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Jan 19, 2019 6:39 AM
Aug 2014
Abberton Village
A simple village for those whom wish to live a simple life.

Not much of interest is going on in Abberton Village. Its biggest building is the general storage hall, followed by the church. Other than those two buildings, there are only smaller farm houses. The entire population consists of around 60 people.
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Jan 21, 2019 5:36 AM
Aug 2014
Health: ???
Prana: ???
Stamina: ???
Equipment: A simple pull-cart.

STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?

Current Status: None
Effects Active: None

Her customers happened to travel in the same direction, although only for a short bit. Their destination was Abberton, which wasn't far from where they were. Alodia was planning to skip the village, as she didn't expect to sell much there, to the point where she was sure the profit she had just made from this group of people was bigger than anything she'd get from that village. Nobody really sparked up a conversation either, and nobody looked like they were waiting for Alodia to start one either, so she ended up travelling in silence. When they reached the village, she spoke up again. “Well, I'm not sure what business you have here, but I'm going to skip this place, so I wish you all the best~” With that, she'd continue to head to the other side of the village, where the roads towards Valindral continued. Eventually, she'd go out of sight, leaving the area.
Jan 21, 2019 5:44 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 180/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

Amice wasn't paying much attention to the others, as she had a very important task. Now that Guinsoo had explained her how even things like weapons should have names, she had to name her recently acquired rubber duck. That said, she didn't know many names. Holding the duck in front of her, she tried to imagine how it would introduce itself to her, if it could. That's when it hit her. Mr. Quacksworth. He was definitely a mister Quacksworth. Having happily reached that conclusion, she'd mumble to herself; “Nice meeting you, mister Quacksworth.”

Short after they reached the village, the merchant already said goodbye. Amice waved her off, looking around afterwards. “It's really pretty here, with all the trees, and grass and hills~” She liked this place better than the city, and better than the swamp, and also a bit better than the forest. Considering there wasn't a lot to do at the moment, she'd keep looking around for a bit, although she'd make sure not to stray too far away from the others.
Jan 21, 2019 4:24 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

Lucia and her comrades reached the village, it was a simple enough settlement. Lucia could see why the people here would need protection from Calamity Seeds, they definitely wouldn't be able to defend themselves. The fact that Astraea was willing to send SOULs to help out such a small village was a good sign, Lucia acknowledged this and it made her feel a little better about her new employers. In any case, the merchant said her goodbyes and continued onwards, leaving the village and continuing her journey. Amice was naming her rubber duck and Ryan said that he had been a SOUL for about a week, not too long then. He said he'd already gotten to do quite a bit though, perhaps there was always a lot of work here?

Ryan stated that she seemed new and asked if this was her first mission, "I was freshly summoned not too long ago with Evayle," she said gesturing to the costumed girl, "Personally I was against going on a mission so soon but I suppose it's also good to jump in head first sometimes. Lucia crossed her arms and looked around at the village before returning her gaze to Ryan, "This village doesn't look like it has many defences, I would imagine they would have quite a few problems with Calamity Seeds..."
Jan 22, 2019 2:14 AM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Lucia said she just got summoned really recently, along with Evalye. And that jumping in head first was good sometimes. "Well, you'll definitely have plenty of time to get used to it." He really doubted there would be another sudden urgent mission requiring everyone to participate anytime soon, so new people like her would have time to learn.

Lucia said something that made it seem like she was worried about the village's defenses. But Ryan wasn't too worried."I guess so, but that's what we're here for after all! Ciela said we should avoid letting any soldiers die. That means there are definitely some soldiers here who can kill CS for when SOULs can't get there in time or can't achieve it all on their own. Maybe they rely on their powers more than on technology."It wasn't like normal guns worked on CS anyways.

It seemed like they'd be enough to defend the village. After all, he'd looked at the logs once, and a very similar mission to this had been done successfully already.
CanaasJan 22, 2019 2:17 AM
Jan 22, 2019 12:26 PM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 50/50
Stamina: 150/150
AG: 50/50
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Ornn, Rubber Duck, Tuba

On the way to the village, it was pretty quiet. Guinsoo was looking up on the COMB what Alodia meant by Internet. Eventually he found what he was looking for! How to play the Tuba. They had already reached the village by then. It didnt take long at all, they were most likely already close when they met the merchant! Lucia and Ryan seemed to be hitting it off, which was great. Maybe Ryan can show Lucia what a great feeling it is to hit something hard. He waved goodbye to Alodia as she left and turned back to the group. Their mission was here!

"Well, since we've arrived.. lets announce our arrival to the village head!", and he blew into the instrument. This time, it was less of a horrific noise. He actually kind of knew what to do, but even the amateurs could figure he recently started playing, "Maybe we should also get a good look at the area, see if we can find any good defensive positions! I know, I'll be in front and blow this horn when I see them!", he blew into the instrument once more!
Discount66Jan 22, 2019 12:40 PM
Jan 23, 2019 11:20 PM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

Ryan said that she would have plenty of time to get used to it, which she supposed was true. She was adaptable, she could adjust fairly quickly if she put her mind to it. She just had to stay focused on the positives in her situation, a second chance at life was something most people didn't ever get. "I should consider myself one of the lucky ones... Although, Persephone sent me here for a reason so I've got to keep my guard up," she mused, still distrustful of her patron goddess. Until she knew the answer to why she had been sent here, she would remain at least partially cynical.

Ryan continued to talk about the town's defences, he seemed to think they were adequate enough. In Lucia's eyes, relying on Astraea to send SOULs - which are basically the equivalent of contracted mercenaries - to protect the village, wasn't a good nor reliable method. Nonetheless, Ryan had been here for longer than her so he probably knew what he was talking about.

Guinsoo blew into his tuba again, preluding the slightly better-sounding noise with the announcement that he was notifying the village head they had arrived. He also suggested they should find defensive positions, something Lucia could agree with. "Perhaps our supports could occupy the rooftops? That could put us out of range of the Garms while still being able to support our offensive members. We could also provide an elevated view of the battlefield, should give us an advantage in being able to see where the enemy is coming from."
WymsicalJan 23, 2019 11:26 PM
Jan 27, 2019 3:56 AM

Nov 2015


100/100100/10080/80 Astralfire: 20/20 • Mode: BLUE
STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: BLUE
Character class: Cleric

Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding.

Evalye would look around at the village. It reminded her of places where she had been off as a child. But now things were off different. Seeing the halfling go, Evalye would turn around and look at Amice who went off to wander around. Unlike Lucia, Evalye did not share her prejudice towards how SOULs were chosen. She decided to look after Amice and go after her.

”Would you like to live in a place like this?” Evalye asked carefully from Amice.

【 Kurome 】

100/100100/10075/75Ire: 25/25Malice: 0/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.

Kurome looked around at the small town, for some reason she was more relaxed in an urban environment. She’d wander off to a side alley and find a place where the path would be narrow enough, jump from one wall to another, she would quickly vault her way into the rooftops and climb up higher and higher until she would on one of the tallest buildings in the village. Her eyes would quickly scan around, looking for the group of calamity seeds that they were sent to stop.

”I wish you were here to see this all...” Kurome whispered to the wind as she assumed the role of a lookout. If she was able to spot the calamity seeds, she would open up her COMB and send a message: ”I spotted the calamity seeds. They are at # Enter Direction #.”
Jan 27, 2019 4:55 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Guinsoo wanted to talk to the village head to say they had arrived and Lucia wanted to use the rooftops for the supports. It was nice that Guinsoo was enthusiastic and all, but it seemed like everyone forgot about something. So, he'd tell both Lucia and Guinsoo the problem before Guinsoo would go talk to the village head. "Won't they just try to eat the villagers if we fight them inside the village? Seems like it'd be better if we fought somewhere at a distance from the village, unless the guards have some kind of defenses set up that we don't know about." Unless there was some mandatory reason for them to stay there, like powerful village defenses, or the CS being too numerous for them to attempt to do it without the help of the guards and some sort of defenses, he didn't see a huge point in taking the risk. CS could power up by eating people. And Garms had super-smell, so they would easily find the villagers, even if they hid inside their homes.
Jan 27, 2019 8:52 PM
Jan 2015

As the group of SOULs traveled towards Abberton Village, they would soon see three guards. Two waited at the bridge which served as the village's western entrance, while the third was standing on a nearby rooftop.

The first was a muscular man who wielded a large two-handed axe, looking somewhat similar to Guinsoo although he was a human rather than a beastkind. "You're the team sent by Astraea, right? The name's Harry, nice to meet ya!" Next to him was a woman who had two sheathed swords of eastern design, and was a little more cautious about the group, looking at them more closely before deciding they were Astraea's forces. "They all have Astraea's communication bracelets, so they aren't imposters..." Even so, the group wasn't exactly what they expected out of a mercenary force, with how several were carrying random stuff including a tuba, a pillow, and even rubber ducks...

"What's with all this stuff, anyways?"

Harry couldn't help but ask the obvious question, and soon got an answer.

"I saw them buy those items from the Halfling merchant on the way here. I wish they hadn't bought the tuba though..."

The answer came from a Beastkind teenager with bunny ears who wielded a bow, standing on a rooftop of a small building near the bridge. From that high ground, he'd seen and heard their approach for a while now, including the painful sound of an amateur playing a tuba for the first time...

Then the samurai woman spoke up again, introducing herself and trying to take them seriously despite the random items making them seem a little less professional. "My name is Makoto Oshiro, and I welcome your assistance in the defense of this village. You may store your belongings in the storage hall over there." She pointed to the largest building in the village (based on the area picture) to let them know where to go next. It was also somewhat clear by how she talked that at least among this group of three, she was acting as the leader. "That building is also where we have evacuated the villagers to, and the captain wishes to speak with you there about his plan for the battle." Depending on how the SOULs responded, the guards would continue speaking with them and answer whatever questions were asked, or if the conversation was done they would head towards the storage building to meet up with the rest of the guards who were waiting there.

Sho_the_MageJan 27, 2019 9:17 PM
Jan 28, 2019 12:18 AM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

Ryan thought that it would be best to meet the Garms outside of the village, while that did make sense, to a degree, Lucia didn't agree with him. They would need every advantage they could get and Lucia was sure that the villagers had some sort of bunker or stronghold that they could hole up in to wait out threats such as this.

Before she could respond to him, however, they were greeted by three people before entering the village. Lucia's eyes roamed over the group, they all looked to be warriors of some kind. One of them, clearly an archer, stood on the rooftop of the building just inside the village. The other two, who seemed more like traditional swordsmen, stood at the other end of the bridge to the SOULs.

Lucia listened to what they had to say, singling out the woman as their leader. These people were obviously acting as guards for the village, Lucia stepped forward and raised a hand in greeting, displaying the Mark of Persephone tattoo on her palm. "It's a pleasure to meet you. Yes, we were sent by Astraea to help defend your village against a pack of Garms." Makoto had said that they were to talk to the captain about his plans for the battle. Lucia had a question about that, "Do we have much time to discuss battle plans? I imagine the Garms won't be waiting for us to strategise before they attack."
WymsicalJan 28, 2019 12:29 AM
Jan 28, 2019 8:40 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

They ran into some guards at the bridge, and the guy introduced himself as Harry. He asked about the items they were carrying, but before Ryan could say anything Harry just got an answer from the other guard. Who apparently had seen them even when they were buying from the merchant. Then the last one there spoke up and told them where they could put their items. Apparently they were able to just evacuate the villagers to said safe place, that was convenient. It turned out the village was more secure than it looked. "Alright, we'lll get right to it." The guards were saying to go there and it didn't seem like there was a point in them staying there, but as the guards were occupying the bridge, he'd only start walking if they went first.

The guards had done their introductions, so it probably made sense if they would introduce themselves too. Lucia thought they might be pressed for time, but the situation had been low-risk enough that Astraea had allowed them to take the time to walk there on foot after all, so it was probably fine. He could get why Lucia would want things to go fast though.

It wasn't like the guards had directly said what the plan was, since they still might be required to fight at a distance from the village, but it was looking like Ryan's original idea was not going to happen. So he wanted to know more about whatever they had all already been told by their boss. "My name's Ryan. So, are we all going to be fighting together against the CS?"He wasn't sure if the guards were just the backup or if they would be in the fight from the beginning.

Ryan would just follow the guards if they led them towards the building where their boss was.
Jan 28, 2019 11:55 PM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 180/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

Everyone, Amice included, mostly ignored the merchant as she said her goodbyes. After all, what need was there to say goodbye to a lowly merchant? None. None at all. That said, she did at least get a wave from the guy she sold a tuba. Maybe there was a correlation between being nice and having a tuba? In any case, she'd remember to give him a tad bit of a discount if she'd ever run into him again. None of this, of course, was on Amice's mind. I'm just adding it cause I don't want to make another NPC post, but don't want to leave it out either.

