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Apr 3, 2016 1:52 PM

Jan 2014

Here you go

Apr 3, 2016 10:10 PM

Mar 2014
No hard feelings. Have fun!

I'll update dorms tomorrow unless Sparks gets to it first.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 4, 2016 7:19 AM

Jan 2014

Here you go

Apr 4, 2016 3:32 PM

Mar 2014
Could you elaborate on the power? Simply saying "manipulate fire" can mean anything from throwing a fireball, to incinerating a person in an instant.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 5, 2016 2:18 PM
Oct 2015
Name:[/b] Noctis
Gender: Male
Power: Ice destruction
Power Explanation: Ice comes out his hands as some sort of magic thing it can makes ice swords and anything what makes the opposite side have damage. If he does anything more his energy will start to fade because he is not strong enough to use a lot of his ice magic ( When he becomes more strong this won't happen ).

What comes out his hands-
Shoots ice balls
Hands goes to ice while fighting
Weapon: Sword has ice on it because if he holds anything else his had will burn ( That's if he has a special gloves on)

Rank: F
Club: Marital arts

Personality: He smiles with his friends and anyone he loves to talk to anyone and he is creative and active a lot he will do any mission so that he would protect his friends and he's never angry ( maybe when his friends are hurt really badly).
Bio: He was a kid on the street he never remembered his family they both dead when he was born his mother dead of birth and his dad dead because of some assassins and that's all he remembers. One day he will kill the person who killed his dad and get revenge on them but one day some lady give him a chance at this school and now he will train himself to bet the best person ever in history.
Blackstar18Apr 7, 2016 6:30 PM
Apr 5, 2016 2:27 PM
Mar 2016
Name: Hikaru Nishimura
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Power: Intangibile
Power Explanation: Ability to pass through solid objects. Works by creating a field around body, allowing objects in contact at the time that he becomes intangible to still be held) Initially, once in intangible state, no other objects can be interacted with, as the entire body is intangible, however later ranks allow for Intangibility Field to be focused on certain parts of the body, or switched of for specific parts, allowing for interaction with external objects. However, as his intangibility is achieved through a energy field, and attack moving at a high velocity, for example a projectile weapon or a melee attack augmented by a power, can pass through the field and hit him.
Weapons: Mild martial arts training, starting with classes when he was younger and augmented by more recent time spent finding classes online, quarterstaff
Rank: F
Club: Photography Club
Pic: (Although you can look any way you want, it won't give any extra abilities! So cat's don't get extra agility or the like)
Personality: Generally reserved around most people, but fairly open and relaxed with the people he knows. Has a lot of interest in things that are slightly out of the ordinary, which he reflects in his photography, rarely taking pictures of people, prefering smaller, more mundane subjects.
Bio: Coming from a fairly ordinary family, Hikaru tended to fade into the background of his high-achieving older brother and prodigy younger sister. After discoving his ability, he keeps it a secret, until he discovers Mirai High, where he transfers in a bid to develop his powers. Already having a fascination with photography, he joins the photography club. Using his ability in order to get otherwise impossible shots (For example, a shot taken from half-way up one of the buildings.), he soon finds that Mirai is somewhere that he finally isn't overshadowed by anyone else, even with the multitude of abilities present at the school. Finding himself in a place where for the first time he isn't the unremarkable one, he vows to use his power to help people.
OneFaintingRobinApr 11, 2016 3:05 PM
Apr 5, 2016 5:12 PM

Mar 2014
anything what makes the opposite side have damage

I don't understand this part.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 5, 2016 6:26 PM
Dec 2015
Name: Mohab Sobky

Age: 19

Gender: M

Power: Kaminari no Tenshi (Lightning Angel)

Power Explanation: Has the power to use his own internal electric signals to produce lightning and use it to fight. Also can extract electricity from nearby sources for power adding up. He has limitations to what his body can handle, for now he can only extract and produce electricity of 400W which is good enough to taze someone but not kill them. He also can only send electricity through direct contact or as far away as one inch from his target, that's why he sometimes uses his katana sword as an extra conducting medium to extend his range. He can use this lightning to speed up the connections to his muscles giving him super human speed as well (Maybe will be activated on higher ranks)

Weapon: Katana Sword

Rank: F

Club: Boxing\ Martial arts


Personality: Kind, mysterious, smart, quite aggressive when triggered, rarely shows emotions and tends to keep his distance from everybody, He has trust issues but values friendship and love very much due to his loss. He's a leader by nature and a good strategist. However he may break down easily under pressure if people near to him are involved. He has a mild OCD disorder from planes and flight.

