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Jun 12, 2015 7:06 PM

Mar 2015

Mordred stepped back from her master. She knew that this was an offer Argamon wouldn't really want to refuse. After all, six thousand giants was a rather large number. Her own army that she could summon through a portal would have difficulty with them, as many as there were.
Jun 12, 2015 7:08 PM

Jan 2013
"Master do not trust or take the trickster help. She is well known to back stab all that she work with and ant to be the ruler of all. She will use you and then try to take all from you." She told him as she look at the fallen god. She was still the master tool and adviser.
Jun 12, 2015 7:12 PM

Mar 2015

Mordred's opinion differed.

[b]"MAster, while she may be the trickster god, six thousand frost giants is not something we should really refuse, even if they may turn on us later. Make them your shock troops. My own army cannot supplement our entire source of arrow fodder."
Jun 12, 2015 7:22 PM

Jan 2013

"There is no ay to tell if she lies about ho many she has. There could be more. She could also have other allies. She has three kids. Each would do as she wish. The dog, The world eating snake and a ruler of hell. The dog has two kids as well. The ruler of hell have a army of the dead. If there was a ay to have her die if she tries to harm you master then I would say it was okay." She said looking at her master.
Jun 12, 2015 7:24 PM

Oct 2014

Blackbeard looked at Mordred and Silver. There was obviously some tension there, If you want a third opinion, I would say that taking the offer of six thousand frost giants would be smarter than rejecting it. He points at Silver, She seems to be advising you with the influence of personal reason effecting her reasoning.
Jun 12, 2015 7:30 PM

Feb 2015
"Yes I could be lying. Yes I could secretly be plotting to kill him. But then... Couldn't the same be said for everyone in this room?" She asked, turning her gaze to Silver but remaining on her knee. "As a matter of fact, you'll find I'm the most trustworthy person in this room. After all, you can always trust me to be dishonest." The last part she said with a playful grin.
"I offer you my army, my council and my body to you my lord. I am simply backing the winning horse here, double crossing you would be pulling the tail of a snake I would rather not disturb."

There's a lady who's sure
All that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows
If the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Oh oh oh oh and she's buying a stairway to heaven

Jun 12, 2015 7:30 PM

Jan 2013

"I am thinking of all possibility. Most I can see are bad. I use history and myths to come up with them I do not agree to this and I will even give Mordred my place to prove I think this is bad if I must." she said looking at Blackbeard.
Jun 12, 2015 7:33 PM

Jan 2013
Hearing the body part look down. if my master wish her..then I will do as i am told. I am his tool..that all nothing more. i am to be use and kill. I love him and will be his tool just to be-able to see him. she think all this.
Jun 12, 2015 7:39 PM

Oct 2014

Blackbeard rolled his eyes, Ahh, of course. The devout servant who loves her master, he thinks. He takes another puff of his pipe and looks at Loki. Blackbeard was experienced in catching cheats and liars, but he couldn't judge this persons motives, he couldn't judge anyone in this rooms motives for that matter. Well apart from the young boy with the staff, he was clearly here for friends or a lover, reluctant but would do anything.
Jun 12, 2015 7:47 PM

Feb 2013
The circles tightened around Ythus' draconic body and quickly started to spur out a massive amount of magic, in an attempt to compress all the mass. Although it expressed a giant force on him, Ythus didn't seem to be in the least bothered by it.

He heard what Argamon had said about the island they would be attacking and a shiver almost went down his metallic spine, with a pleasured feeling of being allowed to crush, kill and destroy. "Great! Release me unto them, Master, and I shall annihilate them like no other." He said as he smirked deep inside in his violent and vicious heart. "They will learn to fear the Dragons." He added in his own monotone before the others started to converse with his Master. The two he knew very well of, they couldn't be trusted, but no one here really could be trusted. This entire group was a big armed bomb ready to explode upon the offer of power to any of these maniacs. Ythus knew of only one thing: He would torture and then kill whoever attempted to betray Argamon and then he would burn their body until not even their ashes or the air evaporated out of their ashes were left. Not even an atom of their existence would be left for history to know of, much like he did with previous enemies that Argamon put in his game.

