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Sep 5, 2011 6:11 PM

Jun 2011
Angelica's base,where when she is not collecting help,she resides.
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Sep 5, 2011 7:05 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe landed and turned back into his humanoid form and looked around the area, wary for any enemies...
Sep 5, 2011 7:09 PM

Jun 2011
Angelica used only her wings.Entring inside the cave,she turned on few lamps and candles."Come inside.We are connected to termal waters,since this is a vulcano,in fact.So your bath will be ready soon." she added as aoi got down from her shoulder and sat bored on his paws,yawning like a lazy cat.
Sep 5, 2011 7:13 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe entered the dwelling, it was a clean and well lit cave. He unbuckled his scabbard and sword from his waist and carried it into antechamber looking around...
Sep 5, 2011 7:20 PM

Jun 2011
After preparing the bathub,soap,and towels,Angelica got in to the antechamber."Your bath is ready." she said smilling.
Sep 5, 2011 7:24 PM

Apr 2011
"Aye" said Crusoe staring intently at a portrait of a white dragon surrounded by 10 eggs of various colors...
Sep 5, 2011 7:30 PM

Jun 2011
"That's Caliope,the mother dragon.I'm the purpelish egg." she explained noticing his stare.
Sep 6, 2011 7:25 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe nodded and turned away avaoiding eye contact, he went to the bath that was prepared. He took his jacket and shirt off; burn scars, claw scars, bit scars, blade scars, and even what looked like whipping scars covered his back and torso as he got into the tub to clean himself...
Sep 10, 2011 9:49 AM

Jun 2011
Angelica sighed still looking at the other eggs."I wonder,why the time eroded the brotherhood?" she asked herself whit a sight.
Sep 10, 2011 11:10 AM

Apr 2011
Crusoe cleaned himself quickly and got out of the tub and cleaning chambers, drying himself he looked in the mirror and traced the patterns of scars crisscrossing his chest, especially the one that was thick and ropey looking about 4 inches long and 2 inches wide near his heart where it looked like a spear or sword had pierced it nearly killing him once. He re-entered th ante chamber carrying his jacket but wearing his sleeveless shirt to grab his sword Tir Na Nog to sharpen and clean it...
Sep 10, 2011 11:24 AM

Jun 2011
"Now that's better." Angelica said in a purr.Aoi just entred in the room carrying some hot water buckets.Letting them down in the bathroom,he got out sighing."Well than,ex-cuse me few mins.Aoi,come." Angelica said getting two towels.Bathing quick,she also cleaned yaoi and covered him whit the largest towel.Cleaning the tub an the floor,dressed in a long dres whit large sleeves,she got out followed by Aoi.The old king fired blue flames in the cheminey.Angelica covered the door whit few trees."Brrr,it's gonna be a cold night." she said throwing a last look at the sky.
Sep 10, 2011 11:37 AM

Apr 2011
"Aye" said Crusoe leaning against the wall near the threshold of the cave, he was using an oiled rag to repolish the blade that had lost a little luster when it was set ablaze by him earlier, but other than that the blade had recieved no damge from the intense dragonfire heat. Crusoe also said "You should rest my lady, its been a long flight..."
Sep 10, 2011 11:49 AM

Jun 2011
"I'm not that tired.I'm using to war long sleepless nights." she said.Controlling her sword,she made sure it's put in the right place in the cabinet.Sitting in front of the cheminey,she said lazy :"Come here.You'll get a cold if you stay there,and I need healthy warriors." as she called him whit one finger.Aoi also sneaked behind her and sat there,behind her,warming her back like a huge pillow."You odd human...." the old lord yawned creeply.
Sep 10, 2011 11:57 AM

Apr 2011
Crusoe stopped mid-polishing and looked at her saying in a monotone"My lady, that would be unnesscesary and inappropriate, You ar an Ancient and I'm a common replaceable Warrior, I will be fine and someone needs to watch the door. I am here to serve you, fight for you, and need be die for you... not the other way around" he looked down and resumed cleaning...
Sep 10, 2011 11:59 AM

Jun 2011
Angelica sighed.This guy was killing her slowly.Getting up and getting a blanket from a cabinet,she moved in his direction and put it around on his back and shoulders."Yes,but you are useless if you don't have a good health.No matter of your rank." she said forcing him to look in her eyes.
Sep 10, 2011 12:14 PM

Apr 2011
"Aye" he said unblinking and looking back at her, but her beauty and radiance made him duck his head down in shame. But he perked his head, he heard something and he stood leaning his head around the corner of the door sniffing the air and listening...
Sep 10, 2011 12:17 PM