Amice, in the meantime, would look up at Evalye. “I'm not sure, but I think it reminds me of home.” Truth be told, she wasn't sure what her home looked like after spending so long in the forest, but what little she did recall seemed somewhat like this. That said, Amice didn't get as far into the village as she wanted to go, as they were stopped by three guards.

“I'm Amice, Amice Bellamy, and these are Tangerine, Emerald, Indigo, Timberwolf and Chartreuse!” Amice introduced herself and her pixies to the guards, pointing at each of them as she named them. She'd leave the rest to the others, and would instead just follow along.
Jan 29, 2019 3:31 AM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 50/50
Stamina: 150/150
AG: 50/50
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Ornn, Rubber Duck, Tuba

The group were soon approached by two warriors, one who seemed way more friendly than the other, wielding a large two-handed axe. Introducing himself as Harry while the other, wielding two weird blade-like weapons. She seemed way more suspicious about their group than the other. Harry asked them about the items they were carrying and was soon answered by someone standing on a roof. The person carrying two weapons seemed to finally have gathered enough information for herself to think they were trustworthy enough to introduce herself to. "Nice to meet you, Makoto!".

Guinsoo would just go with the group towards the big building while Lucia was talking business on their field trip. He just turned towards the beastkind who was on top of the rooftop, "Name's Guinsoo! Yours?", if the beastkind was close enough, he'd hold out his hand for a handshake.
Jan 29, 2019 4:25 PM

Nov 2015


100/100100/10080/80 Astralfire: 20/20 • Mode: BLUE
STR: F • VIT: F • RES: C • WIL: C • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: BLUE
Character class: Cleric

Evalye's primary attributes are WIL and RES. STR and VIT are secondary attributes. WIL and RES +1 rank; STR and VIT -1 ranks. Astral Gear suffers 120% damage when used for guarding.

Evalye nodded. ”Yes. This place has the kindling warmth that echoes for home. Welcoming and happy. I’m sure the people around are the type of people that do favors for each other and help each other whenever.”

After Amice introduced herself to the guards, Evalye would do the same: ”Hello, I am Evalye from Astraea. It’s a pleasure.”

【 Kurome 】

100/100100/10075/75Ire: 25/25Malice: 0/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.

Fortunately there were no calamity seeds in sight. Instead there were guards. With gleaming eyes, Kurome kept her eyes fixed on the guard on the rooftop, either scoping at him at a level or above. However the sun was slowly making the beastkind drowsy, as she was at the brink of her brief nostalgia trip. Kurome had no interest to go greet the guards. And instead she would lie down on her stomach on the rooftop and absorb all the warmth that she could.
Jan 29, 2019 11:23 PM
Jan 2015

The three guards would continue to respond to the Astraea SOULs' questions, starting with Lucia greeting Makoto, revealing a strange tattoo on her palm which reminded Makoto of how some of the villagers were rather superstitious. However, that didn't include her (and she wasn't even from the village), so she simply answered the question about if the Garms would wait for them to prepare.

"Indeed they will not. Based on our scout's report, we only have a few minutes before they reach the village, so there is no time for idle chat."

Now that the urgency of their situation was clear, it was time for them to head towards the storage hall where they would meet with the other guards. On the way there, one of them asked about if they would all be fighting together. "That depends on what happens in the battle, but the captain will give a more complete explanation once we are there." She didn't want to waste valuable time explaining the plan when it was only going to be explained again once they met the other guards.

Next up was the sole Halfling among Astraea's forces, who had summoned five fairy-like beings even tinier than herself. Not only that, but she even gave them all names as if they were her friends instead of just tools. Makoto kept her cool and the Beastkind boy was too shy to say anything, but Harry couldn't help but notice the obvious. "Aw, you gave them all names? You're even cuter than our little buddy George!" Astraea's forces weren't the only one with a Halfling, although unlike most Halflings Amice kind of acted like a child too. "Don't tell him I said that though. He's got an ego twice his size, hahaha!" Of course, this got a response from their acting leader. "Try showing some courtesy; they may be small, but Halfling soldiers are not children." She couldn't deny Amice being cute, but she was still an adult (or so Makoto thought) and needed to be treated like one.

Meanwhile, the wolf-man Guinsoo introduced himself to his fellow Beastkind, although the difference in height of the rooftop made him too far down for a handshake. Slightly creeped out by the cat-girl Kurome staring at him, he was also surprised someone wanted to talk to him despite the height difference making it awkward.

"Me? Uh, my name's Leonardo. I should get going though, we need to get ready for the battle..."

Luckily, he wouldn't have to talk to him much more since at the same time, Makoto started leading them all back towards the Storage Hall, leaving the area to go meet the other guards and prepare for battle in the short time remaining.
Jan 30, 2019 6:05 AM

Oct 2014
Lucia Roy
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 100/100
AG: Summoned
STR: E • VIT: E • WIL: D • RES: E
SPD: E • AGL: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Status: None
Skills Active: Adrenaline (Passive)
Current Equipment: None
Current Appearance: Lucia has a tattoo on her forehead and on both palms. Her eyes are light blue and her hair is done up in an intricate hairstyle with lots of beads and braids. The hood of her outfit is currently down.

It was revealed that the Garms were only a few minutes away, Lucia frowned in concern but followed along as the three guards led them to the Storage Hall. She didn't like the idea of going into a building when the threat of the Calamity Seeds was so imminent. Nonetheless, she didn't want to waste even more of their precious time by attempting to argue with them. So she would simply follow them and leave the area.
Jan 30, 2019 8:44 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

It seemed like he wasn't going to get an answer yet, but that was fine, the captain was going to tell them.

Seemed like everyone there was in a pretty good mood, so Ryan got the impression that as far as everyone knew at least, they would be able to deal with these CS. And he'd have somewhere to put his new, hopefully good pillow, as he followed everyone into the Storage Hall.
Jan 31, 2019 3:17 PM

Nov 2015

100/10080/80100/100Astralfire: 20 /20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

Evalye followed inside, unaware where Kurome had gone. She simply dismissed it. (The assassin remained on the rooftops, basking in the sun and ignoring this chance of meeting with all the guards.) Evalye would leave the area.
Feb 3, 2019 10:36 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Since Lucia had been using Blackfyre Sight a lot of times, when he turned to talk to her he had noticed her eyes glowing red creepily once or twice as she looked around. He didn't really know what it was for and didn't remember her attribute-reading powers at the time.

Lucia thought his idea of how far away they should go was good and then she said she didn't know why Kurome wasn't there. He couldn't just casually chat about the Freeze Occurence while he and Lucia were walking outside, so he just had to refer to it indirectly. "Actually, I can think of a pretty good reason, looks like nobody told you yet."

While they moved out of hearing range of the people in the building Ryan checked his COMB for kurome's location and would turn to look at wherever she had gone.

If Kurome was still laying on the roof, or was in a position on the roof that didn't involve her being a living statue(standing up, totally unmoving, not even breathing, etc), Ryan would say this:"Well, guess it's not what i thought. You should check your COMB later. We all can apparently just randomly go unconscious and become frozen like statues for a long time with no warning. But that's not what happened this time. "If she was going to be lazy, why'd she join a mission of a fight to the death in the first place?

If Kurome would still just be laying there as he said this, he was just going to have to get her to move already. "Kurome, get down from there, we're heading out." Sounding unenthused as he did so. He wondered if they'd just be better off leaving her there. If she was that uninterested that she wouldn't even join in the strategy meeting maybe she was just useless and wouldn't help much either way.

If one way or another Kurome would end up actually joining the group, Ryan might end up leaving the area and heading for the plains. If she made a big deal out of it, or something else inhibited them from heading out, then it'd be a longer wait.

Meanwhile, if Kurome was already off the roof by the time he checked his COMB, he wouldn't have said any of that if she actually moved to join them.

CanaasFeb 3, 2019 10:47 PM
Feb 5, 2019 4:52 PM

Nov 2015

【 Kurome 】

100/100100/10075/75Ire: 25/25Malice: 0/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.

Kurome would look at Ryan for a moment like a cat trying to decide it's next course of action. Slowly allowing her body to slide down, she looked bit disgruntled and slowly the gravity was doing the work for her. By the ledge, the feline applied a minor torque and she dropped down all her fours and absorbed the impact evenly across her entire her body, despite of not rolling. She then sprung up and flexed. But there was no cracking sound to be heard. She was incredibly flexible. "You should learn to appreciate life a bit more. So we are not -going- to use this place and take advantage of an urban area? Hunting dogs in a open field... I guess it's a smarter idea than doing that out in the woods." Kurome would let out a loud yawn: Why didn't I sleep last night." She'd say out in a quiet voice and then tag along close to Ryan. She'd let out a purring sound as they walked off and then as they came close to the group she would brush her shoulder against Ryan and take distance her from him by accelerating the rate of her footfall. Secret cat skill: claim ownership / slave
Feb 5, 2019 9:21 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

For some reason Kurome was complaining even when she was the one who hadn't gone to the meeting in the first place. And thought they should go to an urban area, while saying she thought he didn't enjoy life. He hadn't really enjoyed her way of responding. And he had bad experiences with Assasins. So this was somewhat of a chore for him. "Captain's orders, from the meeting. We're supposed to fight the Garms outside of the village and only retreat inside if we need to. Probably to avoid letting the Fenrir damage any buildings. But if they're too strong or numerous, sure, we could go back inside and force them to leap over that trench." It wasn't like he was against using the village defenses. That was kind of what a trench was for. It just seemed like a good idea to stop the Fenrir cold and not let it cause any big damage.

After Kurome had dropped down from the building with cat like flexibility and said her ideas and Ryan responded she would walk by him. As she was walking next to him he thought maybe she would now be less antisocial than she had been earlier with not joining the meeting. But weirdly she purred for some reason. And as they got near the group she brushed her shoulder against him and suddenly started walking faster to move away. Seemed weird for an Assassin to accidentally bump into someone while walking, but he just shrugged it off. Not really considering the possibility of it being intentional.

Eventually they would all probably end up leaving the area, heading to the outskirts, although they didn't exactly have to go anywhere far into those outskirts.
CanaasFeb 5, 2019 9:43 PM
Feb 6, 2019 2:38 PM

Nov 2015
【 Kurome 】

100/100100/10075/75Ire: 25/25Malice: 0/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.

Kurome would let out a soft laugh, upon hearing the "captain's orders" thing. After a moment she would tug Ryan from his sleeve and give him a sharp look: "And you sir... Are you a sheep among the flocks? Following orders and taking them for granted. People might die because of those decision. Forever lost. If you are going to fight, you should always do so in the environment you are most comfortable with. And should things go wrong. Where would those poor souls retreat to? Do they really think that they could race a hound? They only removed fool's luck out of the equation; placed a river behind them. History taught us many times how things go when that happens. It does not end well. The weather was so nice. The last rays of sun tend to warm you the most. I wish that they would have all experienced that before going stepping out...

So there you go, I think you have it a little backwards. We were not sent here to kill some Calamity Seeds and enlist the local militia to aid us do so, while endangering them. We came here to protect this place from the Calamity Seeds. Now, however. Because of some captain who has probably for all I know, never seen real violence... Now then what do you think is going to happen? "

Kurome would probably leave the area after Ryan would...
Inaru-samaFeb 6, 2019 2:41 PM
Feb 6, 2019 6:46 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Kurome was definitely a pretty rude one, he just passes along the captain's plan to someone who hadn't even bothered to join the meeting, and she calls him a sheep. Spent too much time on discussing drama of what might happen if they lost due to a bad plan, over the details of what had to get done, when they didn't have a lot of time to talk. It would have helped a lot more if she just said what specifically she thought they should do with the urban environment, but he could get it that she had at least some point about the plains being worse than the village. Especially due to the trench.

