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Aug 14, 2015 1:45 PM

Dec 2013

His nightmares had tortured his mind for a period time before he emerged. When he came to, found himself on the landing, droll coming off the side of his mouth. Blinking his eyes open, he shifted his weight forward, his head pounding. His mind, for the first time in a while, was completely silent, which unsettled him. After taking a moment to fully come to, he got to his feet. He then made his way down the steps to the ground floor, taking a seat on floor the door way of the building. His eyes scanned the surrounding area, looking for any signs of life.
Aug 14, 2015 8:35 PM

May 2014

She walked into the Base area with Key at her arm, looking around her at the rubble for a moment, seeing someone in the distance, but didnt pay much attention to it, although her mind had hit the alarms for some reason. She looked down at Key at her arm, chuckling a bit. She hadnt expected to be reunited that quick with someone she knew, her mind dragging back to the thought of Alex, hoping he was still okay, and that she would see him again, although she didnt know if she could manage up the courage to face him. She kept walking with Key as she thought about it
Aug 14, 2015 8:55 PM

Dec 2014

She clung to Saki's arm as they walked into the Base. She looked around her scanning the area. The buildings where weathered and destroyed and the concrete was cracked and worn. She noticed some one sitting in a doorway further up the road. She rubbed her eyes a little with her free hand to get rid of the excess water, but now she had stopped crying only slightly sobbing every now and then. She squinted to see if she could make out a face but was unsuccessful. "Who's that?" she said pointing at the person in the door way as she looked up at Saki with watery eyes, smiling.
Aug 14, 2015 9:07 PM

Dec 2013

Getting the rest he needed, he stood up. Mist floated in his mind, the memories on the edges, preventing him from taking in any of the exterior stimuli. He just took off walking, an automatic response after noticing two figures in the distance. As he walked, his eyes lowered down to the ground until he was no longer looking that far ahead. When he stopped, he was right before the two figures. He didn't look up. His matted hair, unshaven beard and his worn features, as well as his unsteady posture, made him look unearthly, a shell of her former proud self. He had definitely let himself go since Saki's death "Oh, Saki..." He said out loud, forgetting her was right in front of two people, letting his memories comfort him.
Aug 15, 2015 6:41 AM

May 2014

She kept walking with Key looking at her "I don't know Key, we kind of just arrived here" She said, noticing how the person had stood up and started walking, but didnt mind it too much. She kept looking at Key at her arm while they walked, then stopped as the person seemingly had stopped walking and stood still right in front of them, making her look up, mostly because of the words her spoke, looking at him. She saw his blonder hair, and even if he was looking down, there already wasnt any doubt for her, hearing his voice, although it had changed a slight bit, it was undoubtedly the same voice she had grown to love and become accustomed to. Her eyes were opened in something similar to shock, yet she had to ask "A-...Alex?" She said, her voice wavering, her grey hair softly waving in the wind as she looked at him
Aug 15, 2015 9:24 AM

Dec 2014

She wandered with Saki farther down the road still clutching at her arm. She keapt looking at the stranger in the distance when she noticed him begin to get up and walk towards them. She still couldn't really meals him out that well until he was right in front of them. Then she heard him speak, saying Saki's name, she recognised it. She looked at the stranger standing before them. Here eyes widened again and her grip on Saki's arm tightened, her eyes began to fill with tears as she realised. She stood clinging to Saki when she spoke. She looked up at him and stared, waiting for his response.
Aug 15, 2015 11:51 AM

Dec 2013

The sound of his name being called was like an arrow of light piercing the armor of dark memories around his mind. He coughed in response at first, feeling uncomfortable at the sound of his own name. Neck muscles tense, he slowly moved up his head from its downcast position. When his empty eyes rose to meet the stranger, he saw a face that didn't make sense.