Bio: An abroad student from Egypt who came to Japan as an exchange student. Mohab aims to stay and study medicine in Japan. During his flight his plane was hit by an unexpected thunderstorm and got struck by lightning, leading to the death of everyone on the plane and his only survival which granted him his powers. He views them as a burden and a dept, as if the lives of those on the plane where the price of his powers, as also he knew that shortly after his accident his entire family back at Egypt died in a car accident he was completely convinced that his powers are a curse and that nobody shall be near him or he'll be caught up with it. That's why he wanted to take the path of trying to change the world with it as a way to repay the souls that were spent as the price. However, he wants to do it alone, but if it's necessary to work with people he'll try to get along with them as much as he can while still not getting too close with anyone. And if he did he mostly tends to push them back with any way possible. Even if it means to break that persons heart.
Sobky_kunApr 6, 2016 3:11 AM
Apr 6, 2016 4:21 AM

Mar 2014
That would work just fine
RP characters: Freya
Apr 6, 2016 4:56 AM

Mar 2014
Those changes would work
RP characters: Freya
Apr 6, 2016 5:45 AM

Jul 2012
Name: Kotetsu Hideo (First name, Family name)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Power: Size Manipulation
Power Explanation: Kotetsu can freely manipulate his size. At the moment he can change it from 0.5x to as much as 1.25x of his normal size. The clothes he's wearing change along with him, but other items he has don't. When he changes size his physical abilities (strength, running speed etc.) scale at the same rate.

As he increases in rank the scale of his available sizes will increase and he'll be able to change the size of other items as long as he's holding them (so he'll be able to have a bigger weapon, but won't be able to change the size of such things as buildings).
Weapon: None
Rank: F
Club: Basketball

Personality: Kotetsu is for the most part pretty easygoing. He usually doesn't go out of his way to be nice, but still treats people with respect. However, annoying him (or oddly enough, becoming friends with him) might make you a target of some snarky comments. Still, for the most part he tends to avoid confrontations, violent or otherwise. This is because he knows he gets way too heated during them. He has a habit of eating close to anything (and pretty often everything) that's available.
SleepingBearApr 6, 2016 5:52 AM
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34
Apr 6, 2016 8:03 AM

Mar 2014
Thank for making this easy :P

Copying powers is not allowed. That really should be listed as one of the banned powers....
RP characters: Freya
Apr 6, 2016 10:01 AM
Oct 2015
RedPtolemy said:
anything what makes the opposite side have damage

I don't understand this part.
It means if I land a attack on someone it will take damage on the person who I'm facing like a student for the school or a enemy
Apr 6, 2016 11:12 AM

Mar 2014
Blackstar18 said:
RedPtolemy said:

I don't understand this part.
It means if I land a attack on someone it will take damage on the person who I'm facing like a student for the school or a enemy

That...clarifies nothing.
It's either "takes damage from the person who I'm facing"
or "deals damage on the person who I'm facing"
Also what exactly is "it"? The ice? the attack?
RP characters: Freya
Apr 6, 2016 8:20 PM

Mar 2014
Sorry about drawing that out :P

I do love the power though. Nature themed, badass name, not simply a run-of-the-mill offensive one...
RP characters: Freya
Apr 6, 2016 8:33 PM
Oct 2015
RedPtolemy said:
Blackstar18 said:
It means if I land a attack on someone it will take damage on the person who I'm facing like a student for the school or a enemy

That...clarifies nothing.
It's either "takes damage from the person who I'm facing"
or "deals damage on the person who I'm facing"
Also what exactly is "it"? The ice? the attack?
fine the first one then what you said and it says on my character info the ice powers
Apr 6, 2016 8:43 PM

Mar 2014
Alright I think I understand now.
So the things he makes out of ice will break after he hits someone with them.

Is that correct?
RP characters: Freya
Apr 6, 2016 8:44 PM
Oct 2015
RedPtolemy said:
Alright I think I understand now.
So the things he makes out of ice will break after he hits someone with them.

Is that correct?
yes correct
Apr 6, 2016 9:11 PM

Mar 2014

"Ice comes out his hands as some sort of magic thing it can makes ice swords and anything that breaks when he hits someone with it. If he does anything more his energy will start to fade because he is not strong enough to use a lot of his ice magic ( When he becomes more strong this won't happen )."

