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Nov 14, 2018 6:05 AM

Oct 2014
The Harbinger
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Undying (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

The red-haired boy had challenged The Harbinger, even if the tone of his voice had been neutral, it took a lot of effort to not react how he normally would. He ignored him for the most part.

The pretty woman introduced herself as Aoyama Hana, a peculiar name thought The Harbinger. He supposed that these SOULs were not all from the same world as he had come from. These could be beings from different planes of existence, other dimensions. The thought made The Harbinger's head hurt, he never would have thought such a thing would be possible in his old life. Her demeanour shifted slightly, becoming more withdrawn. He noticed this happened a lot with people, they put on masks around others, ever so slightly changing that mask depending on the interaction. She had a gentle grasp and the handshake itself felt practised, she was clearly used to being introduced to others. Perhaps royalty of some kind in her past life?

In any case, Aoyama said she was also a new SOUL, and noted that she was aware of what they all were. She had obviously read some information on the COMB as he had. She told him some other things, that Astraea was a technological firm and was keen on summoning SOULs. This was something he was already aware of, his questions pertained to the why, not the what.

"I'm aware of Astraea and it's... goal..." he paused on the word 'goal', thinking of his next words carefully. "In my experiences, organisations as influential as this keep their true agendas a secret." He paused again, he didn't know what Aoyama thought of Astraea or this world, but she was new like him. The Harbinger had always been good at perpetuating his ideas onto others, he would need support here if he was going to have to take on Astraea. He didn't know what they wanted yet, but if it was something he didn't agree with he would break free of his commitment as a SOUL in an instant.

The Harbinger, no matter what, was a free man. He would not be some lapdog for some organisation whose true agenda was something he disagreed with. That is why he sought the truth.

"Do you not have questions? Our mission, 'to eradicate all traces of chaos'. Vague, don't you agree? I simply want information on Astraea, information this device-" he gestured to the COMB, "cannot give me. That being said, you are new and I cannot expect you to know the truths that I seek. However, if you hear anything will you let me know? I'm sure you wish to know more about those which we serve, especially when they are powerful enough to summon us here without our own volition." He kept his voice low, even lower than it had been before. His harsh whisper barely being audible.
WymsicalNov 14, 2018 6:11 AM
Nov 14, 2018 9:17 AM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex

Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 8
(Given a previous description of the Carolean soldiers needing a bit of a correction, if you seek to describe the men i'd ask that you check the "Carolean Soldier" spoiler for a detailed description)

Carolus, finally satisfied with his browsing, shut off the bracelet and turned to viewing the others here, looking to take particular note of only those he deemed interesting enough to be spared some time. His calculating gaze took in each, but retained only those that were noteworthy. There were quite a few here, among them was a woman who was so elegantly dressed that it almost made up for the slightly tapered points of her ears, and her existence as an unholy. Her face was so pale that it almost seemed that she might be one of those vampires that had been in the children's stories of his childhood. He spotted a young girl secluded from the rest, clearly backing herself into an empty section because she felt uncomfortable. There was a woman dressed in the clothes of a man, who had just filled out and submitted an application. Finally, the last person he settled his eyes on to take in was a tall, sinister looking man with white hair and a half mask covering the entire right side of his face. Deep set eyes were nearly covered by shadow as he looked around the room, gaze just as calculated as Carolus's. It was not just Harbinger who recognized a man cut from the cloth of a strategist and a warrior, Carolus saw it in the man as well. This fact lit his curiosity, since so far he had only seen . He would keep close watch on him as he received another notification, this one for a mission above his current rank, unfortunately. Noticing the gazes being cast on his men, Carolus spoke a sharp command in the same foreign tongue the soldier from before had used. "Giv akt!" The men immediately snapped to attention, placed hats back on their heads and moved their muskets to their shoulders, bayonets catching the light as they did so.

Given that Carolus couldn't really join any mission mostly because no one seems to want to post another E rank mission because either his rank was too low or an unknown reason for the E+ mission, Carolus decided to instead take the opportunity to approach the ominous looking demon man large man who had so closely examined him before. The man was still speaking, but now he was doing so in such a tone that Carolus could not hear even the faintest indication that he was talking as he approached. Standing at a respectable distance from the man and the woman he was talking to, Carolus moved his steely gaze onto him. "Pardon sir, madam, not to interrupt but might I inquire as to what your names are?" The words that he offered were given with an air of royal authority lent to them. In a fashion that properly bequeathed a noble of Carolus's status.

conman2163Nov 14, 2018 11:07 AM
Nov 14, 2018 11:19 AM

Mar 2016
Aoyama Hana

Health: 100
Prana: 100
Stamina: 100
Astral Gear - Kusarigama: Not Summoned.
Resist: Dark | Weak: Light
Current Status: None.

Before anything else happened, a boy of red hair would announce that he would be open for a challenge whenever, and that there was need for the 'Demon's' shyness, animosity seemed to brew quickly around here, she thought. She would turn her gaze from the boy to Lorenzo, awaiting for his response, one that was silent, a good choice of action Hana thought. It was apparent that Lorenzo had acquainted himself with the Encyclopedia however, as he stated that he was already aware of the company's goal. "Then why are you questioning me about this?" According to his experience as he'd say, such powerful entities had hidden goals, secret agendas as he'd put it. "Why should I worry about this?"

The man would go on, inquiring whether or not she had any questions, pointing out how vague their mission to eradicate chaos was. "Has he not read about the CS? I think our mission is pretty clear, the man is just paranoid." It would not be long before Hana noticed that Lorenzo was in search of some kind of condemning evidence, something that would justify some kind of action, but what kind of action? Rebellion? They ill needed such worries, after all, had they any chance to win against such a foe, if such a scenario would come to reality?

To Hana, it was clearly delusional, even if she had little knowledge of this era. The man would continue with his rantings however, tiring the girl's mind, even if she did not express it. Lorenzo would go as far as asking of her to contact him whether she came to know anything of note, apparently the man thought himself to be some kind of revolutionary leader. One thing however confused Hana. "(...)Powerful enough to summon us here without our own volition."

Hana had agreed to be here, after all, all SOULs were to make a 'contract' with the world, or so she supposed it to be the case, how come he'd be different? "I have chosen to be here, chosen to protect the world with her new given powers. There is no reason why I would've not chosen this, I finally have a breath of freedom after a life of captivity." Few moments after Lorenzo finished to whisper to the winds his illusions, Hana would open her mouth, about to protest, when the voice of another man came to play.

The regal looking man, accompanied by a retinue of his own approached both her and Lorenzo, pardoning for his interruption, and asking them for their names. "Maybe this was the way that the spirits found to drag me away from that conversation." The girl would briefly glance to Lorenzo, and then once more bow respectfully to the royal apparent, introducing herself first. "You may call me Aoyama Hana." She would return to her previous stance and wait for Lorenzo and the newly arrived man to introduce himself.
Nov 14, 2018 11:51 AM
Jan 2015
Edward Durand
Health: 200/200
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
Current Status: +1 Vitality
Skills Active: Master Guard (Passive), Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Knight Honor (+1 Vitality)

After Edward introduced himself, even more people showed up in the room, to the point where it was hard to keep track of all of them. Because of the guy with 8 uniformed soldiers following him, the amount of people here was almost as high as back in the preparation for the urgent mission two days ago...

However, among the crowd of people, he noticed a few of them more. First was Lysett since she was in their group, and then Lucia, the Divine healer who had surprisingly been convinced to join even though it meant protecting an Unholy. There was also a very grotesque man whose flesh seemed to be rotting away and was hard to not notice as a result.

Now that their group was full, the robotic receptionist told them what to do. They were to meet Celestia at the Eastern Outpost and for some reason had to go on foot. There were three routes she gave them to choose from, but left it up to them to decide. Whatever route they picked, their top priority was to get her there safely, not protecting her reputation or anything else.

But before they left, Eukina suggested that they share their IDs in case they got separated somehow. "Of course, I will share mine too." There was no reason not to stay in communication, so Edward also shared his COMB ID and added the IDs of anyone else who did to his COMB. After that, all that was left was for Alexander to explain their plan to Lysett and Lucia who hadn't been around the first time he said it, and then they would be ready to leave the area. Edward didn't have much to say, since they already thought of their plans. He just thought about his own part in the mission, thinking about how he could better use his power in this mission. There was one weakness he'd run into earlier that he was thinking about how to fix...
Nov 14, 2018 3:08 PM

Oct 2014
The Harbinger
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Undying (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

The Harbinger could tell that there was doubt in Aoyama's eyes as he explained. He did not blame her for this, some people did not have the same level of cynicism nor paranoia that he possessed. He did not trust Astraea, he had not had any encounters with the 'calamity seeds', he knew nothing except what the COMB had told him. Information gained from one source was not sufficient for The Harbinger, information from one source could easily be tainted.

All those here could be getting lied to and blindly be following the whims of Astraea. Before the woman had a chance to reply to him, however, the man with the small squadron of men appeared next to them. He pardoned his interruption and asked for introductions to be made. The Harbinger did not like the way the man asked for their names, he was used to dealing with people in high positions of power. This man was clearly used to such a position.

Already, The Harbinger had an ill-disposition towards the man. The Harbingers eyes lingered over the eight soldiers. They were completely in unison, exceptionally trained, and carrying muskets. The Harbinger's hand twitched but he crossed his arms, opting not to summon his wand. The man had startled him, which was unusual given The Harbinger's normal awareness. He had been too busy speaking to Aoyama this time, however. Aoyama introduced herself, The Harbinger thought her more naive than he already believed because of this.