"Great job not shooting the messenger. If we saw the Garms in the distance, we would have plenty of time to retreat back to the village before they reach us. The captain basically said we were free to do that. But I can't deny that these wolves might have a little more trouble with buildings compared to running freely around the plains. We should go and meet with the group to not waste time repeating things."
After which he would join the others who were leaving the area, and tell them what he thought they could do.Leaving out the part where Kurome was very rude since it was just a time waster to say. And Ryan was all about getting things done fast.
"Kurome suggested we could use the village against these enemies. I think we should just use the trench first, and hit them as they jump over it. If any of us individually have to back up any more, we can just use a rooftop to get a free hit on them as they jump up, and they then won't be able to go too fast without falling off. While Amice could just wait on a rooftop from the beginning since her pixies can go out a while away from her. Does anyone have anything they would want to change about that plan?" He'd been a bit biased to not listen to any of her suggestions at first just because she was an Assassin and he had a bad history with them, combined with the way she'd timed it right after being lazy, but he had to admit just fighting in the open plains probably wasn't as good as using the city which had defenses, most obviously the trench which would give them a free hit on the enemies. The rooftops basically meant the Garms couldn't go as fast up there with how they used 4 legs and couldn't turn as easily as bipedal creatures. He now remembered these things were supposed to be the types to rush at enemies. And that wouldn't be easy on a small roof where rushing too far and missing would mean simply falling off. And where it would be possible for them to knock the garms off the rooftops too.

The Fenrir was the biggest threat, and obviously might cause some property damage, but it wasn't the end of the world if it did. The worst thing it could do was eat someone, turn into an Amarok, and set the village on fire. But that was really unlikely to happen unless they majorly messed up anyways.

As they technically weren't leaving the Village itself, assuming other people agreed with Ryan's plan, Guinsoo would no longer be in the other area thread, unless he wanted to argue they should go out to meet the Garm's forces. Ryan originally had planned to do that when he didn't know the villagers were evac'd to a single building, but it really wasn't necessary anymore. If they saw an Amarok approach from the distance, that would be a pretty good reason to go out and meet the enemy group so it could not raze the village, but other than that staying there seemed to have more benefits than downsides.
Feb 6, 2019 7:47 PM

Oct 2014

Lucia Roy

Stats and Stuff

Before they left the Storage Hall the captain asked about the missing SOUL, Lucia sighed and responded, "Unfortunately, she remained outside for whatever reason. I apologise for the lack of professionalism." The captain said that they would just have to fill her in which Lucia nodded in agreement with. One of the guards asked Lucia about her glowing eyes and she smiled at the guard, although the stress of the upcoming battle was weighing on her mind so the smile came off as more of a grimace. "Just analysing everyone's physical capabilities." With that, Lucia exited the Storage Hall, walking alongside Ryan.

Ryan mentioned something that raised concern for Lucia, apparently, SOULs could freeze. Lucia frowned as she walked, wondering what would happen if a SOUL froze during a mission. Before she could ask Ryan about that, the boy addressed Kurome - who was still sunbaking on the rooftop. Lucia crossed her arms and curled her lip in disdain as Kurome dropped from the roof and responded to Ryan. Lucia disliked the tone the assassin took and the fact that she was still so lax about the mission caused her temper to flare. She let Ryan and Kurome have their discussion, as well waiting for Ryan to relay the message to the rest of the group, before she spoke.

"This village is these peoples' home. The captain expressed that he didn't want us to battle the CS here and that's a perfectly reasonable request, even if it puts us at a tactical disadvantage. Perhaps if you'd have been professional enough to take part in the discussion rather than 'enjoying life' you could have counterargued. Unfortunately, we don't have the time to do that now." Lucia's gaze was hard and unyielding, trained on Kurome in what was almost a glare. "Following orders is what keeps soldiers from dying, disobeying them is what gets people killed. We stick to the original formation we came up with because we don't have time to make a new one."

Lucia pointed out towards the outskirts where the CS were approaching from, "Those things are coming for us and these villagers, who will all die if we don't step up and do our damn jobs. But if you don't want us to go out into the plains, which I admit is a tactical mistake, I think the next best thing would be to take up position on that bridge. Bottleneck the Garms so that they can't flank us by using the trench to our advantage. Hopefully, they can't clear the gap by jumping and if we get overwhelmed we can fall back into the village and let the guards help us out. This way we can at least respect the captain's wishes of battling outside the village but also maintain a good strategical position." Hopefully, this would be enough to convince everyone, they didn't have much time to argue any more.
Feb 6, 2019 10:16 PM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 50/50
Stamina: 150/150
AG: 50/50
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive/Inactive)
Current Equipment: Ornn, Rubber Duck

Guinsoo ventured out of the Storage Hall with the rest. The group of SOULs were the frontline, and the rest were more or less guarding the village. Helen seemed to have thought Guinsoo was joking, and so did Jimbo! How could they, he would never dishonor the dead like that, or lie about something as amazing as being immortal! Minerva also responded to his thanks, and the conversations pretty much ended without much trouble. He even got a reply from Alex, saying he knew someone called Lucia Flores! After this, he's going to show Helen that he wasn't joking!

Ryan was getting Kurome, and since he already took that job, Guinsoo thought he'd go out into the fields! Breathing in the fresh air as he put a hand above his eyes, covering them from potential sunlight as well as attempting to make him see clearer. He squinted his eyes to look into the distance.

He then noticed the group of wolves led by a pretty big wolf showing up in the distance. They were making their way towards the village, and Guinsoo grabbed hold of the pole of his axe. If he could, he'd wait slightly for Ryan and Kurome to be there. But if it was obvious they couldn't really wait, he would shout out, "Incoming!", Guinsoo let everyone know, "The big one's mine, right, Lucia?", he'd prepare himself for combat, not yet entering combat state unless necessary. He would also not enter combat state if Lucia told him to wait.

If it was necessary, and even if Lucia didn't say that the big one was his. If he didnt enter combat state, ignore this passage.
Feb 7, 2019 11:30 AM

Nov 2015

100/10080/80100/100Astralfire: 20 /20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

Evalye’s eyes burned with passion as she got ready for the fight. The feelings of melancholy were only part of her better half who wouldn’t rush into battle headfirst. Only when Lucia paid attention to Kurome, did she remember the presence of the assassin. Evalye was enraged at first but part that she didn’t think of it first. She was only thinking about the fight and glory to be had. She wasn’t taking it maturely enough. It was certain that an assassin would not pick a fight on a ground where they’d have a disadvantage. Evalye would only let out a quiet ‘hmph’ as she turned to face the bridge.

As Guinsoo said that he’d take the biggest one; Evalye would race to it: ”No fair. I’ll take whatever is next to it then!” However instead of rushing straight into the battle, Evalye would assume battle stance as she would notice Guinsoo Do so and then she would prepare to face whatever would come, trying to predict which one of the garms would be hers to deal with.

【 Kurome 】

100/100100/10075/75Ire: 25/25Malice: 0/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.

Kurome would tilt her head slowly and her ears would remain perked. It was the only facial expression she had as she listened. At some point she would throw in a: ”You’re welcome.” while ignoring the critique, or pretending to do so. As Guinsoo shouted, incoming she would just overlook past Lucia and do quick flexing exercise with her hands, twisting her joints as far as they went. Which was quite a lot with her physique.

”Bottleneck. Correct answer. Little to no property damage, we can easily protect everyone. And from taking a good look from above the roof, there are only second best alternatives for it. She’d draw her sword and hold it in a left-handed grip.

Evalye would then take a look at Amice: ”Since your pixies can reach to places. Would you like to instruct them from the rooftop? You should be able to see everything from there and let us know, if we should try to retreat.” Kurome gave a very soft smile at Amice. Something that she did not really show with anyone else.
Feb 8, 2019 2:19 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 165/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

[Start of the turn:
[+15 prana]
[+20 stamina]
[Previous turn costs:
[-13 prana] Timberwolf
[-10 stamina] Timberwolf
[-17 prana] Indigo
[-10 stamina] Indigo

When the adults are talking, the children keep quiet. That's what Amice had learned, and with how many adults there had been talking, Amice had been silent for a long time. Strangely enough, some of the people whom knew halflings the best, had the most difficulty estimating Amice's age. Normally, you'd think that growing up in a city with a lot of halflings would make it easier to guess their age, or to get clues about their age from how they acted, such as Amice having a lot of child-like tendencies. If anything, she'd probably be estimated to be younger than she was by most other halflings, and by those whom knew their species well. It seemed like one of the guards here was the exception to that, with how she spoke to Amice as if she was an adult.

In either case, Amice had managed to impress Jim. Or rather, Timberwolf had managed to do so. She'd soon have the first fans for the upcoming Magical Girl Amice & The Awesome Pixies film. It seemed like the girl whom got turned invisible didn't agree, sadly enough. Somewhere along the lines, Amice heard that she was supposed to climb a roof. I haven't paid attention to the IC and OOC discussion and I can't even be bothered to care for it either. She was then asked a question by Kurome. “I'm not sure if I know how to know when to let you know how... ehm...” Her sentence started to loose sense midway. “If I go on the roof, when should I tell you to retreat?” If that question was answered, there was a follow-up. “Okay! So... how do I get on the roof?” She was a bit too short and weak to jump and/or climb all the way up there. It was finally time for halfling-tossing, everyone's favourite pastime.

If someone would ask her for the pixie's help, and they ask me to retcon it in hindsight OOC, she'd sent the corresponding pixies.

Pixie Locations
Indigo – Fluttering around Amice.
Emerald – Sitting atop Amice's head.
Tangerine – Fluttering around Amice.
Chartreuse – Fluttering around Amice.
Timberwolf – Fluttering around Amice.
ElvarioFeb 8, 2019 11:39 PM
Feb 8, 2019 9:22 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Lucia had a lot of stuff to say but she essentially wanted to use the bridge over the trench, as a choke point. Which would have happened either way if the wolves all just chose to go to the bridge instead of trying to jump over. And Kurome seemed to lose interest in complaining at him and switch to talking to Lucia now. Then Amice, and she basically repeated to Amice what Ryan had already said earlier. Not that that was truly bad, since Amice might not've caught everything he said the first time around anyways. He just responded to Lucia. "Seems fine to me, we'd have to do that anyways if they don't try and jump over."

Guinsoo was just asking Lucia if he could take the big one. Kurome was talking with Amice. So he just joined up with the big frontline group, going next to Guinsoo, presumably right at the end of the bridge the Garms and Fenrir would have to cross. They really were approaching extremely fast, which helped Ryan get excited for the fight. As the Garms neared, it was time for him to go on the attack. "I guess he brought two more friends. And some CS tagged along. But it looks like the wolves are finally here. Amice, i'm going to need Tangerine and Indigo's help for a bit!" He made sure to look at her as he said that so she would actually hear him.

Reaction Phase?

Ryan got into a stance to attack, putting his hands in a Kamehameha position and charging up with a sparking aura of yellow lightning. Then he'd go on the attack! First he aimed at one of the Garmsin the main group as it got nearer to them. If it evaded, he would shoot at it again, if it was hit, he would go for a different one.
(Ki Charge+Charge Cannonx2:-25 Prana and -50 Stamina

Action Phase(?)

Then Ryan would throw out one(two if he got help from Amice) more Charge Cannon(s) as the Fenrir led the charge, making sure to aim at a Garm once it got near to the trench. If it had evaded his attack, he would aim for where it would land, and if he hit, he would just aim for a different Garm near it.Guinsoo had that power up on his axe so he trusted Guinsoo to deal with the fenrir. If he had hit two separate garms already he would aim for the first one he wounded, while if he had only hit one so far, he would aim his third shot at a new one.

Ryan would only aim at the main group of Garms, not the ones who split off and separated from it. In the ideal scenario he would get two hits and weaken two of the garms so that they could be more easily killed by him or his allies once they got up into melee. Hopefully being a good step to stopping them from getting overwhelmed by numbers.

If his first two shots in RP had missed entirely, he would just aim his last two in AP at the Fenrir, seeing as how he knew it probably wouldn't evade and he might as well attack if he didn't want to waste this power-up. And at that point, his chance of hitting the garms seemed to be mostly null, so this was the only way that wouldn't waste his blasts. It was really disappointing seeing them explode only to hit nothing...

(Charge Cannonx2:-20 Prana and -40 Stamina)
CanaasFeb 8, 2019 10:21 PM
Feb 8, 2019 11:39 PM
Jan 2015

Overall Statistics:
Health: 250
Prana: 100
Stamina: 150
Armour: 50

STR: C • VIT: C • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: B • AGL: C • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None

Garms 1-8

Overall Statistics:
Health: 100
Prana: 30
Stamina: 150

STR: D+1 • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: C+1 • AGL: D • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: Rage Howl (Turn 2/2)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

As the SOULs readied themselves for battle, the Fenrir continued to charge with incredible momentum towards the bridge. It led its pack to break through the enemy lines, going straight for the prey with the most meat on it as it chomped down on his entire torso with its massive fangs. It would then chew him apart before tossing him off to the side into the moat...

