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Nov 22, 2018 12:51 PM
Mar 2016
Miyu Ogawa
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Astral Gear: Unsummoned
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Aptitude (Passive)

Alatar Irving
Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Unsummoned
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive), Mind Focus (uncharged, 1/1 use remaining)

Miyu discovered she had another time power; the power to react to posts that happened over a week ago.

The… thing that was speaking with Valencia turned away from Valencia, only to look at Miyu herself for a moment. Thankfully, it didn’t go over to her, instead going off to bother some other unfamiliar person, leaving Valencia free to move over to Miyu. The relief was clearly painted on Miyu’s face as she went over to Valencia, but as she got close her face grew a little awkward. Elv, I’m really sorry about the time travel. Valencia’s answer can just happen offscreen (or not happen) if you prefer.

”Um, I wanted to ask about how the mission went. Did you guys make it? … Was Amice alright?”

It seemed that Valencia wanted to have a talk with the mission team, so Miyu would stick beside her. Ryan, she knew, but the other guy she didn’t really know well. Miyu may not have known much about the subject he and Valencia were discussing, but she could at least introduce herself in return to someone else introducing themselves.

”I’m Miyu Ogawa. Nice to meet you, Mister Irving.”

”Just ‘Alatar’ is fine, Miss Ogawa.”

”Mm. Miyu’s fine too. For me.”

After a few more moments of thought, Miyu realized that Valencia and Alatar had been discussing trying to add Amice to their team. While Miyu knew Amice was strong, part of her actually wanted Amice to not be on the team. Not when Miyu had so recently failed her. And what if she failed Amice again? But, the adults probably knew best.

Fortunately, it didn’t look like Amice joining would be an issue. Some woman with jet black hair and horns sticking out of her head decided to apply for the mission. Ciela didn’t really reject people, so that meant that the last slot would probably be filled by this woman. Except, then Amice actually showed up and came over to their group.

”M-morning, Amice,” Miyu said awkwardly, her cheeks slightly red and her eyes refusing to meet Amice’s. She couldn’t help it; it was an awkward situation (for Miyu). Bashfully, she tried to avoid Amice without it seeming too much like she was avoiding her, though the avoiding part was still plenty apparent.

Alatar noticed this, but he didn’t bother to comment. He hardly knew even Amice well, and he had only just met Miyu. Who was he to judge their interactions? So long as Miyu figured out whatever was bothering her before it became an issue.

A moment after accepting Amice’s application, Ciela gave her customary speech about the mission. It seemed like they would be on quite the challenging quest; not only were there over two-dozen CS to defeat, there were also miners to protect and potential sabotage to investigate. Alatar firmly agreed with the suggestion Ciela gave about making sure they were prepared, so he decided he would make a suggestion to the group.

”Everyone, why don’t we go over to the Atelier first? This mission seems like it could be quite dangerous, so we should seriously consider acquiring some potions before heading out. I would much prefer being over-prepared rather than overconfident. Anyone who doesn’t wish to go shopping, perhaps we can meet back up at the Eastern Outpost? While it should be possible to travel directly to the mine, there is always the risk of being attacked on the way, so I would prefer to remain as a group outside the city.”

Alatar would then move out with anyone who wished to join him, heading off towards Atelier Rosé. Miyu hadn’t been aware of there being a shop from which to buy potions like the one she had had, but with Alatar, Valencia, and Amice heading that way, she figured she ought to as well. Thus, Miyu also left the area with the group.
Nov 22, 2018 10:12 PM
Mar 2016
Hannah Lorken
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Astral Gear: Unsummoned

STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Hidden Presence (Passive), Check Out the Competition (inactive)

Hannah breathed a sigh of relief, having been accepted for the mission she wanted. It looked like it’d be quite difficult, but oh, it would be such a nice change of pace. Plus, she’d get to play to more of her various strengths than normal.

Annabelle asked her about the solo mission Tuba, I’m sorry about the time travel, to which Hannah smiled and turned to face her. ”Yes, it’ll be quite interesting. You’re on a mission too, huh? Best of luck to you too! Let’s talk about them tonight assuming I post.”

Hannah then listened in on the details Ciela provided, writing a list of important stuff on her COMB notepad:

Nodding in confirmation to Ciela’s speech, Hannah gave an ”Understood. I’ll head out, then.” Hannah would then move towards the exit, planning her next step. There were some things she wanted to do before actually getting started with her mission.
Nov 23, 2018 7:22 AM

Nov 2014
Yong Qi
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
STR: D • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status:
Skills Active:

Once Yong was done being abandoned, by Zahrah getting abandoned by the cm thick make-up woman, Yong would walk up to Yong to hit up some small talk while they wait for the mission. Remembering what little lines she heard from the conversation Zahrah had earlier about flowers, Yong decided to go with that as a topic. "So... You like flowers?" Way to go... That's some quality conversation starting there.
Nov 23, 2018 11:44 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

His interactions with the Petunia were short-lived, as she went off for a mission. As he waved her off, he looked around the Mission Hall as it was growing emptier by the minute. By the time it was only him and Yong left from what I can tell, Yong approached him to ask a question, albeit one with an answer that should be fairly obvious by now. “No, I loathe them, why do you ask?” “Plants in general, so yes~ What about you?”
Nov 24, 2018 11:26 AM

Nov 2014
Yong Qi
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
STR: D • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status:
Skills Active:

It was a great conversation. No doubt, Yong's conversation skills were showing, as well as Zahrah being somewhat a bitch and exploiting her weak points, making Yong lead the conversation. Yong started little by little to realize what kind of woman was truly hiding behind that cute face. "I, uh. Like Rozes, Tulips and uh, I don't think I know any other flowers. Yeah. As beautiful as they are, I usually don't involve myself with them too much." I don't involve myself with flowers? WTF Yong. What the actual fuck.
Nov 24, 2018 11:57 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Their absolutely fluent conversation kept going, as Yong admitted she like roses and tulips. She also admitted she didn't know any other flower. “That's rather saddening, as you seem to be more of a Camellia~ Remind me to show them to you soon, alright?” That said, it was almost sinful for Yong not to involve herself with flowers. “There are a lot of different aspects to get involved in though~ Their aesthetics, their scents, their usages in medics or cuisine, and of course their symbolisms! It's worth getting deeply involved into plants, if you were to ask me, but I am a former Royal Botanist, so it'd be weird if I didn't say that~”
Nov 24, 2018 5:15 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 50/100
Prana: 80/100
Stamina: 90/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

Amphion entered the Mission Hall, Sara keeping up easily with her long strides. She walked beside him, her intelligent eyes surveying the area as they entered. Her ears pricked and her attention was drawn to the other two people in the hall when she caught sight of them. Amphion had his hands in the pockets of his long brown coat, the collar was still up around his neck and his hair hung loosely around his shoulders inside. Amphion was speaking out loud to Sara as they entered.

"-wonder if anyone else that we know from our old world is here as well. I wouldn't mind seeing a familiar face in this place," he was saying. "Well, they may not be familiar but there are some people in here, as you thought there would be." Amphion looked up as Sara telepathically communicated to him. He saw the two people Sara was talking about, a girl with pink hair and a girl with brown hair. They both looked similar in age, probably early twenties.