"I do not give my name to men who demand it without doing the same first. I am not one of your dogs," he said harshly, looking pointedly at the men behind the military leader on the last sentence. The Harbinger then locked his eyes on the man, his gaze smouldering with intensity. He was beginning to become agitated here, too many people pissing him off. There was only so much he could take before he lashed out. All of his body - except his eyes - remained calm.
Nov 14, 2018 5:52 PM

Nov 2015
'Berto' - The Savant
Health: 100/100
Prana: 80/80
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive), Overdrive (Passive/Inactive), Tactical Monitoring (Passive/Active), Loop-Cast (Passive/Inacitve), Absolute Defense Territory (Passive)

Savant would go through the computer when he noticed that there was a mission that he had overlooked. Quickly filling over the important stuff, he'd send out the request from his COMB, and logout from the computer. "Right... Let's see..."

Mission Application

Applicant: S4V4NT (Berto)

Applicant Rank: E

Mission: "Clear the River!"

Mission Rank: E+

Special: Applying for the leadership position, due to experience and tactical awareness.

The automaton pressed, send. And got up on his feet. "All that night studying. Now then, let's see... There are a few new faces around. And talk about a face." Savant still remained by the back as he would follow up on what everyone else was doing. He'd also catch up on the man with his army of soldiers with their vintage weapons. However, seeing it for the second time made him appear quite nonchalant about it.

Berto would look at Ciela who was all the way at the front and he'd give her a small wave. Accompanied by a smile.
Nov 14, 2018 5:55 PM

May 2015
Horace Ridgeway


E | E | E | E | C | D | E | E

Horace Ridgeway threw open the door, staring for a moment at the large crowd amassed in the mission hall-

Blimey! There's a fuck-ton of blokes here, aren't there?

-and quickly making his way down the steps, bounding two at a time, until he got up to the main kiosk where the blue automaton Ciela was working.

Mission Application

Applicant: Horace Ridgeway

Applicant RANK: E

Mission: "Clear the River!"

Mission Difficulty: E+

Right, that's dealt with. Brilliant.

Horace would lean against the desk that Ciela was working at. Soon, he would zone out, thinking of the technique that he had pulled off twice yesterday, and running it over and over again in his head, thinking of the multiple possibilities he could utilize it with.

Previous | 34 | Current

Nov 14, 2018 7:34 PM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex

Health: 97/100
Prana: 60/100
Stamina: 90/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12
(Given a previous description of the Carolean soldiers needing a bit of a correction, if you seek to describe the men i'd ask that you check the "Carolean Soldier" spoiler for a detailed description)

It was with a quite respectful stance that Aoyama bowed and gave her name, clearly quite knowledgeable in how to respond to a monarch. It was good to see that even though he had been flung so far in the future that his own world was irretrievable, undocumented history, they still knew how to respect rulers. Carolus offered her a bow of his own head in turn. "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance Aoyama Hana." He turned his head to the masked man. "And your name sir, what was it?" It was harsh words that he recieved in kind for his question, spoken insults directed at his troops, and since Aoyama gave her name, additionally towards her. Carolus's left eyebrow arched, and out of the thin air, four additional men appeared in the formation, extending it to twelve [-40 Prana, -10 stamina, -3 HP]. "Oh? Are you insinuating that all who answer such a simple question are dogs? Certainly not sir. I'll overlook that insult directed towards not only my troops but Miss Hana here, though she might still certainly take it up with you I suppose. You want my introduction? Very well." His tone was that of an adult entertaining the fantasy of a small child who thought they had some power. "I am King Charles the twelfth of the Swedish Empire, defender of the Christian Faith, bane of the muscovites, true ruler of Scandinavia and the Baltics. To my friends I am known as Carolus Rex, though you may use the name of Charles sir." His gaze was sharp and unyielding in return to that offered by the Harbringer. "Now that I have done you that courtesy. Perhaps you might feel so inclined as to offer your own name?"
Nov 14, 2018 7:56 PM
Oct 2014
Alexander Reinhardt

(Armor unsummoned)

Alex listened as Eukina was explaining her problems with the plan, mainly that isolating the escorts could make them vulnerable even if they got the chance. He had to agree with that, but he couldn't agree that Lysett would be better off staying near everyone else. "I agree that teleporting Celestia away would put her in danger if she's found, but it might be our only choice if direct combat is useless and our opponents turn out to be far stronger than us. But that shouldn't happen if Astraea's properly estimated the difficulty of this mission. If it isn't necessary, she can rejoin our fight almost immediately regardless. Although all of that, along with you being able to scout, will all depend on what routes we can take, and if they even allow any cover to be possible as you mentioned." Needless to say, any attempts to avoid direct battles would depend quite a bit on the route they took and how exposed it was, especially if they went through a plains or grassland.

Alex agreed to share his COMB ID, since he didn't have his ID shared with a lot of these people. "This is my ID." He would then use his COMB's hologram display to show his ID to others, saying what it was if someone was unable to see it and asked, and adding anyone else he didn't have added already.

Lucia and Lysett had now shown up, the Divine refusing to join if Celestia turned out to be bloodthirsty. Apparently she was a racist, but her usefulness to the team as a healer and a representative Divine was undeniable. It was just all the more reason to prevent Celestia from having to fight.

Since Eukina wanted him to re-explain the plan to those two, he would then re-explain the plan to them. It wasn't going to be too complicated if Astraea had properly estimated the enemy's level of strength, although given their lack of mounts/vehicles, they still had to take precautions whenever they could like scouting via Eukina's eyesight. They needed more information like knowledge of what routes they had available to plan further. Their team composition was balanced enough to work. The only remaining factor was to discover what items everyone possessed for the battle, and any unique capabilities Lucia might have had worth mentioning. "Do either of you have anything you'd like to add to the plan? Lastly, what items do we all have for this mission? I have none, but I could buy some potions if we need them."
It could help a good deal if they got some, so it was worth considering. Lucia's resurrection magic also meant there was a lot better chance of them avoiding lasting casualties throughout the trip as long as it wasn't Celestia or her maid who died.

If everyone would be ready, Alex would leave the area.
Nov 14, 2018 8:46 PM
Jan 2015
Lucia Flores
Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Sacred Wings (Passive), Blessing (Passive), Angelic Vision (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

Lucia felt Lysett poke her, distracting her as she looked away from someone (Alatar) she'd unintentionally ended up staring at. Lysett was saying how she thought someone was really pretty, looking at an unusually pale lady and asking if Lucia knew her, which she didn't. She also joked about how it was unfair..."Y-You're flattering me...No, I haven't seen her before." There was something oddly familiar about how she looked, though...The unusually pale skin reminded her a little too much of vampires, even if she wasn't actually a vampire.

Then Lysett spoke to the others again, explaining that Lucia had joined and why. That led to Eukina saying some stuff about teleportation that confused Lucia, since she hadn't heard the context. After that, she asked them to all share their IDs in case they got separated. She was mostly used to using the COMB by now, so Lucia also shared her ID and added the IDs of the others.

But before the not armored knight could explain things, Lucia was suddenly grabbed from behind by Arona the pervert. With a cliche "Kyah!" sound, Lucia was startled away from Arona, managing to get out of her grip since they were both equally weak. Then she tried to regain her composure, a little annoyed by how many people were being perverted to her lately. "Please don't touch me..." Arona also said something about how she shouldn't judge unholy so much and needed to 'get with the times', which was difficult for someone from centuries ago. "I already said I would help..." She hoped the others would stop questioning her, and would just accept her giving her aid. Asking her to enjoy it too was too much.

Then she turned her attention to Alexander as he explained the plan, and then Ciela as she explained the mission and its objectives. She didn't have anything else to add to the plan since she wasn't a tactician and they already knew what she could do. She also didn't have any items, so she shook her head when Alexander asked if they had any. Now they were to go on the mission, and it was up to them to pick one of three routes from the outpost to a certain city. She didn't have much else to say, but before leaving she took a look around the room once more. There were quite a few people here, including a lot of new faces who were mostly E ranks based on their average life energy. It turned out that the eight uniform men were the 'quantity is quality' type of summon, since they seemed like they would die if someone glared in their general direction. In her own group, Lysett and Eukina had the same life energy as her, while Edward and Alexander had considerably more, but Arona was on par with the E ranks. She must have had more magic power, or else she wouldn't be suited for their mission. Overall, the two knights would have to stay on defense while Eukina and Arona attacked with archery and magic, and Lysett would provide some support while she healed everyone. It was hard to be motivated for this mission, but for the sake of repaying her debt to Lysett, Lucia left the area with the others and resolved to help as well as she could.

As long as the vampire didn't prove her suspicions right...
Nov 14, 2018 8:47 PM

Dec 2011
Eukina Watashi

Health: 150 / 150
Prana: 150 / 150
Stamina: 150 / 150
AG Status: Bow / Dagger
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Eagle Eye


Health: 100 / 100
Prana: 250 / 250
Stamina: 100 / 100
Barrier: Desummoned
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Appearence: Wearing Dragon horns and a tail
Skills Active: Conservation (PermanentSPELLs require 85% Prana Costs), Static Charge

Eukina glared at Alexander, but said nothing until after he asked if anyone had items, "I have plenty, but I'm going to go buy more before going to the outpost. It may keep the VIP waiting a bit longer, but I want extra safety precautions taken."

Arona shrugged, a bit unhappy from being unable to cheer Lucia up, "I'm flat broke myself, but I DO have these~." Arona said, showing her stock of

Prana Elixir x3
Regular Health Potion x2
Minor Prana Potion x2
Regular Prana Potion x2

"Useful if I ever drop out of Prana~." She said, leaving the area with the others. Eukina doing the same.
Nov 14, 2018 9:33 PM

May 2015
[Mission Receptionist]

The flow of applications did not let up; at this moment there were four new applications. Three were easily approvable due to the physical nature of the task. The other... Ciela took a quick glance at the brown-ponytailed girl that had submitted her application. According to her profile and her cases with last missions... It was possible. She didn't have a bad track record, at the very least. With the help of Trinity Inc, she should be a decent candidate for the mission, too.