(Fenrir: Giant Fang Rush: -30 Stamina)

Two of the Garms were under attack by the prey shooting balls of lightning at an absurd frequency, first two at one Garm and another two at the second. With their speed they both were able to leap out of the way of the first and third attacks respectively, but couldn't recover in time for the second and fourth blasts which zapped them mercilessly, causing them to howl in pain.

(Garms 1-2: -54 Health)

At the same time, the other two who were not attacked would rush to the Fenrir's aid, making sure not to be trampled as they each went after the prey who kept zapping their comrades. The first leapt forwards in an attempt to tear out Ryan's non existent throat, while the second settled for a vicious bite at his left leg that would potentially pull him off balance.

The wounded Garms weren't done yet either, but were now more cautious of the one that shocked them so much. Instead they went after easier prey, charging towards the one in the magical girl outfit (Evalye). Garm 3 bit at her right leg while Garm 4 jumped and chomped into her torso, trying to knock her over with its momentum.

(Garms 1-2: Counter+Fang Rush: -45 Stamina)
(Garms 3-4: Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)

Meanwhile, the other four Garms made their way to the nearest bridges to the left and right of the main bridge respectively, trying to join the battle as soon as possible.

(Garms 5-8: Move)

Action Phase:

Depending on how successful its attack on Guinsoo was, the Fenrir would follow up accordingly. If it was able to throw him off into the moat, it would let out a deafening howl to disorient all of its foes. If it wasn't able to break through the front lines so easily, it'd try to stomp Guinsoo into a bloody pulp with both its front paws.

(Howling Cry: -40 Stamina) or (Attack x2: -10 Stamina)

The rest of the Garms continued attacking their targets mercilessly, depending on how effective their initial attacks were. Those who were able to bite into their prey would bite even more, getting a good taste of their new lunch. The ones that couldn't would be more cautious, circling their targets before rushing past while swiping with their claws to cut them to pieces.

(Garms 1-4: Attack x2: -10 Stamina)

The other four kept moving around the sides very quickly until they finally were able to cross the nearest bridges and flank their prey. From this position they could charge directly at the ones who hid behind the others, one from each group heading for each edgy girl (Kurome and Lucia) while the other two of each group went after the tiny one, seeing her as the most vulnerable. They weren't quite close enough to attack, but they were only moments away from reaching their targets...

(Garms 5-8: Move)

Meanwhile, the swarm of the bees in the distance kept floating closer, slowly heading towards the village. It'd still be some time before they could join the fight, but there were enough for it to be a problem once they did.
Sho_the_MageFeb 9, 2019 3:25 AM
Feb 9, 2019 5:53 AM

Dec 2011
Health: 200/200
Prana: 50/50
Stamina: 150/150
AG: 50/50
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive[1(2)/4]), War Cry[1(2)/4]
Current Equipment: Ornn, Rubber Duck, Sealing Enchant

As the discussions quieted down, Guinsoo would have prepared himself for battle, Axe in hand. The big wolf came straight towards him! He wouldn't have it any other way. Evalye seemed to think it was unfair though...

[Reaction Phase]
He would yell out, "Alright big guy.. Let's rumble!", with a mighty war cry! [War Cry]. With time to react, and his axe placed diagonally with the axe blades downwards to stop the Fenrir from catching Guinsoo in its jaws. Guinsoo's feet planted onto the ground. He would attempt to protect himself like this and then push the Fenrir off of him to give him a bit more room.
[War Cry(Free Action): 10 Prana, 30 Stamina]

He would then rush forward without hesitation and swing his axe at the Fenrir horizontally. If it was pushed back enough that it's underbelly was in his striking range, Guinsoo would target that. He did read somewhere that it was a weak spot! Otherwise he would target it's paws if they were readying to stomp him, aiming for the underside, which wasn't covered by armor. If those weren't available either, he'd aim for the head. If that wasn't possible, he'd aim for whichever target was in his range.
[Parry(Guard+Attack): 20 Stamina]

If he did get caught in Fenrir's jaws, Guinsoo would hold onto Fenrir's nostril with his immense upper body strength and pull himself on it's nose, and moved more to the back of Fenrir's head, around his mane. Pretty much grabbing hold of as much of Fenrir's hair(?) as possible to make sure he wouldn't fall off. And then, he would just smack his axe on Fenrir's neck as many times as he could.

If he was thrown off to the side of the moat, "I'll be back!!!", Guinsoo would have to move back onto the bridge and attempted whatever happened in the first scenario without the guarding. "I'm back!"

[Action Phase]
If he was capable of holding back the Fenrir, he would be able to smack even more! Woah! Who would've thought. After his horizontal strike, he would then press the attack. His axe slightly turned to now swing in a diagonal line upwards, and then return the swing by swinging diagonally downwards, preparing to guard if Fenrir retaliated. "Ora ora ora ora ora!"
[Attackx2: 10 Stamina]

If he was on the back of Fenrir's head, he would just continue smacking while holding onto it.
Discount66Feb 10, 2019 2:23 AM
Feb 10, 2019 2:26 AM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Health: 150-??/150
Prana: 150/50
Stamina: 150/150
STR:B(Force) • VIT: E(Force) WIL: E • RES: E
SPD:A(Ki Charge) AGL: D • PER: D • REC: D
Current Status:
Skills Active: Force (Passive), Ki Charge[3/4]
Current Equipment:
Right Gauntlet:20/20 Dura
Left Gauntlet:20/20 Dura

(Start of Turn regen:102->107 Prana, 55->70 Stamina)
(Ki Charge:Phase 3/4)(107->104 Prana and 70->65 Stamina)

Since Amice's post said she would send the pixies anyone asked for, Indigo would show up, and restore all the prana Ryan had just used on his barrage.(Ryan:107->150 Prana)The same couldn't be said about his stamina, though. He was getting too tired to the point where he'd have to pick and choose when he even attacked to the max speed that Tangerine could allow him to, if he wanted to fight for a while. Even so, it was great to be able to just unleash an explosive barrage of attacks like that, and he had to thank Amice for helping out with her pixies. "Thanks, Amice!" It would seem weird to thank the pixie as he wasn't even sure if they understood human language anyways. Probably not if they didn't talk.

As they neared the bridge, Ryan put his left foot forwards, right foot back, crouched somewhat more than normal so his body was lower to the ground, and waited with his right fist ready, summoning both of his gauntlets.(Summonx2:150->110 Prana) Guinsoo was probably in the middle of the bridge horizontally speaking, where the fenrir was, while Evalye was possibly on the other side of Guinsoo.

As the 2 Garms approached Ryan he left handling the Fenrir to Guinsoo, and it didn't seem like it was trying to do its roar to scatter them, so he didn't have to evade or cover his ears.

Once the Garms rushed in with rapid speed towards him, Ryan waited to see which of them, both approaching at the exact same pace, was going to go for his throat. He hoped it would be both. Unfortunately, it wasn't. As the Garm aimed high at his throat, Ryan waited for it to get near him so that he could hit it hard with a lightning-fast right uppercut at the bottom of its head. He was a bit more accurate now so it was not too unlikely for him to hit right in the head with his speed.(Attackx1)

That hit should send the Garm up into the air from the sheer force of it and the Garm's lower weight, along with it being in midair where it couldn't resist. If his arm somehow got bitten or he hit it while getting bit in the throat of the head, he'd react differently(in this spoiler).

Meanwhile, his left leg was up front and got bit right into by the other garm with no obstacle, and that hurt quite a bit. (Ryan:-?? Health)But Ryan would grit through the pain of that bite and possibly 1 more bite, as he took advantage of something less predictable than fisticuffs, and stomped on its head with his right leg, driving its head into the ground.(Attackx1)

Action Phase:
(Ki Charge:Phase 4/4)
Assuming the stomp worked, in all scenarios which have a stomp at the end, he would unleash a rapid combo of punches at its head, trying to kill it as quickly as he could.(Attackx2-3) These things were pretty fast, didn't seem like a good idea to give this one time to recover. And he wasn't going to just play fair against CS after what he'd seen them do to tear people apart.

If that Garm had instead managed to evade his stomp, he would rely on the rapid speed of his assault to blast it with a lightning explosion before it could land or significantly recover after landing from its evasive jump, throwing out a Charge Cannon and going for the landing spot, even if it might be a gamble whether he'd be able to get a hit or not. He'd gotten slightly more accurate recently so that would help a little. "Take this!"(Charge Cannon)

If he had failed to stop the throat-bite in RP:
If he hadn't kept his balance and thus had to try to kick the garm on his leg away while on the ground after punching the other one off his throat, he would then just recover his stance and try to get ready for their next attack, being too injured and tired to risk a pointless ranged attack when they were fully ready for that by now. (Standby)

If Tangerine had speed-boosted him yet again, he just couldn't afford to use it, there were a lot of enemies and he couldn't hope to kill them all really quickly. With any luck, he'd significantly weakened a good number of them. He felt himself get a little bit slower just about now, so he'd need to power up again.
CanaasFeb 10, 2019 2:52 AM
Feb 10, 2019 4:23 PM

Oct 2014

Lucia Roy

Stats and Stuff

The time for chatting was over as the Garms and the giant Fenrir came rushing towards them. Lucia summoned her Glock 26 in preparation for the assault [-5 Prana].

[Reaction Phase]

Lucia saw that the Fenrir would be the biggest threat, as such she would decide to help Guinsoo out a bit by lowering its speed. She coated her fist in Blackfyre and punched the ground, her gun in her other hand. The ground cracked and gave way due to the Blackfyre's unique properties, allowing Lucia to puncture the ground and inject the Blackfyre into it. The Blackfyre travelled across the ground, visible as a moving shadow, before latching onto the Fenrir from below. Decreasing its Speed by -1 Rank.

[-12 Prana]

[Action Phase]

Lucia would then aim her gun at the Fenrir and fire off two shots at it. Hopefully, due to the size of the CS and the proximity of her opponent to Lucia's position, the bullets would hit and do some damage. [-10 Stamina]. Lucia saw that some other Garms were attempting to flank their position, if Amice was close enough, Lucia would get in between the girl and the Garms. "Get behind me, Amice!" she would yell with some urgency. She would then aim at the two Garms that were meant to be targetting the small girl, aiming at whichever one was closest and firing two more shots, keeping both her hands on her gun to steady it as much as possible. [-10 Stamina]
Feb 10, 2019 5:59 PM

Nov 2015

100/10080/80100/100Astralfire: 20 /20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: E • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

Rank E Skill: Sever (Free Action)

Red - This skill is a Technique:
If touching the target, Evalye may spontaneously deal 10 damage to the target.
(Chaotic Type - use lower from vitality and resistance to determine damage reduction.)

After getting fully ready; Evalye waited for the creatures to come into contact with her. As one of them tried to reach out for her pivotal leg, Evalye would just unleash a merciless kick by putting her whole upper body into it, garm would get her right foot along with the reinforced kick. (Parry) followed by the kick, Evalye the motion would let her have her left foot in a pivotal position from where she could intercept the second Garm that sought to leap against her, if Evalye’s timing was correct, she would sink in her left hand to the throat of the Garm, making Garm’s own strength go into power on her own punch to cave in it’s fang or have her hand reach the pharynx with the Garm’s own momentum boosting the blow and to add the insult she would Sever upon touching the Garm.

Evalye would attempt to latch on one of the garms, wrapping her hands around it’s neck (1x attack) and upon connecting, use Sever to tear apart the ethereal structure of the creature. Evalye wouldn’t mind that much to get bit. All she’d really need to do was to get her hands around the neck of the creature to slow down it’s zeal of biting before using Sever.

【 Kurome 】

100/100100/10075/75Ire: 25/25Malice: 0/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.

Reaction Phase

Kurome prepared to defend, as she would look at the creatures: ”Might be bit too late now. We have to deal with this as it is. - Watch out they we are getting overrun in numbers and they are hunting in a pack!”

Action Phase

Kurome would slash the air with Ire, making it’s shadow to travel out towards the approaching Garm. Immediately after releasing the projectile, she would try to see, if it hit any of them due to it's unconventional trajectory but also to prepare for upcoming attack of the Garms.

