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Jun 9, 2015 3:15 PM

Oct 2013
"I don't know"
Jun 9, 2015 7:08 PM

Aug 2013
Coba walks in the cafe without saying a word, he looks around and when he sees no one he sits to the corner table,

he picks up pack of playing cards and starts to play solitaire to kill time
Jun 10, 2015 3:27 AM

Dec 2014
Airi walks in with an air of uncertainty. She briefly glances at the person sitting in the corner before sitting down at the table closest to the exit. Sighing, she contemplates what she should be doing and begins looking around the room without real purpose.
Jun 10, 2015 5:17 AM

Aug 2013
As Coba notices Airi sitting to the table

he picks up a deck from his another card holder and starts browsing through it, he stops at the 5th card, 0: The Fool,

he places the card on the table and taps it twice,
there appears to be slight gray glow coming from the card,in an instant all the playing cards reappears on top of the fool card.

He picks up the playing cards and sets them to their respective holder and places the fool card to the other one.
Jun 10, 2015 5:32 AM

Aug 2013
Flori walks in and buys a cup of coffee and a sandwich noticing Coba while looking around, oh, another new student, sadly he is sitting on my place he notes and decides to sit next to window
Jun 10, 2015 5:46 AM

Dec 2014
Airi stares at Coba before noticing Flori, switching her gaze for a few seconds and then reverting back.
Jun 10, 2015 5:52 AM

Aug 2013
Coba notices Airis stare, he stands up and walks to the table she is sitting in, sitting to the chair opposite of her

Flori focuses on Coba as he walks across the room, taking a sip from his coffee

"Hello miss *extends his hand for a handshake as he introduces himself* i'm Coba Razo" he introduces himself
Jun 10, 2015 5:56 AM

Dec 2014
Airi continues staring blankly at Coba for a couple of seconds.

"...Hi", she faintly says, before accepting the handsake with slight anxiety.
Jun 10, 2015 6:00 AM

Aug 2013
Coba picks up his tarot pack

"you ever heard of reading cards?" he asks trying to start a conversation
Jun 10, 2015 6:06 AM

Dec 2014
Airi slowly shifts her gaze to the cards.

"No. What are cards?"
Jun 10, 2015 6:09 AM

Aug 2013
Coba smiles and starts shuffling the pack placing it on the table after shuffling

"pick three" he says to Airi

(three numbers 0-21)
Jun 10, 2015 6:21 AM

Dec 2014
Airi looks on, slightly confused, and slowly removes three cards from the pack. She holds the cards out in front of her, mentally noting them and feeling them.

"...Weird texture. What is the point in these?"
Jun 10, 2015 6:24 AM

Aug 2013
"These cards are usually used by fortune tellers to read fortunes, but for me, they are source of my magic that i've been developing for a plenty of years.... what numbers did you get?" he explains while shuffling the pack to keep his hands busy
Jun 10, 2015 6:34 AM

Dec 2014
"I see..." she says whilst thinking about what Coba said.

"Seven, nine and fifteen."
Jun 10, 2015 6:43 AM

Aug 2013
"Hmm.... Chariot, hermit and devil, this is interesting yes.... in the past you faced lot of determination towards something or someone, you like to have time alone without disturbance, in the future you're going to have to make hard decisions that may end up having unexpected outcome"
Coba interprets the cards and gives a quizzical look afterwards to see if he was somewhat right
Jun 10, 2015 6:54 AM

Dec 2014
Airi tilts her head.

"That sounds vague."
Jun 10, 2015 7:02 AM

Aug 2013
Coba scratches head looking little embarassed

"well although i love reading cards, i never really learned to read them properly, after i found out about my magic i pretty much stopped learning to read them and focused on developing my magic, i know the core meaning of the cards and that knowledge is what i use to read them, but i can't really give good interpretations"

Coba stops thinking for a moment

"So, what you can do? like what is your power?" He shifts the focus of discussion on Airi

At this point Flori joins in after observing for a quite while

"Hello" he says and sips his coffee and finishes the sandwich
Jun 10, 2015 7:21 AM

Dec 2014
Airi puts the cards down and looks up again.

