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Feb 26, 2010 4:59 AM

Jul 2008
Hello people :D How can we not have this topic?!
So this is fairly simple. Follow this format:
Name:It can be your user name, or your real name or the name you want us to call you.
Favorite anime/manga:
Hobbies:this way others can find out if you have things in common (other then your addiction) to talk about :D
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: rank your addiction from 1-10, when 1 is a very weak addiction (but still an addiction) and 10 is the situation when you spend most of your time on MAL. You can add and expend.
About yourself:Every thing you want us to know, but you didn't say earlier :D
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
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Feb 26, 2010 5:06 AM

Jul 2008
Okaaaaaaaaaaay, I'll go first.
Name: Haruka (real name, Nitzan) but you can call me Haru, Hary or anything else you'd like :D
Age: 15~
Fav anime/manga: Both are D. gray man and Katekyo hitman reborn.
Hobbies: Everything XD I like drawing, writing (I write books), singing, dancing, studying, MAL, sowing...
How badly are you addicted?: I would say I'm around... 6... The first thing I do when I come home is enter MAL, and I talk on it all the time, but when I need to, I can stop...
About yourself: I'm sort of a writer, I've already finished two books, and in the middle of three more. I will be more then glad to be a friend of everyone, but I know sometimes I can't. A person who enters my BLACK LIST will stay there, so beware!! XDD
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 6:41 AM

Dec 2008
meh ~ D: got pulled here by haru . so .. LOL.

Name: Ying ying :D but just call violet or yuki will do . lol
Age: 18
Favorite anime/manga: current, KHR ~ oh yea ! LOL. followed by.. hmm.. i duno D: LOL .
Hobbies: Lets just say.. TVMF .. LOL. Facebook .. watching anime..
and gaming XD buahah .. but its not those classical game..
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: ranking ? i'm not sure.. but ..
i'm bound.. and CONFIRM .. even if i busy .. i will visit mal ..
twice in the morning .. thrice in the afternnon.. and twice in the night.. LOL.
About yourself:I'mm gonna be a otaku = = a gal makes her life and image her self like an anime character. LOL. okay i'm gonna go sleep. lol

[ Underboss-lady ]
Feb 26, 2010 6:44 AM

Jul 2008
VioletYuki said:
meh ~ D: got pulled here by haru . so .. LOL.

Name: Ying ying :D but just call violet or yuki will do . lol
Age: 18
Favorite anime/manga: current, KHR ~ oh yea ! LOL. followed by.. hmm.. i duno D: LOL .
Hobbies: Lets just say.. TVMF .. LOL. Facebook .. watching anime..
and gaming XD buahah .. but its not those classical game..
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: ranking ? i'm not sure.. but ..
i'm bound.. and CONFIRM .. even if i busy .. i will visit mal ..
twice in the morning .. thrice in the afternnon.. and twice in the night.. LOL.
About yourself:I'mm gonna be a otaku = = a gal makes her life and image her self like an anime character. LOL. okay i'm gonna go sleep. lol

Good night Yuki XD
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 6:47 AM

Jan 2010

Name - VOOOOOOOOOOOOO- Eh sorry, I'm Sally ^_^
Age: 17
Favourite Anime: KHR, Fairy Tail, D.Grayman, Soul Eater and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Hobbies: Lemme see.... VOOOOOOOOOOOOOI!- Sorry I don't mean that! Well, annoying people, watching Anime and reading Manga, drawing. That's all I think VO-
How badly are you a MAL addicted: I'm not 100% MAL addicted, probably 60%. I'm always online afternoon and weekend I'm not often at home.
About yourself: I'm Anime-freak and I love to watch them :p I'm sleepyhead and like to annoy everyone but I can be serious if I have to XD
VOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI is my fav word. Any questions? Oh by the way I've got Voi-disase, so be careful XD
Voooi-chanFeb 26, 2010 6:52 AM

Feb 26, 2010 6:51 AM

May 2008
Name:Ekin (But you are calling me Flanny lol. I have many nicknames,like ]Ecchan...orr..others don't need.)
Age: 21(I know I'm old.But internet don't have age)
Favorite anime/manga: KHR(I need to say anymore? XD),Black Cat,Pokémon vs vs...
Hobbies:Playing on DS, drawing sometimes.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?:MAL is our home right?
About yourself:Err...I'm already an otaku lol. I like Mythology, I love creating my original stories,Original characers...I don't think I need to write about my real life here lol.
RinyanFeb 26, 2010 6:55 AM
Feb 26, 2010 6:55 AM

Jul 2008
Lol, Darky XD I like annoying people too, and it's ok - you can say VOOOOOI XD
So true Flanny, internet don't have age!
Yes, MAL is our home XD

Thank you both for joining! :D
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 6:58 AM

Jan 2010
haruka_nazu said:
Lol, Darky XD I like annoying people too, and it's ok - you can say VOOOOOI XD
So true Flanny, internet don't have age!
Yes, MAL is our home XD

Thank you both for joining! :D

If I say that my name is VOOOOOOOOOOOOI, everyone will think that's my real name lol XD

Feb 26, 2010 7:01 AM

Jul 2008
Darksoul99 said:
haruka_nazu said:
Lol, Darky XD I like annoying people too, and it's ok - you can say VOOOOOI XD
So true Flanny, internet don't have age!
Yes, MAL is our home XD

Thank you both for joining! :D

If I say that my name is VOOOOOOOOOOOOI, everyone will think that's my real name lol XD

