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May 2, 2015 5:40 AM

Nov 2010
reading over my replies.. make me sounds like such a pessimist =/ lol when im really not. i am all for ideas to get this club to be really active. trying new things and getting new ideas. so im all for staff members stepping up and voicing opinions on these matters. bc i know a lot of times its just me coming up with things to do. so between the new ideas from Mercuria and Grave over new things to do with the club have made me happy. since i have been rather inactive... i have like no energy these days between my rowdy drama queen of a 2 year old and being 6 months pregnant. all i ever want to do is sleep... =/on top of the of other personal shit going on too that keeps me overly stressed. so as i stated in last months newsletter. im going to be in and out of hiatus through out the year... so i will be once again apologizing ahead of time for my lack of presence.
May 2, 2015 7:38 PM

Jan 2014
grave_robber said:
@Mer-chan, yep, let's do that. I will start an index thread in a secret club, then move it here when it's ready.
While we're at it, I guess we can also clean some threads, right?

grave_robber said:
@Art, ... The international holidays link has some interesting entries for May, Nurses day, Family day, Towel day (smexy) & even turtles day =3
My suggestion, Family edition. Yuri family FTW~ :3

infactuation21 said:
hiring recruiters. haha.. i have had off and on good experiences with this. im all for trying it again. but for awhile there i was getting alot of bad feed back from people "saying they were getting spammed with invites" , " how did you even know i like GL??? were you stalking my page" , " gosh.. your club invites are everwhere.. (bc i guess the recruiter was posting in comments instead of the club invite link) its annoying actually.. it makes you look desperate. your clubs name is out there enough if you shouldnt need to recruit more members. if they want to join they will" ........ but im all for giving it another go given that this club was on a few year hiatus. and we only started it back up last summer.
Hm, I see. That's not a good experience :S
So I guess there have to be two things when inviting people - people who are invited have to: 1) club oriented people (some people don't like to involve in any club, so I guess we can see it from the user's club details), and 2) love yuri of course.

infactuation21 said:
however.. it seems most members who do actively come to the club mainly collect cards? badges etc... and dont participate in much else.
Yes, members come here mostly to collect cards, and from what I see, there are even less members who do it >,<

And prez, we know that you're busy so no need to worry over this club and get lot of rest instead ^^
May 3, 2015 9:35 AM

Mar 2009
infactuation21 said:
ah sorry for being the really bad club creator and not replying back sooner. ok here are my thoughts. :D

1) as Mercuria mentioned this club i like to keep pretty lenient at least when it comes to cards. i dont like to make rules on making staff participate. especially when i myself havent the time too. and i try to only do cards once a month verses the many through out...... ran a different card club a good while back and being the only who gave a shit on keeping the club alive it got tiresome having to always be the one to get threads opened and make sure newsletters got sent out each time. so when it came to my own i didnt want to follow such strict rules.

2) im normally pretty good about removing inactive staff members if i havent seen them in a good while with out them notifying me of a hiatus. i am forever looking for new staff members to fill in all the openings that seem to be coming up for staff. however... gaining those new staff members arent as easy as it seems. especially in this club for some reason. my BL club i have no issues in this category =/ im hoping when summer comes around and people spend more time on here that will change.

3) haha as for the monthly meetings. im down for it if it will work. i barely get responses as is when it comes to this staff thread other than the few individuals that check the page. AND i have some staff members who dont read the newsletters that i send out monthly giving them all the info needed for the upcoming month.. (which will be going out tomorrow) and they will message me asking me questions that clearly were answered in the newsletter. its quite the pain... i dont mind answering questions if i didnt make it clear enough to them to understand. but gah......

4) as for the individual responsibilities..... isnt that already assigned to them when the apply to be a staff member for that particular position.. this part slightly confused me... o.O

5) the index idea i like though :D this we can implicate right away

1) I wasn't talking about card makers, I don't want to make anyone feel pressured into doing anything. I'm merely saying that we have monthly tasks, which need to be done and we need to know who can do them.

Knowing who's busy this month or the next, will help us stay on track and not fall behind. Being on track gives the members a sense of security, routine is good in the sense that it makes people feel things are under control in this club. That was my aim, not trying to police anyone.

