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Jul 20, 2008 4:57 PM

Mar 2008

"so that must be were the presence was coming from, why else would he run," *i jumped up to the roof tops and followed him and when i ran otu of buildings to jump from i jumped down to ground level and followed the man round a corner, i followe and stopped as he was not in sight any more.*

"hey who ever you are i'm not here to fight you, i am just curious is all." *i waited for a reply, if he was still in the area.*

Jul 20, 2008 5:07 PM

Aug 2007
"Why are you following me then?" asked Tenshi as he took off his headphones. He was standing directly behind the person with his back facing him. He turned around and faced the person, "If you chasing after me because of that bar incident, they attacked me first. As you can see I'm just an innocent bystander that was in the wrong place at the wrong time," he smiled and looked at the person, "So are you an Angel, a Human, or a Demon. Doesn't matter which one it is really," he said as he pulled out another cigarette.
Jul 20, 2008 5:20 PM

Mar 2008

"an innocent bystander, yeah right, you are an angel, a grim angel at that," *i watched as his face became suprised.* "but you don't have to worry, i can tell you mean no one any harm, the name is Neroshi, but you can call me Wolf or Neko and I am an Angel." *extends his hand for the man to shake.*

Jul 20, 2008 5:25 PM

Aug 2007
"Tch. You can tell that much by just looking at me?" asked Tenshi as he slid his hands into his pockets, "Oh well..." he said as he shrugged. The pendent around his neck was barely visible, "So what are you doing here Neko?" asked Tenshi as the cigarette hung from his mouth and he looked at Neroshi with a semi-bored look.
SnowmanGrimmJul 20, 2008 5:29 PM
Jul 20, 2008 5:29 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow rolled his eyes as the strange Angel left. Yeah, I'll be seeing you again too. Kids. He thought, as he turned his back on him. These people are wearing me out. I'm going to need to sleep soon. "Grace." Shadow said, looking in her direction. She had been quiet for a while, and he wanted to make sure she was okay. He walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Is everything okay?" He asked, a concerned expression on his face. He looked around at his other companions who had been quiet as well. "Why all the silence?"

((I'm trying to bring Medli-chan and Link back in. XD))
Jul 20, 2008 5:32 PM

Mar 2008

"well the last time i saw a grim angel, was a long time ago and that was to bury them, so I am interested to see one of your kind still alive." *I studied him as he lit another cigarette.*

Jul 20, 2008 5:37 PM

Aug 2007
"Heh... I'm good at hiding myself... or so I thought. All I am here for is to do my job and nothing else, be it taking back the soul of a demon, or maybe even an angel. Humans however aren't in my jurisdiction. When it comes to my duty, I show no bias to anyone race..." he paused, "Umm... do I have something on my face?" asked Tenshi as he watched the person study him, "Or is it so hard to believe that I'm the last of my kind, one that is burdened with a life that has no end?"
Jul 20, 2008 5:39 PM

May 2008
Hikari, Shadow, Arariel had been the only ones involved in any type of conversation that occured within mere minutes that of the fight against the soldiers. The silence was getting to Hikari by now.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 20, 2008 5:48 PM

Mar 2008

"so you are the last, so Raven finally died, but forget about that, who are you here to claim the soul of, nit's not mine is it?"

Jul 20, 2008 5:55 PM

Aug 2007
"Dunno, haven't gotten any orders lately. Most likely because my communicator got busted," he said with a smile as he held up what looked like a cell phone, "Only casualty I suffered in over a thousand years. Shame though... it as brand new too..." he put the phone away and looked at Neko, "Are you close to death? If so then its your time, I'm only here for those kinds of souls. So if not, then there isn't any reason to worry."
Jul 20, 2008 6:01 PM

Mar 2008
((...I feel so left out...>->;;))
Jul 20, 2008 6:08 PM

Mar 2008

"well with the way my life goes my time could be any time, but in the mean time, i think maybe we should stick together, you know i can learn about you and i may be able to help you with things, so what do you say?"

Jul 20, 2008 6:13 PM

Aug 2007
"As long as I have been around I never needed someone to help me, beside... shouldn't you be running back to your friends? I can feel them too, they aren't that far away right?" asked Tenshi as he looked in the direction of the presences, "So how about a race. If I get there first I'll be on my way, but if you get there first you can tag along with me." He smiled and vanished before Neroshi could give an answer. Tenshi was blazing down the sidewalk as he ran to the direction of the group that Neroshi came from.
Jul 20, 2008 6:15 PM

Jan 2008
"Everything's fine," Grace replies to Shadow."I just think that we're wasting time and we need to get a move on before we get caught by more soldiers," Grace says.