Jun 2011
Angelica sighed unpleased,but in her mind,as she herself heared the sound.Sniffing."Wolfs...or is that reward hunter again? something different." she said in low voice.Making Aoi pay attention,she called her sword,which appeared in her hand;keeping it was better than letting it down.
Sep 10, 2011 12:23 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe narrowed his eyes and said "Stay here... I'll go welcome our guests" he stepped out the door looked at his sword, he stabbed it into the ground behind him in front of the threshold, a wave of magic pulsing with heat emanated from it making it a sort of barrier that would make most want to keep away from it. Thus making it almost impossible for someone to come in and out of the cave and he said "Stay here, the Tir Na Nog will protect you... I promise" and he walked into the woods quiet as a deer.
Sep 10, 2011 12:26 PM

Jun 2011
"I'm not even think at listening you.Aoi!" Angelica called the old lord after gtting Tir Na Nog from the ground.Climbing on his back,he started to run on the air,whit an alchemy circle under him.Soon,the two comrades reached Crusoe.Covering all three in dark mist,she wishpered."I may be a lady,but fight is what I do for a living."
Sep 10, 2011 12:38 PM

Apr 2011
He held his hand over her mouth to silence her, not looking at her he saw a troop of men marching... the sight of them turned Crusoe's stomach. Their armor and shields were made of Dragon hide and the'r assorted weapons were made of Dragon bones, fangs, and claws. He muttered "Slayers... seeking the last Ancient? Allow me to deal with this... alone" and he left the brush and approached the party saying "Hello! Are you lot lost?"
The party stared at him, a woman resembling a priestess... but wearing beads and a dragon skull on her head shrieked like a banshee as she stared at him pointing. With that Slayers did not hesitate to charge throwing a heavy net on top of him and stabbing him with spears, and there he laid bloodied and dead looking on the ground... wait.
The snow on the ground near him began to melt, and the net burned and frayed as it touched him and his body expanded into that of full size dragon. Red and pissed looking he roared at the party before him and opened his maw as large nova of flame poured aout and engulfed at least a 3rd of the party leaving not even a pile of ashes... the remaining party charged at him.
Sep 10, 2011 12:42 PM

Jun 2011
"The priestess is mine." Angelica smirked appearing before the woman."Ankhara,what a displeasing surprise.Still seeking my rainy ass?" she said punching the woman down and climbing on top of her.."!" the woman said whit more courage than she had."I gave you three chances to get the good path.It ends now,but not for me." Angelcia said on a cold tone,strking the oman whit a thunder bolt.Ripping it's head off,she sighed."One Seeker down.Eleven to go."
Sep 10, 2011 12:50 PM

Apr 2011
An axeman wielding a weapon made from the skull appeared behind Angelica, Crusoe roared and grabbed the man with his tail and tossed him the air and caught him in his maw and he swung him around like a terrier killing a rat and he threw him at the party slowing them down but still circling him and Angelica.
Sep 10, 2011 12:56 PM

Jun 2011
"Tch.Thanks boy." Angelica said whit a smirk."Slay,Ama no Jaku!" she demanded as her sword took true form."Time to show me what you can do,boy." she added.
Sep 10, 2011 1:05 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe roared again and spread his wings wide, what looked like tiny pockets in them launched sparks and flames. Making what resemble rain made of fire as he flapped them at the slayers causing dissarray and fatalities as the were consumed in the inferno. One of them managed to get close enough to him and stab him in the leg with his spear, he roared again and crushed said slayer in a bloody mess beneath his claw. He then let out that large nova flame out of his maw at the remaining party members... the were all consumedi its fire. Except for one boy no older than 16 who was on hi arse looking terrified. Crusoe in a whirlwind of flames and snow returned to his humanoid form fully clothed and approached the boy grabbing his throat and lifted his terrified self up about 6 inches off the ground...
Sep 10, 2011 1:10 PM

Jun 2011
"Impressing." Said Angelica making an alchemy circle to burn the dead woman.Shielding herself,fighting still dressed in the robe-like dress,she protected herself whit an thunder shield."Guy over there is the one that takes your life tonight." she smirked to the few scared remaining soldiers.
Sep 10, 2011 1:14 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe turned his head (still human) and opened his mouth flames came out and killed the remaining soldiers. None were remaining except for the boy in his hand was crying saying "Please don't kill, I'm just doing this to feed my family, my father died years ago and they have no one left, please I beg you..." Crusoe looked at the boy in the eyes and tightened his grip slightly...
Sep 10, 2011 1:16 PM

Jun 2011
"Mercy for a slayer.Cliche." Angelica said deactivating the shield.
Sep 10, 2011 1:19 PM

Apr 2011
The boy was crying and his red face turned purplish blue, Crusoe with out any emotion squeezed util he heard snap: He had broken the boy's neck. He dropped the body to the ground and walked to the brush to grabbed Tir Na Nog and he slid it in his scabbard, he walked over to Angelica saying "I told you to stay at the cave"
Sep 10, 2011 1:23 PM