Instead of saying he can make "anything" write a list of the things he can make.
Specify how long (in posts) he can use for power before getting fatigued

That's too many applications for one ability. Please limit or to three for F rsnk.
RP characters: Freya
Apr 7, 2016 6:28 PM
Oct 2015
RedPtolemy said:

"Ice comes out his hands as some sort of magic thing it can makes ice swords and anything that breaks when he hits someone with it. If he does anything more his energy will start to fade because he is not strong enough to use a lot of his ice magic ( When he becomes more strong this won't happen )."

Instead of saying he can make "anything" write a list of the things he can make.
Specify how long (in posts) he can use for power before getting fatigued

That's too many applications for one ability. Please limit or to three for F rsnk.
ok and I'm done how about it
Apr 9, 2016 1:15 PM

Mar 2016
Name: Yukimura Touma

Age: 18

Gender: male

Power: Better than glue

Power Explanation: This power allows Yukimura to produce a sticky substance from his body and stick to objects, while at lower ranks he is limited to sticking to objects which are either naturally sticky or are quite rough (for example trees) and at higher ranks he will be able to stick to normal walls and ceilings.

Weapon: .38/200 Enfield revolver

Rank: F

Club: Engineering


Height: 1.8m
Wieght: 67kg

Personality: Yukimura is generally very logical and rational to the point where he can sometimes seem cold and not empathetic, but he is also rather protective of people he trusts and cares for. Due to the nature of his power, Yukimura has a particular dislike for wearing any kind of footwear, although he will wear them when needed.

Bio: Yukimura was born in a typical working class family on the Japanese island of Kyushu and although he didn’t have everything he wanted, he was for the most part happy with his life. The one problem he did face, was a large amount of bullying in school which consisted of typical name calling, with little physical violence. For a time, he didn’t know how to deal with it until he started to avoid giving an emotional reaction to it. Although the bullying stopped due to this attitude, he began to look at life on a more logical and rational level, leading him to be rather unemotional to events which affect other people, unless he himself can either relate or the person is someone he cares for.

Yukimura discovered his power when he was climbing up a tree and the branch he was sitting on broke, as he fell he managed to grab onto a branch and when he climbed down he noticed a sticky substance on his hand. On further experimentation he realised he had the power to produce this sticky substance and could stick to objects.
CamelousApr 9, 2016 1:41 PM
Apr 9, 2016 6:00 PM

Nov 2009

I don't see anything wrong with this character, so unless another admins say so
Apr 9, 2016 7:27 PM

Jan 2016
Wanted to edit Otonashi Miyuki into Mizuki Kiru (Miki)
The Power is still the same which is water just changed name and edited the power explanations a bit. Also changed bio, it's a bit long so yeah...
CurbeyApr 9, 2016 11:50 PM
Apr 9, 2016 9:50 PM

Aug 2014
Everything seems fine
Apr 10, 2016 1:30 PM

Nov 2009
Name: Luna
Age: (Between 14 - 19) 15
Gender: Female
Power: She has cat like abilities
Power Explanation:
1. She is a quick learner
2. cat like ability like strong sense of smell and sight, also agility
her agility increases by 30 percent of the average person (1.3X more)
3. A helping hand. She is able to heal others but not herself. right now she can only heal small cuts and bruises but she doesn't even realizes it.
4. She is able to move small objects from one place to another. they most be able to fit in her hand. they can't weight more then 5 pounds and the item can't be far away. They most be within a 10ft X 10ft radius from her. you can see the object moving from one place to another and if you are fast enough, you can stop it or chase after it.
Weapon: She will get one
Rank: F
Club: She will choose one as she I rp with her, if that's ok

Personality: She is energetic and playful and is always there to help out a friend (will finish when I get on my computer in about 30 mins)
SakuraSweetHeartApr 10, 2016 1:58 PM
Apr 10, 2016 2:00 PM

Apr 2013
Apr 10, 2016 8:29 PM

Aug 2014
Name:Kazuya Yamasaki
Age: (Between 14 - 19)17
Gender: Male
Power: Soul split
Power Explanation: The pet sort of counts as the power, i hope thats k, if not il change the whole thing ;-;
This creature was trapped inside half of Kazuyas heart and now they have become united each with a section of soul inside each other if one gets killed so will the other (pain does not count :P)


A Winchester model 70 give to him by his late father
A Bowie knife as a backup
Rank: F
Club: Track club

