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Jun 17, 2009 10:29 AM

Jun 2009
I'm an RP fanatic...
Okay, just one of those: I have time, I'll do this! type of person.
Even so, RP forum just has to be my favorite activity on internet.
So I decided to search for 1/2 Prince RP.
Apparently, I didn't do well in my search, I got nothing.
So, does anyone know a 1/2 prince RP forum site or is planning on making one?

I've also been curious on this:
If you were to create 1/2 Prince RP character, what kind of character would you create?
Like its personality and its goal, not just the race.
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Jun 17, 2009 7:31 PM

May 2009
*O* role-playing must be the greatest invention of humanity, an RP forum of 1/2 Prince would be nice but... i don't think that there's really a story to develop in role-playing an actual RPG, maybe RPing in a world based in the Second Life in-world; i'm thinking too much xDDDDDDDDD but yeah, it would be nice, i would be a warrior of demon race, i wonder if there are 2nd jobs... probably i'll make him of a kind nature but with a split personality, the other one being a cold baddass xDDDD the last 2 characters i created in RP forums were like these and it never gets boring ~w~ and no goals just a wanderer warrior who likes to kick some mob's asses to relax... while his dark side plans how to conquer the world from the shadows owo
Jun 17, 2009 10:19 PM
Jun 2009
Alright truth be told, I have considered opening a role-play forum and attempted it, based off of 1/2 Prince. The ending result ended up being a week of rping and death. I'll try revising it to be more like the manga, but no promises here. I will attempt to reopen it this summer. Just watch? XD
Jun 18, 2009 6:42 AM

Jun 2009
I am kinda debating if I should create one.
I think that I can get all/most of the templates figured out and etc. Probably gonna be using zetaboard.

Well, my character would be one of those nonchalant character that gets interested in the random objects. I don't know all the jobs, however she would either be warrior or assassin kind of class. Although I don't know if they have assassin job title though some MMOs tend to have them.

What I am thinking is having two separate areas. One in which would be a regular rl world while the other being the game world. Also because there really isn't a main plot, it'd be easier to devise a loose one and RP within it, or so I believe.
Jun 18, 2009 9:29 AM

May 2009
owo that would actually be very interesting, if you ever get it done pm me, i'll join xDD sorry i can't be of much nwnUU i've never tried to start a RP-forum and i don't know how to do it
Jun 18, 2009 1:11 PM

Jul 2007
That sounds way awesome, I've actually been debating with myself about this to do it or not.

I have some ideas myself about how it could go...if you do plan to go about it I'll offer my services as a designer to set up a skin and all that.

xD I'm more efficient though with invisionfree and proboards. I've never made a zetaboards skin before.

There could be a variety of classes and maybe within it a board for a store so everyone can buy items/weapons/etc etc. I can see it going along well, also a fighting system could be implemented since that's what 1/2 Prince is mostly about RPG wise...

I've been in a forum similar to that, it may take a while of organizing, but I can show examples. ^^ It would be so cool, everyone can actually make their own Second Life character and maybe have their own groups.

People can choose to be the members of Odd Squad or not, and they'd be just around the world as the others. Haha, I can see it already....
Jun 18, 2009 3:17 PM

Jun 2009
I am planning on making it now.
Although I won't be able to finish it this week nor next week due to lack of internet.
I have few of the templates made out as well.
Well, they need a bit of fixing.

For the VS system [my nickname for fight system] it can use point base, just to reflect the game closer. Also it can run on either honor system or: user1 post-user2 post-mod post type of thing.

For the board store, I was thinking that maybe players can run their own? Dunno. Also have a board for trades and such.

For the odd squad and such original, I wanted to have it set further away from it so that no one can be in it.
In my opinion, I think it'll be more fun to play as just regular groups and such.

For the organization... Technically, all it'd need are templates and rules. I plan on setting the items and techniques to custom.

Anyone thinks that sounds good?
Jun 18, 2009 3:41 PM

Jul 2007
Jeviherei said:
For the VS system [my nickname for fight system] it can use point base, just to reflect the game closer. Also it can run on either honor system or: user1 post-user2 post-mod post type of thing.

Yeah, another forum I've been on was fighting based used a similar system. Each player gets their own stats based on the attacks and etc they want, but a mod makes it so that's it's balanced and such. So they get their own HP/MP like you would on a MMORPG or any other video game.

For actual fighting, a mod would narrate it, or come in when necessary (during an RP) for the fighting.

Jeviherei said:

For the board store, I was thinking that maybe players can run their own? Dunno. Also have a board for trades and such.