The one he trusted the least, however, the small Trickster God, made an offer that was an interesting one for Master. Loki was known for being tricky and for doing whatever she found to be useful for her rise to the thrones of Asgard. However, though few would believe in it, Ythus was far more powerful than any sort of Nord God or Hero. Few matched his true power, the most promising one being Sigurd, the Dragon Slayer. However, it mattered little. No spawn of Loki would be able to defeat Ythus alone and he trusted Argamon quite well to know he would have something under his sleeve for the case of betrayal.

"Silence, all of you! It is not your decision to make and I have not seen Master ask for any opinion. Leave the decision to him and he will decide, and you will obey accordingly." He roared through the halls as the flames came out of his mouth. The circles were starting to have effect, he would be in human form on the following 5 minutes or so. He was eager to see what option Argamon would pick.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jun 12, 2015 8:18 PM

Jan 2013
Pondering it all Argamon decides to speak and for once has an open conversation.

"The Man is one of the Last Hydra Primes, the boy is the new blessed of the hero that slayed the Hydra. Also did none of you ponder why Loki is here? Rita in your paranoia and love struckness of your mortal life forgot one key thing." Laughing a bit he tilts his head. "The fallen God tried to launch Ragnarok. It did not go to plan..most of The Children are dead, or at least sealed, I noticed this over 1200 years ago, when I served as the armor bearer to Lord Lucifer himself. So why is she here? Oh that is simple. Among the Demon Kin, I will not tell you how we gain power, but I will say the females themselves once joined in union do based on position gain power, and the offspring then gain the same."

With a light Chuckle, he tilts his head slightly. "So Loki offers body as the gods arn't much if at all different from us Demons. Loki is the master of tricks and betryals. Of that I will give you. But to the norse. Loki has a long standing fued With Thor and Odin..whos fates I do not know..but I do know the Norse front like many others is at a standstill..however should the frost Giants be pulled from the line, and she is bound to me in contract, my death would only weaken her. But if I am alive and take my own realm, then I am boud by rites to assit her in taking back Asgard...and by the rites of inheritance, she gains all of the lands that belong to Asgard. And if she wins enough favor to bare and offspring to carry the house, then her own influnce will grow far beyond."

To him these politics were simple, she was plotting alright, but he was worth more alive with her proposal. Though there were ways around and out of the contract, he would not bring up. " However, the rule of power states there can only be two in the positions of the hands. The Right controls the lienage, the left controls the Army. The strong only will win. Now you See Rita. The more my powers grow, the more likely you are to lose your head for the position to scream to be yours. In fact Loki's plan is to challenge you should I acceapt her request. Any other lovers can only be minor family. And Mordred is the best able to lead the Armies..and I dare say the most martial capable of you both."
Placing both hands on his hips, Argamon suddenly sweeps his right as if in decree, swinging the capse.

"So Loki am I missing anything? Tell me do the Dark Elves know of your plan? If not I could make use of the suffering you just brought upon their lines if I consent. Though I will not help you gain the position you desire. The Strong Rule. I aim to Take Hell, to take the Kingdoms of all the Rest, and merge the Realms, deviding them in accorance to reward. Even the Hydra will be richly rewarded, the humans will be conscripted and the might technologies of war they control..."

Pausing at that he looks up at his map, expending it outwards, more and more, untill it bleeds into other dimensions. Dots of red mark forces, lower demons and gods, and all manner of plots. One thing is clear if the symbols are not. His reach was everywhere..somehow the once minor Prince was one of the strongest of all the Demon princes.

"For over three thousand years have I waited. Love?" Looking at Rita with a scoff. "Riches?" Looking at blackbeard. "Status?" Looking at Loki.

His eyes finally rest on the Nun and the Dragon. "Tell me little one that god abandoned. What is it I wish for?"

Feeling a Chill down her spine as she seen the scope of what he was plotting, she falls to her knees as if in dispair. Collecting herself she feels sick. " girl...carry me out of" Covering her mouth not to throw up she pauses. "You..killed your master..and as micheal said..poisoned the one aim to Unleash A war across all the Realms and become the One God wonder you are so eager to hand out power..what will it all mean to you..I'..I'.." Shaking a bit Chris starts to vomit from her rage as tears fall down her eyes.

