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Jun 30, 2009 8:17 AM

Jun 2009
This is something I started recently.... It's basically a fanfiction of a fanfiction of an anime. @_@ But it's about D gray man. BUt really, you don't need to know anything about the anime to understand this story. Anyways. Please enjoy!


It has been six years since the century long war between the humans and akuma had ended.The Order broke up and the went back to their previous lives, or what was left of it. It was mainly the finders who were happy to leave. They had enjoyed their job, no doubt, but they had left to protect their families. For the science department, it seemed as though they were the most reluctant to leave. After all, where would they make crazy experiments and drive people crazy? But everyone knew, without a doubt, that it was the exorcists that were the ones who didn't wish leave leave.
Unlike the science department, or the finders, the exorcists were stripped of their freedom and forced to join the Black Order. They were born to kill, it was all they knew. As long as they fought, they had a home, food, and friends. For most of the exorcists, their lives didn't even really start until The Order. So when they were told they would be striped of their God given gift, "Innocence," and they would need to fend for themselves, many were unsure how to even start.
To make matters worst, the last battle the exorcists had with the akuma and Noah had destroyed many important export and import posts. The result of that was, slow trade and with slow trade came a world wide depression.
So much for, "When the akuma are gone you'll live happily ever after."
Money, hard to come by, their only family they knew split apart, the young x-exorcists, so they were called, had a hard time moving on. But just like when they all first stepped into The Order, they would adapt, and a new chapter of their life would begin.

*Akuma= demons
*Noah= enemies of The Black Order
*The Black Order= a community made to kill akuma and rid of the Noah.
*Innocene= A special God given power that either enhances your body and gives you a awesome weapon.

Chapter 1

The streets were muddy and the air was filled with despair and sewage. Glass scattered across the gutters of the main roads where many people had their stands set up. These stands sold only the necessities. Luxury items had no place in this time and age. Even if they were in this part of them slums, they would just get stolen.
Surrounding the carts were old broken down buildings. These places, these roach infested, feces infested, buildings served as the peoples homes.
This area was called the broken slums. For this place was even less inhabitable then the slums itself. And in this very place was a building that brought even the highest of livers to this disgusting place.
The Palace.
The Palace was filled with beautiful young boys and girls that had no choice but to sell their bodies to earn a living. Even if the money was sparse.
The large wooden doors of the Palace swung open by the large arms of two large guards. Beyond the door was a girl, her small arms in the large palms of two other guards holding her limply, and she tried with all her might to get away. But her struggle got her no where, as she was dragged through the doors.
"Let me go!"
The guards flung the ragged girl onto the large square mat that sat before a twin stair case as the other two guards closed The Palace doors.
Seeing the stairs might be her only escape route, she began to run, just to be stopped by a cold icy voice.
"Where do you think you are running to?"
Shuddering, the girl turned, and to her horror, found a man she had wished would just stay in her past.
Malcolm C. Leverrier. He was once one of the top officials that stood above the Black Order like a grey cloud. But now, he was talked highly of all over the country. This man had undoubtedly been in many of the x-exorcists nightmares.
Stepping forward on long legs, Leverrier soon hovered over the shaken girl, his stone frozen eyes staring right through the girls food deprived body.
"You look unbearably familiar. What is your name?" Leverrier asked as he tauntingly circled around her.
The girl kept her mouth tightly shut and averted eye contact. She would not lose her will to him.
Leverrier, un-fazed, gripped the girls small forearm, and pulled her body up to his time old face.
"Don't worry, that arrogant demeanor of yours will soon be gone and you will learn to respect me."
The girl gritted her teeth and bared with Leverrier, as he used his icy fingers to pull back the long dirty sleeve from her arm and smiled maliciously. He had found what he was looking for. An embedded emblem tattooed on the girls shoulder blade.
Staring into the mystified eyes of the girl, Leverrier spoke like a whispering snake, "An x-exorcist, how delightful. You could find comfort here, knowing that one of your own is here as well!"
Un-suppressed surprise masked the girls face.
Straying his eye away from his victim, Leverrier straightened his back and looked at the twin stairs, and his smile grew. "And speaking of which, here he is."
Spinning around desperately, the girls eyes met with the hard navy blue eyes of an old comrade. She though she would never see him again.
Up on the balcony where the stairs connected, stood a tall, elegant young man with long straight dark blue hair. His smooth pale skin shone in the dim afternoon light the came through the long rectangular windows behind him.
Yuu, as his first name was, looked amazed down at the girl. How could it be, that this girl he hadn't seen in six years, suddenly be before him?
"Kaira..." He breathed. Yuu's eyes fell upon the tight grip Leverrier had on Kaira and unleashed hidden anger. "Let her go!"
Leverrier snickered and, against Yuu's protests, stroked Kaira's dirt stained face.
"Wouldn't she be a nice addition to this party?"
Kaira tried to inch away from the cold fingers inching their way up her neck, but her arm was held firmly.
"You will not!" Yuu gripped the rose wood railing, "You won't use her!"
Not bothering to respond to Yuu's anger, Leverrier pushed Kaira to the guards. "Get her a room. Give her a clean kimono, a bath, and food. I'll add her to the list while she makes herself appealing."
The guards grabbed the terrified girl and pulled her to the door between the twin stair cases, all the while, she stared at the angered/horrified expressions on Yuu's face.

Kaira-ChanJun 30, 2009 8:49 AM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jun 30, 2009 8:34 AM

Mar 2008
Uhm... it looks good though it has some mistakes.
I hope it gets more interesting with time.

Jun 30, 2009 8:36 AM

Jan 2009
wow! you should keep writing, its really good.
Jun 30, 2009 8:38 AM

Jun 2009
I know, loads of mistakes, I was working on that. @_@ but thanks. I'll work harder.
Jun 30, 2009 8:54 AM
Jul 2018
When I read this I picture a Final Fantasy movie.It's really good,continue!
Jun 30, 2009 8:59 AM

Jun 2009

Chapter 2

Kaira sat on her small twin sized bed, unable to move. All around her she could hear the sighs and nasty sounds of the sexual pleasure that came through her walls.
How had she gotten into this mess? Just earlier today, she was on a caravan, heading south. She was hoping to find herself back to where her old home was. But, Kaira soon found she had been betrayed by the caravan owners. They had handed her over to Leverrie's guards for a small bag of money.
The door to Kaira's room opened, scaring her to the edge of the bed.
"It's me."
Yuu stepped in, garbed in a dark blue and gold trimmed kimono. He looked at Kaira, eyes giving away his grief. Looking down, he said, "I'm sorry."
Kaira slowly rose to her feet, then ran to Yuu and wrapped her scrawny arms around him. Caught off guard, he stood still, and allowed the shaking girl to keep her hold onto him.
There were no words that could be spoken to ease the hearts of the two. They had already been broken beyond repair, long before this point in their lives. They were broken and easily manipulated. How could words fix them?