((Alright, moving in with about 28% understanding of what is going on, sorry if my post makes no sense in correlation with what is going on around Grace xD))

Jul 20, 2008 6:22 PM

Mar 2008
((Eh, it's okay. Nothing really has happened, except for the new people joining our group...:3))

Shadow nodded his head in relief, and took his hand from her shoulder. "I agree. It's just a matter of getting everyone to move." He said, laughing a little. He flexed his wings a little as he put his hand to his chin and thought. Hmm...What should I do now? Should I take those ready with me, and just let the others catch up? Normally, he was fine with leaving others behind, but he wasn't so sure if he left those few behind, that they would be able to handle a legion of Demons. He sighed, wishing he decisions were easier to make.
Jul 20, 2008 6:27 PM

Jan 2008
((*is not waiting for other people to post, and just assuming they are following, it is their own fault for not posting in 294,902,384 years*))

"Alright then, let's go," Grace says, resuming the walk down the alley. The end was in sight, and then it was only half a mile till the end of the city. What to do after that, she had no idea, but their was no choice now but to get out of the city and get to safety.

Jul 20, 2008 6:32 PM

Aug 2007
Tenshi appeared at the end of the alley as he saw a group of people running his way. He smirked as he took out a cigarette, because the one he had fell when he was running, and watched as they drew closer to him. He removed the cigarette and blew a puff of smoke into the air as they neared. 'Guess I win,' he though, even though he didn't know if the other guy was running after him.
Jul 20, 2008 6:37 PM

Mar 2008

"So he wants to race, very well," *i levitated slightly, then moved at a unprecedented speed towards Tenshi, within seconds i was side by side with him.*

"you gotta do a lot better than that if you want to beat me," *we traveled a long way before i spotted something and stopped dead, allowing Tenshi to regain the lead, i could only stare as a the person i had been searching for sat no more than two feet away from me.*

"Rika!?" I said softly.

Jul 20, 2008 6:41 PM

Mar 2008
((Alrighty. They'll catch up...I suppose...))

Shadow walked infront of the others, his wings folded against his back, and his arms crossed over his head, he closed his eyes for a minute, trusting his other senses to keep him from running into things, and then opened and eye irritably when he sensed the guy standing at the end of the alley. Great. Just what we need. More distractions. Shadow sighed, mentally giving up, and braced himself for whatever was going to happen. "Hello, there. Nice day for a walk, isn't it?" Shadow called to the man.
Jul 20, 2008 6:45 PM

Mar 2008

*sitting, holding her giant sword across her lap.*

"Rika, that was my name once," *she hadn't looked at Neko yet, her focus looking down at a small white stuffed bear nestled in her arms.* "That was until you came along, how did you receive banishment and i got death, does that seem fair to you?" *she looked up at him with evil red eyes.*

Jul 20, 2008 6:53 PM

Aug 2007
Tenshi smirked, "I agree, pretty decent weather too," he said sarcastically as he dropped the cigarette on the ground and put it out. He began to walk towards them, and he could feel them begin to tense up, "So what are you all running from?"
Jul 20, 2008 7:04 PM

Mar 2008

"Rika, what are you talking about, after i was banished i came to find you but you where gone." *I couldn't believe my luck, I moved over to her and tried to place my hand on her shoulder, but her sword came up to my face.*

"Baby, what are doing, It's me Neko?" *I didn't back away.*

Jul 20, 2008 7:14 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow rolled his eyes. Great. Another sarcastic one. Peachy. He thought. He raised an eyebrow when the stranger asked his question. "I don't think it's that nice of a day for us to be answering those kind of questions for a stranger." He smirked. "But if you're really that curious, you can go back and see for yourself." He said, side-stepping in the alley to let him pass.
Jul 20, 2008 7:19 PM

Aug 2007
"I don't feel like fighting," said Tenshi as he rolled his eyes, "It gets boring after a while. Besides, it reeks over blood over there..." he put his hand on his chin, " then again there might be some bodies over there..." he murmured to himself. He turned around, "Nah, I'm not gonna work today, to troublesome..." he looked back, "If you are gonna hide your wings, it might be wise to hide your presence a little better next time," he said with a smirk as he stretched, "Now then... off to the next bar..."
Jul 20, 2008 7:21 PM

Mar 2008

" cost me my life, my love for you got me killed, but not only that, the life of my little brother." *she clutched the bear tighter and got to her feet.*

"for that i could never forgive you." *she placed the bear into a back pouch and readied herself for a fight.*

"prepare to die, my love." *she slowly begun to wlk towards him, sword in front of her.*

Jul 20, 2008 7:29 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow sighed. "Someone like me doesn't need to hide their presence. I do as I please. I think I've earned that power. And I wasn't trying to hide my wings. Folding them like this makes it easier for me to walk." He said. reaching behind him and patting his wings. Why am I explaining myself to him? I don't owe him anything. "Right. A bar. Like your kind needs any more alcohol." Shadow said, shaking his head.
Jul 20, 2008 7:32 PM

Mar 2008

"hey wait, they killed your brother too?" *i slowly backed away from her, keeping my hands at my katana.* "Rika, i'm so sorry, i didn't know, i had heard that you where to be executed but i tried to..............." *i was cut off by her.*


"you tried to save me right? well that and you not knowing about my brother mean nothing now, my only goal is to kill you now, only then shall i have peace."