"Your applications have been processed. Hannah Lorken on duty for "Double Jeopardy" confirmed. Annabelle Korsakov, The Savant, and Horace Ridgeway on duty for "Clear the River!" confirmed."
Nov 14, 2018 9:40 PM

Oct 2014
The Harbinger
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Undying (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

The man held The Harbinger's gaze, so he wasn't spineless - however, that didn't mean The Harbinger wasn't two seconds away from attacking the arrogant fool. The man seemed to try and pin The Harbinger's hostile response as an insult to Aoyama as well. The Harbinger did not really care if he offended the woman, she didn't seem like she would be much use to him anyway. He didn't flinch when Charles summoned four more soldiers, he simply continued to stare at Charles, his gaze not shifting for a second.

He paused for a few seconds before replying, "Men with titles bleed the same as men without - even kings. Just a name would have been sufficient..." He paused again, contemplating. "Lorenzo," he would finally say in the same harsh whisper.

He chose not to play this man's little game, he did not care to defend himself or his words. He did not care if he offended Aoyama and he certainly didn't care if he offended 'King Charles'. However, The Harbinger couldn't let the man off that easy.

"Your men..." he said, finally turning his gaze away from Charles and towards the soldiers. "Do they sit and roll over too? Rather boring if they can only stand and march." He smiled slightly as he said it, a smug expression of self-indulgent humour. His eyes came back to a rest on Charles's, waiting for some sort of reaction. He kept his arms crossed across his chest, his inner hand ready at a moments notice to summon his wand. He was ready to use his shade too if the situation called for it.
Nov 15, 2018 8:21 AM

Mar 2015
Carolus Rex

Health: 97/100
Prana: 60/100
Stamina: 90/100
Astral Gear: Carolus's Sword, Active 10/10
Status Effects: None
Soldiers: 12
(Given a previous description of the Carolean soldiers needing a bit of a correction, if you seek to describe the men i'd ask that you check the "Carolean Soldier" spoiler for a detailed description)

Carolus studied the man for a moment, taking in his words and determining what to do about them. Most certainly he could order his men to spread out and prepare to kill the fool, perhaps the shock of dying again would bring him to his senses before he was reincarnated at the throne. Certainly his men behind him looked pissed, itching to get into it with the large man, their knuckles turning white on the furniture of their muskets that were now held in front of them. The sound of hammers cocking on the weapons could be heard throughout the hall, the metallic clicking noise memorable to any who lived in a period of muzzle loading war arms. Instead of allowing his men to shoot him though, Carolus waved the man's words off. "Well Lorenzo, it is the duty of a king to forgive the ignorant ramblings of a fool. So I will. Clearly you are not in the right frame of mind, or you would not so madly attempt to provoke me sir." Then, he turned on his heel and walked away from him, his troops parting for him, before returning to formation. Not so interested now in loitering around given that the missions available were clearly not open to him, and the nuisance that was the harbringer was here. His troops turned on their heel in a perfect about face after they had closed the ranks, and shouldered their weapons again. As they walked, they decocked the guns, and at least one cast a look that showed daggers at the harbringer over his shoulder. With that Carolus and his troops left the area.
Nov 15, 2018 9:26 AM
Aug 2014

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: IMI Desert Eagle Not Summoned

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: E
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: C Recovery: E

Current Status: Normal
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Conservation (Passive)

Victorique had been wandering around for quite a bit, although fairly aimlessly, pondering over all sorts of things. That changed when an interesting looking mission popped up, so she headed to the Mission Hall to sign up for it. Considering she still couldn't look over the counter, she signed up using her COMB instead.

Mission Application

Applicant: Victorique

Applicant RANK: D

Mission: Clear the River!

Mission Difficulty: E+

That said, there was one thing she couldn't really relay through the COMB. She'd have to ask for it, from an awkward position behind the counter, unable to look over it... So she walked around, to at least be able to look at the person she wanted to speak with. “Miss Ciela. I'd like to apply for the leadership on the river mission. It'll make it easier to investigate these strange portals when others help out instead of getting in the way.”
Nov 15, 2018 12:21 PM

May 2015
Annabelle Korsakov


E | D | D | D | E | E | E | E

As she waited for the application to be processed, Annabelle took quick glances around the room at other members, taking five seconds on each person to get a feel for who they were based off of their outfits and demeanor alone.

First in her sights was a rather aloof-looking elf with long flowing white hair, curling back and up with a purplish-pink highlights. Anna couldn't tell how long his hair was since most of it was covered with a white hood, part of a garment that descended all the way down to his waist with coattails extending much further. The garment had jettisoned out at the lower chest area with a triangular pattern that had a very faint hint of pink; white fabric continued underneath it to complete the entire cloak. On the front, multiple colored ribbons fastened one side of the cloak to the other- from top to bottom, pink, blue, and gold, each with increasing size and complexity. His eyes were an unnatural purple color; his skin was a fair pale pink. Below the cloak was an odd mix of pants and skirt- Annabelle thought so because while the fabric split into two tunnels, the legs of the pants were incredibly baggy and billowed out like a skirt. It was black, striped with orange, and as he walked Annabelle could see that his boots had a similar black with orange pattern on them. Annabelle wasn't sure, but something about him felt so calm and serene, and he felt out of place in the ruckus in the Mission Hall.

There was another white-haired purple-pupiled individual in the room, yet the two could not have been any more different. This one was smaller and of a younger age- no, age wasn't the right way to put it, Annabelle noted. This one's eyes moved... oddly, darting from one place to the other; it was hard to explain, but there was an artificial nature to him. Had Annabelle been a mortal bystander on the streets of Yvalia, she would have dismissed it as her imagination. Instead, she deduced that he was an automaton, further supported by the bands of white metal protruding out of the sleeves on his wrists. His hair, while wild and unbrushed, was not as long as the other's; it was cut in a boyish short style. His jacket was white with purple outlines, with a yellow button of sorts on the far side of its short sleeves. Underneath, he wore a v-neck shirt- black with purple outlines. On the chest was a symbol that looked like a circle with two smaller circles that matched up with the upper curve, and a purple vertical line piercing through the topmost part of the circle. He wore white pants with white coattails hanging out of the back of it, and black boots with the distinguishable purple highlights on them, too. Had he been a little taller and a little more stout, Annabelle may have found him imposing. Instead, she oddly found him cute.

Annabelle would have breathed an audible sigh of relief as her application was confirmed by the automaton, but, there was another familiar name that Annabelle had heard. Anna allowed a wide grin to break through as she walked towards her dormmate, hugging her in greeting if Hannah would allow her to.

"Hannah! You're up for a mission, too?" Annabelle exclaimed. She opened up her COMB and looked at the details of the mission the brown-haired SOUL was on. "A solo mission, huh? That's gonna be kinda tough, isn't it?"

As she conversed with Hannah, Annabelle noticed that the mission she had signed up for was quickly filling up- the automaton, a man in a newsboy cap, and Victorique had all signed up. Annabelle gave a curt nod and a smile to Victorique should she recognize her.

Previous | 54 | Current
Nov 15, 2018 12:45 PM

Aug 2013

Lysett Blythe

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: 0

Status Effects:

  • Conservation (Permanent)
  • Levitation(Permanent/Active)

Agreeing to Alexander's suggestion, Lysett would share her COMB ID with the others and add them to her friend list as well.

She attentively listened the plan Alexander came up with, and it seemed good for the most part. However, the idea of staying back didn't sit well with her, since they were escorting someone.

"I think it'd be better for us to walk alongside the formation... I can just as easily teleport her away if I'm close by, but what if we're caught back there? We'll need to break formation to get back together, and that might be bad if the enemies manage to split us up as we try to do that."

After giving her inventory a quick check, Lysett confirmed she'd mostly run out of potions due to her last two missions. She still had a fair share of money, though, so quickly added to Eukina's last sentence. "Hey, Eukie, wait up! I'll be going over there too." She'd then leave the area with the other, following Eukina to Rosalia's shop.
Nov 15, 2018 3:14 PM

Nov 2014
Yong Qi
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
STR: D • VIT: E • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Status:
Skills Active:

There were... a lot of people to say the least. It felt like some sort of event was happening here, but she guessed this is how busy it got on the morning side of the average day. "Sure is full here..." She didn't really notice anyone familiar. Although, as she was arriving most people were just leaving. That sure as hell didn't feel awkward. "... Or not."

She walked up to the receptionist, along with Zahrah otherwise I'll have to retcon this and was about to say something before noticing that the mission was full already: "... Or not.", she said at the last second. Yong would turn to Zahrah and say: "Seems like we won't be able to go mermaid searching this time around... Wanna stick around and see if any other missions pop up? The current ones are taken already..." of course it's cool if you don't, b-baka
Nov 15, 2018 8:46 PM

Mar 2016
Aoyama Hana

Health: 100
Prana: 100
Stamina: 100
Astral Gear - Kusarigama: Not Summoned.
Resist: Dark | Weak: Light
Current Status: None.

It was only a matter of time before any kind of conflict erupted, specially considering Lorenzo was in the vicinity. Hana should've known the man was not only brave enough but carried the air and attitude to brew strife. He was notably one of iron will, that was for sure, even though he was paranoid and to Hana, distrustful, Lorenzo was fiercely independent, and he was not afraid to show such a thing. He would comment on how he'd not give his name to a man who'd demand it without giving his own first. "I did not see it as demanding... To me it seemed like a common question."

The regal man however would fall prey to Lorenzo's mockery. Going as far as summoning forth more of his warriors, the man introduced himself as Charles, with many titles to accompany that name. Hana was not sure of their legitimacy as she had never heard of those before, however, she immediately took note that she had been launched forwards in time and that many things might have had happened. She'd be concerned for some moments, but soon enough, indifference washed over her.