Yuu soon had to leave, to carry out his 'duties' as a member of The Palace. He promised to be back soon. But soon wouldn't save Kaira from Leverrier.
The sounds around her quickly evaporated, when she crawled into her bed, and curled into a ball. Kaira laid there, sobbing quietly, cursing her wretched life and luck. Snapping her back to reality, was the opening of her door. Leverrier stepped in, a man trailing after him. The mans eyes fell over Kaira like a ravened animal.
"This is your first customer, Kaira," Leverrier spoke icily, "Do your job right, and you'll be payed well."
Kaira stared in horror as Leverrier left, left her alone with the man. She had no where to run. The door to her room was locked from the outside and the windows were barbed.
The man stepped forward eagerly and started Kaira's living hell.

Yuu quickly showered and dressed himself into his night clothes. Then he ran across The Palace grounds to Kaira's room. Upon reaching the door, he wretched it open.
In the corner of the room, Kaira lay huddled in a naked mess, sobbing.
Stifling his tears, Yuu grabbed the white spread sheet from the bed, wrapped it around Kaira and hefted her into his arms.
Walking on quiet feet, Yuu took her to another room and kicked at the door.
A woman in her late twenties came into view. Her long blond curls hanging around her face.
"Kanda?" she asked surprised.
"Sasha, help this girl," Yuu choked, trying to keep a straight face.
Sasha looked at Kaira, who shook uncontrollably in Yuu's arms. Her brown eyes stared blankly into space.
"Oh my, a new comer..." Sasha took Kaira away from Yuu, into her own strong arms. "What is she to you?"
"An old friend," was all Yuu had to say to get Sasha to rush Kaira to a bath.
A plume of smoke rose from the mouth of a young scholar, as he stared through the blurred window of the cafe he sat in. He looked to the night sky, wishing to find even the slightest shine of a star. He tapped his cigarette on his plate, removing the burnt ashes.
"Excuse me?"
The scholar turned from the window and found two girls looking embarrassed at him.
He blew another puff of smoke, uninterested.
"Um, we couldn't help but realize you sitting alone..." the first girl spoke, nervously.
"So we were hoping-"
Before the two could finish the request, the scholar stood and outed his cigarette in his plate.
"Sorry ladies, but I have no time for your wild fantasies." Smoothing back his shaggy red hair, he started to the cafe doors.
"Wait!" One the girls started desperately, "Can I know your name?"
Stopping at the door of the broken down cafe, the scholar buttoned up his long coat and rose his collars, readying himself for the cold. He stepped out of the hub and called back to the girls, "Lavi."

"Buy them now and you'll receive one more for free!"
"Belts, watches, and fine jewelry. Anything a man could dream of!"
Lavi weeved around the hustle and bustle, brushing off the the sales people who tried to sell him their products. They were all obviously fake, but even if they were real, Lavi had no interest in fine items. His only desire was to make the stars shine for him once more. He kept his head straight, and headed for what he hoped to be the edge of town.
"Excuse me, kind sir?"
A hand touched Lavi's arm and grabbed his sleeve. He looked down alert, just to find an elderly woman, dressed in fine clothing.
"Would you please help me with these bags?"
At the woman's feet sat at least five bags, all filled with heavy ornaments.
"I'm really sorry mam', but I'm in a hurry," Lavi smiled sheepishly and started to inch away.
"So much you couldn't help an old lady such as me?" the lady looked up to Lavi with her old green eyes.
Sighing, Lavi grabbed the bags. "Lead the way obaa-san."

Inside Granny's, as Lavi was instructed to call her, house, gave Lavi the feeling of nostalgia. The smell of spices and the feeling of home brought Lavi back many years. He didn't like it.
"Hey, Granny, can I leave now?" Lavi looked at the fireplace and the sitting area, waiting for an answer. "Granny?"
"I heard you boy," came her old shaky voice, as she appeared holding a tray of tea and biscuits.
Seeing the food, Lavi began to object, but was easily interrupted, when Granny ordered him to sit. Unable to deny, he sat.
"Now I just don't understand why your in such a rush that you can't even sit and have tea with an old lady."
Lavi sighed and accepted the tea.
"Well I have a job that needs to be done," he took a sip of the tea and an image of an old friend flew through his mind. Lavi placed the cup down, eyeing it carefully.
Granny smiled at his reaction, "What kind of job?"
"Um," Lavi continued to stare at the liquid, "Well.... I'm a scholar."
"That travels?" Granny stared into Lavi's only revealed green eye, the other being guarded by an eyepatch, "What are you really?"
Lavi flinched, then looked down and though he didn't want to admit it, he spoke, "I'm a Bookman, my job is to-"
Granny waved her arm, shutting Lavi's mouth. "I know what a Bookman is boy." She went silent. Paying attention to the tea. Then she continued. "A young girl told me all about what a Bookman is."
Eyes narrow, Lavi's heart started to speed up.
"I know naught the name," she broke a biscuit and spread some jelly over it's ruff surface, "Though I have a picture of her."
Lavi opened his mouth to speak, but Granny was ahead of him.
Granny nodded to the mantle, to her left. Lavi went over to it and instantly found the small picture.
"Dear God...." he whispered.
"When I met her, she was nothing more than a stray dog looking for a place of her own," Granny paused, "I took her in right away and treated her like my own gran baby.
"While she stayed here, she talked of a multitude of people, but one seemed to stand out the most. The boy's name was Lavi," Granny eyed the boy, "She told he had flaming red hair, and the most endearing green eyes. She said he was always fun to be around, and he treated her with meaning."
Lavi stared at the picture and cried with just seeing her smile.
"Granny, where is she now?"
"I know not."
Lavi broke down and cried even harder, holding the picture to his face, as if he could go to her.
"Oh God.... Kaira," he whispered, "Kaira where are you?!"