All at once, it felt like the reality he had been living had all been a dream, like the event after that day had been an extended nightmare and that it was only today that he had woken. He stared into the girl's familiar eyes and at her grey hair. Images of Saki flood into his brain, but it actually takes a few moments to connect the dots. He looks at the girl next to her, looking in her face as if it had some hint of the first girl's identity. That face too looks familiar, but his spirit draws him back to the first.

He looks at it, his throat closing up, tear welling in his eyes. He can't speak. The name hasn't fully manifested itself, partially because to him, who had heard the scream himself, its just not possible. But his body, ever inch of it, remember, as if it was some ancient fact that all human should know. "S....ak..." Tears began to fall with abandon, him just standing there, not wanting to touch her since he feared she might be another hallucination.
Aug 15, 2015 12:08 PM

May 2014

She looked at Alex, remaining silent as she stared at him, her body slightly trembling. All this time she had thought about how she would face him, what she would do, but all those worries seemed to disappear the moment he looked in her eyes, her own eyes looking back at him. Her heart started beating in a way it hadnt done in 3 years, slowly bringing a hand to her mouth as tears welled up in her own eyes, shaking her head in disbelief for a moment, looking in his eyes, seeing his hair, his unshaven and worn out face. despite everything, she couldnt deny it, this was most certainly Alex, there was no doubt at all. She remained standing for a moment, then as if urged by the skip of her heart she went forward, bringing her head onto his shoulder as she wrapped her arms around him, her face burying in the same shoulder as she kept sniffling 'Alex" She said softly
Aug 15, 2015 12:30 PM

Dec 2013

He stood as if he was a statue for a few second, even after she embraced him. He stood there, not knowing what to believe. He stood there, his deepest and more important having come true. He stood there, before his heart began to beat to the rhythm that he he had loved all those years ago. Saki's rhythm.

He wrapped his arms around her, one behind her head, another around her back, his tears falling in the silent way like they used to, not like the noisy drunk he had become. Tightly, he held her, not wanting to let her go, his love burst forth from what he had thought to be its sepulcher in the corner of his heart. "'re alive." He kissed the crown of her head, her beautiful hair tickling his nose.
Aug 15, 2015 12:50 PM

May 2014

She kept holding him tightly, the tears going down as she held him, burying her head into his neck, as far as possible, feeling his kiss on her head made her sniffle even more, holding him tighter "Alex...." She said softly, just to say his name as she held him, and he held her. She felt his heartbeat, and for once, she actually felt her chest slightly pressing against him "I'm alive Alex" She said softly "And so are you" She added to it, confirming her own words as she squeezed him
Aug 15, 2015 1:09 PM

Dec 2014

She stood there, letting go of Saki's arm as she felt forward into Alex. She stood there stunned a moment, tears began to roll down here cheeks again, seeing the two of them reunited. The three of them reunited. The two people she had so much love for where back with here again. "Alex" she whispered to here self, not expecting any one to here. Almost reassuring her self.
Aug 15, 2015 1:10 PM

Dec 2013

"Saki...It's been so hard without you." He still couldn't believe it. If he was still dreaming, he didn't care. The smell, the touch, the sight of her were all real. Some parts, he blushed a little, were even improved. He kissed her on her head lightly over and over, his years of bottled affection coming out, him hugging her tightly to him. "I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you..." He said those words over and over, his heart thawing with each repetition. He then part from her a bit, leaving room to look at her face once more. The two of them were crying, but smiling. "My love...welcome home."
Aug 15, 2015 2:09 PM

May 2014

She kept holding on to Alex, sniffing as she kept pressed against him, smelling his smell, feeling his neck. He parted a bit from her, making her look at him with tears in her eyes, yet a smile on her face as she gave a nod, the tears jumping up as she did "I'm home darling" She said, looking at him with something close to a cheesy grin, though that didnt mix the tears at all as she looked at him, holding him still, turning her eyes for a moment at Key, letting one hand go of Alex as she pulled her closer as well, before looking at Alex again and laying her head on his chest, her other arm around Key, holding the both of them, something she hadnt expected to happen again
Aug 15, 2015 2:34 PM