Laughing a bit at the display, it was the first time she recalled seeing Argamon happy. "Finally! Someone Gets it! Ahahahah! Not even the Germans understood why Hitler went mad and they suddenly lost the protection of the spirits they had! But you figured out my greatest trick! I killed your Bastard God with a challice or poison! Then When Satan came out wounded I slew him as well!"
RedArmyShogunJun 12, 2015 9:05 PM
Jun 12, 2015 9:19 PM

Oct 2014

Blackbeard looked at Argamon with a bored expression, this man/demon was aiming to be a god, One God specifically? Blackbeard did not care for such things, those ambitions would lead any being to ruin, he had seen it many times before. Blackbeard was only driven by one thing, keeping life interesting and destroying anyone who got in the way of him and his fun. He decided that if Argamon did achieve his goal, although Blackbeard doubted it, then the demon prince would reward anyone who stuck by him the whole way. Then again, he would also have an impeccable amount of power that could be used to wipe out his followers. It was a gamble to stay with this man and Blackbeard was willing to throw the dice.
Jun 12, 2015 9:34 PM

Mar 2015

Mordred staid silent. She had sort of known of his plan from the beginning, but if what he said was true, then he not only planned on keeping her close to him as his knight, but he also planned on making her the commander of his armies. He had basically said that if he accepted this deal, Rita would be ousted, or forced to fight for either her position, or the one Loki would undoubtedly want. It finally clicked though why exactly she had been recruited three hundred years ago. Argamon needed her forces to be at his disposal if he planned on invading not only hell, but heaven itself. He needed an army to back him to complete this conquest though. If even one of them were to withdraw their forces, for example herself, it was not like they were easily replaceable. For if Mordred were to withdraw herself and her host of dark troops, he would be around five hundred thousand soldiers short of what he had originally, and would be forced to make up for that lack before he faced the angelic hosts of heaven, or the demonic hosts of hell. He was a genius though. His contract had already ensured that Mordred would never leave his side, same with the new boy. She didn't know what the agreement between Argamon and Rita was, but it was evident that he was more then willing to cast her aside. And mordred would definitely not surrender her position to the girl.
Jun 12, 2015 9:35 PM

Jan 2013

"I care not what you want. I only care to get it for you..If you want her..and she can get it then I as your tool and one that love you and only you..will do as you say. if you want this fallen god and ant me to give her the position..I will. I am yours to do as you like. I will do any thing you say." she bows. a tear falls."I am nothing with out you so I give you every thing that I am. I know it is worth nothing to one as strong as you." she take her ring off."If you wish you can have the one thing that I have that have any power." she hold it out for him."I am a useless tool with out it and only a bit useful with it." she look down."she is stronger then me and there is little chance I could in. I may be a master vampire but only because of you." she drop the ring. "I will make many of my kind to serve you no mater what my rank. I ill serve you till You tell me to die."
Jun 12, 2015 9:40 PM

Oct 2014

Orukknag looks at the Dragon, Hydra's were a cousin species to them. Orukknag had seen a few Dragons in his lifetime but never one that seemed... so immensely powerful. He smiled, it would be an interesting battle if he faced the beast in Hydra form.
Jun 12, 2015 9:41 PM

Dec 2011
Listening to the entire clusterfuck as it should be dubbed, Kazumi remained for the most part, silent. There wasn't much point to her commenting on any of it. The girls were fighting for a spot in Argamon's bed. The pirate was stupidly searching for a red 'X' that marked buried treasure and Ythus had arrived, eager to spill blood.

Honestly, Kazumi couldn't care less about a spot on Argamon's harem. She had a beloved and her desire would remain in every life she lived, so their squabble over him was something she found extremely laughable, especially considering Argamon was the type to use them until it was time to cast them away.

Then there was the pirate, who was likely laughing at the girls' behavior as much as she was, or would be if he wasn't asking stupid questions about treasure...

