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Jun 5, 2017 2:07 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara grabbed the man's arm. He then threw the man on the ground so hard that he heard a loud thud. After that, Takara said to the man: "Do you think he would do that in the state he is in? Think again! Besides, while I was treating him... I made him swallow sleeping pills just in case he wakes up." Takara smirked after saying that to the man. He then prepared to counter any attack from the man.

AcellahJun 5, 2017 2:15 AM
Jun 5, 2017 2:30 AM

Sep 2016

He quickly stood up and jumped some distance from Takara. Sleeping pills? Seems my brother has an immunity to them. He is already awake and is destroying everything inside. And the "state he is in" matters to none. C'mon man, he's only fighting an old, rusty man! He said sarcastically as he went into that beam of energy state and stood right in front of Takara. If he tried hit him, he would go into that state and dodge his attack in it and then attempt to punch Takara in the abdomen again.
((@AceAboody ))
Jun 5, 2017 2:42 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara quickly backed away from the man. After that, Takara said to the man: "Umm... Don't you know that they are not just any regular sleeping pills? They are designed to make anyone regardless if they have an immunity to regular ones sleep for quite a while." What Takara said was true, because these pills were tested on people who have an immunity to regular ones. A friend of Takara gave him these pills recently to use on any criminal or enemy. He then prepared to counter any attack from the man.

AcellahJun 5, 2017 3:21 AM
Jun 5, 2017 3:11 AM

Sep 2016
((But Ya said nuthin bout sleepin pills :/))

I'm not trying to prove a science theory, I'm telling you he is already awake in there. The men rushed towards Takara and attacked with a barrage of kicks and punches. It wasn't smart to clash fists with someone faster or stronger. It seems he wasn't thinking well when he did but it was too late to go back.
((@AceAboody think of it like some fight from dbz))
Jun 5, 2017 3:30 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara quickly countered every kick and punch. As he did that, Takara said to the man: "You are just bluffing. There is no way he would be awake right now." While countering the kicks and punches, he kicked and punched the man numerous amount of times. Takara landed most of his attacks on the man. The man is now badly hurt and couldn't stand a chance in beating Takara.

@Raiores (My bad. They were in my character's first aid kit or something like that.)
AcellahJun 5, 2017 3:56 AM
Jun 5, 2017 3:43 AM

Sep 2016
((I'll allow it ;) just don't use em in an event or anything, k?))

The man kept clashing with Takara till he eventually got too tired to fight. He quickly changed into the energy state, picked his brother, who wasn't visible till he touched him, and they both turned into energy by his power and moved far away. In less than a second, they were too far for you to see. Then you were just there, outside the building, waiting for Aihara to finish as the sun was setting. A few hours later, Aihara came out and asked you to take him to the arms of law so he can give them his finished project.
((@AceAboody were almost done ;)))
Jun 5, 2017 3:50 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara agreed to take Aihara to 'arms of law'. So, Takara and Aihara are now on their way to 'arms of law'.

@Raiores (Okay, I will not use them in an event.)
Jul 26, 2017 10:01 AM

Sep 2016
Far in the plains, away from the city, Takara and Arice Dell were about to start their fight. No one was allowed to be there but the referee and the guy recording the match. Some broke the rules though, and the referee just allowed them as he couldn't stop them.


No punishment for being there btw :P))
Jul 27, 2017 1:55 AM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Having arrived at the plains, she readies her tome for battle. Assuming her observation is correct, her opponent is a great fighter. A very athletic one at that who is fast, agile and strong. She also has seen how his reaction time is so catching him off guard will definitely be difficult. However it isn't hopeless as she just needs to rely on her brain than her strength alone. Could she beat him? It is a big possibility as she has already observed how powerful he is. This will definitely be a difficult battle for her.

