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Jul 28, 2010 12:03 PM

Aug 2009
*Ayame stands still and looks at the ground. When Wolf stands beside her, she has to look up in his eyes*
"You change your mind fast, you know? Wolf, I'm not scared to be hurt, I'm only scared to lose you."
*She gives him a little kiss*
"I don't want anything besides being with you."
*Ayame walks towards the school building*
"But there are even more important things right now. We can't stay here like nothing has happened to the school."
Jul 28, 2010 2:59 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf laughs a bit and bends down
"Come on Get on my back will get there faster first we have to see if there are any other students left and I'm sorry if I hurt you about leaving"
Jul 29, 2010 3:45 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame clims on his back and lays her armes around his neck*
"It's alright, but only if you never say such things again."
Jul 29, 2010 9:22 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf looks back at ayame and smiles
"I promise"
wolf runs at his slowest fastest speed so ayame doesn't get sick once they get there they starts to look around the school
Jul 30, 2010 3:49 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame gets off Wolf's back and looks at the school itself. Then she goes inside to look for the students*
"Let's begin at the dorms, I think most of them will be there."
*She runs to the dorms and openns the first door. She hears someone, but the person probably hide himself*
"You can come out, they are gone."
*She waits and then a girl appears. Ayame smiles at her and tells her to follow her*
Jul 30, 2010 7:42 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf follows Ayame helping her find students when they pass his room he feels shame
"Ayame once were done finding students we must figure out who did this thats if your alright with that"
wolf looks at ayame as she has the girl follow her he does not reconize her she must be a new student
Jul 30, 2010 11:34 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks at Wolf and nods*
"Yes, you're right. It can't be possible that the guardians didn't feel the zombies earlier and how did they get with so many here?"
*Shge thinks about it for a while, but then she searches for studnets again*
Jul 30, 2010 11:55 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf follows ayame as she searches for more students never finding anymore guardians
"Ayame come with me I want to check something out"
Wolf heads for all the Guardian outpost finding them all reserves dead with all the major ones with the headmistress on her trip he heads for the main Guardian office and finds only the bodys of the guardians he looks at the bodys closely the bodys weren't eaten by zombies meaning they were dead before the attack
"Ayame I think someone at this school did this but who none of the students I know has the power to conjour up this many zombies not even most of the teachers could do this"
Jul 30, 2010 12:44 PM

Aug 2009
*Ayame follows Wolf. When she sees all the dead bodies, she closes her eyes*
"Poor, unfortunate souls."
*She starts to think about a person who could have done this*
"Even a teacher couldn't have done this on his own. Or it was a group, or it was somebody with a fearfull power."
Jul 30, 2010 1:26 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf starts to think then knows the attackers left for a reason but why then wolf looks at a portrait of the headmistress and knows why they came
"Ayame we need to pack were going to go find the headmistress"
Aug 2, 2010 10:55 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks at Wolf*
"We're going to look for the headmistress? Why?"
*She thinks about if for a while, but sh doesn't think she did it. So why are they going to find her?*
Aug 2, 2010 4:27 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf looks at ayame
"We must find the headmistress because this attack wasn't just on the school it was for the headmistress"
Wolf starts to head back looking through back to his room he starts to pack his clothes,spell books, and for the first time in a long time his sword shadowfang then heads and packs enough supplies to make the journey for two then looks at ayame
"Should we go on this journey or let it be I do not wish to put you in any further danger but it is up to you my lady"
Wolf kneels in front of Ayame
Aug 3, 2010 5:34 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame follows Wolf while she thinks about it. It's possible and it would have been a good idea if she was here. When Wolf kneels in front of her, she looks a bit surprised. Then she smiles and gives him her hand*
"Well, I've decided to go with you on this journey, if you are willing to protect me, my love."
*She looks at him witha great affection in her eyes and helps him up*
"I need to pack."
Aug 3, 2010 12:42 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf follows Ayame as she pack before they leave wolf heads for the headmistrisses office looks for her planner and finds she was heading to London,England for the annual Monster School Confrence where all the heads of monster schools went
"Well looks like were going to Jolly old england then"
Then wolf starts to head towards his room and draws a circle and with runes inside it
"Alright here we go Ayame if you would please stand in the circle"
Ayame and wolf get in circle and wolf hold ayame
"Don't be afraid it's always scary the first time"
Then wolf yells out the magical words of transportation that will take them to his friend Fox in Englands house and there is a great flash then there gone when the flash is gone there in England a women appears adn Wolf says
"Fox it's been a long time"
Fox smiles and says
"It has i guess it's hard for old people to get around isn't it"
Both Wolf and Fox laugh then wolf looks at ayame and says
"Ayame I'd like to introduce you to an old friend and partner Fox"
Fox looks at wolf
"I see your still going with the young ones anyway pleased to meet you Ayame"
Fox puts her hand out
WolftigerkingAug 4, 2010 8:39 AM
Aug 5, 2010 4:30 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame stands in the circle and looks at Wolf*
"Wolf, what exactly-"
*But before she can finish her sentence, she sees a light and feels a power around her. When she sees a women, she looks a bit confused around. Transportation.. She doesn't like it at all. Ayame looks at the woman and shakes her hand*
"So you're a friend of Wolf? It's an honor to meet you, Fox. I'm Ayame, next in line to serve and protect the elves."
*She just said it without thinking. Since she was young, she had to introduce her this way. When she is a bit calmed down after the transportation, she looks at Wolf*
"Remind me that I'll never do such a thing again, alright?"
Aug 5, 2010 9:51 AM

