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Jul 3, 2012 8:26 PM
Jan 2011

Trent Darkfoot saw a book on by his laptop. He read the book and thought it was a joke. But, he turn on his million dollar T.V and wrote the criminal name in the death note book. He saw that the crimnal just had a haert attack with 40 seconds.

He then had a evil/creepy simle on his face.

The next day, he was tender towards his animals and looking at his art collection. He then went on to the computer searching for anything about the death note through the police files that he heard from Tokyo, Japan Region. He found a case saying "KIRA." He then click on but said "Access Denied." But, that did not stop "T." He guest at the username & password then the computer said Access Granter. He saw how Kira case was easily hard to solve. He will not make the same mistake as Kira has done.

Then, He wrote another criminal name in the book.

He was still in the police files of Kira he just closed it delete the traceable search and his laptop date code from the files. Then he put in a fake laptop date code and a traceable search in Japan Tokyo and left a message saying Kira is back. He updates a message through Lighting computer at his own home. He also deletes the connecting assess tracer code and anything that connected or trace back to him. "The Trace stops at Lighting computer.

He also planted a bug in the file so he can even listing and see what the other person is typing. He also knows where you accessed the files on witch computer in any floor at any building room number or letter.
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 1:12 PM
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Jul 4, 2012 1:29 AM

Dec 2011
Mari sat at her dark office looking through files of case's that were brought to her.
She already solved most of them just by looking at them. "When will i get to do somthing challenging..." she smirked.
Jul 4, 2012 4:40 AM

Jun 2012
Alex bursts through Mari's office with tons of files "Well M what case should we take on this time?" Alex then puts the files on her desk
Jul 4, 2012 11:43 AM

Dec 2011
Mari jumped a little from alex bursting into the office then smiled. "Ahh whats the hardest?" Mari looked at all the papers and grinned ready to take on anything. She leaned back in the chair waiting for A.
Jul 4, 2012 11:56 AM

Apr 2012
Ritsuka happens to be on his computer that faithful seaching up historic events that have happen. He happens to come a cross a site by the name of Kira. Ritsuka click into the site and saw the heading that he can't believe. He smlied and said, "intersting~". Neon walk by and jump on Ritsuka's lap, "hello there Neon, just doing some research..." he said as Neon meow to him.
Jul 4, 2012 12:49 PM
Jan 2011
Saw that Ritsuka is in the Kira website. He also heard a cat meow in the background. HE then reaserch Ritsuka in his own datebase. he found out were Ritsuka lives.
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 1:08 PM
Jul 4, 2012 12:55 PM

Apr 2012
Ristuka research more up on Kira's home site... Then he clicked on this page where all his greatest things he did. Ristuka was amazed but allhe could is smlie and giggled at his work.
Jul 4, 2012 1:00 PM
Jan 2011
He sees Ristuka on the Kira website.

He read that Shinigami are real.

He looked at the TV again there was nothing interesting on. But there was a criminal on the loose. He just did not write is name on his death note. Thinking: that this Ritsuka has a death note and hoping that he will write down his name. Then he will know that Ritsuka has a death note and a Shinigami.
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 1:18 PM
Jul 4, 2012 1:14 PM

Apr 2012
RIstika heards screams out in the streets. HE rolled over from his wheely chair that he was on, whlie Neon got spooked and jumped off his lap. He saw a trying to get raped. Ritsuka was disgusted at he sight of those people doing to a poor innocent girl. Whlie looking out of the window he happen to see a fluttering book in the nearby tree. "Huh? whats this?" He asked as his grab the book, he read "Death Note~" on the cover and thew over top of him and it landed in his small bin.