Dec 2013

He embraced her and Key to him, his head rest on their crowns, tears silently falling from each of their faces. "The family is back together. I can't believe it." He sniffed, getting a hold of his chaotic emotions. Saki's smile and Key's voice brought back so many memories. "I missed you both so much." He wondered how she had survived and where she had been, but he pushed aside those doubts. The moment was simply too sweet to taint with his own worries.
Aug 15, 2015 3:02 PM

Dec 2014

She moved forward into both of them, joining the hug. Still crying she pressed her face into both of them, feeling there comforting warmth, it was the first time in a long time she had fealt safe again. She hugged them back, looking up at the two, smiling though watery eyes.
Aug 15, 2015 3:33 PM

May 2014

She kept holding on to the two, crying softly, sniffling a bit to stop doing so, looking at the two with a smile. She slowly wiped her face, thought it was still a tad moist as she looked at the two once more "I missed you too...." She said with a smile, rubbing the both of their heads as she grinned "Don't worry, I'll take care of you two again now" She said, sticking her tongue out slightly
Aug 15, 2015 3:40 PM

Dec 2013

Parting from their loving embrace after what felt like a whole half hour, he smiled. "And I'll do my best to protect you all as well." He said, his back straight, his face refreshed. He had the sudden urge to take a shower, to eat some of Saki's cooking. Of course, ever since the apocalypse, such a dream couldn't come true, but he was happy as long as he had her. "I'm just glad the two of you are alive." Even though he was referring to the two of them, his eyes never left Saki's angelic face, which looked a bit more mature, its beauty outlined with a bit of sophisticated cuteness.
Aug 15, 2015 4:25 PM

Dec 2014

She looked up at them both. Remembering the promise that Saki made to her, to keep them both alive no matter what. She smiled glad she had keapt her promise and glad that Alex also was here with them. " and I help too" he said tying to sound energetic through her sobs, knowing full well she could only just look after herself and even that was debatable. She hugged them both smiling as she did, trying to wipe the tears of her cheeks.
Aug 15, 2015 4:56 PM

May 2014

She looked at Alex and smiled "You better, I won't forgive you if you don't" She said with a playful grin, then nodded "I'm glad you're alive as well, I never expected to just find either of you again in this's a small world huh?" She said, looking at Key and petting her head "Ofcourse, you'll help too" She said, looking up once more, at the sky this time "We got the gang back together huh...." She said, looking down at Alex "Anyone we know in the Base?" She asked "Only just arrived"
Aug 15, 2015 5:05 PM

Dec 2013

Shrugging, Alex shook his head. "Sorry. During these past few years, I tended to stay away from people, so I couldn't tell you." He looked a bit downcast at his uselessness.
"And Saki, its not just a small world, its a world full of miracles." His curiosity began to build until he couldn't take it anymore. "Where were you this entire time!? Did you survive in that wasteland all by yourself!?" She looked, to him, decently dress and not particularly dirty so either she was really good at taking care of herself or she had found some kind of civilization.
Aug 15, 2015 5:13 PM

Dec 2014

She looked up awaiting Saki's response to Alex's question. She too was curious as to the answer as just like Alix, she was under the impression she had died long before the apocalypse even happend.
Aug 15, 2015 5:17 PM

May 2014

She looked at Alex and scratched the back of her head a bit "Eheh... well, to be honest" She said, looking at the two, then down at the ground for a moment, before looking up again, clapping her hands together and bowing her head a bit "I don't know, I'm sorry" She said, looking at the two again after standing straight "I remember being on the verge of dying, everything going black, then when I woke up, I found myself in the wasteland" She said "I've been travelling, hunting, and staying near a waterplace most of the time to wash myself and drink, then spotted the Base in the distance eventually, three years after waking up and travelling, so I went over here, and met Key on the way, while on a bridge" She said
Aug 15, 2015 5:22 PM