But wouldn't that actually be cool? XDDDDD
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 7:01 AM

Dec 2008
LOL. i don't mind :D

[ Underboss-lady ]
Feb 26, 2010 7:06 AM

Jan 2010
First Darky and now Voi-chan? XD

Feb 26, 2010 7:09 AM

Apr 2007
Name: Sapphy
Age: 22
Favorite anime/manga: ALOT lol... biggest fandom is KHR right now tho, too many to mention @_@
Hobbies:aside from watching anime, chatting, forum lurking xD drawing, reading, singing, dancing, club hopping, going to the cinema, island hopping, hanging out with friends...
How badly are you a MAL addicted? hmm... can't really say that i'm addicted to MAL, more like i'm addicted to TVMF club, i hardly even check my profile but i always check the club and core club... 8D rank? dunno... i'm mostly in MAL with the max of 24 hours a day (if i dont go to bed xD) so you be the judge of that ;p
About yourself: i'm 100% human and 99.9% girl 8D just kidding about that introduction... anyway, well, i guess you could say i'm an otaku o.o a crazy fangirl and just flat out a wacky person over all xD concerning my genres for animes, they actually vary o.o depends on my mood... but i so love mecha and sports anime (i have tomboyish tendencies, explains the 0.1% xDD) i simply love the thrill and the adrenaline! thats why i loooove KHR :D woohoo! but i'm a sucker for shoujo romance, especially highschool comedy romances <3<3<3 i guess that's all for now <_< just gotta know about me bit by bit :p
sApphiRe18Feb 26, 2010 9:57 AM

Feb 26, 2010 7:14 AM

Jul 2008
Sappy, I bow for you in light of that amazing Introduction *clap clap*
My type of anime and manga vary all the time, and if you are 24 hours on mal - then your rank is 10, just so you know XDD
A mal addiction is basically being on mal much too much for what your parents will call healthy XD
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 7:33 AM

Apr 2009
Name: hmm...Aleksandra XDDDD, but Aly-sama is better :D
Age: 13 o.o" (i'm so little compared to everyone else o.o)
Favorite anime/manga: hmm, that's hard...for anime - One Piece, i think <.<
for manga - Reborn!, of course :DDD
Hobbies: sleeping, drawing, writing with someone, eating, listening music... D:
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: huh o.o 9, i think o.o" MAL stops me watching anime!!! :DDDD
About yourself: really, really, really strange person...also lazy...also screaming strange phrases from animes in school :DDD i'm so addicted :D also doing things like putting bed sheet on the back and running in school's hall while screaming "ME! SUPERME!" o.o""""""""
Feb 26, 2010 7:42 AM

Jul 2008
aLni07 said:
Name: hmm...Aleksandra XDDDD, but Aly-sama is better :D
Age: 13 o.o" (i'm so little compared to everyone else o.o)
Favorite anime/manga: hmm, that's hard...for anime - One Piece, i think <.<
for manga - Reborn!, of course :DDD
Hobbies: sleeping, drawing, writing with someone, eating, listening music... D:
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: huh o.o 9, i think o.o" MAL stops me watching anime!!! :DDDD
About yourself: really, really, really strange person...also lazy...also screaming strange phrases from animes in school :DDD i'm so addicted :D also doing things like putting bed sheet on the back and running in school's hall while screaming "ME! SUPERME!" o.o""""""""

Look at the bright side, you're two years younger then me, and yet yoy are my Aly-sama :D
Sleeping is such a good hobby!!! Eating is one, too XD
9 is such a nice number V.V
I'm also strage and lazy :D XD
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 7:45 AM

May 2008
Name: cha-chan, cha, chibi but real name is Alice
Age: 13
Favorite anime/manga: pandora hearts, 07~ghost, code geass, durarara
Hobbies: music,( singing, playing guitar/piano,keyboar, drums, etc ) drawing, dancing, watching movies, eat ice cream.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 8 or 9 i think
About yourself: weird, havent watched any new anime's for a while Dx but continues on those i really like. im strange, and 99% otaku, the only thing i like better than anime and manga and MAL is music.... ;3
Feb 26, 2010 7:55 AM

Jul 2008
cha-chan said:
Name: cha-chan, cha, chibi but real name is Alice
Age: 13
Favorite anime/manga: pandora hearts, 07~ghost, code geass, durarara
Hobbies: music,( singing, playing guitar/piano,keyboar, drums, etc ) drawing, dancing, watching movies, eat ice cream.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 8 or 9 i think
About yourself: weird, havent watched any new anime's for a while Dx but continues on those i really like. im strange, and 99% otaku, the only thing i like better than anime and manga and MAL is music.... ;3

Alice is one of my most fav names!! *^* Pandora hearts rule's!
Weirdo's rock! XDD I'm a weirdo myself :3
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 7:57 AM

May 2008
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
Name: cha-chan, cha, chibi but real name is Alice
Age: 13
Favorite anime/manga: pandora hearts, 07~ghost, code geass, durarara
Hobbies: music,( singing, playing guitar/piano,keyboar, drums, etc ) drawing, dancing, watching movies, eat ice cream.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 8 or 9 i think
About yourself: weird, havent watched any new anime's for a while Dx but continues on those i really like. im strange, and 99% otaku, the only thing i like better than anime and manga and MAL is music.... ;3

Alice is one of my most fav names!! *^* Pandora hearts rule's!
Weirdo's rock! XDD I'm a weirdo myself :3

pandora hearts is awsome, lets hope for a second season, with a better ending 8D

we could almost make a Weirdo's world domination 2010 or 2011 lolzy~
Feb 26, 2010 8:11 AM

