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Apr 16, 2010 7:07 PM

Dec 2009
This is the match between the head Vizard Jyenh and the Head Espada Haissem.

Terrain: The open sandy plains of Hueco Mundo.
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
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Apr 16, 2010 7:24 PM

Feb 2010
*kyoko runs off to the side creates a chair and sits on it with kyler flopped on top of her head*


Kyler: *noms on nut*

Jyenh: ...*looks directly into haissems eyes and attempts to acheive eye contact, and tilts his head forward as to position haissem for him to attack fist. My hands are pocketed with no dagger in sight*
bankai, Kyoko Noitamikatsuketsu.
JyenhApr 16, 2010 7:31 PM
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 16, 2010 7:32 PM

Dec 2009
*i to stand there with my hands in my pockets* i was hoping to have a warmup first seeing as we have some catching up to do

(note: for spectators myself and jyenh have a history relating to how i died, but it is not posted yet.)
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 16, 2010 7:39 PM

Feb 2010
...*nods in agreement as i seal my powers and a dagger is at my side as i stare into your eyes as if to say 'or shall i still be in shikai?' but still maintaining an immotionless expression*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 16, 2010 7:41 PM

Dec 2009
Do what you will, but do it soon i don't have all day *starts getting impatient*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 16, 2010 7:50 PM

Feb 2010
*the dagger dissapears* Sa. *i disperse in incredibally small specs, billions of them, the when bunched up they look green, i then reform right next to you and move a finger, the ground beneath you starts to feel unbalanced and then disperses, and forms an average sized sword in my hand as i strike at haissem*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 16, 2010 7:56 PM

Dec 2009
*i reach a hand up and grab the blade, purple energy covering my hand* come on you know me better than that *i turn and send a spin kick towards your side, purple energy glinting and flowing along my leg*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 16, 2010 7:58 PM

Feb 2010
Sa *the leg goes through my body and your hand clenches on itself, i then reform behind you and lunge a stab at your back*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 16, 2010 8:03 PM

Dec 2009
*i duck below the stab sweeping my leg across the ground tripping you and standing up bringing my knee up hard into your spine*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 16, 2010 8:08 PM

Feb 2010
*as you trip me, the lolipop in my mouth falls out as i 'jump' 20 meters or so behind you, i lose the taste of the lolipop and the ground starts to turn to green specs, merging with my body. my skin starts going red and my muscles start to buldge as i become bigger, my eyes turn white and the sword gets added with some of the matter and forms a ginormous hammer, i then 'jump' up to you and bring the hammer down upon where you stand with great force*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 16, 2010 8:15 PM

Dec 2009
*i jump into the air and point my finger tips at you* Guiro Cero *5 tiny cero fly towards you at incredible speed*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 16, 2010 8:26 PM

Feb 2010
*the hammer hits the ground encasing me in a crater which block 2 of the cero, i then create a giant sheild from the hammer blocking 2 but the 3rd that hit into it broke a hole through the sheild and hit me. my form then reverts back to normal and i take out a sugar cube and puts it in my mouth as i mumble* bankai Kyoko Noitamikatsuketsu. *reitsu bursts from me as wings start to materialise at my back, pure white angelic wings*
JyenhApr 17, 2010 2:12 AM
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 16, 2010 8:33 PM

Dec 2009
so soon? *i sonido behind you hitting you with an open palm to your back sending energy through the hit making it feel as if i punched u with all my might*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 16, 2010 8:37 PM

Feb 2010
sa *as soon as you sonido i disperse so that when you punch my i reform with your arm in my body, nearly attatched to it, i sword forms in my hand and 1 behind you i start to thrust the sword at you as i let it go* sa *i disperse and reform 2 meters away with both swords going towards you*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 16, 2010 8:42 PM

Dec 2009
*i take my other hand out of my pocket and grab the blade behind me, the energy pulsating from my other hand blowing the front blade off course* you're still using your tricks *my reitsu increases as i launch off of the ground in a sonido flying towards you as i perform a high-speed flip bring my foot down on top of your head in an axe kick*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 16, 2010 8:45 PM

Feb 2010
*i disperse the sand and move it over me and reforming as steel to block the kick, as i then 'jump' through it so i'm above you, i create another sword and start to bring it down on you*
JyenhApr 16, 2010 8:49 PM
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 16, 2010 8:48 PM

Dec 2009
*i kick off the wall of steel and launch myself higher into the air knocking your blade off course by pushing on the flat side of it as i fly above you and fire a cero at your back*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 16, 2010 8:57 PM