2) I think the problem with this club, is that the members are mostly just here to get names of yuri shows/manga to watch/read and collect some badges, for them to get more involved, they'd actually have to care more about the genre and feel like this club is worth the investment (which leads back to point 1 about routine tasks). I'm a member who cares and I'm offering my help as more than just a newsletter deliverer.

3) It was hard for me to get replies, let alone timely ones from staff in our club too (it happens in most clubs here), which is why I suggested the secret club for staff and more importantly the skype group. Once we implemented those in our club, the staff actually starting communicating with one another, we became more efficient and more organized.

We do most of our planning in the skype group tbh, so I highly recommend doing that. This decision needs a vote from staff

4) We need to know the set of skills each staff member has, find out which areas they can help in when needed. For example, I'm a newsletter deliverer but I can also help organize events, run games, create the newsletter or recruit when the staff responsible for those things cannot do them (for whatever reason).

5) I'll do that now, I'll try to do some thread cleanup (would like some help with that, since I'm new here ^^')

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 3, 2015 9:52 AM

Mar 2009
infactuation21 said:

Yosh! Boss-chan approves, June event is a go! =3

infactuation21 said:

1) hiring recruiters. haha.. i have had off and on good experiences with this. im all for trying it again. but for awhile there i was getting alot of bad feed back from people "saying they were getting spammed with invites" , " how did you even know i like GL??? were you stalking my page" , " gosh.. your club invites are everwhere.. (bc i guess the recruiter was posting in comments instead of the club invite link) its annoying actually.. it makes you look desperate. your clubs name is out there enough if you shouldnt need to recruit more members. if they want to join they will" ........ but im all for giving it another go given that this club was on a few year hiatus. and we only started it back up last summer.

2) we can add a chat thread. i have on in my BL club... though it seems like no one gets on at the same time.. =/ so people tend to be in the chatroom alone. or in my case given that i live in Okinawa. and most ( not all) of club members seem to be living in America. so no one is ever on when i am =(
but we can do either chat/skype.. and see how receptive the GL members are with it :D

3) we have recently added some new threads/ games etc.. seems to be getting some interest amongst some members. so adding some new ones are fine with me. however.. it seems most members who do actively come to the club mainly collect cards? badges etc... and dont participate in much else. as you can see getting others to participate in the banner contest was rather difficult.. given that it was only you and 1 other person >.<'

4) however. as i dont mind having threads that keep members and such from coming back to checking the club more frequently than they currently do. my main focus will still be cards. i just need to find some more card makers so there are more cards for people to claim. and so that the the few who do participate every month dont feel so bad when they dont make any and there are only 1 set of cards to claim.

1) Well, we can start by recruiting from our affiliates (by advertising our events and card editions there with their approval).
I still believe a special newsletter needs to be sent out to all members regarding the upcoming event in June. My dear friend Soren333 who recently joined, is a charismatic recruiter in our club (a club for mafia games! Now that's a had club to recruit for) and starting june, he'll be active again (he's on hiatus from staff duties since he has exams), I can ask him for advice or even recruit him as staff. =3

2) I'll add a chat thread, it might be dead for a while (we called our thread the dead chat till one day it became too active and we have to rename it, with new members and staff, it seems to be moderately active).

3) I think it was more about the timing with the banner contest? Also, its reach, I really think our members have gotten used to coming here for cards and they don't expect to find much else, and we need to change that.

4) Fair enough, I admit, I love collecting cards =3

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 3, 2015 10:00 AM

Mar 2009
infactuation21 said:
reading over my replies.. make me sounds like such a pessimist =/ lol when im really not. i am all for ideas to get this club to be really active. trying new things and getting new ideas. so im all for staff members stepping up and voicing opinions on these matters. bc i know a lot of times its just me coming up with things to do. so between the new ideas from Mercuria and Grave over new things to do with the club have made me happy. since i have been rather inactive... i have like no energy these days between my rowdy drama queen of a 2 year old and being 6 months pregnant. all i ever want to do is sleep... =/on top of the of other personal shit going on too that keeps me overly stressed. so as i stated in last months newsletter. im going to be in and out of hiatus through out the year... so i will be once again apologizing ahead of time for my lack of presence.