(Hopefully I got rid of all the mistakes. If the mistakes are grammer, I'm sorry.... I really suck when it comes to stuff like that.)
Jun 30, 2009 9:14 AM

Jun 2009
Cassie901 said:
When I read this I picture a Final Fantasy movie.It's really good,continue!

Thanks. LOL Now that you say that..... (Thinks of Advent children) your right
Jun 30, 2009 9:18 AM

Mar 2009
you should keep this up it sounds like it is going to be really good
Jun 30, 2009 9:19 AM

Jun 2009
thanks! >_<
Jun 30, 2009 9:33 AM

Jan 2009
keep writing, I want to know what happens next.
Jun 30, 2009 10:06 AM
Jul 2018
I feel so bad for Kaira *tear* but your story just gets better and better(and yeah your grammar improved a lot in this section =)
Jun 30, 2009 10:19 AM

Jun 2009
Chapter 3

I'm here!"
Yuu looked around the garden, behind The Palace, quite aggravated. He was searching for Kaira's voice with no luck.
A giggle reached over a rose bush and Yuu stomped over. Reaching into the bush, Yuu pulled out a leaf infested Kaira.
"What are you, a bug?" he asked annoyed.
Kaira laughed, as Yuu set her down and brushed the leaves off of her.
It had been a week since Kaira had become a working member of The Palace and though she had yet to find a way to numb herself when serving her guests, she was at least smiling.
"Come one you two!"
Yuu turned his glare from Kaira to Sasha, who stood at the back gate leading to the Broken Slums. Releasing Kaira's tangled hair, Yuu fixed the collar to his white shirt and brushed off his black dress pants.
"Fix yourself too Kaira, and lets go."
Yuu walked off with Kaira at his heels, brushing through her brown hair.
"Where are we going Kanda?" Kaira smoothed her long top over her leggings.
"To the Slums."
"What for?"
"To greet someone," Sasha answered, pulling on a curl, "Someone important, so be on your best behavior. Both of you."
Yuu sighed, "No need to tell me."
Kaira held Sasha's hand as the walked, afraid of being lost. The Broken Slums and The Slums were too large of places. Getting lost could mean your life.
As the three walked, the buildings suddenly seemed more homey and less broken. The streets had no sewage or broken glass. It even smelled nice. There were patches of green grass and of yellow Dandelions where the debris wasn't scattered.
"I wanna live here," Kaira looked around, "It's prettier."
"Sure kid," Sasha ruffled her hair, then looked up the road where a man with red hair and a entourage of guards carrying a platform appeared. "Here he comes, look sharp."
Kaira straightened her top once more and looked around curiously.
The man she found was tall and under his long coat, she could tell he was built. But something about him was so familiar. Though she quickly forgot about the man when she saw what was being carried upon the platform.
Her heart pounded into her chest, upon the platform held a large log, that stood vertically from the wood, and tied to it was a pale man. His body seemed lifeless and massacred.
"Krory!" Kaira yelled painfully. She bent over and cried louder, "Krory!"
Hatred and pain flew threw Kaira's veins like water and her blood boiled with unfathomable hate. This was not how she wanted to be reunited with an old friend.
Yuu could do nothing but watch in exhilarating horror. Was the man who was tied on the pole really Krory? The same person who said he'd be fine traveling on his own?
Yuu turned his attention to the man before the guards and growled. He mumbled something and the man turned his way. He smiled, then eyed the crying girl beside him. On pure instinct, Yuu grabbed Kaira and hid her head in his side. This man was not to be trusted.
He came over, his smile gone, and consulted Sasha. "I presume you shall be leading me to Leverrier?"
Sasha nodded and took lead. The whole while home, Yuu kept his eye on the man, and his arm around Kaira.

The next day, Krory was buried in the graveyard behind the cathedral down the street from The Palace. Only Kaira and Yuu had attended the service. The rest of the workers had respected the privacy of the X-exorcist and stayed home.

Two hours past noon, Kaira still sat by the fresh dirt over Krory's grave, unable to go with the flow of everyday living. It was just too hard. How could time continuously pass on like nothing had happened? Kaira couldn't even bare to stand, much less think about life.
Unable to hold out much longer, Kaira allowed herself to bawl once more over the grave. She held her arms and dug into them with her nails, trying hard to rid of the emotional pain.
Yuu's hands grabbed Kaira fingers. "Stop it."
"No, I won't stop it! I won't accept it," Kaira tried to pull away, but Yuu's strength was more then she could overcome. "It's terrible Kanda! A bounty, they killed him on a bounty! Even though he didn't do any crime! It's not fair."
Yuu took Kaira's face in his hands, "Nothing is fair."
Kaira sobbed helplessly in hands, holding his wrists. "He died alone Kanda," She whispered. Her mind wondered to a terrifying thought that made her stomach curl. "What if, what if the others-"
"Don't say anymore," Yuu looked away from Kaira, and for the fist time since she became a member at The Palace, Kaira saw the stone cold face Yuu used to wear when he was an exorcist. "The others are fine.... I can feel it."
"Now come on," Yuu helped Kaira up, then offered his hand, "Lets go home."
Silently, Kaira took Yuu's hand, and the two walked home quietly.

*Krory was an older exorcist, with vampire like abilities. The fact that he looked like a vampire could be the reason he had a bounty on him.
Jun 30, 2009 10:39 AM

Jan 2009
awwww.... so sad....

keep writing, this is really good!
Jun 30, 2009 10:43 AM

Jun 2009
kays. I just need to grammer check the next chapters first LOL.
Jun 30, 2009 11:12 AM

Jun 2009
(This chapter a bit corny, but hang with me, okay?)

Chapter 4

Kaira lay sprawled on the floor of her room, face pale and sweating. Her customer stood over her, dressing himself, as he carefully kept his eyes on Kaira. He was a regular and out of all the others, the most brutal.
"Good day Kaira dear,'' the man sat down a pile of bills on her dresser and walked out the door.
Kaira tried to move, but found her lower body heavy and achy. Sighing, she reached for the blanket next to her and spread it over her nude body. Kaira had lost her virginity long ago to someone she had loved, but the sexual experience with just random people didn't spark her the way her lover had.
Her eyes moved to her opened door and found Sasha.
Sasha stepped in, a cigarette loosely hanging from her moth. "How you feeling?" she sat on the bed and leaned over.
"Awful, nasty, unclean..." Kaira looked at Sasha, "Want more?"
Laughing, Sasha shook her head, blowing out a plume of smoke. "No thanks, kid."
Seeing Sasha laugh made Kaira smile, despite the pain.
"Okay, lets get you in a nice bath."
Sasha took Kaira up, cigarette tight in her mouth, and started to the baths.

