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Apr 17, 2015 6:37 PM

Feb 2013
The sound of the car parking on the garage lot below the building was easily heard as Zedriks got out of the car and opened the door for Mia, faster than she could, in fact. "Now, let's begin this..." He mused, still with the smirk on his face. He walked to the elevator and the door opened before him. Walking in, clicking on the 2nd floor button and waiting a bit until it got there, his expression was one of both delight and slight rage. It wasn't easy to notice, but it was there.

When the door opened, the two were surprised by the presence of a man, in his late twenties, who Zedriks immediatly recognized. "Jim." He said. "You have your room on floor 46." He told him as he handed him the key. Jim, also known as Monkey, was an acquaintance of Zedriks and an ex-member of the Beasts. "Be careful, Wolf." He added before he made his way into the elevator and Zedriks and Mia walked into the one on the opposite end. He pressed the button for the last floor.

"Are you ready?" He asked her. "We're gonna need to be really fast and careful, but that doesn't mean you can't have your fun, Mia." He mused, smirking slightly. He wondered why she was still asking for his help after all. Anyone would suffice... Why ask specifically for him was a question that he couldn't answer, yet he wouldn't ask her.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 17, 2015 7:20 PM

Jan 2013
"Da..we are arriving first to set up the security and selling floors. Once our meeting is done, please feel free to browse the wares. I will even tell them to give the pair of you a discount."

Malashenko chuckles at that, from up front. "Comrade Major can I have the discount as well?" Getting nothing in reply but a stare, he chuckles slightly, before pointing Dani to a open parking bay. "In there. close to the elevator as we can. C level." Guiding her with a point of his hand, Elena for her part was surprised Liang seemed rather calm for most of the trip, what with him sitting next to her. Though there was space between them. Most people seemed more on edge.

Mia watches the events unfold pretty much tired of them. Well in a manner at least, on the other hand it was itneresting. Noticing Zedrick's emotional state seemingly playing out on his face, Scythe couldn't help but smile..or was it Jackal, the amussing part of having so many names, she had to reflect.

"Ready as ever, you do what you want, I'll just follow in your wake and clean up, according to whatever suits my purpose." Noticing the man, Jim leaving, he seemed to know a bit on Zedrik.

Looking at a handwatch she pauses. "We need to wait a little longer..lack of patrols tells me the meeting hasn't started yet." From where they were they had a good view into the other building.
Apr 17, 2015 8:37 PM

Dec 2011
"That discount better be good, then. I'm almost broke... Fuckin' cleaners make a fortune off me..." Dani growled out. At this point, she really hated anyone in that profession for taking a hell of a lot of her well-earned cash. At her orders, Dani nodded and drove them into the parking bay, up to level C and as close to the elevator as possible, just as asked. Putting it in park, she shut it off. "Alright, we're here and no bullets spent... that's a fuckin' miracle."

Opening the door, she stepped out, stretched and leaned her Ithica momentarily against the car before reaching around her and grabbing her mask that was somehow holstered to her belt before pulling it over her head. Dani didn't expect gunfire when they went in... but she wasn't going to test fate... That... and wearing a scary metal mask tended to keep most people you didn't want talking to you from doing just that. Besides, she wasn't going to get injured just to go back and have Vincent tell her I told you so about his instincts regarding the mission. Speaking of Vincent... she wondered how he was doing... with Ichika... and like that, her thoughtful expression turned into one of anger, accompanied by an eye twitch, gritting of the teeth and growl. "I'll fuckin' kill'em," She murmured aloud... perhaps forgetting there were others present... or not caring.
Apr 17, 2015 8:56 PM

Feb 2013
Another elevator door opened and Zedriks then led the two to the room that was assigned to him. A room that was pointed right to the Trade Center. He opened the door only to see a small metallic silver-colored large suitcase on the bed. "Looks like everything is ready." He walked to the glass wall window of the room and picked up his binoculars. He took a look out of the window to see how everything was going. "Looks like Shabal is already at the meeting and the Russians just arrived. I can't see your American guy, but security seems lax. Doesn't seem like we're going to have much trouble." He smirked as he then turned back to see her.


While that, in the room of the meeting there was already a man in a black suit and tie, with a woman right beside him and multiple guards in the place. Shabal was known as a Terrorist but his appearance said much otherwise. In fact, he looked extremely civilized, although it was true that, for him, terrorism was just a market job.

"Ah... When is it that these idiots are arriving? I don't want to stay here long." He asked to a guard that was on the entrance of the room. The guard nervously responded that Elena was already on her way and that he didn't knew of the situation of the others, making Shabal sigh in slight anger and frustration. He wanted to make this deal as quickly as possible. Staying here was challenging death itself, but he couldn't let this deal slide. Still, he was being confident that the presence of his personal guard would suffice to make "Wolf" stay put. As he thought about Zed's new name, he chuckled out loud. However, he quickly closed his eyes once more and resumed on waiting the other guests of the Russians.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 17, 2015 9:21 PM

Jan 2013
Mia nods slightly in reply, studying the situation herself. "Well it seems the Russians are guarding the merchindise more than they are the gusts. It Doesn't seem Elena wants more than token resistance up on this floor..regardless we can't move till the meeting is in place. As to the American he'll be here soon.." While she wasn't much for planning, she had good eye sight, pointing to her far left a blackhawk helicopter was flying in. "Likely will drop them off, then dust off..if not I'll bring it down. Also I wonder if the Chinese are here.."


Watching Dani's reactions, and antics, Elena chuckles a bit. "Hmm..its a shame you are not Russian." Wondering what the girl was miffed about, Malashenko butts in.

"Aye, that is true, you both are very much like sisters." Chuckeling at the Majors return stare, she notices a series of limos pull up. "And that would be the Triads. Chen likes his pomp. Anyways Liang stay with me up here, is that clear..fortunately, if we are luckly that will all go well and we will be leaving." Crossing her arms as the lift comes down, she points to Malashenko. "Inform our quests we have arrived." She says stepping into the elevator. With that she waits on the other two to join her.
Apr 17, 2015 9:47 PM

Dec 2011
Being yanked from her thoughts, Dani looked back to them. "Er... I ain't talkin' about anyone here... I ain't gonna' walk in a blast someone... Probably... Maybe... Depends how many assholes are in there," Stating that, she sighed. "Well, if you want my guns again, just gimme a call. This is tha' only job I've done that I got free booze," Grinning at that, she then wonders on that. "Sisters how so?" Dani questioned with a brow. Having never known the prospect of family, she wondered if this was how sisters acted.

Pushing the thoughts that... would inevitably lead to more depressing thoughts, Dani entered the elevator. "Speakin' on jobs with you, how're tha' cleaner cost deductions?" She questioned. While it may have seemed like smalltalk or a joke... when Dani was asking it, it was a legitimate inquiry important in deducing the final payout.
Apr 17, 2015 10:19 PM

Jan 2013
Deciding to answer for him, Elena continues. "I am much the same way he meant. We both arn't fit for normal society it seems and bound to have outbursts. As to assholes, everyone has one, just don't shoot till I give the okay."

Reflecting on the job cleaning costs she waves it off with her right hand. "Bah do not worry with it, we have cleaners of our own. If you need to fight, then lay waste to all that is a threat." Elena didn't really care how much damage it caused, money would fix it, or muscel. "Get ready we'll be there soon."
Apr 18, 2015 5:51 AM

Oct 2014
(Sorry for the late reply, lot of things going on lately)

Laing exits the sedan, and looks around the parking bay with a slight squint, as if he was looking for someone. In truth he was rather on guard, if the sound of negotiating with terrorists in a building like this didn't raise his caution, nothing would. "Hey, yer wanted a cig, right?" Laing asks with a sound a roughness coming from his throat, as he always talked. Handing Dani a cigarette, Liang follows the group towards the elevator.