(he'll use it in the next post)
Jul 4, 2012 1:19 PM
Jan 2011
He heard screams inside the computer he saw that Ristuka was still online on the Kira website.
Jul 4, 2012 1:30 PM
Jan 2011
He then got his laptop and went into his car that has a portable T.V. and drove towards Ristuka home. He park around the corner. He look around and saw a Death note book in the tree. Right by Ristuka home. He waited in till he came out of his home to grab the Death Note.
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 1:34 PM
Jul 4, 2012 1:33 PM

Apr 2012
Ritsuka glanced over to his bin and was curious of what it really is. He got out of chair then heard another scream again, "those bastards!" He pickout the Death Note from the empty bin and flip through the pages, he thought it was a joke and laughed but then had an idea... He mumble to him, "it says; the human whose name is written in the note shall die". He laughed again, then walked over to the window again with a pen and write in the first page on the Death Note. "Jake Lanson"......40 seconds went by and nothing happen. Ritsuka was about to turn his back until "Jake Lanson"was having an heart attack!? Ristuka was stunned of what happen and dropped the Death Note and stumbled over cables and unplugged the computer, even though he didn't Trent was listening. But before stubling over cables he said, "w-what! Th-tis isn't real!!"
Jul 4, 2012 1:41 PM
Jan 2011
He saw that a guy got killed by a heart attack. Then he heard Ristuka voice through his computer. Then two seconds later she is offline. Trent has a lot of dissections to make.
1) Either walks by the house.
2) Go up the door and ring the doorbell.
3) Drive away.
4) Drive up the door and wait.
Jul 4, 2012 1:43 PM

Apr 2012
( 2)
Jul 4, 2012 1:45 PM
Jan 2011
He decided to Go up the door and ring the doorbell.

12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 2:03 PM
Jul 4, 2012 1:54 PM

Apr 2012
Ritsuka was still in a panic because of what happen. He heard the door bell and forgotten no ones home beside him and open the door for Trent, "H-hi may l help you?" He asked acting innocent like a child....
Jul 4, 2012 1:57 PM
Jan 2011
You looked so cute as a child.

Thinking: " I can use this as my advantage against any detective or cops."

Hi my name is "T" he looked around and saw that Ritsuka was holding a death note.

I see that you our holding a book.

Can I see the book?

Here you can have my card.

Also, I can teach you some yoga or have a conversation about the book.
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 2:36 PM
Jul 4, 2012 2:35 PM

Jun 2012
Alex turned on the T.V. that was in the office " Well we might have a challenge" Alex then turned the channel to the new brodcast
Jul 4, 2012 3:13 PM
Jan 2011
You looked so cute as a child.

Thinking: " I can use this as my advantage against any detective or cops."

Hi my name is "T" he looked around and saw that Ritsuka was holding a death note.

I see that you our holding a book.

Can I see the book?

Here you can have my card.

Also, I can teach you some yoga or have a conversation about the book.
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 4:05 PM
Jul 4, 2012 4:46 PM

Apr 2012
Ritsuka look at Trent and thought about his name "T". And closed the door in his face whlie saying, "ummmm.....Sorry, my mummy told me not to talk to strangers". Once he closed the door he walked up stairs and picked up the Death Note and smirked. Ritsuka gave a little evil giggle whlie holding. Then all of sudden Ristuka said, "I was waitting for you Shinigami...."

Saika was surprsied by his reation, "how so?"

"I've read the rules your this Death Note that l have in my hands" Ritsuka contiune.

"So you know what it does now?"

Ritsuka nodded at his last question that Saika asked...
Jul 4, 2012 5:11 PM

Dec 2011
Mari looked at T.V waiting. She saw "Kira is back." She looked at A. "Is this really true? I thought Kira was dead?" She kept her eyes on the T.v.
Jul 4, 2012 5:40 PM

Apr 2012
Ritsuka kept talking to Saika about the Death Note and more.

"So is that all want to know?" Saika asked as he was smirking looking at Ritsuka.

"Yes, that'll be all. For now". Ritsuka replied. As he went to his window and threw a paper aeroplane at Trent that had the letter "R" on it.
Jul 4, 2012 6:06 PM
Jan 2011
He caught the paper airplane with ease. He looks at her window and said I will contact you. I know what that book you have does.

About the Shinigami that you have.

With an evil smirk.

He then watches the T.v on his phone.