Kaira sat low, soaking herself in the bath. The herbal scent wafting around her, calmed her soul. Soon, she found herself drifting away in the warm water. In her slumber, Kaira dreamed of days many years ago.

"Where am I?"
Kiara looked around, finding herself submerged in a thick forest of trees and shrub. Above her, the sky seemed so close, all she had to do was jump if she wanted to touch it. Something about this area made her feel so at home, so nostalgic. Looking down to herself, Kaira came to an amazing realization.
She was in her exorcist uniform.
Overwhelmed, Kaira ran, jumping over fallen logs and overgrown bushes. This area she knew so well. She had trained in her for many days, this place was...
Kaira pushed herself through the leaves and into the blinding light. Shading her eyes, Kaira found The Black Order, safely guarded by the gate afraid of akuma.
"How many times have I told you to enter the premises through the water canal and not through the trees?"
A light tap fell on Kaira's head. She turned to find Yuu, who also was in uniform. His hair was pulled back in his usual pontytail and his familiar, yet friendly, face stared down to her.
The voices that called out to her were all too familiar and brought a weak smile to Kaira's face. Turning to look towards the gate, Kaira found her two closest friends, Emily and Shiro. The three ran to each other, hugging the other tightly.
"I've missed you so much!"
All around Kaira were familiar faces.
Krory, with his shy smile.
Miranda, waving gently with that homey smile of hers.
Allen, already arguing with Yuu over pointless things
Komui. Even though he was sometimes scary and weird, he was hard to miss.
The Generals. All of them, big, scary, mean, mysterious.
The Science Department, holding crazy experiments, waiting to test them.
Everyone was there, smiling, but something was gravely missing. Something, someone, was missing. Kaira looked around, soon finding what she longed.
Among the trees, behind the large crowd, with his flaming red hair, and ear to ear grin, stood Lavi.
Running past everyone, Kaira reached out to his open arms. "Lavi!"
But before she could grab hold, he disappeared into just a sweet memory and she awoke.
Peering down to herself, all Kaira found was her reflection in the water. Overwhelmed, she stood and left.
Jun 30, 2009 11:48 AM

Jun 2009
Chapter 5

Yuu sat in his room, leaning against his bed and sighed. It was 9:00 PM and he was free of all customers for the day. He felt utterly disgusting with himself and wished he could just rid of everyone of the nasty people that walked into his room. But he couldn't, wouldn't. This was his only way to keep his promise. There was no other way.
He had searched and searched for a different path, but this was the only one. It felt as though that no matter what chapter of life Yuu was going through, the choices were already made for him.
But Yuu would never complain. A promise was a promise. Especially to an old comrade.
"Hey, Kanda," Kaira's voice called out from behind the bedroom door. "You dressed?"
Kaira came bounding in, her wet hair hanging around he face like strings. She went to Yuu's dresser and picked up a hair tie, pulling back her hair.
After she was done, Kaira picked up a long string. Eyeing it, Yuu knew what she was thinking. That string was what Yuu had used to tie back his hair back in The Order. But after leaving, he hadn't had the will power to put it back in.
"May I?" Kaira dangled the string in front of Yuu's face, her rather determined expression startled him.
"Um, sure."
Kaira jumped on the bed and Yuu leaned back. With gentle hands, Kaira combed through Yuu's long navy blue hair, left his bangs out, and pulled the rest back into a high pony tail.
"Ne, Yuu," Kaira started as she adjusted the pony, "Do you ever think about the others?"
Yuu looked down, his hands made into fists, and closed his eyes, memories swimming through his mind. "I'd be lying if I said no."
Hm..." Kaira came off the bed and sat before him. She checked Yuu's face and smiled. "Now I can see your face clearly!"
Yuu was unsure how to react. He was always commented on how beautiful his long hair was.
Then Kiara became slightly serious, as she sat next to him and stretched her fingers to her toes. "Who do you think of the most?"
Yuu stayed silent.
"Is it Emily?"
Yuu's heart crashed against his chest, leaving him breathless. How could just the name alone leave him stunned?"
Kaira jumped up, "It is Emily, isn't it?"
Yuu looked up to Kaira, exhilarated, then nodded. He had tried so hard to forget his past with Emily, but when Kaira said her name, everything came flying back.
Kaira saw Yuu's pained expression and understood. "Would you like to see a picture of her?"
"A picture?" Yuu looked up to Kaira's solemn expression.
Reaching into the sleeve of her kimono, Kaira produced a rectangular photo. "She's not smiling but..."
Yuu took the picture and stared in awe at the sepia colored Emily. She sat alone under a tree, reading an unknown book. Her long black hair was braided over her shoulder and she looked so peaceful.
Yuu chuckled. "The Emily I know would have killed the photographer."
Delighted to see Yuu smile, Kaira laughed. "I know right?"
Then his eyes sulleyed. "It's just to show that she changed away from me...... I wonder how I should approach her now, if I were to see her again."
Kaira dampened her smile. She wished to give reassuring words, but what could she say? 'Emily didn't change?' That, 'She wouldn't mind you sleep with BOTH women and men." they both knew that that would be a lie.
"You can keep that..." Kaira headed out, but was stopped by Yuu's final words.
"I made a promise," he started, "A promise to him."
Kaira froze on the door knob.
"A promise to protect you."
Jun 30, 2009 12:25 PM

Feb 2009
XD third person is always better then first T.T
XDXDXD i love the ex-exorcist XD
XD if he got his job back he would be a ex-ex-exorcist XDXDXD
Join the exciting adventure!
The God's World8059!
Jun 30, 2009 12:26 PM

Jun 2009
nguyenkid said:
XD third person is always better then first T.T
XDXDXD i love the ex-exorcist XD
XD if he got his job back he would be a ex-ex-exorcist XDXDXD

@_@ LOL thanks.
Jun 30, 2009 12:45 PM

Mar 2008
Leave some time between chapters lol
U have put 5 just today XD

Jun 30, 2009 12:47 PM

Jun 2009
.... okay.... I wasn't planning on putting anymore for now..... >_< Sorry
Jun 30, 2009 3:13 PM