Nov 2008
wolf smiles at that
"I promise"
wolf looks at fox then gets seious
"So wheres the Confrence being held this year"
Fox says
"Underground of course that's were they always have it we better hurry it's just started i got to get my bag first "
While Foxs goes to get her bag wolf pulls Ayame aside
"Ayame I forgot to tell you but if your going to be my companion there are three rule you must follow especially out of sakura academy first listen to everything I tell you second don't wonder off and three don't ask stupid quenstion now even though fox is an old friend she can't protect you for long she's more of a peacekeeper then anything and isn't very good at fighting so if only return here if theres and emergency"
Fox back and says
"Are we ready to go"
Fox looks at ayame and says to wolf
"You gave her the three rules didn't you"
Wolf says
"Well yes of course she has to know it certainly helped keep you out of trouble"
Fox says
"I guess just remember ms.ayame always listen to wolf he usually knows what to do and please try to keep him in check"
Fox smiles and gestures for them to follow her she walks out door wolf follows her outside and notices how diffrent london looks the last time he was here was during the london airraids of world war two wolf starts to regret fighting in that war but follows fox into the subways where she goes to a ticket salesman and returns with two tickets both are deep blue with pulsating magic and fox says
"This is where I leave you see that gate give that ticket to the man standing next to it he'll open the door to the confrence I guess they were concerned about secrecy so they had it in another dimension well anyway promise you'll visit after all you are the reason I am the way I am"
Fox smiles and wolf says
"Thank you Fox we'll visit after our businesses is done and don't ever mention what happened a 133 years ago it is after all history "
Wolf leaves and walks to the man and gives them there tickets and he opens up an invisible door to non ticket holders and wolf walks through with ayame they walk through and are in a big convention floor with Magicians and Witches selling all kinds of school supplies and teaching equitment
"Well I guess we better start looking where to start first though?"
WolftigerkingAug 5, 2010 2:36 PM
Aug 7, 2010 5:18 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame listens to Wolf and nods*
"As you wish."
*Then she follows the two and when Wolf and she are there, she looks around, very amazed. A lot of things she has never seen are all there in that room. She opens her mounth, but then she closes it again. There are just no words for this. She takes Wolf's hands so that she's sure that she won't get lost and looks at him*
"Can't we ask somebody if they've seen the headmistress?"
Aug 7, 2010 10:03 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf looks at Ayame
"Yes come on lets see oh theres one our old retired teachers Mr.Blurg"
Wolf walks to Blurg with ayame holding his hand and says
"Good evening Mr.Blurg have you seen the headmistriss"
Mr.Blurg looks at wolf and ayame and says
"Yes she's already in the monster principal council hall there deciding who's to replace the new Superintendent of Europe it looks pretty good for the headmistriss but nobody but Principals and school leaders are allowed though
Wolf looks at him then says
"Thank you Mr.blurg will look around abit till she gets out good day"
Wolf walks off with ayame then looks at her and says
"Well now what do you want to do we could look around or leave for a while and look at the sites or perhaps my favorite thing in the whole world riding those double decker buses it's quite diffrent from other buses but it is fun though you decide Ayame"
Aug 7, 2010 10:18 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks at Mr. Blurg. He had never teached her, so she doesn't know when. He tells where the headmistrees is, but that we can't go near her at this moment. When Wolf is done talking and tells Mr. Blurg goodbye, seh smiles at him and bows a little. Then she follows Wolf and when he askes what to do, she laughs*
"You already know what I'll say, right? I can't ignore the option with 'my favorite thing in the whole world' added in it. Alright, let's do that!"
*She smiles happy at Wolf*
Aug 7, 2010 3:14 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf looks at ayame and smiles
"Great I can't tell you how long it's been since i've done that I think Winston churchill was still the war prime minister anyway come on lets go"
wolf walks out the door that they came in and starts to walk out of the subway underground onto the street and looks for a pay station and buys two tickets for the bus wolf waits like a school child at the bus stop when the bus arrives he gets on with ayame and they go to the very top of the bus its a little dreary out but not raining wolf sits next to ayame on the bus and says
"This is wonderful I'll have to take you to my old hangout this bus should take us there"
Aug 10, 2010 3:28 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks around while they wait for the bus. She feels totally out of place. This is the first time that she was in a city. Normally, she doesn't even leave the forest. When the bus arrives, they go to the top. She looks at Wolf and nods*
"I want to see it."
*Then she feels that the bus drives away and she looks nervous around*
"This is normal, right?"
Aug 10, 2010 12:41 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf smiles at Ayame and says
"Yes it's very normal don't worry if something goes wrong I'll save you"
Wolf and ayame rides the bus until they reach the tower of London they get off the bus and head for the side of the white tower when nobody's looks in wolf knock in a certain rythym of the wall and a great door opens up wolf heads down with ayame once they reach the bottom of the stairs there is a door wolf yells
"Twas Richard that killed you"
Wolf walks through the open door and the room is filled with every creature imaginable and the room two stories is like a monster club and restaurant which is what it is one of the most famous and oldest a man walks up to wolf
"Good day do you have a reservation"
Wolf looks at the man
"Yes wolf"
The man looks at wolf
"I'm terribly sorry for bothering you know where your private room is right sir"
Wolf says
"Yes thank you"
Wolf heads for a room far off into the corner in it is an area off enough for fifteen people to dance in with plenty of room for more on the other side is a big round table wolf sits down with ayame next to him a waiter comes with a bottle of blood wine for wolf and says
"Compliments of the house"
Wolf responds
"Yes thank you very much would you mind opening it now"
The waiter opens it and looks at wolf and ayame then says
"What can I get for sir"
Wolf takes a drink of the blood wine a nice 1943 probably from the owner
"Yes I would like your Steak Frites extra bloody please and if you could ask wilson if could join us"
The waiter looks at wolf and says
"I'm sorry but the the owner is very busy at the moment and has asked to not to be disturbed"
Wolf looks at the waiter and says
"Just tell him wolf said so"
The waiter says
"As you wish Sir"
wolf looks at ayame and says
"What would you like dear and ask for anything especcially if its rare or hard to make the chef always loves a challenge"
Aug 10, 2010 1:20 PM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks around like this is the first time that she can see. She could have never imagined such a place. A bit nervous, she follows Wolf and sits next to him. She keeps her mouth shut until he askes her something. She thinkes and then answers*
"Uhm.. I just want some water. Spring water is even better. I can't withstand anything else. To eat..? Could you give me some fruit?"
*She smiles at the waiter and then looks at Wolf*
"I'm sorry that I can't give the chef a challenge."
*Ayame grins and moves a bit so that she sits more comfortable*
Aug 10, 2010 9:06 PM