The girl decided to keep her thoughts private, and her gaze drifted away, the conversation between the two men becoming hazy as her attention dissipated. A long and prolonged sigh followed this. She would be drawn to some figures in particular, such as a divine lady of notable beauty and what seemed to be an elven sorcerer who might have painted Hana's cheeks bloody crimson. Her gaze would also drift towards a woman of short hair dressed in what she assumed to be a casual outfit of this time, her gaze lingered, appreciating her looks for a good minute before her attention came back to the two men next to her.

"(...) Madly attempt to provoke me sir." The king made his leave, accompanied by his soldiers. Hana was left alone with Lorenzo, another sigh followed that realization, she would glance over to the man and tiredly state. "If you'd excuse me sir." Briefly bowing to Lorenzo, she'd distance herself from him, and operate her communication bracelet as to find any kind of distractions 'till the time came to enter the action.
Nov 15, 2018 9:17 PM

Oct 2014
The Harbinger
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Not Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: D • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Undying (Passive)
Current Equipment: None

Charles insulted The Harbinger's sanity before he made his exit, he had wisely chosen not to engage in conflict with The Harbinger. Not necessarily because he was more powerful than Charles, but rather because of Astraea's ability to desummon misbehaving SOULs. If The Harbinger didn't even need to take action to be rid of someone he disliked than he would do just that. As Charles walked away, The Harbinger watched him go, smiling smugly still. His grin widened, even more, when one of the soldiers turned around to glare at him. He waved to the soldier mockingly.

Aoyama's sigh redirected The Harbinger's attention. She asked to be excused and began walking away, he called out to her as she did. "Of course... And remember, anything you come across that raises suspicion... let me know." Without waiting for an answer, he turned and looked around once more.

He was tired of dealing with people, most people here were occupied in one way or another and The Harbinger had exhausted his capacity for interacting with fools. He wanted some food, perhaps some alcohol as well. He opened his COMB and searched the map, looking for a suitable location. He eventually decided on the Dining Hall in the dormitory. With a renewed purpose he set off to get some food at the Dormitory Dining Hall.
Nov 15, 2018 10:29 PM
Mar 2016
[Mission Receptionist]

Though the crowd of SOULs had begun to dwindle, there was still another application to take care of. This time, the investigation-prone Halfling had decided to join the mission to the river. A quick check was enough to confirm that there wasn't already any other D rank registered, so there was no problem with accepting Victorique onto the mission.

"Your applications have been processed. Victorique on duty for "Clear the River!" confirmed."

Ciela turned back to her work for another few moments, only to be interrupted by another notification on her computer. This, however, was more than just another application; a suitable rank up mission for Londo and Sho had been located. As Ciela began to read the details of the mission herself, she also took a moment to send out a message to Londo and Sho's COMBs:
"A suitable Rank Examination has been found for you. Please report to the Mission Hall for your briefing."

After hitting "Send", Ciela mentally nodded. It would be interesting to see how this pair of SOULs chose to overcome the trial that was to be placed before them.
Nov 15, 2018 10:54 PM

Dec 2015
Ryan Zokkendov
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Astral Gear: Not Summoned
- STR: D - VIT: E - WIL: E - RES: E
- SPD: C - AGL: B - PER: E - REC: C

Skills: Aptitude(Passive), Burning Spirit(Passive)
Status: Normal

The way Valencia responded to Ryan reminded him of someone else, Ciela. Ryan didn't took the cold shoulder personally, Valencia really looked like the type that would act like that all the time. He just briefly glanced as she went over to talk to Miyu, which she seemed way more interested on, while still holding that attitude of hers.
Ryan didn't want to invade Miyu and Valencia's personal interaction, he wasn't good at dealing with young people anyway, and given how Miyu is, that is important when talking with her. Ryan looked around to see the other people in the room with more attention. A few leaving for a mission while others signed in for other, and most remarkably, what certainly was person of royal upbringing, guards and all, arguing with the demon. "What an absolute Hiskandaag..." was all Ryan could think as he heard the demon talk, his head even shook in a mix of surprise and disapproval. Its arrogance was quite something to witness and don't get me started on the edge, making even the claims of the so-called King look small compared to what its words and attitude led to believe of how it looked to itself. The thought of it being put in his place soon put Ryan at ease, still too cheerful to actually be angered by its words.
With Hiskandaag #2 gone, Ryan scanned the room once again. He felt deeply embarrassed when he realized who was sitting nearby, as he owed an apology for so long, or at least, one of the two, but this was by far, the most important one. "Good morning, Sir Alatar." Ryan said as he bowed his head to him as greeting. Shortly after, he added "Before anything else, I have to apologize. My arrogant and immature self tends to get the best of me... Due to it, I hurt you really bad... Killing you, as a matter of fact... I killed you, when we were merely training. I killed you, when you already had to suffer that experience. All here have experienced that bitter moment, and forcing you to relive it is... unacceptable... And to make matters worse, I pretended like it was normal, even forgetting about it for some time..." as he looked straight into Alatar's eyes, trying his best to show he was speaking the truth. As he finished what he was saying, however, he kneeled in front of him and lowered his head before continuing, ashamed of such lowly actions. ... I even had the nerve... To forget of it. It's despicable. An action fit of the worst scum, like the one I would be if did not show my truthful regret. I, of course, am not forcing you to accept my apology... However, I would be eternally grateful to you, if you were to allow me to make things right, to compensate you for what I did... Let your word be my will, I shall try to accomplish whatever you see fit as a compensation." Ryan remained perfectly still with his eyes still fixed to the ground, waiting for Alatar's veredict, one he was ready to accept, regardless of what it would be.
ValkanNov 15, 2018 10:57 PM
Nov 16, 2018 2:42 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 30/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Zahrah sure hoped that being polite enough to finish his conversation with Cilka didn't mean they couldn't join the mission that Yong invited him to join. After all, he was so excited he was about to grab her hand and drag her there. His eternal hunt for mermaids would persist.

Or not...

His date with Yong ended in the most cruel way; finding out there weren't any slots left for the mission. His heart shattered as he realised he couldn't go looking for mermaids again, for a split second, as he already forgot about it all afterwards. “Sure~” If there wouldn't be any new mission, they could always have an adventure of their own.

A quick gloss around showed Zahrah the well-plotted beastkind lady, the automaton boy, the overly handsome ice-mage, someone whom struck him as a Cosmos (Ryan Zokendov), a rather beautiful pale looking lady that reminded him of the Petunia (Aoyama Hana), a grey haired kid, someone that was most definitely a Marigold (Hannah Lorken), the Helleborus from before (Annabelle Korsakov), the chap he had given quite a pounding last night (Horace Ridgeway), a goth-looking kid (Victorique), and the mistress of cold steel, Ciela, herself.

He had chosen his target. With the uttermost handsome Elf being cold as ice, and with him being in the process of forcing someone to beg and plea for him, he'd head over to the Petunia instead. As such, he'd approach Aoyama Hana, forgetting he was on a date with Yong. “Hello there~ I haven't seen a beautiful Petunia like you around, are you new? Welcome~ I'm Zahrah Fiore, nice to meet you!”
Nov 16, 2018 5:51 AM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 150 / 150
Gauntlets: Desummoned
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

After being in the void for so long, Londo decided it would be best to finally reemerge, as a beautiful C rank!

Unfortunately, he couldn't be a C rank just yet, but would have to take his rank up mission, which would be easy enough, or not... Either way, Londo felt he was prepared! His COMB had beeped, telling him the mission was ready, and he smirked in anticipation. He hadn't trained at all for the moment today, but his fight with Sho last night Sho-ed showed that they both were ready.

Londo opened the door to the Mission Hall, strutting his way in there, smirking and winking at anyone who even happened to glance in his direction. He made his way up to Ciela's desk, leaning on it, but not saying a word. Not yet. They had to look in each others eyes first.

Londo was waiting for Sho, and as soon as Sho appeared, Londo would give a wave to him, then speak to Ciela, "Yo Ciela, Sho and I are READY for whatever you throw at us. I'll take it face-first, and Sho can take it from behind! Together, we'll dominate the enemy!" Londo said, smashing his fists together.
Nov 16, 2018 12:56 PM

Mar 2016
Aoyama Hana

Health: 100
Prana: 100
Stamina: 100
Astral Gear - Kusarigama: Not Summoned.
Resist: Dark | Weak: Light
Current Status: None.

"Oh?-... Uhm... Yes I am new. I have been called forth to this world recently."Have the pink haired person just called her a beautiful petunia? Hana's cheeks visibly turned red as the girl's hand raised her left hand a few centimeters in front of her mouth as to conceal it. They would introduce themself as Zahrah Fiore, a name with a pleasant ring to it that fitted their image quite well Hana thought. "I am Aoyama Hana, it is pleasant to meet you as well." The girl would bow to Zahrah, her hand lowering as her stance relaxed.

"If one were to compare you to a flower, I'd say Carnations." She'd smile slightly, her gaze focusing on Zahrah as she continued. "I take you are acquainted with flowers, it has been an interest of mine as well. It is always refreshing to meet one whose your interests they share." She'd conjoin her hands and rest them on her legs, her gaze wandering off to others before her vision once more returned to Zahrah.
Nov 16, 2018 5:32 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: Not Summoned
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

Sho returned to the mission hall, finding something different from earlier. It's so crowded... Not counting the mission navigators and Ciela, there were over two dozen people here, almost as many as when they'd had to prepare to fight off the invasion two days ago. However, looking a little more revealed that a lot of them were just the many uniformed guys that he'd seen earlier. Does he have that many followers, or is it summoning magic..? If it was the second, then he was either a really powerful summoner, or it was the kind of summon where each one was very weak. Either way seeing someone have an entire squadron of soldiers serving them was a bit intimidating.

