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Dec 29, 2010 7:16 PM

May 2010
((I don't mind at all~
Uuuum, it's not as good as RomaHeta and HetaQuest so far. *shrug*))

Japan: A-a-ah...r-right...h-hm...*Can't think straight, takes a few moments to calm himself down, still very flustered* A-ah...I...I believe it's Korea's class after this?
Jan 4, 2011 3:28 PM

Mar 2010
(( Love the live by thing Kimchi. An' sure, Korea can teach it! ^-^ Sorry UI've been gone. BTW my grammar and english sucks too.)) Hawaii: *completely embarrassed that she hugged another guy infront of America* Um...e-either way. I d-don't mind if w-we go out for burgers or go to the next class. *face is completely red and looks like she's about to pass out*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jan 4, 2011 8:34 PM

Apr 2010
((oh its alright~
@Maria, PFFT sorry I reply back so late ;3; MAL didn't show your post until now for some reason. only the three of us is the only ones rping...the rp is dying ;AAA; ))

Korea: MANSAE DAZE~ Surely, my class will be the best! because I'm teaching it! so your knowledge is ORIGNATED IN KOREA! Be glad its true~

America: Korea...? Who is he again? *stares at Japan, then at Hawaii* ...uh...looks like you guys saw a ghost...W-WAS THERE A GHOST BEHIND ME? *turns around* Theres nothing there! ...Oh it must be a UMA! yes! an alien has came down to Earth to invade our world! Everyone! We must take action! okay? I'll take lead while all of you guys be my support! With the world as my support and the hero leading, nothing is impossible!

Jan 5, 2011 3:11 PM

Mar 2010
((Yo, I'm not sure how to show what the peeps are thinking so Imma use this <...> for now, kay?)) Hawaii: <I'll help you America! Of course, I'll stay by your side forever!!> *blushing* America-sama, you should learn to read the atmosphere. Nihon and I didn't see a ghost or alien, we just...h-hugged, and it was...embarrassing...*looking at Japan for support* Right Nii-chan? <Please say yes..>
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jan 7, 2011 2:28 PM

May 2010
((GAH, sorry, I'm forgetting this exiiiiists. T-though, I think that's probably evident by my lack of activity.))

Japan: WHYISSHEASKINGMEFORSUPPORTIDON'TLOOKANYBETTERTHANHERDOI?!*SPAZZES OUT* T-t-t-there was nothing paranormal, A-America-san. I-I beg of you to not pay it mind. A-a-ah, u-um, l-let's follow Korea, then, h-he is the teac-...teacher, and now, requires our attention. And forget this entire incident, PLEASE.
Jan 8, 2011 5:48 PM

Mar 2010
((LOLZ. I'm trying to draw a christmas scene with Greece, Hawaii, Japan, and America in it but I can't post it 'til I get a deviant art account.))
Hawaii: R-right. *whispers to Japan* I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me.
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jan 9, 2011 12:00 PM

May 2010
((Oooooh, you should go for it!))

Japan: A-a-ah--d-daijobu dayo! A-ah, I-I mean, i-it's truly alright. *N-nods*
Jan 10, 2011 7:18 PM

Apr 2010
((@iDie4MyRights, that sounds awesome<3 I'm also planning to make a deviant account as well :3
hm...I should draw somthing too, I havent drawn in a while. I need some ideas :I

I can't think of any subjects Korea can teach orz I'll just do Video Game designing...))

America: ...why you guys are whispering for...?!
Korea: heeeeey~!! pay attention! Lets go to my-KOREAN ORIGNATED-classroom okay? So I can teach my-KOREAN ORIGNATED-lesson of-KOREAN ORIGNATED-video game designing.

Jan 11, 2011 3:11 PM

Mar 2010
((@Kimchi Cool! Add me when you make one! I'll probably have the same user name 'cause I'm too lazy to make up a new one.))
Hawaii: Ah, y-yes. Okay Korea-san. *looks at America* It's nothing!
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jan 12, 2011 7:29 AM

May 2010
Japan: Ah, that class... *n-nod* That sounds...quite alright, Korea. Shall we go, then?
Jan 12, 2011 3:04 PM

Mar 2010
Hawaii: *starts to leave* Are you coming, Aniki? *says to Nihon*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 1, 2011 2:45 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he walks into the room, sighing at the emptiness, before sitting at a table and boardly flipping through a history book, chuckling at certain facts said book stated*
((don't know how to spell boardly...anyway I spell it my computer seems to say it's spelled wrong.))
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 14, 2011 4:46 PM

May 2009
((Incredibly late response is incredibly late~))

Armenia:*Walks into the canteen, numerous study books in hand. She sits herself down, flipping through her books as she takes an apple from her pocket. After a few minutes she notices Azerbaijan sitting at the table across from her.*

Oi, that's Azerbaijan. I hope that that annoying dunderhead doesn't come over here....