Upon the Traids arrival Liang had already turned and started walking towards them, before stopping dead at Elena's command. With a slight huff he turned around and caught up to the group, although he only huffed at the fact he had to turn around and catch up. "Yano, you would have thought I was Russian. Bet your gutted I'm not, aswell" He said, referring to Elena saying it was a shame Dani wasn't. Laing smirked, and was fully expecting a reply that would shut him down and put him in his place. Nonetheless, he didn't mind either of the girls. In fact he quite like them - more than Chen anyway.

Entering the elevator he sighed, putting his hands in his coat pockets as always. Nodding to a few of the Chinese that were just exiting the limos he turns to Elena. "What floor we goin to then?"
Apr 18, 2015 12:35 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmm..we Russians as late seem to have good relations with the Chinese, no need to rush from where we are." She says with a slight grin. Pressing the floor button herself, Elena hums a bit of a tune. "The 44th."

As the lift rises, Elena simply observes the pair, upon arrival she looks at the pair, mommentarily holding her arm out to block off the exit. "Don't speak unless I speak to you these meetings have a way of getting edgy." With her warning passed, she lowers her hand entering the room, just as Boss Chen, with Hu and a bodyguard arrives, and on the other end of the room, the Americans, in tactical gear three gunmen follow him shouldering M-4 rifles. Grunting a bit Elena looks at the American and scoffs. "A bit over dressed are we General?" The american laughs at that and replies with a slight stress on her rank of major.

"Form follows function Major.."

Smiling at that she points at the M4's. "If only your forms functioned as well as ours." Slightly miffed at her statement Elena greets the others. "Boss Chen. And Mister Shabal, Well then, shall we start our conferance?" Looking around the room, Elena plops down on a sofa chair at the head of the meeting table, motioning for her two guards to stand behind her.

Meanwhile Mia takes note of the arrivals, chopter landing, and now, a Few Chinese triads patroling the upper floor. Smiling at that she nudges Wolf. "Its go time..I'm changing my plan a bit...give me hmm.." Looking at her clock and distance she pauses. "fifteen to thrirty minutes. I'm going to blow up some of the lifts, minus one that I will use to go up. Once you make your move I'll do mine, then take the last lift to the roof to carry out my part as co-pilot."

Pausing for a bit she stares at Zedrik. "Or do you have a better plan?"
Apr 18, 2015 1:14 PM

Dec 2011
"Thanks," Dani said appreciatively, taking the cigarette before lighting it and placing it between her lips. "I'll owe ya' tha' next time I see ya'... if ya' don't get shot by then," Grinning a bit at that, it was clear it was a friendly taunt. At Elena's statement on cleaners, Dani's grin stretched even farther. "Hire me anytime then!" She cheered, happy that she no longer would be plagued by the damn cleaners...

As they reached the floor, before Dani could step out she was stopped by Elena. Rolling her eyes as she blew out a puff of smoke away from the three, she replied. "Ya' act as if I wanna talk ta' these assholes," Stating that, it was clear Dani had no intention of speaking to these people... she was just here to shoot them if necessary.

As Elena and the so-called General bantered back and forth, Dani simply followed behind her, standing to her right and a bit behind her as she eyed the guards. These fucks actual military...? They look like they got about as big a pole up their ass as I'd expect... Spoke Dani mentally, exhaling some smoke as she thought. They seemed to be equipped with an M4... Still, it didn't compare to Dani's own baby, least in her eyes. Maybe her way of seeing her Ithica was a bit strange after all...
Apr 18, 2015 1:28 PM

Oct 2014
"I don't think I'll get shot. Especially when I'm with her and the triads are here." He said, nodding towards Elena as he followed her into the meeting room. His posture was somewhat informal, but he wasn't here to look the part. He just had to translate if the triads were being stubborn, or something like that. Not bothering to make any sort of greeting to the Americans, he just carried on behind the Russian.

After she motioned for the pair to stand behind her, he looked at her with a momentarily distorted expression; a concoction of shock, anger and betrayal. "I don't get a seat? Charming." He muttered at a volume only Elena and Dani could here. Nonetheless, he stood behind her as asked and waited for the meeting to commence. "I feel like a parrot on the shoulder of a pirate." He said scoffing, yet again only muttering at a low volume. If the two girls hadn't figured it out already, Liang did have a tendency to moan.
NotInsightApr 18, 2015 1:32 PM
Apr 18, 2015 2:54 PM

Jan 2013
Noble8 said:
"That's fine." said Conrad still focusing his eyes on the road. "You want do to go back to my police or you want to go somewhere else?" said Conrad wondering if Nyota wanted to go anywhere that she intended to visit.

"Your police?" he chuckled "I didn't know you had a police. So you want to arrest me now? I swear i didn't do nothing" she put her hands in the air while chuckling. Her chuckle turned into a small laugh. She puts back her hand on her chin and continues facing the road "I think you meant Place. Well if you can think of any place that could be entertaining. We could go and start training with the guns now."

Apr 18, 2015 5:42 PM
Apr 2009
(lol spell check XP)

"Well we would have to go the gun range to fire your weapon and it should be in the tourist district." said Conrad then turning into another street which leads into more parts of the district. "First time firing a gun is going to change your life once you pull a trigger on one." said Conrad smiling at the day when he shot his first gun when he was young.
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Apr 18, 2015 6:01 PM

Feb 2013
Zedriks looked at the black-hawk helicopter and noticed that they were paramilitary, as he expected. With a small smirk, his eyes focused back on the meeting room where he could only see the guards. This would be a great hunt.

As the black-hawk made it's way and stopped by the roof, Zedriks noticed how Mia suddenly nudged at him and spoke. "No, I don't. Besides, you seem to be aching to get to a murder spree..." He smirked. "And I have no plans to stop you." He chuckled lightly. "Go ahead, they're all yours." He told her as he walked to the silver suitacase on the bed. Opening it, it revealed the large grenade launcher-like gun that would throw the hook at the other building. He would give Mia less than fifteen minutes, given her ability to murder anything that was on her way, he was pretty sure she'd make it even before that. However, before she left the room, he stopped her. "Wait. There's something I must give you before you go." With that, he gave her a small communicator for her to place on her ear, a small plug, if you'd say. "We can talk through these in case anything goes wrong." He tapped his ear, showing that he too was using one. With that, he let her go and went back to the preparations.

He grabbed the gun and then made his way to the glass window/wall of the room. He aimed the gun at the building and then sighted the floor he wanted to hit. Pulling the hook from the suitcase and placing it on the gun along with a very, very long line that was connected to a system below the bed, he aimed the gun at the building and then placed it on the ground. He then awaited for any saying from Mia as he constantly watched his wristwatch. 10 minutes, Jackal... He mused to himself in his thoughts, again smirking as he did so.


Shabal watched as the people came into the room, all of them with their own respective guards, although the Russian Leader seemed to be more well-guarded than anyone in this room, and she likely wouldn't be anyone's target except from the ones who were already inside here. The man took note of all these things and took a glance at his female guard, who simply nodded in response. "Good evening, Misters and Misses who are in this meeting." He said out loud as soon as everyone was in the room.