As he walked over towards the receptionist's desk, Londo waved at him and then talked to Ciela, trying to convince her they could dominate whatever enemy she sent them at. His sentence was also full of inneundos. "I don't think it'll be that easy, but I'll do my best!" He had learned something new for once, and he was hoping it could make a difference in whatever mission they had now.
Nov 16, 2018 11:49 PM
Mar 2016
[Mission Receptionist]

Ciela didn't need to wait long after sending the message before Londo and Sho arrived. After making brief eye contact with each, Ciela would send the mission description to both SOULs while she also put it up on the screen for them to see.

After giving them a moment to read a bit about the mission, Ciela would begin to speak. "As you can see, the mission will involve you taking care of the training of several students. The methods you use are entirely up to your own discretion.

There are four students total. Three are around the strength of an E rank SOUL, while the fourth is more like a D rank. While they are mortals, we have been informed that they possess weapons and abilities capable of harming Calamity Seeds, so you need not worry about that. Once you are ready, you should proceed to the Northern Outpost to meet them. Good luck."

Once all was said, Ciela would give them a moment to take in the information and ask any questions they might have before she returned to her other affairs.

Nov 17, 2018 1:32 AM
Oct 2014
[Mission Receptionist]

Being now done with sending Sho and Londo off, nothing stopped Ciela from continuing on to send the 5 gathered there off to their own mission now that they were all ready.So, first she needed to get their attention.

"Attention, all applicants for the mission "Clear the River"! First of all, you should decide on who will be the leader for the team. After you've done so, your objective is to head to the nearby village marked on your COMBs and meet with the local hunter there. You will clear out the Calamity Seeds that have entered its river, and investigate the portal through which they appeared if possible. Attempt to protect the hunter, but remember that your highest priority is protecting the village from the threat these CS will pose if allowed to persist longer and possibly discover its existence. Group defeat and subsequent loss of the village is not acceptable."

With her explanation complete, Ciela moved on to wait for them to ask any questions about the mission, or to just move out. It was certainly more urgent than the other mission due to the danger to the village, so naturally, she would listen to their questions first before addressing any from Sho and Londo.
CanaasNov 17, 2018 2:35 AM
Nov 17, 2018 8:32 AM
Aug 2014

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: IMI Desert Eagle Not Summoned

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: E
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: C Recovery: E

Current Status: Normal
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Conservation (Passive)

Despite having gone through the trouble of walking around the desk to tell Ciela something, Victorique was completely and utterly ignored. Ciela didn't reply to her, or even show a sign of acknowledging her existence. The utter and total ignoring, in fact, was so strong that, for a moment, it made Victorique doubt her own existence. Surely enough, her COMB bleeped, showing she was accepted into the mission, but it remained utterly silent otherwise. When the automaton finally started speaking, she perked up, ready to receive her answer.

Yet there was no answer.

First, the automaton spoke of a mission for Sho and Londo. It was of no interest to her.

Second, she spoke about the general details for the 'Clear the River!' mission, telling them to decide on a team leader. It was as if Victorique had never requested to become one.

She sighed, pretty deeply, and figured there was only one thing she could do. Shoot everyone in sight. So she pulled out her pipe, filled it with tobacco, lit it up, and inhaled a deep lurk of smoke.

After that, she approached her teammates. She recognized Annabelle, whom gave a curt nod and a smile towards her as a reply. Victorique replied with a nod that could mean anything from 'I acknowledge your existence' to 'I still need to throw rocks at you' to 'how very incredibly nice to see you again'. It was probably not the latter though.

She didn't really know the other people. There was a chap who's style was, admittedly, not half bad. Some women whom looked like she could use some Vitamin D, and a small looking automaton kid, although he was probably still a fair bit taller than Victorique. Considering her luck during her last attempt, she figured she'd not try to ask Ciela for leadership again. Instead, she opted to 'ask' her teammates. “Is anyone opposed to me taking the lead here? I've got my fair share of experience with investigations.”
Nov 17, 2018 9:52 AM

Nov 2015
'Berto' - The Savant
Health: 100/100
Prana: 80/80
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive), Overdrive (Passive/Inactive), Tactical Monitoring (Passive/Active), Loop-Cast (Passive/Inacitve), Absolute Defense Territory (Passive)

The white haired automaton would walk all the way up to Victorique, it was likely not good news. He'd step all the way in front of Victorique before speaking up: "If it was a regular investigation, I'd probably have no objection. However, I am sorry but I cannot let you do it."

Savant would explode one of his panels to view it, quickly tapping his fingers he'd highlight the primary objectives of the mission and then emphasize on the side objective. He'd look up the village from the datapile he gathered over night of the local area <assuming this village exists online and in maps.>

"What you have said has been incredibly reckless. While I understand that your concerns are of the portal and it is definitely a part of a bigger concern, the primary objective is to keep the civilian lives safe. Followed by the extermination of all calamity seeds within the river area. Looking at the information that was shortly summarized by Astraea the local community will collapse, should this threat persist. While the presence of the portal is unnerving, it is a secondary objective and the prioritization of objectives are important."

Savant would close the panel and just give out his COMB ID like a digital business card. He'd move his and against his mouth and cough loudly.

"I have a lot of experience with dealing against the CS and I am equipped with the necessary technology to keep up an awareness of my surroundings to help support all members of this expedition. From a strategic point of view, if there is a candidate who is more qualified in ensuring the safety of all and use the best possible information available, speak up please."
Nov 17, 2018 10:06 AM

Dec 2011
Londo the GREAT!

Health: 200 / 200
Prana: 100 / 100
Stamina: 150 / 150
Gauntlets: Desummoned
Current Status: Wearing yet another cool headlight, turned off. Also wearing Amethysts Earcuffs.
Alice can only be heard by Londo, as she is just an observer paid to observe only Londo.
Skills Active: Master Guard (Permanent)

Londo read the mission that popped up on his COMB, a training mission! Londo smirked, and beat his fist into his hand, "Looks like we'll be teaching the next generation, Sho! I couldn't have asked for anything better! We might even get to fight a Fenrir again. I wanna see if I can actually grapple that thing to the ground now!"

Londo listened to the explanation from Ciela as well, "Nice!" Londo said, beating his fist into his hand once more.

Londo lightly punched Sho on the shoulder, "Whatdya say? Ready to teach some students?" And if Sho was ready, Londo smirked even bigger, and nodded, "Then let's go teach these students what for! The talk of a Fenrir has me excited. You wanna go to the plains to teach them, or do you have something else in mind?" Londo said, leaving the area while asking Sho (if he was ready of course)

"I wonder if I should buy more potions..."
LondotheGreatNov 17, 2018 1:18 PM
Nov 17, 2018 10:30 AM

May 2015
[Mission Receptionist]

"Attention, applicant of the mission "Double Jeopardy". All information is accurate up to the moment the mission was sent to us; it is possible that Trinity Inc. has uncovered new information crucial to the mission. With that in mind, it is necessary for you to head to the safehouse to be debriefed by the Trinity consultant.

The location will be marked on your COMB. The password to access the safehouse is 'honeycomb'. To verify your identity with the Trinity consultant, the passphrase is 'Where can I find your notes again?' Should you believe you are under surveillance, add 'Supervisor Mitchell wanted them.' Good luck."
Nov 17, 2018 10:54 AM
Aug 2014

Zahrah Fiore
Health: 250/250 Prana: 30/100 Stamina: 100/100

Astral Gear:
Left Scimitar Not Summoned Right Scimitar Not Summoned

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance: D Speed: C Agility: C Perception: C Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal Active Skills: Aptitude (Passive)

Beautiful? Check. Botanic knowledge? Check. Strong and/or fit? Zahrah used keen discernment on Aoyama Hana. Check. Good personality? Check. The highly unlikely had happened. Alatar Irving was no longer the only '9' on Zahrah's list, with regards to his fellow SOULs.

Zahrah could come up with a fair amount of reasons for being a clove pink, or carnation. The colour they were known by, of course, but also the fact that a fair amount of its subspecies was perfect to adorn a man's chest as a boutonnière, a task that Zahrah was also perfectly suited for, for as long the man in question was handsome enough, of course.

“What a great comparison~” Zahrah smiled. “Yes, flowers and botany in general! I've been the royal botanist for quite a while, after all~” As for meeting someone with shared interest, Zahrah would nod in fair agreement. “Definitely!”
Nov 17, 2018 11:10 AM
Aug 2014

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: IMI Desert Eagle Not Summoned

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: E
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: C Recovery: E

Current Status: Normal
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Conservation (Passive)

For some reason, the automaton boy was really keen on getting in front of her, and into her face. As a result, she'd end up puffing out smoke into his face for the entity of his speech. After all, he had placed himself in this position voluntarily. Maybe automatons were strongly into second-hand smoking through whatever air filters they had, if any. Victorique didn't know and she didn't quite care.

When he was done, she puffed out another waft of smoke in the form of a sigh. “You're quite funny.” It didn't sound like she considered him to be quite funny. “We were all brought back to life, and told to start dealing with calamity seeds. Most of us can do so, and most of us can deal with exterminating them. Countless missions to exterminate calamity seeds have taken place without having a leader telling everyone what to do. That said, if you still want to try to act like a leader through-out that process, by all means, be my guest. Who knows, maybe it won't be a total waste of effort.”

She had never cared much about that part to begin with, after all. “Where we really seem to need some sort of leader, is the point of investigating that portal. That is out of the boundaries of our common duties, so to say. As a result, we'll need someone to make decisions there, rather than going with what we are used too.” She lurked on her pipe was more, and exhaled the next batch of smoke, still towards The Savant.