Dec 2013

Having his question answer, he smiled. "You'll have to take me to that water-place some time. As you can tell, its a bit hard to stay clean nowadays, flashing a smile. He had at least brushed his teeth, but everything else had kind fallen apart. He was a bit embarrassed to see her in such a state. "Well, whatever. What matter is that we are indeed all together. So, wanna go back to the base?" He asked.
Aug 15, 2015 5:29 PM

Dec 2014

"And me! And me! I wanna go too!" She said jumping up and down, looking down at her dirt and blood stained cloths. She hadn't seen much water since the beginning of it all she had manly been drinking soda she found so the though of a pool of it excited her. She spun around at the mention of a base and saw it "ooo a base" she said curiously pointing out the obvious.
Aug 15, 2015 5:53 PM

May 2014

She looked at the two and smiled "Sure, it's about atleast a 3 week travel though, maybe even more, can't really know seeing the huge detour I took" She said, before looking around "But it seems there's water way closer to here though" She said, sniffing a bit before nodding "There's more....plants than in the wasteland itself" She said, before nodding to Alex "But the base seems like a fine idea, yeah" She said
Aug 15, 2015 8:49 PM

Dec 2013

He went pale at the thought of the watering place being three weeks away. "Ah, never mind then. I'll wash off at the one close by!" He smiled, happily following them. It was as if his stride had regained its old spring. Joy warmed his cooled blood. Now, all he cared about was living each moment like it was a blessing because to him, seeing Saki again was proof of a real miracle. "Of to the base then!
he cried happily, walking behind them as their rear guard.
Aug 16, 2015 2:42 AM

Dec 2014

"To the base!" She cryer happily wipeing the last of her tears away before turning to wards the base, pulling Saki along a little by the hand before letting go and skipping towards the base only a little in front of them. Her skip was full of happiness, every thing seemed to have a different look now. She continued to Skip looking back every now and then just to confirm they where still there, seeing Saki followed by Alex.
Aug 16, 2015 8:17 AM

May 2014

She gave a nod as she started walking, having no clue which direction to really go, but Alex would probably give directions. She looked at Key who was first pulling her along before skipping forwards, chuckling a bit at seeing her, looking backwards every now and then as well, just to look at Alex and smiled a bit every time she did. She looked at the sky and took a deep breath, walking further again after Key, Alex behind her, a moment she hadn't expected to happen again, and thus cherished every moment of it
Aug 17, 2015 8:28 AM

Nov 2013

Sitting on the roof of a destroyed building he looked down, seeing something happening down there. He saw three people but couldnt exactly make out what they were doing. Not wanting to interrupt whatever was happening he just sat there, looking down on them.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 20, 2015 8:42 AM

Jun 2013
~Yato Seishuu

He finally arrived with his goal to save the world. He hasnt seen a living soul in quite a while, he was alone for a long time, learning about the demons strength. but now he goes trough the city with a raised chest, showing that he has the strength to fight whatever is in his way. In the time he lived alone, he started to notice the smallest changes around him. Wondering if the people around him gave him strange looks, he laughed. "Even if they did, it doesnt matter." Mumbling to himself he kept walking straight.
Aug 20, 2015 8:48 AM

Nov 2013

Still sitting on one of the roofs, he noticed someone else arriving at the base. Wondering who it might be he decided to walk down to him. Walking down the stairs to the first floor, he walked up to the new person. "Hey there. Always good to see a new face around here. My name is Satoshi." He said holding out his hand. "Nice to meet you."
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 20, 2015 9:21 AM

Jun 2013
~Yato Seishuu

He remains still, watching the person in front of him. Satoshi huh. he thought. An ally would not be bad, he could help him with his goal. Thinking for a few seconds he said. "Hello Satoshi. My name is Yato Seishuu." He bowed down as he said it. He looks up again, looking at Satoshi. "I would like to chat with you a bit more, but Im too tired. havent had a good rest in days. Lets meet here again in about two hours." he said. Not waiting for a response he walked to one of the buildings.
Mango_ChanAug 20, 2015 12:25 PM
Aug 20, 2015 12:33 PM