"Yes, yes, let us commence the conference." Shabal said as soon as Elena proposed such action. As he had already thought before, he wanted to finish this as quickly as possible. He had a feeling in his spine that it would bite him in the ass in the end, but he had little choice after all.
YzmaelApr 18, 2015 6:31 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 18, 2015 7:45 PM

Jan 2013
Mia smirks slightly at that. Putting the communicator piece into her right ear. Testing to make sure its functional she studies the building and landing. "There is a saying. Some men want to watch the world burn. Well some women just want to watch the world fuck." Laughing at that she sets her watch and sighs a bit, more of an exhale. Though the way she said the last bit had a mischievous tone to it. In some manner as if wanting the world to get fucked in the worst possible way. Making her not so far off from the man that wanted the world to burn.

Laughing to herself she heads out of the room. "Well. See you later, those people arn't going to kill themselves." Holding her right hand up as she turns to leave she waves bye to Zedrik. Rather doubting he would give her all the time she needed, she took a much less prepaired way of getting across to the other building. Humming to herself as she reaches the top floor of the hotel she uses the connecting power relay, with a handheld device that seemed a bit like a roller to simply slide to the other side. Once there she wasn't too surpirsed there was no roof top security. Afterall no one could just snipe the meeting area, and given how tall the building was, it was a bad vantage for a covering sniper. Taking a bag she brought with her, Mia hums to herself.

Opening it, a flight suit, and some explosives are all it contained, minus her PKM machinegun on her back, and M9 handgun, with a few spare magazines for both weapons, she had nothing else. "now lets get on with planting those bombs.."


Elena Chuckles slightly at Liang's remarks and makes a tsk sound while whispering back to him. "Now now, look at the furiniture the rest brought with them. They don't get to sit either. Besides, at least the parrot perched on my shoulder has more to look at, than on theres."

Turning her attention back to the meeting she shrugs. "So Mister Shabal. While we have these arms sales, I was told this meeting had to do with some special deal you had been presented. And you are here, why General?" She says looking at the American.

Boss Chen for his part simply smokes a cigar, while Hu seems to provide a running commentary. Whispering to his boss, the laters look seems to be in a bit of a pause, but he says nothing. The American simply shrugs. "Same thing as us all Ruskie, Money. I got a few AT Weapons and MANPADs Uncle Sam wants passed around. Course your boys are being pains in the ass over me bringing them in here. Also I'm here about the same offer He is. I'm mightly interested in the Cargo its said you pulled up this morning."

Elena stares at the General with a blank expression. Pulling out a cellphone, from her shirts front pocket, she opens it waiting for a signle. "What are you on about.."
Apr 18, 2015 9:00 PM

Dec 2011
"If I can hold myself from blasting that one guard oglin' me, you can hold yerself from bitchin'," Dani states in remark, trying to keep a hushed tone, albeit a bit less so than Liang, only to the point it was clear she was saying something to the other members of the meeting, but not exactly what. "Besides, what'd ya' expect these high 'n mighty douchebags to do? Give us a throne? These fucks probably don't wanna be here longer than they half to... Cause they know here tha' crown's given ta' the one that can kill everyone else in tha' room, not tha' highest rank."
Apr 19, 2015 1:09 AM

Oct 2014
Nodding in response to Dani's statement with a grin, Liang decides to keep quiet and let the meeting follow its course. He knew whatever they were saying would fly over the top of his head, and he made no effort to understand what was going on. Instead his eyes wander around the room, examining the people who were in the meeting. The man who replied to Elena seemed a lot more diplomatic and formal in his approach to the meeting which Liang didn't expect, although he was only comparing Shabal to stereotypes. He also found it weird being on the other side of Hu and Chen, considering many a time he was attending on their side of the table. He perked up a bit at the sound of a cargo, more so because the awfully well prepared Russian didn't seem to know what the Americans meant.
Apr 19, 2015 5:41 PM

Jan 2013
Noble8 said:
(lol spell check XP)

"Well we would have to go the gun range to fire your weapon and it should be in the tourist district." said Conrad then turning into another street which leads into more parts of the district. "First time firing a gun is going to change your life once you pull a trigger on one." said Conrad smiling at the day when he shot his first gun when he was young.

(lol this page is filled with so many WORDS! XD)
"I can tell that you speak from experience." she said turning her head toward him "So? What forced you to use a gun? Was it for protection like me or maybe your a hunter?" she asked curiouse but she assumed it was for protection since this city is probably one of the least safe place on the planet.

Apr 19, 2015 7:01 PM
Apr 2009
"Well protection of course." said Conrad remembering how this city was threatening at first to him. "Hunting here is something that really doesn't happen." said Conrad still scoping out for a gun range for them to gun in and shoot at.
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Apr 20, 2015 6:17 PM

Jan 2013
As Shabal seems ready to speak, Chen cuts the group off. "Ah. Well it would seem the Cargo in question apperantly belongs to me...or it did. It seems our paid retrivers blew most of it up." As Soon as he says this he sighs a bit. "Pitty I wasn't told about this beforehand."

Wiping sweaty palms across his pants he pauses. "As to what the Cargo is, its Chemical Artillery rounds from the Japanese. Back during the war." Elena seems to stop in her tracks pausing for a bit as she thinks on what he just said..a bidding war was about to take place..but if Chen didn't know about this..was his assistant acting on his much of the cargo was ruined, what condition was it in. Many questiosns started to race over her mind.

Mia for her parts sets the last of her charges, pulling the charging handle back on her PKM with a smirk she looks at the time. "Nine Minutes that little bastard of a wolf will start off early..good thing I expected at much." She says with a chuckle. Though she had another..small business issue to deal with.
Apr 21, 2015 1:14 PM

Jan 2013
Noble8 said:
"Well protection of course." said Conrad remembering how this city was threatening at first to him. "Hunting here is something that really doesn't happen." said Conrad still scoping out for a gun range for them to gun in and shoot at.

"I am glad that is not for hunting. Killing animals as a hoby is atrotiouse" she said looking at Conrad "Looks like you keep become more and more my type of man Conrad. What's your secret?" she joked giving out a slight smile.

Apr 21, 2015 6:08 PM
Apr 2009
"Secret? There is no secret. It's all based on your personality." said Conrad then smile at Nyota. They finally find a indoor firing range and Conrad parks his car in one of the spaces. "You ready to shoot for your first time?" said Conrad turning off his car then looking back at Nyota for her response.
I'll eat your ribs and your soul! I'LL EAT THEM UP!
Apr 21, 2015 9:30 PM

Feb 2013
Shabal was about to speak about his business here and what deal he was looking forward to before someone interrupted him. Obviously, he gazed at the person with an annoyed expression, seeing what else the Chinese Gang Leader had to say, he sighed at the end of it. "Yes, indeed. What the Chinese Man said is correct. My intentions are to pay a generous price for those rounds, seeing the usefulness they could bring to my armies and our... Intentions." With that, Shabal smirked. Of course, he wasn't going to use the weapon, otherwise he would be marked for death. His true objectives were to buy them and wait for a good opportunity to sell them for a higher price later on.


While that, on the Atlantic Hotel, Zedriks took a last look at his clock to see that the time had come. 9 minutes had passed and he knew that Mia would be prepared and ready to go. He smirked as he walked towards the gun. He took another look at his wrist and saw that the time. Exactly ten minutes after Mia had left the room, the silent shot from the Atlantic Hotel launched a large hook followed by a long, black rope that crossed the air briefly before it hit a wall, exactly above Floor 45.