Personality: Kazuya is an outgoing person however he isnt very approachable and tends to distance himself away from groups but he is very social able with one person when he is not overwhelmed by alot of people speaking. He opens up very easily and puts others needs in front of his own even strangers. He is also a very good decision maker but these can be rash depending on if someone he cares about is in trouble.
Bio: Kazuya was a normal black haired boy and lived an average life in the a remote countryside town, he spent most of hist time procrastianating and going on long walks since he did not have many friends apart from a few super close ones, one day the town got hit by a massive flood and it swept half the town away, Kazuya got caught up in this flood and began to drown when a black light protruded from his heart and his "soul animal" came to his rescue dragging him through the current to a safe haven. This for some reason turned him pale and gave him white hair. After the flood had tried up he returned to his town which had know been knocked down to only rubble, he managed to clamber back into his house but his family were no where to be seen, he waited for 3 days living on whatever he had in the cupboards, for someone to come home but no one did, in the end he decided to pack his things including his fathers old gun he used in the war and go wandering still in a state of awe. He was accompanied by his new companion which he nicknamed Varg, trying to figure out this phenomenon that saved his life he ended up at Mirai high looking for an answer to why he has these powers, he had slowly accepted the fate of his friends and family over the years of travelling and decided to try and settle down back into a normal(ish) life.

Hope this is K <3
Umbra_curatorApr 10, 2016 8:51 PM

Song i'm feeling right now: <3

Quote of the day:"Throw me to the wolves and i'll return as pack leader"
Apr 10, 2016 9:19 PM

Aug 2014
I really don't see any issues, when they merge it's like varg isn't there anymore right? So Varg cant use screech or bit while merged.
It's all like Varg is a manifestation of Kazuyas soul so it's partially his own power.
If no one else has any complaints
Apr 11, 2016 6:28 PM

Apr 2013
Can you go into more detail about how the power is used and How long the effects last?
Also the Bio has a 75 word minimum

Apr 11, 2016 6:44 PM

Apr 2013
You would have to be more specific to have it approved
It may be easier to change it something else because in a way it can become OP depending on how it's used.

Apr 11, 2016 8:13 PM
Feb 2016
[b]Name: John Loraden
[b]Age: 18
[b]Gender: Male
[b]Power: Heightened Senses
[b]Power Explanation: The power of enhanced vision, which can see through multiple layers of walls, but withdraw of not being able to see through the floors or ceiling. This power also quickens his reaction time, but only by X1.2)
Weapon: (optional): Suppressed MAC-10 Sub-Machine Gun and Baseball Bat
[b]Rank: F
[b]Club: Baseball and Photography
[b]Pic: n/a
[b]Personality: Neutral
[b]Bio: Born in the United States, this boy possesses a power to sense people's presences much more than the average human, and has learned about Mirai High, a school that could potentially heighten his new found power. His favorite weapon, a MAC-10 Sub Machine Gun fitted with a Noice-Reducing Suppressor, a firearm he purchased from a Black Market dealer in Washington. He wears wears light body armor under his school clothes and a plain dark blue cap. In close quarters, John may pull out his trusty Baseball Bat. He carries around a lightly burned photo of 2 soldiers, one blonde, the other with a brown beard, with the date March 17th, 1985, Hawaii scribbled on it.
SuppressingFireApr 16, 2016 7:15 AM
Apr 12, 2016 7:10 AM
Apr 2013
Name: Iris
Age: 18
Gender: female
Power: Healing hands
Power Explanation: she can heal small cuts without difficulties and
can take other persones pain till 25% upon  her  (maximum 2 peoples ,taking others pain weakens her body )
Weapon: (optional) : doesn't have one
Rank: F
Club: Cooking and Track

Personality: kind caring and cheerful
Bio: she grew up having a normal life living with her family who treated her well and eventually she was sent to school where she met Jack and quickly became friends with him and they would always hang out together until Jack dropped out of school for some unknown reason she went to visit him and she found out that his family was murdered and he had planned to go to Mirai and she decided to go with him so she can help him and in the way they eventually got into a relationship and shes the only thing really keeping him from breaking although she gets past his perversion
RyuemiApr 12, 2016 2:12 PM

Apr 12, 2016 7:13 AM

Apr 2013
Can you set limitations on the healing powers?
Like how much she can heal and how it affects her when healing

Apr 12, 2016 7:15 AM

Apr 2013
Can choose more specific senses such as hearing or seeing?
And reaction time maybe X1.2 a normal person.