"If you wish for revenge then i shall not deny you it," *I stop allowing her blade to come to my throat.* "but know one thing, y love for you will not change, that is the one thing that is absolute." * i closed my eyes and waited for the final blow.*

Jul 20, 2008 7:35 PM

Aug 2007
"My kind?" asked Tenshi as he looked back, "Just to let you know, I'm the last of my kind." A giant black wing sprouted from the left side of his back as a scythe began to materialize in his hands, "I'm the last living Grim Angel, and I think I earned a drink for winning that race against the Neroshi or whatever he calls himself," he said as he slung the scythe over his shoulder, "besides, alcohol doesn't effect me, I just like the taste is all." The scythe began to vanish, as did his wing.
Jul 20, 2008 7:51 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow laughed. "Oh, I am fully aware of your species situation, Reaper. Everyone needs a drink after dealing with that kid. And alcohol only affects humans, and those who truly wish to be drunk." Why only one wing? He thought, as he watched the scythe and wing disappear. "I've never cared for the stuff myself." He said, with a shrug.
Jul 20, 2008 7:56 PM

Aug 2007
"Well whenever I want to truly get drunk, it doesn't happen then either... oh well, have fun retreating," he said with a smile, "Now then should I get Scotch again or try Sake..." he started to say to himself as he walked away. He noticed that his coat was ripped, 'Crap... I gotta get it fixed again...' he thought to himself as he walked.
Jul 20, 2008 8:04 PM

Mar 2008
((A shame, but this is where I make my exit for the night. I'll reply later. Caio.))
Jul 20, 2008 8:17 PM

Mar 2008

*she hesitates for a moment before refocusing on her target.*

"You would give your life to me that easily?"


"i don't need to, i already gave it to you on the day i asked you to be my wife." *my hand move to the end of my sword and the chain that held my pendant, there along side it was a ring, with a diamond on it.*


*she stumbles back and holds her head in pain, also dropping her sword.*

"Neko, it was stupid of me to come back here, i don't mean to hurt you, the angel lord wishes your death, he believes you will play a key role in the humans winning the war you must not go to their world." *She collapses onto the ground and falls unconscious.*

Jul 20, 2008 8:19 PM

Apr 2007
Standing atop the Grand Cathedral of the Divine, one of the most sacred places of the angels, Blick peers away from the city, directing his gaze across the water. "What a magnificent view." The view consisted of a beautiful blue sea, stretching beyond the horizons, without even the slightest blemish to its grandeur. The sky, nearing the end of the day, had become a wondrous cascade of red and orange, with tints of of purple and blue, and only a few clouds lightly scattered across the sky. "If only the rest of the scenery around here was this grand." Turning and facing the city, all that he could see were ruins, smoke, and fires. And corpses, more corpses than could fill a cemetery. The lifeless bodies of humans, demons, and angels were everywhere. The air was filled with the smell of smoke and burned flesh. The sounds of screams flooded his hearing.
"The angels are not as strong as you had made them out to be." Lucia, Blick's weapon and foremost companion, finally spoke up. "If they were as mighty as you had made them out to be, there perhaps would not be more of their corpses littering the ground than those of both the demons and humans combined."
Looking closer, there were indeed more of the angels' bodies on the ground than that of the other two races. "By no means are they weak, but perhaps foolish. They look down on the other races, underestimating them, and lowering their guard. The view before us is the result of their grandiose pride. But then again, keeping your guard up is a key component to being strong, so I suppose they can be considered weak." Turning his head slightly to the right, he sneered. "And I'm almost positive they won't learn anything from this battle. No, battle isn't the correct term for this, this is more like massacre."
"As much as I love watching a good massacre, do we not have work to do? I was under the impression you wanted to finish this up quickly."
"Doing it right is more important than doing it fast. If I mess up even one of the marks, the whole plan goes down the drain." Saying that, Blick kneeled down, and began making arcane gestures. He stayed that way for five minutes, then finally stood back up. A strange magical marks appeared, then just as quickly disappeared. "Well, that's another down. We still have five left. Unfortunately, the others have to be placed in slightly more patrolled areas, so doing this quietly will be a tad more difficult." Blick began concentrating, and began chanting:

"Shield me from the senses, and hide my presence. Conceal."

A spell for allowing one to move undetected. It functioned more as a spell of suggestion as it didn't make the target invisible, but made their presence to others so insignificant, they never register in people's mind.
"Well then, now we should be able to move around easily so long as we are quiet about it." Levitating back to the ground, he walked right past the guards who remained to defend the Cathedral. Not one of them so much as gave him a second glance, some not even a first. "Our next marker is to be placed at the south gate, located next to the Earth Portal." Not saying anything else, they began their march towards their next destination.

((A slight note, the character Blick will always be the one speaking in quotations, and Lucia's words will be in italicized quotations.))