"I've never seen a card before. It sounds interesting though."

She pauses briefly, politely nodding at Flori.

"I'm not too sure. I just... kind of move. Quickly. I can jump high and far too. Something to do with the wind. I've never been told."
Jun 10, 2015 7:32 AM

Aug 2013
Coba and Flori both nod in understanding

"I see, so you've really no idea about your power in general, you just know what you can do.. i think i can help you understand your power better, let me introduce myself, Flori Romule, Rune mage *he nods as a greetings out of habit* you see, we rune mages are able to read structures of objects and magic, so i can pretty much help you to know something about your power more specifically" Flori offers and takes a sip from his coffee which is getting cold

"Rune mage huh, so seems like i'm not only one with unique magic, interesting" Coba says after hearing Floris offer
Jun 10, 2015 8:03 AM

Dec 2014
Airi nods in acknowledgement.

"Airi Cathorla. I don't really know what magic is that well... I've never really been told... so I guess I'll take your offer up, if that's alright?"

She looks up expectantly.
Jun 10, 2015 8:18 AM

Aug 2013
"yes, that is alright, sadly i can't analyze your magic structure right now because i'm out of ink pretty much, the rest i have left is for emergencies, i still need to figure out where to get more, i'm not aware of there being any towns nearby either"
Flori says sighing deep
Jun 10, 2015 8:36 AM

Dec 2014
Airi deflates slightly, going back to idly staring for a few seconds.

"What is "ink" and what is a town?"
Jun 10, 2015 8:43 AM

Aug 2013
"Well let's see *digs an ink bottle from his bag* see this black liquid inside this bottle? that is ink, its a liquid that is used to write stuff on parchment" Flori explains

"Flori can you explain town? i have no idea how to explain it" Coba asks

"Nope, no idea here either, and btw i didn't catch your name" Flori says in a little frustrated tone

"Coba Razo" he introduces himself briefly
Jun 10, 2015 8:56 AM

Dec 2014
"I see," she says. "I have lived away from everything, so I do not know that much about the world. I am not good at communication. Please forgive me."

Airi bows her head apologetically.
Jun 10, 2015 8:59 AM

Aug 2013
"Oh ok, now i understand, well this really explains your curiosity about things" Flori says and nods understandingly
Jun 10, 2015 9:06 AM

Dec 2014
Airi nods approvingly.

"What is it that takes place here? I am not certain. I have walked across the bridge. Past this point I have not known what to do."
Jun 10, 2015 9:13 AM

Aug 2013
Flori finishes his coffee that has gone cold "So... let's see, this place is academy for mages, those who are able to use magic, we are trained here to master our magic to fight against evil, and since you don't know what to do i expect that you haven't even gotten a dorm room yet,
the token that you we're given in some point of your life is used for navigation around here, it takes you anywhere in the academy where you want to go, i suggest starting with getting a room" Flori explains
Jun 10, 2015 9:16 AM

Dec 2014
Airi looks quizzical.

"What do you mean by "a room"?

She pauses for a couple of seconds.

"How do I get one?"
Jun 10, 2015 9:17 AM

Aug 2013
"all you have to do is think about dorm room, and your token should start guiding you there" Flori answers
Jun 10, 2015 9:22 AM

Dec 2014
"What is it? Can I use? Or is it location?" she replies.
Jun 10, 2015 9:24 AM

Aug 2013
"it is a location, it is a place where students in this academy lives, everyone shares a room with 1 student" Flori answers
Jun 10, 2015 9:38 AM

Dec 2014
"So it is new home?" she says. "And it is shared with other person?"

Although she doesn't show it, the air around Airi feels a bit lighter as she is a little excited at this prospect.

"That is good. I have spoken to few people."
Jun 10, 2015 9:45 AM

Aug 2013
"So you figured it out, yes basically it is new home shared with other student" Flori says

"And your room isn't the only one, there is many rooms where people live, so you'll be living with bunch of people, isn't it great, you really can get to know many people" Coba adds with excited tone just about the idea of getting to know lot of people
Jun 10, 2015 9:51 AM

Dec 2014
"I see. I thank you for information." Airi bows slightly in appreciation.