Nov 2013

Hearing what he had to say, he wanted to respond. But before he could even say something, Yato walked away, heading for one of the buildings. Not sure if he could he simply followed him. "So, you looking for something here or just passing by?"
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 20, 2015 1:26 PM

Dec 2013
RazorDestiny said:

She gave a nod as she started walking, having no clue which direction to really go, but Alex would probably give directions. She looked at Key who was first pulling her along before skipping forwards, chuckling a bit at seeing her, looking backwards every now and then as well, just to look at Alex and smiled a bit every time she did. She looked at the sky and took a deep breath, walking further again after Key, Alex behind her, a moment she hadn't expected to happen again, and thus cherished every moment of it

With his girls walking happily to their new home in this God-forsaken waste land, he stepped in front of them, leading the way with his own smile on his face. Every so often, he'd look back and into the eyes of Saki. Glistening in the apocalyptic sun overhead, they shown with a hope for the future that he loved. They were looking to the sky, as if they were searching for even higher heights to surpass.

"Well, I'm guessing we should head on over...there!" He pointed right in front of them, showing them the base. So they were actually going the right way the entire time. He felt a tad silly but his heart was lighter than ever.
Aug 20, 2015 1:30 PM

Jun 2013
~Yato Seishuu

"Yes Im looking for a place where I can sleepor where I can make a camp. Im from the forest so I have basic knowledge of camp building." He stopped for a second, looking behind him. Letting out a slight laug, feeling proud of himself. He kept walking. "Or do you know a place for the night?" He said with a friendly voice.
Aug 20, 2015 1:56 PM

Nov 2013

He kept following him. Hearing the question, he thought for a bit. "I dont really know my way around here. So I dont really know a good resting place around here." He looked at him, wondering what his goal was. "If youre as good as you say, then I would like to see what you can do." He smiled as he said it.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 20, 2015 2:30 PM

Jun 2013
~Yato Seishuu

He stopped, smiling. "This looks like a nice place to settle down for a while." He thought. After making a base for a camp fire, he started to build up his tent. "Need a tent? I got a spare one. Its a hand crafted tent. So if you need it you can take it."
Aug 20, 2015 2:51 PM

Nov 2013

Looking at him as he stopped, he noticed that he started to build a campfire base and a tent. A bit confused by his question he sat down leaning against a nearby wall. "What have you been doing the past 3 years? I havent seen you around before so Im a bit curious." He said watching him build up his tent.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 20, 2015 3:14 PM

Jun 2013
~Yato Seishuu

"The last 3 yreas, huh. Good question but lets talk about that tomorrow. Lets get some sleep first." He said with a tired look in his face. "Put some more wood into the fire, so it wont go out." He said, keeping his weapons ready, as he fell asleep.
Aug 21, 2015 1:18 PM

Nov 2013

His question unanswered, he watched him lying down in his tent, immediately falling asleep. Doing as he said he put a bit more wood in the fire. Not wanting to sleep he waited for him, whilst watching the area for any threats.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 21, 2015 2:57 PM

Jun 2013
~Yato Seishuu

He stood up the next morning, getting out of his tent. "Morning my friend. How have you slept?" He said with a smile. "I wonder if he noticed the demon. He seems like a normal guy." He thought. "Damn Im hungry." Not realizing he said that out loud. He recalled that Satoshi wanted to know what he did the last 3 years. He looked in his bag and took out a large piece of meat. He cooked the meat on the fire. As he finished he gave half of it to Satoshi. "Here. You must be hungry as well. Mind if I call you Sato?" He said before he started to eat his meat with a big smile on his face.
Aug 22, 2015 1:24 PM