Inaru-samaFeb 11, 2019 3:57 PM
Feb 11, 2019 7:50 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 146/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

[Start of the turn:
[+15 prana]
[+20 stamina]
[Previous turn costs:
[-17 prana] Tangerine
[-10 stamina] Tangerine
[-17 prana] Indigo
[-10 stamina] Indigo

Reaction Phase:
Indigo and Tangerine had helped out Ryan, but now Amice was in trouble. Luckily enough, she could hide behind Lucia. That said, Lucia wasn't the only trick up her sleeve. If one of the Garms would manage to get into the biting range of either Lucia or Amice, it'd suddenly find itself crashing into a barrier created by Chartreuse. [Chartreuse]

Action Phase:
Unless someone would call out for the help of another pixie (in which case she'd sent the corresponding pixie their way, with Emerald having priority, and otherwise a first-come-first serve basis), Amice would save her energy for now. [?/Standby]
Feb 11, 2019 1:26 PM
Jan 2015

Overall Statistics:
Health: 186
Prana: 100
Stamina: 85
Armour: 25

STR: C • VIT: C • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: B-1 • AGL: C • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None
Status: Sealed (1/3 Phases left), -1 Speed (1/3 Phases left)

Garms 1-8

Overall Statistics:
Health: 0 (#2: 6, #3: 76, #4: 13 or 0, #5: 97, #6: 34, #7-8: 95)
Prana: 30 (#2, 4: 5)
Stamina: 105 (#2: 85, #3: 110 or 100, #4: 115, #5: 90, #6: 145, #7-8: 120)

STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: C • AGL: D • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None
Status: #2/4: +1 Speed/Strength

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

The Fenrir wasn't as successful as it expected. Darkness crept through the ground and into its shadow, suddenly slowing its movements with some kind of dark magic. Its momentum was slowed enough that Guinsoo could hold his ground even against its giant bite, intercepting it with his axe and swinging in retaliation as it tried to crush him. Guinsoo's axe smashed into its left paw, cutting surprisingly deeply and pushing it back enough that its other paw wasn't able to knock him to the ground. Right as it hit, the axe suddenly glowed brightly as the magic within it surged into the gaping wound...

(Fenrir: -32 Health, Sealed for 3 Phases, -1 Speed for 3 Phases)
(Guinsoo: -20 Health, -22 Health)
(Ornn: -22 Durability, -18 Durability)

The others were having more trouble than they expected too. First, the Garm that jumped at Ryan bared its fangs only to be Shoryukened uppercutted into the air at literally lightning-fast speeds just before it could reach.

(Garm #3: -24 Health)

Its buddy was luckier and managed to get a bite out of its lunch, finding it wasn't meat but some weird energy stuff...which actually tasted better.

(Ryan: -30 Health)

It took another bite out of it, but sadly its meal was cut short as the food fought back, stomping its head into the ground in a bone-crushing impact...or it would have been if it had been a normal wolf. Instead there was just a new dent in the bridge.

(Garm #4: [CRIT] -19 Health)

Meanwhile, those that had already been zapped by Ryan were going for the easier prey: Evalye. In a coordinated attack, one had leapt at her while the other went for her legs, forcing her to choose one to hit first...

And that was the one below, which she intercepted with a painful kick to the teeth, which knocked it back and might have knocked out a few if it wasn't ethereal like her. It got a bite on her foot at the same time, but it was protected well enough by her energy greaves.

(Garm #1: [CRITICAL]-27 Health)
(Evalye: -7 Health)
(Astralfire: -14 Durability)

However, attacking one gave the other enough time to bite into her chest with its much higher speed. Even so, it didn't bite very deep, and she was able to punch it as it got one more bite in, using her chaotic energy to hurt it even more as it was knocked away...

(Evalye: -24 Health, -16 Health)
(Garm #2: -18 Health, -15 Health)

Reaction Phase:

...right into the Fenrir.

(Fenrir: -4 Health)
(Armor: -5 Durability)
(Garm #2: -5 Health)

The Fenrir hardly felt any pain, only slight annoyance at its brethren getting in its way. It had other things to deal with right now, mainly the axe-swinging prey. It dealt with the first swing by intercepting it with a swipe using the armored part of its paw, shattering the axe completely mid-swing. Then it mercilessly exploited that opening, using a powerful swipe from left to right to send him flying into the watery moat like it intended to before. It also got hit by a couple of bullets, but they barely pierced skin.

(Parry+Attack x2: -25 Stamina)
(Fenrir: -16 Health, -6 Health, -6 Health)
(Armor: -20 Durability)
(Ornn: -10 Durability, destroyed)
(Guinsoo: -10 Health)

Ryan showed no mercy to the poor wolf even when it was downed, trying to brutally finish it off by smashing its head into the pavement over and over. Its fate would have been sealed if not for the third Garm leaping back into the fray after landing from the shoryuken, trying to bite Ryan's other leg and distract him. The fourth Garm barely survived thanks to that, unless Ryan would ignore the bite and choose to attack anyways.

(Garm #4: [CRIT] -34 Health, -34 Health, -34 Health?, dead?)
(Garm #3: Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)

The first Garm kept Evalye busy, rushing in to help out. It bit into her leg once more before she could recover from hitting the now badly wounded Garm, and then chomped down on her energy-covered hands as she tried to strangle it to stop her attack in its tracks...

(Garm #1: [CRITICAL] -30 Health, dead)
(Evalye: -16 Health, -22 Health)
(Astralfire: -6 Durability, destroyed)

...only to get fried in the process, torn apart by the chaotic energy from the inside out. It would've been more gruesome if not for its ethereal body, which then broke down to its energy particles and scattered to the wind. Evalye wasn't in good shape either, being very near to death after taking this many hits.

At the same time, the second Garm (and the fourth Garm if it survived) howled in anger next to the Fenrir, hoping its leader would hear its plea for help. It had no idea what these things were made of, but for some reason they didn't bleed and could actually fight back unlike their usual victims.

(Garm 2 (&4?): Rage Howl: -25 Prana, -10 Stamina)

The other Garms were quickly closing in from the right and left, finally able to close the distance to overwhelm the enemy from the sides. Two of them shot projectiles, but it wouldn't have much effect. The Garm Kurome targeted simply jumped over the boomerang and at her with a powerful bite, feeling practically no pain as its feet were grazed.

(Garm #5: -3 Health)
(Garm #5: Counter+Fang Rush: -45 Stamina)

Lucia shot at one of the Garms rushing at Amice (and now her since she got in the way), but the damage wasn't enough to stop its charge.

(Garm #7: -7 Health, -7 Health)

It along with the other Garm on the left side kept heading towards Lucia, rushing to try to chomp both of her legs and pull her to the ground with their superior strength and speed. Finally, the Garm not targeting Kurome leapt towards Amice from behind to bite down on her entire tiny torso...

(Garms 6-8: Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)

Action Phase:

Back on the bridge, the Fenrir heard its brethren calling for help. As tiresome as it was, it had to be a dutiful leader, so the Fenrir quickly responded to their request. It took in a deep breath and let out a deafening howl...

(Howling Cry: Failed)

Except nothing came out but air. Somehow, it'd forgotten how to howl due to some foul sorcery...It was enraged at its sudden incompetence, yet unable to express it properly. Its only option was to find another way to take out its anger, and that was to charge at the one who'd killed one of its subordinates (Evalye) and attack, trying to first crush her into the ground with its left claw and then scoop her up in its mighty fangs to devour her.

(Attack x2: -10 Stamina)

Grateful for the boss's help, the second Garm was right there to assist. Right after the downwards swipe from the Fenrir, it would help out in turn by rushing forwards and biting into Evalye's left leg, pulling on it to hold her in place to ensure the Fenrir's success in scooping her up.

(Garm #2: Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)

If it still lived, the fourth Garm would growl as it watched Ryan intensely, waiting for him to make the first move. The moment he attacked/guarded against anything that wasn't it, it would use that opportunity to get its revenge. Instead of biting it would use its claws this time, trying to cut up his legs and trip him while staying ready for any attacks he sent at it. At the same time, the third one would sink its fangs deeper and try to pull Ryan down if it managed to bite him, or get ready to jump away if he attacked.

(Garm #4: Attack x2: -10 Stamina)
(Garm #3: Attack x1: -10 Stamina) or (Evade: -20 Stamina)

Meanwhile, the seventh and eighth Garms were not pleased to have their meal replaced with dirt as they bashed into a wall of earth followed by a glowing barrier. One of them jumped right up to the rooftop while the other kept on attacking, jumping over the barrier and at Amice (or Lucia if she got in the way). The first one was eager to get its revenge on George, rushing to bite off his tiny leg with its fangs, while the other tried to jump over the barrier and tackle Amice (or Lucia) to the ground and tear her apart with its claws.

(Garm #7: Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)
(Garm #8: Attack x2: -10 Stamina)

The sixth Garm had been more than a little unlucky, being run through by the pointy stick and even cut by a very shiny sword, which knocked it off the spear. Now it was in serious danger, so it only growled angrily while backing off slightly, waiting for an opening...

(Garm #6: Standby: +10 Stamina)

Finally, the fifth Garm would continue its assault on Kurome, trying to either tackle her to the ground and bite out her throat if its attack hit, or if it did not hit, it would rush at her legs this time to try to cripple her movement. They may have been having more trouble than expected, but they could smell more than just the villagers and the ones who resisted. Their own reinforcements would be coming soon as the swarm of Lumibees slowly came closer...

(Garm #5: Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)
Feb 11, 2019 3:19 PM

Dec 2011
Health: 148/200
Prana: 45/100
Stamina: 121/150
AG: Destroyed
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Passive[3(4)/4]), War Cry[3(4)/4]
Current Equipment: Rubber Duck

(Start of Turn: 5 Prana, 20 Stamina]

Guinsoo successfully held back Fenrir and was able to seal away it's techniques with help of Minerva's buff. He got a good hit in before Fenrir deflected his axe, destroying it with it's massive paw and sending Guinsoo off of the bridge.

[Reaction Phase]
Guinsoo's quick recovery and incredible speed would allow him to gather himself together and swim to shore. He didn't really have any other choice at the moment. As soon as he got onto shore, if it was possible, he'd jump back into the fight with his strength, preparing to give Fenrir, who had attempted to howl and therefore stood still, making it the biggest target and the easiest, a nice backrub with the soles of his shoes and nothing but gravity and his weight aiding his nice, relaxing, backrub. "Time for some goombaFenrir stomping!". To his surprise, he saw the village guards there. "Welcome to the party!", Guinsoo land on the Fenrir or the ground with his feet as he welcomed the village guards.
[Attack: 5 Stamina]

If it wasn't physically possible for him to make the jump, he'd have to climb back up. Which he would do as fast as he could.

[Action Phase]
If he succeeded the jump and got onto Fenrir, he'd have no other options than to slam his fist as hard and as fast into Fenrir as he could while using his other hand to grab onto Fenrir. "You!". He didn't have enough Prana to resummon his weapon just yet, so his current guns would have to do. "Guys!". He would kind of call out to the village guards as he was smacking about, "Alright?!". If he could get the Fenrir's attention, that'd be great!
[Attackx?: 5x? Stamina]

If Fenrir was now acting "strange" and/or focused on him, "What's the matter, big guy? Let's go for a ride!", and ride it like a rodeo.

If he couldn't hold on, Guinsoo would quickly try to recover and do the following passage as well.

If he succeeded the jump but couldn't get onto Fenrir, Guinsoo would just turn towards Fenrir and taunt it by baring his own fangs and using a "come here" motion as he growled. He was part wolf after all. "Threw me right off, what a party pooper.", Guinsoo would standby and wait Fenrir's reaction.
Feb 11, 2019 8:27 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Health: 90-??/150
Prana: 107/110
Stamina: 50/150
STR:B(Force) • VIT: E(Force) WIL: E • RES: E
SPD:A(Ki Charge) AGL: D • PER: D • REC: D
Current Status:
Skills Active: Force (Passive), Ki Charge[1/4][2/4]
Current Equipment:
Right Gauntlet:20/20 Dura
Left Gauntlet:20/20 Dura

(Start of Turn regen:107->110(Max)Prana, 35->50 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

He didn't hesitate to go for the finishing blow on the Garm while the other one bit his leg again.(Ryan:-30 Health)Normally it'd be pretty tough to get a garm off your leg without a melee weapon to stab it with. But as soon as he could, Ryan used his super-strength to brute force his way out of this one, twisting his body and swinging his right leg very quickly to the right in a kick, but since the Garm was stuck to his leg while biting it, it probably took no damage. However, the vast kinetic force of him swinging with B strength should be enough to send something of the Garm's strength flying off of his leg. And since he kicked to the right, it would drop the Garm into the moat.

After that, Ryan got his foot back on the ground and turned towards the howling Fenrir, activating Ki Charge in an instant, sending yellow lightning all around his body in a sparking aura.(Ki Charge) It'd been good to trust Guinsoo to deliver the seal and fully focus on the Garms. The Fenrir's failed howl attempt would give Ryan more than enough time to activate Ki Charge and kick the garm away. It was pretty obvious the Fenrir would either try to swipe at him or go for Evalye, more likely Evalye since she was the only one in front. So activating Ki Charge was the right choice either way.