She then looks idle again as she stares into nothing, thinking about who she's seen so far and trying to imagine living with them.
Jun 10, 2015 9:55 AM

Aug 2013
Flori notes that conversation is over and starts thinking about past events of last night ending up spacing out

Coba starts fidgeting around for sudden silence and thinks what to do, and decides to take his playing cards and start playing solitaire to keep himself busy
Jun 10, 2015 10:04 AM

Dec 2014
Airi briefly stares at Coba, having no idea what he's doing, and then points at Flori.

"You. Look very blank."
Jun 10, 2015 10:09 AM

Aug 2013
Flori doesn't react on what Airi says, Coba elbows him snapping him out of it

"What did you say?" Flori asks being confused
Jun 10, 2015 10:14 AM

Dec 2014
"Blank. You looked empty. Bad thoughts?" she responds.
Jun 10, 2015 10:16 AM

Aug 2013
"Oh sorry about that, i have bad habit of spacing out sometimes when i'm thinking about things" Flori says
Jun 10, 2015 10:21 AM

Dec 2014
Airi tilts her head, thinking.

"I think I understand. Here I am blank a lot. Spend time trying to... to..." -thinks-

"...familiarise location. And people."
Jun 10, 2015 10:27 AM

Aug 2013
"Alright, its nice to know i'm not only one" Flori says
Jun 10, 2015 10:33 AM

Dec 2014
Airi chuckles ever-so-slightly, making an odd sound as she has never really laughed before.

"That is true."
Jun 10, 2015 10:39 AM

Aug 2013
"So, what is your story?" Coba asks out of curiosity
Jun 10, 2015 10:52 AM

Dec 2014
Airi turns to Coba.

"Story. How I came to be here..." She thinks for a few seconds.

"I had no parents. Died young. I lived with my grandfather in forest. He could not speak. Was a telepath, could communicate feelings with his mind, hard to talk to. Someone showed up. Wearing lots of robes. Was being chased by people. I helped to get rid of these people but he was badly hurt and died. Was given a token by him, said it would guide me somewhere. Used it after grandfather died. Here I am. Your story?"
Jun 10, 2015 11:05 AM

Aug 2013
"Wow, you've sure been through a lot, well my story is from completely another end, let's see, i lived in a poor farmer family at the outskirts of Mirrka, when i was 5 we visited my cousin Flori, who happens to sit right next to me"

Flori looks confused my cousin? i didn't even know i had one

"That was the first time i met him back then. When i was 10 my father gave the tarot cards *points at the tarot card pack on his card holder* as a birthday present, i was always interested in fortune telling, so i started learning to read the cards, one day i somehow managed to summon this glass wall in front of me, this is when i learned about my power.

I started trying to resummon that wall, 1,5 years later i finally figured out the trick, yes thats right for 1,5 years i tried to redo that summon without luck but anyways, after i learned the trick behind it i thought that maybe other cards has some kind of effect too and that's the point i started developing my card magic.

7 years later, just couple months ago a strange woman happened to pass by the abandoned windmill where i was training in and noticed my potential and gave me this pin *points at the pin on his scarf* that she told to be a graduate token, after those events i started setting up for a long travel to this academy, and here i am" Coba finishes the story with smile
Jun 10, 2015 11:18 AM

Dec 2014
Airi gently smiles.

"Happy story. Happy upbring. Much more than mine," she says, "What is a cousin? Is that a relation?"
Jun 10, 2015 11:19 AM

Apr 2013
-Rowen smiles slightly- just trying to show off then or something little miss?
Jun 10, 2015 11:22 AM

Oct 2013
Sticks her tongue out at him
Jun 10, 2015 11:26 AM

Aug 2013
LunaAria said:
Airi gently smiles.

"Happy story. Happy upbring. Much more than mine," she says, "What is a cousin? Is that a relation?"

"Cousin is fathers or mothers siblings child, so yeah it is relation"
Jun 10, 2015 11:30 AM

Apr 2013
-laughs lightly and smiles- your pretty rambunctious aren't you, your just like my daughter,
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