That's all the encouragement we need! =)

Can I be honest here? As a member, to me it felt like only 3 people were active in the staff, and that you boss-chan (sorry! couldn't think of a cute nickname for your username) were either micro managing everything or that you were doing most things yourself because you didn't have enough help. (it became rather clear to me when I snooped here that it was the latter).

Now that we know you're ok with us stepping up and being proactive about getting this club back in shape, you can rest assured that we'll do just that! So you make sure you get enough rest and take care of yourself and the babies. =3

We got this! ^^

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 3, 2015 10:09 AM

Mar 2009
Mercuria said:
grave_robber said:
@Mer-chan, yep, let's do that. I will start an index thread in a secret club, then move it here when it's ready.
While we're at it, I guess we can also clean some threads, right?

Oh God yes! Let's do some cleanup, I love organizing threads =3

We'll call it operation "Spring Cleaning"!

Mercuria said:
grave_robber said:
@Art, ... The international holidays link has some interesting entries for May, Nurses day, Family day, Towel day (smexy) & even turtles day =3
My suggestion, Family edition. Yuri family FTW~ :3

Great minds think alike ;)

Mercuria said:

So I guess there have to be two things when inviting people - people who are invited have to: 1) club oriented people (some people don't like to involve in any club, so I guess we can see it from the user's club details), and 2) love yuri of course.

Easiest way? invite "Active" people from other shoujo ai/yuri clubs =3

Mercuria said:

And prez, we know that you're busy so no need to worry over this club and get lot of rest instead ^^


Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 3, 2015 3:28 PM

Mar 2009
"Spring Cleaning" - Phase I

The Following has been done:

1) Unstickied the following threads:
- Claim a couple Thread (edition seems to have been cancelled, no updates since thread was opened so I marked it as cancelled)
- Claimed couples thread (edition seems to have been cancelled, no updates since thread was opened so I marked it as cancelled)
- Staff Chat
- Upcoming Card Edition

All these threads shouldn't be a priority to the members. The staff chat and the upcoming editions should be Watched by staff. Conversations we have here should remain somewhat out of plain sight.

2) The following threads have been added to the club:
[*]Forum Index | Find Threads Here
[*]Suggestions Thread
[*]Chat Thread
[*]Announcements Thread

3) The following tags have been added as a prefix to threads:
[*][Club]: Added to Official business threads (like staff chat, announcements, etc)
[*][Game]: Added to club games
[*][Images]: Added to image threads

4) I propose we replace the following threads with new ones:
[*] Introductions: hasn't been used in a long time.
[*] GL Recommendations.

I also think we should add discussion threads for seasonal shows

Edit: I have added 1 anime and 15 manga relations, I suggest we try to add relations regularly, it will give us more exposure. ^^
grave_robberMay 6, 2015 3:00 AM

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 5, 2015 5:28 PM

Jan 2014
Hmm, thanks for all the hard work, Gravi-nee :3

Anyway, I'm currently taking care of someone in a hospital and I don't have access to my laptop. I won't be able to help until this Saturday, so sorry ;.;
May 6, 2015 2:38 AM

Nov 2010
thanks for all of your hard work!! i lost internet connection these past few days so newsletters havent gone out yet. but now that its back they will be sent out in the morning.

yeah we can definitely replace those threads mentioned above. i can probably do so tomorrow if you would like me too.
May 6, 2015 3:38 AM

Mar 2009
Mercuria said:
Hmm, thanks for all the hard work, Gravi-nee :3

Anyway, I'm currently taking care of someone in a hospital and I don't have access to my laptop. I won't be able to help until this Saturday, so sorry ;.;

You're most welcome sweetie!

Don't worry about it, just focus on taking caring of that person and yourself (you can't do much if you're exhausted). I hope they get well soon *hugs*

infactuation21 said:
thanks for all of your hard work!! i lost internet connection these past few days so newsletters havent gone out yet. but now that its back they will be sent out in the morning.

yeah we can definitely replace those threads mentioned above. i can probably do so tomorrow if you would like me too.

You're welcome boss-chan! Is that the same newsletter I delivered or a new one? Because I just added a new name to my list, so I'll deliver it to them if it's the same one.