I think having a main one would be good, but another section can be dedicated to player trading or selling. ^^ Like in the middle of an RP if they happen to come across an item or something and maybe they want to sell it to another player or auction it off. So I guess a good money system would need to be implemented also...

Jeviherei said:

For the odd squad and such original, I wanted to have it set further away from it so that no one can be in it.
In my opinion, I think it'll be more fun to play as just regular groups and such.

Oooh, so you'd want to make a RP forum based off Second Life? Before Prince and such were all involved? I think that'd be a great idea, xD you can basically call the board 'Second Life'.

Jeviherei said:

For the organization... Technically, all it'd need are templates and rules. I plan on setting the items and techniques to custom.

Anyone thinks that sounds good?

If you really want it to work, it may take a bit of customizing and general planning out. :P But we're all here and willing to lend a hand, before I make a board I usually write out and organize everything I plan to include in a notepad document and such.

It's really a great idea, everything sounds awesome! I'd love to be included in any way.
Jun 18, 2009 3:50 PM

Jun 2009
I am still deciding on the name.
I want it to set after the Prince and etc. since Prince was the first player to get online after all.

I am currently fooling around with auto shop and money.
I am also debating on if the money system should be per post or per complete RP only. Missions/quests would be manually added in.

Sample of the template I devised. It's contained within spoiler tag purely for looking organized.
JevihereiJun 18, 2009 4:00 PM
Jun 18, 2009 4:10 PM

Jul 2007
Jeviherei said:

I am also debating on if the money system should be per post or per complete RP only. Missions/quests would be manually added in.

Maybe get a bit per post, and more when actually RPing/fighting.

Template looks awesome, and should something be done like that we put our stats in our sigs? :P For RP forums like that I'm just used to it.

Here is actually one RPG site I used to go to that I've been referencing a lot.

And one of the topics that just shows the template they use to sign up, and you see the stats they have that they put in their sigs.

May come in handy. :P So their sigs aren't godly large, they have another board where everyone makes topics that shows their stats/attacks/weapons/etc and they just link to it (ie through an image) from their sig.

Alsooooooo, I have another question. You plan to make two worlds right? The real one and the game? Should everyone have just one account, or a real account with their 'name' and another one with their 'username'? I thought it could be done for RP purposes so people aren't confused or something...just an idea...
Jun 18, 2009 4:18 PM

Jun 2009
For the stats, I thought that the admin/mod approving the template would decide on it. Haven't figured out the stats yet tho...

tyvm for the ref.
Gonna be referring to there a lot now.
For the link thing... Well... That's kinda gonna be difficult since I am... Horrid with CSS.

For the two worlds, I wanted it so that people could have more then one characters per username. I honestly don't think that it'll get that confusing... Although of course, I may be wrong as I've been on many occasions.

Well, just created a site:
Called it After Second since it takes place after the story.
I am planning on getting the board all nice and pretty before I do anything else.
Jun 18, 2009 4:40 PM

Jul 2007
Jeviherei said:
For the stats, I thought that the admin/mod approving the template would decide on it. Haven't figured out the stats yet tho...

tyvm for the ref.
Gonna be referring to there a lot now.

xD They do have a lot of good ideas, but one reason I didn't stay was because it got complicated to just follow everything, but in general they have the right idea. They have a good rules section, when I worked on a site similar to it I used their ideas a lot (of course with most of my own).

Jeviherei said:

For the link thing... Well... That's kinda gonna be difficult since I am... Horrid with CSS.

You mean linking to the topics? It's just simple html with the [url] tag once you make the topic. Unless you're talking about something else....

Jeviherei said:

For the two worlds, I wanted it so that people could have more then one characters per username. I honestly don't think that it'll get that confusing... Although of course, I may be wrong as I've been on many occasions.

Ah, I thought people might have just one character each, which I think would be a good idea...xD But I've also been bad on ideas. Maybe just try and stick to the RPG in the story? Unless in the RPG you are allowed more then one...

So like, you get one account for your Second Life character, and one for 'IRL' for the IRL boards. It could work, it couldn't...#__# more opinions would be helpful.

Jeviherei said:

Well, just created a site:
Called it After Second since it takes place after the story.
I am planning on getting the board all nice and pretty before I do anything else.

Great idea! I'll make sure to bookmark it~

Never been on zetaboards before, so that's something new. I'll probably sign up with my same name here, not sure if I want something else yet. xD

Oh! I understand why people might want more then one character...usually I like to RP males, but I'd like a female also...hmm...I was just curious as to how it'd work, like everyone just posting around as their 'screennames' while RPing in the 'IRL' boards and such...which is why I thought it might work if everyone had another account with their 'real' name. ~__~ IDK, I'm just rambling.
Jun 18, 2009 5:23 PM

Jun 2009
Well, it seems that I can't use the view RP stat/ code after all.
It's Zetaboard with that limiting resource for ya~

I am going to be deciding on one username; multi charries.
Gotta go with what's familiar to me or I'll never make it.
So far, got the board all prettied and got a money CP on it. The money CP is completely admin/mod usage tho. So no money per post.

