power: Mind links.
Power Explanation: She can communicate at the moment with her twin through the mind, with no need to talk. As they form bonds and learn about their power they will be able to form similar links with other people.
The main difference of their mind link and linking with friends is that if one twin feels pain, the other will feel the same mental pain the other twin did, the same goes for emotions. Before they met this did not happen, nor did it happen a few hours after they met. It happened more over time and gradually. When they link with other people, they are creating an intimate connection, since one can easy pry into the twins mind, yet not the other way around for some reason. At least at the moment.

Club: Music
Pic: The girl in Wyms, I don't have the link anymore haha
Personality: Mistrusting and quiet. Will probably not warm up to anyone.

Bio: I dont think I reach the word limit.. but please, have a look? *puppy doggy eyes*
UlteaAug 4, 2015 4:44 AM
Aug 3, 2015 10:09 AM

Jul 2014
Haha, not funny.
1) Year is '99, right?
2) Where's the division?
3) I guess the twin will be created by someone else later, correct?
Aug 3, 2015 10:42 AM

Jul 2013
I thought the joke would be funny xD

1) yup
2) must have accidentally deleted it, ill edit it now xD
3) Yup, and he'll also fill out the club, year, pic and surname
Aug 3, 2015 11:02 AM

Jul 2014
Was kidding too, i was actually ready to count the words... Before faceplanting in that wall of text.

Very well, approved!
Aug 3, 2015 11:24 AM

Jul 2013
Thank you! xDD
Aug 3, 2015 12:47 PM

Oct 2014
Name: Raven Wakazaki
Age: 11/8/1999. 15 years
Gender: Male
Year: 2015
Nationality: British
Division: Infiltration
Power: Mind links.
Power Explanation: He can communicate at the moment with her twin through the mind, with no need to talk. As they form bonds and learn about their power they will be able to form similar links with other people.
The main difference of their mind link and linking with friends is that if one twin feels pain, the other will feel the same mental pain the other twin did, the same goes for emotions. Before they met this did not happen, nor did it happen a few hours after they met. It happened more over time and gradually. When they link with other people, they are creating an intimate connection, since one can easy pry into the twins mind, yet not the other way around for some reason. At least at the moment.

Club: Music
Personality: Unlike his twin, Raven tends to me more warm hearted and does most of the talking.

WymsicalAug 3, 2015 2:12 PM
Aug 3, 2015 2:10 PM

May 2014
so, you were born in 1999 and joined the school in 1999, yet youre 15? O.o
Also, I'd recount those words if I were you, not sure if they made it ^^
Aug 3, 2015 2:12 PM

Oct 2014
Not sure what the year mean't, heh heh heh, I'll change that
Aug 3, 2015 8:18 PM

May 2014
Name: Jamie Lee Prescott
Age (Between 14 - 20): 18
Gender: Female
Year: 2011
Nationality: Welsh. Also elf.
Power: Ecokenesis
Power Explanation: Ecokenesis, or rather 'Nature manipulation' to put it succinctly, is the ability to manipulate the forces of nature and elements connected to it. This is a power shared by all elves. While the possibilities of this power are near unlimited, Jamie has a slight problem with it. This power requires a calm mind, discipline and extreme focus to manipulate effectively. Manipulation of fauna relies on a calm mind. Jamie severely lacks in this department and by extension her limits are confined to growing daisies out of the ground.

The manipulation of wood particularly relates to concentration, or focus. Similarly, Jamie is too restless to make use out of this and instead of being able to erupt trees from the ground and bend them to her will, like elves half her age would be able to do, the most she can do is flick paper really fast.

Finally there comes the manipulation of natural minerals; earth. This relies on sheer determination and constitution. This is where Jamie really excels. Her ability to manipulate rocks and bend them to her will is unmatched by any other elf her age. Maybe because naturally elves are such a peaceful race and to manipulate rocks one requires a more... jamie approach to life.

Weapon: Keeping in tone with her obsession of kung fu:

Division: Assault
Club: Kung fu club
Pic: 'Cept with point elf ears. And she's about 5 foot.


Spunky and upbeat, Jamie a firecracker of a tomboy and a complete and utter disgrace to all elves in their eyes. Independence is her most cherished possession and is the main reason she left the Elven clan in Wales to attend school somewhere else for fear she'd end up like all the other elves: stuck up, arrogant and boring. She is too audacious for her own good and her complete inability to see giving up as viable option is her greatest downfall, and a fatal one at that. This is a girl that won't stay down unless you break her legs.

She has a natural tendency to make light of every situation she finds herself in and every person she ever encounters which makes her one of those people that you're either going to love and hate. Considering her usual position at the dead center of attention, she's too in your face for your opinion not to be polarized.

Elves are a very tight nit committee. They stay to themselves in large clusters hidden in forests and most go their entire lives without seeing a human. Of that they would be thankful for there is nothing elves hate more than humans. Thus it came as a shock to all that Jamie made her plans to leave the colony and venture to Japan, a human dense land, shocked all. The elders were so appalled by this act that their pride demanded they strip her of her identity as an elf and banish her from the colony, never allowed to return.

This didn't really bother her. She was a librarian in study... a profession far too mundane for her hot blooded approach to life. Additionally her mother died in labour and she found her father to be an obnoxious prick so she had no reason to stay.While she was studying in wales she was learning the language on the side so her transition to this foreign land was overwhelming true, but far from impossible. She found a tolerable job as a dock worker and, since she had nothing else to do with her life, spent every other waking hour learning something the locals called kung fu.

She became hooked immediately. Her lithe physique made her significantly weaker than the other students but she made up for it with her determination and impressive speed. This routine continued for about two years until she made a liiiiiittle slip up with the Bōsōzoku when she happened across a little sweat shop they had in operation. Long story short her social justice tendencies led to her being on the wrong type of shit list. Why Am I even bothering. No one reads these... Her Kung fu master, whom she had began to treat as her father, in place of the shit bag she left back in wales, took care of her the best way he knew how. By sending her to a school known as Wildstar, where he himself was once a student. Knowing it was that or have her head presented in a box, she said her goodbyes and departed.
Aug 4, 2015 2:39 AM

Jul 2014
Raven and Jamie approved!
Aug 4, 2015 4:01 PM
Nov 2014
Name: Ichini Sayo
Age (Between 14 - 20): 17
Gender: Male
Year: 2016
Nationality: Japanese
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): Eagle's eye
Power Explanation: He uses a sniper rifle and a handgun for ranged weapons. Because of his power he is deadly accurate and has better and further eyesight. He can adjust his eye to see sharply up to 4km and can hit perfect shots at 3km. For his handguns he can hit perfect hot for up to 5 meters.
Each post he keeps his aim on one target the accruacy becomes better. After 3 posts he can shoot a bullet so that it will become undodgeable. It will only be blockable.
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): Sniper rifle, handgun, short katana
Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): Assault
Club: Track Team
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