Ryan would react immediately to the Fenrir the moment it started to move towards Evalye, and moved in the way to hit the paw it was using to attack her with a Lightning Palm, at such a speed that combined with the lightning sparks he was constantly creating as he ran, his movement would almost look like an actual lightning strike. As his movements were just a blur for those of E perception/Agility. (Lightning Palm:50->20 Stamina and 110->100 Prana)

Since he was using a paralysis technique and couldn't immediately put all his strength into stopping the foot, and it was a one handed technique, Ryan got pushed to the ground, but by using his other arm, he managed to get back up and push the Fenrir's foot to the side.(Ryan:-?? Health)

A moment later, he would step back a few steps to get a little comfort zone of distance.

Assuming the Garm attacking Evalye was already dead by Evalye's hand, Ryan would not really have time to tell Evalye what he was trying to do, especially since the paralysis would be shorter due to having to interrupt movement already in progress rather than debilitate a stationary target. Since she was slower and couldn't exactly make it waste its attacks and miss like he could, hopefully she would move to a less easily targetable position, and not one where she was standing right behind him and he thus couldn't evade.

If she just was unable to kill the Garm, or worse, she was dead and had been killed by the Garm, that would honestly complicate matters quite a bit.

(Ki Charge:Phase 1/4:20->10 Stamina and 100->95 Prana)

Action Phase:

It sure was tiring paralyzing giant wolves, so Ryan used the time to just taunt the wolf as he recovered his stamina. "I killed your buddy just now, now try to kill me! Bring it!" He would say this while making a taunt with his arm. Even if the wolf didn't know language, he should at least be able to understand when he's being taunted. Hopefully, somebody else was going to prevent him from getting flanked in any way by either the wolf he'd sent into the moat just a moment ago, or some other wolf attacking the others behind him.(Standby:10->25 Stamina) He had heard something about guards showing up but he just had no time to think about that. Even though it was a big surprise.

If Evalye was already dead, and Ryan saw the Garm was still there, he would just slowly back up while facing both enemies and get ready to react as soon as either did something. In the meantime recovering his stamina, and not bothering to taunt when it was obvious he was somewhat at the disadvantage.(Standby)

(Ki Charge:Phase 2/4:25->20 Stamina and 95->92 Prana)
CanaasFeb 11, 2019 9:07 PM
Feb 12, 2019 1:39 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 144/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

[Start of the turn:
[+15 prana]
[+20 stamina]
[Previous turn costs:
[-17 prana] Chartreuse
[-10 stamina] Chartreuse
[+20 stamina] Standby

Reaction Phase:
The squad got unexpected back-up, but considering it saved Amice from being chomped in half, she wasn't one to complain. As one of the Garms tried jumping over the barrier, Chartreuse moved up along with it, keeping the barrier between Amice and the Garm. That said, Amice figured she'd hide behind Lucia just in case. (Chartreuse Barrier 30/50)

Meanwhile, it seemed like the others were in trouble. Out of those, it seemed like Evalye was being chomped to bits the most, thus Amice would ask Emerald to go help her. “We've got to help Evalye!” The pixie would make her way towards Evalye, albeit taking a little bit of a detour if that meant avoiding getting too close to the Garms, in order to heal Evalye. (40x1.10=44 44+(10x.5)= 49) [Emerald]

Action Phase:
It seemed like Ryan wasn't doing well either, so that's where Amice would ask Emerald to go next. “Ryan too!” In the same way as before, Emerald would make her way towards Ryan next, in order to heal him. [Emerald]
Feb 12, 2019 3:24 PM

Oct 2014

Lucia Roy

Stats and Stuff

The team was in dire straights, the Garm pack - led by the Fenrir - hit hard and fast, almost overwhelming them in an instant. The SOULs held firm though and, with the help of some of the village guards, the flanking Garms were not as big as a problem as they originally had been. A barrier (that Lucia guessed belonged to Amice) and an earth barrier (made by the earth mage) stopped the two Garms that were rushing at Lucia. One of the Garms split off to try and deal with the earth mage while the other one jumped over the barrier at Lucia.

[Reaction Phase]

Lucia got herself between the Garm and Amice, not wanting the girl to come to any harm. The Garm was fast, possibly too fast to avoid. This, combined with the fact that dodging could mean Amice getting attacked instead, convinced Lucia that she had to stand her ground. She kept her gun trained on the Garm as it leapt over the wall, she would attempt to squeeze the trigger as many times as she could before the wolf-like CS collided with her. [-?? Stamina]

Action Phase

If the Garm collided with her and tackled her to the ground she would cover her head with her arms while trying to get her legs underneath the Garms body, if she was successful she would attempt to use all her strength to push outwards and kick the Garm off her body. [-?? Stamina]

(OOC Note to Sho: Not really sure what Combat Actions are performed by doing what was mentioned here. Let me know on Discord please and I'll edit in the Stamina cost afterwards).
Feb 13, 2019 2:33 PM

Nov 2015

15/10075/8050/100Astralfire: 20 /20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: C • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

[- 85 Health]
[- 70 Stamina]
[- 10 Prana]
Start of turn:
[+20 Stamina]
[+ 5 Prana]
Animal Instinct is active
[Reaction Phase]

In the event that Ryan would manage to paralyze the Fenrir, Evalye would quickly resummon her astral gear and intercept the remaining Garm, with the granted speed she would approach it while keeping her center of gravity low, intercepting the Garm’s attack with her astral gear and immediately retaliate back at it with a thrust. If the creature would perish from it <due to low hp>, Evalye would jump backwards and take some distance to the fight and she would likely be healed. If it failed, she would use her new found speed due to having dropped low health to quickly flee towards Amice, Kurome and Lucia.

Action Phase:

Evalye would cautiously observe the fight, taking one standby action to recover some of her stamina that she expended. She wanted to get a good overview of the battlefield and what was about to come. However if there was still a Garm around, she would try to knock it down with a kick.

【 Kurome 】

100/10080/10060/65Ire: 25/25Malice: 10/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.


[- 30 Stamina]
[- 10 Prana]
Start of turn:
[+10 Stamina]
[+ 5 Prana]

Reaction Phase

A cursed marker manifested itself as the umbral blade scratched the garm. Kurome placed her sword hand in front of her keeping her right side slightly behind as she carefully monitored the Garm’s movements. Kurome summoned Malice and took a combat stance. As the garm leapt – Kurome twisted her body and slammed her pistol towards the Garm and took a shot; shadows sprawled from the pistol and it transformed into a shotgun. Hail of Rust [Technique]

As the Garm was knocked back, Kurome tried to guide Malice in a way that the shadow would hit the likely knocked back Garm.

Action Phase:

Upon firing her shotgun, Kurome would try to lunge towards the garm with her blade. If she would connect, Kurome would shoot with Ire and connect all the cursed markers on the creature, inflicting more damage to it. She’d try to keep the blade between her and the garm’s fangs.
Feb 15, 2019 3:09 PM
Jan 2015
Jim Jones
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 38/100
Iron Spear: ???/??? Durability
Pot Helmet: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive), Proficiency (Passive)

Helen Flores
Health: 100/100
Prana: 70/100
Stamina: 70/100
Heirloom Sword: ???/??? Durability
Wooden Shield: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Antagonism (Passive), Master Guard (Passive)

George Atlas
Health: 82/100
Prana: 66/100
Stamina: 100/100
Terra Tome: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Magic Burst (Passive/Inactive), Conservation (Passive)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Strangely enough, no one had much of a reaction to what Jim said. The only one who said anything to them was the muscle man who was now trying to ride on the back of the giant wolf, welcoming them to the 'party'. Jim had a hard time understanding how life or death battles could be fun, though...

Reaction Phase:

He wasn't having much fun fighting the Garm after all. It backed away after Helen's attack, now waiting for him to make a move. It's still alive?! Somehow impaling it and cutting it in half wasn't lethal enough, so Jim tried to do it once more, running in and thrusting at it with his spear a second time.

(Impale: -24 Stamina)

George had to deal with the wolf that suddenly jumped up to the roof he was on in a single leap, going too fast and surprising him too much to shoot it down in midair. As it rushed towards him, a rock floated up from the ground next to George, and then-

(Rock Launch: -13 Prana)
(George: -33 Health, Bleeding, -5 Health)

Pain flooded through his body right as he launched the rock to knock the wolf off the roof as he was hit, having been bitten hard enough that it felt like his leg might come off. He had never been very tough, but he tried to endure it the best he could. He couldn't just die that easily...

Hearing George in pain, Helen immediately moved in to help, leaving Jim and Kurome to deal with the other two. She ran in right as the Garm was knocked off the roof, imbuing her sword with holy light once more to attack as it was falling. "Just die already!" Helen cut through the wolf with a rising slash, attacking it and jumping up to the rooftop where George was at the same time.

(Holy Slash: -20 Stamina, -10 Prana)

Action Phase:

Then she rushed over to George, seeing he was hurt pretty badly. His tiny left leg was bleeding and might have even been broken, so she had to fix it. Helen dropped her shield and imbued her left hand with healing light. "You'd better not die on me..!" Then his leg glowed as it quickly returned to normal, although only partially. At least the bleeding had stopped.

(Cure Wounds: -15 Prana)
(George: +20 Health, Bleed cured)

George felt better now with his leg mostly fixed and the pain gone. "Thanks, but I'm fine." Then he went back to the battle, looking down to see the wolf monster somehow still lived. Not only that, but there was another problem they had now.

"We've got more enemies incoming...we'd better finish off these ones quickly!"

As a tactician in training, George knew how bad it would be to let the new wave of CS meet up with the current one. Not only would their numbers be overwhelming, but he'd heard these mutant bees had healing abilities...

So George summoned another rock from the ground, preparing to launch it at either any Garm that attacked him and Helen, or if none did, he would fire it at a Garm that was already wounded to try to killsteal finish it off.

(Rock Launch: -13 Prana)

Jim tried to assist the cat girl after hopefully taking down the first wolf, aiming for the same wolf as her. "Over here, ugly!" He stabbed at the wolf as hard as he could while she was attacking it, trying to help kill it while it was distracted.

(Impale: -24 Stamina)
Feb 15, 2019 5:23 PM
Jan 2015

Overall Statistics:
Health: 147
Prana: 0 or 100
Stamina: 80 or 140
Armour: Broken

STR: C+2 • VIT: C+2 • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: B-1 • AGL: C-1 • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None
Status: Sealed (RP only), -1 Speed (RP only), Ragnaform (5/5 Phases remaining)

Garms 2, 3, & 5-8

Overall Statistics:
Health: 0 (#3: 76, #5: 0, #6: 34, #7: 28, #8: 66)
Prana: 35 (#2-4: 10)
Stamina: 95 (#3: 100, #5: 100, #6: 95 or 85, #7: 75, #8: 105)

STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: C • AGL: D • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None
Status: #2/4: +1 Speed/Strength (Turn 2/2)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Reaction Phase:

The Fenrir brought down its foot to crush Evalye, but hit something else instead. Something that suddenly gave it an electric shock, making it unable to move its foot or the rest of its body for a moment.

(Ryan: -14 Health)
(Gauntlet: -8 Durability)
(Fenrir: AP paralyzed)

At the same time, it felt a sudden impact on its armored back as Guinsoo goomba stomped it while saying something it didn't understand. The one in front of it also talked, seemingly trying to aggravate it even more.

(Fenrir: -12 Health)
(Armor: -15 Durability)

The taunting wasn't necessary though as it was already more than irritated enough at the nuisances getting in its way. The Fenrir tried to shake its body to get Guinsoo off its back while also using the back of its right paw to bitch slap hit Ryan in a way so that it was protected by its armor. It wasn't able to shake off Guinsoo at first due to his very high strength, but after his second punch, its armor was actually broken by the damage. As a result, Guinsoo lost the armor he was gripping onto, allowing the Fenrir to successfully shake him off, sending him skidding across the ground to its left.

(Fenrir: -9 Health, -18 Health)
(Armor: -10 Durability, destroyed)
(Fenrir: Attack x2: -10 Stamina)
(Guinsoo: -10 Health)

The second Garm's bite out of Evalye's leg sadly became its last meal, and not a satisfying one since it was biting energy instead of flesh. It whimpered before fading to particles, fatally wounded by Evalye's punch.

(Evalye: -8 Health)
(Astralfire: -16 Durability)
(Garm #2: -18 Health, dead)

The third Garm only got one bite on Ryan's leg before being flung off his foot and into the water. It wasn't hurt, but it'd take some time for it to dog-paddle out of the water and to the other side of the bridge where it climbed onto solid ground once more. Once it got there, it howled again to increase its power and speed.