Apr 12, 2016 11:16 AM

Jul 2014
Name: Asuka Kotori
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Power: Chivalry of a Failed Knight
Power Explanation: Asuka is somewhat clumsy in combat, only having an average level of physical skill, here and there maybe slightly above or bellow normality. However, for once per fight, she can raise all her attributes (Strenght, Speed, Agility, Endurance, Accuracy) to 1.5x for 6 turns, but after that she will be aflicted by side effect, either by not being able to move, the above-mentioned attributes decreased at 0.5x or at 0.75x, one of the effect being selected by random and lasting 3 turns. She is counted out of combat if for 5 turns she isnt threatened by anything, thus reseting her power.
As her rank increases so will the capped maximum buff, the time she can use, and her rest time will decrease. It is also possible that in the future the number of times she's able to use this ability will increase, but that at a much higher rank.
Weapon: sword
Rank: F
Club: Photography, Volleyball

Personality: Asuka is usually a pretty ditzy girl, a pretty obvious klutz and sometimes oblivious to her surroundings, this usually ending up in funny situations. She's very lovable and clingy, being very possessive over her step brother, and she wants to have as many friends as possible. However, even if she's a bubbly person, she has a noble soul, respecting the code of honor and playing fair. She has a strong sense of justice and dislikes those who use cheap and dirty tricks, but if you dont upset her she will be a sweetiepie. She does have manners, but shes a little tomboyish
Bio: Asuka's family was pretty normal, to be honest. Just a single mother and a big brother. Not even a pet, and she never met her father given he left her mother even before she was born. Everyday was normal, and by normal I mean dull. Same school, same house, same road, same food, same life. Day by day, it became more boring, but Asuka didnt really have the right to complain: they didnt really have that many possibilities, so even if her mother wanted to give her a better experience (not that she did), she didnt.
However, it all changed one day as her mother suddenly came home, announcing that she will get married to some man. This confused Asuka as she never heard her mother talking about a boyfriend or even a man she met, so this only left a single answer in her mind: interest marriage. It is indeed true that at the beginning she was against this, but it didnt help as her mother got married anyway.
However, it actually went better than expected as the man and his only son were very nice to her, treating her like an actual part of their family. Unfortubately, it seemed that her mother and big brother didnt feel the same, as they just manipulated the father to get more money out of him as they treated the son like a dog. This did not work well with her.
No matter how much her side of the family mistreated the other half, she would be very nice to her step father and step brother, helping them whenever she could and enjoying her company, much to her brother's and mother's dismay. However, after her step father finally managed to get a better job, her step brother discovered his power and soon enough he left. After leaving her alone Asuka's mother started mistreating her as well for disobeying her, giving her big brother all the privilages she had. Her school results started degrading from this and she prefered isolation instead of being surrounded by people.
However, it all changed one day when she attempted to aid a classmate. Said student being beaten down by bullies, Asuka at first only watched as she knew she couldnt help, but after that her feet just moved on their own and dragged her there to the student's aid... surpassing human limits and swiftly defeating the bullies. Unfortunately, she didnt get to savor her victory as she fainted after that. When she woke up in the infirmary she found out that the student she saved thanked her, even if it couldnt be here now, but Asuka cared about something else: she had a power, so she could join her step brother!
Returning home, she explained what happened to her family, stating that she will go after her step brother. Saying goodbye with a smile to her step father, she didnt say any single word to her mother and brother as she just gave them a glare before turning around and leaving... to Mirai High
LightSpark090Apr 12, 2016 11:38 AM
Apr 12, 2016 11:36 AM

Aug 2014
No, 3 posts seems good, half the duration of the power up.
-Yamato-Apr 13, 2016 7:59 AM
Apr 12, 2016 6:48 PM

Dec 2013

You are officially
Apr 12, 2016 7:03 PM
Jul 2018
Name: Rintarou Akiyama
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Power: Feral Instincts
Power Explanation: When in near death situations, can tap into more monstorous power. Rintarou goes into a flury of rage, gaining 1.5x strength and speed for 5 posts before coming back to his sense. Coming back to his senses puts him on the verge of passing out, putting strenght and speed at 0.75x normal, and if he hasn't been knocked out or killed by then, they return to normal after 10 posts. Recharge time for ability is 20 posts.
Weapon: Two short blades and a colt series 70 1911 side-arm
Rank: F
Club: Track
Personality: Usually pretty nice, and friendly, he enjoys the company of others. Loves to joke around and play games with his friends. Due to the nature of his ability, he loves junk food especially as it is not only delicious, but provides him with the energy to use his power without becoming too skinny. The only time he can ever really be seen angry is when anyone, especially his friends, are threatened, and tends goes out of his way to protect them, even if it means putting his own life in danger.
Bio: Rintarou had a fairly normal childhood, always running around with his friends, and playing games. Always protective toward his friends, in his second year of middle school, when standing up to one of his friend's bullies, they began to beat him up. His power came about, and he then proceeded to maim one of the bullies, scaring the other ones off. After some medical help, Rintarou, while not regretting what he did, tried his best to make up for what he had done. Even though he actively was not looking for fights, his good nature, and unwillingness to allow others to be hurt put him in some bad situations. It is because of this that he put little regard into his own personal safety when fighting, seeing it as not a problem if he were to die, as long as it would mean others would be safe. His dad enrolled him into Mirai High in order so that he would be able to better control his power, and gain a new outlook on life.
removed-userApr 12, 2016 8:30 PM
Apr 12, 2016 7:05 PM