Jul 27, 2017 2:32 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara arrived at the plains. He then saw his next opponent there too. His opponent was getting herself ready for the battle. He saw his opponent battle before. Well, at least he knew that her tome is her power. He then prepared himself for the battle. If he is going to win, he will have to be serious in this battle. If he has to, he will use everything he learned while training under his master.
Jul 27, 2017 5:02 AM

Sep 2016
Takara and Arice hadn't started fighting yet, but some energy could already be felt. It was the same energy that Takara felt when he saw the advertisement... The same one everyone could feel from the hotel room. Could it be the clash of their energies? Or the power of a powerful being maybe? Well, that's one thing only one knew... But she isn't here right now.

A group of at least 5, the staff of the tournament, was leaving the city after the tournament was almost over. Among them, was this girl, the scientist. I'm sorry, but we couldn't help you. I hope you can deal with them on your own... She thought, guilty, as she walked on her journey. No, I'm fine. Said she when asked if everything was alright. Maybe she smiled too, but it was a fake anyway. They were already far away from the city, far away from the tournament, too far to feel whatever was going on there.
Jul 28, 2017 5:15 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto stepped out into the plains looking over the place as he looked at the contenders for the tournament, a girl named Arice and the guy named Takara. Both seemed pretty good, although he girl seemed weaker and is most likely the worse fighter, but from what he has seen she can use a flame sword making her weapon dangerous as even blocking causes pain to the opponents and with those gauntlets its still bad to touch the flames from what the heat can do.
Jul 28, 2017 9:11 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

She looked at her opponent, but she didn't seem to confident in herself that she could beat this man. He was an outstanding fighter as she saw from the stands. She just hopes she can put up a good fight against him. She decides to greet him before the battle. "H-hey Takara. Seems I'm your opponent today. I saw your battle with Sekrine. It was an impressive battle... I hope I can give you as much fun as you had with the other fight." she said bowing to him after greeting him.

Jul 29, 2017 3:11 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara heard what his opponent said to him. He then responded to her: "Hello there, Arice Dell. My battle with Sekrine Laebus must have been boring to watch. Though, we did actually stare at each other during the battle. At least, we did fight most of the time. Well, I did enjoy it somewhat. Sekrine Laebus was a bit tough opponent. I hope you will be a better opponent. Also, you didn't have to bow. A simple handshake would be enough.". After that, he waited for the battle to begin.
Jul 30, 2017 2:13 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

As she looked at her book, she smiles as she knows that she isn't really worthy of being a tough opponent for Takara. All she has is a sword, and Takara has martial arts at his side. "Well... I'm sorry if I disappoint you in battle. Lets get started shall we?" She then draws her sword from tome after chanting words of her own language. Once the sword was drawn, she flicks the blade to the side, singeing a part of grass when she did it. It slowly turns to a small fire. She looks over as she jumps from the fire and screams briefly from what she did. She then starts stomping on it to stop the fire. Once stopped, she'd take a breath and looked at her opponent with determined eyes.

Jul 31, 2017 7:16 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After hearing what his opponent said, Takara responded: "Well, I hope I won't be disappointed. Okay then, let's start the battle. May the best person win!". After that, the battle began. He saw his opponent get out a fire sword from her tome. The fire sword caused an accidental fire which she stopped fortunately. Anyways, luckily for him, he has his gauntlets which are fireproof. He raised up his guard and got ready for his opponent's attacks. If she attacks, he would block her attacks and attack her by doing quick slashes. If she doesn't attack, he would move around to distract her and lower her guard.
Jul 31, 2017 11:01 AM