Zedriks grabbed the rope and slid to the window, hitting it with full force after a travelling of 10 seconds. The window broke and revealed a small office of someone he knew very well. He made his way to the person's small secret cache, hidden in a closet-like room. There was only a single silver chest on the room. He opened the chest to reveal his equipment, including the cloak. It seemed Jim was very detailed when it came to faking as people. Of course, this one was the original stuff, as he had asked Jim to take it from the Speakeasy before he came here. Zedriks put on the long cloak, the mask and grabbed four pistols. Two were his original 93Rs while the other two were B23Rs, prototypes that Jim had gotten for him specifically for this mission. He knew full-well that it would be dangerous. Aside from the pistols, he had also grabbed three knifes, two being his original tantos and the third being a different knife with a strange design. He twirled the third, glancing at it with a vengeful expression. He was ready.

Zedriks-- No... Wolf turned around and closed the hidden cache before making his way out of the small office. The time had come...

As soon as he opened the door, he was surprised by the sight of two guards standing right in front of the door, seemingly they were investigating what had happened. However, they were obviously surprised. Wolf punched one of them right across the face, making him stagger and causing his weapon to fall. The other tried to aim his rifle at Wolf, but it was useless as he quickly pushed it away and, with the other hand, punched in the middle of the man's face. He faltered and walked back, Wolf pulled his Silenced 93R and pulled the trigger while spraying the gun to the left. The shots spread and killed both of them in a single burst of three shots.

He looked at their uniforms to see that they were part of Shabal's personal guard. He walked through the corridors, not worrying about the cameras, since he had also contacted the person who was in charge of them and... Replaced them with someone more... Competent. This was his chance, he wasn't going to waste it not even in a million years... Every preparation he had made was to make sure that the man known as Shabal would not escape his grasp. Wolf made his way across the corridors until another group of guards appeared, this time far away, allowing him to hide before they could get close.

He took a glance from his hiding location to see their numbers. Six or seven of them. From their weapons, Chinese. He received a message by his radio from the person who was in the camera room right at that moment. Jim informed him that there were guards on Floor 45 and Floor 43, a necessary precaution to not allow anyone to go into floor 44, inaccessible through elevator. It was obvious that they would do this though, and Wolf had already prepared beforehand.

He pulled out another thing he had made sure to ask Jim to put on the cache: a Flashbang grenade. The Chinese were unprepared. Without proper masks, like the ones the Russians used, they could be easily wiped out. He threw out the grenade and it bounced on the wall, causing everyone to get immediately alarmed. However, it was too late. The flashbang detonated, causing everyone to go blind and Wolf came out of cover with the two silenced 93Rs, bursting twice and killing all 7 in one go. The sound of their bodies falling silently on the ground was all that he heard after. Wolf continued on his way... Carefully as if to not trigger any trap...


Back in the meeting room, Shabal and the others discussed the offerings that were still in place in this negotiation. For some reason, he was feeling a chill down his spine that made him nervous during the entire conversation, and, although that was not clear on his face, his personal guard noticed. He looked towards the woman beside him and waved for her to come closer. When she was close enough, he whispered something to her ear and she nodded slightly in response before turning back and making her way out of the room. He then returned to pay attention to the meeting.
YzmaelApr 21, 2015 9:33 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 21, 2015 10:10 PM

Jan 2013
Elena takes note of a sudden change of preassure that caused her ears to pop slightly. While most would simple dismiss it as being just the buildings airconditioning or sinus trouble Elena had been in the field, notablly this field, long enough to trust her own observations..more so with how Shabal was acting..and the fact Hu had bowed to his boss muttering something before he left. Looking at Liang she keeps a hand on her waist, where about a gunbelt would normally be.

"Dani my dear, Do nothing quite yet, but get that child of yours ready for school..I do not like this meeting..not at all." She says only loud enough for those two behind her to hear. She also notes a stiffening with the American PMC's, the General unsurprisingly doesn't seem to have a clue. Setting her mind back to the meeting Elena smiles slightly.

"Hmm..and I am sure Uncle Sam would want those weapons...after all so handy for those..false flags your CIA so loves." She says looking at the General, who just smirks in reply while saying he had no idea whatever she meant.

"Very well I guess we also will bid on them..only as I don't want them ending up here." Then staring at Shabal. "Or in the hands of some of your Breathern inside of the Motherland." Smiling slightly as she peers at Chen she streatches slightly before moving both of her arms up along the chairs back. "So Mr Chen should we just start making offers?"


Mia for her part checking her tripwires is aware of the attack in progress, with a smile she prepairs to make her entrance into the mainroom. Checking her PKM and killing the power to the first service elevator, she leaves the other powerd, as a Chinese man with a bald head passes her. "The PLA's External Security Division would like to thank you for your co-operation Jackal..or is it Scythe? Your timing is pretty spot on. I will see to it that the weapons are..taken care of." Hu says with a slight smile as he walks past her with his hands clasped over one another inside of his sleeves, in a traditional Chinese fashion. "I take it this left is for me...and a accident should happen with its wiring once I reach the ground floor?" He asks with a slight smile.

With a chuckle Mia stares at the Monk, or rather Army Officer. "Ara..Funny how management changes isn't it? Call me what you like really.." Starting to rub a hand on his shoulders the man stares at her as a soft pair of clicks can be heard within his sleeves. The sound much like the safety being taken off of two handguns. "Well now, we arn't fun at all are we. But of course we are happy to help..also yes, kill the power to that lift. You boss is about to get the show of his bad I was asked to not kill that Liang Fellow or the Russian Bitch. But someone has to take the fall.." With a slight bow of her head and a pull of her charging handle, Mia bows solemly. "Good Bye Brother Hu...or is it Officer Pang?" Smiling as the Chinese laughs, she watches the doors close.

"Well now Little Wolf..hurry on with your show..I have people I want to kill..and even if I can't kill that russian bitch, I have a few minutes I can play with her security.."
Apr 22, 2015 1:10 AM

Dec 2011
Staring apathetically ahead of her... Dani honestly found all this boring and couldn't care less. Though the arrogance some of the pricks exhibited kind of ticked her off, luckily, it wasn't directed at her.

Suddenly, Elena spoke out to her again. Glancing down at her, Dani listened to her words and nodded a bit. Grasping the cigarette in her mouth between her index and middle finger, Dani pulled it out from between her lips and snuffed it out in an ashtray on the table, blowing out a puff of smoke all the while. Afterwards, Dani's hand moved up and pulled the intimidating metal mask down to cover her face. "Guess tha' car might come in handy after all..." Dani commented a bit quietly. Unlike before, it wasn't so obvious to the others that she was saying something though... however that was only due to the mask covering her face.
Apr 22, 2015 8:39 AM

Oct 2014
Noticing Elena and listening to what the other two were saying, Liang looks forward without moving. This made it look like the pair weren't even talking, making it difficult for anyone else to be aware of their suspicions. Stiffening slightly, the mans hand started fidgeting inside his large coat pocket before stopping still. He had a firm grip on a gun, in case things were about to get ugly, although it was still concealed. "Bar the lift, how many other ways of getting out do we have?" He muttered loud enough only for the two women to hear, even though he wasn't convinced anything was actually going to get interesting.
Apr 23, 2015 6:08 PM

Feb 2013
"Well, it seems like we're all going for these guns, then... Didn't seem like that from my sight." The man known as Shabal sighed. He grew tired of this negotiation already. Perhaps coming here wasn't a good idea after all, seeing as he was going to have a hard time buying what he wanted with these many people trying to buy before he gets the chance. Still, he couldn't care less if Hunter showed up.


