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Jul 29, 2011 3:19 PM

Mar 2010
YOU MADE AN ARMENIA OC?!?!?! Awesome! I love Armenia! ^0^ I tried to make an Armenia OC too but I ended up not and I used the character design for Hawaii. Anyways, since it's an OC go to the OC profile forum and write the bio so everyone can get an idea of your character.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jul 29, 2011 5:22 PM

May 2009
Alright, will do. ^^ I've done quite a bit of research on Armenia and I plan to do a bit more. :)
Jul 30, 2011 12:15 AM

Mar 2010
YAY!~ ^0^ An actually active role player who actually knows where Armenia is!! (Trust me when I say this, other than my teacher I'm the only one at school who knows that Armenia exists. On person even accused me of making it up.)
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jul 30, 2011 12:50 AM

Mar 2010
By the way, JadeValkyrie,how do you post pictures? Because I have a picture for my oc but I have no clue how to post it. :(
And I edited the OC bio slightly so now you have to post what the official languages are. Just check it and you'll see what I mean.
iDie4MyRightsJul 30, 2011 12:55 AM
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jul 30, 2011 4:40 AM

May 2009
Actually, when I was thinking of a Hetalia OC to create, I stumbled across Armenia and did a bit of research. And then I couldn't stop lol. I was like: "This is perfect!". Armenia seems to be a pretty neat country.

Post pictures, well, to post an image on the forums without a spoiler tab, copy the url of your picture, and put in inbetween brackets. To put in in a spoiler tab put the inbetween [spoiler ] [ /spoiler] brackets. (just remove the spaces) :)
I'll go edit 'er now then. ^^
JadeValkyrieJul 30, 2011 4:55 AM
Jul 30, 2011 11:03 AM

Mar 2010
Oh my gods, thank you. I got bored, decided to re-research Hawaii and modified my bio. :D I'll go add the picture now.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jul 30, 2011 5:46 PM

May 2009
Heh, it's no problem. ^^
Honestly I think the research is half the fun of having a Hetalia OC. Then again I love history.
JadeValkyrieJul 30, 2011 5:50 PM
Jul 30, 2011 6:14 PM

Mar 2010
I know. I wasn't really a big fan of it, then I saw Hetalia and now I'm in love with it. :D I was failing Social Studies in seventh grade and when I stumbled upon Hetalia I got worked up about it and by the end of the school year my grade was a "b"
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jul 30, 2011 7:05 PM

May 2009
Lol. that's epic. My passion for history definitely skyrocketed after I discovered Hetalia.
Jul 30, 2011 7:13 PM

Mar 2010
Totally. My mom calls me a history buff and she's constantly telling me to shut up. My five year old brother is into anime and I showed Hetalia to him....I'm going to feel bad once he starts school and says something like "He's America" or "Yeah, England? I know what he looks like."
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jul 31, 2011 5:15 AM

May 2009
Hahaha! I could totally see that.
"Teacher, we shouldn't be studying Russia. He's really mean and creepy."
Lmao XD.
Jul 31, 2011 2:21 PM

Mar 2010
I got kicked out of class in seventh grade when we were learning about the Ottomen Empire invading Greece. I was laughing so loud from all the images that disrupted my thoughts.
I was also reffered to the counseler in eight grade when I started squealing over some US/UK refferences that my friend Mikael pointed out to me. My teacher said something like: "America was really close to England before the Revolutionary war but their relationship was ruined and now they don't get along much." To which Mikael whispered to me, "In bed..." US/UK is my favorite yaoi pairing and he knows it. >:( It was his fault, technically.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jul 31, 2011 6:43 PM

May 2009
Ahaha...I can't wait to head back to school now, just for history class....*evil snicker*
Lol, that sounds like something one of my friends would say (I hang around perverted people). I myself am not a fan of yaoi though, so I'd be more like "Dude, you do realize that I have to eat later right?!". "^^
*slaps America's hand* Back off, England's mine. >:)
Aug 1, 2011 9:52 PM

Mar 2010
I like yaoi but I don't mind if people don't like it.
I just think it works with Hetalia because, well, it's countries.
And America is MINE! >:( This may work, I can get America and you can get England.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 1, 2011 10:28 PM

May 2009
:) Thanks for that, many people bash me because I say that I'm not a fan of yaoi. I can understand where you're coming from there though. It's just..whenever I see yaoi, especially of characters that I like, it creeps me out. x.x Most of the time I just consider those two to be good friends. I guess you could consider me an old-fashioned girl.
Hehe....I think we can work out an agreement here. ;)
JadeValkyrieAug 2, 2011 1:09 AM
Aug 2, 2011 12:11 PM

Mar 2010
Yeah. I think that America and England were adorable in a non-yaoi way when America was little. England makes a good daddy ;)
OH YEAH!I'm making a cross-over with Hetalia and Left 4 Dead, have you ever heard of that game?
iDie4MyRightsAug 2, 2011 12:14 PM
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 2, 2011 3:32 PM