(For if BB doesn't work:
Personality: A coldhearted guy who is very strict. He doesn't like messy people who don't have discipline. He can basically tell you "You're a piece of shit" without thinking what you feel. He seems very boring but when talking to him, you find out he is more then just some guy. Because of the look in his eyes he always seems serious and he makes jokes at the wrong times also making them sound sarcastic
Bio: Ichini was raised in a family he didn't very much like. He had a younger brother who was very talented at sports and because of this got all the attention from his parents. Ichini was a smart kid but his parents never saw this. They'd be out with his little brother all the time leaving him home alone. His mom left him a piece of bread for dinner as he didn't know how to cook. Every time someone came to scout his lil bro Ichini gad to be locked in his room. His father barely spoke to him and his mom just ignored him. One day after Ichini came home from school a strange man came to him and offered him some sweets after he scouted his lil bro. His lil bro soon after went on a class trip to a mansion in the mountains. The mansion caught fire and everyone inside died. His parents of course put the blame on Ichini. His father became an alcoholic and mother a wreck. He got hit by his father with bottles and fists and he ate nothing more then cereal or bread. His mother also got abused and they soon ran away from that place. But soon after moving, his father found them and wanted to rape his mother. Just as he started Ichini grabbed a knife and stabbed his father in the head. He died on the spot. His mom told him to go to the station and wait for her. But after being there for a while, he saw police and ambulance cars. He found out his mother committed suicide. He was sent to the man he met weeks before all this and lived with him. He apparently was someone who trained assassins for a special organization. Ichini graduated the school and was sent to work. He became a legendary sniper and developed his powers in the battlefield. He soon got bored of his meaningless life and came to wildstar.
CalCeeeumAug 4, 2015 5:51 PM
Aug 4, 2015 6:23 PM

May 2013
LoliNinjaa said:
Name: Ichini Sayo
Age (Between 14 - 20): 17
Gender: Male
Year: 2016
Nationality: Japanese
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): Eagle's eye
Power Explanation: He uses a sniper rifle and a handgun for ranged weapons. Because of his power he is deadly accurate and has better and further eyesight. He can adjust his eye to see sharply up to 4km and can hit perfect shots at 3km. For his handguns he can hit perfect hot for up to 5 meters.
Each post he keeps his aim on one target the accruacy becomes better. After 3 posts he can shoot a bullet so that it will become undodgeable. It will only be blockable.
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): Sniper rifle, handgun, short katana
Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): Assault
Club: Track Team
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

(For if BB doesn't work:
Personality: A coldhearted guy who is very strict. He doesn't like messy people who don't have discipline. He can basically tell you "You're a piece of shit" without thinking what you feel. He seems very boring but when talking to him, you find out he is more then just some guy. Because of the look in his eyes he always seems serious and he makes jokes at the wrong times also making them sound sarcastic
Bio: Ichini was raised in a family he didn't very much like. He had a younger brother who was very talented at sports and because of this got all the attention from his parents. Ichini was a smart kid but his parents never saw this. They'd be out with his little brother all the time leaving him home alone. His mom left him a piece of bread for dinner as he didn't know how to cook. Every time someone came to scout his lil bro Ichini gad to be locked in his room. His father barely spoke to him and his mom just ignored him. One day after Ichini came home from school a strange man came to him and offered him some sweets after he scouted his lil bro. His lil bro soon after went on a class trip to a mansion in the mountains. The mansion caught fire and everyone inside died. His parents of course put the blame on Ichini. His father became an alcoholic and mother a wreck. He got hit by his father with bottles and fists and he ate nothing more then cereal or bread. His mother also got abused and they soon ran away from that place. But soon after moving, his father found them and wanted to rape his mother. Just as he started Ichini grabbed a knife and stabbed his father in the head. He died on the spot. His mom told him to go to the station and wait for her. But after being there for a while, he saw police and ambulance cars. He found out his mother committed suicide. He was sent to the man he met weeks before all this and lived with him. He apparently was someone who trained assassins for a special organization. Ichini graduated the school and was sent to work. He became a legendary sniper and developed his powers in the battlefield. He soon got bored of his meaningless life and came to wildstar.

Aug 5, 2015 4:41 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Jane Cormac
Age (Between 14 - 20):19
Year: 9999 (A point in time so far into the future technology became lost, basically the technology was the equivalent to the 1910s with a mix of futuristic steampunk)
Nationality: Fredonian (Basically a mix of America, Britain and Germany.)
Power: Super Soldier
Power Explanation: Jane has incredibly high stamina and reflexes, she rarely ever gets tired from physical actions, and her reflexes allow her to make quick decisions, to respond to threats faster, and to dodge, along with being actually fairly agile. Being an ex-elite shock trooper soldier, she is very skilled with a machine gun and hand guns, and can handle herself very well in close-quarters combat, but she lacks in accuracy.
Weapon: Light Machine Gun, holds 20 rounds, two Luger Pistols, 8 rounds for missions. Always keeps two Beretta 418s hidden on her somewhere, and lastly she always has a bayonet knife on her at all times. Not to mention her large collection of other hand guns and knives she keeps in her dorm.
Beretta 418:

Division: Assault
Club: None

Personality: Jane is a complicated person to put it lightly. During her time period she was drafted into a war at the incredibly young age of twelve and served until the age of sixteen. Before the war, she was a fairly cheerful young girl who enjoyed reading and normally kept to herself. But as the war progressed she changed as time went on, becoming the person she is today. She is paranoid, and very easily angered. She prefers to resort to violence rather than talking things out, and she is very mentally unstable, most of this being a result of her PTSD. She has a deep and incredible hatred for the currently non-existent "Rognovirik Empire", which was the country she fought during the war, which she refers to as "Rogs", she often has delusions of other people being "Rogs" or "Rog Spies".