Back on the floor above the meeting floor, Wolf quietly massacred his way through the guards with carefully timed appearances, grenades and surprise attacks. It didn't seem like they were expecting someone to attack them so blatantly from the inside.

It took him about fifteen minutes to get to the place he wanted, a specially large office that stood right above the meeting room. There, he took out a small thermite explosive that would burn through the concrete roof like it was paper. This was made purely to make the people inside afraid. It was his main plan and how they would then attempt a quick escape by running away from the detonation. The explosive was small enough for Wolf to carry it easily. Size didn't matter right now, the only reason for him to use this thermite explosive was just to scare them away. He didn't want them to be killed in the detonation, after all.

He activated the thermite and prepared to light the fuse before someone spoke from the behind him "I didn't expect to find you here..." A female voice. Wolf got up and briefly turned back to see a woman aiming her Eagle at him. A worrisome sight, but not one that he hadn't accounted for. "Strange. I thought you would understand my need to kill this man." He said, making the woman walk forward as he stepped back slightly. As soon as she stepped forward, the flashbang that was above her head fell from the ceiling and hit the ground. As she turned back, the explosion blinded her and Wolf made a quick dash forward and placed his B23R at her head. "I'm sorry." The silent three-shot burst exploded the woman's head right in front of him, but he had his eyes closed from behind the mask.

Wolf turned around and proceeded to activating the thermite explosive. He then picked up the radio. "Be ready, Jackal... It's about to begin." With that, he smirked widely and activated the fuse. He then turned around and walked away.

After about half a minute, the thermite exploded, causing flames to burn through the concrete ceiling right above the meeting room...


Half a minute ago...

The conversation kept on going and the four people talked about the business regarding the artillery rounds. All the while, Shabal couldn't get rid of the strange sensation he was having right now. For a reason he could not explain, it just felt as if this was going to end very badly. Suddenly, he got up and talked with the group. "I'm afraid I'll need to go out for a while, my dear buddies." He said as he grabbed his coat, which was laid on the chair he was sitting and then walked to the door of exit. "I'll be back in--" With that, however, a sound of explosion quickly stopped him on his tracks. The ceiling suddenly blazed like a sun and fire came down from the ceiling almost immediately. Shabal gasped before he hurriedly opened the door and his paranoid personality was once more engaged. The man ran aimlessly through the corridors, seeking an exit or an opportunity to escape the place.
YzmaelApr 23, 2015 6:16 PM
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 23, 2015 6:54 PM

Jan 2013
Hearing Wolf's warning Mia simply hums a tune to herself, walking about the floor during this time she already dispatches of a few guards herself. Albit with a silenced pistol shot to the back of the head. Less flashy than she would like, but for now not much more she can do.

Watching, or rather hearing the show, she smiles lightly as Shabal comes speeding down the hall. Holding the PKM to her side and with a pull of the trigger, about fifteen rounds of automatic gunfire encourage the man to flee to his left. "He'll come up or down on stairwell six. Though if this was your plan I should have just bombed the place myself." She says over the comms to her partner.

Entering the room, the PMC's are already blocking the pathway for the General. Sweeping her PKM to the left, and right, she quickly cuts down Chen and two of the PMC's as the third and a fouth outside snatch the general aiming to run with him. She expected at least two more would be on hand to try and delay her, but it didn't matter. Stepping around the ever sinking hole Wolf had made, she smiles at Elena, Dani, and Liang. She had five minutes she could play. And while there were orders not to kill Elena or her escourts, there was no orders that she couldn't fight or even wound them.


Elena watches the meeting with a detached interests, letting the Americans throw up the most noise and offers, while at times simply upping the bid by a small amount, she had no interest in them, but she wanted to be sure they ended up far from here.

Paying attention to Shabal and later on Hu's lack of reapperance, the floor crashing down into the center of the room didn't come as much of a surprise. Flipping backwards over her chair and compleating a roll, she hears a burst of automatic gunfire. Then another burst inside the room, by a smiling woman. As two PMC's raise there M4 rifles, they are cutdown by a swarm of bullets, as is Chen. Not wasting time Elena quickly issues orders. "Liang out the door now. Take the South East stairwell, head for the garage, get the car ready. Dani, take the rear, and do as I say. If you have a side arm, or any weapons I can borrow for time being hand it over now. We're leaving. In this wide open of a room she has the advantage."

Making way for the door, the woman who seemed to be the source of at least part of this rampage smiles leveling her Machinegun at the trio. The PMC's didn't worry her, with the traps she place, and timers, they would have to follow a set path to the helicopter..and she would be there well before they.

(hmm need me to control Mr terrorist, or you have something plannned?)
Apr 23, 2015 7:49 PM

Dec 2011
As the floor crashed down, Dani pointed her Ithica at the new hole in the roof, though no one came down from it. Hearing the gunfire, she pointed her gun towards the entrance and source of the noise. There, she noticed a woman with a PMK and an even more noticeable bust. Growling a bit at that fact alone, Dani began swapping out her Ithica for her SMG and trained it on her when she got it out. It would be more advantageous in a bit open room like this.

"Well? Can I at least shoot this bitch?" She questioned with narrowed eyes before Elena answered and gave out orders. Growling at the fact she was being forced to retreat rather than blast this woman, Dani growled but nodded. "Ya' can have my pistol 'er my SMG if ya' wait till we get in tha' hall," She replied, instantly firing towards the woman when she trained her weapon on the group as some form of covering fire as she herself began heading towards the hallway behind Elena.

Much as Dani'd love to have a shootout with this woman, she had to prioritize Elena getting out of her. She took a liking to the Ruskie... and needed her pay, after all. That, and Elena was the only employer in the damn city that didn't deduct cleaner costs from the pay! There's no way in hell she could let the Russian die... but if the woman pursued and they had no choice, then there would be no reason for Dani to not fight with the woman... And with her Ithica in the much more closed in corridors, it'd be fun.
Apr 24, 2015 12:08 PM

Oct 2014
Laing pulled out his gun and aimed at the hole as Dani did, and unlike his half dead facial expression seemed to suggest before the blast, he was ready to react. That was also stimulated by the fact the trio had suspicions of this happening, and Liamg wasn't too happy that the Russian was right. He waited for a few moments as no one came through the hole before grumbling. "For fuck sake!" Realising Chen was cut off, as were everyone else, Liang waited for Elenas commands.

As the strange woman entered and Liang was told to get the car ready, he glanced momentarily at one of the very realistic suspects before walking out the room. He didn't seem to do it with much haste, but it was quicker than his usual amble. He was also helped by the fact Dani seemed to be entertaining the new woman that looked liked she posed a threat. "They're all crazy I swear..." He muttered, as he made his way onto the South east stairwell to go to the garage.
Apr 24, 2015 3:01 PM

Jan 2013
Hearing Laing's remark Elena chuckles briefly. "You just noticed? It is why I love it so."

Grabbing Dani's pistol and pulling the slide Elena nods in response. "If she comes after us its only natural you kill her. We arn't running from her, we're running from the fire whatever lunatic set..and I doubt it was her."

As Elena stays between the pair she sighs. "She's coming."

True to words Mia giggles a bit as the trio head off, she had at least five minutes she could play with them, and it would be a good time killer. With the flight suit on she runs after the group, reaching the opening while they've had the chance to run ahead as she liked, she opens up with the PKM spraying rounds around the group, and mostly at Dani. She looked forward to the groups response.
Apr 24, 2015 8:50 PM

Feb 2013
(I got it covered, go on with your own side of the story for now.)