I will make an announcement once the newsletter is delivered and tell people that if they wish to start receiving it, they should subscribe, I do that in the other club and around 5-10 people subscribe that day =3

We started delivering to Subscribers only 2 months ago, we have 55 subscribers, if staff subscribe as well, people might see the letter on their profiles and join. So, I suggest all staff subscribe as well.

About the Welcome thread, perhaps I was wrong, maybe if we just give it a facelift (update the OP and have a few new members post there), it will be fine. Anew introduction thread might make it seem like we never had one O_O

How's the baby boss-chan? is it kicking and doing jumping jacks in your tummy? My niece drove my sis crazy 6 months into her pregnancy ^^

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 6, 2015 4:03 PM

Nov 2010
ah no its not the same one. the newsletter im talking about goes out to just staff only. letting them know everything that is going on through out the upcoming month. ^^

lol yeah the baby is quite active. he likes to use my bladder as a trampoline. so it feels like anyways. luckily right now is just kicks and not looking like an alien is rolling around in my stomach. but so far he is less active than my daughter was. she couldnt sit still for nothing.. well she is still like that though.
May 7, 2015 7:27 PM

Nov 2009
Ok just to let you guys know.

I will be making the badge, and i will be making a Rainbow and March LE edtion

already know what to do for the badge, but still figuring out what to do for the other 2.
May 8, 2015 4:37 AM

Mar 2009
@boss-chan, yeah I read it now. ^^
I haven't been added as a newsletter deliverer (is this a trial period for me?).
Also, been wondering who makes the newsletter (who writes it an all), if it's you, I can take it off your hands while you're on semi hiatus.

Oh it's a boy! Now you'll have 1 of each; a girl and a boy, cute! =3
The baby not being too active is good imo, my sis couldn't even sleep some nights, the baby would just keep kicking, moving around and taking strange and highly uncomfortable positions for my sis. lol

@Tui-chan, for the purple edition cards, how about you do them like trading cards? you can have stats and levels, example:

the card would be purple of course and the pic would be of a yuri character or yuri couple.

Just a thought ^^

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 8, 2015 6:34 AM

Nov 2009
Ohh ... i just realized that conversation ... i had no idea the boss had kids already.

anyway .... i already made the were do i place it ???

i can't find the thread.


1. i a male ... why use the chan ???
2. i don't like that type of cards, but ty for the idea though :)


PS: Here is the badge for may hope you like it

May 8, 2015 7:04 AM

Mar 2009
Asilva said:
Ohh ... i just realized that conversation ... i had no idea the boss had kids already.

anyway .... i already made the were do i place it ???

i can't find the thread.


1. i a male ... why use the chan ???
2. i don't like that type of cards, but ty for the idea though :)


PS: Here is the badge for may hope you like it

Nice job! I like the badge, it's cute <3
"May Badge Edition" sounds a bit strange though, how about "May Badge" Or "Special Badge" or "Member Badge".... something along those lines.

1) You can always use the Forum index thread to locate threads.
2) Here's the Upcoming Cards thread, I suggest you start watching it for easy access =3
3) Chan is used among friends regardless of gender. read about it here(I will call you Tui or Tui-san if you prefer ^^)
4) You're welcome, I'm not the best with card ideas, sorry >.<

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 8, 2015 7:16 AM

Nov 2009
grave_robber said:

Nice job! I like the badge, it's cute <3
"May Badge Edition" sounds a bit strange though, how about "May Badge" Or "Special Badge" or "Member Badge".... something along those lines.

1) You can always use the Forum index thread to locate threads.
2) Here's the Upcoming Cards thread, I suggest you start watching it for easy access =3
3) Chan is used among friends regardless of gender. read about it here(I will call you Tui or Tui-san if you prefer ^^)
4) You're welcome, I'm not the best with card ideas, sorry >.<

Humm is this what you were saying ??