She swears frequently, and is normally not very eloquent. She is very blunt when talking about things, and she almost never hides her emotions. She is a sadist, and enjoys harming and killing people she believes to be "Rogs"

Bio: Growing up in a small village on the outskirts of her country's border, she lived with her Grandparents who were florists, while not being too interested in taking up the profession of florist she did enjoy reading and writing, and always kept a journal with her at all times. Until one day, the tension between Fredonia and the neighboring country came to a head, and the Rognovirik Empire invaded the country, her village being one of the first settlements in the invasions path. Her village was burned to the ground, with hardly anyone surviving the attack. The war got to such a point where the government got desperate, and began drafting, even those at a young age. She was drafted in the army as a shock trooper at the age of twelve, and served for four years in the army. As time went on, she slowly lost her former self, and became the person she is today. She has seen many horrible things, and lost many friends. Once the war was over, she was asked to join Wildstar as a way to potentially get over her past, and to look for a new future.
MontyMarsAug 5, 2015 4:59 PM
Aug 5, 2015 7:48 PM

May 2013
MontyMars said:
Name: Jane Cormac
Age (Between 14 - 20):19
Year: 9999 (A point in time so far into the future technology became lost, basically the technology was the equivalent to the 1910s with a mix of futuristic steampunk)
Nationality: Fredonian (Basically a mix of America, Britain and Germany.)
Power: Super Soldier
Power Explanation: Jane has incredibly high stamina and reflexes, she rarely ever gets tired from physical actions, and her reflexes allow her to make quick decisions, to respond to threats faster, and to dodge, along with being actually fairly agile. Being an ex-elite shock trooper soldier, she is very skilled with a machine gun and hand guns, and can handle herself very well in close-quarters combat, but she lacks in accuracy.
Weapon: Light Machine Gun, holds 20 rounds, two Luger Pistols, 8 rounds for missions. Always keeps two Beretta 418s hidden on her somewhere, and lastly she always has a bayonet knife on her at all times. Not to mention her large collection of other hand guns and knives she keeps in her dorm.
Beretta 418:

Division: Assault
Club: None

Personality: Jane is a complicated person to put it lightly. During her time period she was drafted into a war at the incredibly young age of twelve and served until the age of sixteen. Before the war, she was a fairly cheerful young girl who enjoyed reading and normally kept to herself. But as the war progressed she changed as time went on, becoming the person she is today. She is paranoid, and very easily angered. She prefers to resort to violence rather than talking things out, and she is very mentally unstable, most of this being a result of her PTSD. She has a deep and incredible hatred for the currently non-existent "Rognovirik Empire", which was the country she fought during the war, which she refers to as "Rogs", she often has delusions of other people being "Rogs" or "Rog Spies".

She swears frequently, and is normally not very eloquent. She is very blunt when talking about things, and she almost never hides her emotions. She is a sadist, and enjoys harming and killing people she believes to be "Rogs"

Bio: Growing up in a small village on the outskirts of her country's border, she lived with her Grandparents who were florists, while not being too interested in taking up the profession of florist she did enjoy reading and writing, and always kept a journal with her at all times. Until one day, the tension between Fredonia and the neighboring country came to a head, and the Rognovirik Empire invaded the country, her village being one of the first settlements in the invasions path. Her village was burned to the ground, with hardly anyone surviving the attack. The war got to such a point where the government got desperate, and began drafting, even those at a young age. She was drafted in the army as a shock trooper at the age of twelve, and served for four years in the army. As time went on, she slowly lost her former self, and became the person she is today. She has seen many horrible things, and lost many friends. Once the war was over, she was asked to join Wildstar as a way to potentially get over her past, and to look for a new future.

Aug 7, 2015 10:12 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Yuuji Masahiro [正弘雄時]
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Year: 2015 (entered into time skip)
Nationality: Japanese
Power: “Genesis Drive” / “Generator”
Power Explanation: A combination of Masahiro’s abilities from his arrival to WS and training under various spirits and teachers he has come across in the last 2 years. (Only one ability can be utilized at a time—no unison attacks from both abilities)

- Stand: “Genesis”
Summons a humanoid formulation of Masahiro’s spirit energy/life force to take physical form and join the fight! A Stand is an extension of its user’s soul, so any damage inflicted to the Stand user will take the same injury as well! “Genesis” specifically is a Stand with enhanced agility and reflexes, who specializes in kicks and azure-fire based attacks. When on support/standby, “Genesis” will provide analysis and/or provide cover for attacks.

- Ability: “Short Circuit”
Masahiro’s second natural ability, stimulated by being shocked by a rampant Storm Spirit named Nobuna. With “Short Circuit,” Masahiro is able to absorb and emit large amounts of electricity from his body, enhancing his attacks with his lightning aura. He is able to send ranged attacks, however these ranged attacks are limited to a five-meter radius within Masahiro’s distance, in order to avoid him “blowing a fuse.” His electricity also has a limit in voltage, only inflicting medial damage on targets due to a mental block in Masahiro’s mind (he refuses to kill anyone, both as a mental choice and a predetermined fate).

Weapon: A large buster blade that is easily larger than Masahiro, and would normally take a strong two hands to even hold the blade up
Division: Assault
Club: Art Club
Masahiro Yuuji (revamped, post time-skip)

Masahiro’s Stand

Personality: Light-hearted and comedic, Masahiro is a young boy at heart, reading manga and living life to the fullest in his youth. As he has exited high school, however, Masahiro has become a more responsible and empathetic adult, taking everyone’s feelings into careful consideration and dedicating himself to finishing things he has started to completion. Masahiro also has a serious hero complex, stopping at nothing to quell any evils that cross his path.
Bio: Training under teacher supervision and with some of the best swordsmen, Stand Users and martial artists in the world, Masahiro has spent the last 2 years in basic solitude, being cut off from all of his fellow students and comrades as he set off to become the best. Maintaining contact with only Mei Chun Long, Masahiro has missed a lot of schoolwork over the past training period (much to his mother’s dismay). Returning to WS after completing half of his journey, Yuuji Masahiro must now do the unthinkable: pass his last year of high school with a full 4.0 GPA! Comet has high expectations of her students, and this is only one of the criterion’s she has forced upon him in order to pass her teachings. This would be a cinch normally, if it wasn’t for an unexpected time/space skip that sent the school spiraling into chaos! Now Masahiro must join forces with WS students and alumni from all different ages to set things straight, and finish the job he started from his first day at Wildstar!
xyz_networkAug 7, 2015 10:19 PM

"Well then... Raise your voice, and let's sing out our youth together!"
-Takuto Tsunashi
Aug 7, 2015 11:02 PM

May 2013
xyz_network said:
Name: Yuuji Masahiro [正弘雄時]
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Year: 2015 (entered into time skip)
Nationality: Japanese
Power: “Genesis Drive” / “Generator”
Power Explanation: A combination of Masahiro’s abilities from his arrival to WS and training under various spirits and teachers he has come across in the last 2 years. (Only one ability can be utilized at a time—no unison attacks from both abilities)

- Stand: “Genesis”
Summons a humanoid formulation of Masahiro’s spirit energy/life force to take physical form and join the fight! A Stand is an extension of its user’s soul, so any damage inflicted to the Stand user will take the same injury as well! “Genesis” specifically is a Stand with enhanced agility and reflexes, who specializes in kicks and azure-fire based attacks. When on support/standby, “Genesis” will provide analysis and/or provide cover for attacks.