Soon as the floor came crashing down, everyone in the room panicked and ran from the place as fast as they could. Wolf's plan was complete and it was a success. Right now, all he needed to do was go after Shabal and let Mia do her thing. "Bloody killer, you might as well thank for me the time you'll be able have as "fun" with the three of them..." He mused as he smirked behind the mask after she had told him where Shabal had gone. "After all, if you had blown up the place, you wouldn't be able to have this much fun hunting your prey and neither would I hunting mine." With that, he made his way to whatever stair he wanted. He had no need to follow after Shabal, after all... He knew exactly where he would be going, thanks to Jim's directions through the radio.

Taking the South East Stairwell, he is surprised to see that one of the members of the little trio that Elena had invited to the meeting was running his way downstairs. He would find an amusing surprise down there, all thanks to Jim's first arrival and his farce as a Russian agent.

Sadly, Wolf had no time to go after the man to see what expression he would make upon seeing the car explode right in front of him. Shabal was running and he had to take him down right now.

Wolf awaited until Liang made his way past the stairs before he himself walked downstairs to floor 38. Strangely, the floor was devoid of all types of guards... Which didn't make much sense. Why would Shabal run to somewhere he knew he would be trapped.

Wolf opened the door that led to the floor's corridor but, to his surprise, it was actually a large lounge room where the workers would likely meet to have some fun. Uncharacteristically, the room was completely devoid of life and abandoned. Without illumination and only a single man sitting in the middle of the room. His scared breathing was all Wolf could hear.

Outside the building, rain started to pour down and the chill in the room was completely different from what Wolf had first imagined as his chance to kill Shabal... The man who enslaved him for years. However... If that was the only reason for him to kill Shabal, he wouldn't be here. This wasn't just about Wolf. There were other things to be accounted for. Other things to be put in the balance.

The man's scared breathing eventually stopped and he then made a long, tired sigh. "I knew this day would come. I knew you'd eventually come to kill me. I knew it..." Shabal said. His voice as calm as it could be, considering the situation. "That why you came here?" Wolf asked in an emotionless tone. "Maybe yes. I knew coming here would be a mistake. It wasn't worth the cost. After all, the Hunter never loses his prey." The man in suit and tie said to the other one in a ragged coat and a strange mask. "I'm not a Hunter anymore. Hunting just for the thrill is meaningless." He responded to the man who owned him so many answers he didn't even knew where to start.

Shabal looked at Wolf's mask, this time with an unexplained expression. These two were like brothers back then... Now they are their worst nightmares. "So you kill people for money now, Hunter? What's the difference?" He asked. Wolf took a step forward and took out a dagger with a very strange design, one that was made out of bones and weak metal. It looked rusted and very old. He simply showed it to Shabal. "I don't kill for the money... I kill to balance the good and evil..." He said. Shabal's eyes widened slightly before he smiled. "She's still in your mind, huh. After all this time... I'd hoped you'd have forgotten her already. Turns out painful memories die hard, I guess." Shabal looked down on the ground. "Listen... I really wish I could tell you it was all my fault and that I sent her to get killed intentionally. I would love to do this to give you some peace of mind... But it wasn't me. I'm not going to die with this guilt in my mind, Hunter. I never wanted her to die in that--" Before he could finish speaking, Wolf took a step forward and stomped on the man's chest. causing the chair he was sitting on to turn and for him to fall on the ground with a grumble. "Bullshit! Everyone knows, Shabal!" With that, the "Terrorist" went quiet. "You sent her to that hellhole so that she would die and you would have one less person on the payroll. That's all that mattered to you... Money..." Wolf gritted his teeth in completely anger. "Like I said... I'd love to tell you that... But it wasn't like that..." Shabal looked up to see Wolf's mask again. "I loved her too, you know..." As soon as those words came out. Wolf tightly gripped the dagger before he sent it flying down at Shabal's throat. The impact was more than enough to rip through the flesh and it was followed by a slash that almost decapitated the man below him. Blood spilled everywhere...

Wolf got up. His ragged coat now dirty with blood. He turned around and then started to make his way out of the room. "Goodbye, Father." With that, he opened the door and made his way to a different staircase in order for him to go to the garage.

He walked downstairs nonchalantly and uncaringly as his objective here was done. It took him two minutes to kill Shabal and he didn't even get to ask him what he wanted to ask. He tapped his ear and spoke with Mia once more. "Mia... I'm leaving. We'll meet again in my apartment... If you still intend to do business with me. Good luck with your massacre." His voice was apathetic as he reached the garage.

There, a silver Camaro Z28 '74 stopped right in front of him. The man that was on the driver's sit opened the door and he sat inside. "It's done?" Jim asked. Wolf looked towards him and made a single nod. It was enough. Jim started up the engine and made his way to the Speakeasy... Where they would watch from afar.

For most of the trip, silence issued...
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Apr 25, 2015 12:45 PM

Dec 2011
"Well, the bitch certainly wants me dead!" Dani commented with a growl, firing back some return fire of her own from AK-74U whenever she had a break from the hail of bullets. However, she spent most of her time keeping behind Elena and focusing on not getting blasted with the barrage coming from the PKM. That weapon was a monster. Dani couldn't beat it when it came to range. Growling beneath her mask, she gritted her teeth as she glanced back and returned fire once again. However, if Dani kept using short bursts and this woman continued spraying bullets everywhere... eventually she'd have to reload, and unfortunately, reloading a monster like that wasn't as simple as say, a pistol or even an assault rifle. "If the bitch comes in close 'er runs outta' ammo, I can nail her! But we ain't gonna kill her at long range with that fuckin' thing she's got!" Stated Dani in irritation. She liked when her opponents were amusing... but not when they were actually troublesome. "Moment you go dry... bitch..." Threatened Dani under breath.
Apr 25, 2015 1:51 PM

Jan 2013
Smiling a bit and laughing, Mia stares ate Dani with a look of amusement. Side stepping just barely as she keeps her barrage down, her battle sense seems to kick in allowing the rounds to just zip by. "Ehehehe!" Narrowing her eyes as she did much before upon greeting her boss that morning, Mia ceases firing, performing a mock reload she hopes the girl would take the bait. She was interested in seeing that shotgun in action. Hearing her partners voice she grins slightly. "Oh I'll be seeing you..I'm sure. As to that, I found a fun playmate. Shes hot temperd. The best to play with. Eheheheh"

Waiting to see how Dani would react Mia still has a little under half a belt left in the container.

As this all happens Elena watches the situation with a pause. " she reloading..I am not so sure. As to killing you, she's a terrible shot if thats the case..You arn't one of my men, but I warn against venturing out to meet her." Giving a mute warning she glances ahead to see how Liang is. This all was very odd She was sure the gunner wasn't alone, and she had superior firepower to simply gun them down..yet she wasn't putting much effort, more like toying with prey. Elene understood this way of thinking very well.
Apr 25, 2015 10:03 PM

Dec 2011
"Are you fuckin' laughin at me, you cunt?!" Dani growled back at the woman with a tick mark forming on her head. This woman not only dared shooting at her, but mocking her as well? Did she think that Dani couldn't waste her ass? Who did the whore think she was? That bastard Ichika? She dealt with enough shit from that scrawny bastard, she wasn't going to get mocked by some random bitch with a big gun and an even bigger chest.