Feb 2010
sa *i disperse a fly around the area landing next to the steel dome after a while, which i then revert back to sand. All the sand in a 1km radius then starts to turn to matter, leaving green-blue streams of mater flying around, the ground is now hard dirt, revealing millions of hollow creatures, i then reform all of the matter into hard rock above you letting it fall to the ground, when the rock comes down close to me i 'jump' through it to avoid it crushing me against the earth*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 17, 2010 4:25 AM

Dec 2009
*as the rock falls down upon me i punch my arm straight upwards, energy coursing through my arm and projected into the rock shattering it completely* Material objects are of no use against me, i will just crush. *i sonido appearing behind you by feeling your reitsu and deliver a hard kick to your back, energy being projected from the kick into your back doing even more damage*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 17, 2010 4:35 AM

Feb 2010
*i let you kick me as it breaks my spine* sa *my spine mends near instantly* eh~? that a~ll? *scratches head and pulls out a metal ball from my pouch dispersing it turning it into an ice-block then eating it* nom nom nom. *i wait intently for you to power up*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 17, 2010 4:43 AM

Dec 2009
*smiles* tough as always *i withdraw my longsword* Soar, Tenshi *My body is covered in a mass of reitsu and when it disperses i stand there my arms and legs covered in white hollow armour with large spike coming off the thighs up past the waist and upper arms up past the shoulders. Two white bone wings on the back that are filled in by dark purple spirit particle feathers. My longsowrd is now made of frozen swirling white hollow material* let's see how tough *i swing my blade a razor thin line of purple energy sent flying towards you*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 17, 2010 4:52 AM

Feb 2010
sa. *my body turns into matter and it gets swirled around an when i form again i'm upside down and my hollow mask is on, and for some reason my eyes are the exact same as before. dark blue and slack. i finish the iceblock and let the stick drop to the ground* eh~...i love those shoe-s (- for short extention of the sound before it) *points to your feet*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 17, 2010 5:04 AM

Dec 2009
*eye twitches* they are not shoes *i appear infront of you via sonido and kick you in the face* have a closer look *feathers are expelled from my wings at point blank range impaling your body*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 17, 2010 5:08 AM

Feb 2010
*as you kick me i block it with my face/mask* ...i don't see the difference...hai~ss~em-sa..n *as your feathers pelt at me they go through my body as i wirl down towards where they landed and reform* eh....*i point my sword at you which goes red,then white, then pink, then green, as i charge a huge cero at the tip of it almost instantly and fire it at you*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 17, 2010 5:10 AM

Dec 2009
*i swing my blade at the cero cutting it in half with the purple energy as a half flies either side of me* a problem with large cero's they are too easy to split *feathers rain down upon you as they are expelled from my wings and explode on contact*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 17, 2010 5:24 AM

Feb 2010
*i pose my other hand out and fire enough ceros to nullify the shots of feathers (rain of cero), i then 'jump' up to you as i swing my sword from the left*

(i shall use jump* for my shunpo-like technique instead of 'jump' from now on.)
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 17, 2010 4:45 PM

Dec 2009
*u sword is blocked with mine as it fires off pulses of purple energy into your sword, small cracks emerging* are you sure you want to leave your blade there?
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 17, 2010 5:02 PM

Feb 2010
1237 you want these souls to let loose....*frowns and stares at you directly as a cero starts charging in my hand that's holding the sword* ...
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 17, 2010 5:10 PM

Dec 2009
guijo cero *a small purple cero rips through my cloak hitting your hand causing you to let go of your sword as i flick it out of the way and perform a spin kick, kicking you in the jaw*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 17, 2010 5:28 PM

Feb 2010
*as you say your words i release my cero which negates most of the fired cero but still gets hit with enough force to make me let go and i just bend my back to avoid you kick, i then 'jump' (realised jump* won't work if it's at the end of a post and may get people confused) out of range, my sword then disperses and remateriallises in my hand in perfect condition as i scratch my ear lobe between my index finger and my thumb* eh~ yakai~na~! *i materialise a chair and sit on it my face still emotionless as i think of a plan*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 20, 2010 1:44 AM

Dec 2009
*i fly up into the air as feathers are expelled and crash into you exploding upon impact, not aiming for damage but just to get a reaction out of jyenh*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 20, 2010 11:42 PM

Feb 2010
*notices the feathers* sa. *dematerialises then materialises after the explosions standing up as my chair is destroyed* hmm...reitsu covered hands that break through items of matter, wings that shoot exploding glowing feathers...can't counter any of the attacks but i doubt he can just break through reitsu based attacks aswell.... *i hold my sword in my right hand and ascend into the sky via my wings until i'm in-line with haissem, i then 'jump' multiple times around and through haissem as a wall of reflective silver bursts from the ground heading towards where hai is as i stop 'jumping' and start to swing my sword horizontally with my right hand, cero charging in my left, at hai's left side*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 21, 2010 2:55 PM