*She shrinks back down into her books, trying not to be noticed.*
Dec 19, 2011 2:50 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he closes the history book, finding it boring, and looks around the canteen. His eyes fall on a girl sitting alone eating an apple.*
That's Armenia...
*grinning, he gets up and walks over to her, hoping to cause some sort of mischief with her.*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 20, 2011 4:51 PM

May 2009
Armenia: *She hears footsteps nearing her, and looks up, only to see Azerbaijan staring down at her with that mischievous grin of his.*
Crud, just my luck....
*Slowly, she looks back down at her book, heaving a deep sigh* "What do you want, Azerbaijan?"
Dec 21, 2011 7:08 PM

Mar 2010
"Noooothing." *he said in a childish tone, still grinning at her. he sat down opposite of her at the table* "Can't I visit my favorite little country?" *sarcasm filled his voice as he rested his arms on the table and stared at her*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 22, 2011 4:44 PM

May 2009
Armenia: *She felt her eyebrow twitching as she glared daggers at him.* "Little? Look, Azerbaijan, I'm not interested in your petty mind-games today. So why don't you just go back to following that bastard Turkey around like a little puppy-dog." *She waved her hand, gesturing for him to leave.*
Dec 22, 2011 6:28 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: "I do NOT follow Turkey around like a puppy!" *he said indignantly* "And this canteen is free range, I can sit where I please."
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 24, 2011 1:36 AM

May 2009
Armenia: "Hmph. Sure you don't. I bet you even have a shrine dedicated to that scum." *She scoffed and took another bite of her apple.* "And, of all places to sit, you just had to pick right here huh?"
Dec 24, 2011 1:18 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he ignored her comment about the shrine, instead he grinned broadly and leaned back in his chair so that only the two back legs touched the floor* "Yep, out of all the people in this school I have decided to grace you with my presence, little Alisia." *he gave her wink, messing with her was always so fun*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 26, 2011 1:42 AM

May 2009
Armenia: *Her eyebrow began to twitch as she attempted to restrain herself.* 'Jeez, what is his deal all the time? He can't just leave me be? Does he have nothing better to do? I wonder, hitting him would only get me suspended. That would just be another reason for him to pester me.'
*She slowly cleared her throat as she stared at Azerbaijan, trying to appear calm.* "Now, Azerbaijan, before you came along I was attempting to have some...peaceful studying time for once. So, please leave me be, just this once."
Dec 26, 2011 2:56 AM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he stared at her, as though trying to fathom what she meant by studying. Finally he just started laughing, quite loudly in fact* You're actually studying? I thought only stuffy old fools like England or Austria did that, but I guess you're getting close there, 'Meni." *He laughed more* Alright, I'll just sit here and 'study' too then." *And still chuckling he pulled a random book off the shelf and began skimming it's pages*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 26, 2011 3:54 AM

May 2009
Armenia: *She scoffed at him.* "For your information, I am not like England or Austria. I have more compassion than that. And, besides...*She drawled off, taking another bite of her apple.* unlike England, I can cook edible food. Also, I didn't know you were one for Human Anatomy, hmmm. *She inquired, pointing to the biology novel he was currently skimming through.*
Dec 26, 2011 1:39 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he glanced up at her over the top of his book* "You being able to cook is one of the only differences." *he noticed she called his bluff* "Huh?" *he looked at the book* "Oh, yeah. I absolutely looooove the Human body." *he chuckled at his own little joke*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 27, 2011 2:13 AM

May 2009
Armenia: *She stared at him for a minute, then raised her eyebrow.* "Wait, just because I'm studying, because I'm doing something productive, I'm like England? Your logic never ceases to amaze me."
Dec 27, 2011 12:59 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: "I know right? My intelligence can be intimidating sometimes..." *realizing he had been reading with the book upside down he turned it right side up*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 27, 2011 5:31 PM

May 2009
Armenia: *She chuckled* "And it seems that that intelligence may be limited, unless you consider reading upside-down a skill." *She took another bite of her apple* "Say, did you come here just to bug me and show me your minor levels of intelligence? Or is there something you actually need?"
Dec 27, 2011 8:48 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: "Reading upside down IS a skill," *he snapped, before mumbling* "If you can pull it off...And I think there was something someone sent me in here for...but I don't remember. Hey! If I think about it, I was in here first anyways!"
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 28, 2011 5:54 PM

May 2009
Armenia: "Yes, but you just couldn't resist pestering me, could you?" *She seethed, taking another bite of her apple.* "And of all the times I had to come here to study, you just had to be here. I guess I have rotten luck."
Dec 28, 2011 11:12 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: "Oh no, 'Meni. YOu have to have the best luck in the world to be able to run into me in a public place!" *he winked*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 29, 2011 3:11 AM

May 2009
Armenia: *She sweatdropped* "You know, you act way too much like Prussia. Seriously. And would you please stop calling me 'Meni?" *She threw her apple core in a nearby trash-bin, trying to suppress her agitation*
Dec 29, 2011 10:18 AM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he wrinkled his nose at her remark* "Ugh, that guy? I doubt I'm that similar to him..." *he grinned* " 'Meni."
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 30, 2011 4:40 PM

May 2009
Armenia: *She shrugged* "More than you realize...." *It was her turn to wrinkle her nose at him* "Why do you always call me that? It's nerve-grinding."
Dec 30, 2011 5:38 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: "Maybe that's why I call you that." *he retorted, clearly not smiling any more due to Armenia's comparison between him and Prussia*
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Dec 31, 2011 12:07 AM

