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Nov 20, 2009 12:54 AM

Apr 2009
I see. What were you doing out in saskatchewan anyway?
Nov 20, 2009 1:01 AM

Oct 2009
I've got relatives in Saskatchewan, so I'm out there a lot.
I was also born in Swift.
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 20, 2009 1:09 AM

Apr 2009
Ah thats cool. What side of the family are they on?

It seems every time I'm in that province I'm braving some form of extreme weather conditions. First it was -45 with windchill, after that it +45 with no wind whatsoever. Give me a middle ground already!
Nov 20, 2009 1:23 AM

Oct 2009
My dads side of the family, bunch of crazy Lebanese people.

Haha, the weathers always awesome when I'm there. Why were you in Saskatchewan?
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 20, 2009 1:35 AM

Apr 2009
I have some relatives in Regina, so my family would always stop in for a day or two anytime we were driving though... to see other relatives in manitoba and ontario.
Nov 20, 2009 1:40 AM

Oct 2009
Regina's a pretty sketchy place.

Why are you up so late btw?
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 20, 2009 1:47 AM

Apr 2009
Regina still isn't as bad as Edmonton. Report-a-john sums it all up haha.

Homework. I usually push everthing off till the last minute, so here I am doing all of it with due date in about 6 hours. This could be a very long night :(

How about you?
Nov 20, 2009 1:59 AM

Oct 2009
Haha, oh Report-a-John.
Edmonton is pretty bad, whenever my roommate and I drove through china town, I was convinced we'd be shot.

Yikes, sounds like
What are you taking?

I'm marking exam papers for my mom
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 20, 2009 2:09 AM

Apr 2009
Last time I was in Edmonton I almost got mugged by an native. Not cool. It's funny when I look back on though.

I'm doing carpentry apprenticeship at SAIT. I hate carpentry with a passion, but I can't argue with the pay. I think the current rate for a journeyman is 36/hr. I could do that for a few years haha.

Exam papers? I take it your Mom's a school teacher?
Nov 20, 2009 2:19 AM

Oct 2009
Yes, because almost getting mugged is funny =S

You hate it? Why? Carpentry looks interesting. I don't think I'd able to do a job that I hated, even if the pay was good. I'd get bored and lazy.

Yup, she works at the school my sister is currently attending.
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 20, 2009 2:32 AM

Apr 2009
Haha you'd need to hear the rest of the story to laugh about it. Like the part were my friend pulled out a taser. lol

I got forced into carpentry when I was young and ever since I really couldn't stand it. I'm not really in it for the money, per say; its more about what my dad wants then anything else. In the end I'm just going to use it as a springboard for now, and maybe a plan B later.

Speaking of school/work, what exactly do you do?
Nov 20, 2009 2:48 AM

Oct 2009
Okay lol, you can re-enact it for me on Saturday.

Ahhh, makes sense why you dislike it then. I'm assuming your father is a carpenter?

Right now my cousin and I own a business selling mainly shirts (with their logos on it) to small companies. I also work part time with my dad.
As for school, I plan to take business next fall, but for right now I'm just working.
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 20, 2009 3:23 AM

Apr 2009
Haha alright.

He is. Right now he's working the school board doing renovations.

Interesting. What got you into that? How much of the "shirt-creating process" are you involved in?

After you theoretically finish your theoretical course, what are you going to theoretically apply yourself to? (Sorry I couldn't resist after I typed the first one ;3)
Nov 20, 2009 4:19 AM

Oct 2009
Excellent! I am looking forward to hearing said story.

Neat, if your dad ever ends up at Bishop Grandin, he may meet my mother.

What got me into that? Well, I've always been interested in owning my own business, my cousin suggested that I start off with something smaller and work my way up. I bought myself a t-shirt press and kind of went from there.
Right now my cousin is making all the shirts since I'm in Calgary and all the equipment is in Sask. I take orders, buy supplies, and design logos.

Honestly, after I finish my theoretical course...I don't really know what exactly I want to theoretically apply myself too haha. I'm kind of hoping I decide before I start the course.
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 20, 2009 8:58 AM

Nov 2009
Carpentry and T-Shirts? You're all freaks of the working class!
Nov 20, 2009 9:57 AM

Jun 2009
JulesRuby said:
Carpentry and T-Shirts? You're all freaks of the working class!