May 2009
Heh, the first time I saw that scene I was like: "So adorable! England, let me bear your children!" xD
Seriously?! I love Left 4 Dead! I'm actually pretty good at it (it's really the only game that I can own my brother at "^^). That would be sooo interesting to read. How's it going so far? :D
JadeValkyrieAug 2, 2011 5:13 PM
Aug 2, 2011 9:25 PM

Mar 2010
Good. It's an AU in which they're human, not representing countries. Right now I'm making profiles for them but it's taking a while because my sister hogs the computer all dday and then complains when I'm on it for an hour.
I'm trying to find pictures of the characters with different weapons like their melee weapons or guns. I can't find a picture of Germany with a gun, oddly enough. I mean, I found a pic of him but I want one of him by himself. If you find any then by all means, let me know please.
Oh yeah. If you likeEngland then check out this video. It has alot of Pirate!England sexy. Sorry, I love Pirate!England. Here's the link:
iDie4MyRightsAug 2, 2011 9:55 PM
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 3, 2011 7:17 AM

May 2009
Heh...*whispers* You should tie her in your closet. >.>
I think I've seen a picture or two of Germany out there...wait! I do happen to have a solo picture of Germany, here: I hope it helps. ^^
Hehe, you're not the only one, Pirate! England is amazing, most of the pictures I have of England are the pirate versions lol. XD
Thank you for link to smexyness~
Aug 3, 2011 12:07 PM

Mar 2010
No problem. THE SMEXYNESS MUST BE SHARED! Plus I love the song and I found the Hetalia AMV with a link from the original song video.
Thank you for the picture! :D
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 3, 2011 4:12 PM

May 2009
The song kinda creeps me out, but I love the violin...and the smexy pictures of course. ;D
No problem, you should let me know when you get a chapter finished on that fic...if you don't mind of course. :D

You know what I just noticed? The rp threads in this club haven't been active in quite a while, that makes me sad. It looks like it was going really well, hopefully we'll be able to get it back up and running soon neh?
JadeValkyrieAug 4, 2011 10:36 AM
Aug 4, 2011 11:21 AM

Mar 2010
Yeah, I'm really sad about that. When I first made this club a couple years ago only one or two people were joining and not being active. Now only a couple of people are joining and trying to BE active. It really makes me sad.
If you know anyone on this site who can help with this, or anyone who would want to join, thenyou should invite them. ;)
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 4, 2011 5:34 PM

May 2009
Oh geez. I'll do what I can to help, but I don't really know anyone who might be willing..but I'll ask around. I'll also do a bit of advertising if it will help. I'd really love to see this club back on its feet. I wish I had noticed it earlier, lol. "^^

Anyways, in my spare time I've been making a second OC. I wasn't really planning on posting her bio or anything, it was more of a strange tangent I went on, lol. "^^
Aug 5, 2011 2:41 PM

Mar 2010
Lol. What is your OC? I got bored and am now trying to make an Azerbaijan OC but now my computer time is restricted so I'm having trouble working on it.
And I sent a message to all the inactive members. Some of them are still going on MAL but aren't posting anything here. >:(
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 5, 2011 3:33 PM

May 2009
It's the country of Serbia. It seemed pretty interesting to me, but her history's a bit depressing. :x
Azerbaijan, ohn hohn hohn hohn....that's supposed to be one of Armenia's enemies, you naughty naughty. ;3
x.x...that's messed. We'll have to drag them back here then won't we? *evil France face*
Aug 5, 2011 10:10 PM

Mar 2010
Yeah, but I just love them. My heart is warring because half of my love goes to Armenia and half ges to Azerbaijan (then there's some love for Turkey and Greece because I'm proud of my Greekness and Turks are awesome.) Plus I love the "You know you're from Azerbaijan when..." jokes.
One went like: "You know you're from Azerbaijan when you turn the TVto it's highest volume and tell everyone else in the room to shut up whenever they mention Azerbaijan on the news." And I thought "I must be an Azeri." Because I love that MF like there's no tomorrow! (sorry Armenia)
Serbia? That's cool. You should tell me about her when you're done. I might post my Azerbaijan bio on here for the hell of it. Maybe that way we could have something fun to rp about.
iDie4MyRightsAug 5, 2011 10:15 PM
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 6, 2011 2:39 AM

May 2009
Oh hoh hoh, that's awesome. XD I think it's really neat that your so into those countries, I knew next to nothing about them until I started researching for my OCs.
Actually, I have all of her information finished. And you should, it'd be pretty interesting, and I could post my Serbia bio as well. ^^
Aug 6, 2011 1:20 PM

Mar 2010
That would be awesome. And yeah, I'm a nerd when it comes to foreign. I'm a bit of a spaz about mediterrainians too (that's why Turkey and Greece are two of my favorite characters in hetalia) and....wait, I'm just a spaz in general. :)
That'd be cool. I still am doing more research on Azerbaijan though and I'm still taking some notes so I haven't started his bio yet. For now I just know that his eyes are going to be brown. :L
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 6, 2011 2:40 PM

May 2009
Heh, and I'm a nerd when it comes to history (and just a spaz in general too, lol).
So Azerbaijan's going to be a male then? Ohn hohn hohn hohn..., I've got Serbia's bio finished, so this'll definitely be interesting. x3
JadeValkyrieAug 7, 2011 5:16 PM
Aug 7, 2011 10:10 PM