- Ability: “Short Circuit”
Masahiro’s second natural ability, stimulated by being shocked by a rampant Storm Spirit named Nobuna. With “Short Circuit,” Masahiro is able to absorb and emit large amounts of electricity from his body, enhancing his attacks with his lightning aura. He is able to send ranged attacks, however these ranged attacks are limited to a five-meter radius within Masahiro’s distance, in order to avoid him “blowing a fuse.” His electricity also has a limit in voltage, only inflicting medial damage on targets due to a mental block in Masahiro’s mind (he refuses to kill anyone, both as a mental choice and a predetermined fate).

Weapon: A large buster blade that is easily larger than Masahiro, and would normally take a strong two hands to even hold the blade up
Division: Assault
Club: Art Club
Masahiro Yuuji (revamped, post time-skip)

Masahiro’s Stand

Personality: Light-hearted and comedic, Masahiro is a young boy at heart, reading manga and living life to the fullest in his youth. As he has exited high school, however, Masahiro has become a more responsible and empathetic adult, taking everyone’s feelings into careful consideration and dedicating himself to finishing things he has started to completion. Masahiro also has a serious hero complex, stopping at nothing to quell any evils that cross his path.
Bio: Training under teacher supervision and with some of the best swordsmen, Stand Users and martial artists in the world, Masahiro has spent the last 2 years in basic solitude, being cut off from all of his fellow students and comrades as he set off to become the best. Maintaining contact with only Mei Chun Long, Masahiro has missed a lot of schoolwork over the past training period (much to his mother’s dismay). Returning to WS after completing half of his journey, Yuuji Masahiro must now do the unthinkable: pass his last year of high school with a full 4.0 GPA! Comet has high expectations of her students, and this is only one of the criterion’s she has forced upon him in order to pass her teachings. This would be a cinch normally, if it wasn’t for an unexpected time/space skip that sent the school spiraling into chaos! Now Masahiro must join forces with WS students and alumni from all different ages to set things straight, and finish the job he started from his first day at Wildstar!

Approved! Welcome back
Aug 8, 2015 2:21 PM

Apr 2014
Name: Nayu
Age (Between 14 - 20): 19
Gender: female
Year: 2015
Nationality: Japan
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP):

She can turn into a blue fire wolf

Power Explanation: she can control blue fire and turn into a wolf this mixes though so she can only control blue fire I'd she is in her wolf form
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): a katana
Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): assault
Club: anime (also takes some sword
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: kind and caring and absolutely loves to be pet and she's absolutely fascinated with anime
Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!)
She grew up in the forest with Maou as her older brother although she never really got to know him as he was always busy doing something and once she was 14 she finally got to know him but being related doesn't make her a legend only he was a legend for some unknown reason so she had weaker powers but then Maou was teleported to this time but before he completely vanished from her time she grabbed him and was teleported with him but she got a weapon and she picked it up in curiosity and a girl told her what the weapon was and the girl signed her up for lessons
SleeplessVampireAug 10, 2015 1:02 AM
Aug 8, 2015 7:19 PM

May 2015
Name:Nova Tsunami
Age :19
Year: 2015
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP):
music bomb
Power Explanation: music bomb is a burst of Pure energy making a very very heavy bass guitar sound as it goes off. it expand to 20 feet radius around him. (so far can last for 2 posts)
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):

Club: music
Pic :

Personality: loves to play on a guitar, and likes books. a nice guy over all. hates when to many people argue in front of him and will yell for them to shut up.

Bio:Nova grew up in a family band that played many genres of music. he traveled around the u.s and japan playing and singing a songs. one day at age 10 he discovered that he could make a pulse of energy that made a heavy bass guitar sound his parents called it the music bomb. after years of on the road Nova decided to perfect his power and use it to help others. So good bye family and hello wildstar.
(he is replacing jack smiliey)
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Aug 8, 2015 10:16 PM

Jul 2015
Silver lockhelt
Age:17 and a half
Gender: female
Picture: gomenosi I don't have one yet :(
Year: the year 1990 was when she was born, she joined in 2007
Nationality:Irish(reoccurring theme :P)
Class: assault
Club: kendo(even though she uses a more western form of blade)
Weapon: a 1-foot long blade(about 27 centimeters I think) that has a blade the color of ivory and a crossguard the color of the forest. The handle was a pure black, the same color as a new moon.
Power: illusionist blade.

Can I develop it as I Rp? I don't like being limited. Call it a favor if you will.
Bio(going for 1k plus words so wall of text!!!)
(I don't think I have more then 500 :/)
Leafz_SoulAug 8, 2015 10:45 PM
Aug 8, 2015 10:37 PM

May 2013

All approved
Aug 9, 2015 5:07 AM

Jul 2008
Nayu denied. Pick one or the other power....unless she can turn into a blue fire wolf or something.
-whistles innocently-
Aug 9, 2015 6:37 AM

Apr 2014
Hm that's pretty interesting I'll go with that XD
Aug 10, 2015 1:23 AM

Apr 2014

Name: Sin
Age (Between 14 - 20): 15
Gender: male
Year: 2015
Nationality: Japan
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP):

Demons bane

Power Explanation: he gains a sword also an appearance change plus along with enhanced speed and increased physical strength and.with a sacrifice of blood he can make his skin as hard as stone (leaves him weakened later so he can only summon his sword after the sacrifice and he needs to fight again)

His appearance after activating his power

Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): a black sword (part of it seen in the picture after transformation
Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): assault
Club: haven't decided
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: kind caring but tends to be bit silent towards strangers(you'll see why in the bio)
Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!) He grew up alone with his older sister who held the same power as him and she took good care of him until one day there were people stronger then her who wanted to rape(almost) her him being forced to watch then something snapped inside of him and within minutes the men were dead by his hands and he had saved his sister then a few days later she began to train him then one day he left on a quest and came back a couple years later therefore he was rewarded with the blood sacrifice technique and his sister was stronger now so he became an assassin but a year later he retired and went to wildstar although many confused him for a girl if he kept silent
SleeplessVampireAug 10, 2015 7:43 AM
Aug 10, 2015 8:55 AM
Nov 2014
Aug 10, 2015 10:15 AM

Jul 2008
Name: Minna Parsaath
Age (Between 14 - 20): 16
Gender: Female
Year: Roughly 3083
Nationality: Parsaat Empire (See bio)
Power: Eidolon Summoning
Power Explanation: The power to summon a powerful entity known as an Eidolon. Each Eidolon is unique, and have their own set of abilities specified by the summoner at some point before the summoning. As the summoner grows in power, so too does the Eidolon. Although similar to a Stand, an Eidolon has a few advantages and disadvantages over Stands:

Minna is capable of summoning a single Eidolon named Parse, who was given a form befitting a warrior of the light.
He is covered in armor that is difficult, but not impossible, to pierce. His "hair" is actually a mass of prehensile tendrils that can be used for various purposes, while his four "arms" each house a single blade that can be launched at high speeds if needed. Otherwise, his primary method of attack is impalement on his arms.