@ JulesRuby: Aren't most of us in the working class? Or students preparing to be part of the working class? I don't think we have any "stupidly rich" people who can sit on their butt all day in the group (if we did, then THEY'RE buying us all dinner tomorrow ;-) ).

Welcome to the group BTW.

I am trying to imagine wild crazy Lebanese parties in a quonset in Saskaschewan and can't get past imagine people dancing to songs in 7/8 time. I'd be totally up for that. I'm listening to this clip right now:

I love 7/8 time and 5/8 time. 4/4 time is so....square.

@ Lars: I think since you're already well into the program, you're smart to just finish it and get your certification. As you said, you can use it as a springboard and do it until you do what YOU want to do. I went to school with so many people who quit right before their last semester of university, so when they went back to school, they were starting from scratch. Had they just finished that final semester, then a second degree is only 1.5 to 2 years away.

@ Teiza - can we trade business cards tomorrow? Every now and again, people ask me if I know people who make t-shirts. I used to know some when I was in the corporate sector but I'm so removed from it now.

@ Minna-san: Ok, so who's all coming tomorrow? So little brain is counting four so far: Teiza, Lars, Wo1f and myself. And possibly Mo-kun from Akibaka (Lars - he's the snappy dresser who's awesome @ karaoke). Anyone else? We don't want to miss anyone.
Rukia13Nov 20, 2009 10:04 AM
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Nov 20, 2009 12:11 PM

Nov 2009
Rukia13 said:
JulesRuby said:
Carpentry and T-Shirts? You're all freaks of the working class!

@ JulesRuby: Aren't most of us in the working class? Or students preparing to be part of the working class? I don't think we have any "stupidly rich" people who can sit on their butt all day in the group (if we did, then THEY'RE buying us all dinner tomorrow ;-) ).

Welcome to the group BTW.

Well yes (sadly I'm both) but more specifically I was referring to the fact that I've never met anyone who has been a part of either of those professions. So that's cool. If you're implying I'm a rich sit-about-- I wish you were right.

And thanks :)
Nov 20, 2009 1:12 PM

Jun 2009
I think we'd all be bored if we were so rich we just sat around all day. Working part-time and having enough money to feed our anime and manga addictions would be the best!
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Nov 20, 2009 2:18 PM

Nov 2009
Rukia13 said:
I think we'd all be bored if we were so rich we just sat around all day. Working part-time and having enough money to feed our anime and manga addictions would be the best!

Hahaha! Maybe you would be! I can definitely think of a few ways to keep myself infinitly entertained. Also I have ADD so really all I'd need to do to not stay bored is refill the Ritalin prescription... Things would be good. Billionaire Pill-popper... There are many occupations I could think of that would be worse.
Nov 21, 2009 11:05 AM

Jun 2009
@ JulesRuby: Don't take the red one!

Are you coming to dinner w/ us tonight? It's gonna be fun.
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Nov 21, 2009 5:48 PM

Nov 2009
Rukia13 said:
@ JulesRuby: Don't take the red one!

Are you coming to dinner w/ us tonight? It's gonna be fun.

No sorry, as I assumed you had guessed by now. I had prior plans with my GF. Another time :)

I'm sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, I haven't really checked the message all day.
JulesRubyNov 21, 2009 5:52 PM
Nov 22, 2009 10:34 AM

Jun 2009
That's ok JulesRuby. There will be other times. Although we probably WON'T eat at that restaurant again. Disappointing. But the ice cream and the company was definitely a 5.
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Nov 22, 2009 4:13 PM

Oct 2009
Yeah I agree with you Rukia!
It's a good thing that the company was a five, I'm so excited to play Mahjong ;D
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 22, 2009 6:02 PM

Sep 2009
The food did not look like the picture....
Nov 22, 2009 6:13 PM

Oct 2009
When does the food ever look like the picture?
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 22, 2009 7:17 PM

Apr 2009
It's had to have happened at least once. Now I'm going to have to make a conscious effort to check... or I could just make sure I order items without pictures.
Nov 22, 2009 9:42 PM

Jun 2009
It happened to me at Tonkatsu Ginza Bairin. Too bad that we have to fly to Hawaii if we want to go there.
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Nov 22, 2009 10:54 PM

Nov 2009
So what you're saying is I should burn the restaurant down.
Nov 22, 2009 11:00 PM

Oct 2009
Oh yes definitely.

