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^Say something about the cute girl above you V.24:- ❣❣ Miuna Shiodome ❣❣ Edition~

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Nov 26, 2017 4:16 PM

Jan 2016
Should finish Code Geass cause I think it's good even though I'm not a fan of mecha :3
Nov 26, 2017 4:17 PM

Oct 2017
I thought the same thing!! I don't really like mecha's yet gurren lagann is my favorite anime!!

(For the first time.... I didn't keep on refreshing the last page!!)

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 4:17 PM

May 2014
Acknowledge Code Geass finesse :3
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 4:19 PM

Oct 2014
Should know that most do, it's an interesting anime, I just got pre-occupied personally -_-'

Nov 26, 2017 4:33 PM

Oct 2017
Hasn't told us which is his favorite animal?!! (Unless its cat... then that was pretty obvious!!)

Head_Hunter47Nov 26, 2017 4:37 PM

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 4:38 PM

Oct 2014
Should play with my random facts generator every now and then, maybe he'll stumble across the answer o.o.

(nice art by the way, is that from a movie or just lone art work? o.o)

Nov 26, 2017 4:38 PM

Nov 2013
^^Should know his aniki was playing osu for a few hours.. adjusted his tablet area and had to get used to it, started to get tired though and missed a lot of circles... his left hand also started to do weird things... Inconsistent streams and chokes annoyed aniki so much at the end that he closed osu and came back to the cafe :3
you probably don't understand anything, but that's fine ^^;

^Should know I think it's an artwork.. however Sanchy changed it so I'm not sure which artwork you mean ^^;
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
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Nov 26, 2017 4:39 PM

May 2014
Should accompany Sanji-chan, he's lonely :3
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 4:39 PM

Oct 2017
^^^Should know I did... but it only said second favorite!!

(Don't know... googled anime character lonely in the city!!)

^*tries to pretend he understood* Umm... yeah, that's really bad (or good?!!)

^Yay, everyone's here again!!

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 4:41 PM

May 2014
Should try osu! too~ I bet you will shine in mania mode :3
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 4:41 PM

Nov 2013
^^Was able to call three people by his call... he must have a lot of charisma >/////<
^Shouldn't confuse Sanchy.. He should play osu standard mode like most people do :3
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 4:42 PM

May 2014
Trying to get everybody to play standard mode :(
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 4:43 PM

Nov 2013
Maybe doesn't have a good mouse or simply didn't enjoy the standard mode as much as mania?
I-I'm sorry.. I didn't want to sadden oneechan >w<
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 4:44 PM

Oct 2017
Umm... Should know I'm really bad at rythemic games!!

(Hmm... wait, I don't think I've ever played a rythem game.... then where did I get the idea That I suck?!!)

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 4:44 PM

May 2014
Azerola said:
Maybe doesn't have a good mouse or simply didn't enjoy the standard mode as much as mania?

The first statement makes onee-chan cries o(╥﹏╥)o

OT: Should try it instead~
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 4:44 PM

Jan 2016
Should try cause most people are bad on it at first :x

Probably the only one who play standard like me :3
Nov 26, 2017 4:46 PM

Oct 2014
^^^Should know all you need is practice upon practice and then you'll just pick it up o.o.

Just takes a lil dedication ~^^^

^^Is someone I'd rather not see ever cry o.o *hands tissue*^^

^Semms to have made the same point as me o.o^

Nov 26, 2017 4:47 PM

Oct 2017
Should know its downloading!! (yay!!)

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 4:48 PM

Oct 2014
Should know if it wasn't so late I'd join you, but I'll be sleeping soon o.o

Nov 26, 2017 4:48 PM

Nov 2013
^^Is really trying it :3 I'm proud of him >////<
^Should definitely play it one day.. so that half of the Monia Cafe can have be in a lobby ^^

Sorainnosia said:
Azerola said:
Maybe doesn't have a good mouse or simply didn't enjoy the standard mode as much as mania?

The first statement makes onee-chan cries o(╥﹏╥)o

OT: Should try it instead~

Nuuuu d-don't.. I didn't mean it like that... don't cry oneechan ε=ε=(っ*´□`)っ
*hugs her to comfort her*
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 4:49 PM

Oct 2017
Is an evil man for making onee-chan sad!!

KorudoKun said:
Should know if it wasn't so late I'd join you, but I'll be sleeping soon o.o

Wait... it has co-op?!!

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 4:50 PM

Nov 2013
S-Said something I can't deny..... I should be more careful about my choice of words to not hurt people who are dear to me >///<
Should also know it does :3 That's why most of us want to motivate you to start playing :3
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 4:51 PM

May 2014
Have a point there, he's evil o(╥﹏╥)o ^^

S-should watches out for your words..*pat head* ^
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 4:51 PM

Oct 2014
^^^Should know he has a habit of making girls cry o.o^^^

^^SHould know I'm probably rusty o I'll re-develop my skills tomorrow ~

^Makes me want to hug her o.o, *hands a box of tissues*

Nov 26, 2017 4:52 PM

Nov 2013
Makes me regret it even more... 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。 If I counted it right, Sorachy is the third one already (つ﹏<)・゚。
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 4:54 PM