Jan 2009
keep writing it is sooo good.
Jul 1, 2009 4:24 AM

May 2008
more! more! more!
Jul 2, 2009 6:59 AM
Jul 2018
I still feel bad for her but atleast she's getting more accustomed to it,and she has friends.
Jul 2, 2009 4:56 PM

Jun 2009
hey every1! thanks so much fir ur comments! but i'm gonna have to hault the chapters for a while.... T-T srry... but im grounded. so i cant get on to my PC. im on the DSI. so im real srry!
Jul 4, 2009 2:06 PM

Jun 2009
Chapter 6

Lavi sighed and dropped his pen in his journal. As Bookman, his travels took him all around the world, in the past six years. He saw many things and recorded it all and now, there wasn't much of anything left to record. The anxiety to put down his pen forever drove him insane. Lavi swore that if this continued any longer, his hair would turn grey, and he was only 24.
Staring outside the guest room of Granny's house, Lavi searched for the stars, but found none. It was his curse, the curse the former Bookman had put on him, on his death bed. The curse had made sure Lavi would continuously do what Bookman couldn't. And when he was done, the stars would reappear and guide Lavi to Kaira.
Deciding to end the night, Lavi blew out his bed side candle, and fell back into his bed. No dreams would comfort him, because even in his dreams, Lavi couldn't see Kaira.

"Catch the little booger!"
"Don't let him get away!"
Lavi tossed and pulled the covers over his head.
"He's got a head full of white hair, can't miss it!"
Lavi sat up in his bed, fully alert.
"White hair?"
Pulling on his shirt, Lavi peered out the window of the two story house. Up the street was a young looking fellow, quite quick on his feet, running from a mob of villagers.
"He stole my chicken!"
"Oh dear..." Lavi grabbed his coat and jumped out the window with a,"Oof."
Granny stood from the little flower garden she had in front of her stone made cottage, wiping sweat from her withered face.
Lavi waved his hand to Granny and ran off.

"We've got him now!"
In a long smelly alley way, a boy of maybe 19 stood with his back to the wall, clutching a squawking hen.
"I paid for it!" he yelled, face made up.
He was pale, with grey eyes. Lavi almost didn't recognize him because of the missing red pentacle, but who could mess up this bean sprout with some other boy?
"Sure kid, now just hand over the hen and we'll just give you one night in the slammers," a large hefty man, obviously the leader of the large crowd, cautiously stepped forward.
"Excuse me, sorry Sir, Miss..."
The bulky man turned slightly to see what the commotion behind him was.
Lavi squeezed through the last line of people and dusted off his long coat. He sighed and looked up to the large man, then behind him to the kid.
The kid gasped.
"What business do you have here, boy?"
"That kid there is my business," Lavi pointed around the man.
The man grunted, "Really? Well you've got some nerve to come defend him. He's done do a crime, you could be an accomplice!"
Lavi reached into his jacket pocket, alerting the man. Lavi stopped, signaling his peace, and pulled out a wad of bills. "Will this do?" He shook the money in the mans face.
The man turned red and grabbed Lavi's wrist. His plump fingers could barley wrap around Lavi's muscular hand. "Look boy, I'm the sheriff of this town and no amount of money will let me forget this crime!"
"Ah, shit," Lavi loosened his shoulders, "I was hoping I wouldn't have to result to this...."
Before the Sheriff of the town could grasp what Lavi was saying, Lavi pulled back his arm and sling shot it in the sheriff's face.
He fell like a sack of potatoes and Lavi put his money away, shaking the hand he used to punch with.
Behind Lavi, the crowd gasped at their fallen protector.
"Oi," Lavi looked the kid in the eye, "Bean sprout, would you happen to have any fight in you left?"
Dropping the hen, Allen smirked, "Who you calling bean sprout?"

Granny stood over the counter in her kitchen, kneading flour to make biscuits for Lavi's return. She was busy trying to perfect the flour, that when she heard the front door open, she jumped.
"Lavi, is that you? You nearly scared me dead!" Granny wiped her hands in her white apron and went to great him. But when she look around the corner, she was eye to barrel of a gun.
"Hello mam, would you happen to be able to tell me where Lavi is?"
Granny clenched her mouth shut, as she looked up to the tall man, and remembered something Kaira had told her when they had first met.
"Don't get involved with us Granny.... We only lead to danger."
But Granny didn't listen. She felt as though the "X-Exorcist" were God sent and was driven to protect them all.
Granny stared into the soulless red eyes of the intruder and didn't even need to say a word for him to understand she wasn't going to talk.
He clicked his tongue and cocked the gun, "Seems like we've got a stubborn one," the smiled maliciously, "Too bad, your cooking smelt nice."

A gun shot reached Lavi and Allen's ears just before Granny house. Alert, Lavi grabbed Allen's wrist and pulled him into the alley across from Granny's garden.
Lavi peeked around the slime covered alley wall and saw a hooded man step from the cobble stone abode. The mysterious man touched his ear, speaking quietly. He eyed the area, looking for people in the barren street.
"What's he saying?" Allen asked, peeking around Lavi.
"Can't tell..."Lavi's heart was pounding, was Granny inside the house?
Looking both ways, the mysterious man nodded and started down the street.
"He's heading to the docks!" Allen whispered loudly.
Lavi didn't speak as he thought, But the docks here are still out of commission! There's no where to dock a ship!
When the man was out of sight, Lavi rushed into the house, Allen calling after him.
Lavi stopped, eyes narrow. "Oh shit..."
Grabbing his stomach, Lavi rushed out the back door, and hurled.
On the kitchen floor, and all over the walls and appliances, bits and pieces of what used to make up Granny's body, hung. Her head was blown straight off the shoulders and lay peaceful looking by the table chair. The blood splattered over the tile and door.
Lavi looked at his hand, Granny's blood covered over it. Shaking, he tried to rub the blood off in the dirt. The scene was overwhelming; something he had seen many times in dreams, but never believed it to ever happen.
Allen's voice dragged Lavi out of his hysteria and back to reality.
Stumbling over himself, Lavi called back, "Stay outside Allen!"
"What?" Allen started to come into the house.
Coming to the kitchen door, Lavi yelled, "Stay outside, I'll be right there!"
Allen saw the blood on Lavi's hands and didn't even try to come forward.
Blood was something that traumatized him. It brought back the days of killing, the days of hatred and mistreat. The blood reminded him of the helpless souls that were called back from the dead by their loved ones, tricked by the malicious Earl. Allen's mind raced back and he fell into the couch. His mind flashed back to his foster father Mana, back to the killing of Tapp and the traumatic invasion of head quarters, when so many of the Black Order staff were turned into Skull.
Allen looked up and found Lavi dirt covered, blood stained and melancholy. His bag was on his back, his coat buttoned all the way up, in hopes to try and hide some of the blood.
"Lavi are-"
"We're going to look for that person," Lavi answered dryly, not allowing Allen to speak.
Allen nodded, understanding only partially what Lavi was feeling.
Kaira-ChanJul 4, 2009 2:15 PM
Jul 4, 2009 2:16 PM