You can keep calling me that, i didn't know :)

And i think i might do something similar to what you sugested :)
May 9, 2015 8:21 AM

Jan 2014
grave_robber said:
I agree with this secret/skype group thing~

grave_robber said:
I think I can see things clearly now. Like the prez has originally intended, the main focus will still be cards, but we also offer games, events and such, right? If yes, then I'm liking the idea~ :3
I agree that the problem with banner contest is its timing. I actually made one but wasn't satisfied with my result, but I couldn't make a new one since I was being too busy >,<

grave_robber said:
Mercuria said:
So I guess there have to be two things when inviting people - people who are invited have to: 1) club oriented people (some people don't like to involve in any club, so I guess we can see it from the user's club details), and 2) love yuri of course.
Easiest way? invite "Active" people from other shoujo ai/yuri clubs =3
[/quote] True, but I'm afraid there will be a claim that this club "steals" members from another club >,< (I've seen it happened in some clubs, so yeah ~.~)
May 9, 2015 8:48 AM

Jan 2014
grave_robber said:

grave_robber said:

I think giving the introduction thread a facelift is better than replacing it. Besides new members, I think we staff can also post there ^^

About recommendation, I actually have some things in mind, like categorizing yuri anime (want military + yuri subtext? try watching Strike Witches), or a kind of yuri "guide" (soft yuri like MariMite - it's yuri but there's no skinship, medium yuri like Sakura Trick, and hardcore yuri like Shoujo Sect).

Also, rather than seasonal show discussion, I'm thinking of seasonal yuri gallery instead since seasonal discussion is too similar to the one featured in another yuri club >,< The thread will list anime that cover yuri interaction, be it canon, subtext, or only fan service. Of course the list will provide screencaps and short summary about what happens in each eps. So even if people don't watch many seasonal anime, they will still can see which anime that have yuri undertones on it. It's just my thought though, so what do you think?
May 9, 2015 8:52 AM

Jan 2014
grave_robber said:
You're most welcome sweetie!

Don't worry about it, just focus on taking caring of that person and yourself (you can't do much if you're exhausted). I hope they get well soon *hugs*
thanks a lot, neesama :' *hugs*

Anyway, I just encountered a weird thing.
I stalked took a look at an inactive yuri club and saw some members said that there was no active yuri club on MAL anymore. So I went to their club details and funny, they were actually a member of this club. So yeah, a newsletter sent to all is really a great idea ^^

@Asilva: Hm, it's cute~ :3
I prefer May Edition instead of May Badge Edition ^^
May 9, 2015 6:19 PM

Nov 2010
@ Asilva the badge is cute :D

grave_robber said:
@boss-chan, yeah I read it now. ^^
I haven't been added as a newsletter deliverer (is this a trial period for me?).
Also, been wondering who makes the newsletter (who writes it an all), if it's you, I can take it off your hands while you're on semi hiatus.

did i not add your name in the newsletter thread?? lol if so then im sorry i must have forgotten. if your talking about the staff list in the staff newsletter. that list is really outdated. and i plan on fixing that list after i remove some inactive staff members ^^

the monthly newsletters that the newsletter staff sends out used to be written by Crowlage. but i took over when he went on hiatus and then left. so if you want to take over that for me that is perfectly fine :D. ill just message you to leave a comment here when im ready for you to make and send out the newsletters.

grave_robber said:
Oh it's a boy! Now you'll have 1 of each; a girl and a boy, cute! =3
The baby not being too active is good imo, my sis couldn't even sleep some nights, the baby would just keep kicking, moving around and taking strange and highly uncomfortable positions for my sis. lol

oh i agree. i hardly slept with my daughter. it was quite the pain. im hoping these last few months wont change. and i can get decent sleep the whole way through ^^
May 9, 2015 6:21 PM

Nov 2010
card makers i want to delete old card threads this week. please go through old threads and make sure cards have been sent out. its fine if you havent gotten to some of them yet. just make sure your name is striked out. so i can tell if i can delete the thread or not.
May 9, 2015 6:46 PM

Nov 2009
infactuation21 said:
card makers i want to delete old card threads this week. please go through old threads and make sure cards have been sent out. its fine if you havent gotten to some of them yet. just make sure your name is striked out. so i can tell if i can delete the thread or not.