Jul 20, 2008 10:14 PM

Jul 2007
((Ah~ I'm busy for two days and I find a splendid new influx of posts ^^. Yay. Writer's block seems to be gone too~))

The seraph sighed, her hair bouncing jauntily as her even tempo yet brisk pace moved her forward, her footsteps light, near soundless, especially in comparison to the loud rustling of her worn clothes. This was moving far too slow for her, she eyed Shadow as he talked to Grace, reassuring his emotions and her safety. What is their connection anyway? she wondered as she witnessed yet another sign of endearment from the normally cold Hellion. Arariel, once far more powerful than she was that day, stared at the sky and looked behind her at the horizon, nostalgically looking back at the past and wishing she hadn't told herself not to use those previously mentioned powers.

She sighed again, looking back in front of her, halting to a stop as Shadow had began to talk to the stranger before them. She knew this man, though his presence had caused her to raise an eyebrow as to what his motives were. Tenshi, the final and last of the Grim Angels, previously a subordinate of her very own sister, Anael and quite a powerful man. Nostalgia again... Curse that emotion the seraph did, it hindered her at all of the wrong moments; an unforgiving lapse in judgment that had always occurred at the most wrong of times. The seraph stopped her train of thought as she caught herself making faces, her emotions seeping through what was supposed to be a composed demeanor, the billions of years she had lived shifting her facial features in a variety of ways.

So childish... She missed the days when she could be that way and get no outstanding punishment or admonishment for being emotional, she was a simple girl, which many envied from such a powerful being, then a seraph. But this was nostalgia again, she must stop. Stop she did as the reaper had left the group and shifted out of sight. Flurries of thoughts ran through her mind as she put herself back into check, however, this calm seraph woman had left herself with impatience, her foot tapping as she truly wished to move on.

The white stained walls of the alleyway paired with the blackness of soot and redness of exposed brick had begun to rake upon the Seraph's nerves. She batted the two wings she had out, stretching them and the rest of her body. The crackling of burning wood and bodies, paired with the eerie silence had reached her ears. Soft footsteps continued as the group moved once more, dirt crackling as their feet moved over them, pushing dust from out underneath and pressuring the paved brick alley ground. Strangely, the screaming had stopped for those moments, the sounds of battle ceased and all that was heard was footsteps, breathing and the sounds of thousands of burning buildings.

Was the battle over? No, no it was too soon, something had occurred, a change within the space that the Angels had inhabited, the seraph looked toward the ocean, to the Grand Cathedral, a magical signature appeared and disappeared, and after it had faded completely the sounds of battle had continued once more. Strange... she thought, whatever could that have been... Arariel had not shrugged it off, but instead stored it away within the confines of her conscious mind and short term memory. More like, one of her minds, a seraph was a being that needed to have many thoughts and calculations at once, and as such would need a way to evenly keep itself at pace, so as such it created within its unlimited capacity multiple minds, splitting its brain into many pieces capable of independent calculating thought, united under a single conscious but divided over many streams of calculations, proving to be an effective way to be ahead of another, after all, two minds much more 8 were better than one.

Unnecessary information aside, the sudden appearance of the two new characters troubled the seraphim, why had she not known of them or sensed them previous? She frowned as one of her thoughts was: the same way that she had failed to protect the city. But for her own record, she decided that they had simply not wanted to be seen and as such weren't. There were far too many pretenses after all... However, so they would no longer be surprised, Arariel materialized her staff, the wood seeming to grow out of nowhere and then the white cloth wrapping around it, the head of the staff the last thing to appear, metal literally growing out of it and forming the head and the orb appearing in a small flash of light. "Commodo beatus mihi per donum of prudentia..." Arariel prayed silently, invisibly to none but her, glowing orbs of a spiritual flame began appearing, first in single, then double, then quadruple and ever multiplying forms, until they surrounded an entire 500 meter radius around them, soon after appearing they disappeared, anything within that radius would be revealed, no form of concealing magic would hide them, even that of a newly created nature.

Arariel gave out a small sigh once more and held on to her staff, their pace was slower than before...
DivergentKarmaJul 20, 2008 10:18 PM

Jul 20, 2008 11:56 PM

Apr 2007
Walking through the streets, Blick came to a group of about 20 angels, most of them appeared to be only of the ranks of Angel and Principalities. Leading them though were two Virtues and a Dominion. "It'll be faster if we just go through them, all we need to do is make sure we make out presence felt." And almost as if on cue, the magic surrounding Blick disappeared, and all the angels were suddenly looking at him. "Lucia, my dear, next time I decide to open my mouth, just tell me to shut up." For what seemed like an hour, the angels just stared, dumbfounded, at who or what just appeared in between them seemingly out of nowhere.