Jun 2009
The characters in the story

Allen Walker (In the newest chapter) *Just without the red pentacle*

Lavi.... He just has longer hair, looks more mature and looky, he's in his uniform

Malcolm C Leverrier *this man is so scary*

Krory (The deceased vamp thingy) both human and none human forms)

Madarao (He's been talked about already, believe or not.... His name just never came up) I'm sorry for it being so small.... But in the anime he's kinda a undeveloped chara, so there isn't much on him.... Search Madarao and you ge some guy from Kekkaishi I beliece

The Earl. He came up like once, but he'll play a very important role... I think.

Book man

Kaira-ChanJul 4, 2009 2:20 PM
Jul 5, 2009 8:32 AM
Jul 2018
Continue!Continue! and nice visual pics btw
Jul 6, 2009 6:28 AM

Jun 2009
(lol those pics are the actuall characters from the anime I based this story off of >_<)
Jul 6, 2009 2:54 PM

Oct 2008
Woot! D.Gray-man! This is such a wonderful fanfic! :DDDD CONTINUE!!!
I've come too close to happiness to let it slip away...
Jul 6, 2009 5:04 PM
Jul 2018
Kaira-Chan said:
(lol those pics are the actuall characters from the anime I based this story off of >_<)

seriously! kewl!
Jul 6, 2009 10:45 PM

Mar 2008
The story is good but i kinda miss the bad guys from the series lol
Allen appeared, yay! XD

Jul 7, 2009 10:52 AM

Jun 2009
lol the story just started! who said they werent gonna be in it? LOL
Jul 7, 2009 10:53 AM

Jun 2009
Constalina said:
Woot! D.Gray-man! This is such a wonderful fanfic! :DDDD CONTINUE!!!

yayz! another DGM fan >_<!
Jul 7, 2009 1:30 PM

Jun 2009
Chapter 7

"Not even a boat? Small canoe?" Lavi paused for a moment and thought, "Something that goes putt putt?" He rowed an air boat with air paddles.
At the coast line, Lavi interrogated Joe, the keeper of all things sea related, to see if he could get a boat and to find out if Joe had seen a mysterious figure passing through. But Joe didn't seem to remember anything abnormal going on; though he didn't seem to be on the sober side any how. And neither did he have anything that went putt putt.
"Damn it!" Lavi stepped out of the alcoholic fermenting shack and into the dirty sand.
The old port was filled with beer bottles, broken glass, and drug pipes. Seems this place was taken over by thugs.
Allen came from the rocks, that jutted out from the water and flailed his arms, trying to catch Lavi's attention.
"You've gotta come see this! I think it deals with the guy we saw earlier."
Lavi adjusted his bag over his shoulders and followed Allen over the uneven rocks, to a broken dock.
"Take a look at this."
Lavi blinked and stared at the moldy, rotting dock. "I'm lost, what am I looking at?"
"Don't look at the dock, look under it." Allen pointed to a small opening, where the rocks and the dock met. Lavi took a closer look, his eye peering into the darkness.
"Still nothing."
"Well obviously you can't see anything with just your naked eye!" Allen sighed, "Did you loose a few more screws and bolts over the years?" he asked coldly, "Use your right eye."
"My right eye...." Lavi touched his eye patch that covered his right eye. He had worn this for as long as he could remember. His right eye was stronger than his left and could easily distinguish two tigers or identical twins. The eye could pick up on even the slightest blemish or crack on the wall; it was so strong, he had to keep it covered until time called for it.
"Okay, use the inhuman eye," Lavi got on his belly and placed the eye patch over his left. The right eye shined blue and instantly, the darkness turned bright.
Towards the back of the dock was a large opening that led to a circular area. Inside the make shift cave held a large speed boat. Around the boat, the walls were covered with maps, that were marked on, pin pointed then ripped off. Along with that, computers, weapons covered over desks and the floor. There was so much weaponry, that it could equip a whole war quadrant and have left overs still. And, amongst all the clutter, the mysterious person stood. He paced back and forth, picking up a gun or a stack of papers, placing it into the boat and moving boxes and such in as well.
Finally, after ten or so minutes, the man hopped into the boat, that was parked squarely in the middle of the room, where it floated in a rectangular ditch of water and turned on the motor.
Lavi jerked away from the dock, and started to push Allen towards the trees as he placed the eye patch over his right eye. "Move Allen, move!"
Just as the two jumped over the bush made fence, secure and out of sight, the dock exploded, sending pieces of wood and debris flying into the air. Through the disturbance, the boat appeared, the mysterious man at it's wheel.
"Lavi!" Allen stood up, his memory jogged, "That's Madarao!"
Squinting, Lavi saw what Allen was talking about. The rushing wind blew back the hood on the man, and the face of Madorao was revealed.
"Damn! Dude, what was that?" Joe stepped out from his hut, beer in hand, the other shading his eyes.
"Why did he kill Granny?" Lavi's eye trailed after Madarao, who obviously was on a tight schedule.
Jul 7, 2009 2:43 PM

Oct 2008
LOL, putt putt.
Wow, that's excellent, besides a few mistakes. :D
I've come too close to happiness to let it slip away...
Jul 7, 2009 3:36 PM
Jul 2018
I really like it.more please =D
Jul 7, 2009 5:19 PM

Jun 2009
Constalina said:
LOL, putt putt.
Wow, that's excellent, besides a few mistakes. :D

>_< Sorry. I'm trying really hard to cut down on the mistakes. >_<''
Jul 14, 2009 6:49 PM

Jun 2009
(omg I'm updating! And I will continue to do so. Sorry it took so long, I'm in Jamaica and it's hard to find a connection.)