Mar 2014
Bastion Silvercrest

He had been wandering around for a while, this time a bit longer than usual, he had multiple run-ins with some groups of shady characters this time. He was able to withstand them easily but they were unable to give him any new info about the whereabouts of his family's killers. His clothes were in tatters and he was low on supplies again. It seemed he needed to head back to Jerrat. Oh how he hated that place every time he set foot in there emotions and memories flooded his mind, one he wished he could forget. As he was on his way there, he sensed a collection of people near and an battle beginning, curious he made his way there. Upon coming in to view from a distance away he saw 2 people facing off with others onlooking. He sat down to rest and began to watch the battle.
Jul 31, 2017 11:46 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto looked at tattered clothed man as he approached the group of people including him standing outside the city on the plains watching the fight to see who was gonna win, while also watching the tournament participants who seemed were gonna begin their fight as well so that was something. He started to walk towards the guy who seemed to have a scythe with him, which was a very peculiar weapon of choice. ''So you also came here for the tournament huh?'' From having come closer he noticed the guy stank as if he had no bathed in a long while.
Jul 31, 2017 12:48 PM

Mar 2014
Bastion Silvercrest

Bastion gripped his scythe tighter and looked up at Haruto. "So this is some sort of tournament, i figured as much." He looked back to the battle as he dug into his bag with his free hand pulling out some dry rations. He began eating slowly as he watched. HE was tired and didn't really want to deal with some kid, not that he would say so.
Jul 31, 2017 1:08 PM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto looked at the guy as he tightened his grip on the scythe for some reason unbeknownst to him. He seemed to grab some dry rations out of his bag as he began eating them, not the most fulling meal he could eat, but he has no right to judge. He wanted to ask him what the deal was with his scythe and clothing, which he could not judge as he was the one wearing a personally decorated yukata for archery earlier in the city as his clothes were drying which he had to admit was strange. ''Well then... I am guessing I am not very wanted by your scythe, so I will take my leave as I don't want to start a fight for various reasons. I hope you enjoy watching the fight.'' After saying so he began to move away from the man, not intending to go any further into conversation with a suspicious looking man like him with a gripping hand for fighting.
Jul 31, 2017 2:06 PM

Mar 2014
Bastion Silvercrest

Bastion's grip lessened on the scythe as the boy claimed he didnt want to fight and began walking away. The kid didnt seem like a threat. "Maybe you can tell me something kid." He said this without even looking back at Haruto. He took another bite before talking some more. "Has any new news come up ... He paused briefly debated whether to even ask. but he just needed to know and it would save him time while was in Jarrat. "... news recently about a certain incident that happened about 5 years ago."
Jul 31, 2017 2:49 PM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto looked back when he heard his voice as he seemed to want to ask something with a lessened grip on the scythe. He began to talk again before pausing briefly for some reason, he began to talk again, but the way he said it was as weird and ambiguous as he could have probably could have been. Haruto looked at him with confusion as the man had said certain incident like he was supposed to know whatever he was talking about miraclously. "You know you say it as if incidents are rare, I really would not know about any incidents from 5 years ago specifically unless it was very big and you would not be so ambiguous."
Jul 31, 2017 2:53 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

As her opponent circles her, letting his guard down, she takes this time to observe his body movements, his weapon and his mentality. Taking from what she is seeing, he wants her to attack first meaning he is a counterattacker. Next was his weapon which are gauntlets. Though her sword can melt metal, he can easily parry her sword instead of letting it sit on his gauntlets when he blocks. There is also the slight possibility that they may be fireproof as well. Arice does have the reach advantage seeing as how Takara has to rely on his arms and gauntlets to attack his opponent. Counterattackers however relies on their opponents to come to them instead. Taking from what she has seen, she decides to go for a fencing style of combat. She starts running to him and stops from what she estimates to be enough for her to poke him with the tip of her sword. The one thing she needed to do was get into his head and have him come to her. With the use of balance, timing and agility, she uses the sword style to try to stab him anywhere she can. Though her sword isn't a rapier, it is still light enough just for her to use it like a rapier.