Nov 2008
wolf smiles thats fine he looks at the waiter
"Give her some arthon water and a fruit salad with a bit of honey please thank you"
The waiter leaves then his friend wilson appears and wolf gets up wilson grabs wolf in a great bear hug and says
"Wolf old boy it been forever what was it Normandy man those were the days to bad they gave us command of separate companys it would have been a dream come true to fight under you oh who do we have here"
Wolf gets out of the bear hug and says
"This is Ayame a friend from the school where I teach at"
Wilson looks at ayame and bows
"Excuse me my lady Wilson Watts at your service"
Wilson looks at wolf and says
"I see you got another girl to follow you on your crazy adventures and whats this about teaching usually after a war you go merc until another one comes up"
Wolf says to wilson
"I gave up fighting along time ago and I would thank you not to mention it again"
Wilson looks at Wolf and laughs and says
"I see you settled down about time well I better be off sorry about interrupting you two be sure to say bye before you go"
Wolf says
"Will do "
The waiter comes and says
"here you go "
the waiter then gives them all they oredered and puts there dishes on the table then leaves wolf looks at ayame and says
Aug 11, 2010 4:18 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame bows a little for Wilson and smiles at him*
"It's nice to meet you, Wilson Watts."
* When Wolf and he are talking, she thinks about what happened is such a short time. She has met two people, old friends from Wolf ans she rode a bus for the first time in her life. She has seen so many people in one place that seh wondered if whole the world was here in London, even though that isn't possible. When the waiter comes in again, he brings what they ordered and Ayame smiles at him. He leaves and she looks at Wolf*
"I will. Thanks."
*She takes her fork and eats the fruit with honey. She looks at Wolf and smiles*
"You sure know a lot of people. How old are you now?"
Aug 11, 2010 7:00 PM