Finally, one of the angels yelled out to capture the unknown intruder. But before any of them could move, six of the angels closest to the cloaked man were torn apart. Black tendrils stretched out cutting from the man, piercing, ripping apart everything within reach. "Unfortunately for you, it seems someone decided to reveal my presence. I was content with just finishing my tasks, but now that you've seen me, I can't allow you to leave." The tendrils struck out again. Three more angels fell, with 4 of them severely wounded. Just after the attack, Blick motioned his hand oddly, and the air around him condensed. One of the Virtues who had been furthest from the assailant charged with sword raised high. Accordingly, the tendrils thrust themselves at the angel, but were cut aside; at least, most were. Two of them plunged themselves into his abdomen. The angel cleaved them away without hesitation continued his charge. The unknown man just stood there. Finally, the angel had reached him, and swung his sword with all his might at his enemy's neck. The tendrils did not move. Inches from its target, the sword is halted, as if some wall stood between the blade and Blick's throat. Allowing only his mouth to be seen, he smirked at the angel. "Nice try." And in an instant, the Virtue was pierced by numerous tendrils, and then torn apart. During the Virtue's short battle, three more of the lower class angels had perished, leaving only the Dominion, the second Virtue, two healthy angels, and wounded angels. Having all grouped together, save the wounded ones who couldn't move, the angels stood, glaring at their foe.

"If you're not coming to me, I'll just have to come to you." Slowly, Blick walked towards the survivors. Noticing the fear in of the angels' eyes, he smiled once again.
"Be consumed by fear." And on command, the young angel was engulfed in darkness. Struggling, the angel tried to break out, screaming for help, but no sound could penetrate the darkness. Another of the angels, jumped back out of instinct away from he feared could kill him. Too bad for him, he jumped in range of the tendrils, and was torn asunder. The Dominion quickly went to action trying to free his ally, putting everything he had, but to no avail. Finally, the Dominion seemingly ripped the darkness apart, but he was too late. The lifeless angel's body collapsed to the ground. The Dominion looked back at the assailant, but noticed to his dismay that all but one of the other angels, the Virtue included, had perished. The Dominion finally spoke up,
Who are you?.
"Does it matter?" Knowing defeat was inevitable, the Dominion charged to a death that was more than certain. And as he surmised, he indeed fell that day to the mysterious mage. Turning his attention to the last angel, he spoke to her. "You know you're next, right?" The young angel screamed and flew as fast and high as she could. "Twenty-feet...thirty-feet...forty-feet...fifty-feet is plenty." Blick began to speak and move his hands once again. "Did you know Lucia, that if you take the air beneath a birds wings away, it'll plummet to the ground?"
"I wonder what that would look like?"
"Funny that you should ask, cause it sorta looks like this..." Snapping his fingers, the angel fell from the sky, the wind around her being blown away, taking her ability to fly away. And with a sickening *thud*, the angel crashed into the ground, never to sail the skies again.

"It seems your concealment spell isn't all its cracked up to be, considering that we were spotted."
"A lapse in judgment. While the concealment spell cannot be detected, the placement of the mark could. That's how our "friend" knew someone was here, and then suddenly wasn't. And these poor fools just happened to be at the wrong place, at the wrong time."
"So, how will we thank that, 'friend', of ours. A taste of Hellfire sounds like a good idea to me."
"Hmmm, perhaps I will satisfy that pyromania of ours, just this once." Moving his fingers in what to most would seem a random fashion, a small ball of light appears. "Trace the origin of that reveal spell." Sniffing out the magic, the small sphere begins tracing the magic back to its origin.

Jul 21, 2008 12:12 AM

Aug 2007
The phone in Tenshi's pocket began to ring, and showed no signs of stopping, "GAH!" he exclaimed as he wiped out the phone, "I thought I turned this stupid thing off!" He yelled as he flipped it open. He gritted his teeth as he closed it, 'Twenty victims that close together...'

As he looked up from the phone he was clenching he noticed a familiar face, "A Seraph?" he questioned as he stood there trying to remember when he recognized her from, "Anael...?" he asked, "No.... it couldn't be," he walked up to her and took off his sunglasses to get a better look at her. His icy blue eyes meet at hers as he grew frustrated trying to remember, "Sister?" he questioned again with a hint of uncertainty.
Jul 21, 2008 7:15 AM

Mar 2008

*I had carried Rika to the same chapel i had taken the young Aya to, Again Kai was very helpful in taking care of her, but all i could do was sit and think about what she had said to me, her words haunting my every moment.*

"What did she mean don't go to their world, did she mean celestia?" *i closed my eyes for a moment under the exhaustion of the last couple of days.*

^also what had happened with that Grim angel and the other group for that matter.^ *for now ii thought it best to rest and worry about it later, otherwise i wouldn't have the strength to continue. i laid down on one of the chapels pews and closed my eyes falling asleep almost straight away.*

Jul 21, 2008 8:09 AM

May 2008
((Oh jeez, I have no idea what to write...))

Miharu watched the group from hallogram projected in front of her. "Those fools....they won't last long while I'm around...", said a snickering Miharu as she watched them, specifically Hikari. Miharu felt intimidated by Hikari's strength in magic, even with the fact Miharu was more skilled in combat than magic skills alone. The demon girl then turned to her allies, Aya (demon) and Rina. "Aya, Rina, I want you to both keep a close watch on them, and do not get caught...", and with that, Aya and Rina transported to a area close enough to where they could hear the group.