The pink haired one had a plait in her hair that was quite long, she wore a white cape and white boots with gold tips. Her attire looked expensive and Amphion thought of royalty when he saw it. The brown haired one was wearing clothing that was quite revealing, her thigh high boots covered most of her legs but the same couldn't be said for her dress. Her stomach was exposed as well as her upper chest with quite a bit of cleavage. Her hair was done into piggy tails. Amphion kept his eyes from wandering, making sure they kept above the neck.

He was used to acting like an old married man and was always quite respectful. This didn't mean he couldn't appreciate a good body, but rather that he wasn't interested in pursuing any sort of desire that he may feel. He and Sara made their way over to the two girls, Amphion smiled warmly as they approached and he took his right hand out of his pocket to wave to them when they were close. "Hello there! My name is Amphion Roy and this is Sara," he says, gesturing to Sara, "We're new to Astraea, we were only just summoned. His expression remained warm and friendly, Sara surveyed the pair with her different coloured eyes - one yellow and one blue. As far as large hounds went, Sara appeared to look friendly and in good spirits, although not to the same extent as Amphion.
WymsicalNov 25, 2018 7:37 AM
Nov 24, 2018 7:59 PM

Jul 2011
"Alastra Nendarnde"

H : 200
P : 100
S : 150


Her teammates were wasn’t like she wanted to talk to someone or anything. Alastra would clear her throat and make her way to the door with her arms folded. She’d tell herself strictly business over and over again as she left the area to follow her teammates. Alastra would have to donher best.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Nov 25, 2018 5:05 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Zahrah's intimate conversation with Yong was interrupted when a handsome looking man walked in, accompanied by a giant dog. He walked straight up to them, introducing himself and his dog. Zahrah figured he'd go over Amphion and his dog with a quick keen discernment, realising the man's dog was surprisingly stronger than its owner. “I'm Zahrah Fiore~” Zahrah remained in thought for a bit, then added “Former Royal Botanist, and Slayer of Monsters since a few days ago~” That should be enough to properly introduce him. “Nice to meet you!” He'd ask for the dog's sex, but the name was already suggestive enough unless the dog was also a trap. Animals weren't his forte, but he didn't dislike them, so he'd figure that trying to charm the handsome man's heart through his pet was the way to go. After all, he knew there were some handsome men whom were so shy that they bought a dog as a way to start a conversation and pick up a date. “I don't think I've seen people get summoned with their dog before, or with an animal in general, although I haven't been around for long~” He said whilst approaching the dog. “Can I pet her?” If he could, he would. Aiming straight for the weak-point behind the dog's ears. He couldn't, he wouldn't.
Nov 25, 2018 2:26 PM

Nov 2014
Yong Qi
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
STR: D • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status:
Skills Active:

She reminded Zahrah of a bush...? A tea bush.... Was that an innuendo that Yong could simply not comprehend or was she talking about a different plant? Yong really needed to learn some flower names, that's for sure. "So, I remind you of tea leaves?" As Zahrah went on and on about plants, she wondered where she should search for a break before she was overwhelmed by the plants and then... Her Savior came and Zahrah jumped off trail at last. Thank you, Amphi-on She thought to herself.

"Heyo~ I'm Yong Qi. Yong thought of it as strange for a bit, for all the souls here she met thus far to be somewhat new here. But dismissed it as simply Astrea branching them off depending on when they arrived for now. Did that mean that all the souls she's seen so far only came here during the past few days? Are all older souls somewhere completely else? "I'm pretty new here as well, I arrived yesterday."

She wasn't sure what to think of the owner and dog. But considering how close they seemed to be, the dog was most likely not food. Which was cool. Otherwise Yong might've needed to threaten someone's life here. Dog butchers were one of the last things she wanted to find here. However... The moment her serious thoughts stopped, she lost all sanity. "OHMAGODTHAT'STHECUTESTTHNGEVAH" She was just about to jump right at the dog to hug it, before stopping herself and coughing a bit. COUGH COUGH AGH COUGH. "I mean, like, uh. Can I pet her?" Yong asked, deciding to follow Zahrah's example before it was too late, while trying to avoid any and all eye contact with anyone, by looking in a random direction.
Nov 25, 2018 4:36 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

One girl introduced herself as Zahrah Fiore, a royal botanist and... monster slayer? He supposed that meant the calamity seeds that he had read about on his COMB. The other girl introduced herself as Yong Qi, the name sounded Chinese although that didn't necessarily mean the woman was from Amphion's past world. He didn't want to sound like a crazy person and start rambling about other dimensions. Both were pretty new to Astraea, Zahrah's comment about the monster slaying meant she had only been here for a few days and Yong Qi had arrived yesterday.

Yong Qi had a pretty hilarious reaction to Sara and Amphion chuckled, both the girls asked if they could pet her. "By all means! Sara loves being pet!" As they pet Sara, Amphion would continue talking, "I summoned Sara after I was summoned, so she's a part of my abilities. We've been really good friends for a long time though, she's my constant companion," he said cheerfully with an upbeat smile on his face.

Once the two girls had touched Sara, they would now have made a connection with her and telepathic communication would be possible. Sara would send the two girls an individual message each:

To Zahrah, she would say, "You went straight for my favourite spot," meaning the spot behind her ears, "Also, I adore your pink hair! Very flashy and makes you stand out~" Sara's voice sounded like that of a twenty-year-old woman, she looked at Zahrah in the eyes as she communicated with her.

Next, she would look at Yong Qi, "Nice to meet you Yong Qi, no need to contain your excitement, I'm used to it," she said with a laugh (though she laughed in Yong Qi's head she barked in a friendly way on the outside). The comment could have been taken as narcissistic but the tone she used displayed a joking manner.

To Amphion she would say, "Now don't go around charming all the ladies in Astraea with your suddenly enhanced looks, remember you're still an old man on the inside~" Amphion looked down at Sara, his smile faltering. "I would ne-" he stopped himself since he was speaking out loud and both Yong Qi and Zahrah would be able to hear him. He shut his mouth and instead just stood there looking bashful.
Nov 25, 2018 5:41 PM

Dec 2015
Ryan Zokkendov
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Astral Gear: Not Summoned
- STR: D - VIT: E - WIL: E - RES: E
- SPD: C - AGL: B - PER: E - REC: C

Skills: Aptitude(Passive), Burning Spirit(Passive)
Status: Normal

Still kneeling down, Ryan picked up a soft laugh from Alatar. Ryan thought he might have been laughing about something happening nearby, but just shrugged off the thought of what it could've been causing it, it wasn't relevant to him anyway or so he thought. Ryan stood up as Alatar finished speaking his mind. "...Yes... I tend to forget our lives are worth so little now..." Ryan answered, with his tone getting more and more grim as he spoke, looking like he was thinking aloud rather than talking to someone as I did. The satisfaction of apologizing was cancelled out by this reminder, which also definitely wore off his good mood. Ryan would sigh deeply before turning back to the rest of his team, which seemed set up already. With nothing to say himself, Ryan left the Mission Hall with the rest of the team.