(Ryan: -25 Health)
(Garm #3: Move+Rage Howl: -25 Prana, -10 Stamina)

The fifth Garm leapt over the boomerang and at Kurome, but was in for a surprise as a burst of shotgun pellets to the face knocked it backwards...right into the boomerang.

(Garm #5: [CRIT] -13 Health, -1 Dark resistance, -25 Health)

It was very confused by the sudden attack from behind, since it didn't smell any prey lurking behind it. Just what had happene-

(Garm #5: -32 Health)

Then it got stabbed by a pointy stick right after it landed, being hit back by the pothead villager who had stabbed its teammate. The wombo combo attack didn't end there though as the cat-girl mercilessly took that opening to stab it once more. It tried to jump away as she pointed her gun, but found it was already dead the bullets somehow hit it instantly and were enough to finish it off in its seriously wounded state.

(Garm #5: -9 Health, -5 Health, -6 Health, -6 Health, dead)

Meanwhile, the sixth Garm leapt out of the way of Jim's first stab to evade it with its higher speed. Seeing how its teammate died, it decided to go after something easier and rushed at Evalye, biting at her right leg in a cruel attack from behind as she retreated.

(Garm #6: Counter+Fang Rush: -45 Stamina)

The seventh Garm got a bite out of the small prey, but got to eat rock in return, knocking it off the roof and down to the ground. It even got cut by a glowy sword as it fell down, on the receiving end of an unfair team attack.

(Garm #7: -35 Health, -32 Health)

Seriously hurt from all those attacks, it changed its mind about going after the tiny prey. It leapt to the side to avoid the rock sent hurtling at it, causing it to dent the ground instead. Then it rushed after the more vulnerable-looking one (Lucia), rushing at her side in a way so that George wouldn't have line of sight to it and then biting into her left leg to try to knock her off balance.

(Garm #7: Counter+Fang Rush: -45 Stamina)

The eighth Garm leapt at Lucia and swiped with its claws, only to hit the barrier once more as the pixie holding it moved in the way. It managed to slice through the barrier this time, and also the pixie due to her being behind the barrier. It didn't have enough power to reach Lucia with its attacks, though.

(Barrier: -15 Durability, -15 Durability, destroyed)
(Chartreuse: -1 Health, dead)

Due to the barrier stopping its momentum, it wouldn't be able to tackle Lucia to the ground, but it would be hit by the bullets she shot at it. They barely hurt much, so it just ignored them and continued on the attack, now trying to actually tackle Lucia to the ground while biting into her torso. With her much lower speed, she wouldn't be able to avoid it, but she did manage to barely knock it off by kicking with both legs.

(Garm #8: Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)
(Garm #8: -20 Health, -9 Health)
(Lucia: -25 Health)

Action Phase:

The Fenrir was starting to take some serious damage now, having even lost its armor. The damage would likely get even worse as people continued to attack it, and if it was wounded enough (by attacks from people's next RP), it would become enraged and grow until it was twice as large as before...


[Rank C] Ragnaform (SPELL)

    - Effect: Grows twice in size and gains +2 Ranks in Strength and Vitality, but also a -1 Rank in Speed and Agility for 5 Phases.
    Also regains 40 Health and 60 Stamina.
    - Cost: 100 Prana
    - Type: Active Continuous
    - Duration: 5 Phases
    - Affinity: Support
    - Prerequisites:
    • Less than 50% Health.
    - Limitations:
    • Can only be used once per battle.

If it wasn't attacked for some reason, it'd instead unleash a deafening howl to disorient its foes now that it was finally no longer sealed.

(Howling Cry: -40 Stamina)

The third Garm would try to get its revenge on Ryan after swimming to the shore, jumping at his side from the same side that Fenrir attempted to smack him towards so that he hopefully wouldn't see it coming.

(Garm #3: Fang Rush: -15 Stamina)

The sixth Garm would keep biting into Evalye's leg, trying to help finish her off this time. However, if it failed to bite her it would be ready to jump out of the way of any RP attacks sent at it.

(Garm #6: Attack x2: -10 Stamina) or (Evade: -20 Stamina)

Meanwhile, the seventh and eighth Garms both kept attacking Lucia, willing to share their food. The seventh Garm clawed at Lucia's leg twice while the eighth simply tackled her again, trying to bite out her throat twice.

(Garms 7-8: Attack x2: -10 Stamina)
Sho_the_MageFeb 15, 2019 5:53 PM
Feb 15, 2019 7:49 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Health: 81+49=130/150
Prana: 110/110
Stamina: 35/150
STR:B(Force) • VIT: E(Force) WIL: E • RES: E
Current Status:
Skills Active: Force (Passive), Ki Charge[3/4][Ended]
Current Equipment:
Right Gauntlet:20/20
Left Gauntlet:20/20

(Start of Turn regen:107->110(Max)Prana, 20->35 Stamina)

Ryan got healed by Emerald, getting rid of most of the damage he took along with a lot of the pain. (Ryan:81->130 Health)

The Fenrir's attack was something he was more than ready for, so when he saw the sideways swipe, Ryan quickly jumped backwards through the air with his extreme speed, evading it and leaving a trail of lightning. It was really just as fast as the small Garms, which wasn't something you'd expect when it was that big. But most likely his speed had been enough for him to barely avoid that.

It wasn't as if he'd suddenly forgotten about the Garm he had kicked away, and he looked to see where it was going as he landed. As a result, its hit from the side was something he was fully ready to block with his gauntlets, and he did so decently well, crossing his gauntlets in front of where the Garm was jumping at his side to, so that the Garm hopefully didn't manage to latch onto them, its head hitting the point where the gauntlets crossed. Or at the least the damage would be distributed between both gauntlets.(Evasion Guard:35->10 Stamina)
(Gauntlets 1 and 2: -?? Durability)

If the Fenrir successfully howled and chose to howl, he would not be able to know this was coming on his own, and would just get Stunned, unless someone warned him that the Fenrir was about to howl. In which case, he would try to cover his ears ASAP. If the Garm had latched onto a gauntlet, he would cover the other ear with the other gauntlet and turn so his other ear was facing away from the fenrir so the sound wasn't as loud to it. If he could he used his left shoulder joint to block that ear, even if the Garm was on his gauntlet. Having an armored surface be bitten instead of your body really helped with getting through the pain. Plus he had recently been healed of his wounds.

If it instead was transforming, this was bad news in some ways. But at least it would be slower now.
(Ki Charge:Phase 3/4:10->5 Stamina and 110->107 Prana)
Either way, he was utterly exhausted and breathing heavily. He couldn't afford to go super fast anymore, and released his Ki Charge, causing the sparks to dissipate.(Ki Charge:Ended)
Action Phase:

He could hardly move at all. The best he could really do was stay focused on the Garm in front of him, being ready to react to its attacks or to react if it tried to go for someone else.(Standby:5->20 Stamina)

If the Garm was still biting on one of his gauntlets, he wouldn't really be able to get it off just yet, but at least it wasn't able to hit him directly.

After jumping backwards, he was now closer to where Evalye and the others were and further from the Fenrir. But he just couldn't help them much right now, the best he could do was recover his stamina so he could be ready to get some real work done in just a second as he focused on the Garm in front of him. Hopefully the guards that had come to help wouldn't underestimate their enemies.
Feb 16, 2019 12:37 AM

Dec 2011
Health: 138/200
Prana: 50/100
Stamina: 126/150
AG: Destroyed
Current Status: Hyped!
Skills Active: Proficiency (Passive), Bloodlust (Inactive), War Cry(Inactive)
Current Equipment: Rubber Duck

(Start of Turn: 5 Prana, 20 Stamina]

He didnt get greeted back, most likely because these village guards weren't used to battle like he was! Didn't matter, really, since they were still in the middle of something. He punched the fenrir and again, until it's armor broke and he lost his grip, which allowed Fenrir to shake him off to the left.

[Reaction Phase]
Guinsoo quickly picked himself up, as well as summoned his trusty axe again. He felt it. His axe was thirsting for blood once more. He knew his partner would come back.
[Summon: 50 Prana]

Fenrir didn't seem to be busy with him and Guinsoo rushed in to deliver a strike to it's underbelly. Swinging his axe vertically from bottom to top if there was room. Otherwise he would just swing it horizontally from right to left at Fenrir's side. Since his attack was from the side, it shouldn't have seen it coming as it was fighting Ryan?

After that, he wanted to follow up with another attack, but he had witnessed Fenrir entering it's final form. It must've been near death's door... which only made Guinsoo more excited!! "A glorious last stand!", he shouted as it was transforming and struck it again in the underbelly with an axe swing.
[Attackx2: 10 Stamina]

[Action Phase]
If both of his attacks earlier hit, Fenrir would be close to death by now. Without any delay, Guinsoo would swing his axe once more, but diagonally upwards now. He would strike Fenrir's underbelly again, but this time with an execution. If he couldn't instantly split Fenrir, he'd be surprised at the toughness of it. "Amice, I might need some help from Indigo!"
[Raging Execute: 16 Stamina]

If he did get the Prana from Indigo, Guinsoo would let out a mighty roar, "Here comes the pain!", while preparing for Fenrir's retaliation. [War Cry]

Otherwise he would just prepare himself for it's retaliation.
Discount66Feb 17, 2019 12:23 PM
Feb 18, 2019 2:34 PM

Nov 2015

56/10060/8050/100Astralfire: 20 /20 • Mode: RED
STR: C • VIT: C • RES: F • WIL: F • SPE: C • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: C
Current Mode: RED
Character class: Knight

Evalye's primary attributes are STR and VIT. WIL and RES are secondary attributes. STR and VIT +1 rank; WIL and RES -1 ranks. Full damage unarmed strikes with hands and feet when astral gear is summoned.

[-8 Health]
[+49 Health]
[- 20 Stamina]
[- 20 Prana]
[+10 Stamina]
AG -16
Start of turn:
[+10 Stamina]
[+ 5 Prana]

Animal Instinct will become active on the first hit that Evalye takes, making her stronger, faster and quicker to recover than the Garm.
[Reaction Phase]

Evalye would realize that her Astral Gear was quite damaged as she surveyed the battlefield for another threat during her standby action. Fortunately one came, thinking to flank her. However instead, Evalye lowered her center of gravity and charged at the Garm who thought it could ambush her. Unfortunately it’s timing was horribly awry. With the force of her astral gear, Evalye would quickly seek to grab a hold of the canine. Evalye would collide with the Garm and quickly in one go to seek to lift in the air the garm's upper-body; with a strong grab of it's neck with either both or one of her hands. And with a strong kick from her leg, she would twist her own body, getting behind the garm while it wouldn't have a solid hold to the ground due to being lifted up and wrestled by a more stronger fighter. Evalye would try to lock it forcefully into a choking hold. If the creature did the mistake of biting Evalye as she tried to get a hold on it, it would have given Evalye the advantage of speed, recovery and strength while she already had the readiness from standby going for her. If Evalye got her choke on the creature, there wouldn’t be much that the Garm could do.

Action Phase:

If Evalye took the wrestlers hold on the poor Garm, she wouldn’t let go and there was little that the Garm could do on it’s own. If it’d attempt to struggle, Evalye would just lock her joint and let the creature’s own struggling tighten the choke on it’s throat. If it accepted it’s fate; Evalye would surge chaotic energy through it’s throat as she’d use a bit of her own strength to choke it.

If due to some miracle that the creature managed to elude Evalye’s attempts to get a hold on it, she would observe the creature’s next move.

【 Kurome 】

100/10055/10035/65Ire: 25/25Malice: 10/10
STR: E • VIT: E • RES: E • WIL: E • SPE: D • AGI: E • PER: E • REC: E
Permanent: Each time an attack lands with a skill or attack that uses Kurome’s Astral Gear: [Ire]; a cursed marker is created where the blade struck.


[- 35 Stamina]
[- 30 Prana]
Start of turn:
[+10 Stamina]
[+ 5 Prana]

Reaction Phase

Kurome managed to kill the Garm that attempted to challenge her. Especially with the aid of her cursed pistol. She turned around and locked her eyes on the Garm that was going after Amice, although it changed it’s mind and tried to go after Lucia.

Kurome used her umbral blade to attempt to connect to the creature -->

Action Phase:

In her action phase, Kurome would attempt to lunge the garm #7 and connect the stab at same time as the umbral blade would return back to her blade. Thanks to the crescent flight-pattern she should be relatively safe from inflicting friendly-fire.