Jul 31, 2017 3:27 PM

Mar 2014
Bastion Silvercrest

Bastion sighed deeply before stashing away his rations and standing up. Worth a shot, just forget i asked kid. Guess ill just have to go to Arms of Law and ask around. He gritted his teeth and scowled at the prospect of going there, he had hoped to avoid it but it seamed that wasn't possible. He lifted his pack, then began to walk past Haruto and head to Jerrat. "Enjoy the little play fight kid."
Jul 31, 2017 4:02 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara's guard was always up even when moving around the plains. He thought he could distract her by that but it didn't work. His gauntlets were special to him. His master gave him the gauntlets as a present. His master told him that they were made out of alchemy. His gauntlets are resistant to a lot of things(fireproof and the like...), light, durable, and strong. They were special indeed. But... Only his arms are protected. He doesn't wear a full body armor. Anyways, she tries to attack him but he dodges or prevents/blocks her attempts to stab him. He then tries to knock her sword out of her hands with a quick and powerful slash. If this succeeded, he would continue slashing his opponent. If it failed, he would continue to dodge and prevent/block her attacks.
AcellahAug 1, 2017 7:20 AM
Jul 31, 2017 4:26 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

He manages to dodge her strike, but instead of knocking her sword out of her hands, she pulls her sword back and got on guard. "He's faster than I thought... What can I do?" she thought as she retreated stepping back a couple of steps. Of course a counterattacker would be able to dodge a stab like that. He did seem like he wanted to take her weapon away from her. She then thought of a plan, but it will be a big risk for her. She goes in for another strike, but once he tries to knock it out of her hands, she'll let it go and try to tackle him down.
Avnore_AlterAug 1, 2017 6:19 PM

Aug 1, 2017 1:28 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara couldn't knock her sword out of her hands. Seeing that his attack from the front wouldn't work, he quickly went to the side that has the sword. After that, he proceeded to slash her from there. The sword got knocked out from her hands successfully. He then continued to slash her. She could try to tackle him from the side but he would probably counter that attack.
AcellahAug 1, 2017 7:20 AM
Aug 1, 2017 3:30 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto pulled up his shoulders as the man seemed to have decided to not ask any further to him and had decided to go towards the law of arms to check if there was anything about his 'incident' there probably. As he walked away Haruto turned around to look at him leave. "Neh I don't think I am gonna enjoy the fight its not very special, good luck with your incident research."
Aug 1, 2017 6:22 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

Her plan didn't succeed, thus she would ultimately take a lot of hits from her opponent. Her sword would get knocked out from her hands as she tries to tackle him from there, but fails as he counters her. This was not even a fight at all. Her plan from the start was a mistake. She could've done something better, but she didn't do so.

Aug 1, 2017 11:09 PM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto looked at the girl and was kind of dissapointed to see that she had failed to use her only advantage in regards to Takara which was her flame sword as she had just thrown it away to try to tackle him which was not something that could work as he was stronger than her. He decided to get out his phone and searched the number for the arms of law as maybe they had a side job for him to do as the mission hall had none. If they picked up his call he would begin the talk. "Hello is this arms of law hotline I am speaking to? The name is Haruto and I was calling in to see if you had any jobs I could do."

(@Raiores is this possible or do you want him to go there?)
ByakugaranAug 2, 2017 3:23 AM
Aug 2, 2017 4:27 AM

Sep 2016
A woman would answer your call, Yes it is! Your name is Haruto?.... I'm sorry but we don't have any Haruto's in our guild. I can only give missions to members. Anything else I could help you with, sir?

((@byakugaran you can do that, but watch the match to the's an important event and hardly anyone is there >.< ))
Aug 2, 2017 4:40 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto listened to the lady as she explained that you would have to be a member in order to participate with in their jobs. "A membership is needed huh... Well is this something that can be a part time job? As my study is important and what are the risks for being a member?"