May 2009
Armenia: *She let her face fall into her hands* "I see, I about this. If I stop comparing you to Prussia, will you stop calling me 'Meni?"
Dec 31, 2011 2:47 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he raised his eyebrow curiously, then sighed. He hated making deals with Armenia but...* "Fine, then what do I call you? Armenia? Alisia?"
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jan 1, 2012 4:03 AM

May 2009
Armenia: "Either of those would work. Just no pet names." *She glanced up at the clock, noticing how late it was* "Exactly how long have we been here? Time really flies...." *She propped her elbow on the table, resting her head in her hand, her mind wandering*
((Happy new year by the way! :D))
Jan 1, 2012 2:51 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: "Fine, just no more comparisons. If it happens again then I'm going to start calling you 'Meni again." *glancing at the clock too* "I don't know, but it seems like this school is deserted..." *he sighed*
((thanks, you too! :D ))
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jan 2, 2012 4:02 PM

May 2009
Armenia: *She raised her eyebrow* "Now that you mention it, the school does seem deserted. I didn't see a single person on my way down here. Strange...."
Jan 3, 2012 4:21 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *leans back in his chair again, propping his legs up on the table* "Yeah, I hear America's loud mouth on my way in here but I guess he left by the time I actually got in..."
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jan 6, 2012 5:27 AM

May 2009
Armenia: *She let her head fall down into her books, groaning loudly* "Dang, I didn't realize just how tired I am. So much for studying...." *She looked back up at Azerbaijan* "So, while we're here having friendly conversation, what brought you here in the first place, Abi?" *She smiled carelessly*
(( Gah! I'm sorry for the late response. >.< ))
Jan 6, 2012 9:23 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: "'Abi'?" *he scoffed, but decided to over look it* "I was trying to find something about ancient art, they scarcely ever mention anything about Azerbaijan in art books, or any books. Some people don't even know who I am." *he scowled* "So I figured I'd try to find some material."
((it's okay. And sorry for Azerbaijan's rant, but I do notice that they barely talk about Azerbaijan, Armenia or Georgia and most kids in my class don't even know what those countries are.))
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Jan 7, 2012 7:22 PM

May 2009
Armenia: *She giggled at his slight frustration* "Yes, Abi." *She paused, placing a finger upon her chin* "You do have a point there. Both you and I seem to be scarcely mentioned. You especially. I wonder why that is..."
(( Nah nah, it's cool ^^. I agree though, I'd only heard of Armenia once or twice until I started to research it myself. And before that I had never even heard of Azerbaijan. It's kinda sad. o-o ))
Feb 22, 2012 4:13 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: "Fine, whatever." *he rested his head in his hand, propping his elbow on the table* "It really does bug me. Plus, everyone seems to speak Russian or Turkish or English but I think I'm the only one who can speak Azerbaijani." *he scowled*
((sorry for the late response, i lost my internet connection))
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Feb 29, 2012 4:58 AM

May 2009
Armenia: *She sighed before chuckling* "Yes, well, it's not too bad I suppose. Besides, I'm not sure anyone would want to learn your language. Especially after you've been playing around with that Turk."
(( It's all good, mine was late too~ XD ))
Mar 3, 2012 12:11 AM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he scoffed indignantly* "Azerbaijani is a beautiful language that anyone should feel honored to know...and there's nothing wrong with Turkey!" *he added after hearing her comment about the other nation*
iDie4MyRightsMar 8, 2012 7:34 AM
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Mar 10, 2012 10:57 AM

May 2009
Armenia: *She chuckled* "Beautiful. Right, keep telling yourself that. And, " *she leaned towards him, her eyes narrowing* "there's plenty wrong with Turkey. I'm sure anyone save you and Egypt would agree."
(( Gah, it took me way too long to respond to this. >.< ))
Mar 10, 2012 12:30 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he grinned at her anger, knowing how much she hated Turkey* "Yes, well, I see nothing wrong with him. Plenty of other countries have just as twisted a past, if not more so, than Turkey."
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
Mar 10, 2012 11:24 PM

May 2009
Armenia: *Her smirk quickly twisted into a scowl. She scoffed.* "Really? Not that many nations have committed ruthless genocide last time I checked. You might know that if you weren't so absorbed in licking his boots all the time and actually took a decent look at the man. You should try it sometime." *Her face rested into a cold smile.* "It's enlightening."
Mar 11, 2012 4:30 PM

Mar 2010
Azerbaijan: *he glared at her, his mouth curling into a snarl* "I don't 'lick his boots' and I don't worship him, like you so love to imply." *his features relaxed, but not by much* "While not many countries have committed mass genocide, we're all twisted. None of us should be able to judge each other, because all of our histories are messed up beyond repair."
"Kimi wa oujo boku wa meshitsukai
Unmei wakatsu aware na futago
Kimi wo mamoru sono tame naraba
Boku wa aku ni datte natte yaru."
-Kagamine, Len ~Servant of Evil~
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