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Jul 6, 2015 1:51 AM

Jun 2015
Either Read, lots of Vanilla, Harems, or if some Netori if you feel like it.

Also, if you really, really, love the Clannad Series, avoid reading any Clannad hentai doujins....they're all mostly NTRS. I've stumbled upon a Clannad NRT Doujin with Kyou once, while searching for some vanilla/ has completely ruined Clannad for me.

Why world, why are does NTR make up 90% of Clannad Doujins!!
Jul 7, 2015 6:04 AM
Nov 2013
My cure is the first few episodes of One Piece. It also helps me when I watch a disappointing anime ending (That's right, I'm looking at YOU, Boys Be!).

Furthermore (just like with the mentioned Clannad series), if you like Ah my Goddess, steer clear of it's hentai doujins. 98% of those have NTR in them.
I wish Nailkaizer is my wife. Don't know her? Look --->
Jul 9, 2015 1:37 AM

Feb 2015
The ntr loons won't rest til each and every manga, anime, and hentai are all ntr related.

Talk about desperation.
Good character art and design is good but it doesn't get you very far if the rest of the hentai is pure crap.
Jul 16, 2015 1:42 PM
Jan 2015
just like u, i really got a trauma from NTR manga and i got depressed too
for the cure,i watched an ova of mirai nikki
well, it is not curing at all but it is make me feel more healthy :3
Sep 24, 2015 11:48 AM

Feb 2015
AshcrowKnight said:
Either Read, lots of Vanilla, Harems, or if some Netori if you feel like it.

Also, if you really, really, love the Clannad Series, avoid reading any Clannad hentai doujins....they're all mostly NTRS. I've stumbled upon a Clannad NRT Doujin with Kyou once, while searching for some vanilla/ has completely ruined Clannad for me.

Why world, why are does NTR make up 90% of Clannad Doujins!!

Or GTR which is 10 times better.
Good character art and design is good but it doesn't get you very far if the rest of the hentai is pure crap.
Mar 25, 2016 9:20 AM
Apr 2011
Picked up the School Days VN to play before I try Shiny Days. I see that there are some NTR tags on the game. If anyone who has played could contribute some information, hopefully without spoiling anything that would affect my decision to play this game?

Leading to the next point, should I just go play shiny days? I heard it was an indirect sequel to School days, thats the reason I have school days >.<
Mar 29, 2016 3:00 AM

Feb 2015
A7xsynyster said:
Picked up the School Days VN to play before I try Shiny Days. I see that there are some NTR tags on the game. If anyone who has played could contribute some information, hopefully without spoiling anything that would affect my decision to play this game?

Leading to the next point, should I just go play shiny days? I heard it was an indirect sequel to School days, thats the reason I have school days >.<

I played it before, There's only NTR scene but the Majority of the scenes are Reverse NTR. The M.C is a heartbreaker, nothing different from the OVA.
Good character art and design is good but it doesn't get you very far if the rest of the hentai is pure crap.
Jul 28, 2016 9:25 AM

Nov 2015
How to get over NTR. A really picky topic. Best way is to fill yourself with vanilla fluff, but I suppose you'll run out of fresh vanilla romances in due time.

Well, this is how I personally do it:

1) Fantasize over a "good" ending.
2) Accept that it's NTR
3) Accept your feeling of butt hurt
4) Try not to think about it for the next few days/weeks
5) Come back to it once you realize: It's just a story.
6) Enjoy it for what it is

Now, I'm not telling you to LIKE NTR. I certainly don't like it, but I don't hate it either. It's become more of a craving fetish in a way though oddly enough, this makes me actually want to read more. Maybe I've just gotten to that level that just made me stop caring about how butt hurt I am and just enjoy what is given to me.

Please note: I STILL DO GET BUTT HURT. The pain is real but it subsides after a while and it just affects me less when I remember it.

Like Triangle Blue (just got off that). Fucking HATE triangle blue, but it has good endings. Anyways, Triangle Blue bothered the CRAP out of me when I first read it (in all Japanese, just skipped through everything). I got so butt hurt and eventually just left it alone but that single memory would always creep back every time I see it at the bottom of my D: Drive.