Nov 2008
wolf looks at ayame with a grin and says
"I was transformed when I was seventeen just a young upstart wizard trying to expiriment with summonings I thought I was summoning a minotaur demon but summoned something more evil and dark it enclosed me and transformed me into what I am today I was the first vampire I never wanted this life unlike other vampires when ever I bite someone and drain them they turn into a vampire like me but now about my age I'm 6078 years old I'd rather not talk about my old life before I came to sakura academ"
Wolf drinks some blood wine and says to ayame
"Now what about you my dear I never did get the chance to look at your record before you came into my class
Aug 13, 2010 9:23 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame listens to Wolf's story and smiles*
"It's alright for you not wanting to talk about your old life. Uhm, let's see. I'm 16 years old and I age normally. I don't know how humans came to the idea, but we elves don't have wings and we can't fly. When I eat for a long time the same thing, the color of my eyes will change. As you know, I'm the princess and when my father dies, I'll be the queen."
*She drinks some water and sighs*
"To be honest, I don't want to be one. My father is always tired and often sick. It's not something that a body can take for more then 25 years."
*She looks sad at the strawberry and then eats it. She can't tell him what has to be done when your the king or queen of the elves. It's against the rules to tell anyone except the successor about it*
Aug 16, 2010 11:00 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf looks sadely at Ayame he see's that she's sad
"I'm sorry what did I says please tell me what to do and I'll do it"
Wolf looks at ayame thinking he knows why she's sad and says
"If you don't want to be queen if you don't want to we could run away just you and me"
Aug 18, 2010 3:03 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame smiles sad at Wolf*
"You didn't do anything wrong. Thinking about my destiny makes me sad sometimes. And I can't run away from my responsibility. I'll be the queen, not because I want too, but because the elves need me."
*She closes her eyes for a moment*
"I'm the only one at this moment who can do it."
Aug 18, 2010 10:49 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf gets up and holds his hand out towards Ayame
"Will you dance with me princess"
Aug 19, 2010 2:21 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame looks up and she realizes that Wolf tries to cheer her up. She smiles and gives him her hand. Then she stands up*
"I would love to."
Aug 19, 2010 9:11 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf takes alice outside the room to the dance floor in the middle of the restaurant they are playing waltz music wolf starts to waltz with ayame while he says
"Sorry its been about 35 years since I've waltz"
Wolf Perfectly waltz with alice when the music stops a more modern song comes on wolf is confused and looks at ayame and says
"I've never danced to a modern song I don't really know what to do"
Wolf looks up at the DJ and see's Wilson next to the DJ wolf knows he told the DJ to play this since he hasn't listened any new music since the eightys a weird year
Aug 20, 2010 4:34 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame danses with Wolf and smiles*
"You're very good."
*When she hears the modern song, she looks at Wolf with the same confused look*
"I don"t know either."
*She looks at the DJ and sees Wilson too. She smiles*
"Your friend sure likes to tease you."
Aug 20, 2010 11:16 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf smiles back at alice
"Yes he does this is nothing compared to some of his other pranks at least nobody got hurt"
Wolf glares at wilson who starts to laugh wolf looks at alice
"Well what would you like to do now my lady"
Aug 21, 2010 4:34 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame smiles and thinks. Then she looks serious*
"I think the meeting should be over now. We have to do what we've come to London for."
*She looks determined at Wolf and takes his hand*
"I'll promise that I'll let you see my castle one day, because you brought me here. After all this is over."
*Then she smiles amused at him*
"But if you want meat, you'll have to hunt it yourself and out of our territory."
Aug 21, 2010 5:42 PM