One down, two to go
Nov 26, 2018 2:21 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

For some reason, Yong thought that Camellia merely had tea leaves, instead of also having beautiful flowers. Her lack of botanic knowledge could be forgive, and a quick sniff at C perception told him that Yong didn't exactly smell like tea (or so I'd assume). “Mostly of the flowers, not so much the tea leaves~” (If she does smell like tea somehow, it'd be, “Oh my, you actually do~”)

That said, their mutual enthusiasm for the dog had them both preoccupied, as they had been given the right to per her until... “WHAT THE..!” Zahrah instinctively jumped back and looked around, as he heard a voice in his head that was louder and more realistic than the usual ones. It took him a bit to realise that it was the dog. Or that it was meant to be the dog. Truth be told, a talking dog... That sounded too weird to be real. Someone with an amazing ability at telepathy and a bad sense of humour sounded far more reasonable. So, Zahrah puffed his cheeks at Amphion. “Are you making it seem like your dog is talking to me? That actually scared me for a bit!”
Nov 26, 2018 7:20 AM

Nov 2014
Yong Qi
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
STR: D • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status:
Skills Active:

Yong did indeed smell like tea. Was it the shampoo she used? Was it the tea she drank at some time, god knows when, and Zahrah somehow managed to still pick up with her C rank perception. Who knows? Wait, I do?

Yong trying to pet the doggo lost all composure she thought she had regained in just one instance. At first she just actually pet it, brushing its head with her hand, but... "OHMAGODATLKINDOG" Even if the sound did come from inside her head she just couldn't resist giving into her childish temptations. She dropped to her knees, hugging and snuggling against the dog, petting it under it's neck with one of her hands, while using the other to continue hugging it. Zahrah said something in the mean time, but Yong didn't have the time to take notice of that.
Nov 26, 2018 7:59 AM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

Zahrah seemed to jump back in surprise, Amphion knew that this meant Sara had talked to her. He chuckled as she accused him of being the culprit behind the voice in Zahrah's head, possibly believing that Amphion was playing a prank. He had actually been in similar situations before, it was common for people to react this way. It was a lot more rational than thinking that a seemingly normal hound would be able to telepathically communicate with you.

It seemed that Sara's telepathic message to Yong Qi - since Amphion knew Sara would not greet one without the other - had the opposite effect on the girl. She shouted something along the lines of loving dogs and dropped to her knees, hugging and snuggling into Sara. While this was semi normal behaviour, Sara had the equivalent of a human conscience, meaning being randomly hugged by a stranger was an awkward experience.

Sara backed away from the girl, her eyes watching her as she walked around Amphion's legs to get away. She didn't want to be rude so directed a message to Yong Qi, "Umm, if you could kindly stick to petting it would be appreciated. Sorry, but I'm not comfortable with hugging you yet~" Her tone was pleasant and she tried to sound as nice as possible so as to not upset the girl. She understood the reasoning behind the actions and was used to it happening.

Amphion looked down at Sara with a smile on his face as she walked around him, he leaned down and scratched her behind the ears. He then looked up at Zahrah with a wide grin on his face, "Sara can prove to you that it was her and not me. Here look!" He petted Sara again, "Do the thing!" Sara hesitated, looking up at Amphion with imploring eyes. She hated doing the thing, it happened often though. Constantly having to prove that you were actually the one speaking to someone was a very frustrating task for Sara.

Amphion tilted his head in Zahrah's direction while looking at Sara, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Sara hung her head in defeat and then looked at Zahrah. "Say anything back to me - in your mind - and I will do it. A command works best," her tone flat and bored, as if this was a practised routine that she had grown tired of which it was.
Nov 27, 2018 12:28 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Yong seemed to be have been fully seduced by the dog, making Zahrah wonder what the dog's secrets were. He himself, however, was still highly sceptical. Walking back over to Amphion, as at his strength and agility even a small jump would put him halfway across the room, he'd listen to his suggested 'explanation'. However, Zahrah wouldn't fall for that! “Oh! I've seen this one on television~ Someone claimed their horse could do additions, but it turned out that the horse was simply reading his subtle body language to see what it had to do!” However, if Amphion were to be able to go through with such a trick, he'd have to know the command Zahrah was thinking off... “Wait, are you both a mind-reader and a telepath?”

Zahrah pondered over it for a bit, then addressed Amphion. “Oh, I know! Can you close your eyes and turn around?” If he did so, Zahrah would show Sara that he was holding up 8 fingers, trying desperately to think that he was holding up 9 fingers to throw off any potential mind-reading. Then, he'd ask; “Alright, how many fingers am I holding up?”
Nov 27, 2018 7:51 PM

Nov 2014
Yong Qi
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
STR: D • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status:
Skills Active:

The dog retreated...I wanna die. Yong had dun goofed. She "focused" intensely on what the doggo "said", albeit it was hard to focus when you're dying on the inside. None the less, she couldn't give up yet. If it felt too uncomfortable to get hugged right now, then she'd simply wait for an opportunity in the future. "O-okay, I'll stick to petting.." So, she'd walk over closer to Amphion and if Sara would allow her too, she would pet her under the neck.

Zahrah seemed to have went ahead and started up trying to get Sara to perform dog tricks, in which case Yong would back off for a bit and let Sara show her magic.
Nov 27, 2018 8:24 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

Zahrah compared Sara to a horse that could do tricks and this made Amphion even more amused. He then seemed to think that Amphion was a mind-reader as well as a telepath. Yong Qi seemed quite dejected when Sara back away from her, Amphion felt bad but he understood why Sara had reacted that way so he said nothing.

Zahrah told Amphion to turn around so he could hold his fingers up to Sara. Amphion supposed this was a good way to prove Sara's conscience and telepathic abilities so he shrugged and turned around. "Alright, give it a go then~" he said cheerfully.

Sara looked at Zahrah when the pink-haired boy held up 8 fingers. Sara briefly considered telling Amphion the wrong answer but considered the fact that they may have to work together on missions in the future. If Zahrah was under the impression that it was Amphion behind the voices in his head then it would probably end up being a problem in a combat situation. She decided that it was best to give up that golden opportunity for a prank - even though she desperately wanted to mess with Amphion - and telepathically communicated with him, "She's holding up eight fingers." Amphion grinned and said in a confident voice, "Sara said you're holding up eight." Sara would allow Yong Qi to continue giving her a good scratch behind the neck after the dog tricks ordeal was over.

Nov 28, 2018 1:13 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Zahrah was confused when Amphion told him how much fingers he was holding up, rather than the voice in his head he had expected to hear a reply from. That said, Zahrah had been desperately trying to think he was holding up 'nine' fingers, and Amphion still got to say it was eight. This was weird. Suddenly, he realised a good way to give the last bit of proof he needed to consider the dog to be a fully intelligent and telepathic being. That's why he'd think 'Amphion is definitely one of the most attractive SOULs I've seen summoned since I was summoned myself~' in the direction of the dog, or however he could end up replying to the dog. He'd keep a close eye on Amphion afterwards, as surely Amphion would react to it in some sort of way, shape or form if he was the one whom was reading his mind, rather than the dog.