Just came back to it. Eh. It's not so bad. It's just a story with fictional (hopefully) characters. I do swear to a possibly fictional, possibly real, god that I haven't just doomed another universe's protagonist/man to deal with an NTRed wife.

But I'm digressing. The point is, the NTR Trauma/Butt Hurt will subside over time. The more NTR you're exposed to, the less it will bother you. Go back to some of your older NTRs. Don't be afraid of it. It CAN'T hurt you. It might make you feel something, but that's all it's going to do.

But once you get over it, it'll be gone for good.

Except Triangle Blue. I still haven't gotten over that shit. My heart was beating so fast when I was trying to find those NTR routes (like I said, it's like a strange craving/fetish that pops back whenever it's mentioned).


Holy shit I think I tolerate and might like NTR now. This is bad...
Aug 5, 2016 10:52 AM
Oct 2015
I feel like I'm addicted to it though, I hate watching, but I guess I'm hoping for a good ending even though I know it won't be there. Boku no Yayoi-san scarred me.
Aug 5, 2016 11:35 AM
Oct 2015
Are their any women who like ntr?
Aug 20, 2016 3:12 PM
Jul 2018
Mikeytheasian said:
Are their any women who like ntr?

I'm not sure about women liking the type of NTR discussed in this club (as in to be avoided) or on the pro-NTR clubs (as in to be embraced). I would say that it would be a small minority, simply due to the fact that these sort of H-anime/H-manga are marketed toward men.

Now, if you look at material marketed to women (and I have...don't ask), you can most certainly find "NTR-like" plots. However, in this case the "NTR" is usually in the romantic sense and not the sexual.

Case in point: Peach Girl. Watch if you dare. Actually, don't. It's the most rage inducing anime I've ever watched -- Otome Dori included.
Sep 18, 2016 11:34 PM
Feb 2014
Well, I like NTR, and it's one of my favourite genres nowadays...

People gets me wrong when I said this before though. I'm definitely not what others have called anyone who likes NTR here, such as sickos or even potential rapists. No way, that's crazy lol. Maybe some who like it are sick people, but I actually enjoy more vanilla and harem, it's just that NTR happens to be among them in my fav list.

In real life I consider myself a nice guy, even too sensitive with certain matters... But I think this lack of bad feelings towards the genre comes from my life experiences.

Even in the love matter. Out of the 5 relationships I had, I went through 3 really though ones. In the first one I was suddenly left aside and abandoned by the girl I had a nice relationship with, and it literally happened from one day to the other... only to learn days later that since around those days she was with another guy. Yeah, I was like WHAAT???! It took me a while to recover (several months actually), but with the help of my family I managed to move on.

The second one involved me learning that my girlfriend was having sex with another guy (it started with her behaving strange... yes, like actual NTR, hah). This was the worst one, since I felt very emotionally very attached and connected with this girl. But I was emotionally slapped for good (again, by my family), forced to stand on my own two feet and move on with all my might. Well, I partially didn't hear to advices though (and to this day I feel a little remorse on this one), because I actually managed to get the girl back for a few months, but it was only a sexual thing during that time. And did things I never thought I could do... And then I suddenly abandoned her, and she ended up following me instead, until I was very tired and did something so she would forget completely about me. Yup..... Doesn't it sound like the end we all wish NTRs had?..... Well, It felt good back then, but from that time until now I've grown up and even felt remorse of doing that... I even feel a bit worse for that period than when she NTR'd me. It's as if I had revenged myself somehow, and that feeling made me feel disgusting for a long time :P...

The third time it wasn't so bad. It was a little bit similar to the previous one, with the difference that I avoided being too attached to that girl, and I think I was already prepared. Shortly after, I realized a close friend of mine was in love with me, and that was a beautiful relationship which lasted for 3 years (and oh boy, she was so cute and beautiful... I realized it a bit late, but not too late. We were later separated by our differences concerning marriage, kids.. for which we're too opposite, so it just didn't work and we're just friends now, no regrets).