chapter 8

"I'll pay you $100,000 for the stinken thing, just let me have the stupid craft!"
Lavi shook the shack owner angrily, offering money the owner could only hope to see in his dreams.
"I'm sorry sir..." the owner replied between each vigorous shake, "It's needed for my business..."
"What business?" Lavi cried, "This old shack is more run down than the fricken junk yard. Smells worst too!"
Allen stood outside, shaking his head. Since they had last seen each other five years ago, a year after they had split up, Lavi had become less of a womanizer and more of a, let's-hurt-someone-to-get-my-way, type of guy. Lavi sure had changed.
"Lavi lets drop it, okay?" Allen called from outside the shack.
It was getting cold and the sun was beginning to disappear in the horizon. And the duo had yet to find a place to rest, seeing Lavi had yet to trace the now untraceable, Madarao.
Lavi grunted, "You're lucky he's here or I would have skinned you." Agrresivly fixing his collar, Lavi kicked the door of the shack off it's hindges, and stormed through the sand dunes to the cobble stone road.
"Lavi!" Allen ran after him, "What's with you?"
Looking both ways on the dimmed street, Lavi walked to where he hoped to find a inn.
"Okay," Allen said when Lavi didn't answer, "So he killed some old lady-"
Lavi stopped suddenly, turned and punched Allen across the face. "Some old lady?! Allen, what's wrong with you?!" he stomped his foot, "Six years ago you would have jumped into a land mine for a already dead person!"
Allen fell and wiped off his bloody lip.
"Yeah, well, people change Lavi, I mean look at you, punching a comrade."
"PFT..." Lavi crossed his arms, "Comrade my ass."
Hurt, Allen looked away. He couldn't counter Lavi's statement, seeing ever since the two met back up, Allen hadn't supported Lavi in anything.
"Look Allen, I'm not just searching for Madarao because he killed some old lady," Lavi paused, "I'm searching for him because when I went to gather my belongings after Granny was killed, my picture of Kaira was missing."
Allen looked up, speechless. Gulping, he choked out, "You don't think that..."
Lavi finished Allens thoughts, "That he's out to kill her?... That's exactly what I'm thinking."
Kaira-ChanJul 14, 2009 6:54 PM
Jul 15, 2009 7:21 AM
Jul 2018
Ah!Kaira watch out!

hehe it's really good
Jul 15, 2009 8:29 AM

Jun 2009
thankee very much! I can't wait to post the rest. >_< I'm excited and I'm the one writing it!
Jul 16, 2009 9:41 AM

Jun 2009
Chapter 9

“Before I left the Order, Lavi begged me, that if you and I were to ever cross paths, to protect you…”
Yuu had told this to Kaira two nights before.
“I had no idea how I was going to do such a thing, especially when you had left a week before,” he paused, “But at the beginning of my travels alone, I met upon a fortune teller, who told me to go to the country of Japan and wait for you there.”
Kaira had ran out after that, unsure how to respond to the truth. Had Lavi really asked Yuu to protect her? But how? The day before Kaira had made her leave with Emily and Shiro, Lavi had avoided her all day. And the moment Kaira was leaving, Lavi turned away from her, as if he had enough of her face.
So what Yuu had said just didn’t add up! Lavi had seemed as though he couldn’t see her then, but now it was the opposite?
Kaira screamed into her pillow.
“It is just so frustrating!”
“What is it dear?”
Beside her, on her now queen sized bed, sat Satoshi, her regular costumer.
Kaira looked at him, and then stood from her bed; sheet wrapped around her and answered, “Nothing.”
“It’s must be something, Kaira dear,” Satoshi went to her and pulled Kaira’s body to him, “Tell me.”
Shivers ran down Kaira’s back with the slightest touch from Satoshi. She hated him and his wistful desires for younger children. He was 35 and she 17.
“It’s nothing for you to worry about… Now, if you don’t mind, your time here is up,” Kaira pushed Satoshi away.
He chuckled, “Never seem to loose track of time, do you?”
Seemingly aggravated, Satoshi pushed Kaira against the wall, his body pressed to hers.
“You know how annoying that is?” Satoshi peeled away the blanket from Kaira. “And you never listen to a word I say. For example, when I asked you what was wrong,” taking both arms, Satoshi held them over Kaira’s head, “You told me, ‘Nothing.’”
Satoshi slapped Kaira.
If she wanted to, Kaira could maneuver her way out of this situation, but she knew if she did, Levierre would do worst things to her. So she took the abuse with placid eyes.

“She’s yet to come out… Is she okay?” Yuu paced around in Sasha’s room, his kimono trailing behind him.
“Look, she’s just serving a customer, okay. Now chill,” Sasha pulled him next to her, “You worry like a mother duck.... Are her mother?”
Yuu sighed, he had never told Sasha much of his personal life and he wasn’t about to start now.
Sasha looked at Yuu and shook her head. Pulling him closer with a strong arm, she started, “You two should run away. X-exorcist shouldn’t be living as prostitutes.”
Yuu pushed Sasha away and stood. “What are you saying?! There’s no way we could, Leveirre would track us down!” he was bewildered at Sasha’s outrageous comment. Running away could be the end of whatever happiness he had built up.
“Silly, silly child,” Sasha produced a cigarette from her kimono sleeve and lit it, “there’s a way to get back your freedom. So that when you do run away, Levierre can’t do anything but angrily watch you leave,” Puffing a smoke circle towards Yuu’s alert expression, she continued, “You just need to buy it back.”
Yuu’s excited expression left him, “Impossible… Even if you, me, and Kaira put our money together, we’d still come up short.”
“Tsk, tsk Kanda, can you think no further than your nose?” Sasha sighed and pushed back her long curls as she took a breath from her cigarette, “Who said I was coming along?”
Standing, Sasha went to her closet, cigarette tight in her mouth and pulled out a large tin box. “I’ve been saving it and there’s enough for you and Kaira to buy your freedom and a ticket outta here.”
Yuu shook his head, and pushed the box back to Sasha when she tried to hand it to him. Taking a step backwards, he cried out, “Absurd, totally stupid. Why would I take your money?”
Smiling, Sasha held the box out, and whispered deviously, “Because a retired fighter is never really retired.”
Yuu eyed the box and hesitantly took it. She was right, he still wanted to fight and he couldn’t hide his vicious ways. Sasha had always spied on his secret work out sessions in the garden.
“Do it tomorrow when Leveirre is out with Renee. The guards will be lazy in his absence, so escape will be easy.”
Yuu felt overwhelmed and he could feel his eyes giving his feelings away.
“What about you?”
Sasha just shook her head and pushed Yuu out the room.