Jul 2008
cha-chan said:
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
Name: cha-chan, cha, chibi but real name is Alice
Age: 13
Favorite anime/manga: pandora hearts, 07~ghost, code geass, durarara
Hobbies: music,( singing, playing guitar/piano,keyboar, drums, etc ) drawing, dancing, watching movies, eat ice cream.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 8 or 9 i think
About yourself: weird, havent watched any new anime's for a while Dx but continues on those i really like. im strange, and 99% otaku, the only thing i like better than anime and manga and MAL is music.... ;3

Alice is one of my most fav names!! *^* Pandora hearts rule's!
Weirdo's rock! XDD I'm a weirdo myself :3

pandora hearts is awsome, lets hope for a second season, with a better ending 8D

we could almost make a Weirdo's world domination 2010 or 2011 lolzy~

Almost? we can! XDDD
Yes, I hope for a second season two~
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 8:17 AM

May 2008
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
Name: cha-chan, cha, chibi but real name is Alice
Age: 13
Favorite anime/manga: pandora hearts, 07~ghost, code geass, durarara
Hobbies: music,( singing, playing guitar/piano,keyboar, drums, etc ) drawing, dancing, watching movies, eat ice cream.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 8 or 9 i think
About yourself: weird, havent watched any new anime's for a while Dx but continues on those i really like. im strange, and 99% otaku, the only thing i like better than anime and manga and MAL is music.... ;3

Alice is one of my most fav names!! *^* Pandora hearts rule's!
Weirdo's rock! XDD I'm a weirdo myself :3

pandora hearts is awsome, lets hope for a second season, with a better ending 8D

we could almost make a Weirdo's world domination 2010 or 2011 lolzy~

Almost? we can! XDDD
Yes, I hope for a second season two~

lol do you wanna make it srly?? x3 it wouldve been fun desu~ x3

gomen i juts noticed that you havent finished it yet >.>
so you dont know the ending, but a second season would be awsome of course :D
Feb 26, 2010 8:24 AM

Jul 2008
cha-chan said:
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
Name: cha-chan, cha, chibi but real name is Alice
Age: 13
Favorite anime/manga: pandora hearts, 07~ghost, code geass, durarara
Hobbies: music,( singing, playing guitar/piano,keyboar, drums, etc ) drawing, dancing, watching movies, eat ice cream.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 8 or 9 i think
About yourself: weird, havent watched any new anime's for a while Dx but continues on those i really like. im strange, and 99% otaku, the only thing i like better than anime and manga and MAL is music.... ;3

Alice is one of my most fav names!! *^* Pandora hearts rule's!
Weirdo's rock! XDD I'm a weirdo myself :3

pandora hearts is awsome, lets hope for a second season, with a better ending 8D

we could almost make a Weirdo's world domination 2010 or 2011 lolzy~

Almost? we can! XDDD
Yes, I hope for a second season two~

lol do you wanna make it srly?? x3 it wouldve been fun desu~ x3

gomen i juts noticed that you havent finished it yet >.>
so you dont know the ending, but a second season would be awsome of course :D

Pandora? I know how the anime ends, and i'm far in the manga XD and yes - it would be~
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 8:27 AM

May 2008
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
Name: cha-chan, cha, chibi but real name is Alice
Age: 13
Favorite anime/manga: pandora hearts, 07~ghost, code geass, durarara
Hobbies: music,( singing, playing guitar/piano,keyboar, drums, etc ) drawing, dancing, watching movies, eat ice cream.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 8 or 9 i think
About yourself: weird, havent watched any new anime's for a while Dx but continues on those i really like. im strange, and 99% otaku, the only thing i like better than anime and manga and MAL is music.... ;3

Alice is one of my most fav names!! *^* Pandora hearts rule's!
Weirdo's rock! XDD I'm a weirdo myself :3

pandora hearts is awsome, lets hope for a second season, with a better ending 8D

we could almost make a Weirdo's world domination 2010 or 2011 lolzy~

Almost? we can! XDDD
Yes, I hope for a second season two~

lol do you wanna make it srly?? x3 it wouldve been fun desu~ x3

gomen i juts noticed that you havent finished it yet >.>
so you dont know the ending, but a second season would be awsome of course :D

Pandora? I know how the anime ends, and i'm far in the manga XD and yes - it would be~

oh on ur list it stood 22/25 >.>
oh oh oh i read the manga too, read the latest ch.??
Feb 26, 2010 8:33 AM

Jul 2008
cha-chan said:
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
haruka_nazu said:
cha-chan said:
Name: cha-chan, cha, chibi but real name is Alice
Age: 13
Favorite anime/manga: pandora hearts, 07~ghost, code geass, durarara
Hobbies: music,( singing, playing guitar/piano,keyboar, drums, etc ) drawing, dancing, watching movies, eat ice cream.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 8 or 9 i think
About yourself: weird, havent watched any new anime's for a while Dx but continues on those i really like. im strange, and 99% otaku, the only thing i like better than anime and manga and MAL is music.... ;3

Alice is one of my most fav names!! *^* Pandora hearts rule's!
Weirdo's rock! XDD I'm a weirdo myself :3

pandora hearts is awsome, lets hope for a second season, with a better ending 8D

we could almost make a Weirdo's world domination 2010 or 2011 lolzy~

Almost? we can! XDDD
Yes, I hope for a second season two~

lol do you wanna make it srly?? x3 it wouldve been fun desu~ x3

gomen i juts noticed that you havent finished it yet >.>
so you dont know the ending, but a second season would be awsome of course :D

Pandora? I know how the anime ends, and i'm far in the manga XD and yes - it would be~

oh on ur list it stood 22/25 >.>
oh oh oh i read the manga too, read the latest ch.??