And finally, there was Ythus. Kazumi didn't have much to say about the dragon. She didn't interact with him much, though were he female, he'd be as lovestruck as the women in the room, which was kind of amusing, she had to admit. A giant intimidating dragon waiting on the words of what at first looked to be an ordinary man was humorous in its own right.

After the arguments of who would be sleeping with Argamon tonight came Loki's offer. It wasn't bad, and what she did say was true somewhat. With Kazumi herself, one could not tell if she was lying, stretching the truth or being brutally honest. Though, Loki was by far the most trustworthy. Rita still took that position considering how much the girl was stupidly in love with her master. Though, that didn't stop everyone from giving their views, to which Ythus didn't take much a liking to.

With a dismissive wave of her hand, Kazumi finally spoke up. "Oh, calm down Ythus. Of course they'll accept Argamon's final decision, but it does not hurt to hear the opinion of your vassals." With that, Kazumi once again became quiet. Perhaps she was getting annoyed with all the kissassings going on. She served Argamon when he asked of her services and Kazumi had yet to give him much of a reason that she would betray him, however she didn't act as much of a lapdog with him as with the Hojo originally... that was practically unbearable.

Finally came Argamon's long response, speech and apparently crushing of Christina's spirit. Sighing, Kazumi leaned down and pulled one of the nun's arms around her neck before wrapping her own arm around Christina's waist and helping the girl back up. "Let's just take a bit of a break, shall we Christina-sama?" With that, Fuma began carrying the nun away from the group. She'd need time to think on this herself... and if any of the women had common sense, they'd take time to think on this outburst of his as well.
Jun 12, 2015 9:48 PM

Oct 2014

Itami looked around with confusion, he had heard politics was full of ass kissers and sycophants but he had never really taken note of the fact. He leaned on his staff and looked at the dragon, it was magnificent, forceful and powerful. It was everything Itami wanted to be, everything Itami needed to be to protect his friends. He hobbles over to the dragon, admiration and awe in his eyes.
Jun 12, 2015 10:01 PM

Feb 2013
As he heard what Argamon said, Ythus smirked from ear to ear. He had been along with his Master for the entire ride... Ever since he was born. It was a fun time. No one was like him. No one matched his intelligence, cunning and mastery of tricks. Ythus was proud to serve under him as the Enforcer. He didn't really care, perhaps even if there was no bind between the two, he would still serve him dutifully as he had always done. "The cries of despair Satan released upon seeing that he was finally defeated were the sweetest ones. To see the very first Demon Lord to cry out like that was the perfect sight for a monster like me." With that, he laughed out loud, with an abnormal sense of ecstasy to it.

He soon stopped, though, seeing the small conflict that was happening in the group. Sara, who had been seeking the love of Argamon for her entire lifetime, now was resigning her own position in order to please him. In a certain sense, Ythus felt anger. To give up without fighting was the most pathetic symbol of resignation to one's destiny and the most pitiful way of going out. "You are truly weak and meek, Bloodsucker. I expected more out of your unending will. Endeavors of the Norse now stop the chase you have been after for five centuries? How much more pathetic can you get?" Ythus wasn't one to hold back words. His sincerity was perhaps the strongest aspect of his actually kind personality... Which only surfaced to drive people further into maddening violence.

However, that had little to do with him and, the more this conversation went on, the more impatient he became. Every word said in this room forced his violence and viciousness to become stronger and to act as an impulsive order for him to destroy, roar loud into the sky and fly while burning all below him through the shadows of his wings. He spread his wings once more, they covered the entire length of the room, and then he lifted his tail. However, as soon as he did this, he noticed two peculiar people who weren't being very present in the conversation of the group. They were both somehow connected to Hydras... A parent branch of the Dragons. Ythus stared down at the one that seemed impressed and leaned in closer. Close enough for Itami to feel the heat of his iron jaws, burnt by lava and magma. He leaned close and then released a pressurized steam jet from his nose, although on a temperature low enough to not even harm the man.