Aug 2015
Name:Yui Fang
Age: 16
Gender: female
Power: Monster Girl Dream
Power explanation: she can transform herself into an especies of Monster girl determined:
-Lamia (half human, half snake): at this form from under the waist she changes her legs for a snake tail at least 2.5 meters long and obtain snake eyes. She can feel the temperature of anything around her but in exchange she can't hear too well. Also her tail is strong enough to smash an steel pilar and becomes 1.3 times faster than a human.
-Harpy (half human, half bird): she changes both her arms to wings, and her feets become eagle talons that can penetrate human meat and don't Let go her pray once catched, also she can fly but in earth is slow and vulnerable.
-Mermaid (half human, half fish): in earth she is completely useless and vulnerable but in water she is more fast than anything, also she has a beautifull voice and her singing can heal her allies (3% of total hp) and increase all her allies will.
-Dragon people (half human, half dragon): this is her stronger from obtaining dragon wings, dragon tail, horns, dragon type feet and dragon claws with just three fingers, can fly and her claws can destroy steel.
She can stay at any of this forms 4 posts and takes another 4 to transform with the exception of the dragon people form for 2 posts and takes 6 to transform in anything again.
At her actual rank she can only transform into Lamia and Harpy (rank D for mermaid, rank C for dragon people).

Weapon: needles created specially for combat and some piano string as it is stronger and thinner than normal string.
Rank: F
Club: Nature

personality: In the outside she is really cold and manipulator, but in the inside she is warm, sweet and what you can say a little dump, she tends to fall to the ground and hit things accidentaly, also when she gets angry her Monster girl instincts control her, she'll become agresive and attack everyone, bit shell normally keeps control of herself

Bio when shell was young she wa raised as a "tool for the man's satisfaction that just obey orders", unhappy she escapes home and did horrible things to be able to survive, at that moment in the streets she discovered her powers and made bad use of them at the instant.
As she grows she becomes a manipulator and a lier that don't cares for anyone, but in one day she made angry someone powerfull that send someone to kill her, this person almost killed her but an strange girl saved her, this girl told her about a school where his brother is now at, she told her to go there to become powerfull and observe the brother of the girl, he has a Black and purple gun that goes with a pink and blue sword that she gave to her, as the strange girl banished she went to that school a to do all what she said...
YFangJun 19, 2016 6:44 PM
Apr 12, 2016 7:37 PM

Dec 2013

Ye be
Apr 12, 2016 8:12 PM
Mar 2016
Name: Kurohi Yano
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Superpower: Crystalline Skin
Explanation of Superpower:
1: The ability to harden parts of her skin on command and also expand crystallized sections to form shields or points to use as weapons
2: Although it is difficult to move her body or parts of her body while it is crystallized, if her whole body is crystallized she becomes similar to glass and it becomes difficult to see her
Weapon: She typically expands the crystals under her forearm to a scythe shape and fights with them
Rank: F
Club: Art

Personality: She is a loner who usually comes off as stuck up, people always think that she has somewhere better to be, so they often ignore her. She pretends to be calm and cool but in reality she is very emotional and keeps all of her emotions to herself , she can explode when the smallest thing goes wrong.
Bio: Kurohi has always been very kind and was able to make friends easily when she was younger, but her friends always seemed to leave her either moving away, drifting apart, or just saying they didn't want to be friends anymore, so she started to ignore others so she wouldn't be hurt anymore. After a while she discovered she didn't like to be alone but it was to late. She hopes that attending Mirai High will help her to start over and make lots of friends.
Apr 12, 2016 8:24 PM