Hikari felt a stong magical aura nearby, but ignored it for quite some time before figuring out it was Aya (demon) and Rina. I bet their spying on us....i'll have to be careful of what I say...., thought Hikari as she glanced toward the area where Aya and Rina were hiding out. Aya (demon) and Rina are such fools to have affiliated with Miharu, someday they'll regret ever meeting her...

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 21, 2008 1:18 PM

Mar 2008
"We're not retr-" Shadow's reply was cut off when he saw the Reaper take off his glasses and approach Arariel. With an eyebrow raised, he turned to her. "Arariel? Do you know this punk?" He asked, a truly skeptical look on his face. What she would be doing with an Angel like him, he didn't know. And he probably didn't want to find out. And asking how she knew him would just delay them further. He had heard Arariel's sighs of impatience earlier, but there really wasn't anything he could do. Strange people just seemed to be attracted to their little group......
XtransylvanianXJul 21, 2008 6:01 PM
Jul 21, 2008 4:25 PM

Apr 2007
"Why do all these people seem attracted to us?" Continuing down the road, Blick left behind the corpses of four more demons. "This makes what, twenty-four angels, fifteen demons, and ten humans in total? I don't know about you Lucia, but at this rate I'll either be too tired to fight that new 'friend' of ours, or I'll die of boredom fighting all these petulant children." "Maybe you should learn to be stealthy. If you did, most of these people probably never would have seen you." "That's why I learned that concealment spell so that I wouldn't have to be stealthy." After walking several meters, the sphere changed colors. "Blue, huh? That means we're pretty close to that 'friend' of ours."

"You should prepare yourself. While I do not believe anyone can best your magic, it wouldn't hurt to be prudent. This way we can also play with our new 'friend' longer." "I suppose you're right. If whoever it is we are dealing with can cancel out my concealment, they must be worth at least a few minutes of fun." Completing his casting, the air once again hardens around him, condensing, forming a virtually impenetrable wall of air. "That should be enough for defense. Now, for offense." Once again moving his hands strangely, he began casting another spell. For two minutes he did this. When he finally finished, all shadows within fifty feet seemed to waver, as if alive. This is one of the things about Blick's magic that made it so formidable. Wordless casting. This allows him to cast his spells without drawing attention by speaking, and also allows him to cast even in the event that he is unable to speak. While he does often speak while casting, it is mostly for style.

Staring at a three-story building, Blick decided it would be advantageous to get the high ground.
"You just want to look cool standing high above everyone else, don't you?"
Tilting his head and lightly scratching it, he laughed lightly, "Of course not. I'm going up there to get a better look at the area. If I just happen to look inspiring while I'm up there, who am I to argue?" Finishing his levitation spell, they floated up to the top. When he peered down, he noticed a small group of what looked like angels, demons, and humans that weren't trying to kill each other. "Odd. Anyhow, as much as I'd like to know what's going on over there, I've wasted enough time. It'll be night in just a few moments. My hope for getting out of here before then has been shot to hell."

Staring them down unnoticed, he yelled out to them: " So, I take it one of you is that new 'friend' of ours? I had to kill a lot of people just to be able to come here and kill you. But for now, let us not waste time with idle chatter. For now, I start with this:"


Jul 21, 2008 5:46 PM

Jul 2007
Arariel had gripped her staff tightly as she examined the black clad Grim Angel before her known as Tenshi. Oh Lady Fate, if you had existed, then I do believe you would be laughing at me right now... she thought, feelings of nostalgia overcame her mind. Again with that bittersweet feeling, if only she could rid of it, she would be most pleased. However, she answered him, "Sister of Anael indeed. Arariel of the order Seraphim, recently, that being within the past 200 years granted this status by our lord." Arariel paused for a moment before asking a question out of pure curiosity, "Grim Angel, who are you receiving your orders from now as your charge, Anael is gone?"

Her question asked, she turned briskly to the Hellion Shadow, answering his question before her own was brought into realization to Tenshi, "This angel is..." she corrected herself after a moment, her demeanor changed slightly to something that was somewhat pained, "...was, a subordinate of my sister. He is a form of angel that exists outside the boundaries of our normal conceived image of Angels. I'm sure you know what a Grim Angel is, seeing as you noted it earlier. But yes, yes I do know him, not personally, but by reputation." Arariel paused for a moment and clenched her teeth, the same realization as Tenshi had came to her as she felt the presence of many angels slip away in a short span of time, and a strange magical aura seemed to fluctuate and appear suddenly came into the vicinity of her reveal spell.

The seraph shivered, the presence was colder than the coldest winter night and darker than blackness itself, again, she pondered whether to release her own self-inflicted bindings and let her true power forth. Arariel's brow furled and her face turned serious, she seemed to be looking at a random direction, toward a wall. Though, through her own eyes, she clearly saw as one by one the flames of detection were put out as they were run into by her original target. She looked side to side, her hair brushing the linens of her clothing as shadows began to quiver, becoming alive. This was no demon, no human, nor something truly angelic. ”Everyone... Stop." she admonished, "Hellion... I mean... Shadow, prepare yourself, but do not make it obvious that you are to battle. Something wicked this way comes, stronger than you possibly."