"Why do you seem so awed?" He asked. He was deliberately delaying the Circles now. They were ready to transform him whenever he wanted to, but he seemed to want to inspect the interest of the two who stared at him with impression in the eyes.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jun 12, 2015 10:09 PM

Oct 2014

Itami hesitantly reached out, his hand inches away from the dragons snout. You're magnificent... he whispers. He remembered going to the library as a young boy, reading books on powerful winged creatures who feared nothing. He use to wish to become a dragon, fly above his problems, crushing and burning them with powerful jaws and burning breath. The dragon before him was the embodiment of his dreams as a boy, Itami was slowly remembering them.
Jun 12, 2015 10:17 PM

Jan 2013
"My rank is nothing but a name. I ill serve him the same as I have from the moment he saved me. I will do all i can to keep him safe. With a ring of power or with out one.
If he is unpleased with me in the rank I am then let a stronger take it. I will not do any thing deterrent then I am. I will love and care for him. Give him my say in what ever it is. In his group I could be lower then dirt but in my hart I will always give him my all and serve him in a ay no other would.
You were bound to him. She want to use him, The knight maker will grow old with out him. I am the only under free will that will serve him. I care not for names or ranks. He is my king.
If i fight and get hurt in a way that stop me from being usefully then I am a broken tool. Is it not beater to be a tool that he can use to it full power? If you were not the same rank as you are now would you stop working as hard as you do to keep him safe? Would you risk your life and health to fight for something as unless as a name? I know I am not as strong as the fallen good.
I will lose and if I did win it would cost me a lot. I care not for titles or names. I will serve him in any way I can. Be it lick his boots clean as I watch his back. If that dragon slay came and would change you when you stuck in human form would you take it just to keep your rank? Ranks are words and that it." She said looking at him. She was mad to that he believe she would stop acting the same as she always did just because she is no longer number 2 or have her ring.
Jun 12, 2015 10:25 PM

Oct 2014

Blackbeard looks at Rita, his head tilted slightly. Ranks are just words? Well that was true, but words hold power. The word "King" means you rule over and control an army, the words "pirate captain" means you have a crew and ship. Words were powerful and full of meaning, not something to be disregarded. Blackbeard kept quiet though, he decided a long time ago that enemies were liabilities, not assets.
Jun 12, 2015 10:36 PM

Feb 2013
Ythus stared, directly at Itami's eyes, with his crimson eyes of violence and anger. They seemed to carry the anger of ten thousand men in them, to be blinded in an uncontrollable rage, to be so powerful, so mighty, they could pierce through the hearts of the meek and weak. The two stood like that as Ythus had no words to say and neither did the man respond to his question. When he stretched his hand out, Ythus would've allowed him to touch the burning husk of his skin, which felt like the heat of the sun was permanently stuck inside his veins. However, something else called his attention, and he recoiled before looking towards the group once more.

Rita said words of ranks, of status and titles, but she seemed to disregard the true fact that it wasn't about the title, but about how Argamon would replace her with another woman. He chuckled. She almost seemed like she was trying to cover her meekness. "Doesn't make you any less pathetic for giving up so easily on the only thing you have achieved thus far. You do not seem to understand what is truly going to happen if she takes your place." She then followed by asking him a rather stupid question. "I do not have ranks. I am not a ranked soldier like you, Mordred or any of you pathetic weaklings. I am the Enforcer of his might. If the Dragon Slayer wished to take my place, however, I would gladly see his attempt fail as I smash his bones under my talons." He chuckled as he said that. "You are already useless. Out of all of us, you're the weakest..." With those last words, however, he stopped. He snapped his Silverblood jaws again and then completed with a last phrase. "I do not care. Do what you wish, Bloodsucker. Just never forget that you've yet to prove your true worth to him." All the time he had been with Argamon, Ythus came across some strange people. Rita was one of the strangest, likely the weakest, of the people he came across. Fear was what was running across her veins now? Could be. She was afraid of losing her comfort position, but little did she know that it would be lost if she just gave up like that. It didn't matter, however. Ythus couldn't explain his understanding of true pride to her, so it was better to just remain quiet and let Argamon express himself and see if she would understand what he meant before.