I don't know if I read the latest, I usually let myself have something like 5 chapters or more to read in one time~
And we should move this conversation to the comments as well XD
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 26, 2010 12:07 PM

Apr 2007
haruka_nazu said:
Sappy, I bow for you in light of that amazing Introduction *clap clap*
My type of anime and manga vary all the time, and if you are 24 hours on mal - then your rank is 10, just so you know XDD
A mal addiction is basically being on mal much too much for what your parents will call healthy XD

*bows* 8D

lolz i guess that's unavoidable xD;;;

Feb 26, 2010 12:23 PM

Jul 2009
Name: My username is sasohina (obviously), my real name is Ekaterina (I hate it) but people call me Kate or Hina. ^_^
Age: 15
Favorite anime/manga: D.Gray-man!!
Hobbies: reading yaoi fanfiction, writing yaoi fanfiction, watching yaoi anime o_O basically everything I can do including yaoi in it. XD
Hm... writing, reading, MAL (of course), drawing, eating chocolate, being mean to some of my friends XD
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 9.5 Why? Well I'm on my computer every day after school and weekends. The first website I open is of course MAL! When I'm in school I go on MAL from my phone. XD
The only time I'm not on MAL is when I sleep which is 3-4 hours every two days. XD
About yourself: I'm weird. It's the only thing I can say. XD
Feb 26, 2010 1:27 PM

Apr 2009
lol, you're seriosly addicted...nice xD хъъ? от България си? тва е добре :DD
Feb 26, 2010 3:06 PM

Aug 2008
Name:TheVongola11th... real name though is Alex.. (PS: i am a GIRL not a BOY!).. oh and you can call me like everyone does..
Favorite anime/manga: hhmm.. favorite anime would be my top 3 Vampire Knight, Code Geass/R2 and KHR!(definitely Reborn!) manga would be.. again Vampire Knight, KHR! and Mahou Sensei Negima!
Hobbies: ANIME, MANGA, computer with internet(if not internet, then nevermind).. sleeping, fangirling XD, eating, reading books, and etc.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: im not really badly addicted to MAL, i'm addicted to TVMF club which results to going online in MAL all the time.. but i guess im online the computer if its not weekdays, and parents are not home from 7am-8+am.. and i leave MAL open all the time to update my list and visit TVMF club and chat.. lol
About yourself: about me?.. im weird... im definitely addicted to anime and manga which leads to my life in complicated situations... etc... etc...etc... lol oh and im lazy.. which explains the dots.... and the lol-s....
"..Hibari Kyoya is L.O.V.E..."

.. Wanna ask me something? Clicky HERE~!
Feb 26, 2010 11:42 PM

Jul 2008
sApphiRe18 said:
haruka_nazu said:
Sappy, I bow for you in light of that amazing Introduction *clap clap*
My type of anime and manga vary all the time, and if you are 24 hours on mal - then your rank is 10, just so you know XDD
A mal addiction is basically being on mal much too much for what your parents will call healthy XD

*bows* 8D

lolz i guess that's unavoidable xD;;;

Yes, it's unavoidable~XD

sasohina said:
Name: My username is sasohina (obviously), my real name is Ekaterina (I hate it) but people call me Kate or Hina. ^_^
Age: 15
Favorite anime/manga: D.Gray-man!!
Hobbies: reading yaoi fanfiction, writing yaoi fanfiction, watching yaoi anime o_O basically everything I can do including yaoi in it. XD
Hm... writing, reading, MAL (of course), drawing, eating chocolate, being mean to some of my friends XD
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: 9.5 Why? Well I'm on my computer every day after school and weekends. The first website I open is of course MAL! When I'm in school I go on MAL from my phone. XD
The only time I'm not on MAL is when I sleep which is 3-4 hours every two days. XD
About yourself: I'm weird. It's the only thing I can say. XD

Welcome :D I'll call you Kate, cause I like it, kay? x3 Being weird is awesome!!!!!
TheVongola11th said:
Name:TheVongola11th... real name though is Alex.. (PS: i am a GIRL not a BOY!).. oh and you can call me like everyone does..
Favorite anime/manga: hhmm.. favorite anime would be my top 3 Vampire Knight, Code Geass/R2 and KHR!(definitely Reborn!) manga would be.. again Vampire Knight, KHR! and Mahou Sensei Negima!
Hobbies: ANIME, MANGA, computer with internet(if not internet, then nevermind).. sleeping, fangirling XD, eating, reading books, and etc.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: im not really badly addicted to MAL, i'm addicted to TVMF club which results to going online in MAL all the time.. but i guess im online the computer if its not weekdays, and parents are not home from 7am-8+am.. and i leave MAL open all the time to update my list and visit TVMF club and chat.. lol
About yourself: about me?.. im weird... im definitely addicted to anime and manga which leads to my life in complicated situations... etc... etc...etc... lol oh and im lazy.. which explains the dots.... and the lol-s....