If he wouldn't give any reaction to it, but Zahrah got a reply back from the dog instead, he'd be convinced. Meanwhile, it seemed like Yong's advances had been denied. She should've just done it to Zahrah, he'd let her continue. It seemed like Yong never doubted the dog's ability to talk directly to their minds, which Zahrah considered to be a tad bit odd, but maybe she was right..?
Nov 28, 2018 5:24 AM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

Sara opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue in the way that dogs do when they pant, except Sara seemed to do this in order to imitate a smile since she only did it briefly before closing her mouth again. Zahrah's message to her was an amusing one, yet it provoked an interesting thought. Sara had only known Amphion when he had been old with grey hair, but it was definitely true that he was now much more attractive.

She supposed this would mean that she would have to fight off any advances that these people made on her good friend. He was a married man after all... Or was he? Sara couldn't really decide if it was right or wrong to start a relationship with someone new in the afterlife. Technically, Amphion had never divorced his wife, Shara. However, there was also the fact that he had left that plane of existence and travelled to another dimension to be reborn anew, which was a reasonable argument. In any case, the one thing Sara was sure of was that it was very convoluted - and for that reason, she would take the safest option and assume that it wasn't right for Amphion to start a new relationship with anyone.

With that in mind, she responded to Zahrah telepathically, "Don't let his appearance fool you, for some reason when we were summoned to Astraea he was put into a much younger version of himself. When I knew him he was an old man, with grey hair and all that jazz. In that pretty head of his is the mind of a 51-year-old so don't be deceived." Sara had - hopefully - sabotaged any potential interest that Zahrah had in Amphion. It didn't help that Amphion was also quite naturally charming, Sara had seen many women swoon over that smile of his, even in his old age.

Amphion remained where he was, facing the other direction. He crossed his arms and waited for Zahrah to say something in reply. It should have been proof enough now. He heard nothing though so he asked, "Do you believe me now? Can I turn around?"
Nov 28, 2018 6:46 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

'Okay. I give up.' He thought, although towards nobody other than himself. Hearing the voice respond that he shouldn't date Amphion, without Amphion himself seeming to react in any way, shape or form, that was convincing enough. “Alright, I'm convinced~” That said, in his mental message to Sara he reacted differently. 'I didn't even know that could happen, are you sure he isn't younger altogether?' Zahrah had mixed feelings about dating someone with a mental age more twice as high as his own age, but considering it was only mentally... Let's go full Ancient Greek mode.

For now, though, he'd loose that train of thought. After all, he was also curious as to how a dog could end up talking. 'So, ehm. You'll probably get asked about this a lot, but how is it that you can, you know, talk like this?'
Nov 29, 2018 2:38 AM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

Amphion turned around once Zahrah said he could, giving the pink-haired boy an 'I-told-you-so' grin. Sara received the message from Zahrah about Amphion being younger altogether. She would communicate with Zahrah, "I don't think so, he's still got his memories from his older years, and experience is what makes a person who they are," she said back. Zahrah then asked about Sara's ability, a fair question.

Again, Sara would telepathically communicate with Zahrah, "It's quite complicated but the basic gist of it is that Amphion is the son of a god, I was a gift from that god to him when his daughter died. I suppose you could say my abilities are God-given," she said, amusement present in her tone when she made the joke about her power. Though, the context of the joke may have been lost on someone who wasn't familiar with Sara's and Amphion's old world.

While Sara and Zahrah continued their mental conversation, Amphion turned to Yong Qi (though he addressed the question to them both). "So have you guys been on any missions for Astraea?" he asked, his expression relaxed yet still engaging.
Dec 2, 2018 12:15 AM

Nov 2015
【 April 】

STR: E • VIT: E • RES: D • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E

April would rush into the Mission Hall, her typical luck. Amice had already gone. Her idea of a shortcut without use of map heavily backfired As certain individual was freezing for 2 weeks. She would look around nervously. It was the place where she had gotten her previous job, but this time she would just walk up close and shout out loudly: "Excuse me! I want to help ... heal people. And has anyone seen a tiny halfling child about this tall?" She would make a gesture that would match the height of Amice. "She has very vivid and long hair of mingled cold and warm hues of turquoise and blue and many pixies."
Dec 3, 2018 3:40 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Yong was being surprisingly quite for a while, until Zahrah realised she had frozen. Resisting his urge to try some things, Zahrah instead replied to the dog's voice in his head. 'You're saying he's young and good-looking, but with the experience of someone much older?' “Hmhm~” Somehow, it sounded far less of a downside and much more as an upside, if you were to put it that way. Yes, maybe Amphion was someone worthy of his full attention~

For now, however, the dog still managed to draw some of that attention. 'He's the son of a god?' “He surely looks godly~” 'Wait, I said that aloud, didn't I? This telepathy thing gets confusing~' He figured he'd just give a wink in Amphion's direction. That said, it was quite a strange story. 'I didn't even think gods were real~ Then again, I also didn't think telepathic dogs were real, so I'll take you word on it~'

Amphion himself had also spoken up, although the frozen Yong wouldn't answer, so Zahrah would. “Yeah~ Me and Yong sailed the sea yesterday to slay some bad fishies! Before that, eh... I've battled some calamity seeds being thrown out of the air, and battled some man wearing a mask whilst rescuing the prime minster! Quite exciting stuff~”

Not long after his explanation, a girl reminding him of a Sweet pea walked in and asked about helping people and a halfling. “I think the halfling left with some people on a mission a while back~” Zahrah wasn't sure, but with how many people had been leaving this place, the halfling was probably among them. “As for healing people, it doesn't seem like there's much to do at the moment~ Maybe you could try your luck at the hospital, as a Sweet pea like you would heal both the illnesses and hearts of those in need of treatment! Alternatively you could wait with us, until a mission starts up~”
Dec 3, 2018 4:26 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

It seemed as if Yong Qi was frozen in place, she didn't move nor talk. Amphion eyed her curiously as Sara and Zahrah continued their conversation. Sara sighed inwardly at Zahrah's reply, it seemed that her efforts had been for nought. She would respond to Zahrah, "There's a whole pantheon of gods where we came from, most of them are pretty self-absorbed though, not the nicest beings in existence - that's for sure!

Amphion dragged his gaze away from the frozen Yong Qi and looked at Zahrah when he answered Amphion's question. It seemed Zahrah had participated in quite a few missions. Amphion opened his mouth to respond but he was interrupted by the arrival of another. The red-haired woman rushed into the Hall, seemingly looking for someone or something.

The former was confirmed as she asked them whether or not they had seen a halfling child. "A halfling child? How small would they be, do you think?" he asked Sara, the hellhound looked up at him as she replied. "Probably half the size of a normal child~" she said sarcastically, though still playful. The woman also said she wanted to heal people, this piqued Amphion's interest. Zahrah responded to the woman before Amphion could, stating that he thought the halfling left with some other people for a mission a while ago. He also had a suggestion for where the red-haired woman would be able to go to heal others. His suggestion was pretty reasonable.