Eventually, they can perform a temporary fusion state, bringing out their full potential for a short time as a single being. (More on this once unlocked)
Weapon: Parse, the Eidolon.
Division: Intelligence....technically.
Club: N/A
Pic :

(She is 5ft 9in (175.26cm) tall
She obviously doesn't go out in public like this.

Due to being a member of royalty, Minna presents herself as confident. Although she can be a little manipulative, she's a hopeless romantic who grew up with stories of brave knights and whatnot. She daydreams about someone swearing fealty to her and cares not for their gender. Parse doesn't count.
Despite her attire, she can be very tomboyish and brutally honest.
He can be a bit snide and is sometimes a little too concerned with honor and combat and whatnot, but he cares about his summoner. Hell, he practically raised her!
Bio: From the world of Aria, yet another offshoot of Earths timeline, Minna was officially born as the 16th Imperial Princess of the Parsaat Empire. However, off the record, she is the illegitimate child of the Emperor and a Borean, a tribesperson from the far north. Although this has worked against in many regards, such as most of her family pretending she doesn't exist, it has helped in other ways. Her "exotic" features and "refreshing" attitude has won the favor of a few nobles. As such, she is ironically one of the more fitting heirs to take the throne.

She never really made a friend though, other than her Eidolon, Parse, who she summoned at the age of 6 because she was lonely and found a book on the subject in the library. Parse was a very basic thing back then, but as she grew up, so did he. One day, they both found a disturbance and, curious as she is, Minna decided that the best course of action to jump right into it! And that's how they found Wildstar High.
TamoballAug 10, 2015 10:24 AM
Aug 10, 2015 12:43 PM
Nov 2014
Name: Shintaro Madoushi
Age (Between 14 - 20): 17
Gender: Male
Year: 2416
Nationality: Japanese
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): Magic Cannon Sword
Power Explanation: He uses a magic sword which he can make appear out of air. The sword also is a cannon/gunlike weapon and he has one special attack with the cannon. The attack is called Strike Blaster and when he uses this he charges up to the bullet holes in the sword itself gaining 2 holes filled per post. Once he has them fully charged he can pull the trigger on his sword to shoot a red laser which will explode into a ball of static energy. This makes him unable to fight for 2 posts.
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): His sword which he calls Gladius

Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): Assault
Club: Basketball Club
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: He is a laidback guy who doesn't care when there is trouble. When someone asks him to do something he will mostly try to find an easy and low energy costing way. In the end he cares about his friends.
Bio: Shintaro started training with his grandfather at a young age. He was always the ace of the students and was the only one able to handle a sword like his. Of course most students hated him for being so popular with basically anyone. He would always get annoyed by the other guys but the girl would admire him for every part of himself, his skill and looks. One girl was brave enough to ask him out and of course Shintaro agreed. They later became a couple and fought in many battles together against the demons attacking their village. 5 guys didn't like the idea of their relationship and decided to screw with their next mission. They in secret demolished Shintaro's girlfriend's weapon so she couldn't fight. In the next battle they fought the girl wanted to pull her sword but then found out what happened to it. She had no defense against the demons and Shintaro was too late to safe her. She got caught and killed and Shintaro had to flee. Once back in the village he found out who the culprits were and murdered them horribly smearing their blood on the walls of their family's homes. He left the village and came at the ruins of a castle. He lived there for a while and eventually decided to go into the castle's dungeon. There he found a mysterious portal and walked through it ending up somewhere in the future, at Wildstar.
Aug 10, 2015 12:47 PM
Nov 2014
Tamoball said:
Name: Minna Parsaath
Age (Between 14 - 20): 16
Gender: Female
Year: Roughly 3083
Nationality: Parsaat Empire (See bio)
Power: Eidolon Summoning
Power Explanation: The power to summon a powerful entity known as an Eidolon. Each Eidolon is unique, and have their own set of abilities specified by the summoner at some point before the summoning. As the summoner grows in power, so too does the Eidolon. Although similar to a Stand, an Eidolon has a few advantages and disadvantages over Stands:

Minna is capable of summoning a single Eidolon named Parse, who was given a form befitting a warrior of the light.
He is covered in armor that is difficult, but not impossible, to pierce. His "hair" is actually a mass of prehensile tendrils that can be used for various purposes, while his four "arms" each house a single blade that can be launched at high speeds if needed. Otherwise, his primary method of attack is impalement on his arms.

Eventually, they can perform a temporary fusion state, bringing out their full potential for a short time as a single being. (More on this once unlocked)
Weapon: Parse, the Eidolon.
Division: Intelligence....technically.
Club: N/A
Pic :

(She is 5ft 9in (175.26cm) tall
She obviously doesn't go out in public like this.

Due to being a member of royalty, Minna presents herself as confident. Although she can be a little manipulative, she's a hopeless romantic who grew up with stories of brave knights and whatnot. She daydreams about someone swearing fealty to her and cares not for their gender. Parse doesn't count.
Despite her attire, she can be very tomboyish and brutally honest.
He can be a bit snide and is sometimes a little too concerned with honor and combat and whatnot, but he cares about his summoner. Hell, he practically raised her!
Bio: From the world of Aria, yet another offshoot of Earths timeline, Minna was officially born as the 16th Imperial Princess of the Parsaat Empire. However, off the record, she is the illegitimate child of the Emperor and a Borean, a tribesperson from the far north. Although this has worked against in many regards, such as most of her family pretending she doesn't exist, it has helped in other ways. Her "exotic" features and "refreshing" attitude has won the favor of a few nobles. As such, she is ironically one of the more fitting heirs to take the throne.

She never really made a friend though, other than her Eidolon, Parse, who she summoned at the age of 6 because she was lonely and found a book on the subject in the library. Parse was a very basic thing back then, but as she grew up, so did he. One day, they both found a disturbance and, curious as she is, Minna decided that the best course of action to jump right into it! And that's how they found Wildstar High.

Approved. Maybe another admin says something else so maybe ask Raz just to be sure
Aug 10, 2015 12:59 PM

Mar 2015
Name: Corvo Wrath
Age (Between 14 - 20): 16
Gender: Male
Year: 2015
Nationality: Japanese American
Power: Demon Summoner
Power Explanation: Corvo can summon a a demon named "Crow". Crow is very straight forward in terms of it's abilities, it is much much faster than an average human, and can move at blinding speeds. It has it's own personality and will, and if it is killed it will only reappear until after the battle.
Demon Appearance:

Weapon: Two Katanas. One is a long and slim sword with a darker colored metal with a white ede, with a dark grey wrap around for the handle, four long jet black feathers are sticking out of the handle at the top, called "Crow's Claw"
Other Katana:

Division: Assault
Club: None

Personality: A little bit hard to get to know, Corvo often comes off as cold and anti-social, spending most of his time talking with his creepy crow monster. When you get to know him, he's a fairly hard working person, who is a loyal friend with a great resolve to redeem himself from his past actions.