Welcome Vony x3 OMG! Alex is one of my fav names! (For boy's and girls ;XD) I've been using it in my stories for around forever Oo" I'm lazy too, and being on mal all day, even if it's for the TVMF is a mal addiction XDD
Again, Weirdoes rule!
haruka_nazuFeb 27, 2010 12:30 AM
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 27, 2010 12:26 AM

Aug 2008
Welcome Vony x3 OMG! Alex is one of my fav names! (For boy's and girls ;XD) I've been suing it in my stories for around forever Oo" I'm lazy too, and being on mal all day, even if it's for the TVMF is a mal addiction XDD
Again, Weirdoes rule!

lol.. you love the name "Alex"?? i kinda hated it at first but then.. meh.. i cant do anything about it even if i want to....
"..Hibari Kyoya is L.O.V.E..."

.. Wanna ask me something? Clicky HERE~!
Feb 27, 2010 12:28 AM

Apr 2009
True, true :D
Alex is great, isn't it? :DDD (actually people call me like that, because my name is Aleksandra - shortly Aleks/Alex :DDDD)
Feb 27, 2010 12:31 AM

Jul 2008
Yes, I love the name Alex and I think it's great x3
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 27, 2010 8:21 AM

Jan 2009
Name: HinaHina, Sarah is my rl name
Age: 17 years old
Hobbies: playing computer games/ meeting friends/ watching animes and reading mangas/ chatting / being lazy =D/ burning my homeworks (jk T___T)
Fav anime: huh uh ehm... Katekyo Hitman Reborn =D
Fav manga: ... I will say: FMAB =D =D
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: Uh... I am not always online in MAL, cuz I am busy =(
About yourself: A weirdo, 100% anime-fan, crazy and lazy :)
Feb 27, 2010 8:24 AM

Jul 2008
HinaHina said:
Name: HinaHina, Sarah is my rl name
Age: 17 years old
Hobbies: playing computer games/ meeting friends/ watching animes and reading mangas/ chatting / being lazy =D/ burning my homeworks (jk T___T)
Fav anime: huh uh ehm... Katekyo Hitman Reborn =D
Fav manga: ... I will say: FMAB =D =D
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: Uh... I am not always online in MAL, cuz I am busy =(
About yourself: A weirdo, 100% anime-fan, crazy and lazy :)

Welcome and, again, Sarha is also one of my more loved names XD what's going on; everyone has such wonderful names...
Burning your homework? Really? such a great hobby Being lazy is great, too x3
Katekyo hitman reborn FTW!!! x3
Love all the "About yourself" you wrote XDDD you'll fit here wonderfully...
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 27, 2010 8:34 AM

Jan 2009
haruka_nazu said:
HinaHina said:
Name: HinaHina, Sarah is my rl name
Age: 17 years old
Hobbies: playing computer games/ meeting friends/ watching animes and reading mangas/ chatting / being lazy =D/ burning my homeworks (jk T___T)
Fav anime: huh uh ehm... Katekyo Hitman Reborn =D
Fav manga: ... I will say: FMAB =D =D
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: Uh... I am not always online in MAL, cuz I am busy =(
About yourself: A weirdo, 100% anime-fan, crazy and lazy :)

Welcome and, again, Sarha is also one of my more loved names XD what's going on; everyone has such wonderful names...
Burning your homework? Really? such a great hobby Being lazy is great, too x3
Katekyo hitman reborn FTW!!! x3
Love all the "About yourself" you wrote XDDD you'll fit here wonderfully...

thx but I know 3 or 4 girls who has got the same name Sarah =O
being lazy is nice and relaxed - =D
yea I ♥ to burn my homework cuz they are annoying >_<
Feb 27, 2010 8:38 AM

Jul 2008
HinaHina said:
haruka_nazu said:
HinaHina said:
Name: HinaHina, Sarah is my rl name
Age: 17 years old
Hobbies: playing computer games/ meeting friends/ watching animes and reading mangas/ chatting / being lazy =D/ burning my homeworks (jk T___T)
Fav anime: huh uh ehm... Katekyo Hitman Reborn =D
Fav manga: ... I will say: FMAB =D =D
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: Uh... I am not always online in MAL, cuz I am busy =(
About yourself: A weirdo, 100% anime-fan, crazy and lazy :)

Welcome and, again, Sarha is also one of my more loved names XD what's going on; everyone has such wonderful names...
Burning your homework? Really? such a great hobby Being lazy is great, too x3
Katekyo hitman reborn FTW!!! x3
Love all the "About yourself" you wrote XDDD you'll fit here wonderfully...

thx but I know 3 or 4 girls who has got the same name Sarah =O
being lazy is nice and relaxed - =D
yea I ♥ to burn my homework cuz they are annoying >_<

I don't know girls with that name, but even so - I love it XD I used it in one of my stories...
Yes, it is x3
I know .-. homework sould just burn, but I got burned once so I'm not playing with fire anymore VV I flash them in the toilet instead :D
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 27, 2010 8:44 AM

Apr 2009
lol XDDDDD welcome HinaHina...or i should call you Hiy o.o"
whatever, sarah is nice name :DDD
and lol, you are so bad to your homework :DDDD
Feb 27, 2010 8:53 AM

Jan 2010
Agree with Hina ~
Homeworks are bad!!! >:O

Feb 27, 2010 9:04 AM

Jul 2008
Darksoul99 said:
Agree with Hina ~
Homeworks are bad!!! >:O

---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Feb 27, 2010 9:34 AM

Jul 2008
Hisagi-Chan said:
Name: Hisagi-Chan [or Hi-Chan] ~ RL name: Jess [or I want it to be like that xD]
Age: 19 years old
Hobbies: being lazy, helping others, making & delivering MC's, writing with other people [especially other anime/manga addicted people <3], listening to music, sleeping
Fav anime: Look at my list, I could cry everytime I have to name my favs, I just have too many >.<
Fav manga: same here .__.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: At least 2 hours per day, if its my online-day, then mostly 3-4 hours >.< [even though I spent quite some time on making MC's and delivering them]
About yourself: A weirdo [I second that for me xD], lazy when it comes to school-thingys and um... I hate to say things about myself? xD