Nov 2008
wolf says
"I would gladely give up meat if only to be with you my lady"
Yuri holds ayames hand and has her follow him back to the meeting yuri uses his transportation spell to take them there not as bad as before but still easy he shows the gate keeper there tickets and walks through Yuri waits to see the mistress and finds her coming out of the meeting they walk towards her but before they do they see something blackness surround the mistress and then she's gone wolf reconizes that darkness someone he once knew wolf looks at ayame
"Come on were going to foxes"
Ayame follows and they go to foxes house and they enter fox is there and she asks
"Hey wolf I see you decided to visit again"
Wolf looks at fox seriously and directs her to the next room and leaves ayame where they first transported in once there in the room and the door is shut wolf looks at at fox and says
"Alzon has returned"
Fox looks surprised and shocked at wolf and says
"I thought you destroyed him on our final adventure how could he have returned"
Wolf looks down and says to fox
"It must have been his employers he is one of the greatest bounty hunters around but who would spend alot of innocent lives to sacrifice in order to ressurect him just to kidnap a mistress of a school I don't know but I'm going to find out and I need you to stay with ayame and protector"
Fox looks at wolf and says
"Guess it beats having to go with you to defeat alzon so yes i'll look after her"
Wolf looks at fox seriously and says
"You know what to do if I die right"
Fox looks saddened and says
"Yes of course"
Wolf walks out of the room and heads for ayame he looks at her seriously and says
"I have some business that I have to take care of with my friend wilson really boring mostly catching up but extremely boring you might say so fox has agreed to take you around london while I take of some minor business alright"
WolftigerkingAug 22, 2010 7:49 AM
Aug 25, 2010 10:02 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame waits in the room and looks around. It's a nice room with a lot of rare things. She looks fascinated at the vases and other things. When Wolf enters again, she looks at him. He told her what he has to do, but she doesn't know if he is lying to her or not. The headmistress disappeared before their eyes and Wolf goes to a friend for boring business? No way. But because he wants her to stay here, she agrees*
"Alright, I'll stay here with Fox. You can go to your friend."
*She stands on her toes and gives him a kiss*
"Take care of yourself."
Aug 25, 2010 10:41 PM

Nov 2008
After Ayame gives him a kiss he can't lie to her anymore he looks at her and says
"Theres something I have to tell you"
She looks at him and he knows its for the best and shes waiting to hear him he says
"I love you and have fun with fox"
He gives her a kiss and leaves wolf goes to his friend Wilson and when he sees him the first thing he says
"He's back"
Wilson looks at him seriously
"I knew this day would come Although I thought it would be awhile before your former student came back "
Wolf looks at him and says
"He's not my student do you have any Info"
Wilson shakes his head and says
"No Your student is like a ghost all I've heard is whispers here and there but nothing solid you know who you have to talk to"
Wolf shakes his head and says
"No I Can't talk to him he probably won't tell me anything"
Wilson looks grinning
"It's funny you should ask I kinda told him you apolagized for what happened and he told me where to find your guy"
Wolf looks at him seriously
"I hate you so where is he"
Wilson looks at him seriously and says
"He has castle due west of here with some of his followers you need to be careful he has some of his fanatics looking for you and ayame right now"
Wolf starts to run he heads for foxs house nothings happened he runs in nothing he finds a note on the table they went to see the big ben wolf hurries to there he looks for a few minutes he finds them he grabs Ayame
"We need to leave right now"
Wolf starts to walk back to foxes house with ayame and fox
Aug 26, 2010 1:57 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame and Fox head out to see the Big Ben. When they're there, she looks amazed*
"Wow, it's really big, Fox. When did they build it again?"
*But before she can get an answer, Wolfgrabs her arm. She looks a bit confused at him, but follows anyway*
"Wolf, what's wrong? You look worried."
*She looks at Fox to see if she know anything, but she is looking around. Apparently, Fox already know in what kind of situation they are*
Aug 26, 2010 6:01 AM