Wordless spell casting was not something that the seraph knew how to do in her current state, but she had something close to it, time froze slightly for a moment, rather, everything paused as all three of the Seraphim's wings brought forth from her back, folding and stretching as she gripped her staff tightly in two hands and whispered, "Unus Thousand Subcriptio..." To further explain, she had enabled herself to cast a thousand spells without fail or word, only a thought was needed and a previous knowledge of the spell, of which she knew almost all as well as had created some of her own. She then began chaining smaller easily maneuverable spells, "Anclis, Flamae, Purgatio, Occuro..." She was ready... Or so she believed, as soon as she had finished her own small preparations she looked at Blick's direction once more, and then up at him as he spoke his words. Silently, four orbs floated around her, four different colors, a light blue one, a red one, a white one and a strange one, which remained transparent.

The Seraph turned herself around fully, the light blue orb disappeared and air condensed itself into a hardened crystal, which seemingly dissolved around her and her comrades, a protection similar to the man's own. She had no reply, it was no use to her to talk to what was already a hostile threat, she only pointed her staff at Blick, of which the metal of the head began to liquidate, but not lose form, and it looked as if it were in a purple flame. We should get out of this alleyway, I have worries of the shadows that cast themselves upon us. the Seraphim thought to herself and silently motioned to Shadow to move up to the rooftops, she would be the last to leave. Gripping her staff tightly, the seraph sarcastically let out one last sigh....

Today... Was definitely not her day...
DivergentKarmaJul 21, 2008 5:58 PM

Jul 21, 2008 6:17 PM

Mar 2008
Shadow wrinkled his nose. You've got to be kidding me. Another one? How many times are we going to be stopped today? His pupils narrowed into Hellish slits as looked in the direction of the new arrival. His head snapped in Arariel's direction when she addressed him in his rank, not his name. He raised an eyebrow, but didn't bother to question why she did so. "Stronger than me? Oh, really? This should be fun." He said, half in sarcasm, half in actual pleasure. He began to quietly ease the restraints on his power, slowly letting his Demonic energy resonate through out his body. He stopped before releasing the last binding, shutting the flood gates in his mind just below his true Hellion abilities. He smiled when he saw that Arariel seemed to be doing the same thing. He had reserves about letting Arariel go last, but if something was already on those rooftops, it would be best if he went first, and not Grace or the others. If this being truly was stronger than he, they wouldn't stand a chance. Turning sideways in the alley, and letting his wings stretch out, he flew up to the roof, and motioned for the others to follow.
Jul 21, 2008 6:27 PM

Aug 2007
"Oh? You know me by reputation huh? How much do you really know about me?" asked Tenshi with a devilish smile, "Your sister may be gone, but I still receive my missions from the highest possible place. Now then you said my reputation, is it because of my power? Or something else...?" he asked as his scythe began to form along with his right wing. He slung the newly formed scythe over his shoulder, "Did your sister ever happen to tell you why us Grim Angels have these weapons called Diviners, and why we had to give up something important to us to acquire them?" he asked as he watched the group head up to the roof as he and her remained in the alleyway.

((EDIT: I had made a mistake with his appearance. It is his left wing that was sacrificed, not his right ^^))
SnowmanGrimmJul 21, 2008 6:38 PM
Jul 21, 2008 6:40 PM

May 2008
Jeez...when will this end?, thought Hikari as she materialized her scythe to join the battle against the grim angel. Hikari decided to make an offensive from the back. With her swift movements, Hikari appeared behind the grim angel named Tenshi and lunged at him with her scythe, while in the process of chanting a complicated incantation.

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 21, 2008 6:47 PM

Aug 2007
Tenshi stood still as he moved his scythe to intercept Hikari's while only using just one arm, "Heh. Seems like I'm tied up at the moment," he said with a smirk, "I didn't even get a chance to finish speaking," he pushed her back as he turned around and faced her. His icy eyes looked at her, "Are you the one that caused all the bloodshed earlier?"
Jul 21, 2008 7:28 PM

Apr 2007
"A seraph, huh? Didn't think I'd meet one in this part of town. Not to mention being in the company of not only humans and demons, but a Hellion. I suppose wonders truly never cease." As Blick thinks to himself, he notices them preparing for the battle to come, and the Hellion take to the roofs." But a seraph. Hmmm, perhaps I should have been more prudent." More prudent?! You went in just shy of all guns blazing! "Is that so? I guess I'm getting old." "I guess you're just getting stupid."