Bio: Growing up in the poorer areas of a major city in Japan, Corvo often resorted to a life of crime. Working with different gangs, criminal organizations and the like to help out his family. Until one day his luck ran out, and a lot of things went very very wrong. With nowhere left to go, and his guilt weighing on him heavily, he went to Wildstar for a chance to make up for his mistakes, until one day, he mysteriously vanished from the School about halfway through the year. Now, he's returning to continue his education and training, but he still has not revealed what he left for.
Aug 10, 2015 5:30 PM

May 2013

Both approved
Aug 11, 2015 5:31 PM

Aug 2014
Name: Erika Tamashii
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Year: 3020
Nationality: Englasian (Born in Japan, moved to England at the age of two, technically full British however has Japanese roots and ancestory.)
Power: Azure Harmony
Power Explanation: When using Azure Harmony, Erika channels the fiery reserves of energy within her to bring forth her demons and lets them possess her to form a physical manifesation of theirselves. As the Azure Princess, her speed is increased two fold, as well as heightened reaction speeds and sharpening of her senses. The drawback is that it's very limited, time-wise, she cannot sustain the power for very long. She can sustain it for about 1 hour, any longer and she's risking her life and the lives of others as the demons can permanently take over. (Her power can last anywhere between 5-15 posts)
Weapon: N/A (When in her base state.)
Katana and a Plasma Grenade Launcher (Pictured in Azure Princess)
Club: N/A
Division: Assault
Pic: Base

Azure Princess

Personality: Base Form - Erika is very lovable. She's always giddy, happy and excited to the point where she's even unintentionally flirty. She's bi-sexual, however leans more to the side of females. She doesn't like getting serious at all because that's what the Azure Princess is for. She's always calm and keeps her cool and tries to see out all the positives before going anywhere near the negatives with a 50ft pole. She's childish and has a good sense of humour. However, she finds it difficult to makes friends despite having an all round likeable personality. She's very empathetic and doesn't like seeing others get hurt and cares for everyone.
Azure Princess Form - Erika takes a massive U-Turn in personality with her Azure Princess. She becomes more methodical and sadistic, turning aggressive and serious. She doesn't take anything lightly and follows the theory of "For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction" however, she sends it back ten-fold. She has a very distinct lack of empathy and has a very sadistic tendancy to play around with her prey. She can, in very rare cases, actually care about people in this form, despite being overly aggressive and less caring.
Theme: Erika Base Form - Encounter! Wally

Azure Princess Form - VS! Perfect Cell

Bio: Born into the wealthy Tamashii family, Erika was a young infant who got everything she could have wished for handed to her on a plate. However that soon changed when her father was accused of alleged treason against the Japanese government and sentenced to life imprisonment. And this was when Erika was only one year old. When she was two, her family sent her away from Japan as all sorts happening to their family. Parcel bombs, death threats, attempts ok the heir to the family's wealth, Erika herself, by her own family members, fueled by jealousy and greed. No one could be trusted, so Erika's mother took a risk and put her up for adoption, with a willing English family being able to take her away from the mayhem to rural England. Erika grew up in England, adapting to the culture of England and becoming fluent in the language abnormally quickly for a Japanese born girl. She, at the age of ten, unintentionally unlocked the Azure Princess, whose rage was fueled by the greed of her Japanese family members, almost levelling an entire middle school. At the age of sixteen, Erika has now come within decent control of the Azure Princess, finding a leaflet about WildStar High. A prestigious school for those with abnormal abilities and powers. It's where she belonged. She said her goodbyes to her foster mother and father and headed off, finding it to be "Not that far away" however ending up in a completely different time. She had arrived at WildStar High.
AzureAceHDAug 18, 2015 11:01 AM
Aug 12, 2015 2:48 AM

Jul 2014
Name: Angela Riva

Age (Between 14 - 20): 15
Gender: Female

Nationality: Vor Svatten Empire
Power: Clockwork Techmaturgy
Power Explanation: Angela bears the power of pure techmaturgy: the power to create or interract with mechanical objects at will.
1. Creation: she can create and use machines of different forms. She can do stuff from little pocket watches to sentry Guns, but the bigger the gear the longer it takes to be created. Also they use some sort of magic bits named "Scraps" to form, which Angela gains by collecting metal and "dissolving" it, or by destroying and recycling her orders devices
2. Interaction: she can interact with gear in her area of range, the closer the more chances of succes. Besides being able to break or control stuff, she can also fix them as she gains sight in her mind of all the components and can see what's wrong, or even dismember said machine.
3. Negation: she can create a circular field around her with a 5m radius that when summoned resembles a clock model on the ground. Within this area, no mechanism besides hers cant work at all, unless she taken control of them
4. Domination: She can build bots to listen to her commands, but they must be build using a special technique, thus taking more time and Scraps as she can also implement extras. Her main robots are:
-Jeeves: robot gentleman, clockwork system with an auxiliary furmace, can talk like a human, able to equip supplementary gear like mini-guns and shields, based on strenght and durability, can activate the auxiliary engine for a boost in power and speed.
-Mora: robot kitten, clockwork system, comunucates through clicks resembling meows that form the morse code, can be used like a secure container for small things, based on speed and reflexes, might shut down if the wind up key aint turned in long time.
Weapon: her clockwork gear, also a clockwork staff she uses for increased effectiveness in her power and a mini gun showed in her pic, both creatable

Division: Intelligence
Club: Photography



Personality: Angela is a quiet, reserved young girl who isnt very social. Surprisingly smart and wise for her age, she is kind and nice with people who treat her the same. Very honorable, polite and elegant, she is a ladylike model.
Bio: Angela comes from a paralel world that people reffer to as the "Outer World". If you try to describe that world, dont:it is too complicated given its complexity and different regions.
V'las continent, Von Svatten empire, Irongate city. Capital of a steampunk society, it is greatly technologizied and the home of the Emperor and his family. Prosperity, fortune and fame, an empire that lasted a thousand years, thus named "Millenium Empire".
Meet Angela Riva, a young girl living with a robot cat on the streets. Seems normal? Lets go to the past a bit. Lady Angelina Stewart Ford was a possible succesor to the empire's crown, but knowing she's the youngest of 3 sisters her chances where slim... Thats what she tought. To her surprise, on the Empire's 1000 years, the Emperor announced that Angelina will be the rightful succesor. Thus, it all began.
In jelousy, her sisters tried to kill her, but after several attempts from which many almost succeded, she escaped the palace and hid in the streets. Her sisters told the Emperor that Angelina died in an accident in the forest, so the Emperor, in grief, named the 2 the new succesors.
Back to the present. Angela lives on the streets, to be exact in an old clock workshop. She spends her days building clockwork machines and selling them for money under a fake name. Thats how she built Mora, and thats how she soon created Jeeves... Though, her passion ended up in a dissaster. As she liked experimenting, she built a machine she tought to be able to time travel, but it instead was a dimensional travel instead. From an accident, she activated it and was sucked in alongside her robot companions, and the next thing she knew she was in front of WildStar...
And old chapter ended, a new one begins...
LightSpark090Aug 12, 2015 10:43 AM
Aug 14, 2015 7:15 AM