Nov 2008
Once Wolf and ayame with fox arrive at her house yuri starts talk to fox in the next room
"I need you to take her back to her kingdom its dangerous her he's got some of his fanatics out looking for us and I don't want her or you to get hurt because of me"
Fox shakes her head and says
"You never during your adventures asked what we wanted you always did the fighting for me and thats the reason why I left to be out on my own do you really want ayame to leave"
Wolf looks down saddened and says
"Should I tell her then put her in danger because of my mistakes I made in the past no I cant do it especcially to he I've never felt this way about a companion never she just seems to bring life to my dark life"
Fox shakes her head and says
"Do what ever just know it will never hurt if you tell"
Yuri looks at her angry and walks out the room and back to ayame he looks at her saddened and says
"Ayame theres something I must tell you that dark shadow that stole the mistress was a formere student of mine he created a religious sect that focuses on killing for true happiness I killed him and he's returend again before he went crazy he and I were the greates bounty hunter ever and so thats why he kidnapped the mistress to goad me into fighting him the one person that can kill him he has his follower out now looking for you and me even fox so I need you and her to go back to your kingdom its the one place I know your safe unless..."
Wolf looks at ayame and then looks at fox in the door way
"Unless you wish to accompany me into battle which I would not suggest so please tell me what it is you wish my lady"
Yuri kneels with one hand behind his back and one hand foreward in front of his chest waiting for her answer
Aug 26, 2010 7:51 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame look sad at Wolf. Again, he has to fight. It never stops. She closes her eyes and thinks about it. She doesn't want to leave Wolf alone, but she has to think about her kingdom. But if she goes back, her people will be in danger. However, it shouldn't be a problem when she's in the wouds. And Wolf really wants her to go back. Maybe it is right to listen to him this time*
"Alright, if that's what you want. I'll be in your way anyway, so it's probably better if I go back. But promise me something."
*She kneels so she is on the same height as him*
"Don't do anything stupid or extremely dangerous. If you're not able to do it alone, lead him to my forest. As soon he's there, he won't be able to get out again. Wait a moment..."
*She takes off her necklace with the family crest and gives it to him*
"With this the guards will let you through. From that moment, your enemy is our enemy. Or you can just visit us after you.. killed him."
*She looks very serious and waits till he says that he will promise it*
Aug 26, 2010 5:04 PM

Nov 2008
wolflooks at the crest ayame gave him he knows he could never endanger her or her people so he lies
"I promise to never put you in danger"
wolf gets up and kisses Ayame and says
"Head to the forest fox will make sure you get there safe and promise me you won't leave until I come"
Wolf looks at her and knows she will do it Wolf knows exactly where his old student Alzon is wolf heads for the old castle winston told him about and finds not a castle but a fortified monastary filled with Alzons fanatic wolf walks in killing any fanatic that draws a weapon at him most run at the sight of him the darkness starts to rise and wolf eyes turn blood red when they are usually brown when wolf enters the chapel he finds alzon praying he gets up and laughs
"Your to late I already gave my employer the mistress hm to believe life again just to kidnap some headmistress the highest and easiest job I've ever done wouldn't you say master"
Wolf looks at him angrily and says
"You are no more my student you turned from what I taught you "
Alzon laughs and says
"What you taught me was to kill for a cause you believed in thats why you always fought in a war that was never yours just to make yourself feel like you have a morality especcially the lesser of the two combatants of course with your help they always won"
Wolf walk up to him and grabs him and says
"This ends here"
Alzon disappears and reappears behind wolf and says
"No it doesn't but I shall grant you your wish one on one combat just you and me not magic either just physical and mental ability oh and a good blade of course"
Wolf nods his head he steps back both he and alzon draw blades alzon is the first to strike wolf blocks then attack with sever blows to alzon as he blocks them wolf says
"How dare you try to find and take ayame"
Alzon still blocking laughs and says
"is that her name I guess it will be easier to talk to her after I kill you"
Alzon starts to attack wolf he gets tired of this and slashes using his speed slashes into Alzons belly but he was clumsy in thinking alzon would not do the same alzon managed to slash open wolfs right arm not completely tearing it but enough to see the bone alzon laughs and says
" I guess you killed me again it took longer then last time but you are getting old don't forget your mistress is gone along with me"
Angrily Wolf slices Alzons head and tears his arm open in doing so he is bleeding pretty bad most of his magic was used in breaking Alzons Charms that kept out intruder very powerful not to mention Providing Fox and Ayame with protection spells Wolf then uses the rest of his magic to transport to ayames kindom he gets short miles away from her kindom bleeding he starts to walk soon he feels the darkness over taking him he passes out and sees two shadowy figure coming towards him before he does
WolftigerkingAug 26, 2010 5:20 PM
Aug 27, 2010 12:06 PM