(@Raiores I know its important, that is why I wanted to try this as I did not want to leave)
Aug 2, 2017 4:52 AM

Sep 2016
Yes! You can join us and take jobs whenever you want, but in return you can't join any other guild as long as you're a member here. Also we can't guarantee you'll always have a choice as to whether you go on some jobs or not. sometimes you will have to go... The rules are strict here, you could get fired from the guild if you reject these missions.
Aug 2, 2017 5:13 AM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

"Okay. Well thanks for the explanation. I will make my decision as to whether I will join the guild and then I will come there to sign a contract as that will be needed for an official membership. Have a good day and if an angel in tattered clothing comes by or is there tell him for me good luck on the incident by Haruto. Bye bye." After saying this he would stop the call and put the phone back into his pocket.
Aug 2, 2017 12:59 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After that, Takara knew that his opponent was clearly at a disadvantage. So, he would just try to finish this battle. After the slashes, he threw a knockout punch at her. Hopefully, this will make her unconscious.
Aug 2, 2017 8:59 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

As she gets battered with hits from Takara, she tries her best to keep her block up as she tries to tough out all the hits she was taken. His knockout punch however only breaks her guard and makes her fall back onto her butt. She looks up as she didn't know what to do. Her body has sustained a lot of damage and it would be only a matter of time before her body would pass out. Her tome was also on cooldown so there was still no way for her to get her weapon.

Aug 4, 2017 8:18 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Looks like Takara will have to end this battle with another knockout punch, since his first knockout punch didn't knock his opponent out. He successfully landed his knockout punch on her. This time it will work for sure.
Aug 4, 2017 12:23 PM

Jul 2015
Arice Dell

On her knees, she had only one chance to retaliate. She takes her tome and tries to make another sword. unfortunately, the materializing process took awhile and just as she got the sword in her hand, she gets knocked out by Takara, falling onto her back.

Aug 4, 2017 6:05 PM

Sep 2016
"I'm sorry..." Whispers a voice in the far distance. Words said to be forgotten as no one is there to listen. maybe there is, but they aren't ones to.

The finals are over. The energy everyone felt is getting stronger. This should be ended quickly. And so, the announcer grabs his Mic to announce the winner and end it. Ladies and gentlemen, it seems like our finals are over! And now, without further ado, let's congratulate our winner, this world's stronge- It was nearly over, but it would never work so perfectly. A voice would interrupt. the childish laughs Haruto has heard before. but this time, everyone could hear it. What an overestimation, don't you think? Would say the beastly voice behind Takara's back. Takara could feel something grab him from behind and lift him up. Then he could feel a ball of heat where he was grabbed. it pushed him a distance away and then exploded. no time had he to react. Neither had anyone. Where Takara was, stood a man in a black cloak. his whole body was covered. his energy wasn't that of anything familiar. The laughs could still be heard... it was from him. He stood there, laughed as he looked at everyone, waiting for their reaction.

@earnestmovie ))
Aug 5, 2017 11:11 AM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara got pushed away by an unknown force. He didn't expect that this will happen. That unknown force then exploded, hurting him a bit. After that, he looked back at the place he was standing before this happened, he saw a man wearing a black coat. He heard him laughing. The man was also looking at the people that were there before the man came. Takara then said to the referee: "Do you know this guy? Is he a part of the tournament staff? If he isn't, you should call for help. Let them come as soon as possible. This guy is dangerous...". He knew that he couldn't defeat this guy alone. If he fought with this guy alone, even if he wins, he will need to go to the hospital right after the battle. He then looked around himself. He saw Arice Dell unconscious on the ground. He quickly went to her and carried her away to safety.
AcellahAug 5, 2017 11:45 PM
Aug 6, 2017 12:35 PM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

"Hey laughing man child I have a little question, why are you laughing what is so funny, that the guy you just pushed away was about to be crowned world's strongest although that is not the case? Or is there some inside joke I am not getting?" As he said this he looked at Takara who was carrying Arice away from the guy as he was laughing, but inside these plains with how strong this guy is there is probably nowhere safe. He would stratch his ear nervously as he was thinking of what to do. Should he and Takara alone attempt to fight this guy... Would we even be a match? He thought.