I will try and send mine this weekend ... i have been busy with trying too find a job and trying to find purple images for the purple edtion rainbow, that i totaly forgot.

the badge thread you can delete i already delivered the old ones.
May 9, 2015 7:03 PM

Nov 2010
Asilva said:

I will try and send mine this weekend ... i have been busy with trying too find a job and trying to find purple images for the purple edtion rainbow, that i totaly forgot.

the badge thread you can delete i already delivered the old ones.

send them out when you can. im not saying you have to go and send out all of your cards this week. i just want card makers to go back through old threads and strike out their name to all the cards that they have already completed so i can delete the threads.

and ok ill make sure to delete that thread. thanks.
May 9, 2015 7:05 PM

Nov 2010
cleaned up all the old polls. lol didnt realize how lazy i have been this past year. >.<'
at least now there wont be as many threads to rummage through to find what you need. should look even better by the end of the week when i get to the card threads.
May 10, 2015 7:35 AM

Jan 2014
infactuation21 said:
card makers i want to delete old card threads this week. please go through old threads and make sure cards have been sent out. its fine if you havent gotten to some of them yet. just make sure your name is striked out. so i can tell if i can delete the thread or not.
Done with my part ^^
May 10, 2015 9:00 AM

Nov 2009
So hi there again ... so i have finished my May LE cards ... Hope you like them :)

Will start making the Rainbow edition now :)

Here are the cards :)

AsilvaMay 10, 2015 9:11 AM
May 10, 2015 3:47 PM

Mar 2009
Asilva said:

Yep, the badge's perfect now, thanks for the great work Tui-chan! =3

Mercuria said:

3 Yes votes for the staff secret club/skype group! Excellent ^^
Yes, I think that's the vision now: "Card Club with benefits"
umm, yeah... Let's not do that then. I'll prepare a special newsletter for the June event and we'll send it to all members, we'll have some of the new features added by then.

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 10, 2015 4:00 PM

Mar 2009
Mercuria said:

I will post there right now! Thanks Mer-chan! ^^

Ah, like having tag clouds and cross matching them! Brilliant Idea! =D

Seasonal yuri gallery, I approve! =3

I'll help as much as I can with these ^^

Mercuria said:

Anyway, I just encountered a weird thing.
I stalked took a look at an inactive yuri club and saw some members said that there was no active yuri club on MAL anymore. So I went to their club details and funny, they were actually a member of this club. So yeah, a newsletter sent to all is really a great idea ^^

Will do, I added it to the event tasks thread in the secret club ^^

infactuation21 said:

1) I didn't see my name, I'm talking about the thread in the external forums/board. Tyt, I just thought I'd let you know ^^

2) Yeah, I'll do the newsletter for you boss-chan! I will need you guys to approve it first, because I worry sometimes >.<

3) I hope so too! *sends happy thought and wishes of pain free-sleep your way*

Asilva said:

Thanks Tui-chan! ^^
Just a question, are those the special cards you wanted to do or are they OTM cards?

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 10, 2015 5:27 PM

Nov 2009

those are suposed to be for the May LE, and not for the OTM cards, since i am not on pair with them :)


Changing subjects ... I have finished the rainbow edition cards, i tryed something new this time, Hope you guys like it :)

Here they are :)

May 12, 2015 1:09 PM

Mar 2009
Ah! Nice nice Tui-chan ^^

Vote: Approve Soren333 as Recruiter
Vote: Approve Karote as card maker

I've been working with those 2 in mafia society for a while and not only are they great at the jobs, they're very nice and charismatic, that will help us maintain members.

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 12, 2015 5:28 PM

Nov 2010
grave_robber said:
Ah! Nice nice Tui-chan ^^

Vote: Approve Soren333 as Recruiter
Vote: Approve Karote as card maker

I've been working with those 2 in mafia society for a while and not only are they great at the jobs, they're very nice and charismatic, that will help us maintain members.

lolol. well i had already approved them before i saw your comment. i messaged them and sent them invites to the staff page. ^^
May 13, 2015 12:51 AM

Nov 2010
ok card makers...... who am i expecting cards from this month??????
May 13, 2015 5:24 AM

Nov 2009
infactuation21 said:
ok card makers...... who am i expecting cards from this month??????

I already made them ... i have been sending updates to your profile as usual.

But i will place the editions i made here so you can see and say your Opinion.

May Badge

May LE

May Rainbow Purple Edition

Do you want me to Place the rules here too ??
AsilvaMay 13, 2015 8:40 AM
May 13, 2015 5:55 AM

Nov 2010
Asilva said:
infactuation21 said:
ok card makers...... who am i expecting cards from this month??????

I already made them ... i have been sending updates to your profile as usual.