Nice to be here :3

Another lazy person! Yay x3 welcome
A weirdo, too, that's just great x3
Nice to have you here :D
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Mar 1, 2010 1:45 AM

Aug 2009
Name : 0-LikE-0.. Like is my real name ^^.
Age : 16
Favorite anime and manga : A LOT~ Hmm.. KHR! *yaay* Pandora Hearts *yaay* Dengeki Daisy.. Kekkaishi.. etc.. <3
Hobbies : Drawing, Listening to music, watch anime, read manga, playing games (On line games and Games at the console) XD
How badly are you a MAL addicted? : Uh.. Well.. 70% I think? Now I'm in the middle of mid semester exam and I will still visit MAL~ *bwahaha*
About yourself : Well.. I LOVE Tsuna.. Nice to meet u~ *bows*

Mar 1, 2010 1:47 AM

Jul 2008
0-LikE-0 said:
Name : 0-LikE-0.. Like is my real name ^^.
Age : 16
Favorite anime and manga : A LOT~ Hmm.. KHR! *yaay* Pandora Hearts *yaay* Dengeki Daisy.. Kekkaishi.. etc.. <3
Hobbies : Drawing, Listening to music, watch anime, read manga, playing games (On line games and Games at the console) XD
How badly are you a MAL addicted? : Uh.. Well.. 70% I think? Now I'm in the middle of mid semester exam and I will still visit MAL~ *bwahaha*
About yourself : Well.. I LOVE Tsuna.. Nice to meet u~ *bows*

Like is your real name? really? cool O.O
I LOVE Tsu-kun too!! *^* Welcome, have fun in the club ^^~
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Mar 1, 2010 2:16 AM

Aug 2009
haruka_nazu said:
0-LikE-0 said:
Name : 0-LikE-0.. Like is my real name ^^.
Age : 16
Favorite anime and manga : A LOT~ Hmm.. KHR! *yaay* Pandora Hearts *yaay* Dengeki Daisy.. Kekkaishi.. etc.. <3
Hobbies : Drawing, Listening to music, watch anime, read manga, playing games (On line games and Games at the console) XD
How badly are you a MAL addicted? : Uh.. Well.. 70% I think? Now I'm in the middle of mid semester exam and I will still visit MAL~ *bwahaha*
About yourself : Well.. I LOVE Tsuna.. Nice to meet u~ *bows*

Like is your real name? really? cool O.O
I LOVE Tsu-kun too!! *^* Welcome, have fun in the club ^^~

LOL.. yeah.. It's my name.. xD
Tsu-kun lovers~ *banzai* >o<

Mar 1, 2010 9:42 PM

Mar 2009
Name: Jamie
Age: 17
Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more.
Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol
About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k)
Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life.
Mar 2, 2010 3:24 AM

Jul 2008
yusuke116 said:
Name: Jamie
Age: 17
Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more.
Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol
About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k)
Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life.

Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D
KHR and D. gray man rules x3
Lazy people are great :D
Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Mar 2, 2010 9:27 AM

Mar 2009
haruka_nazu said:
yusuke116 said:
Name: Jamie
Age: 17
Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more.
Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol
About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k)
Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life.

Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D
KHR and D. gray man rules x3
Lazy people are great :D
Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D

Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something.
I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing.
Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D
Mar 2, 2010 12:07 PM

Jun 2008
Name: Sunny or whatever you want to call me really 8D
Age: 19
Favorite anime : One Piece / KHR / Gintama / Fairy Tail
Manga : Fairy Tail / Battle Royale
Hobbies: Other than talking & screaming & chatting about my obsessions .. Drawing ... just that xD
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: I used to be a really bad addicted .. yes 4 - 5 hrs if not more .. now i barely have time to be on but IT WILL CHANGE ! HOPEFULLY !
About yourself: Ah dunno exactly what to say since my head is kinda empty for now << your sure its only now ? xD
ANYWAYS ! Thanx Haruka for this lovely topic ~ <3
BishoooDuckMar 2, 2010 12:12 PM
Mar 2, 2010 12:19 PM

May 2008
yusuke116 said:
haruka_nazu said:
yusuke116 said:
Name: Jamie
Age: 17
Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more.
Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol
About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k)
Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life.

Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D
KHR and D. gray man rules x3
Lazy people are great :D
Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D

Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something.
I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing.
Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D

oh cool :D you have your own manga too :D lol, what's about??
Mar 2, 2010 4:42 PM

Mar 2009
cha-chan said:
yusuke116 said:
haruka_nazu said:
yusuke116 said:
Name: Jamie
Age: 17
Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more.
Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol
About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k)
Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life.

Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D
KHR and D. gray man rules x3
Lazy people are great :D
Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D

Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something.
I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing.
Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D

oh cool :D you have your own manga too :D lol, what's about??