Jun 2011
"And,I am not following what you say.I'm the leader.And I'm pretty stubborn." she answred simply.Heading to the dead boy,she opened a grave under him."Poor guy,this is what you get when you follow scumbags."
Sep 10, 2011 1:26 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe growled in annoyance but was stunned when she started making a grave for the boy saying "Do your kindness and stupidity know no bounds? A grave for an egg smasher and hatchling killer?" indicating the small claws on his helm that could've only come from a baby dragon...
Sep 10, 2011 1:28 PM

Jun 2011
"A common grave." she added expanding the yard and collecting all the bodies,on a cold tone."Don't question what she does.Leaving no tracks is our way." Aoi said as dumping a body in the grave.
Sep 10, 2011 1:37 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe sighed, he turned to look at the black priestess from earlier with the dragon skull on her head. He kneeled down and looked at her saying "What do you reckon she was?"
Sep 10, 2011 1:39 PM

Jun 2011
"A Seeker.Those are particularry hunting me.They killed my sisters." she added.Raising her hand on the woman's head,she burned it.
Sep 10, 2011 1:43 PM

Apr 2011
"She knew what I was, even in my 'human' form... how is that possible?" asked Crusoe still kneeling looking at Angelica
Sep 10, 2011 1:44 PM

Jun 2011
"They were originally priest dragons.Is a common thing for them to know what you are." she replied.
Sep 10, 2011 1:49 PM

Apr 2011
"She... she was one of us? A dragon?" he stepped back confused and shaking his head "No... the loss of our ancestros and the Ancients mean the death of our race... why?"
Sep 10, 2011 1:55 PM

Jun 2011
"Yes,she was."she said getting up."She's not big of a loss.She was a scumbag that promised will change.My fault for having gld heart.She,my dear boy,along whit the other Slayers,seek to destroey ancient races and replace them whit theirselfs." Angelica explained bruning the rest of the body too.
Sep 10, 2011 2:01 PM

Apr 2011
"Aye" said Crusoe shutting down his emotions again... staring at the remants and evidence of the fight...
Sep 10, 2011 2:03 PM

Jun 2011
"Help me clean up here." she added blowing some wind.
Sep 10, 2011 2:07 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe nodded and started dragging cooked corpses to the grave, though there wasn't much to drag left after Crusoe was done with them in the fight...
Sep 10, 2011 2:09 PM

Jun 2011
The blowing wind cleaned the tracks.After Crusoe put in the last corpse,Angelica closed the grave.Blowing wind in that dirrection too,there was now no sign of a battle."Well,I guess this is it.Brr,so cold so cold." she commented.
Sep 10, 2011 2:15 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe grabbed her hands held them infront of his mouth and he blew softly warm air that was almost the equilent of putting them in front of a fire and he said "We should hed back to the cave..." he put her hands down and began walking away blushing slightly...
Sep 10, 2011 2:17 PM

Jun 2011
"Crusoe!" Angelica siad grabbing him and putting him on Aoi's back,behind her.She was quick."Sit here and hold on whit both hands around me.I do not want you to get a cold,take it was an order if otherwise you won't listen." she said as she herself was pinkish in cheeks.
Sep 10, 2011 2:24 PM

Apr 2011
"I don't get colds... but I cannot refuse an order, that much is absolute" said Crusoe in monotone.
Sep 10, 2011 2:25 PM

Jun 2011
Angelica sighed,and making an "Ykhgy!" sound,she made Aoi run back to the cave.Entring inside it,she again closed the wood shelt after Crusoe entred inside too.
Sep 10, 2011 2:29 PM

Apr 2011
Crusoe dropped his sword near the door and sat back down at the same spot as earlier and was already falling asleep.
Sep 11, 2011 2:10 AM

Jun 2011
"My my..." sighed Angelica covering Crusoe whit two blankets."Aoi,you hungry?" she than asked the old king."Mhmnh,kind of." the lazy demon answered."Well,we have some fried meat." Angelica said pointing a huge jar.The king took it whitout moving,using only his tail.Sitting in front of the cheminey they eat.Near the end of the jar,Aoi noticed his lady was aslepp.Taking her easly he put her on her bed,and well covered her.Returning in front of the cheminey,he yawned lazy.
Sep 11, 2011 3:58 AM

Apr 2011
Crusoe the whole time was as still as a statue staring off into space listening outside again, he heard nothing but the sounds of the forest at night and the wind...
Sep 11, 2011 4:27 AM

Jun 2011
Angelica woke up sweated,after another nightmare,of the great destroy.Covering her mouth,she retained a scream.Calming her heart rythm almost complete,she got out of the room after only five hours of sleep.Aoi was snoozing slow,mumbling her name from time to time.
Sep 11, 2011 4:34 AM

Apr 2011
Crusoe looked up at her, he hadn't had any sleep and he said "Are you alright my lady? You seem... pale"
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