And his laptop is on the website.

He went back at the door and ring the door bell.

He had his deathnote book in his hand and a pen with his phone in another hand.

waiting to show Ritsuka.
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 6:19 PM
Jul 4, 2012 6:17 PM
Jan 2011
There was another crimnail on the T.V. i wrote his name down.

He gave him instreins before he diead. He sead to him to write down the website of Kira before he dies.
Jul 4, 2012 6:24 PM

Dec 2011
As she was watching the t.v she noticed another criminal had this time she had relized that there was a new kira. She had seen the criminal had written a website down.

"Intresting...i think this new kira wants us to see this website..."
Jul 4, 2012 6:33 PM

Apr 2012
Ritsuka watched as he left. Then he turned on the T.V and saw bank robbery happening. "Robbery happening at the scene of the Bank in Toyko" he saw the name on the screen and write in Death Note. 'Shain Saimai, Died by suical by his own gunshot'.

Saika watched him as he written it down and laughed.
Jul 4, 2012 6:40 PM
Jan 2011
Ha there is another robbery. He was about to write his name but he dead with his own gunshot.

He checks on the Kira website with his laptop and saw people were on it.

He heard Ritsuka laugh.

He posted a note to Ritsuka email through the website with lock protecting equipment and viruses protecting and hacking protection.

He said Hi Ritsuka I am listing I am the guy with letter "T."

Also, I know that you have a Death Note and a Shinigami.

I can see it in your hand with a pen.
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 6:45 PM
Jul 4, 2012 6:43 PM

Apr 2012
Ritsuka had a idea to cover up his Death Note with another fake cover. THen walked down stairs.

Saika followed him.

Ritsuka walked out of the door and started to walk up the street.
Jul 4, 2012 6:47 PM
Jan 2011
So he still has the card in her pocket. How he is levaing and walking up the street. So, I will drive and pick him up.
Jul 4, 2012 6:48 PM

Dec 2011
-thinks- ' I know that this kira wants us to go to the web site, but if i did what would be there? More infromation...? Not very likly thinking of kiras goal...' Mari glances at the news. "Jeez another one..." 'todays wendsday...the police HQ is open... maybe i can get some more infromation on this case...'
Jul 4, 2012 6:49 PM
Jan 2011
Hi, Ritsuka I her to pick you up and lets talk.

I will tell you what I know about the Death Note if you come into the car.
Jul 4, 2012 6:52 PM
Jan 2011
Another Crimanl o.k. I will write her name on the Death Note an dmake thm go to the Kira Website.

That I have on my laptop here.
Jul 4, 2012 6:55 PM

Apr 2012
Ritsuka had a feeling someones following him. So he started to run at a fast pace.

"Whats wrong?!" Saika ask as he ran.

Ritsuka panted and asked Saika, "Saika is there anyone following me?"

Saika looked around the croner and told Ritsuka, "yes theres a car with a man in it?"

"I thought so!" Then Ritsuka started to run again.
Jul 4, 2012 6:59 PM
Jan 2011
He stoped the car at teh next corner. he then typ on his laptop to his card. The card Hi we meat before i know that you have a Death Note. Can we talk about it. I have one as well. If you don't beleive then your Shinigami name is Saika.

Will you talk to me or not?

The card beep in Ritsuka pocket.
Jul 4, 2012 7:00 PM

Dec 2011
Mari had an assistent go over and log on to the website. "Before you log on... im going in the other room with A to watch... this site might be hacked.." Mari pulled Alex into the other room.
Jul 4, 2012 7:03 PM
Jan 2011
He saw that someone was on teh website. ANd hear a vioce saying "Before you log on... im going in the other room with A to watch... this site might be hacked.."