"Hey Takara right? You up for a tag team fight of 1 vs 2, if you don't find it unfair of course."

(@Raiores @AceABoody)
Aug 6, 2017 1:43 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After telling the staff to call for help and carrying Arice Dell to the staff where she would be safer than being near the man, Takara heard his name being called. He then looked towards the direction of the voice to see another man. This man was watching his battle that ended earlier. He listened to what this man said and replied: "A two versus one battle... Hmmm... It is unfair, but in this situation... It is not. Our opponent is dangerous. So, if you can help me, it would be really great. Let's do this then. Ready whenever you are.". After that, he made a fighting stance and got ready to face his opponent.
Aug 6, 2017 5:51 PM

Sep 2016
The man kept laughing with the childish voice at Haruto's questions as he kept watching them. 2 on 1? You guys don't even count right... and we are the dumb ones. he said, his voice still the childish one, as he kept laughing.
RaioresAug 13, 2017 5:35 PM
Aug 6, 2017 9:05 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

Eres had arrived at the plains, though he wasn't too close to what was going on, he could clearly see what was happening and could get close enough to help if it was needed, though he wouldn't for now. The cloaked guy seemed strong, so Eres probably wasn't going to get involved unless it was unavoidable, though it might be, he wasn't sure yet. Regardless, he readied his weapon and remained alert as he observed, just a precaution.
Aug 7, 2017 4:32 PM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

"I am not sure what you mean by count right, I am guessing you mean a few of the people here who also want to fight, I guess if they want to they can." Nobody seemed to be enganging in combat. Though it was understandable as he was very powerful and he should not except differently when Takara had done so before as well. Haruto luckily enough had something his teammates could not do as far as he thought, which was attacking from a range, he created his bow before creating one arrow and quickly firing it at the man to start the fight before drawing another.
ByakugaranAug 9, 2017 2:23 PM
Aug 9, 2017 1:38 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

Takara saw that his ally was firing arrows at the enemy. He couldn't attack the enemy at the moment, so he waited for the enemy to do something before attacking him.
Aug 12, 2017 1:15 PM

Sep 2016
The man caught the arrow in mid air. After a few moments, it was on fire and burned to ashes. You humans are pitiful! The childish voice said along with its laugh. Then it attacked. Before anyone could react or see him, Takara was punched in the gut and Haruto was hit on the back of his neck, not hard enough to knock him unconscious but it at least knocked him on the ground. There he stood, the man in the cloak, his right leg on Haruto's head keeping him from standing up as he kept laughing and observing.

((@ernestly @byakugaran @AceAboody dang I didn't join in the past few days >.<))
Aug 12, 2017 1:42 PM

Dec 2015
Haruto Watanabe

Haruto felt the pain as he was hit on the back of his neck, he would try to turn himself around as he was knocked back in the time he fell to the ground, if succesful in turning around he would get the right leg on his face which hurt while not as much as the neck attack, he was feeling a little weird by the neck blow and in this state he would use the arrow in his right hand in order to try to stab him in the right leg while the other guys might be trying to attack him regardless if they actually were.
Aug 12, 2017 2:46 PM

Mar 2017
Takara Yoshida

After being punched in the gut, Takara was feeling the pain from that punch but he ignored it and focused on getting the man's leg off of his ally's head. However, looks like his ally is trying to stab the man's leg. If his ally succeeds, he would push the man off of his ally's head before the man can react. But, if his ally fails, he would try recover from the punch and continue to wait for the man to do something before he does something himself.
Aug 12, 2017 3:09 PM

Jan 2017
Eres Nieval
has wings~ (Angel)

The guys fighting didn't seem to be doing too well so far, but no one seemed seriously injured yet, so he didn't see much reason to join in, that's not to say that he would-or wouldn't- if things got worse. The most he planned on doing was healing, if things got bad enough, as the cloaked man seemed too strong for him to fight head-on, so he'd refrain from joining the fight for now.
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