He turned back to the boy in awe and stared down with a certain expression that signaled near-pity before the circles that were all around his body started to fume smoke and, after a while, fire. Soon after, all of his body was covered in lava-like fire that flowed down and started to consume his body until it finally formed the human body of a tall man. The form started to take color and then it finally formed a complete human body in his most... Pathetic, as he would say, appearance. A bald black, very tall and well-built man with long black and red clothes, red eyes. He had scars all over his body and it seemed like he had been to so many battles it was difficult to say. "Ugh... I hate this pathetic and fragile body... It is so annoying to use it in order to infiltrate those intricate locations that humans have the pleasure of building small enough for me not to reach." With that, he seemed to only complain. This body had been strengthened by Argamon many times. The Demon Prince was constantly seeking new forms of improving Ythus' powers one way or the other, as he knew very well that, if push came to shove, Ythus would be the last wall of protection he would have besides himself.

Ythus walked forward towards the group, walking past Itami and ignoring him as he then stopped right besides Argamon. "So... What Empire must I crush?" He asked as he looked towards the map.
Through me the way is to the city dolent;
Through me the way is to eternal dole;
Through me the way among the people lost.
Justice incited my sublime Creator;
- Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto III.
Jun 12, 2015 10:48 PM

Oct 2014

Orukknag looked curiously at the transformation, it was just like the spell he had cast upon himself. The spell which gave him the body of man. He smiled, the dragon man and himself were similar yet so different. Orukknag wanted to rule and conquer yet the dragon wanted to destroy.
Jun 12, 2015 10:49 PM

Jan 2013

"I am up..I know I am weak. I am no god or have any powers. I have a sharp mine and that it. I am of little use to my love. i ant to fight and win but..If I die now!" she hit her head on the floor and pick the ring up."I am yours! you are mine Argamon! I track you down after only seeing your blade!
I found the patterns you used. I have killed many that would seek to harm you. I killed a vampire lord and took his blood as a human. I..I am not your tool! I am the one that loves you and your wife!
I will give my rank up but I ill not let any, any be it gods, demons or mages or even dragons take my spot as your lover!" she look like the day she found him and got him to let her follow him. Not with some contract or spell like he has with many others. She just got hat the dragon as saying to her. "I am yours to do as you wish but one thing I will not let you do is replace me as your lover and wife!" she meant it.
Jun 12, 2015 11:00 PM

Mar 2015

Mordred looked at the girl, and for once, pity touched her eyes. Mordred was bound to her liege through a contract and was loyal to him as well. However she had never felt any kind of love for the demon, and had no plans to bed him like Rita had. She shook her head. The girls was merely making a larger fool of herself then the dragon had made her out to be. If she was completely useless to the demon prince, she would have been dead long ago. Her view on the dragon was worsening though, as he was making himself out to be an egotistical maniac, and having one of those around would not help his master, it would make it harder for him.
Jun 13, 2015 1:14 AM

Jul 2014
Footsteps echoed through the cave as Decy made her way in, her hand on her sheath in case something happened. Recalling about the restricted cave and the jungle stalker, she decided to check the cave first, avoiding the restriction, to see if she could discover something of use.
Jun 13, 2015 1:31 AM

Mar 2015

Mordred heard the footsteps and went to check things out, walking towards the mouth of the cave. When she spotted the girl, she whistled, and her two knights came to her aid. She leveled her spear at the girl.

[b]"Who are you?"
Jun 13, 2015 1:34 AM

Jul 2014
She looked at Mordred's spear with a blank stare, then at her and lightly bowed.
[B]-I took the name of Decy Danubius, but historically I am Queen Decebalus of Dacia.
Jun 13, 2015 1:44 AM

Mar 2015
Mordred laughed
[b]"Your title means nothing to me. State your reason for being here. I f I am dissatisfied with it, you will die."
Jun 13, 2015 1:52 AM

Jul 2014
-I was sent in an investigation by the academy after the sightings of a stalking beast in the surroundings.
she said, standing straight.
Jun 13, 2015 2:00 AM

Mar 2015

Mordred laughed.

"Is that the case? Then die!"

She rushed the girl, and thrust her spear at the girl's chest. Her knights were running with her, adding on to the deadly barrage by swinging there own swords in unison with her spear. One knight swung for the girls legs, the other for her neck.
Jun 13, 2015 2:09 AM

Mar 2015

She smiled.