Searching for a shop mod if I can find a decent one that actually runs on multiple browsers...
Having horrid luck now.
Jun 18, 2009 5:50 PM

Jul 2007
Jeviherei said:

I am going to be deciding on one username; multi charries.
Gotta go with what's familiar to me or I'll never make it.

Ah, so wait....when you use a character you'll just specify who it is in each post?

You'll just have to see whichever works, I just think it'll be simpler to me to make multiple accounts, I might after all just have one character.

Would everyone use images also for who they want to be? I already have my soon-to-be-character in mind. xp

But so far it looks awesome~ Even if it's not much I love the direction it's going in~

Also, then again...on this other RP site I went to, the admin would have an account solely for admin usage, and many multiple accounts for their characters. I don't know if that's something you'd want to do or not. Just throwing ideas out there~
Jun 18, 2009 5:56 PM

Jun 2009
Okay, now my decision is shaking...
Tis all your fault!
Multiple accounts sound fine, however I'm not used to it.
I should give it a try.

There is one problem...
My internet is gonna get cut off tomorrow or 3hrs from now.
Then I don't know when the internet will come after moving...
So yea, gonna need lotsa help.
Jun 18, 2009 6:05 PM

Jul 2007
xD haha! Well, I've never actually done something like that (having two accounts for one character) but who knows, it may work and if it doesn't it can change. Doesn't hurt to try~ Since 1/2 Prince offers something unique.

D: Aw really? That sucks. Well, I guess you can record everything you plan to do, and maybe I can help recruit others to help out and we could come up with something while you're gone...and you know, just work on it until you come back and get a chance to look at everything (I wouldn't want it to go up until you return since you are the one to officially get this idea moving xD).

Whatever you want to do~
Jun 18, 2009 6:25 PM

Jun 2009
I'd like it if the board gets worked on until I return. Also I don't really mind if the board opens before I return or not.
I'm just the trigger after all.
I want to see how far this will go.

I am the type to give up to three people admin privilege just to see where it will take the board.
Also I don't have much on record. Just the character template that needs to be edited and everything else I stated on this topic.
If you'd like to be an admin, just register on the board and give me your username.

Although it is a shame that I can't complete it, it's real life.
Real life sucks for the most.
Oh, I planned an archive type of thing for the approved characters and etc. However it doesn't have to be used. Just something to organize.

Anyways, I just want to see how far the board can go.
And be proud at the fact that I triggered it.
Jun 18, 2009 6:35 PM

Jul 2007

Okay, I signed up with the same name I have here. :p I'll just use that for admin status, but I have something else planned for an actual character. But thanks for allowing me to help out~ I'm sure this will turn out awesome.

Real life does stuck, xD I wish I could work on this with all the time I have, but I am getting a job soon and I do have plans, but I'll do the best I can!

I don't know of other people that could help, maybe I could make a topic on mangafox because a lot of people there might be interested....hopefully someone else will show up here and offer to help.

:p But right now I assume it's just you and me.
Jun 18, 2009 6:39 PM

Jun 2009
Archive as in a separate category or board for listing all characters approved without the admin tag-alongs and etc. Also techniques and etc as well.

You are admin now.

And yes it does.
Moving sucks too.

I wouldn't really trust mangafox as much because there are so many people there. I'd brainstorm there, however I probably wouldn't give out admin spots.
Too many variety of people=bad
for the most anyways.

And yes, until midnight.
then my internet dies.
Jun 18, 2009 6:52 PM

Jul 2007
Ahhhh, oh.

Whoo, awesome :) thanks.

Oh you're moving? Wow, that really does suck even more...

True about MF. I guess I'll just save that until the board is done and when we're trying to recruit people. :p I hope though others show up and are as enthusiastic to help with this.
Jun 18, 2009 6:56 PM

Jun 2009


I really do hope that others join.
Right now, this thread looks more like private chat between 2 people.
Jun 18, 2009 7:50 PM

Jul 2007
xD It does.

But everyone hoping to join in, Jevi is gone now. She will be for a week or so, but help would be appreciated on the site!