Mar 2010
Yep. I've been imagining him as a boy since seventh grade when I learned he was a country.
Congrats on the Serbia thing. I've been away from the computer all day (at the Rennaianse Fair, I spelled that worng.) So I haven't been able to do any more research. :L
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 8, 2011 1:51 AM

May 2009
Heh, that's neat. It almost makes me want to research for a male OC, probably won't happen though. "^^
Thank you. :) That's ok lol, if I had the opportunity I'd be at the Renaissance Fair instead as well. Don't feel too rushed to do your research, just take your time. :)
JadeValkyrieAug 8, 2011 2:36 AM
Aug 8, 2011 12:35 PM

Mar 2010
Heh. I'm trying to figure out a personalty for him still. :L
The Fair was fun, I dressed like a pirate. :D
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 8, 2011 6:46 PM

May 2009
Hmm, well with my OCs I based their personalities off of events that happened to them in history and how they generally interact with other countries, with a spicy little twist of course. ;3
Oh, oh. I am so jealous of you now. x.o
Aug 8, 2011 11:06 PM

Mar 2010
I was thinking of making him slightly full of himself and yes, a pirate.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 9, 2011 5:22 AM

May 2009
Psh, if you'd think it'd work for him then go right ahead. Bwaahahahaha! I totally second that motion, we all know pirates are sexy. ;3
Aug 9, 2011 1:32 PM

Mar 2010
I dunno. It's just because every Azerbaijan joke makes them sound very vain and ultra proud of their country so........
And yes. I'm thinking of buying a Hungary uniform cosplay and wearing it next year. I cosplay her anyways so that would be a public way to show it off. >;D
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 9, 2011 5:50 PM

May 2009
Well, you know, generally the character's personalities are based off of stereotypes.
Really? That sounds really cool. :o Hehe, you're devious and clever. Let's be friends. ;3
Aug 10, 2011 10:42 AM

Mar 2010
That would be epic. And yeah, I also figured he'd be similar in personality and views as Turkey, considering their allies.
I'm trying to save up for an official Hungary cosplay instead of stuff I put toghether from GoodWill. I also want to save up for a Holy Rome cosplay for my brother because he said he really want's to cosplay him (*sniffles* I'm so proud).
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 10, 2011 5:50 PM

May 2009
Yeah, that makes sense. More over-confident (and sexy) males will definitely make
Yeah, it'd probably be more worth-wile and fun to do a more detailed cosplay. Sadly, I've never cosplayed myself (due to lack of funds). :x
Isn't your brother little? That would be so adorable! :O
Aug 10, 2011 10:16 PM

Mar 2010
He's only 5. I wanted him to do Chibitalia and he was game for it, but then we were watching the anime toghether and he said he didn't want to wear a dress but he wanted to be Holy Rome.
It's too much cute! And yes, all of the over confident sexy men....ALL OF THEM.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 10, 2011 11:01 PM

May 2009
Oh gosh, I can imagine that now...that's gonna be freakin' adorable, lol. x3
There's too many sexy men in Hetalia. Seriously, it's not even funny. x.x
Aug 11, 2011 1:01 PM

Mar 2010
But it is amazing. He and I did a Hunter cosplay.
I'll send you a picture once I figure out how.
You got an email address?
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 11, 2011 5:47 PM

May 2009
Heh, it's awesome that you and your brother are so close. :)
:D That'd be sweet (I <3 cuteness). My e-mail address is
Aug 11, 2011 10:06 PM

Mar 2010
Epic. I'll send you the "Hunter's apprentice" picture. It's me and my little brother in our Hunter cosplays from today.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 12, 2011 6:18 AM

May 2009
Aw, that is adorable! Plus, the cosplay looks pretty good there, I like what you did with the blood. Great job. :D

Lol, I just noticed, we've gotten so off-topic on this thread. XD
Aug 12, 2011 3:56 PM

Mar 2010
Lol. I know, right? And thanks. I have a bad attention span so I guess this is normal for me. ;)
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 12, 2011 7:23 PM

May 2009
You're welcome. :) And it's no problem lol, I get sidetracked all the time. And besides, this is the most fun I've had talking to someone on MAL for a while. "^^ (Hopefully we'll actually get to rp soon, lol)
Aug 13, 2011 8:05 PM

Mar 2010
Yeah, hopefully. Hey check this out:
It's a web-comic called "Scandinavia and th World." I was telling one of my friends out in Rotterdam about Hetalia and he sent me this link. It personifies the countries too, though they look different than their Hetalia counterparts.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Aug 13, 2011 9:14 PM

May 2009
Hehe. that's awesome. "WHERE ARE ALL THE MOUNTAINS?!" Lmao. XD
Your friend will probably love Hetalia then. :)
Aug 14, 2011 1:04 PM

Mar 2010
Yeah. I sent him the link to some Hetalia scanlations but I'm not sure if he' s read them yet. I love America's face in that one. Derpa derp.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
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