“Tell you what, if you make sure to do what you can to let me investigate that portal after we've dealt with those calamity seeds, without anyone or anything getting in the way, I'll let you play leader for as long as you'd like. I might even listen to you. How does that sound?” She said, with a short pipe gesture, as if she was offering something amazing.
Nov 17, 2018 5:29 PM
Jan 2015
Sho Kazehaya
Health: 150/150
Prana: 150/150
Stamina: 150/150
Air Saber: Not Summoned
Current Status: +1 Strength
Skills Active: Fairy Levitation (Passive), Proficiency (Passive)
Current Equipment: Revival Bracelet (Inactive), Warrior Heart (+1 Strength)

Ciela sent out a notification once they both showed up, showing them what their mission was. It was really surprising since instead of working together to take down some criminals like the past rank up missions, their goal was to train a group of students instead. "Really? We're going to be teachers..?! I don't think I'm that qualified, haha!" He had a hard time believing it, but Ciela was as serious and cold as always, and was now ignoring him to announce another mission. It looked like they really would have to learn to teach somehow, and be responsible for the safety of all these students, which put a lot of pressure on Sho.

Londo didn't seem nervous at all though, eager to fight a Fenrir again despite how strong it was. It only made Sho more worried that Londo might not be very good as a teacher. Londo started walking out of the mission hall while asking Sho where he wanted to go train, and if he should buy potions or not. "Maybe, but we should ask them first before deciding where to go. And yeah, you should buy those, since it'd be bad if they don't have any way to heal themselves. I'll go talk to the students and tell them you're busy. I'd buy some too, but I spent all my money on this strength-boosting bracelet. Sorry!" At the end he pointed to the red bracelet he now had which increased his physical strength. It had cost a ridiculous amount of money, but already seemed worth it with how much stronger he felt, so it'd pay for itself eventually if it lasted forever.

Sho then left the area, heading towards the Northern Outpost after taking a little while to mentally prepare himself for teaching others. He didn't think he was qualified to be a teacher at all with how he was an inadequate mage and only a mediocre fighter, but he had to try to help them learn and most importantly keep them safe. Even if he couldn't teach them much, he had to at least make sure they all survived.
Nov 17, 2018 8:01 PM

May 2015
Annabelle Korsakov


E | D | D | D | E | E | E | E

There was one final individual here that Annabelle had not looked over, and for some odd reason she didn't want to. It was like a nagging sensation in the back of her head had told her it was a very bad idea, and shivers ran down her spine even as she contemplated it. Still, that individual had signed up for the same mission that Anna herself was going on, and so, with some effort, she forced herself to look at the redheaded-male who was staring off at some point in the distance, focused on something visualized entirely within his head.

His eyes were a shade of pale green, his skin was fair. His read hair was unkempt and unbrushed, falling down to his eyebrows and obscuring his pointed ears. On his face he wore a neutral expression that seemed to always be transitioning into a smirk. On his head, a large black newsboy cap that had an extension similar to that of a baseball cap which shaded his eyes and bangs. He wore a simple black jacket and black gloves- the jacket had coattails falling down to the opposite side of his knees. He wore a red button-up vest, underneath that was a white collared shirt with a black tie tucked into said vest. He wore a black leather belt with a large silver collar; attached to the left was a chain that looped around twice. The chain was of unknown material, although it looked soft in make. He wore simple unremarkable black pants and black boots.

Anna had never met him before. However, for some reason, she couldn't shake off a feeling- Annabelle attempted to sort the emotions that were going through her brain right now.

That fucking stupid smirk.

Birds flew, grass grew, and Annabelle Korsakov hated this man.

"Oi. Done staring, love? I know I've got stunning figure and all, but it is still rude to stare."

The individual had stopped staring at the point in the distance, his pale green eyes making contact with Annabelle's.

"I apologize." stated Annabelle in an icy tone she didn't know she was capable of.

"Whoa!" The man threw his hands up in mock surprise- the semi-smirk transforming into a full infuriating shit-eating grin. "Is staring at strangers a touchy subject for you, love? Then, by all means, keep staring."

If literal daggers could have been projected from Annabelle's eyes, they would have right then. She opened her mouth to begin a scathing retort-

"Attention, all applicants for the mission "Clear the River"!""

Annabelle took a few deep breaths, relaxing the frown that she had naturally acquired as a result of the conversation with the redheaded Englishman. Why did he tick her off so much?

What an asshole.

Annabelle adopted an apologetic smile as she turned back to Hannah. "Sorry about that. Looks like its time for me to go. Good luck on your mission!"

Previous | 55 | Next

Horace Ridgeway


E | E | E | E | C | D | E | E

Horace watched out of the corner of his eye as the dark brown haired woman said a few words to another woman she had been talking to and walked away, nodding towards a blonde-haired halfling in recognition. Something had been oddly satisfying about teasing the girl, even though Horace had never seen her in his life. Still, Horace got incredibly bad vibes from her. She was apparently in the same mission, too...

Naw. I gotta get some cash. Just bear with it for this mission, then you'll never have to see her again.

The Automaton's speech covered a lot of what was already on the mission synopsis when Horace had signed up for it and answered many of the questions he had- including the fact that the leader would be chosen within the group.

Well. I have an inkling of what's going to happen next.

As Horace thought, the two members that applied to be leader immediately tried to advocate for themselves in the most obnoxious ways possible, one getting in the other's personal space, and the other by very deliberately blowing smoke in their face. As amusing as the sight was for Horace, there was a mission to be done and CS to be killed- and his own personal amusement could not get in the way of the task at hand.

"Well, that's all good an-"
"I don't think-"

Horace, with a pang of annoyance, glanced at the mouse-haired woman- the woman did too, with a glare.

"Did you-"

"I'd like to-"
"Would you-"

The mouse-haired woman's glare somehow turned steelier- Horace couldn't help but grin.

"No, by all means, you speak." the woman said in the steeliest tone she could muster. Despite himself, Horace's grin grew wider and he could swear he saw the woman mouth some expletives.

Horace cleared his throat, putting on his best speaking voice.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, adults and predominantly children, if you'd like to bundle up your little primary school student election, we've got a hunter who's gone starkers and plenty of CS to murder. Let's get this over with. I really fancy your idea-" Horace pointed at the little blonde halfling- "But you really need to work on your tone, young lady. And your smoking habit. Oh, wait, my bad. We're all immortal killing machines. Please, continue inhaling tobacco if it suits your fancy. We don't mind the smell at all."

Behind him, he heard the mouse-haired woman sigh. "I've got no objections to Victorique's plan, and as much as I hate to agree with him, we need to get a move on. We need to share contact info while we're at it, too."

Horace rapidly raised his eyebrows. "Wow, love! I didn't know you were capable of speaking in a tone other than projecting your murderous intent!"

"Fuck you."

Horace's shit-eating grin reached a wideness not humanly possible.

Previous | 35 | Next
TubaNov 19, 2018 5:47 PM
Nov 17, 2018 11:11 PM
Mar 2016
Alatar Irving
Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Unsummoned
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive), Mind Focus (uncharged, 1/1 use remaining)

Alatar was seriously behind in posting just waiting in the Mission Hall for his call to arms, watching silently as the people flowed around the room. Several seemed to turn their gazes to him at varying points, though one in particular caught in Alatar's mind. For a reason he didn't know, Lucia seemed to be periodically staring at him and then turning away. Whatever the reason, though, it seemed to be causing Firio a bit of aggravation, given the gradually chilling metal of her ring.

Well, both Lucia and Alatar himself became distracted, though for different reasons. Alatar's eyes caught sight of an edgelord to end all edgelords Unholy approaching Valencia. Though Alatar tried to avoid hasty generalizations, the way the Unholy moved and the way Valencia summoned her lance made him decide to be wary nonetheless. Alatar monitored the situation from a distance, keeping his Prana flow open and ready to cast a spell at a moment's notice. No matter who starts it, it won't be good if a fight breaks out. While I won't start anything, if it gets out of hand, I'll stop it. It also looked like Ryan was willing to step in if necessary too, though Alatar figured Ryan's interference would be more bloody (assuming SOULs had blood, of course).

Intervention didn't end up being necessary, fortunately. The Unholy backed off ere long, only to go over to another and almost pick a fight with another unfamiliar person. Again, the incident ended without violence, but Alatar made a mental note to watch out for that Unholy from now on. Not all were bad, of course, but that didn't mean all were good.

Next up, Ryan approached Alatar himself, seeming to have something on his mind. The dialogue that followed was not what Alatar expected in the slightest, though. As Ryan continued through his speech, Firio struggled to stifle her laughter and Alatar could barely keep his poker face. Ryan kneeled partway through his apology, swearing his undying love desire to make things right. Firio finally cracked, her subdued chortle breaking loose into wild laughter while Alatar laughed quietly himself and put his hand on Ryan's shoulder.

"Raise your head, friend. There's no need to apologize to me. Were we mortal, I imagine I'd find forgiveness difficult, but as it stands, I am no worse for the wear. Its no different than if you gave me a slight bruise.

If you insist on penance, though, then I ask you to fight to your utmost in this next mission. A blade as true as yours is a blessing in any battle, and I can’t foresee this being an easy fight.”

Valencia and a young girl who I’ll post with maybe tomorrow, sorry had come over at some point, meaning the currently registered group had gathered. "I’m afraid I can’t speak for Amice’s situation, but its true that we cannot ask Miss Lucia to join us at this point. I did meet another healer girl the other day; Mizumi was her name. I haven’t seen her in a while though, so I don’t know if she is still with us. Nevertheless, even if we don’t get a healer, I shall do my utmost to protect us all with my magic.”

Alatar knew he had seen the girl around before, but he couldn’t remember her name or if they had been introduced, so he decided he ought to do so anyway. "Good morning, Miss. My name is Alatar Irving.”
Nov 18, 2018 9:52 AM

Mar 2016
Aoyama Hana

Health: 100
Prana: 100
Stamina: 100
Astral Gear - Kusarigama: Not Summoned.
Resist: Dark | Weak: Light
Current Status: None.