Jan 2016
For my other character i had several moves for that one power and it got approved.
I took out 2 of the abilities that i felt implicated controlling what other people see, but for Misdirection i don't really control what they see, basically they are a distraction and i use that chance to sneak up on them real quick while they are fighting with each other. Unless that count's as controlling with what they see, also on another note their was a previous power who had invisibility type of power similar to mine
CurbeyApr 12, 2016 8:39 PM
Apr 12, 2016 8:29 PM

Aug 2014
Just put the recharge time as a number of posts and you're good to go.
Apr 12, 2016 8:38 PM

Dec 2013
I am just relaying what red told me at the moment
cause he took a look at it
I'll run stuff over with him again
Apr 13, 2016 12:29 AM

Mar 2016
Name: Rinto Higa
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Power: Adaptation
Power Explanation: It's a pretty passive power, basically it's the ability to acquire new skills at rapid rates, kind of like rapid learning. Also the more the user experiences a thing, the more they begin to develop resistances to said thing (Ex: Someone keeps throwing hot objects, would eventually develop a resistance to the heat and would learn the fighting style (not the ability) used). However, if the resistance is 'unused' he loses it (EX: Someone stops throwing hot objects for X amount of time, the resistance would deteriorate). Additional Clarification: Immunity is impossible, F Rank Starts at 25% resistance then goes up by 10% per rank capping at 75%. Also the ability is optimized for defense rather than offense. By ranking up you increase the rate at which the resistance is acquired and how long it lasts for. Adapts relatively quickly, but the adaptation deteriorates relatively fast.
Weapon: Kamas (Since I am going with the Okinawan theme)
Rank: F
Club: Going Home and Gentleman

Personality: Lazy, slightly arrogant, intelligent, and individualistic
Bio: Rinto is from the Ryukyu island chain south of Japan, specifically Okinawa. He is half-Okinawan half-American. Due to his mother's position in the US military she had to abandon Rinto and his father to return to the states. Due to this Rinto has never met his mother. Due to his family's wealth he was able to live relatively comfortable. However due to the capabilities his power gave him he was often extremely bored. This lead to him getting into fights, some getting very dangerous. He also heavily associates with the Ryukyus becoming independent and has often fought with others over the issue. Despite seeming violent Rinto sees himself as a bane of the powerful and values the freedom of himself and the people he likes highly. He if often willing to stand up for people and often resorts to violence to do so. Due to his constant fighting and involvement with such people he has a unique and complex fighting style using whatever he can get his hands on. He is often willing to cast aside morals and has no qualms against killing people in certain situations.
FewshinApr 22, 2016 10:39 PM
All hail the mighty lord of blizzard entertainment. Starcraft, Diablo, Heroes of the Storm, Hearthstone, and Overwatch, all games worthy of my worship.

Rinto Higa is the only RP character I have. His appearance is my forum avatar.

Apr 13, 2016 3:18 AM

Dec 2015
Name: Kuroda Katsue (Family name, First name)
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Power: Gravity Core
Power Explanation: This ability allows Katsue to manipulate the gravity of herself as well as other objects within a 5 meter stasis field around her. She is also able to create small fields of intense gravity on any of the objects that she touches allowing them to be shot on the tips of her arrows (this comes into play with her weapon mainly but can be used for other things)

Rank: F
Club: Music

Personality: Katsue is a down-to-earth, intelligent, selfless girl who is willing to make personal sacrifices in order to save people in need. She is mostly very upbeat. However she is also outspoken and sensitive to the feelings and attitudes of others, which leads to her sometimes coming off as overly critical.
Bio: Katsue has no memory of her past as she is suffering from amnesia. Her earliest memory is waking up in the slums of a city in the house of a complete stranger. Realizing that the girl was lost, confused and had nowhere to go the stranger had decided to let her stay with him for a few days while she recovered her memories. But the only memory the girl ended up recovering was one of a young boy calling out what was presumably her name. Over those few days some strange phenomena began occurring. Whenever he got near the girl the air started to fluctuate.... sometimes it felt heavy and other times light. Eventually they both learned about Katsue's gravity powers. Strange powers weren't particularly rare in this world but the man had never been able to witness them for himself. After realizing that he had the chance to make sure this girl was able to use her powers for the greater good he took her under his wing, helping her learn how to control her powers. Teaching her about morals, society, how to defend herself aside from her own powers using a bow, and any kind of knowledge he could gather up. Those few days turned into weeks, as those weeks turned into months, and eventually years together as the two strangers began to develop a kind of father-daughter relationship. Once Katsue had turned 17, the man decided it would be best to send her off to a place where she could better enhance and hone her powers. That place was Mirai High.
ZufaixMay 13, 2016 4:18 PM
Apr 13, 2016 7:50 AM

Aug 2014
The picture is kinda obligatory, or at least a description of how she looks.