The moment Dani noticed the bullets stopped firing, she had half a mind to toss the AK to the ruskie and charging the woman with her Ithica. But just because she stopped shooting didn't mean she was out, did it? Her doubts were only further proved by Elena's comment... then further infuriated at her observations. That bitch... she was mocking her; toying with her. Gritting her teeth, Dani only paused a moment to huff and look to Elena. "Right now... yer payin' me... so I am one 'o yer men. Least until yer back in yer little office... I gotta play by your rules... Now, if you really got no problems with me blasting that bitch, then I'll hand ya' this AK and go fuck that whore up," This obviously took a lot of restraint on Dani's part to not outright charge the woman regardless of what came out of Elena's mouth.
Apr 26, 2015 12:09 PM

Jan 2013
"..She seems to want to play..we can run and simply be done with it.But that does not sit well with me. Yet we cannot fight. I have other work that must be done here.." Reaching a decission she motions to Liang. "Lets go. Dani follow. I want you to hide on the left side of the hallway just ahead. I'll take your Krinkov, and pop a few shots at her. You are to do a fighting retreat." Looking at her watch she pauses for a bit formulating the time. "If she is playing as I suspect Three Minutes should sufice. Kill her if you can. But your job is to mostly draw her off." Taking the AK from Dani and holstering the Pistol she gives a nod. "Lets move!"

Mia for her part tchs a bit at the display. "Ehh we arn't going to play huh.." Hearing the woman's growl she laughs and looks eye to eye with the woman. She was a little shorter than the blode woman and her red eyes, contrasted with Dani's blue. "Oh seems the little kitten is angry." With a smug smile, she walks forward firing another burst of PKM fire. "Ara ara..come on and play. ehehehehe!" Watching as Elena and the driver tear around the corner she notices the blonde woman starting to back off as if unwilling. "...hmm..a blonde woman..could it be.."
Apr 26, 2015 12:38 PM

Dec 2011
Staying quiet until Elena actually reached a decision, Dani finally sighed. She didn't like the idea of retreating... but she could always take the bitch out another time. It wasn't like with Ichika where she literally couldn't land a hit on the bastard, after all, right? Huffing lightly, Dani tosses the AK to Elena and brings out her Ithica before nodding and moving to the left corner of the hallway to take cover... but not before shooting a glare at the woman. Hopefully, Dani could nail her before they left. She preferred to kill things that annoyed her as soon as she could.
Apr 26, 2015 1:07 PM

Jan 2013
On que to plan as the woman follows the group Elena opens up with her borrowed AK. Predictablly the woman dodges the spray with a giggle as she levels her machinegun at the group. With a smiling glare Mia keeps on eye on the doorway to her left, waiting for who she truely wished to play with to show.
Apr 26, 2015 1:43 PM

Oct 2014
Hearing gunfire, Liang looked upwards and wondered what was going on. Sounds like it's getting interesting... He continued to make his way down the 40 or so floors, before stopping and catching his breath. "I-I'm fucking shattered!" He wasn't too bothered about the whole explosion, but more about the fact he had to move around so much. He was wondering whether the other two would be alright... But quickly shut down the thought. They looked like the type that just wouldn't die... However hard you tried.

Reaching the bottom floor, the parking lot, Laing quickly scatters over to a pillar and leans against it, pulling his gun out in the process. It'd be naive to think no one was around. The triads limos were still present, as was the sedan the trio arrived in. From here the gunfire sounded like faint whispers. There was a chilling air that lingered, and it started to agitate him. "Argh... where the hell is Malashenko?" Now that he thought about it, there was literally no one here. He thought there might have been a threat hiding... But it really was empty. Emerging from the pillar, he strolls around the area and checks nearby. It was just too quiet...

Grabbing the keys, Laing made his way over to the car. He felt like something was wrong, but he couldn't pinpoint the problem. The silence, the atmosphere, the lack of presence.

An ambush? A trap? Laing became more cautious than ever, and stopped dead in his tracks.

He backed off slightly, realising there was definitely a danger. The fact no guards were here... Someone must have come, possibly moved or lured the bodies away. But, did nothing to the cars? Didn't even check the limo or sedan of the two most powerful people in Kraja? It clicked. "Fuck sake" he started running away from the cars and back to the staircase. Just in time as well, because in that moment the cars exploded. The sedan rolled onto its side, while the limos lifted from the ground slightly. All of which were now alight.

Laing sighed and faced the heat of the burning cars. He pulled out his cigarette packet, before flipping out a cig. Walking over to the sedan, he held the cig infront of the flames and watched the cigarette light. He then walked away and inhaled, before letting the smoke exit his mouth. "...So what now I wonder?"
Apr 26, 2015 2:03 PM

Dec 2011
Waiting as she heard the woman to step closer, Dani breathes out before pumping the Ithica and turning the corner to blast the woman. She needed to be quick about it... and hopefully land the blast... otherwise the woman's retaliation would certainly not be fun. "Sidestep this ya' fuckin' whore!" She growled out from behind the mask. A murder couldn't just transpire without some vulgar comment escaping Dani's mouth, after all... If only it acted as some sort of good luck ritual. Maybe then so much crap wouldn't go wrong with whatever it was Dani was doing at the time.

Honestly, she wanted to fight this woman... Though Dani'd have preferred it to not be her Ithica versus the bitch's PKM. Rather, it'd be more satisfying in melee... or if it was simple as just blasting the woman... but Dani did not like to be at even a slight disadvantage, especially now as she didn't want to go back and have Vincent give her an "I told you," speech if she got shot.

Immediately pumping her weapon again and firing a couple times, assuming the PKM didn't start suppressing her again, hopefully at least one of the blasts would hit its mark. Something told her they might have to deal with more shit once they got downstairs, after all... Mainly as she heard some sort of explosion from down there.
Apr 26, 2015 2:54 PM

Jan 2013
Upon seeing Laing wandering around and the thunderous explossion, Malashenko chuckles. Coming into view from behind a Pillar. "Hmm I assumed as much." Before he can elaborate more or explain his situation of why he didn't even bother issuing a warning, Elena shows up on the scean with a sigh.

"Captain, get us passage with the Merchants. I do not like being played the fool. Dismissed." As the Captain pivots on his heels she grins a bit as she watches him leave. "...Hmm Mister Laing.." She says without calling him Chinaman strangly. "I do think someone attempted removing me. Just as I am sure Hu had Chen Killed. You should be on your guard if you decide to return to your triads.." Reaching into her back rightside pants pocket, Elena pulls a small handradio from her pocket. "Ivan, do task a pair of eyes on Dear Malashenko..and keep an eye out for that piece of shit Monk..and there is a girl we need to watch out for. Also see to it I have..fitting transportation.." Putting the hand radio away after recieving a reply, she looks eye to eye with Liang. "So..what will you do now?"


Mia giggles at the warning, not even carrying about the retreating Elena. The bombs came more of as a surprise to her than the gunfire. Laughing at swearing, Mia spins on her heel quickly, using the PKM as a shield to take the first shot. "Now now, such harsh words. Could it be we are lacking as many assets as me?"

Leveling or attemping to her PKM at the other Woman Mia has a tck mark on her forhead. Using her PKM as a shield, the gun soaks up the damage though its metalic ammo box starts to rip away. Clossing the distance rapidly, Mia steps in close, with her right hurling the PKM at the woman, she grabs her combat knife with her left, aiming to fight the woman in melee.