Jul 2008
Erika and Angela approved.
Aug 15, 2015 3:22 PM

Apr 2014

Name: Ren Kurosaki
Age (Between 14 - 20): 20
Gender: male
Year: 2060
Nationality: Japan
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): he was genetically modified to be a weapon so he has enhanced speed and strength and the ability to form any weapon he wants (two at a time with two post delay)
Power Explanation: I kinda put the explanation in the power section
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):
A motorcycle

His motorcycle

And the weapons he forms

Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): assault
Club: no club
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: cold at first but he is kind and caring and has a sense of justice
Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!) He grew up on the streets with nothing and he was constantly robbed of what little money he managed to earn from gang members and at the age of sixteen some men told him to get in their car and he was taken to a research facility where they trained him to make his body the strongest it could be then the knocked him out and injected him with something that changed his genetics and he found himself with powers then he became an assassin and the first people who he was hired to kill were the men that gave him trouble when he was a kid and he was an assassin for a few years until he was teleported with his bike to a time before all the futuristic equipment
SleeplessVampireAug 17, 2015 4:49 AM
Aug 16, 2015 8:20 AM

May 2014
The bike would just be a normal bike. as stated, 'weapons' Don't come with extra abilities
Aug 16, 2015 9:49 AM

Apr 2014
What about options for attachments?
Aug 16, 2015 10:32 AM

Jul 2008
I have confirmed with Raz that the +1 student reward is still valid.
Name: Lumi Boreas
Age (Between 14 - 20): 16
Gender: Female
Year: 2020
Nationality: Hell
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): Underworld Jailer
Power Explanation: The power to generate and manipulate chains with which to bind and even throw sapient beings. The chains come from her presence, so it's not like they can appear out of nowhere 30 feet away or something.
She can even see the chains that bind ones heart, a spiritual manifestation of a persons secrets, regrets, etc. With her gauntlets, she can pull on them in order to create a night unbreakable grip on a target, but she has to be in "grabbing distance"
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): Underworld Jailer's Gauntlets
Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): Assault
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: Though seemingly arrogant and bossy, she is a little too soft on the inside. Lumi is spoiled, childish, and can be brought to tears easily, especially after unexpected opposition to her whole "alpha" schtick. She's unaware of some social norms and wears her emotions on her sleeve, making her very bad at keeping secrets.This doesn't stop from at least trying, though.
She idolizes her older sister and wishes to be like her someday, wholly oblivious of the incredible sloth.
Bio: The youngest member of the Boreas family. Despite this, Lumi was set as the heir to the family due to various circumstances involving her older sister being a "deviant." Unfortunately, she didn't like the idea, as she felt that her sister was more deserving of it.

The Boreas command quite a lot of respect in Hell and are supposedly descended from the Lightbringer himself. Due to being of a special class of demon themselves, they might not be wrong. The Lightbringers are marked with a star in their eyes with a varying number of points. The Boreas all have the 4-pointed star and have made it their emblem.

Enough history. Lumi missed her sister dearly after she left. So, when she was old enough, she followed in her sisters footsteps: leaving Hell behind and wandering the Earth.
Aug 17, 2015 4:48 AM

Apr 2014
Never mind I'll just make the bike normal
Aug 17, 2015 1:05 PM

Feb 2015
SleeplessVampire said:

Name: Ren Kurosaki
Age (Between 14 - 20): 20
Gender: male
Year: 2060
Nationality: Japan
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): he was genetically modified to be a weapon so he has enhanced speed and strength and the ability to form any weapon he wants (two at a time with two post delay)
Power Explanation: I kinda put the explanation in the power section
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):
A motorcycle

His motorcycle

And the weapons he forms

Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): assault
Club: no club
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: cold at first but he is kind and caring and has a sense of justice
Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!) He grew up on the streets with nothing and he was constantly robbed of what little money he managed to earn from gang members and at the age of sixteen some men told him to get in their car and he was taken to a research facility where they trained him to make his body the strongest it could be then the knocked him out and injected him with something that changed his genetics and he found himself with powers then he became an assassin and the first people who he was hired to kill were the men that gave him trouble when he was a kid and he was an assassin for a few years until he was teleported with his bike to a time before all the futuristic equipment

Something Important
Aug 18, 2015 7:46 AM

Jul 2008
Name: Violet Protean (Real Name: Lore Seidel)
Age (Between 14 - 20): 15
Gender: Female
Year: 2015
Nationality: German
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): Combat Cyborg
Power Explanation: Violet's abilities are purely technological in nature. Last year, she had the power to make herself the least noticeable thing in a given area, making her effectively invisible. However, she has been modified due to the unit that gave her that ability being deemed "too dangerous" to the person. Instead, she has been outfitted with combat in mind. Her bio will explain the reasoning behind the major shift in focus.
She is outfitted with significantly safer technologies. These technologies are:

TL;DR: Although capable of stealth through a sound dampener, her focus will be more on target elimination. Violet must still apply her resources thoughtfully.

Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): Throwing Knives
Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): Infiltration
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: Still aloof, though friendlier than last year. She seems far less troubled than before, as well, and smiles a lot more often. She's fully aware of her lack of presence and so adopted a wardrobe of lighter colors to stand out more. She'll break eye contact if she's thinking too hard about what to say.
Bio: A young German girl who came to Wildstar last year out of obligation. She was the only survivor of an accident that left her with only one hand and paralyzed from the waist down. The government stepped in and used experimental technologies to fix her broken body, but required her to serve the military at a later time.

Fortunately, Violet has managed to convince them that she is not fit for military duty, as she is a prototype. Unfortunately, though they agreed with her reasoning, they insisted on keeping her on her leash as they gather data for her successors. She agreed to these terms on the condition that she is not monitored.
With all that in mind, she received upgrades and was allowed to go back to Wildstar or her normal life. Remembering the friends she made there, her choice was clear and so she's here.
Aug 18, 2015 10:13 AM

Nov 2009
Name: Mikaila Bella
Nickname: Mika
Age (Between 14 - 20): 16
Gender: Female
Year: 2015
Nationality: From Scottland
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): Wind
Power Explanation: Right now she can use her wind to fly and control the air around her. for example if someone throws a knife at her. she can make the wind throw it back.
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):
Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): Defence
Club: Music
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):
Personality: Mika is a rather strong willed and optimistic girl. She is always striving to do things as well as possible, though she struggles with her studies at times. She is also very nice and sweet with people. she is fun to be around while at the same time she is always looking to have a good time. She is always quick to help people in need and tends to put others before herself. She loves dancing singing, poetry and cheerleading.

Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!)
She grew up in an orphanage until eventually she was adopted by a nice lady that took her in and treated her like if she was her own daughter. Because of this kind deed that was done to her she became the person that she is. Where she always wants to help others just like her step mom helped her. She and her mother did a lot of stuff together like singing and dancing and ballet. She loves to sing and express herself through poetry and songs witch she loves to write.
Aug 18, 2015 10:23 AM

May 2014
Tamoball said:
Name: Violet Protean (Real Name: Lore Seidel)
Age (Between 14 - 20): 15
Gender: Female
Year: 2015
Nationality: German
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): Combat Cyborg
Power Explanation: Violet's abilities are purely technological in nature. Last year, she had the power to make herself the least noticeable thing in a given area, making her effectively invisible. However, she has been modified due to the unit that gave her that ability being deemed "too dangerous" to the person. Instead, she has been outfitted with combat in mind. Her bio will explain the reasoning behind the major shift in focus.
She is outfitted with significantly safer technologies. These technologies are:

TL;DR: Although capable of stealth through a sound dampener, her focus will be more on target elimination. Violet must still apply her resources thoughtfully.

Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it): Throwing Knives
Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): Infiltration
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):

Personality: Still aloof, though friendlier than last year. She seems far less troubled than before, as well, and smiles a lot more often. She's fully aware of her lack of presence and so adopted a wardrobe of lighter colors to stand out more. She'll break eye contact if she's thinking too hard about what to say.
Bio: A young German girl who came to Wildstar last year out of obligation. She was the only survivor of an accident that left her with only one hand and paralyzed from the waist down. The government stepped in and used experimental technologies to fix her broken body, but required her to serve the military at a later time.

Fortunately, Violet has managed to convince them that she is not fit for military duty, as she is a prototype. Unfortunately, though they agreed with her reasoning, they insisted on keeping her on her leash as they gather data for her successors. She agreed to these terms on the condition that she is not monitored.
With all that in mind, she received upgrades and was allowed to go back to Wildstar or her normal life. Remembering the friends she made there, her choice was clear and so she's here.


SakuraSweetHeart said:
Name: Mikaila Bella
Nickname: Mika
Age (Between 14 - 20): 16
Gender: Female
Year: 2015
Nationality: From Scottland
Power (Which will still be weak at the beginning, will not become OP): Wind
Power Explanation: Right now she can use her wind to fly and control the air around her. for example if someone throws a knife at her. she can make the wind throw it back.
Weapon (optional) (These do not come with extra powers, powers can be based on it):
Division (Assault, Infiltration, Intelligence, Defense): Defence
Club: Music
Pic (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! so cat's don't get extra agility or the like):
Personality: Mika is a rather strong willed and optimistic girl. She is always striving to do things as well as possible, though she struggles with her studies at times. She is also very nice and sweet with people. she is fun to be around while at the same time she is always looking to have a good time. She is always quick to help people in need and tends to put others before herself. She loves dancing singing, poetry and cheerleading.

Bio: (75 word minimum. No exceptions!)
She grew up in an orphanage until eventually she was adopted by a nice lady that took her in and treated her like if she was her own daughter. Because of this kind deed that was done to her she became the person that she is. Where she always wants to help others just like her step mom helped her. She and her mother did a lot of stuff together like singing and dancing and ballet. She loves to sing and express herself through poetry and songs witch she loves to write.

Approved, though if thrown hard enough, it would make it difficult to stop a dagger~
RazorDestinyAug 18, 2015 4:18 PM
Aug 20, 2015 6:24 AM

Dec 2013
Name : Cristofer Sevillano
Age : 20
Join Date : 2243
Gender : Male
Nationality : Alianza del Sol, Colombian Sector
Power : "Luz De La Valle" (Light of the Valley)
Power Explanation :

Weapon : Sword and Shield combo, used to engage in melee, and a marksman rifle used to be able to engage from afar which would work when his power is being used, since he can't move quickly let alone engage in actual melee combat without taking down the shield itself. These weapons are normal, no secret powers or special stuff behind them!
Also I'll be posting images of said weapons. Soon....

Yes, they be drawn by yours truly :P
Division : Defense
Club : None

Pics :


His combat armor

Power Symbol, marked on Cristofer's left forearm.

Personality : Humble, chill, a bit comedic, a bit serious, prone to being a bit sadistic too! Woo!

Bio :

Forgot to throw this in here for shiz and giggles
A THEME cause why not?

Ze-LemAug 21, 2015 9:47 AM
Aug 20, 2015 6:59 PM

May 2013

Both approved!
Aug 20, 2015 7:04 PM

Mar 2014
Name: Adi Lindgren
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Year: 2008
Nationality: Swedish
Power: Trueshot Alice
Power Explanation: The Trueshot Alice grants Adi improbable aiming skills, allowing her to make seemingly impossible shots with just about any projectile, regardless of the weapon's factual accuracy. This ability works separately from any other system in her body therefore it is not necessary for Adi to take aim beforehand. As a side effect, the Trueshot Alice can randomly cause twitching or minor spasms which greatly hinder her acute motor skills. Still, being able to throw a coin into a vending machine slot from several feet away is a neat party trick The main drawback is an extreme feedback that occurs anytime Adi witnesses her ability actively cause another person pain. Symptoms of this feedback include extreme nausea, vertigo, severe weakness in the knees, intense headaches, temporary deafness, etc. that last for a minimum of 15 posts. Adi must witness the injury with her own eyes, and while the ability is active, and the victim must be 100% human or else the feedback is negated, meaning Adi will not experience a second bout feedback if she sees a wound she caused hours earlier, assuming the initial feedback has subsided.
It should be noted that the Trueshot Alice will not guide a bullet shot from a gun, but it will work if the gun itself is thrown. Unlike bullets, arrows act just as any other projectile. Naturally, it has no effect on projectiles launched by anyone other than Adi.
Weapon: A small pouch of black rocks (some sharpened, some blunt), as well as a single throwing knife.
Division: Infiltration
Club: Archery

Personality: Adi is a bold, stubborn girl, who would never back down when provoked. Not even for all the butter in Småland. This is more of a vice than a virtue since she isn't all that great at bringing about peaceful resolutions. Some of her more noticeable traits include possessing ungodly patience, actively judging people, and being excessively clingy. Aside from her outward appearance, Adi has difficulty adapting to new environments, as well as learning from her mistakes. Adi often expresses loyalty to her friends and family, and would never intentionally harm them.



Edits for formatting and grammar
RedPtolemyAug 21, 2015 10:20 AM
RP characters: Freya
Aug 20, 2015 7:07 PM

May 2013

Approved! Have fun
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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