"Oh your quick, but just how quick are you?"

She broke contact letting her knights shift to face the girl, and reached into the portal and drew a black sword. She swung the sword in an downward arc at the girl, and thrust her spear once again.w
Jun 13, 2015 2:11 AM

Jul 2014
She stood calm as the weapons came towards. First to avoid was the spear as it was longest and would reach her first. She quickly drew the sword from the sheath and struck the spear at incredible speed to stop it, then performed a back hand spring to avoid the low slash and hit the higher blade with her feet as she launched herself, landing quite a distance back away from Mordred and her knight.
[B]-Do you think you can kill me so easily?
Jun 13, 2015 2:15 AM

Mar 2015
Mordred let out a short giggle

"Oh this is going to be fun. I wonder what you'll look like screaming! When I cut you open for the first time, and the thick red blood spurts out of the wound, I wonder just how you'll sound!"

She advanced on the girl, the knights at her side. She twirled her spear and then stopped her advance. Her knights stopped too, staying in line with her and raising their shields.
Jun 13, 2015 2:16 AM

Oct 2014

Blackbeard leaves the group and walks away, he needed some fresh air, the cave was stifling. He goes to the entrance and sees the two battling, he smiles and takes a swig of rum, I think I chose the right place for excitement he says.
Jun 13, 2015 2:21 AM

Jul 2014
-If King Trajan didn't succeed in making me scream, no one will.
she said, holding her blade ready with one hand. She heard Blackbeard, but it wasn't worth of her attention as she was looking at Mordred.

(Did my genderbent Dacian hero just land in a nest of villians?)
Jun 13, 2015 2:26 AM

Oct 2014
(Yes you did. Got a dragon, a sadist (by the looks of that post con xD), a masochist nun, a demon prince, Hydra king, famous cuthroat pirate, norse god of trickery and a love struck vampire. I think that's all.)
Jun 13, 2015 2:29 AM

Mar 2015
(She is in so much crap right now Light.)

Mordred laughed again.

[b]"How about I show you your own heart? Will that make you scream little girl?"
Jun 13, 2015 2:30 AM

Oct 2014

Blackbeard decides to let Mordred have her fun, he draws a flintlock just in case. He felt better fighting on the deck of his ship anyway.
Jun 13, 2015 2:32 AM

Oct 2014
(Con, house of clubs)
Jun 13, 2015 2:47 AM

Jul 2014
(Well fuck, knowing I'd have to play fair and play by Decebalus' history, meaning surrendering or fleeing aren't options.)

-Not even close, as I got decapitated back in my days after the Romans pulled a cheap trick and played dirty.
she lightly shook her head.
LightSpark090Jun 13, 2015 2:55 AM
Jun 13, 2015 2:58 AM

Mar 2015

She just laughed once again in response.

[b]"I am not the Romans though, I am Mordred."
Jun 13, 2015 3:01 AM

Oct 2014

And I'm Blackbeard, he says with a smile and a swig of rum.
Jun 13, 2015 3:28 AM

Jul 2014
-Mordred, one of the traitors who fought King Arthur.
she said, having studied European history, then addressed Blackbeard. [B]As for you, Blackbeard, my apologies, but I have never seen or heard your name.
Jun 13, 2015 3:36 AM

Oct 2014

Blackbeard raises an eyebrow, What makes you think I care? Seemed like everyone was have'n a dandy ol' time introducing themselves and I decided to join the fun.
Jun 13, 2015 3:41 AM

Jul 2014
-I never ment insult at your address or any other's.
she said simply, raising her hand to push a strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear, letting another fall... What she actually did was sneakly turn on the ear piece Hu gave her, gesture disguised as a casual motion.
LightSpark090Jun 13, 2015 6:46 AM
Jun 13, 2015 9:23 AM

Jan 2013
Argamon had, had quite enough of this. "ENOUGH! Soon I will send for each of you, with orders in hand..We will begin our plan. And throw that Filth sure shes beaten enough to not remember how she got here...she stinks of Kongming's Green Tea." The Demon Lord says, pondering how an infiltraitor, much less one whos group had strict orders to NOT enter these caves, well at least it allowed him to carry out his plans in a justified manner.