Its a psychological thriller, kinda like Monster, you know Monster??
Well anyways If u haven't u can check about it but its about a boy whom i haven't came up with a name with yet lol..anyways its about a boy who's parents were murdered by a serial killer when he was 9 years old. Before the murderer got to his mother and father they hid him in a cabinet under the sink and as he looked out of a small hole in the door he watched as his parents were murdered and the image of the killer was forever imprinted in his mind. But his parents weren't the only victims as the murderer killed his brother. The only people who didn't die that night was himself and his 6 month year old baby sister who was taken by the murderer.
Now 12 years later he is a detective and a lawyer, lol i don't even know if thats possible but i thought it would be interesting. Spurred on by the events 12 years ago is what made him become a detective so that he can hunt down his family's killer and find out the truth about what happened to his baby sister.
He is the youngest ever detective/lawyer in Japan that has solved 38 cases without any of them going cold. His 100% success rate has made him popular in the law world and he has had many calls from overseas seeking his assistance but has turned them all down.
His charasima which attractes people to him has helped him pick up a few friends along his journey. One of them is a women and the other two are men. They are from the same unit as him and they work for him.
Now on a late Friday night a call has come in about a murder and he goes to check it out. But what he finds there shocks him. The family members were all killed the same way in which his family was. There fingers and toes cut off and they are hung and there throats are split. But what shocks him most is what is written on the bodies. The writing says, "This is just the beginning, I will slaughter hundreds and thousands more just like i did to your family boy."
All of those years that have went by the killer has known that he did not kill all of the children the fateful night 12 years ago.
Now spurred on by his obssession to find the killer and get revenge for his family he begins a journey that will take him to many unknown places, threw many trials and betrayals.
But he must choose his friends closely and watch his back as the people he once trusted aren't so trustworthy anymore.
But with his super intuition and guts to do anything for the sake of his goal he finds that a goal that once seemed so far away is not as far away as he once thought.

That is just the overall plot, if u were to read it it would seem much more intersting. Plus I'm looking at more aspects of crime solving, like different ways to solve crime. You know that tv show called the Mentalist?? In that show the main character finds new and diffrent ways to solve his crime. Kinda unique. Thats how I want my own to be. Of course theres plenty work left.

Do u have ur own manga??
Mar 2, 2010 9:22 PM

Jul 2008
Sun_Princess said:
Name: Sunny or whatever you want to call me really 8D
Age: 19
Favorite anime : One Piece / KHR / Gintama / Fairy Tail
Manga : Fairy Tail / Battle Royale
Hobbies: Other than talking & screaming & chatting about my obsessions .. Drawing ... just that xD
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: I used to be a really bad addicted .. yes 4 - 5 hrs if not more .. now i barely have time to be on but IT WILL CHANGE ! HOPEFULLY !
About yourself: Ah dunno exactly what to say since my head is kinda empty for now << your sure its only now ? xD
ANYWAYS ! Thanx Haruka for this lovely topic ~ <3

Sunny x3333 Welcome :D this is just a must topic, nothing special xD yes, you will change! (cuase I miss you T.T) Love your hobbies and you! yeah you, you mean other personalty after "<<"... It's been a long time :D how are you? (Bet you didn't see that comming! xDDDD)
yusuke116 said:
cha-chan said:
yusuke116 said:
haruka_nazu said:
yusuke116 said:
Name: Jamie
Age: 17
Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more.
Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol
About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k)
Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life.

Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D
KHR and D. gray man rules x3
Lazy people are great :D
Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D

Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something.
I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing.
Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D

oh cool :D you have your own manga too :D lol, what's about??

Its a psychological thriller, kinda like Monster, you know Monster??
Well anyways If u haven't u can check about it but its about a boy whom i haven't came up with a name with yet lol..anyways its about a boy who's parents were murdered by a serial killer when he was 9 years old. Before the murderer got to his mother and father they hid him in a cabinet under the sink and as he looked out of a small hole in the door he watched as his parents were murdered and the image of the killer was forever imprinted in his mind. But his parents weren't the only victims as the murderer killed his brother. The only people who didn't die that night was himself and his 6 month year old baby sister who was taken by the murderer.
Now 12 years later he is a detective and a lawyer, lol i don't even know if thats possible but i thought it would be interesting. Spurred on by the events 12 years ago is what made him become a detective so that he can hunt down his family's killer and find out the truth about what happened to his baby sister.
He is the youngest ever detective/lawyer in Japan that has solved 38 cases without any of them going cold. His 100% success rate has made him popular in the law world and he has had many calls from overseas seeking his assistance but has turned them all down.
His charasima which attractes people to him has helped him pick up a few friends along his journey. One of them is a women and the other two are men. They are from the same unit as him and they work for him.
Now on a late Friday night a call has come in about a murder and he goes to check it out. But what he finds there shocks him. The family members were all killed the same way in which his family was. There fingers and toes cut off and they are hung and there throats are split. But what shocks him most is what is written on the bodies. The writing says, "This is just the beginning, I will slaughter hundreds and thousands more just like i did to your family boy."
All of those years that have went by the killer has known that he did not kill all of the children the fateful night 12 years ago.
Now spurred on by his obssession to find the killer and get revenge for his family he begins a journey that will take him to many unknown places, threw many trials and betrayals.
But he must choose his friends closely and watch his back as the people he once trusted aren't so trustworthy anymore.
But with his super intuition and guts to do anything for the sake of his goal he finds that a goal that once seemed so far away is not as far away as he once thought.

That is just the overall plot, if u were to read it it would seem much more intersting. Plus I'm looking at more aspects of crime solving, like different ways to solve crime. You know that tv show called the Mentalist?? In that show the main character finds new and diffrent ways to solve his crime. Kinda unique. Thats how I want my own to be. Of course theres plenty work left.