Zahrah suggested that the woman stays with their little group to wait for a mission. Amphion guessed that if his daughter was anywhere here, she would most likely be participating in one of the active missions. His brow furrowed in thought as a question came to mind. However, it would be rude not to acknowledge the new arrival first. "A healer huh? I used to be a healer too! Do you practise any specific speciality?" he would ask with a friendly smile. He then held out his hand to be shaken, "Amphion Roy by the way, and this is Sara," gesturing to the large hellhound when he introduced her.
Dec 5, 2018 12:35 AM

Nov 2015
【 April 】

STR: E • VIT: E • RES: D • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E

April would quickly learn that she was late. She got this worried expression painted all over her face. "I... see..."

Then Zahrah said something nice to her which made her cheeks slightly red and when accompanied by the friendly smile of Roy's, her worries were gone. "I don't really know how it works. I just know that I can heal people... It's so very complicated to think about."

She would then make a spin to show herself to the two and curtsy while saying: "I am April. I'll stay here waiting for a mission with you."
Dec 5, 2018 1:26 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Amphion ignored Zahrah's comment about his godly looks so well, that Zahrah could've sworn he didn't even hear it at all, even though that wouldn't be very plausible due their close proximity and the added wink. It made Zahrah realise that teasing this man might turn out to be a challenge. Then again, there apparently was an entire pantheon of gods to be seduce, so Zahrah knew he'd be quite busy in the after-afterlife. Everything here would just be a training for that grand moment.

That said, the topic was switched to the newly arrived healer. “I'm Zahrah Fiore~ Former royal botanist and currently a slayer of monsters!” Zahrah introduced himself, after April stated that she'd stay and wait for a mission. A quick keen discernment taught Zahrah that April had quite some willpower, but that was about it. As for her healing, “Lot's of people seem to do complicated things around here~ I'm content with simply slashing at stuff!” After all, whatever worked worked, regardless of whether it was complex or simple.
Dec 5, 2018 2:09 AM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

The woman seemed to ignore Amphion's handshake, instead opting to spin and curtsey. Amphion awkwardly put his hand back down to his side and scratched his head. "Nice one," Sara said with an amused tone to Amphion. "Maybe handshakes aren't a thing here? I suppose I didn't even think of the potential cultural differences," he responded. He wouldn't be attempting another handshake any time soon, he imagined how strange it would look - to someone who had no idea what a handshake was - to see him hold out his hand to be shaken.

In any case, the red-haired girl answered Amphion, saying that she didn't quite know how her healing worked. She also introduced herself as April and said she would stay with them and wait for a new mission to pop up. Amphion knew that powers could be complicated sometimes, and it was quite common for magic to be a mysterious force - even to those who wielded it. Zahrah said that he liked to just "slash stuff" instead of doing the complicated things that most people did."Do you people shake hands here?" Sara would ask Zahrah telepathically. She could at least ask Zahrah discreetly and then relay the information to Amphion, that way he could avoid asking out loud and making the situation even more awkward than he already perceived it to be (though it probably isn't as awkward as he thinks).

Amphion nodded and put his hands behind his back at Zahrah's response to April. "I don't have any fancy titles like Ms Fiore unfortunately, but I'm definitely looking forward to going on a mission. In any case, it's a pleasure to meet you April!" he said with a quick grin that flashed his pearly whites. He was under the impression that Zahrah was a female, which is why he used an incorrect title when referring to him. Sara bowed her head in the direction of April, not wanting to be rude. This would have to do for now since she had not been able to establish a telepathic connection with the newcomer as of yet. Amphion noticed Sara's greeting and waved his hand in her direction, "Sara says it's nice to meet you as well~"

WymsicalDec 5, 2018 2:14 AM
Dec 5, 2018 12:48 PM

Nov 2015
【 April 】

STR: E • VIT: E • RES: D • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E

"Ooooh..." April looked at Zahrah with admiration, as he introduced himself as a slayer of beasts and botanist. But her attention would quickly span back at Amphion. "Yes, a pleasure." ... However misunderstandings were prone to happen.

Eh... Eh? EH!? April would look at Amphion for a moment as he translated the feelings of his hellhound. And she would awkwardly walk towards Fiore and use him as a shield towards Amphion, if Zahrah had no objections for it. "He is weird..." April would whisper.
Dec 5, 2018 1:44 PM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Things got a bit awkward, as Sara asked him stuff about handshakes while April was hiding behind him. Luckily enough, Zahrah was extremely talented at solving complex social situations. So, he'd first think in Sara's direction. 'Some do, some don't~ Most mortals probably would, but SOULs come from so many places that quite a few of them wouldn't~'

After that, he figured he'd pull a bit of a prank, of sorts, on April. He'd whisper back. “A little bit, but his dog is nice enough. You should try petting her.” It seemed like touching the dog was required for her to telepathically talk, otherwise the dog probably would've relayed the things Amphion said herself. So, giving the example, Zahrah would give Sara a good scratch behind the right ear. That was also his own favourite spot, after all.

With that out of the way, Zahrah figured he'd try to get (or keep) a conversation going, and looked up at Amphion. “So... You're like a demi-god or something?” For as much as Amphion had the looks for it, it was still a weird idea.
Dec 5, 2018 7:01 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

April seemed to react strangely to Amphion's explanation of Sara's bowing. Amphion scratched his head again, his entire interaction with the girl had been awkward. Not a great first impression. Still, though, he kept a friendly expression on his face. In his experience, even if you were awkward or said something strange, a genuine smile and kind words were enough for people to still think of you in a positive light. He didn't want to have a bad relationship with any of his new companions so he wanted to make the best first impression possible.

He glanced over at Yong Qi again, the woman was still frozen. It had got to the point now where he simply couldn't ignore her. However, Zahrah asked him a question before he could ask his own. "Well yeah... Technically I am. I don't really like that term though, makes me seem like I'm more important that other people - I'm just a man though~" he said with a small laugh. He decided it was appropriate to elaborate, the idea was a strange one. "Where I come from, the gods are quite... eh... involved with mortals. It's pretty common for gods to have long standing relationships and have multiple kids with them," he said with a sheepish grin, "People like me are the result! Half-mortal, half-god, we are all capable of using magic and some can become quite powerful."

Sara would wait for Amphion to finish explaining about demi-gods before she would respond to Zahrah, she wagged her tail as Zahrah gave her a scratch. "Ah I see, that makes a lot of sense actually. I'll let Amphion know later, he's normally pretty smart but when it comes to some things..." she trailed off, remembering some of the silly things her friend had said in the past.
Dec 5, 2018 10:49 PM

Dec 2015

Health: 100/100
Prana: 250/250
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Not Summoned
- STR: J - VIT: E - WIL: C - RES: D
- SPD: E - AGL: E - PER: E - REC: E

Skills: Morpher Body(Passive), Blessing(Passive)
Status: Normal
Equipment: None

While taking the scenic route, admiring the greatness of its new base, GU slid around the HQ, not making too much of a scene given his size, however.
At first glance, one would say the door to the Mission Hall opened for nobody, but no, it was open for a little ball of goo that slowly made its way in. GU peeked around from the entrance, and everything seemed like the rest of what it had seen thus far: Large and hi-tech. Regardless of that, GU still chose this particular place as a starting point for his new social life for a reason. The group chatting nearby seemed like what he had been looking to start with: SOULs. Active workers waiting to be called for action, the ones it will have to deal with from now on. Knowing that it had to figure out if it would be hated here by mostly everyone sooner or later, GU slowly slid towards the group, wanting to find out sooner. A little nervous, GU took a few seconds to figuratively take a deep breath before it started talking once he reached the group. Its yellow eyes would rise to meet the whole group's faces one by one right as it spoke happily.
"Uh... Hello there!"
Dec 6, 2018 9:01 AM

Nov 2015
【 April 】

STR: E • VIT: E • RES: D • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E

As Zahrah went on with continuing the conversation, April took a few steps backwards. With curiosity she stared at a blob sthat was slowly moving. ... Moving ... (HOW IS IT MOVING?)