Aug 2009
*Ayame transports with Fox to her kingdom. She's immediately welcomed by several people. She sighs and tells a maid to care for Fox. Ayame goes to her room and looks outside the window. Soon, she falls asleep.
When she wakes up again, she sees Miki, her personal maid*
"My Lady, the guards have found a man with you necklace. They brought him to the doctor."
*Ayame stands up and runs to Kiran, the doctor. Several guards want to follow her, but she's to fast. When she finally arrives there, Kiran welcomes her*
"Princess Ayame, is this man your friend?"
*She looks him in the eyes and he immediately knows everything. Doctor Kiran is a very old man, she has known him all her life*
"Kiran, can I see him?"
*He nods and Ayame walks to the room he points at. Softly, seh opens the door and looks inside. Wolf is still sleeping, so she enters without making a sound and goes sit next to him. She looks at him while she waits for him to wake up*
Aug 27, 2010 10:26 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf sleeps his head is throbing his shoulder hurts worse then anything he awakes and screams in pain he sees ayame and never wanted her to see him this way he looks at himself and sees a huge gash in his shoulder and no clothes but a cloth he looks at her and says
"I wished I'd know you were here I would of put some clothes on"
Aug 28, 2010 5:32 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame smiles at Wolf and kisses him on his cheek*
"I'll get you some clothes. Wait here. Not that you'll come far with that wound."
*She stands up and goes outisde. She sees Miki and tells her to get some clothes. When she is back, Ayame walks in the room again*
"You'll have to do it with this. It's lend by a guard, so it's comfortable and easy to move in."
*She gives him the clothes and thinks*
"Will you be okay? Should I help you or should I ask the doctor to do it?"
Aug 29, 2010 4:44 PM

Nov 2008
Wolf smiles and says
"I think I'll be fine for now thank you"
When ayame leaves wolf changes and walks out he smiles at ayame
"Could you show me around it's such a beautiful place"
Aug 30, 2010 1:35 AM

Aug 2009
*Ayame leaves the room and waits there. But in stead of calling her in again, Wolf walks out the room. She looks a moment at Kiran, but he shakes his head. Ayame smiles and looks at Wolf*
"Alright, as you wish."
*She walks outside and points at the castle*
"That's where I live. It's in the center of the city, all the buildings are build around it. Travellers and elves that doesn't live here, can sleep in one of the many rooms. Ah, by the way, I'll get you a nice room. Anyway, let's move on."
*When she walks towards the main street, she hears someone calling her name*
*She turns around and looks at Mori, het personal guard. She has known him ever since she was a child. He's 4 years older and became her guard when he was 14. Even though he treated her like teh princess, something she really hates, he's one of her only friends. When he notices she heard him and looks at him, he fall on one knee and bows deep*
"My Lady, my deepest apologies. I know what happened while you were at the school and I couldn't do anything. I should have gone with you."
*Ayame smiles at him and pets his head*
"Rise, Mori-kun. It's not your fault, I insisted on going alone. And Wolf and Yuki-san protected me. Right, Wolf?"
*She looks at Wolf and smiles*
"Wolf, this is Mori, my guard. Mori, this is Wolf, my teacher and..well.. boyfriend I guess."
*She looks at him to see if she's right*
Aug 30, 2010 8:04 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf smiles but glares at mori and says
"Of course my one and only girlfriend it is nice to meet you Mori"
Wolf and Mori shake Wolf has a tighter grip then usual nearly breaking moris finges wolf smiles and bows before ayame
"Were to now my lady"
Aug 30, 2010 9:01 AM

Aug 2009
*Mori smiles polite to Wolf as well when Ayame looks. He shakes Wolfs hand en just hopes that his fingers won't break. When Ayame looks at Wolf to answer, he sends Wolf a angry look. He doesn't like him for a lot of reasons.
Ayame doesn't realize that they don't like eachother and just smiles at them*
"Let's see... What do you think of meeting some people? And you, Mori? How about joining us?"
*She smiles at him and he grins*
"Of course, Ayame-sama."
*He thinks: I wouldn't have left you alone with this barbarian anyway.*
Aug 31, 2010 5:41 AM

Nov 2008
Wolf doesn't like Mori and all and says
"But doesn't mori have other duties to attend to maybe it should just be the two of us ayame"
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