Do u have ur own manga??

WOW, chilling ><" Show us a bit of it when you can~ I don't have my own manga, but I've written 2 books, and in the middle of two more, in the end of another and in the beginning of 18 more ;xD right now I'm focusing on the close to finish one (though it's only the first in a series of 4 other books i have all written in my mind ;xD)
---"'As long as you're alive - you've got 100% chance of dying"---

---there are two infinite things, the universe and the human stupidity. about the first one I'm
not sure...---

---Math should go drown itself in the toilet---
Mar 3, 2010 7:46 AM

May 2008
yusuke116 said:
cha-chan said:
yusuke116 said:
haruka_nazu said:
yusuke116 said:
Name: Jamie
Age: 17
Favorite anime/manga: Umm so many, lets see, yu yu hakusho, Ouran High School Host Club, Naruto manga, Naruto Shippuden, KHR, Bleach, 07 ghost, D.Grayman and so many more.
Hobbies: Umm eating, sleeping(I hate to wake up, I beg for the morning to never come, thats how bad I hate it, sense I'm working for the next 3 months I often find excuses not to go to work and then sleep all day. I once pretended to leave the house one morning and fool my mother but stupid me didn't realize my mother was watching as I snuck bk in threw the bk door lol. I also love to go to the cinema, watching/playing football, doing crazy shit.
How badly are you a MAL addicted?: A 9 maybe. I pratically visit MAL everyday no matter what. I even sneak onto the computer at work to go on MAL so maybe I'm a 10. Sometimes when I'm home locked up in my room lol I will be watching anime but for some reason I just have to check MAL every 5 mins. NO LIE lol
About yourself: Umm lets see, I'm very lazy, sometimes I hate myself for being so lazy. I love the rain, maybe its because my damm island is so hot that when the rain comes its like a festival lol. But seriously I love the rain, I go to play in it like a child despite the fact I'm 17, I also love to go fishing. I also play football alot, in fact I could safely say that I love football just as much as anime and my life. If I were to rank things in my life that are most important to me,(including my own life)I would say, 1. Laptop(my source of anime/manga and many other things although I won't say those things:P, 2. My life lol, 3. Football and my friends, 4. My PS3 and 5. My little sister(Yep I love her more than my parents lol j.k)
Okay thats pretty much a Introduction into my boring life.

Welcome to the club, hope you'll have fun here :D
KHR and D. gray man rules x3
Lazy people are great :D
Got to say - loved your introduction, great and really lets us know who you are - great job :D

Lol I take it your a lazy person too?? But then again most people on MAL say there lazy as well. So maybe MAL has the lazy disease or something.
I see that you like to write as well. I would have included that in my hobbies but I like to keep my writing a secret. So far I've wrote a journal/novel. Its 156 pages long. Basically its about me talking about life in general. I'm also working on my own manga. So far I have 53 pages of planning and script but I haven't drawn anything yet since I suck at drawing.
Anyways lets me stop talking now lol:D

oh cool :D you have your own manga too :D lol, what's about??

Its a psychological thriller, kinda like Monster, you know Monster??
Well anyways If u haven't u can check about it but its about a boy whom i haven't came up with a name with yet lol..anyways its about a boy who's parents were murdered by a serial killer when he was 9 years old. Before the murderer got to his mother and father they hid him in a cabinet under the sink and as he looked out of a small hole in the door he watched as his parents were murdered and the image of the killer was forever imprinted in his mind. But his parents weren't the only victims as the murderer killed his brother. The only people who didn't die that night was himself and his 6 month year old baby sister who was taken by the murderer.
Now 12 years later he is a detective and a lawyer, lol i don't even know if thats possible but i thought it would be interesting. Spurred on by the events 12 years ago is what made him become a detective so that he can hunt down his family's killer and find out the truth about what happened to his baby sister.
He is the youngest ever detective/lawyer in Japan that has solved 38 cases without any of them going cold. His 100% success rate has made him popular in the law world and he has had many calls from overseas seeking his assistance but has turned them all down.
His charasima which attractes people to him has helped him pick up a few friends along his journey. One of them is a women and the other two are men. They are from the same unit as him and they work for him.
Now on a late Friday night a call has come in about a murder and he goes to check it out. But what he finds there shocks him. The family members were all killed the same way in which his family was. There fingers and toes cut off and they are hung and there throats are split. But what shocks him most is what is written on the bodies. The writing says, "This is just the beginning, I will slaughter hundreds and thousands more just like i did to your family boy."
All of those years that have went by the killer has known that he did not kill all of the children the fateful night 12 years ago.
Now spurred on by his obssession to find the killer and get revenge for his family he begins a journey that will take him to many unknown places, threw many trials and betrayals.
But he must choose his friends closely and watch his back as the people he once trusted aren't so trustworthy anymore.
But with his super intuition and guts to do anything for the sake of his goal he finds that a goal that once seemed so far away is not as far away as he once thought.

That is just the overall plot, if u were to read it it would seem much more intersting. Plus I'm looking at more aspects of crime solving, like different ways to solve crime. You know that tv show called the Mentalist?? In that show the main character finds new and diffrent ways to solve his crime. Kinda unique. Thats how I want my own to be. Of course theres plenty work left.

Do u have ur own manga??

ohh Sounds awsome :D if it comes out once i'll be sure to read it o.O
lol the Mentalist it cool, but the C.S.I.'s is better x3

yeah i do, its kinda like a horror, comedy and action one :D
and its reaaaally funny to make x3
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