Nov 2013

He accepted the offer, taking the cooked meat. "Thanks for the food. Havent eaten in quite a while." To be honest he hasnt eaten in a week. It was a surprise that he still had enough strength to just stand. "I dont mind that. You can call me however you want. So. Back on topic." He said as he bit down on the meat. "What have you been doing the past 3 years? I can even start if you want me to." He looked at him waiting for a response while still eating the meat.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 22, 2015 2:18 PM

Jun 2013
~Yato Seishuu

He choked on the meat, but with a few light hits to his chest, he was alright. Sorry, but can you start with your story Sato?" He said with an unhappy expression. "I managed to get out of this situation. We can go to another place." He thought. he ate the rest and discarded what was left of the meat. "Lets keep going. I dont know where to, so if you have any ideas just tell me." He said standing up and dismantleing the tent.
Aug 22, 2015 3:26 PM

Nov 2013

Hearing what he said, he thought for a bit wondering where to start his story. After a while of thinking he finished his meat. He watched him dismantle his tent and remembered at good part at which to start his story.

"So you wanted to know what I was doing the last 3 years right?" He stopped for a brief minute, putting away the rest of the meat. "So you probably saw the islands falling down. It was pretty hard to miss. Well, getting to the point, I was on that island when it crashed down. How I got here is a long story." He stopped again for a moment collecting his thoughts.

"After that its the usual thing. I simply tried to survive. It was not the hardest thing for me as Im trained in that sort of thing, but still. It was not the easiest thing. Especially with those things around. You have probably seen the creatures that roam the wasteland. Weird creatures." He paused for a brief moment. "I wandered around the wasteland for a while. Until I found this city. It seems like the creatures dont go near this place, so I figured I better stay here if I want to survive. I have seen a few people while I was here, but I didnt bother to talk to them. So I spent almost a year alone in this city. Occasionally going out to get something to eat."

He looked at the sky as he continued. "Nothing too interesting honestly. Just typical stuff. Surviving." He looked back at Yato. "Im curious about you. Mind sharing your story? And I also dont quite know where to go. But I can think of something when you tell me your story." He waited for his response with a smile on his face.
"Believing in someone." That's a weird phrase, isn't it? After all, if you truly believed in a person, you wouldn't need to say, "I believe you." It's like saying, "I believe in air." I don't mean to say that "believing in something" is like a lie. "Believing" is really a term of hope of wanting to believe.
~Satoru Fujinuma, Boku dake ga Inai Machi
Aug 23, 2015 7:02 AM

May 2015
He was walking down the street silently.
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
Aug 27, 2015 4:13 PM

Jun 2013
~Yato Seishuu

"Guess I should tell him my story, now that he told me his." He thought. he looked him in the eyes wondering if he could trust this person. With a smile he put the bag on his shoulder, he started to walk along the road, beginning his story.

"I lived in a small village with my sister before all this happened. My Mother commited suicide after my Father died on the battlefield. We lived together in the forest, but when the Islands fell on the earth my sister got killed by the angels. On this day I got the power to......" He waited for a few seconds and continued, tearing up a little. "......I got the power to transform into a demon. The power saved my life, but I was not able to save my sister. On that day a part of my soul died and I swore to cleanse the world from all evil. Oh, sorry. I think I told too much." He wiped of the tear that rolled down his cheek.

He ran forward a little to show him his power. As he started to transformthe area around him got gloomy and a aura of fear could be felt. The animals around them fled. Before he could transform completly he stopped, going back to his normal form. "That what you just saw was my real form. I hope I didnt scare you with it and that we can still be friend and partners." He waited for his response.
Sep 8, 2015 1:48 PM

May 2015
He watched the two strangers from a distance.
"I will fight for my kingdom, I will not retreat, i will stand my ground, and fight to my last breath, let this be remembered in history as the day the knights of the Grey raven stood their ground against impossible odds. Stand by me my brothers and show your honor to the king!" knights of the Raven Finale stand. None survived but neither did the enemy.
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