He then saw who was on it. It was an assistent and the room number and letter number. The place were the computer is and location wrethe building is. The building is the poilice Headquesters
Jul 4, 2012 7:04 PM

Apr 2012
(Trent why don't you put talkinf marks when your character speaks.....? :/)

Ritsuka thought about it and hop me his car. He didn't trust enough but he went in. "So how do you know l have one?"
Jul 4, 2012 7:08 PM
Jan 2011
"I know that you have because I see you still holding my card that has a voice and video feed to it." "Also, I have a laptop and a T.V that does live news and saw that you killed a person. Also, I was right by the comer street and saw the person screaming outside your house. Also, I saw you got the Death note book by the tree."

Still looking at the laptop and his phone and T.V. when he was talking to him.

He then pull out his own death note and pen and wrote down the name of the criminal.
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 7:13 PM
Jul 4, 2012 7:13 PM

Dec 2011
-mari wispers to A- " if kira was to be waching, he would have seen the building knowing that this is the police headquarters...." She hesitates. 'I wonder if they have shinigami eyes..?'
Jul 4, 2012 7:17 PM

Apr 2012
Ritsuka watches the TV and see someone die.... He smlies and laughs. "Nice~"

(Thanks Darling l near forgot about the eyes xD)
Jul 4, 2012 7:19 PM
Jan 2011
Thinkging to himself: The Vioce can her up too the next three - four rooms on that floor only. The carmera can only see in that room only.
His laptop type: Vioce Unkown if kira was to be waching, he would have seen the building knowing that this is the police headquarters.... She hesitates. 'I wonder if they have shinigami eyes..?

"So, I just recived information the the poilce is know investating the Kiril case Ritsuka." Look for yourself." Please don't break the latop."
12345trent8Jul 4, 2012 7:24 PM
Jul 4, 2012 7:19 PM

Dec 2011
(Yup! Just throwing that out there~ and that is so unfair xD!! "Can hear up to 200 somthing somthing radias")
Jul 4, 2012 7:25 PM

Apr 2012
Trent passes over his laptop, it lays on Ritsuka's lap. "Cool laptop T" he looked around the site and he found one folder not open. "Hey T theres one file that isn't open?"

(l'll get the eyes later and his organise)
Jul 4, 2012 7:29 PM
Jan 2011
Ritsuka: "what is your name. you can open up the file"
1) The file has everything to know about Kira and the Deathnote and the Shinigam world."

"Can I just toch your death note book to see your Shinigami"

(He then drove to his home)

"Were here"
Jul 4, 2012 7:35 PM
Jan 2011
(He, Then posted a note on the website so the poilce headquester will know.)

It said "Hi Poilce tack Force I know that you are watching this case." "My Name is "T."
Jul 4, 2012 7:36 PM

Apr 2012
"Sure!" He passes over his hidden covered up Death Note (not good covered)... "l'll just hack into this folder" He said as we both out of the car and Ristuka was hacking into the folder with everything in it... "Some many firewalls!"
Jul 4, 2012 7:42 PM
Jan 2011
"Ritsuka why are you hacking that file on laptop." "Just let me have my laptop." "t'll will just open it for you.' "Thanks for your deathnote book." Oh you have a Shinigami." "you'r cover is great for a simple hidding place." "gave the death note book back to R"

(Waiting for the poilce to respoded.)
Jul 4, 2012 7:45 PM

Apr 2012
Saika looked at him whlie Ritsuka was hacking into the file. "Hi there Trent Darkfoot. I see you know alot about the Death Notes."

"GOT IT!!" He passes over the laptop with the file open.
Jul 4, 2012 7:51 PM
Jan 2011
"What are the files Ritsuka"

"Saika I read the whole fill on the website about Kira." " I have no Shinigami with me yet." hay, "Ritsuka will you get the Shinigami eyes?"

"I am also a multibillionaire have the best equipment in my mannsion." "saying it to Ritsuka & Saika."
Jul 4, 2012 7:54 PM

Dec 2011
Mari grabed a mask on the wall and put it on. She took a pen and paper and slipped a note to A saying- "do not say a word" the assistent handed mari the laptop. She saw the note from T 'so it was hacked' she thought. Mari responded- Hello T. This is M.
LovyHeartfiliaJul 4, 2012 7:58 PM
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