Finally snapping at Rita, he turns to her. "You are a mad woman that I do not even have a contract with! I killed that fool of a king as he was in my way, girl! That Ring is why you are useful and too bothersome to deal with." Given Loki had yet to say anything he makes way to his own chambers. "I care not for love, I reward service, so if you are trying to play sympathy you waste your time. You should have waited till you were older to become an undead, then you would not be such a school girl!...Do not show yourself before me till you've regained some honor, nor call me your wife. As you are now, you can only hope to be a consort.. Your proclimations of love in my realm will only have one end for you." Turning his back to her and the rest he marches onwards.

"Your Head on a Pike. I am not a human, and we do not follow your rules. If you want your place you cry over like a babe, then prove you have some may have some of what you want in service, but some of what you demand, cannont and will not be yours. Unless you dare face me in battle..the same goes for the rest of you with disgruntled feelings...heh feelings." Looking at Mordred with that note he smirks slightly.

"Mordred Another thing you should know, is should I turn you, then your soul is yours once more...and I have far more soldiers than your band of knights..See me later, and I will show you through the Portal the Legions I have contracted with. And you have this position, as you actually have the means to hold it. Then we will See what worth that pathetic soul of yours still has in exchange for what your service offers" While Harsh to Rita, he was making it clear he rewarded performance, not emotions. So far she had failed him, and started pointless trouble she could not stop this day.

With a final turn away from the group, argamon makes way to his room. "Let me be perfectly Clear..any that comes into my chambers, outside of Mordred for the orders to our battle plan..had best be there to Usurp me..or to collect merit for running that guardian out..if not taking her head." Angerd with the group in general, his own powers seem to broadcast of there own accord, shapping the cave itself, into the glass prison, with its prisims and panes, it was as beautiful as it was outwordly, his reality marble was shapping the whole region around them. Even overshadowing the Dragon's powers. But in and instant its gone.

Looking at the girl, out of the corner of his eyes. He doesn't bother raising a hand against Decy, but walks into his own chambers, as two demon soldiers in full Ebony armor, and skin of Red, stand in front of the door. Pollaxes in hand.

(Well Rita is gonna get killed or she may have a chance to redeem herself in the next event, though she could start her own plot.)
Jun 13, 2015 10:18 AM

Mar 2015

Mordred smiled at the girl, and slowly began her advance once more, both weapons ready. Suddenly, she reached up and shut the visor to her helmet. She was now fully armored, and it was doubtful that the girl would be able to actually pierce her armor without some kind of assistance. Next to her, the knights did the same, concealing their scarred faces. Mordred was still as mobile as ever, and didn't have to worry about her usual fighting style. She dropped her spear, and it disappeared into another dark portal, and then she reached her hand into another and drew a new black sword. She spoke, her voice now resonating through her helmet.

[b]"I slew King Arthur, and I was a survivor of the final battle. I have watched empires rise and fall throughout history. I fought in a war that shaped the America's into what they were today, and helped topple the Roman empire. I watched as Britain was blasted in the bombing blitzkriegs of World War Two, and I single handedly destroyed the lives of over two hundred million souls. You are nothing to me. My Lord has commanded that you either be silenced, or ran off, so I will give you a single chance. Leave now, or face death after you have been so recently reincarnated."
Jun 13, 2015 10:57 AM

Jul 2014
-My people are not known for surrendering or fleeing, so I shall not run, as I already told great King Trajan in the war back in 106.
she said, readying her blade. [B]And I shall not die, as this cave is not worthy to be my grave. So not you, Mordred, or your master will leave any mark on me.
Jun 13, 2015 11:08 AM

Mar 2015

Mordred grinned inside her helmet.

"So, death before dishonor hmmm? How valorous. Unfortunately that was the very same flaw that ended poor Arthur's life. I regret to inform you that this cave is indeed you new grave, now that you have refused my most generous offer."

She ran at her, both knights at her side. She swung in a downward arc with her swords, while her knights cut from the side.
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