April kept staring. She was not quite certain where to process this entity into. A few more moments would pass before it would dart forward and kneel down before it. Her eyes were fixated on it. She was staring deep into the yellow eyes as a slow grunt would escape her throat, she was skeptical. She would move even closer, placing almost her face against it before giving it a poke and a greeting: "Hello. What are you? I am April." If it reacted positively to the poke she would try to pet it. If the reaction would be positive to that, she would try to pick it up and bring it up for everyone else to see. The way how April moved, it was quite obvious this wouldn't have been the first time she would bring a stray animal home. Although this scenario was extremely dependent on how the gooball was going to react.
Dec 6, 2018 11:55 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

It seemed like April wouldn't join the club of devoted dog-petting-people, which was a shame. There was nothing to do about it though, so Zahrah kept his attention on Amphion's demi-god status. Zahrah couldn't help himself from pouting a bit as Amphion said he was 'just a man'. “So you don't have any people worshipping you? If I was a demi-god, I'd try to get an amazing following~” There were a lot of highly interesting things that Zahrah would do as the god of such a cult. Strangely enough, it seemed like the 'demi-gods' in Amphions place were more like the Divine that Zahrah was familiar with, which reminded him of something. “Oh, to give you some advice, you might not want to talk about being a half-god in front of some of this world's Divine's. They might consider it blasphemy~”

Short after, both April's and Zahrah's attention was drawn by a blob. “Wait, is it me or is there a blob moving in our direction?” As the blob spoke, Zahrah just went silent for a bit. “Okay, pause. Pause. Pause.” He looked from Amphion to April to Sara to GU-801. “Between demi-gods, telepathic dogs and talking blob things, no offense meant, I'm starting to really feel like I'm part prank after all...” For a short moment, like, really short, almost unnoticeably short, Zahrah sounded a bit serious there. Then he switched back to his normal self instantly. “Ah well, I'll play along~ Do I have permission to poke you blob-like-being?”

He realised that merely starting off with that question wasn't ideal, so he figured he'd also introduce himself. “Oh, and I'm Zahrah Fiore, former Royal Botanist and currently a slayer of monsters!” Depending on whether or not April would pick it up, and whether or not he had gained permission to poke it, Zahrah would either poke it whilst April was holding it, whilst it was still on the ground, or not at all. Of course he wouldn't be so mean as to use a C strength poke, going with a gentle poke instead.
Dec 7, 2018 4:01 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

Zahrah asked Amphion if had people worshipping him, to which Amphion laughed in response. There were countless demi-gods in his old world, and while some were more famous than others, it wasn't very common for them to be worshipped. Of course, there were also ancient demi-gods like Hercules who had been made into gods upon their deaths, but that was a different scenario entirely. They became gods in the eyes of the pantheon and were given that gift as a result of heroic deeds. Amphion was no hero, he was just a man trying to live his best life.

Zahrah also gave him some advice, which he noted and was grateful for. It was always good to receive any information that could help with avoiding a potentially tense social situation in the future. He would try and refrain from speaking about his heritage in the future. He wondered what the gods of this world were like, he hadn't read about them in the COMB so he would have to ask people or read about it somewhere. He wasn't too interested in religion but getting familiar with this new world - his new world - was important.

Before Amphion had a chance to reply, a small, blob-like creature seemed to slide across the ground towards them. Sara, in particular, took an interest in the thing. She leaned down and sniffed the ground as it approached, trying to determine exactly what the creature was as she eyed it curiously. Amphion almost jumped back in fright as the creature stopped in front of them and spoke, saying 'hello' to the small group of SOULs. April was the first to act, getting down to its level and putting her face very close to it. She poked it and asked it was it was, introducing herself as well.

If she managed to pet it and continue through with the actions mentioned in April's post then Amphion would mentally bookmark the fact that April seemed to have done this before. She almost seemed to be familiar with such a situation, acting naturally and surely. Amphion guessed she might have had experience caring for animals and such in her last life. He also wondered if it had something to do with her power. Zahrah gave voice to the strangeness of this all interaction and Amphion had to agree that it was definitely not a normal chain of events. They would be an interesting group should they go on a mission, he wondered what the reactions would be of anyone who hired them. Probably rejection or fear, people tended to react to difference poorly.

Zahrah asked if she could poke the blob and Amphion wondered if that was a normal thing to do when encountering such a strange creature. He certainly didn't think so, the blob had a mind of its own as well and he wondered how it would react to people poking it all the time. If he was a blob he wouldn't want people to poke him so he opted out of doing so. Amphion took this opportunity to speak, "What a strange world we're in..." he mumbled, more to Sara and himself than anyone else. "What on Earth is that?" Amphion looked down at his companion as he answered, "That's exactly it, we're not on Earth anymore, we're going to have to get used to such abnormality."
Dec 7, 2018 11:15 PM

Dec 2015

Health: 100/100
Prana: 250/250
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Not Summoned
- STR: J - VIT: E - WIL: C - RES: D
- SPD: E - AGL: E - PER: E - REC: E

Skills: Morpher Body(Passive), Blessing(Passive)
Status: Normal
Equipment: None

Its very first interaction with people, and what's more, SOULs, was WAY out of what it expected. Instead of hate, disgust, or even a cold indifference... Friendly confusion? Being so surprised, GU's body cleared to a slowly whitening gray, all while its eyes widened. "What in the..." GU thought, as an attempt to keep it together and not overexcite. As its body returned to its regular state, the innocent looking, red haired girl moved in, picked GU up, and asked it what was it. The pink haired one asked if she could poke it and even introduced herself as Zahrah, while the handsome man made an understandable comment while just looking from a distance. To the touch, GU would feel pleasantly warm and soft, like a fluffy pillow, and not sticky at all, as its appearance would suggest.
Quite confused sounding "... Um... don't you hate me?... Or at least feel disgusted?..." was all GU managed to say, as he was poked and petted by the girls it stared at back and forth, involuntarily ignoring how was that making it feel at the moment. It, in fact, wanted to meet nice people, but this was way better than it estimated it would be like. Trying to confirm if it was a bad taste joke at its expense, he turned to meet the handsome man's eyes, and with a hint of fear of it actually being a joke in its voice, and still confused as all hell, he would add "...Not even you, sir?"
And just in case you were wondering, animals are seldom aggressive with it, so it saw the dog's reaction as normal. So is the case with frozen SOULs, even ones with such daring choice of clothes. GU was too busy thinking what to say to the other SOULs to think of such normal, at least in comparison, things.
ValkanDec 7, 2018 11:22 PM
Dec 8, 2018 7:37 AM