But only because there was no pepper on the rim of my Caesar glass.
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 22, 2009 11:11 PM

Nov 2009
teiza said:
Oh yes definitely.

But only because there was no pepper on the rim of my Caesar glass.

Justice WILL be swift... After sleep and the daily grind.
Nov 22, 2009 11:14 PM

Oct 2009
Thanks man, I appreciate it
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 23, 2009 2:09 PM

Oct 2009

Cake never lies. (Coolest ppl evar!)
Nov 23, 2009 7:07 PM

Oct 2009


ohohohohoh, just kidding ;)
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 23, 2009 7:46 PM

Oct 2009
Double posting is so lame...

But if I don't let the world know how much I love Natalie Tran, I may explode.
Only woman on earth that I'm willing to admit I cyberstalk ;)
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 23, 2009 7:49 PM

Nov 2009
You just stalk the other ones and won't admit it?
Nov 23, 2009 7:51 PM

Oct 2009
If you knew me, you wouldn't even have to ask that question.
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 23, 2009 7:57 PM

Nov 2009
Clearly I don't, so there it is :P. Though I think I got my answer! Nothing wrong with a bit of cyber-stalking.
Nov 23, 2009 8:15 PM

Oct 2009
teiza said:
Double posting is so lame...

But if I don't let the world know how much I love Natalie Tran, I may explode.
Only woman on earth that I'm willing to admit I cyberstalk ;)

Dang that's how I thought you felt about cake, now we have nothing in common :(
Cake never lies. (Coolest ppl evar!)
Nov 23, 2009 11:26 PM

Apr 2009
Don't worry Mario, I can fill the void :)
You just have to tell me your favorite type of cake...
Nov 24, 2009 7:34 PM

Oct 2009
I like your avatar Lars.

He's got great hair!
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 24, 2009 8:26 PM

Apr 2009
I know eh? It's easily the best 80's metal hair I've ever laid eyes on. If I was a guitarist I would sooo rock that hair.
Nov 24, 2009 10:38 PM

Jun 2009
ARGH! High school airbands. I really didn't want to relive that!
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Nov 25, 2009 10:40 AM

Nov 2009
Rukia13 said:
ARGH! High school airbands. I really didn't want to relive that!
Shame on you!
Nov 25, 2009 11:21 AM

Jun 2009
Um...yeah. The 80s were a period of bad (er, big) hair, leg warmers, skinny ties and pastels. I'm cringing from just remembering all that. Glad to that all behind me.
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Nov 25, 2009 2:16 PM

Oct 2009
Big hair...leg warmers...skinny ties....

That sounds like my kind of time period ;)
Although I don't do pastels very well. Classes with my wintery exterior.
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 25, 2009 4:44 PM

Apr 2009
Rukia13 said:
Um...yeah. The 80s were a period of bad (er, big) hair, leg warmers, skinny ties and pastels. I'm cringing from just remembering all that. Glad to that all behind me.

You had big hair didn't you? Tell me you still have pictures...

teiza said:
Big hair...leg warmers...skinny ties....

That sounds like my kind of time period ;)

80's maids?
Nov 25, 2009 9:50 PM

Nov 2009

That would be amazing hair.
...Amazing everything really.
Nov 26, 2009 12:28 AM

Jun 2009
Lars said:
You had big hair didn't you? Tell me you still have pictures...

Too late. You missed your chance. Had you come to my high school reunion with me, you would have seen loads of them.
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
Nov 26, 2009 4:04 PM

Oct 2009
I would have loved to see pictures of Rukia with big hair...
Oh sheesh ya'll
Twas a dream.

Instagram | Deviantart
Nov 26, 2009 7:29 PM

Jun 2009
You too missed your chance at the reunion.

Mind you, if I brought you along Teiza, that would have fuelled the hockey jocks belief that I'm a lesbian. So I thought I should go with a super hot bishie or show up stagette in a killer hot dress. The only bishie I'm dating lives in my dreams so I wore the killer dress.
ChibiSamuraiTV | My YT Channel |
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