Pushing the knife upwards and inwards she seems to instantly or almost there so, to jam the pump with her blade. All the woman would really need to do is back away, but Mia had the feeling she wouldn't. More likely than not the bitch would attempt a head butt, fist fight, or go for her own knife. She hoped for the middle option. Licking her lips as she stares at the masked woman, Mia laughs. "My my..what a interesting mask, likely a face that only a mother could love underneath? And maybe a chest as flat as your flack jacket..poor thing.."
Apr 26, 2015 3:39 PM

Dec 2011
"Yeah, I wish I was carryin' a couple 'o cow utters on my chest," Growled out Dani in response. This woman had the nerve to mock her? She was just like that damned Ichika... albeit not quite as infuriating. Ichika still took the cake in that department, even if he probably couldn't even lift that monster of a machine gun.

As the woman charged her, it seemed that her quick firing did the trick. Although it didn't do exactly as Dani wanted, it still kept her from blasting a volley and seemed to even aggravate her a bit... Bitch deserved it. Though, in response, Dani's enemy chucked the PKM much as she could at her. Holding her Ithica up, Dani deflected it with some effort due to the gun's weight and readied the shotgun as quickly as she could, only for the pump to be jammed by the woman's blade.

Growling in annoyance, Dani did what could be expect and dropped the Ithica before cocking her right arm back and launching it towards the woman's face, following it with several more rough but powerful punches and a single kick aimed at the gut. Dani was strong and scrappy, but she had no professional melee training, only what she picked up on the streets. "I don't got a mom, ya' dyke... And tha' jacket is holding'em down, you fuckin' whore!" As she said that several more tick marks on her head appeared, as well as that rare half-bloodthirsty, half pissed off grin.
EmperorsChosen01Apr 26, 2015 3:42 PM
Apr 26, 2015 5:08 PM

Jan 2013
(just going on with the fight not)

Mia chuckles a bit at Dani's first remark. Letting her knife go with the shotgun, she meets some of the punches in kind. The kick however scores a hit. But in turn seems to cause no damage. Likely between the muscle and the thin kevlar plating absorbing the blow. Whistling lowly, the girl wasn't too bad, but still it was clear she counted more on her firearms than her hands..but wasn't that true more often than not.

"Oh so ugly not even a mother would love you huh?" Countering with a upper cut, she seems to aim to purposely clip the mask, knocking it off. " many bangs..and a pony tail. I see..I'm sorry..I had no idea you were a middle schooler."

Laughing to herself she backs up a couple feet from Dani, with a smirk on her face, extending her right hand she makes a beackoning gesture. "And why so much time calling me a whore? Jealous, or in need of service?"
Apr 26, 2015 5:26 PM

Dec 2011
Clicking her teeth at how most of her strikes were dealt with easily or taken with, Dani then let out a huff. At her insult, she merely readied her fists and narrowed her eyes at the woman. "About as much as she would some dyke with big tits," Dani retorted, practically interrupted by the sudden uppercut. Trying to dodge back, it barely succeeded with the punch instead taking off her mask, or maybe that was what the woman was aiming for in he first place.

At her next comment, Dani's grin once again returned, much mimicking the mask. One might wonder, perhaps that was where the masks design came from... Regardless, she was ticked off, obviously. Dani wore a ponytail as for her hair not to get in the way... The woman probably knew that but goaded her anyway. "Well, hopefully ya' won't get too hurt when this middle schooler wedges a foot up yer ass!" Threatening that, she closes the distance the woman tried to gain and throws more punch after punch, though still rough like before. "As if I'd take any service from yer skanky-ass! Who tha' fuck knows what you got."
Apr 26, 2015 5:59 PM

Jan 2013
"Hmph I happen to take good care of myself and see a doctor to ensure I stay that way. Though I doubt you even ever seen a doctor, given you look like a scruffy gorilla. Ehehehe Gorilla Girl. But regardless I am surprised that you even considerd my offer...hmm maybe you do swing that way. Or is it men just had fun with you and you haven't with them."

Narrowing her eyes sure that likely would hit a mark of some sort, she meets the attacks head on. The girl was starting to out pace her by a bit..if she wanted to kill her it would be more simple..but... Squating slighltly the woman still smiles, waiting to see how the woman would react.
Apr 26, 2015 7:01 PM

Dec 2011
"I know that's bullshit... Since when do they let cows into their fuckin' offices?!" Dani questions sending one final punch directly at the woman's face. She was tired of her talk. It was like Ichika's except for hers being a bit more aggressive. Especially that last piece of taunting... "What do you know... you... BITCH!" Charging right at the woman, Dani tackled her by the waist, aiming to bring her down and beat on her from the ground. By now she was thoroughly pissed off and just wanted to beat the woman to death. Likely, she would were the woman to slip up and give her a chance to.
Apr 26, 2015 7:14 PM

Jan 2013
Laughing at the sudden onslaught, Mia feels the punch connecting with her jaw. She had to admit she went to far..or rather lowerd her guard to far.

Lauging as Dani starts her version of ground and pound a slight peebing alerts Mia..her time was running out. Drawing her M9 and pressing it to the girls midsection from the side, she smiles coldly. "I wonder do you feel something hard, or am I just happy to see you?" Still smiling her eyes narrow. "I have a barnyard I have to go to, and I think you have a zoo cage to go to as well."
Apr 26, 2015 7:24 PM

Dec 2011
The moment the woman grabbed her M9, Dani in turn grabbed her Ithica, pointing it down at her head from where she was sitting on top of the woman's own abdomen. Grinning dangerously down at the woman, she seemed stuck with that sort of bloodthirsty smile on her face. "I dunno... You've been grinnin' an' lickin' yer lips this entire fuckin' time... You tell me, dyke," She growled down at her with gritted teeth. "Yeah, go get milked at tha' brothel, you fucking slut... I see you again, an' I'll wedge this up yer ass. You'll enjoy that, I'm sure."

After stating that, slowly, Dani began to dismount the woman and stand on her feet.
Apr 26, 2015 8:31 PM

Jan 2013
"Oh my, so you are happy to see me Afterall." Looking down the barrle of the shotgun. Laughing at the comeback. "Hmm..but theres so much in the world to smile and laugh about, isn't there? for One Gorilla."

Spin kicking upwrads to puch the gun barrle from being directly in front of her Mia quickly rolls, with a bit of a slide she has her PKM in hand and leveled at Dani. As the laters shotgun is facing back at her. "..hmm..I hope to not see you in battle again..least I'll have to kill be a good ape and stay in your cage with some bananas.."

Backing away slowly with her Machinegun still trained on the Girl, Mia turns the corner, then breaks into a run back the way she came. They likely could have killed each other there. But that was then..though she was curious..soon she would have to find out who Vincent's blonde was.
RedArmyShogunApr 26, 2015 8:39 PM
Apr 26, 2015 10:02 PM

Dec 2011
"I don't know what world yer livin' in, but the real world is shit," Stated Dani with a huff as the woman broke into a sprint and left the area. Clicking her tongue, Dani shouldered the Ithica and began making her way downstairs after retrieving her mask and holstering it on the back of her waist as it had been originally.

As she made it down to meet the other two, she sighed. "Bitch put up a fight but got away... Let's just get tha' fuck... WHAT THA' FUCK HAPPENED?!" Dani practically shouted in question, referring to the blown up vehicles. "Did some stupid bastard shoot tha' fuel?!" She questioned again before letting out another sigh and rubbing her forehead in annoyance. Man she was pissed off and really didn't want to deal with a blown up car... Maybe she'd cheer herself up later by making Vincent amuse her, but for now, they needed a ride. "...So... how we gettin' back...?"
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