The sun had yet to rise, but Yuu was already up and packing his precious belongings, which consisted of little. He had his book, his black Order emblem, and most precious and valuable of all, Mugen.
Mugen had been his weapon in the Order, which was enhanced by innocence, but now, it was just a regular katana. Regular, but strong.
Yuu had stripped of himself of his kimono and turned to his traditional Chinese clothing. But before he went to find Kaira, Yuu took his hair tie, and pulled his hair back into a high pony.

Kaira sat on her bed, looking over herself. Sasha had given her a skirt and a white top with long coat tails. She had cut Kaira’s shoulder blade length hair and now it hung about her shoulders in small ringlets. Sasha had called her a doll.
Kaira’s bag was already packed with what little she had, the old uniform that could still fit her, a photo album, and a journal.
She sighed, pulling at her bag strap. This idea was absolutely crazy. If they got caught, who knew what Leveirre would do?
The light in Kaira’s room brightened as the sun outside rose above the broken buildings outside.
“It’s almost time…” standing, Kaira slipped into her black trench coat, then place her bag over her shoulders.
The door to her room then opened and Yuu stepped in with his wonder. Hair up, katana at his side, hilt showing through his trench, this was the Yuu Kaira was used to seeing.
With determined eyes, Yuu spoke quietly and offered his hand, “Let’s go.”

(Things are now gonna start getting interesting :D)
Jul 16, 2009 4:36 PM

Oct 2008
As if the story wasn't interesting enough! :DDDDD I can't wait for the next chapter!
I've come too close to happiness to let it slip away...
Jul 16, 2009 4:39 PM

Jun 2009
lol thanks
Jul 17, 2009 10:58 AM

Jun 2009
Chapter 10

Just like Sasha had said, with Levierre’s absence, the guards weren’t at their best. The walk to the edge of town was like a stroll in the park and the facility where one bought their freedom, was guard less.
Upon entering, Yuu covered the hilt of his katana with his coat and kept Kaira under his arm.
“How can I help you sir?” the attendant behind the counter asked.
Reaching deep into his coat pocket, Yuu placed to separate wads of bills through the glass hole to the attendant. “Our freedom,” he said dryly, looking around at all the people sitting lazily around, waiting for their papers.
The attendant’s eyes widened at the sight of so much money and hesitantly reached for it. After counting both wads, she handed one back, saying, “This is enough for both you and your?”
“My sister…” Yuu eyed Kaira, and then looked back to the attendant.
“Of course,” she answered, “If you’d just come this way, please.”
Stepping away from the counter, the attendant opened a half door, signaling for Yuu to step in, “Only the guardian is needed, your sister can wait out here.”
Kaira clung to Yuu’s arm, afraid that if he left, Levierre would suddenly appear and take her away. She did not want to be alone.
“Its okay, I’ll make sure it’s not long,” Yuu directed Kaira to a chair in the corner and left.
Kaira tugged at her jacket sleeves, eyeing all the people in the facility. They all looked poorly and desperate to be free from their past lives. Free from what terrible people they had met and things they had seen. There was even a young girl with her mom, holding tightly to a one eyed bear.
Suddenly the dim light in the room brightened with the opening of the facility doors. Kaira looked over and her breath left her body, as three of Levierre’s guards walked in, looking around wildly for their missing prostitute.
But how? How was Yuu and Kaira found out so easily? Was Levierre back? Did Satoshi ask for her?
The guards eyes landed on Kaira’s now hooded face, and made their way over.
“Take the hood off,” one demanded aggressively, his voice rough and ridged.
Kaira’s heart sped. She couldn’t fight them without Yuu by her side. Her confidence was flying through the window, but she had to buy him time.
“What authority do you have?”
“Che,” the guard responded, “The authority to take you, if you’re who we’re looking for.”
“Which, by the sound of her beautiful voice, she is, in fact, who we are looking for.”
Kaira froze, her head looking to the dirty tiles beneath her. Why was this person here? She looked up and to her disbelief, stood Sasha, arms folded, and a sly smile across her face.
Kaira couldn’t speak, much less form words at the moment.
Sasha pulled on a curl and smiled gleefully at Kaira, “Hey sweety,” then her smile melted away when she realized Yuu wasn’t with her, “Where is Kanda?”
Sasha had helped her earlier, providing both Yuu and Kaira enough money, to escape, but now she was on Levierre’s side?
Sasha laughed, “You look so surprised, deary! Would you like me to explain?” she walked over to Kaira and stooped to her level, so they were eye to eye. “Really think about it, why in the world would I allow you to get away and leave me behind? You see it was just a nice little plan to an easier path for me here. You’re a nice decoy.” She patted Kaira’s cheek and then stood.
“Go get the boy,” Sasha waved her arm to two of the guards, “You,” she pointed to the last guard, “Hold the scrawny one.”
Kaira got up to run, but was instantly grabbed by both arms and raised into the air.
“Hey little girl,” the guards breath was bad and his teeth were rotten and holy.
Squirming, Kaira found that, though she was pretty strong, her lack of training made it impossible for her to escape.
“Prop yourself on his chest, and push off.”
Upon hearing the command, Kaira placed her feet on his chest, and pushed off, flying backwards, landing on the wall behind her and slowly hopped off to land on the ground.
Sasha scowled to the back of the room, “Kanda.”
Yuu came from the back of the facility, dragging the two guards sent after him, their throats clearly cut, and dropped them before Sasha. Not bothering to say a word to her, Yuu went to Kaira, placed an arm around her and walked past the last guard, who was just gaining back his balance, and walked out the facility, on the very angry Sasha.
“Missus Sasha, do you want me to stop them?”
Fuming, Sasha kicked the dead guards and replied coldly, “They’re free now…. We can’t do a damn thing to stop them.
Jul 17, 2009 5:45 PM

May 2008
beat the crap out of them! woot!
Jul 18, 2009 6:16 AM

Jun 2009
I hope to more detailed fighting scenes in the story in the futurre, instead of just mainly sappy scenes..... >_> I need to go over my rough draft and see if I can stick more in..... *flipping through mountainous piles of crap.
Jul 18, 2009 11:42 AM
Jul 2018
"Free at last,free at last!" lolz zkeep going it's realy good.
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