I'd like to make it as awesome as possible, ; D don't be afraid to post here and speak up about some ideas you have.
Jun 19, 2009 9:39 AM

May 2009
i love role playing!!!
but im not confident enough to play a role play in english D:
i wish someday there would be more spanish speakers fans of this series u.u
Jun 19, 2009 11:39 AM

May 2009
i'm not that confident with my english either but might as well try this once its finished, i like where this is going ~w~
Jun 19, 2009 12:27 PM

Jun 2009
Hmmm... I read the posts on what you would like to make, in the game and it made me think that getphpbb would be better for it...
But... I'm for the RPG with all 4 legs and tail (just like a cat)...

Jun 24, 2009 11:41 AM

Jul 2007
~ late reply

Aw, I think you guys would do great anyways. I've been busy with so much work lately I haven't had time to work on the forum while Jevi is gone, but I've decided to set all that aside and work on this today.

So anyone willing to participate, do you have any ideas? (or do you agree with something that's already been said)

Would you like to help out Tairanda? I've never used getphpbb before...but I'm just going with the forum Jevi already made.
Jun 28, 2009 7:45 AM

May 2009
Ooh- roleplaying XD Ingenious! I'd love to join in if I can :)
Jun 28, 2009 11:41 AM

Jul 2007
Of course you can! Do you know the link to the forum?

There isn't much up yet, everything right now is just planned out but not set up. Hopefully I can get to that soon, but I have work to finish before I can finally do all of that. : P
Jul 16, 2009 3:24 PM

Jun 2009
Well I am sort of back.
It took me infinite-1 number of tries to access the club and the internet itself, but I'm sort of back.
Then the zetaboard decides to have an upgrade...
Anyways, hopefully the site will be opening soon...?
Nah, it's probably far away from that for now.
Jul 20, 2009 6:29 PM

Jul 2007
xD Well now things are getting a bit better. I think another week or so and everything will be all good.
Jul 24, 2009 6:34 AM

Jul 2009
Sweet a RP site for 1/2 Prince
I can't wait for it to begin...
I have the link bookmarked... the board looks really nice

and I love the idea of having RL and IG characters
I've only played on 2 other sites that offered that... sadly the people drifted away and they were deleted >.<

but it was great fun of having them interact with the people they knew (online/dreaming) differently then how they did in RL
Jul 24, 2009 9:30 AM

Nov 2008
Ooo i didn't notice this thread in time, theres a Forum RP thread on the OSS forums if anyone is interested-
Jul 28, 2009 6:44 PM

Jul 2007
NyxxNoxx said:

and I love the idea of having RL and IG characters
I've only played on 2 other sites that offered that... sadly the people drifted away and they were deleted >.<

but it was great fun of having them interact with the people they knew (online/dreaming) differently then how they did in RL

Heh, nice to know it might work (:

On that site you were on, did they have more then one account for RL and IG, or just one for both? We're doing one for both, but if another option works better we could always consider it.
Jul 29, 2009 2:11 PM

Jul 2009
We had one account for RL and IG...
and for those of us that could handle playing 2 different personalities, we had 2...

we had a totally seperate board for RL away from the (IG/D)
but it worked pretty good (:

I can see how having a seperate account for both has its merits...
but it will get tiring to have to logout of one character to play your other half if you are doing 2 or more rp's at the same time (I mean if the person you are currently replying to has more than one topic for you to write a response to)
Jul 29, 2009 4:22 PM

Jul 2007
Ah I get what you mean, yeah I guess it's better just using one account. xD

Wait, by separate board, you mean completely different forum site?
Jul 30, 2009 2:32 PM

Jul 2009
nah, like how you have the general board separate from the Second Life online boards...
and each of the areas (cities) separate from each other...

that way you keep Reality away from Online
and on that note is Second Life going to be available to other countries in the RP or are we just going to have our RL characters all in one area (but with different backgrounds of course)?
Jul 30, 2009 4:10 PM

Jul 2007
We're probably going to keep it all in one area, maybe just a bunch of different cities and such along with schools and etc.

Maybe we can try in the future for different countries...because that would be a good idea but we're just trying to get everything up so we can open the site already xD
Jul 31, 2009 12:45 AM

Jul 2009
lol yeah you got a point...
i can hardly wait to play

i like the idea of different schools...
you never know if the person you dislike/compete against might actually be your friend/team mate ^_^
Sep 2, 2009 7:13 PM

Jun 2009
We are nearly complete!
You can start creating the characters and RP now~
We are lacking in some parts, however we are open for RP.

Sep 12, 2009 9:57 AM

Jul 2007

Come join ya'll. We're open for RP and creating characters~ There are still some minor things to be done, but come chat with us and meet some other members and make teams~
Nov 22, 2009 10:44 PM
Nov 2009
I have never RPed before, not unless it's in the Video Game sense ^^;
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