Oct 2014
Should really work on his social skills with women o.o

But at least the rins love you o.o

Nov 26, 2017 4:56 PM

Jan 2016
Called Rimirin and Devilrimirin "The Rins" somehow remind me of a horror movie :x
Nov 26, 2017 4:56 PM

Nov 2013
^^Should know it's usually oneechan who teaches me how to treat women properly... but I guess I still need to learn a lot >w<
^Maybe thinks about "The Ring" :3 W-Wait don't connect Rinchy to a horror movie >w<
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 4:58 PM

May 2014
Azerola said:
Makes me regret it even more... 。:゚(。ノω\。)゚・。 If I counted it right, Sorachy is the third one already (つ﹏<)・゚。

Third?!! Should tell moi who's the rest?
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 4:59 PM

Nov 2013
O-Oneechan didn't know? Should know the first girl was Rinchy... the second one Shirochy... and now you 。・゚(゚⊃ω⊂゚)゚・。
Also still pats me although it was me did a mistake... sobs... why you pat me sobs... it should be me who pats soraneechan.. sobs..
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 5:00 PM

Oct 2014
^^Appears to be concerned o.o, as yer should be...

Perhaps you should re-raise him from the ground up o.o.^^

^Should know I think that horror movie about the hotel with the little girl twins seems more appropriate, it's called the shining I think? o.o

Nov 26, 2017 5:00 PM

May 2014
Probably you want to aim the title "Lady Killer" in a wrong way... ^^

Thanks for the tissue *grab and sniff* ^
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 5:00 PM

Oct 2017
^^^So in other words... he's offended everygirl here... except for boss!!

^ Made me laugh!!

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 5:02 PM

Nov 2013
S-Should know not every girl!! But still.....
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 5:02 PM

Oct 2014
^^Should know it's not every girl, we have quite a few o.o.

He's still terrible pretty bad that ^_^'^^

^Understand he's hopeless, but we still love him ^_^ *hugs azenpai* <(^_^)> ~ だいじょうぶ です

(i've never established if I could hug you, but based on our friendship, I assume it's cool? o.o)

Nov 26, 2017 5:05 PM

Nov 2013
Should know that I know...
But I vow to show improvement.. no tears shall be shed because of me anymore, be it boy or girl, be it old or young... nobody deservers to cry because of me >w<

"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 5:05 PM

Oct 2017
^^Is trying to take advantage of Aniki's vulnerability... must have owed him from before!!

^Yosh yosh... thing is, you care that you did something wrong... people nowadays aren't even that considerate!!

*Gives a hug to calm him down*
Head_Hunter47Nov 26, 2017 5:08 PM

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 5:06 PM

Oct 2014
Should know I never take advantage, I just like to offer comfort o.o.

Nov 26, 2017 5:07 PM

Nov 2013
Offers me comfort and a hug I need right now.. Thanks Koruchy *hugs him manly*
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 5:10 PM

Oct 2014
States when he's being manly o.o

Never got that, but I feel bear hugged o.o.

*gives him a complimentary fist bump while he's at it* o.o

Nov 26, 2017 5:11 PM

May 2014
Should know onee-chan not mad at you, don't worry :) *hugs from back* ^^

Did a manly hug with moi brother which is nice :3 ^
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 5:11 PM

Oct 2014
Should know ama just shuffle to the side here o.o

*Slides out of the way of Kitty and Azenpai*

Nov 26, 2017 5:12 PM

Nov 2013
^^Makes me feel much better now...
How did I deserve such a nice oneechan >//////<
O-Okay, enough of manly tears... let's stay positive now >w<

^Tries to give the siblings a moment of togetherness even though I think it wasn't needed ^^
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 5:13 PM

Oct 2017
^^Did something that I should be doing too... for a minute!!

^ninja'd me when I just just trying to go into the corner!!

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 5:14 PM

Nov 2013
Wants to join our hugs... Let's hug everyone for a minute then.... come people, let's show our bond for each other >////<
"Be wary - triumphant pride precipitates a dizzying fall..."
Three circles make a triangle ▲, four a square ■ and five a star ★
Click the circles the beat


Nov 26, 2017 5:16 PM

May 2014
Likes to be hugged by everyone else~ but I guess he will be very happy if Ray-chu and Shiro is here too :3
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
Nov 26, 2017 5:16 PM

Jan 2016
Made this thread seems like hug the person above you o_o
Nov 26, 2017 5:16 PM

Oct 2017
^^^*jumps in* yay, hugs!!

^^ ^ Somehow ninja'd me when I only wrote two words, lol!!

We can only have good tea
while we're alive.

Nov 26, 2017 5:17 PM

Oct 2014
^^^^Wants to initiate a group hug, I've never actually been in one before, normally I'm the one instigating them o.o^^^^

^^^Makes me miss rin and shiro, weird I don't normally miss people, and I'll probably see them tomorrow o.o

^^Should join in, they never hug enough o.o

^Is eager, that's cute ^_^

Maybe I'll attatch myself to the pile at the end o.o

Nov 26, 2017 5:21 PM

May 2014
Very patiently say something to everyone while he was ninja'd 4 times in a row :3 You're a good man
“Be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”
"Just don't overdo it"
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