Nothing much had happened whilst Hana spoke with Zahrah, they proved themself to be a pleasant person to be around with. A royal botanist in their past they'd say, well mannered and spoken, Hana took a liking to them. Even if their choice of fashion was strange to her... As was all of those in that hall at the moment frankly, Zahrah's outfit was unique and gave them a special flavor of sorts.

"Attention, all applicants for the mission "Clear the River"! (...)"

"Do excuse me Zahrah." Hana would fiddle with her communication bracelet for some few moments, taking a look at the village marked on her map. She'd then glance at the conglomeration of what she supposed would be her group for the mission in question, Hana would then direct herself at Zahrah once more.

"It seems this is my calling, we shall meet again Zahrah. I will come to greet you next time we see each other." Hana would bow to Zahrah, walking towards the small conglomeration of SOULs, she would briefly look back at them and wave to the Carnation, her attention turning to her soon-to-be adventuring group.

The conversation as she joined was about deciding who would lead. Back and forth a halfing and what seemed to be an automaton would present good points about, the blonde halfling would paint as the primary focus as being the investigation, and how she would be the best choice when the portals were put under the limelight.

The white haired one however would stress the need to help the villagers, and how the necessity to close the portals was at best a secondary need. He would also point out that he would be the best choice due to strategical reasons, him being the SOUL most experienced with the CS. Whilst Hana had no way to prove or disprove such a thing, he found his argument to be one she'd more easily side with.

The next point presented by the blonde halfling would be that, whilst he might had more experience in exterminating the CS, it was a common occurrence, and that many did so without needing strict leadership. Investigation however was something that did not commonly took part in the curriculum of your ordinary SOUL, and that therefore, leadership would be more of a necessity in such an area.

She would propose some sort of co-leadership, where she would take the reins after the CS were dealt with, and although her tone and demeanor were at the very least abrasive, Hana could not hope but to agree with her. "It is best if you both lead at different portions of this mission, you a have different skills that will be of more use in different situations, it'd be preferable if you both share leadership."

That was Hana's vote, it was the preferable path as she saw it. Two other SOULs would then join the conversation, both pointing out that it could be solved out on route to the location, preferring not to waste any more time at the place. With that Hana could also agree, nodding at the two and awaiting for the verdict.
AshusikildigirNov 19, 2018 1:44 AM
Nov 18, 2018 11:53 PM

Nov 2015
'Berto' - The Savant
Health: 100/100
Prana: 80/80
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive), Overdrive (Passive/Inactive), Tactical Monitoring (Passive/Active), Loop-Cast (Passive/Inacitve), Absolute Defense Territory (Passive)

After Victorique told her opinion. The automaton stood still. He had a long pause and looked at Aoyama Hana before returning back at Victorique. "You will have a free reign over it. For as long as lives are not lost. Especially of those who won't come back."

Savant would then pause for a moment: "The souls truly are the perfect answer to calamity seeds. The confidence placed in their abilities is well justified." But despite of giving the answer that followed with what Victorique said, the automatons sounded sad.

"Look. I just don't want people to die. I have lost party members before because of over confidence"

Savant would walk up next to Ciela and ask her: "Ciela, is everyone who has been accepted to this mission present?"
Inaru-samaNov 18, 2018 11:59 PM
Nov 19, 2018 1:07 AM
Aug 2014

Health: 150/150
Prana: 200/200
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: IMI Desert Eagle Not Summoned

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: E
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: C Recovery: E

Current Status: Normal
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Conservation (Passive)

Victorique raised an eyebrow as Annabelle and some random chap started up what felt like a comedy routine. It was stunning how two people could be so in sync in an out of sync way. For as much as she still had to throw rocks at Annabelle, it seemed like she'd have to split the amount she had left between these two.

As for what Horace told her. “You shouldn't go out there if a little smoke and the tone of my reasoning are enough to trouble you.” Victorique wasn't PG enough, after all. In fact, she was already wondering when there would be an opportunity to feed Horace to the CS. Now she almost wanted to argue for becoming the team leader all over again.

The women whom, as much as Victorique was concerned, looked equally much like she came out of a painting than like she herself was the painting, told her and The Savant to 'share' leadership. She didn't like the idea, but The Savant already gave her free reign to investigate, so she shrugged it off. She'd get what she wanted. That said, there was one peculiar thing... “It's not exactly inspiring to start off your team-leader speech by stating how you lost party members due to such a stupid mistake, my dear team-leader.” The latter part was filled to the brim with sarcasm.

Even so, she figured she'd play nice, for as far as she was capable of doing so, and shared her COMB ID around after Annabelle suggested to do so. She also agreed they were better off getting a move on. For some reason, The Savant didn't seem to notice that his question wasn't needed. They were standing around in a group of five people, for a mission that required five people and had no known entry-bar. In short, they'd be ready to go, and thus Victorique would be leaving with the rest of the group, leaving their dear leader behind to share data with his fellow automaton if needed.
Nov 19, 2018 5:04 PM

Jul 2011
"Alastra Nendarnde"

H : 200
P : 100
S : 150


Alastra entered the area brushing through her hair. She had to enter the passcode to enter but she was there for business. The business was the mission in the mines. She wanted to go there to do wonderful things for her team and be overall helpful....if she could. She made her way to Ciela and calmly said. "I'd like to help clear out the mines..."

Mission Application

Applicant: Alastra Nendarnde

Applicant RANK: D

Mission: Help clear out the mines!

Mission Difficulty: D+

Once that was done she'd look at Ciela to make sure it was okay for her to join. There were others on the mission but she wanted to focus on her attempt to join first. The others would be addressed eventually. Hopefully she'd be able to calmly get along with everyone despite how racist everyone seemed to be so far...outside of Lysett and possibly the beastkind in the room. She wasn't sure if she was simply weary of Alastra or weary of her race. Either way this would be another attempt to be nice.
ZenoNov 19, 2018 5:22 PM

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Nov 19, 2018 5:38 PM

May 2015
Horace Ridgeway


E | E | E | E | C | D | E | E

The plan had been more or less decided- a joint leadership between the automaton and the halfling. Horace had been decidedly a little disappointed. He had wanted to see the sparks fly for a little bit longer. At the same time, there was a job to be done, so he wasn't complaining.

“You shouldn't go out there if a little smoke and the tone of my reasoning are enough to trouble you.”

The halfling had a good retort of her own, but Horace wasn't the kind to take an insult lying down. With a bow and with the most sarcastic tone he could put on, Horace replied, "Excuse me, Lady Jailbait. I am but a pauper. My lungs have failed me and so I cannot inhale smoke, and my mind is feeble and so I cannot handle your tone. Please, I beg of you, take mercy on this poor soul by kindly shutting your trap for the rest of this mission?"

Someone was scoffing behind him, and Horace didn't have to turn around to know who it was.

"What, did I offend your sensitive sensibilities, m'lady?"

"Oh, please, could you start one conversation without inciting a fight?"

"Excuse me, love, but if I recall correctly, you were the one that fucking scoffed at me in the first place!"

"I'm sorry that I can't control my reactions when someone says something completely incredulous!"

"What, telling Miss Jailbait to shut her mouth?"

"Yes! Are you completely incapable of opening your mouth without a fucking insult spewing out?"

"Abso-bloody-lutely!" replied Horace in the most sarcastically dapper tone he could muster.

Horace took some time to bathe in the catharsis of watching the mouse-haired woman angrily come up with a retort. Surprisingly, she instead attempted to take the moral high ground, taking a few deep breaths to compose herself. Then, she stated in a shakily calm tone:

"Look, Mister..."


"Mr. Ridgeway. I don't know what your problem is. But, since we're on the same mission together, can we at the very least work together for now? After this mission is over, we don't need to see the slightest trace of one another anymore. Deal?"

Horace exhaled slowly through his nostrils. "Deal."

"It's a deal, then."

"Always gotta get the last word in, don't you?"

The mouse-haired woman opened her mouth immediately to retort, but caught herself, shook her head, and turned towards the majority of the group.

Previous | 36 | Next

Annabelle Korsakov


E | D | D | D | E | E | E | E

I swear to God, after this mission is done I'm going to [REDACTED; 5 SECONDS] and [REDACTED; 8 SECONDS] reduced to a bloody pulp.

Annabelle had very quickly learned that staying around Ridgeway was not healthy for her mental state. So instead, she put attempted to put on a convincing smile as she walked with the rest of the group, trying to filter out Ridgeway's existence entirely.

"Sorry about that."

Annabelle took a couple of seconds; her smile faltering as she attempted to rid herself of any impulse to reach out and compress Ridgeway's neck inwards.

"Since we're all going to be working together to kill CS, I think it would be a good idea to share what we're capable of. I'm Annabelle. I can primarily buff people that I've marked. I've been thinking of something since this morning- It should work conceptually, but..."

Annabelle would talk with the other party members on the way to the site, taking note of and memorizing the abilities of any party member willing to share them, and recounting what had been said to the white-haired automaton when he caught up.

[OOC: Anyone in the party will have knowledge of Annabelle Korsakov's skills upon arrival in the mission area.]

[OOC: Anyone in the party will have knowledge of Horace Ridgeway's skills upon arrival in the mission area.]

Previous | 56 | Next

TubaNov 23, 2018 4:39 PM
Nov 20, 2018 1:41 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 180/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

@Byakugaran @Inaru-sama

Come hell or high water. This time around, Amice had kept heading for the Mission Hall unstoppably. Her fear were mixed with the excitement of helping out and putting Lucia's lessons into practice. Upon entering, she quickly noticed a familiar face, as it towered out above most others. “Miss Valencia!” As she headed over to the beastkind women, somewhat forgetting the two whom she had been travelling with towards the Mission Hall, she recognized those around Valencia. “Miyu, mister Alatar, Agam! Good morning!” As her pixies started fluttering around, observing the many people there (except for Emerald, whom had claimed her position atop Amice's head and stayed there), Amice started to ramble.