Unable to hold it in, Blick couldn't help but laugh. Bad move Hellion. Before any of the others could take action, Blick put forth another spell, but this time moving his hand much faster, a sign he was taking this battle far more seriously than the others. And in seconds, the walls that made up the alleyway collapsed, bringing themselves down upon everyone in the alley. He then snapped his fingers, and all the shadows around the small group lunged themselves at everything that was alive. Some slashing, some piercing, and some trying to grab whomever was unfortunate enough to be caught, the shadows came with incredible speed. But that's not all they did. Some of the tendrils seeped into the ground, the remaining walls, the rubble, and the roofs, preparing themselves to be used for whatever purpose their master puts to them. This included the roof Blick himself stood upon. Another spell, and magical energy filled the entire surrounding area. The place had just became a veritable oil field, where the wrong "spark", in this case the wrong kind of magic, would set the area ablaze with flames rivaling the deepest pits of Hell. Fortunately for Blick, none of his magic was of the wrong sort, save for one spell that was specifically designed with this scenario in mind.

The tendrils surrounding Blick made no significant movement, clearly a sign they were there for defense and counter-assault. In addition, numerous black orbs formed around him, their exact purpose unknown, but it was most definitely not a good thing.

Jul 21, 2008 10:18 PM

Jul 2007
The seraphim turned to the Grim Angel and addressed questions and remarks. "Too put it simply, as I find myself in pressing matters at this time, I know next to everything about you." The seraphim smirked and turned turned to the situation at hand. She looked confusedly at Hikari as she attacked him. "Why are you attacking him Hikari?" she asked, but too late as Grim began to fight back, why was the battle always on two fronts? Her head turned once more as she saw Shadow.

Arariel scowled as the hellion charged in headfirst, she had told him to back off with everyone else to a much safer ground, not charge in and leave the center and rear vulnerable. But, as the situation crumbled, no pun intended, along with the walls, she looked as the shadows had begun to lash out at the shields she had set forth. Arariel looked about the area quickly and took flight into air, the tendrils of shadow not attached to Blick grabbing for her but deflecting themselves or even melting away as she got away from their reach. This fight would have to be finished before dark, or it would be over.

For now however, the light of the sun was all that kept them from a much harsher and terrifying might. Arariel furled her brow again, thinking quickly and looking on as her other friends had found themselves in a dangerous situation, "Everyone that can, take flight as soon as possible. But do not stay in the air too long, a caster of this caliber can take the very wind from beneath you." As she let out that order, rather... Her request, the seraphim looked at the shadows and two of the seraph's orbs disappeared, of which both the white and the transparent had disappeared.

Looking down once more, she eyed Blick, then charged down upon the alley floor, stabbing her staff into the ground, a surge of non-elemental magic billowed from the staff as its epicenter and dispelled the magic Blick had just instated and the second orb came into play, though not how she planned to use it. Arariel's staff glowed again and the crystal radiated white, soon after a bright white orb shot into the air and shined down, illuminating every crevice, crack, floor, wall or anything in that particular area, removing any form of shadow save for the shadows underneath their feet. Arariel smiled as the orb literally dripped light onto the ground and everything began to glow a similar color. No shadows remained to be used. Arariel stared at Blick once more, his attire, despite the light that surrounded him and everyone remained darker than night, she narrowed her eyes as she peered at the staff and the man holding it as well as the black orbs that surrounded him.

Hopefully Shadow was alright and could attack. Arariel's turn was over for the time being, her reserves of power needed rest, she needed to pace herself or the so-called "Unlimited" power of a seraphim would be quite limited. This fatigue already showed its signs on her, heavy breathing, and shaking hands were all that the enemy needed to see. I must compose myself more... Peace has dulled me. she thought, and instantly both ailments stopped and she continued to stare at Blick, awaiting his next move. Twenty minutes, that was as long as her spell of light would last.

An eerie wind blew through the area as she stared on, and a small mark began to form itself on the Seraph's forehead, barely visible, barely tangible, but almost like a tiny speck of dirt on her forehead it was there, pangs of pain began ringing inside Arariel's head as she instantly gripped it with a single hand, Not now... she cried to herself within her mind, I don't want to use this...
DivergentKarmaJul 21, 2008 10:30 PM

Jul 21, 2008 10:36 PM

Aug 2007
"Heh, So you know everything about me huh? Then you should know I hate meaningless fights right?" Tenshi asked as a smirk crept across his face. He lifted his scythe and pointed it at the person fighting him, "Sorry, but I don't have time to waste on you. Frankly I'm sick of staining my hands. So how about you stop this now, 'kay?" he asked with the smirk on his face.
Jul 22, 2008 9:55 AM

May 2008
"Fine....", said a speechless Hikari. Hikari then went back to where the group was, and her demon wings appeared, ready to take flight with th rest of them.

((Where's Sarah? She hasn't posted in such a long time...))

Music is from the soul~ ♥
Jul 22, 2008 2:47 PM

Aug 2007
Tenshi smiled as he slung his scythe over his shoulder, 'Another pointless battle avoided,' he thought as he let off a small laugh. He turned his look to where the fallen demons and angels from the order where, "Oye! I'm off, got work to do!" he shouted to the seraph as he jumped up to the rooftop to get an exact fix on the location. 'This job would be so much easier if I could fly... but to do that I would have to remove that thing...'
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