Nov 2015
【 April 】

STR: E • VIT: E • RES: D • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E

As April touched something that was so fluffy, warm and soft to handle -- it meant the end of GU-801's freedom she felt hyper. She would bring up her new pet to display like nothing had happened. She held the thing against her chest while wearing a wide smile. It was like April had found her totem animal. "It's pretty cute." She would say proudly. Before rubbing her cheek against it's head: "So does it have a name or do we need to come up with one?"
Dec 9, 2018 4:07 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Amphion and Sara spent a lot of text doing little to react to, seemed about equally interested in the blob as Zahrah and April were. Meanwhile, April seemed to have claimed it as her newest pet. The blob didn't tell Zahrah not to poke, even though it also didn't tell Zahrah it was okay to poke, so Zahrah ended up poking it. It felt surprisingly war, soft and pillowish. That said, the stuff the blob was saying was pretty confusing. “Hate you or think you're disgusting? Is there a reason for that?” Zahrah didn't know a thing about this blob, so who knew, maybe it's hobby was eating people alive, in which case he'd get why most people were disgusted by it, or why they would hate it.

That said, it seemed like April hadn't noticed the thing she was holding was talking, for some reason. Zahrah figured that it'd be a good thing to point out, waving his hand in front of April to snap her out of her hyper trance. “April, it's quite rude to name someone that can talk~” Says the one whom names everyone after flowers. So he'd turn to the blob. “So, what's your name?” He'd ask nicely.
Dec 9, 2018 6:44 AM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

April had picked the strange blob up and Amphion was now the only one - asides from Yong Qi, who is still frozen - to have not poked it. He maintained his early thought process and refrained from poking it as well. The blob seemed to be confused about the fact that they were not scared of him. It asked Amphion if he hated it or felt disgusted, Amphion frowned at that, of course not! "Not at all! I'm simply curious, it's not every day you get to meet a talking... blob?" he asked, unsure of the proper term that he could use that wouldn't cause offence. He didn't know if 'blob' was a hurtful description or not.

April seemed to think that the blob needed a name, though Amphion agreed with Zahrah when she said that it was quite rude to name someone that could talk. The blob seemed to have a consciousness, therefore it probably had a name already. Before Amphion could voice his agreement, he asked the Blob for its name. Sara sat and looked up at Amphion, "Is that one of this world's species?" she asked, perplexed at the nature of the creature. Amphion glanced down at his companion, "I don't think so, I read up on the species in my COMB and there was nothing that matched the description of that creature," he explained.
Dec 10, 2018 8:51 AM

Dec 2015

Health: 100/100
Prana: 250/250
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Not Summoned
- STR: J - VIT: E - WIL: C - RES: D
- SPD: E - AGL: E - PER: E - REC: E

Skills: Morpher Body(Passive), Blessing(Passive)
Status: Normal
Equipment: None

The red haired girl, April, actually seemed to like GU more every moment, as now she was hugging it. In all honesty, GU really liked the treatment that April was giving it, even if it felt more like she was treating with a pet more than anything at the moment. While April was busy rubbing her cheek against it, GU replied to both the handsome man's comment "I'm really glad to hear that! Thank you. And yes, you could say I'm a blob", then, it turned to Zahrah and answered to her reasonable question, it didn't elaborate in its own question after all "I would really like to know too... all but one of my co-workers, back in the *insert northern Septima country* branch, had either of those reactions when they saw me... The one SOUL that liked me, insisted on me transferring to somewhere else. So I ended up here..." At this point, GU was still really confused. What was he doing differently there than here? These SOULs' reactions were polar opposites to what it saw at northern Septima...
The friendly SOULs asked for its name, which once again, surprised GU "My name? Back in *that one country in northern Septima*, all my co-workers usually called me... Some rather derogatory names that I'd rather not repeat..." GU stopped to think for a moment, both for its name and to wash away the treatment he received up north from his mind "... Technically, my name is Genomorph Unit Eight Zero One... I don't like that name though, so you can call me whatever you want!"
ValkanDec 10, 2018 8:54 AM
Dec 10, 2018 10:18 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Apparently the blob was from *insert northern Septima country*, a place Zahrah had heard off. After all *insert northern Septima country* was famous for its **insert famous botanic related product from *insert northern Septima country** and the country also had a fair amount of handsome looking Elves and Divines wandering in it~ The latter was probably also the reason for the blob's troubles there. “Divine and Elves aren't the most open, so I'm sure you're better off here~ Even most of the Divines and Elves that come all the way here are normally more open than the ones from the main continent! That, at least, holds true in my experience~”

As for the creature's name... “How about we just shorten it to Geno? I think you'd make a great Geno~” That said, Geno was a tad bit masculine, and Zahrah wasn't sure if this creature was male, female, or neither, so he quickly came up with a more feminine option as well~ “You do remind me of a Victoriana Silver Lace Black Primrose, but that's quite a mouth-full... Hm, I don't think you look like a Victoriana, but you could be a Primrose? Yeah~ That'd also suit you!”
Dec 11, 2018 1:03 PM

Nov 2015
【 April 】

STR: E • VIT: E • RES: D • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E

April would freeze for a moment, trying to figure out a good name to call it. She would observe the endeavors of Zahrah with an interest. "Hmm... Well, -I- could just call you Cotton because you are so soft. Or would you rather a very posh name... Hmm... Though... Geno. Genou... Genoroar. Geno-geno. Geno sounds nice. It sounds fluffy. But it' not with a Gu. Geno-Gu?"

April would blush: "Oh my gosh. How cute. Geno-Gu!" April would make it sound like a baby's name. However that was probably not an appropriate name for a long term use.

She'd then look at Zahrah: "Prim..rose... Hmm, do you really think Geno-Gu looks like a Primrose? Silver Lace Black Primrose.." April would tilt her head to the side and you could picture question marks in the air around her head. She was really puzzled what would really be a good way to call it.
Dec 11, 2018 3:54 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

The blob said that it was glad to hear that Amphion didn't find it scary or disgusting, it also confirmed that Amphion could refer to it as a 'blob'. He nodded and smiled, acknowledging this. The blob went on to mention parts of his past, referring to some country that Amphion had no idea about. "I wonder how big this world is? Do you think it's a similar size to Earth?"

Sara sat down, looking around at the proceedings. She was glad that the blob had taken some of the attention away from her, she liked attention but she was used to getting a lot of it and it sometimes grew weary for her. "I hope it's bigger than Earth! More places to go and see, more things to do~" Amphion grinned and nodded his agreement.

While Amphion and Sara were having their telepathic conversation, the others were trying to decide on a name for the blob. Amphion had missed the blob's introduction, which he scolded himself for as that was quite rude. Though, of course, they couldn't have known that he had not been paying attention. He listened to Zahrah and April's suggestions, whatever the blob had introduced himself as, it was most likely something that started with a 'G'. "I like Geno, it suits you," he said, directing his words to the blob Geno.
Dec 14, 2018 6:28 AM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 150/150
AG: Not Summoned
Current Status: Confused(?)
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: None

Guinsoo walked into the Mission Hall. At first he hoped for a mission, since he seemed to be suffering from slight memory loss. No idea what happened, it felt like a part of him went missing for some time. Since he couldn't find anything on the COMB about missions being available, he just thought he'd be waiting in the mission hall. Thinking it'd probably be better to try and contact Alex, he went to the message function on his COMB. There were a few people there, but he didn't actually know anyone there. He was a bit confused anyways, so he would just keep to himself for now.