Could you give some specific things she can do with the crystalizing, what I can see till now is, use it as a weapon, shield and for stealth. Would that be all?
Apr 13, 2016 8:34 AM

Aug 2014
No, it actually makes it an interesting mechanic. Just make it so the arrows have a smaller gravity field than the 5 meter radius and you're good to go. ^^
Apr 13, 2016 9:37 PM

Aug 2014
Good to go ^^
Apr 14, 2016 11:07 AM

Dec 2015
Please be gracious with my English,as it is not my native language.
Walter "Der Wolf" von Wolfblut
Perception of the Hunter
Power Explanation:
Allows the User to see and feel all forms of life in a 10 meter radius, can be used to see weaknesses and critical spots if it is used focused(like through a scope). Makes the flow of blood faster and increases the oxygen reception. Tends to overheat the host.
Max rang:(focus) 300m
Max time to use: as long as the body of the host endures it(usually: focus about 5sec/aoe. about 10min/more of a passive thing)
Has some Weapons to use after all he is a Hunter. (Is only using on rifle at a time, a pistole and a knife as back up)

  • Steyr Scout

  • Steyr AUG(STG 77)

  • Glock 17 Gen 3

  • TRI Dagger

Rank: F
Club: Marksmen Club and Biology Club

Whenever he is handling a Weapon he is wearing a Mask, the version of the Mask variesaccording to the activity he is doing / or how he feels at the moment:

  • Default:

  • Hunting:

  • Showing-off:

  • Anger:

  • ect.

He has a split personality extremely depending on the mask he is wearing.
If he isn´t wearing a mask he´s rather shy, withdrawn and very cowardly.
He is highly intelligent and has great endurance and perception but has zero to no luck and he isn't very charismatic.
When he wears a Mask his personality makes a complet flip.
For example:
With the Default Mask he is confident, has a slight improved suicidal tendency and makes him working a little unconventional.
With the Hunting Mask he is evenmore silent and he has improved perception.
The Mask for Showing-off makes him more charismatic and raises his luck.
The Mask he has when he has great Anger makes him careless, painless and relentless.
Walter was born in the summer of 1997 as the son of an Austrian noble family .
His father was a wealthy businessman who´s favorite hobby was hunting, his mother, an excellent sniper, died in the year of his birth from a major disease that also didn´t leave Walter spared. But from this disease, he developed an increased awareness of his environment at the price of rapid muscle breakdown. So he had to do hard physical exercises already as a small boy.
At age 7, his father took him for the first time on the hunt. Where his father realized that Walter could determine the presence of wildlife almost pinpoint accurate. That big problem, however, was that Walter feared weapons and therefore could not really hunt. So he got a mask from his father, his father claimed it will take his fears away. Walter found later out that this was a lie. And so the young Walter developed the first of its many personalities.
At the age of 9 years, he won his first shooting competition with a Perfect score. However, the fear of weapons didn´t disappears. Number of different personalities: 3
At the age of 10, death revisited the house Wolfsblut. Walters’s father was mortally wounded in a robbery when he tried to save the petrified Walter who stood by the sight of guns right in the firing line of the perpetrators. He died the same day in the family villa. As it later turned out, this was a targeted assassination of the heir of the family, Walter. The traumatized Walter fled deeper into the world of his masks. Number of different personalities: 21
When Walter was 16 he had already 72 different personalities, each more extreme than the other. He became the youngest graduate of the Military training of the Jagdkommando. At his entrance test he has passed unarmed through the Wolfsschlucht, a valley which houses a special wolf breed, this breed is particularly bloodthirsty and has got the taste of human flesh, it was not particularly hard thanks to his ability as he used it only for brief moments so he could evade the majority of wolves. However he had to kill one wolf, but was wounded on the back, shoulder and hands. This performance earned him the nickname "Der Wolf". However, he left the Jagdkommando later, because of problems with his superiors.
With 17 he got kicked out of his current school due to problems with his personalities. So he used the time to practice shooting and hunting. Number of different personalities: 86
At 18, he was invited by a friend into Mirai High. And here the story of Walter von Wolfsblut in Mirai High begins.....
The_White_WolfApr 14, 2016 11:13 AM
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