Dec 2009
*as your attacks crash into me they start to go through as you realize it is an afterimage left by the affect of my glowing feathers (a trick of the light in other words) as i'm standing behind you a finger an inch away from you neck as i launch a bala into your neck*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 22, 2010 6:04 AM

Feb 2010
*i see you in the reflection of the wall* sa *my body disperses and goes over the other side as i hold the wall in perfect condition even after being hit by the bala* ...*i raise a finger and a ginormous light bulb materialises on your side glowing brightly blinding you as you are now facing the reflective mirror like wall, the bulb is extremely hard, harder then most minerals but not quite as hard as diamond*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 27, 2010 2:00 AM

Dec 2009
*i close my eyes and lay a hand on the light bulb* materials are no match for my strength *purple energy courses through the bulb as it shatters as swarms of feathers fly towards you through the hailstorm of glass, feathers exploding on impact*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 28, 2010 12:51 AM

Feb 2010
*as you turn your back to the mirror like wall i shift my hand forward making all of the mirror turn into metal shards that fire at hai like senbon, i then raise my hands and fly up into the sky as 2 ginormous speakers are created, one on haissems side and one on my own as my wings turn black from the hollow reitsu at last, the speaker n hai's side plays "My Wings" by lacuna coil and the one over at my side plays "Dark Wings" by within temptation, just for pure effect*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 28, 2010 1:22 AM

Dec 2009
*my wings shield me from the shards with a wall of energy as i fly up into the sky sending two waves of razor sharp energy from my sword at jyenh in an x-shape*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 28, 2010 1:28 AM

Feb 2010
*i jump to the right of the attack dodging it, reforming and then flying towards you with a polearm materialising in my hand that seems to have a long and thin axe-looking head*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 28, 2010 1:31 AM

Dec 2009
*i fly towards you our weapons clashing as we pass each other in a vrief battle, i turn as i pass you firing off another x shaped blast towards your back*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 28, 2010 1:35 AM

Feb 2010
*i turn at the same time as haissem* Sa. *i start a twirl and disintergrate while swiling dodging the attack and reforming infront of hai swinging the polearm from the left to the right holding near the top of it with my right hand with the pole tracing down the arms right side with my left hand going under the arm to the side with the polearm on and holding near the base of it to reinforce the strength of the stroke, maintaining the aerial battle.*
JyenhApr 28, 2010 1:48 AM
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 28, 2010 1:51 AM

Dec 2009
*i block the strike with the flat side of my blade, my other hand pressing against the blade so as to hold the blow. I tilt the blade as the polearm skids off to the side as i unleash three thin waves of purple energy from my blade*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 28, 2010 2:16 AM

Feb 2010
*i charge two cero as you release the wave and fire them leaving only the last one left as i raise a finger as a wall f ice appears in front of me as the cut goes through it and i then form a sheild from the polearm as i had been maintaining the wall of ice as it eventually cuts through hitting my sheild that i then jump to my left leaving the sheild to be cut* ... *i release my reitsu as hierro starts to cover my body and the area starts to shift around us, the ground becomes decayed, the sky a dark crimson, it starts to rain blood, corpses are now lying on the ground, portals open everywhere and purple lightning occurs in the background. I start charging at hai with 10 cero's charging 1 at each finger tip*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

Apr 28, 2010 2:21 AM

Dec 2009
*guijo cero starts charging at each of my own fingertips as i fly backwards and fire all 10 at you followed by three quick slashes of my blade, the energy waves arriving before the cero's*
"A sentence is like skirt length. The shorter the better, but it has to cover all of the important bits" - Some guy, learnt from Tali
Apr 28, 2010 3:25 AM

Feb 2010
*all 10 ceros on my fingers start shooting hundreds of ceros from each using the technique 'rain of cero', countering your cero as i 'jump' diagonally right upwards until i'm inline with you, i then take a diagonal up to the left, then to the opposite directions to form an incomplete diamond, i then curve around you where you back was positioned until i reach where i was inline with you first and do the opposing action running around where your front would have been reaching where i was before, then going a diagonal right down, having ran in a complete diamond with an oval at the two horizontal points. blood starts to fill revealing the emblem as a circle starts to fill around you, forming a 6th of a circle then a covering 2 6th etc.*
"I come for all who grow, crawl, and walk. I am the perfect hunter. In the end, I am the victor."

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