"Alex, it's Guinsoo. Where you at?"
Dec 14, 2018 10:35 AM

Dec 2015

Health: 100/100
Prana: 250/250
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Not Summoned
- STR: J - VIT: E - WIL: C - RES: D
- SPD: E - AGL: E - PER: E - REC: E

Skills: Morpher Body(Passive), Blessing(Passive)
Status: Normal
Equipment: None

Zahrah mentioned that in Septima people weren't that open minded, considering there were mostly divines and elves, which was true. However, she also mentioned that the ones that are here are more tolerant "That's great to hear!" As for its name, Zahrah made a couple of suggestions. Personally, it didn't like the idea of being called as a flower much, so "Geno" was the winning option at the moment. April also made her kind of degrading, yet still appreciated suggestions while she continued to hug it "She still thinks I'm a pet... Oh well. Hugging is definitely better than being stomped or kicked..." GU got lost in that thought, before being pulled out of its mini-trance by the handsome man's voice, which agreed with Zahrah's first suggestion. GU would take advantage of April's distraction to try and slip off her grasp with gentleness, staying with her if she wanted to, she is way stronger than it anyway. If she let go, it would jump on top of a nearby empty desk, to be a little more close to the height of its new peers and avoid having them looking down to pretty much the ground. In either case, "Geno" would happily say "...Geno... Yes, I like that... Okay, you can call me Geno from now on!" as he looked at Zahrah and the man. Geno would quickly turn to face April, with the same amount of happiness, due to being called something normal for once "-And you can call me Geno-Gu if you want to!"
Dec 14, 2018 10:57 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

April's suggestions for a name were... odd, even by Zahrah's standards. In the end, Geno seemed to be the common conclusion. “Alright then~ Welcome to Yvalia, Geno!” With that out of the way, Zahrah walked up to Yong to poke her in the side a few times, but there wasn't any reaction. “I guess waiting to go on a mission with Yong isn't really an option when she's frozen~ Do you guys want to go explore? Last time I went into the forest, I got eaten alive~ Maybe I can get my revenge this time around!” For some reason, his pretty horrifying death from a few days ago didn't really bother Zahrah all that much, but the idea to venture out into the forest was entertaining to him. Maybe he'd even find the flowers he was trying to find!

That said, there were other options. “There's also this mountain I've always wanted to climb. It's called Mount Alban, but it's pretty far off. We'd have to try to get transport if we'd go there~ It'd be really cool though! There's snow and everything~” Zahrah also recalled a closer options. “There's also a candy store in the city I've wanted to check out for a while~ It's called the Sweetest Tooth. That might be fun to visit!”
Dec 14, 2018 8:43 PM

Oct 2014
Amphion Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Sara Status: Summoned
STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Black jeans, a pair of dress boots, a loose plain white tunic, a brown ankle-length cloak with a large collar flicked up around his neck. His long black hair is currently not tied up and he has a wedding ring on.

The blob said that it liked the name Geno, now that Geno had introduced himself, Amphion thought it was high time he introduced Sara and himself to the peculiar creature. However, before he could, Zahrah had a few things to say first. He welcomed Geno to Yvalia and then went over to poke Yong Qi - who was still in a statue. Zahrah said that she was 'frozen' and that - combined with the fact that no one else was really reacting strangely to Yong - made Amphion think that perhaps becoming 'frozen' was something that occurred here a lot, or at least, wasn't an anomaly.

Zahrah asked if they would like to go to the forest and explore, mentioning that the last time he went he was eaten alive. Amphion was unsure if Zahrah was joking or not so he didn't say anything. Zahrah continued to talk about a mountain that he always wanted to climb and a candy store that he wanted to visit. Amphion was eager to explore more of this world, mostly because he wanted to find his daughter, but he didn't really think Sara would be roaming around in the forests. Even so, he liked the idea of going out and getting some first-hand experience.

He responded to Zahrah's suggestions first, "I think those are great ideas! I'd love to see more of what Yvalia has to offer, getting out there and exploring seems like fun!" he looked at Yong Qi and his expression became concerned, "I would feel bad about leaving Miss Qi here though..." he added. He moved his attention to Geno and put a hand on his chest, "I'm Amphion Roy by the way," he then moved his hand to gesture at Sara, "and this is Sara!" He smiled amiably, maintaining his warm and approachable demeanour. While all this was happening, the elevator doors opened and a newcomer came in. Amphion watched the man out of the corner of his eye, he seemed confused. The man had white hair and was quite threatening looking, the man was fiddling with his COMB and Amphion was preoccupied with the current conversation so for now he would not acknowledge him further.
WymsicalDec 14, 2018 8:49 PM
Dec 15, 2018 6:00 AM

Nov 2015
【 April 】

STR: E • VIT: E • RES: D • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E

April would look at Zahrah and just slide the creature on the table from her hands. She was somehow handling it like a cat. And immediately afterwards, she'd stroke it's head and then look at Zahrah and the rest.

"I've been to forests a lot but I have never seen mountains up close. The one I got to see, it was so far far away... So you can really climb them up?" And just like that she had darted and closed the gap dangerously close to Zahrah.

"Candy first. Then mountain!" Se'd say in a very loud and decisive voice. Her eyes were brimming with confidence as she looked up into Zahrah's eyes.
Dec 18, 2018 3:23 PM

Dec 2015
"Geno" GU-801

Health: 100/100
Prana: 250/250
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Not Summoned
- STR: J - VIT: E - WIL: C - RES: D
- SPD: E - AGL: E - PER: E - REC: E

Skills: Morpher Body(Passive), Blessing(Passive)
Status: Normal
Equipment: None

Introduction time seemed to be over, as Zahrah welcomed Geno to Yvalia, to which he happily replied "Thank you, Zahrah!" With that done, its coworkers started to talk about what to do next. They all seemed to agree on going on an adventure. At some point, the handsome man introduced himself as Amphion, "Nice to meet ya, Amphion!". Back to the subject at hand, they all were mostly agreeing to going to a candy store, then to a mountain. It all sounded great to Geno, but it didn't want to assume things, so before giving itself more false expectations, it asked "Can I come with?"
Dec 19, 2018 7:56 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 100/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

It seemed like Amphion was on board with Zahrah's ideas, only feeling bad for leaving Yong. “Don't worry~ I'm sure she's as safe and sound here as she could be! There are a lot of spots that are worse to freeze at. Imagine freezing while you're crossing a busy road... You'd get walked over by a Vanibo~” With that concern cheerfully brought into the world, he listened to April's determination. It seemed like she was dead-set on the candy and the mountain. Even Geno joined in. “Sure~ We've got a plan then! Let's go~” With that, Zahrah set off on an epic quest for candy and mountain-climbing with his newfound teammates.
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