“I met Lucia yesterday, and she gave me all sorts of lessons on how to help others better, and Lysett told me to take a break, but she said that taking a break was doing what you wanted to do most, and what I want to do most is to help others with the pixies, and to do that I need to come with them, even if they are going to do scary things, otherwise the pixies can't help them, so I decided to come here again for my break, so that I can help again, and now I have Lucia's lessons, so I know things should go better than next time, because I know it's okay to be scared, but that I shouldn't get too scared, but I don't want to see people die again, but now Chartreuse and Timberwolf are also here, Chartreuse has a barrier like Edward and Timberwolf can make people invisible, so I'm sure they'll help people stay safe, so even though it'll probably be scary, I'm ready to help again!” With her grand speech out of the way, she was ready to take on anything!

If Ciela would allow Amice to join at Valencia's request;

Mission Application

Applicant: Amice Bellamy

Applicant RANK: D

Mission: Help clear out the mines!

Mission Difficulty: D+
ElvarioNov 20, 2018 11:23 AM
Nov 20, 2018 2:05 AM
Aug 2014

Valencia Ortiz
Health: 150/150
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 150/150
Peleg - Astral Gear: Summoned 50/50

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance:
Speed: C Agility: D Perception: D Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal
Active Skills: Animal Instinct (Passive) - Aptitude (Passive)

Miyu hadn't reacted to Valencia's mentioning of Amice as she was either frozen or mesmerized by their difference in plot size, but Alatar had. After Ryan seemed to go all-out apologising to Alatar, making some peculiar promises while at it. It made him look kind-off cute, in a sense. Alatar suggested Mizumi whom was no longer among us, but also seemed to be fine with the idea of become the teams tank to avoid needing a healer. Valencia was about to mention her doubts with regards to that idea, when her name was called out... by exactly the person they needed.

It took a bit of effort to filter the message out of Amice's rapid-fire rambling, but for as far as Valencia understood it, the halfling had a surprising amount of tenacity and an equal desire to help others. Resisting the urge to pick up Amice with all her might, Valencia would instead kneel down to look Amice in the eyes, albeit she was still a fair bit taller even in this position. “Good morning Amice, that's great to hear. Just like you, I'm ready to do better today than I did yesterday.” It seemed like Valencia was given a chance to redeem herself form yesterdays failures. That said, it seemed like the mission had just filled up... I think that stuff is going to be shown IC somewhere/somehow. “I'll ask miss Ciela if you can help us, even though there are enough people already. After all, you and the pixies might really be needed here.”

Having said it, Valencia stood upright again, and headed over to Ciela. Whilst doing so, she noticed the person whom had just signed up was most likely the Unholy whom had attacked Lucia earlier. One of the people she wanted to see here the least. That said, she'd ignore her. “Miss Ciela, is it possible for an extra person to join the 'Help clear out the mines!' mission? I think we will really need someone with Amice's talents.” She'd proceed, in a much quieter tone, “If money is the problem, I'm willing to waive my pay for it.” After all, Valencia felt like she still had a dept to pay for having been unable to protect Amice, and waiving her pay was the least she could do for it, especially now that the halfling was brave enough to continue facing her fears. It reminded Valencia of her own youth.
ElvarioNov 20, 2018 10:32 AM
Nov 20, 2018 8:28 AM

Mar 2016
Aoyama Hana

Health: 100
Prana: 100
Stamina: 100
Astral Gear - Kusarigama: Not Summoned.
Resist: Dark | Weak: Light
Current Status: None.

Fortunately for the group, the disputing members would reach a consensus, and agree to head forward to complete the mission. The boy with silver hair would then inquire something to the automaton woman. The halfling woman would direct herself at the quite frankly irritating man of red hair, and also share some words about the team leader.

"I have had the fortune of a thousand falling stars. May the ancestors be praised." Her mind repeated in a sarcastic tones for herself only, the girl would close her eyes for some seconds, and open them again. Then, the halfling girl would proceed to share her contact information, Hana would also do so, introducing herself and performing a brief bow as was her custom. "My name is Aoyama Hana, pleased to meet you."

The redhead would not restrict his tongue when talking, usually directing rude remarks to the black haired lady that seemed to struggle to maintain her calm. Hana could understand that, and had faced situations akin to this one in her life, tiredness was summoned along with those memories, the girl deciding not to intervene.

Annabelle, as she'd introduce herself as would distance herself from the man and say that it would be advantageous to share their abilities. Having in mind information like that would be in fact useful, Hana would follow suit and tell to their teammates what Hana was skilled at. She would then leave the area along with her group.
Nov 20, 2018 1:18 PM

Nov 2015
'Berto' - The Savant
Health: 100/100
Prana: 80/80
Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: C • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: C • REC: E
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Conservation (Passive), Overdrive (Passive/Inactive), Tactical Monitoring (Passive/Active), Loop-Cast (Passive/Inacitve), Absolute Defense Territory (Passive)

After a brief exchange, it was evident that this was the entire group. It removed the shadow of doubt that the Harbringer could have possibly been one of the participants of the group, as that could have been the case. As everything was settled he'd look at Ciela with a brief smile and belay the last one: "Actually it looks like this is everything. Cheers." He'd take a few sprinting steps to gather up with the rest.

"I have chosen to name myself as Berto. It's a pleasure to work with you all." He'd go along with the group as they'd get to the mission site.

As Annabelle was the first one to concern about ability sharing, Berto couldn't help but to feel grateful towards her: "Thank you Annabelle." As they'd walk towards the village, Savant would also share his abilities. Leaving the area. He would also kindly ask Victorique to share her abilities.

[OOC: Anyone in the party will have knowledge of The Savant's skills upon arrival in the mission area. <with the exclusion of racial passive>]
Nov 20, 2018 1:49 PM
Jan 2015
[Mission Receptionist]

As the group for the river mission started to leave, the last applicant for the mines mission arrived. She was a little surprised they were okay with having no supportive-type in their group, but it was up to their judgement to decide what team composition would be best.

"Your application has been processed. Alastra Nendarnde on duty for "Clear out the Mines!" confirmed..."

However, before Ciela could announce the mission she was distracted by the adorable halfling showing up in the room and rambling very quickly without even taking a moment to breathe, which was as strange as it was cute, not that Ciela would admit it. From what she could process from it, Amice wanted to join the mission and didn't realize there were no spots left. Then Valencia requested to let Amice join as a sixth participant, realizing they needed a healer and even willing to give up her pay for one. Another participant would increase their chances unless TAA just adds more CS, but it'd cost more as well. On the other hand, paying for one less participant wouldn't be worth it if they failed the mission and damaged Astraea's reputation of being reliable. Ciela took a moment to think, hesitating slightly at endangering the cute Amice, but eventually suppressed that feeling and agreed to Valencia's request, other than the part of her giving up her money reward.

"...That won't be necessary. A sixth participant may now apply."

Then Amice tried to apply, but since she was so tiny, she had to walk around Ciela's desk which was above her head and go next to Ciela to ask her for one of the mission forms. "H-Here you go." Ciela had to put all her processing power into keeping her composure, accepting the application once Amice filled out the form and handed it up to her with her tiny arms. "Your application has been processed. Amice Bellamy on duty for "Clear out the Mines!" confirmed..." Then Ciela turned to face the rest of the group, making one last announcement.

"Attention all applicants for "Clear out the Mines!": Your objective is to assist nearby miners by clearing out a CS infestation in the Bouldrodge Mines. You must exercise caution, as they have reported over two dozen CS of various types as well as an exceptionally powerful CS." The next part she said while looking at Valencia and Ryan in particular. "As this is a D+ ranked mission, I recommend being prepared." Then she moved on to the secondary objectives.

"The miners also suspect foul play, as many of the CS in this infestation are not native to the caves, and they believe them to have been placed there as sabotage by their competitors. So other than eliminating the CS, you should also investigate for any evidence of sabotage, and protect any miners still trapped in the mines."

Then she waited to see if they had any questions. If not, she'd return to her work once more.
Sho_the_MageNov 20, 2018 1:54 PM
Nov 20, 2018 6:58 PM

Jul 2011
"Alastra Nendarnde"

H : 200
P : 100
S : 150


Amice entered and applied for the mission but Alastra had filled the last slot. She wondered if she was doing this girl a favor but remembered to never to underestimate a Soul.

That said. it seemed like Valencia convinced the robot to have the girl name Amice join them on the mission. Since everything seemed worked out, Ciela began to explain what they would be up against. Alastra shrugged and grinned. She needed a good fight. She had no questions so she waited on her current companions to decide if they wanted to head out or ask questions.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Nov 22, 2018 8:06 AM
Aug 2014

Valencia Ortiz
Health: 150/150
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 150/150
Peleg - Astral Gear: Summoned 50/50

Strength: C Vitality: E Willpower: E Resistance:
Speed: C Agility: D Perception: D Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal
Active Skills: Animal Instinct (Passive) - Aptitude (Passive)

Valencia was surprised to hear that they were okay with adding another participant, and even paying for the extra person. Apparently cute halfling supports were in high enough demand to rewire tsundere automaton by their sight alone. “Thank you.” Ciela soon repeated their mission, and suggested them to be prepared. 'Over two dozen...? That's quite a few, especially if they'd jump us all at once.' Making matters worse were the fact that they were given side-objectives. That said, Valencia didn't have any question, so she would leave for their destination as they could discuss their abilities and tactics whilst on their way. [OOC Alatar told me it's okay to have her change course to visit the Alchemist's Workshop first at IC Alatar's suggestion.]
Nov 22, 2018 8:10 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 180/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

Amice didn't quite follow along with everything that was being said, but she did know that she had been able to join the mission after filling in the form that Ciela had given her. It sounded like the mission would be quite dangerous... But she had decided to be brave, it was too late to back down now! That's why she'd head after Valencia. (Supposedly with the rest of them.)
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