But i will place the editions i made here so you can see and say your Opinion.

May Badge

May LE

May Rainbow Purple Edition

Do you want me to Place the rules here too ??

oh i know you have been making and posting your cards ^^they look very nice by the way :D and yes please post your rules as well. i was more so referring to the other card makers that i have yet to hear anything from.
May 13, 2015 6:06 AM

Jan 2014
I'll upload my cards in a few hours (been so slow these days) ^^
May 13, 2015 6:21 AM

Nov 2010
Mercuria said:
I'll upload my cards in a few hours (been so slow these days) ^^

ok its no problem. thanks for the update ^^
May 13, 2015 7:24 AM

Dec 2012
Is there schedule for cards & where do I post my cards once they are done? o:
May 13, 2015 8:41 AM

Nov 2009
So ... boss-chan ... i ahve edited the post and there are the rules already :)
May 13, 2015 8:57 AM

Jul 2013
Hello I am Soren, it is a pleasure to be working with you all ^~^
May 13, 2015 11:12 AM

Mar 2009
Karote said:
Is there schedule for cards & where do I post my cards once they are done? o:

Currently we're doing the colors of the rainbow edition (Rainbow Edition) and this month's color is Purple.

If you can make some purple yuri cards and post them here or in the secret club, it would be great.

I just delivered the staff newsletter to you and Soren, infactuation21 will be sending one out every month, it has our agenda (what we're doing and who's doing what)

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 13, 2015 11:48 AM

Jan 2014
grave_robber said:
Seasonal yuri gallery, I approve! =3

I'll help as much as I can with these ^^
Mm :3 I think I can implement it after this season is over though~ *looking at my long abandoned thesis x_x*

grave_robber said:
2) Yeah, I'll do the newsletter for you boss-chan! I will need you guys to approve it first, because I worry sometimes >.<
No need to worry, I believe you'll do a great job, neesama ^^)b

Also, hello and welcome Sorecchi and Karote :3
As for the cards, it's just as Gravi-nee has said ^^
May 13, 2015 11:50 AM

Jul 2013
Thanks for the warm welcome Mercy <3

I really love that nickname you gave me ^~^
May 13, 2015 2:35 PM

Jul 2013
Grave suggested a Skype group, do we have one?
May 13, 2015 4:29 PM

Nov 2010
Karote said:
Is there schedule for cards & where do I post my cards once they are done? o:

yeah all the card editions we are doing are in the newsletter. the due date was the 14th. but since you joined the staff late. you can either wait till next month to make some cards. or if you are wanting to make some this month let me know and ill wait for you cards. :D
May 13, 2015 5:15 PM

Nov 2010
Soren333 said:
Grave suggested a Skype group, do we have one?

i dont think we have one yet. new things are slowly being implemented..
May 13, 2015 7:11 PM

Nov 2009
Hi there ... i just saw that the thread for the card placement is ready.

I already placed them here, and i won't be able to come here to place them, so if some one could place them for me i would be apreaciated.

Regards ASilva :)

PS: I will give you lots of hugs and kisses :P

(if you are male i will give you a hug 5 minutes long)
May 14, 2015 5:32 AM

Jul 2013
Asilva said:
Hi there ... i just saw that the thread for the card placement is ready.

I already placed them here, and i won't be able to come here to place them, so if some one could place them for me i would be apreaciated.

Regards ASilva :)

PS: I will give you lots of hugs and kisses :P

(if you are male i will give you a hug 5 minutes long)

You made me an offer that I couldn't refuse. You're welcome ASilvia ^~^ And yes, I am male :)
May 14, 2015 11:46 AM

Mar 2009
@Mercuria, I jump started your tag project to help members find anime/manga by tag/genre

Here's the thread in the secret club

There's still a lot of work to be done, but it's a start ^^

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
May 15, 2015 3:50 PM

Nov 2009
I'm back :)

WoW ... thanks a lot Soren :)

Here as promised ... but since i am not near you just imagine i am the cat :P
May 15, 2015 4:38 PM

Jul 2013
Asilva said:
I'm back :)

WoW ... thanks a lot Soren :)

Here as promised ... but since i am not near you just imagine i am the cat :P

Aww I love hugs c:

That wasn't 5 minute tho :p
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