Inaru-samaFeb 18, 2019 2:47 PM
Feb 19, 2019 5:03 AM
Aug 2014
Amice Bellamy & Pixies!

Health: 150/150 Prana: 125/180 Stamina: 100/100
Astral Gear: Book of Pixies Summoned 20/20

Strength: E Vitality: E Willpower: C Resistance: D
Speed: E Agility: E Perception: E Recovery: C

Current Status: Normal. Wearing a revival bracelet.
Summoned Pixies: Indigo, Emerald, Tangerine & Chartreuse, Timberwolf.
Active Skills: Enhanced Prana Regeneration (Passive) – Blessing (Passive)

[Start of the turn:
[+15 prana]
[+20 stamina]
[Previous turn costs:
[-34 prana] Emerald x2
[-20 stamina] Emerald 2x

Emerald had been healing people, as Chartreuse had vanished after taking damage. Luckily enough, Amice herself had kept safe thus far.

Reaction Phase:
(1) Considering Lucia most likely ended up getting torn to shreds by the two Garms attacking her (and there probably wasn't enough time to summon Chartreuse and get her into position), Amice would ask Emerald to heal her (49 Emerald). (2) In the case Lucia managed to avoid being significantly harmed, the healing would go to Evalye instead (49 Emerald).

Action Phase:
(A) If Guinsoo would ask for Indigo's help, he'd get it (49 Indigo). (B) If that didn't end up happening, Amice would instead resummon Chartreuse and ask her to get in-between Lucia and the Garm(s) again with her barrier.
Feb 23, 2019 5:59 PM
Jan 2015
Jim Jones
Health: 100/100
Prana: 100/100
Stamina: 44/100
Iron Spear: ???/??? Durability
Pot Helmet: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Survival Drive (Passive/Inactive), Proficiency (Passive)

Helen Flores
Health: 78/100
Prana: 50/100
Stamina: 60/100
Heirloom Sword: ???/??? Durability
Wooden Shield: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Antagonism (Passive), Master Guard (Passive)

George Atlas
Health: 82/100
Prana: 51/100
Stamina: 100/100
Terra Tome: ???/??? Durability
STR: ?VIT: ?WIL: ?RES: ?
SPD: ?AGL: ?PER: ?REC: ?
Current Status: Normal
Skills Active: Magic Burst (Passive/Inactive), Conservation (Passive)

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Jim's attack worked better than expected as the cat-girl joined in to make short work of the mutant wolf, firing some bullets that must have been really fast since he didn't see them travel at all. There was still one wolf left though, and it was trying to bite the girl who (seemingly) hit on him earlier from behind...

Reaction Phase:

"Where're you lookin'?!"

He charged at the wolf from behind, stabbing it in the rear while the catgirl kicked it and tried to strangle it to death, making it an easy target.

(Impale: -24 Stamina)

Helen picked up her shield as the wolves kept going after the witch. She wasn't very eager to help a witch, but she was there to take out these wolves, so that was what she'd do. She'd watch George's spell and jump off the roof right after it, trying to finish off the more wounded Garm in an epic falling stab.

"You're finished!"

(Solar Strike: -20 Stamina, -10 Prana)

Unlike Helen, George wasn't the superstitious type. That's why he didn't hesitate to help the girl getting torn apart by wolves (Lucia), putting his hand to the ground while channeling his mana through it...

"Ha, nice try!"

..which made a wall of earth rise from the ground, slamming right into the airborne Garm as it tried to tackle Lucia to the ground. He could hardly refrain from laughing as the poor wolf flipped over backwards from the impact.

(Garm #8: -10 Health, AP canceled)
(Earth Wall: -13 Prana)
(Earth Wall: -30 Durability, destroyed)

Action Phase:

Then he followed up with another spell, this time something different. To help Helen take it down, he made the ground below it collapse and then reform, which would trap its legs in the earth.

(Pitfall: -22 Prana)
(Garm #8: Rooted)

Since she succeeded in killing off the other one, she'd know these monsters weren't so invincible after all. One wasn't enough for her though, and George gave her an easy chance to prove herself even more. With the Garm trapped in a pitfall, she had plenty of time to focus light into her sword and execute it with a decapitating slash...At least she would have if she wasn't distracted, feeling sudden pain as a dark boomerang painfully cut into her legs twice due to her being right on top of the enemy Kurome aimed at. Darkness was extra painful for Helen, and she knew the Garms didn't use it...

"Ugh! Are you blind?! Watch where you're aiming that dark magic!"
(Helen: [WEAK] -8 Health, [FRAIL] -30 Health, Bleeding, -10 Health, Cursed marker x2 applied)

After that she backed away from both the Garms and Kurome, keeping an eye on both since she wasn't going to trust someone who hit her on accident. Using that time, she'd heal her leg enough to stop the bleeding, although something about the darkness still reminded her why she hated dark magic.

(Cure Wounds: -15 Prana)
(Helen: +20 Health)

Jim managed to finish off the Garm thanks to Evalye holding it in place, making it his first CS kill ever since he was a dirty killstealer. "Thanks, I owe ya one!" Evalye added a bit of insult to injury by frying it with some magic too, even though it was already dead, making it break up into particles more quickly. It was really strange for Jim to see it not leave behind a corpse...

Meanwhile, he saw how the 'Fenrir' had become monstrously huge, even more terrifying than before somehow. He'd heard the captain say it could turn big, but it was different seeing it in person. It was about as tall as the three of them standing on top of each other (due to George's shortness). "Geez, that wolf's as big as a house! Do you really think we can beat it?" It was more than a little disturbing, especially with all those bees flying in. He was surprised Astraea's people didn't look scared of it and had already hurt it this much, but now he remembered the captain said the bees could heal...that wasn't good.

(Standby: +10 Stamina)
Sho_the_MageFeb 23, 2019 8:59 PM
Feb 23, 2019 8:46 PM
Jan 2015

Overall Statistics:
Health: 79
Prana: 0
Stamina: 80
Armour: Broken

STR: C+2 • VIT: C+2 • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: B-1 • AGL: C-1 • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None
Status: Ragnaform (3/5 Phases remaining)

Garms 3, & 6-8

Overall Statistics:
Health: 76 (#5: 0, #6: 0, #7: 0, #8: 56)
Prana: 10 (#8: 15)
Stamina: 95 (#3: 100, #5: 100, #6: 95 or 85, #7: 75, #8: 105)

STR: D • VIT: D • WIL: E • RES: E
SPD: C • AGL: D • PER: D • REC: E

Active Skills: None

(Start of Turn: +5 Prana, +10 Stamina)

Ryan managed to dodge the Fenrir's swipe by an inch, as it was just too slow thanks to the dark magic weakening it. It tried to pursue him further after that, but felt a sudden pain in its underbelly as an axe chopped into it.

(Fenrir: [CRIT] -48 Health)

The pain pushed its rage beyond its limits as it transformed, growing to an enormous size like Ridley as it roared in anger. It wouldn't let the wolf man strike its weak point again though, moving as it transformed so that its leg was hit instead.

(Ragnaform: +40 Health)
(Fenrir: -24 Health)

Ryan managed to guard against the Garm's sneak attack just in time, letting his gauntlets absorb the blow as it bounced off and landed next to him.

(Ryan: -15 Health)
(Gauntlets: -8 Durability each)

Evalye was lucky enough to have looked around while she was on standby, barely having the time to react and brace her leg for the bite coming at it, but her energy greaves couldn't take any more and shattered as it chomped into her leg.

(Astralfire: -4 Durability, destroyed)
(Evalye: -15 Health)

The seventh and eighth Garms kept up their assault on Lucia, with nothing stopping the seventh from biting into her left leg and pulling back with its mouth, causing her to fall over backwards as she was currently a statue.

(Lucia: -25 Health)

Reaction Phase:

Its attacks on her leg after that were successful too, cutting into Lucia's leg even more. However, it was surprised to see the wounds start regenerating as a tiny pixie poked the statue Lucia, healing some of the damage she'd taken.

(Lucia: -15 Health, -15 Health, +49 Health)

That moment of surprise sealed its fate, as it was then finished by a devastating falling stab from above, stabbing it into the ground as it faded away...

(Garm #7: -40 Health, dead)

The eighth Garm wasn't able to bite out the fallen Lucia's throat like it wanted, as it unfortunately ate dirt instead, repelled from its prey once more. It faced the tiny prey again, ready for any rocks he threw, but wasn't expecting to instead be trapped in the earth. It wasn't strong enough to break free, so it howled angrily and gathered its strength.

(Garm #8: Rage Howl)

The third Garm was confused as Ryan didn't choose to attack it for some reason. It took that to mean he was afraid, so it kept attacking, circling around before jumping and taking a bite out of his side in midair as it turned so that it would be facing him again once it landed behind him.

(Garm #3: Fang Rush)

The Garm attacking Evalye soon ran out of luck, as she ignored the pain of its second bite enough to lift it up into the air...where it was promptly stabbed in the back, ending its unfortunate life. Perhaps out of spite, Evalye made its death even more painful by kicking it and then frying it with chaotic energy, making it explode into particles instead of fading slowly like normal.

(Evalye: -12 Health)
(Garm #6: -32 Health, dead, -10 Health, [CRIT] -30 Health)

Then when he attacked once more, the Fenrir would take that opportunity to show him there was only room for one powerful wolf in this town. It intercepted the axe swing with its left paw, pushing his axe out of the way so that he couldn't guard as it scooped him up with its massive fangs and bit deep into his flesh before flinging him towards the more vulnerable prey (Amice and Lucia).

(Fenrir: -36 Health)
(Parry+Giant Fang Rush: -45 Stamina)
(Guinsoo: -70 Health)

Action Phase:

The third Garm kept attacking Ryan after the jumping bite, this time leaping at his torso from behind to try to knock him over while taking another chunk out of him.

(Garm #3: Fang Rush)

Meanwhile, the eighth Garm finally broke through the earth trapping its legs after enhancing its strength and speed, then used that speed to rush after the red-haired prey, attempting to circle around her before suddenly leaping at her torso from the side.

(Garm #8: Fang Rush)

The Fenrir charged at Guinsoo once more after throwing him, focusing on the one that hurt it the most. Once it reached him it would raise its enormous paws to crush to a pulp, along with Amice and Lucia if they remained next to where he landed. It was more cautious now, since it'd lost its armor along with most of its brethren, and it was too wounded...

(Fenrir: Attack x2)

Sho_the_MageFeb 24, 2019 1:05 AM
Feb 23, 2019 10:14 PM
Oct 2014
Ryan Collins

Health: 115/150
Prana: 110/110
Stamina: 35/150
STR:B(Force) • VIT: E(Force) WIL: E • RES: E
Current Status:
Skills Active: Force (Passive),
Current Equipment:
Right Gauntlet:12/20
Left Gauntlet:13/20

(Start of Turn regen:110>110(Max)Prana, 20->35 Stamina)

Ryan by the skin of his teeth had managed to evade the Fenrir, that was a real close one. If he didn't want to turn into dog food he'd better coordinate with Guinsoo next time he wanted to deal with its attack.

The Garm thudded into his gauntlets and pushed him back a tiny bit, and fell back to the ground.But it sure was persistent with attacking. Ryan kept guarding against the first of the jumping attacks. When it jumped again for the second one, since it jumped twice in a row, that made it a bit more predictable. But due to his lower speed he only turned around in time to guard. So rather than attempting to interrupt it, he just desummoned and resummoned his gauntlets(-40 Prana), knowing they were greatly damaged and couldn't endure another hit, guarding with his right gauntlet against the wolf's bite.

(Guard)(Ryan:115->85 Health)

Guarding with only one gauntlet put his right gauntlet in bad shape, but it left his left arm free to move. So as his right gauntlet was getting chewed on, he made a grab with his left arm to grab the Garm by the neck, afterwards turning around so he could see the Fenrir while still grabbing the Garm's neck. It really was huge now! At least now it had gotten slower after putting on 200+lbs.

Action Phase:

At this point, the Garm was in a really bad position, and Ryan didn't want to let it get away.So, holding tightly onto its neck with his higher strength so it couldn't get away, and powering up again with Ki Charge, he'd punch it in the head with his left arm as many times as possible, doing lightning-speed blows!(Ki Charge) and (Attackx2) or (Attackx3)

The whole swarm of bees was there now behind the Fenrir. He probably hadn't turned around in time to see them use the healing, but he saw absolutely zero wounds on the fenrir that had been there earlier. And all the bees were cheesily camping behind a giant barrier. Meanwhile Guinsoo looked like he was in big trouble.
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