Now, back to the point.... Why do I like NTR even though all of this? I think it's precisely because of this, I feel that I've become "immune" (not insensitive) to this sort of stories. I feel so good with my emotional life right now that reading this sort of stories actually reminds me of "the path not taken". That is, becoming a depressing and sad pile of man that left his humanity behind. I think it's a matter of being mature and growing past a certain point. Some do make me feel a little bad, but I remember very clearly the stuff I went through and feel reassured that my wounds are healed. And then I just forget about it.

(I also like the art styles of some NTR artists If I don't like the art I even can't read it, so I'm partially into it because of this).

I do have some advices:

1. Try not to identify yourself with a character from any NTR story. From where I see it, most of those male characters have no self-esteem and self-confidence, they usually put all their self-value in the relationship with the girl. So when shit happens, they turn into venomous depression. But you know what really was venomous? The relationship itself. They're free from a relationship that simply wasn't meant to be and FOR GOOD, so actually aren't they better without the girl? Yes, yes they are.

2. Maybe I'm too harsh, but if something like that happened to you, wouldn't you be able to move on? Aren't there friends there to help you? If the end of a NTR story concerns you in this respect, then there's probably something that you can improve in your actual life. Also remember that this is just fiction... but isn't it amazing how a stupid NTR story (often very unrealistic...) can be taken from another point of view and be reflected upon?

3. My best advice I think is this: Don't just watch hentai without the proper labels, or in sites full of porn such as redtube. Even I if I'm not prepared I'd feel bad, so if you're in a situation where you can't still handle all of the above, be as careful as possible with the genre.

And well, this was lenghty, but I felt it may help someone out there.
Ryousama00Sep 18, 2016 11:41 PM
Apr 9, 2021 3:58 AM
Jun 2020
Since I discovered NTR, even the act of cheating gives me a nasty felling. But probably how NTR gets me the most is how I’m left feeling empty is where the hentai leaves off. I get the need for closer whenever it comes to NTR and I get moments when I can’t stop thinking about it. The last time I was reading “Sagurare Otome” and it describes as one man is overworked and underpaid while his superior is at his house and getting his way with his wife. But eventually I’ll get over it again, but oh man will I dread the next time I have an emotional problem. Even though I know it’s a work of fiction. NTR just has its way with my feelings, forcing itself inside my head and enjoying itself while I’m laying there taking it. Man sometimes I hate myself.
May 14, 2022 9:14 AM

Feb 2022
Anyone here know Ajisai no chiru koro ni? that thing scarred me for months, when I was still grade 8, I encounter my first NTR which is otome dori, it's much worse than ajisai, I remember not able to move on from it for days but since that time I'm still at school, I quickly forgot about it, but this ajisai, men, it hit me when I was still unemployed and shut in, I'm devasted since Dec. 2021, I already read all of takeda hiromitsu works, but none of them hurts me as much as ajisai, Jan. 2022 was the worse month, whenever I accidentally see a picture related to it, be it the anime or the manga, I literally felt a pain in my chest, yeah that's how it deeply hurt me and I don't know why, then I tried drowning myself with bunch of regular animes (that time I can watch 2 titles on 1 day, either 2-12 eps or 1-24 and half of a 12 eps), reading other ero mangas from my favorite tags (which is harem, lactation and vanilla), none of them works, tried reigniting my drawing skills to create a better ending manga for it, but yeah maybe drawing isn't really for me, then after I read a fanfic about ajisai ( and finding a job, I'm slowly moving on from that wretched series, I've seen much worse NTR (I hate NTR but I give chance to a manga if I like the cover or the art style, yeah I know, bad idea, really a shame since I like takeda's art style but he always do NTR) but none of them hurts me not as much as ajisai and I don't know why, maybe because I simp really hard on natsuha or maybe because it's just plain betrayal, no blackmail, drugs, hypnosis, aphrodisiac, rape or any BS author came up with, anyway sorry for my long vent post and sorry for wrong grammars, English is not my first language.
Captain1996May 14, 2022 9:29 AM
My biggest regret: Reading all 200+ chapters of Kanojo Okarishimasu (Rent a GF)

[IMG align=left]
Jul 17, 2022 2:34 PM
Aug 2020
Any cures for furyou ni hamerarete jusei suru kyonyuu okaa-san?, please I need it.
Jul 19, 2022 2:50 PM
Aug 2020
Nevermind I found a cure for it
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